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Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā Composed by Çréla Kåñëa Dvaipäyana Vedavyäsa booKs by Çré ÇrémaD bhaKtiVeDänta näräyaëa GosVämé mahäräja Arcana-dīpikā Letters From America Beyond Nīrvāṇa Maharṣi Durvāsā & Śrī Durvāsā-āśrama Bhajana-rahasya Manaḥ-śikṣa Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindu-bindu My Śikṣā-guru and Priya-bandhu Bhakti-rasāyana Navadvīpa-dhāma-māhātmya Bhakti-tattva-viveka Navadvīpa-dhāma Parikramā Brahma-saṁhitā Nectar of Govinda-līlā Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta (Vol. 2.1) Origin of Ratha-yātrā Butter Thief Our Eternal Nature Caitanya Mahāprabhu – The Original Our Gurus: One in Siddhänta, Form of Godhead One at Heart Camatkāra-candrikā – A Moonbeam Pinnacle of Devotion of Complete Astonishment Prabandhāvalī Controlled by Love Prema-sampuṭa Dāmodara-līlā-mādhurī Rādhā-kṛṣṇa-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā Dāmodarāṣṭakam Rāga-vartma-candrikā Discerning the True Sentiments Rāya Rāmānanda Saṁvāda of the Soul Saṅkalpa-kalpadrumaḥ Distinctive Contribution of Secrets of the Undiscovered Self Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī Secret Truths of the Bhāgavatam Essence of All Advice Shower of Love Essence of Bhagavad-gītā Śikṣāṣṭaka Eternal Function of the Soul Śiva-tattva Fearless Prince Ślokāmṛtam Five Essential Essays Ślokāmṛtam-bindu Gauḍīya Gītī-Guccha Soul of Book Distribution Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism versus Śrī Śrīmad Bhakti Prajñāna Keśava Sahajiyāism Gosvāmī – His Life and Teachings Gaura-vāṇī Pracāriṇe Their Lasting Relation Gift of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu To Be Controlled by Love Gīta-govinda True Conception of Guru-tattva Going Beyond Vaikuṇṭha Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi-kiraṇa Gopī-gīta Upadeśāmṛta Guru-devatātmā Utkalikā-vallarī Happiness in a Fool’s Paradise Vaiṣṇava-siddhānta-mālā Harināma Mahā-mantra Veṇu-gīta Harmony Śrī Vraja-maṇḍala Parikramā Hidden Path of Devotion Walking with a Saint ( , , Impressions of Bhakti , ) Jaiva-dharma Way of Love 2007 2008 Journey of the Soul Rays2 0o0f 9Th2e0 1H0armonist (periodical) For further information, free downloads of all titles, world tour lectures, and more, please visit our websites: www.purebhakti.com www.purebhakti.tv www.bhaktistore.com www.mygvp.com çré çré guru-gauraìgau jayataù Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā With the Bhävänuväda of Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravarté Öhäkura’s Sārārtha-varsinī-tīkā . . and the Sārārtha-varsinī Prakāśikā-vrtti . . . (the commentary which illuminates the Särärtha-varñiëi-öékä and which includes excerpts from Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura’s Rasika-rañjana Commentary) by Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja vr.ndāvana • new delhi • san francisco © 2015 Gaudiya Vedanta Publications. Some Rights Reserved. Except where otherwise noted, content in this book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- No Derivative Works 4.0 international License. to view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.purebhakti.com/pluslicense or write to: [email protected] Within purports, translations of quoted verses that are marked with an asterisk (*) are by Çré Çrémad bhaktivedänta svämé mahäräja ©bbt international. all rights reserved. Cover artwork ©Çyämaräné däsé. Used with permission Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā, 4th edition First edition: 5,000 copies, Gaura Purëimä, 2000 second edition: 5,000 copies, Gaura Purëimä, 2003 third edition: 5,000 copies, Kartik, 2011 Fourth edition: 5,000 copies, may 2015 Printed at samrat offset Pvt. Ltd. Okhla Industrial Estate (India) isbn 978-1-935428-92-3 1-935428-92-6 Library of Congress Control number 2015939397 british Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. a catalogue record for this book is available from the british Library Cataloging in Publication Data--DK Courtesy: D.K. agencies (P) Ltd. <[email protected]> Bhagavadgītā. English & Sanskrit. Śrīmad Bhagavad-Gītā : with the bhāvānuvāda of Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura's Sārārtha-varṣiṇī commentary and the Sārārtha-varṣiṇī prakaśika commentary (which includes excerpts from Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura's Rasika-rañjana commentary) by Śrī Śrimad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Mahārāja. -- 3rd ed. p. cm. In Sanskrit (Devanagari and roman); translation and introductory matter in English. Includes indexes. ISBN 9781935428398 1. Bhagavadgītā--Commentaries. I. Viśvanātha Cakravartin. Sārārthavarṣiṇi. English. II. Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa, 1921- Sārārthavarṣinīprakāśikā. English. III. Ṭhākkura, Bhaktibinoda. Rasikarañjana. English. IV. Title. DDC 294.5924047 23 Dedicated to my Holy Master çré gauòéya-vedänta-äcärya-kesaré nitya-lélä-praviñöa oà viñëupäda añöottara-çata Śrī Śrīmad Bhakti prajñāna Keśava Gosvāmī mahārāja the best amongst the tenth generation of descendants in the bhägavata-paramparä from Çré Kåñëa Caitanya Mahäprabhu, and the founder of the Çré Gauòéya Vedänta Samiti and its branches throughout the world Contents Foreword by Çré Çrémad bhaktivedänta Vämana Gosvämé mahäräja xvii Introduction by Çré Çrémad bhaktivedänta näräyan.a Gosvämé mahäräja xxix Preface to the Fourth english edition li Prelude to the Mahäbhärata War liii Chapter Summaries by Çré Çrémad bhaktivedänta näräyan.a Gosvämé mahäräja Chapter 1 – Sainya-Darçana observing the armies 1 Çrémad Bhagavad-gétä consists of eighteen chapters that culminate in the message of bhakti, or devotion to the supreme Lord. From arjuna’s behaviour on the battlefield, it seems that he is immersed in lamentation. Kåñëa explains that the eternal function of the soul has nothing to do with the function of body, dynasty and caste, although those who falsely identify the body as the real self cannot understand this. as long as the living entity remains bound by the deluding material energy (mäyä) and misidentifies his body as his self, he is forced to undergo the miseries of lamentation, delusion, fear and so on. it is therefore imperative that he accept the shelter of a spiritual master who is conversant with the truth. Chapter 2 – Säìkhya-Yoga yoga through Distinguishing the soul from the body 49 When the living entity accepts the shelter of a bona fide guru, he realizes his own ignorant condition. he then tries to become free from the illusory traps of the deluding potency by giving ix Çrémad Bhagavad-gétä up his own conceptions and respecting the instructions of the spiritual master. the bona fide guru is a seer of the truth, a devotee who has pure, exclusive love for the Lord. therefore, he is free from the four defects of illusion, error, imperfect senses and deception. When a practitioner of bhakti hears instructions from the lotus mouth of the all-merciful spiritual master, he understands the difference between the soul and the material body. he also realizes the ill-effects of sense enjoyment and becomes attracted to hearing the conceptions, characteristics and glories of the sages, whose minds are fixed in transcendence. then, by the influence of saintly association, an awareness sprouts within his heart of the need to attain conclusive knowledge of the absolute truth. Chapter 3 – Karma-Yoga yoga through the Path of action 157 When the living entity has heard Çré Kåñëa’s instructions, he understands that the path of spiritual advancement whereby the fruit of one’s pious action is offered to the Lord (karma-yoga) consists of endeavours in service to him that are performed without selfish desire. if the heart is full of desires for sense enjoyment, accepting the garb of a renunciant is not actual renunciation but hypocrisy, and it can never bring auspiciousness. the living entity should perform his prescribed duty as service to bhagavän, because performing that duty for sense enjoyment produces no auspicious result. Performance of prescribed duty, such as Vedic sacrifices, can award mundane sense pleasure, but such pleasure is temporary and mixed with distress. offering the Lord the fruit of one’s actions, however, purifies the heart. it is therefore auspicious to abandon negligence of one’s prescribed duty as well as abandon sinful acts and the selfishly motivated performance of one’s duty, and instead selflessly perform that duty, offering its result to bhagavän. Chapter 4 – Jïäna-Yoga yoga through transcendental Knowledge 221 the Fourth Chapter begins with instructions on the path of spiritual advancement through transcendental knowledge (jïäna-yoga). it first explains that one can only obtain genuine x Contents knowledge of the truth by receiving the mercy of çré gurudeva, who has seen that