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St. James Armenian Apostolic Church fAll / winter 2012 Looys Newsletter աշուն / ձմեռ 2012 Ս . Յ Հ ա ե բ ակոբ աՅաՍտանեաՅց ռաքելական կեղեցի ArmeniAn SchOOl Students Mark Milestones of Armenian History September started with much enthusiasm for the Armenian School. We welcomed our returning students and the new students with their families into our community and got right to business. This academic year is filled with milestones that are important to us as Armenians and will be recognized and instilled in the students as part of the curriculum through various activities. The first parish event in which the school participated was the annual church bazaar, which was successful due to the participation of the families who contributed their time, talents and efforts. The next event was the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the first Armenian printed book. The students were introduced to this major event by viewing the ancient Armenian manuscripts displayed in our cultural center on October 21, and During the annual fundraising banquet, on Sunday, November 4, students learning about them in class. presented a cultural program on the occasion of the 1650th anniversary of continued on page 2 Mesrob Mashdotz’ birth. From left: Young athletes at October Sports Weekend, Sunday highlighTS Of YOuTh PrOgrAmS School students with Fr. Arakel Aljalian on Bible Sunday, and students. 2 looySnewSletter | fAll / winter 2012 հհաայյ դդպպրրոոցց St. Sahag and St. MeSrob ArmeniAn School A buSYYeAr fOr Our STudenTS continued from page 1 Our biggest event of the fall, the annual fundraising banquet, was held on Sunday, november 4. The students prepared a special program to honor our culture and celebrate the 1650th anniversary of mesrob mashdotz’ birth. The program started with a dance performance by both the nursery and kindergarten students, followed by a patriotic dance by the elementary school students. We closed the cultural portion of the afternoon with the recitation of poems and singing of songs to commemorate mesrob mashdotz and our language, followed by a dinner banquet and silent auction. The afternoon was a great success, thanks to all the volunteers and teachers who helped make it possible. Բ Դ Թ ի Լ Students recited poems, sang songs, and performed traditional Զ Armenian dances to celebrate the 1650th anniversary of the birth ձ of Mesrob Mashdotz. ա ե Է գ Ը Ժ Լոյս Լրագիր | աշուն / ձմեռ 2012 3 a note of Gratitude We express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation for the continued prayers, notes, calls, and gifts for our beautiful son gabriel, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) on November 3, 2012. We are humbled and touched by the prayers, and the expressions of love and concern, which our parish family has offered us during this challenging time. The strength and comfort this provides gabriel and all of us cannot be expressed in words. Though it is a difficult time, Gabriel’s prognosis is good, as is his progress to date. We continue to have faith in the promise of his complete recovery. We will update the following boston children’s hospital carePage as possible to provide our church family updates on gabriel’s progress, which can be found at: http://www.carepages.com/carepages/gabrielAljalian. Please continue to keep our sweet son Gabriel in your prayers. With heartfelt gratitude, Der Arakel and Yn. Natasha St. JameS PariShioner honored Dr. nishan Goudsouzian receives the 2012 ellis island medal of honor of honor was founded by the national ethnic coalition of Organizations (necO) to pay homage to the immigrant experience. The award honors the contribution made to America by immigrants and the legacy they leave behind. dr. goudsouzian was one of several Armenians receiving On Sunday, September 23, a the award this year. special fellowship hour took We congratulate dr. nishan place in honor of dr. nishan and his wife, mary, on this goudsouzian, recipient of esteemed honor. the 2012 ellis island medal of honor. The ellis island medal 4 looySnewSletter | fAll / winter 2012 Sunday School homecominG hOmecOming SundAY is a day of 5 new students to our Sunday School. prepared and hosted our homecoming excitement and happiness, students To our new students and their families, luncheon. field day activities and coming together after the summer we say, “Welcome!” To our returning relay races kept the children moving break, eager to share adventures with students and graduates, we say, and anxious to win. Many thanks old friends and to make new friends. “Welcome Back!” to Yn. natasha Aljalian and our On Sunday, September 16, staff, following church services, an indoor Youth minister, maria derderian, for students and families came together to Field Day took place in Keljik Hall. coordinating the games. begin the new Sunday School year. The Sincere thanks to Mr. Steve Derderian morning began with the registration of and the Sunday School parents who Լոյս Լրագիր | աշուն / ձմեռ 2012 5 ChurCh SChoolS hoSt halloween Party On Sunday, October 28, the St. Sahag and mesrob Armenian School and the Sunday School came together to host the annual halloween Party for the children of the parish. ghosts, goblins, princesses and pirates, just to name a few, all marched in the costume parade which began the festivities of the afternoon. The highlight of the party was the mummy wrapping relay in which four of our older students graciously agreed to be mummies and have their team wrap them with streamers prior to the relay. With prizes and goodie bags in hand, the ghosts, goblins, princesses, pirates, bumble bees, fairies and left for home happy, and excited to wait for halloween day! “ thank you We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the students, staff and parents of the Sunday School for their diligence in working to make the Sunday School booth at the St. James bazaar a ” success again this year! Opposite page: Sunday School students gather for worship on Homecoming Sunday. On this day, they also took part in the observance of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This page, from top: Fr. Arakel Aljalian blesses students with a cross adorned with basil; students, teachers, and parents take part in the Homecoming Assembly and Worship service; volunteers prepare a luncheon for Homecoming Sunday. 6 looySnewSletter | fAll / winter 2012 family day & BiBle Sunday Sunday, November 18, marked Bible Sunday for the Sunday all the attendees, and a special thanks to Stan Tagarelis and School. each year, the students of the fourth grade class his crew for once again offering their talents in preparing the receive a new bible in a short presentation conducted at the delicious meal. conclusion of the divine liturgy. TThhiiss SSuunnddaayy aallssoo mmaarrkkeedd tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee NNoovveemmbbeerr ffoooodd Afterwards, the AcYOA hosted their annual family day drive. Over 40 bags of food were collected and donated to Thanksgiving Dinner, where all who attended enjoyed a Watertown food pantries. Thank you to all who donated for delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Thank you to your generosity in helping the less fortunate. Լոյս Լրրաագգիիրր || աաշշոոււնն // ձձմմեեռռ 22001122 7 HHyyee CCaafféé acyoa SeniorS look Forward to Winter Activities The St. James ACYOA Seniors started off the fall season with their first general meeting and elections Food, Fun, and Fellowship in September. The newly elected executive board is as follows: Aaron Derderian and Karina Bekelian, As we finish our eighth season, we want to thank all our Co-Chairs; brian Ansbigian, Treasurer; Liana Bekelian, volunteers and patrons for their continued support. We Corresponding Secretary; Alina bazarian, Recording have seen many new friends volunteering and attending Secretary. hye café this season. September not only means back to school, it means The group has a busy calendar planned for the coming hye café resumes after our summer vacation. Over year. Most recently, they took part in an outreach service 250 attended September’s hye café, reconnecting with outing at the friday night Supper Program on friday, friends after the summer. And yes, back by popular november 9. The group assisted in running the soup demand we offered our baked haddock special! kitchen, which operates out of the Arlington Street Congratulations to Kevin Eskici, our September church in downtown boston. door prize winner: a dinner for two, including mezze We are happy to announce that the 4th Annual hold’ and dessert. Our last Hye Café in 2012 took place on Em Poker Tournament is set for Saturday, January 26, november 9. 2013. Please call Chris Kavak at (617) 470-6701 to order If you would like to volunteer for Hye Café, please tickets. Stay posted for more upcoming events! e-mail Linda Sahagian at [email protected]. We would love to have you join the team! We welcome new members at any time. Please contact Aaron Derderian at [email protected] or Karina Bekelian at [email protected] with Mark your calendars questions regarding the AcYOA Seniors. Our Christmas Hye Café is January 4, - Aaron Derderian featuring live music by the Ansbigians! u o Y k n a h T “ “ We extend our appreciation to all our dedicated mailing volunteers. Thank you for all your hard work and service to St. James. ACYOA members volunteer at the Boston Rescue Mission. 8 looyS newSletter | fAll / winter 2012 acyoa JuniorS Form BonDS oF friendShiP The Armenian church Youth So far this fall, over 30 of us Organization of America, or the traveled to Providence to participate AcYOA, was founded in 1946 in October Sports Weekend. We by Archbishop Tiran nersoyan. have also been holding monthly Throughout the years, Armenian gatherings called “3lounge,” and youth have been coming together to serving monthly at hye café. participate in activities and to grow Future plans include a lock-in together physically and spiritually. retreat, a Scavenger hunt, hye They created bonds of friendship m’rtsoom and so much more. We that could never be broken. Today, will also continue our community our AcYOA Juniors at St. James outreach efforts as we serve at continue to follow that same path. My Brother’s Keeper, Cradles to In September, we kicked off the crayons, and more. As our AcYOA year with elections for the new Juniors continues to grow, we love executive board. The new board watching new bonds start to form members are: Aaron campbell, between the Armenian youth. Chairman; Johnny bogosian Trocchi, Vice Chairman; Emma Kaloostian, - Aaron Campbell Corresponding Secretary; Vinney moushigian, Recording Secretary; lucine boloyan, Treasurer. Լոյս Լրագիր | աշուն / ձմեռ 2012 9 Bottom row: St. James ACYOA Juniors basketball and volleyball teams at October Sports Weekend in Providence. Center and above: ACYOA Juniors participate in a summer trip to Canobie Lake Park. 10 looySnewSletter | f Consecration 1931 Building lifelong Their legacy… friendships… Since 1931 … continues today Their Church. Our Church. BeCOme a memBer Commit to St. James. For information on church membership, please TOday! contact [email protected] or call (617) 923-8860.

expressed in words. Though it is a Co-Chairs; brian Ansbigian, Treasurer; Liana Bekelian, watching new bonds start to form christmas eve candlelight Service (in english)—7:00 P.m The contribution for each memorial Plaque is $1,000. contact haig deranian the memorial Plaque chairman at.
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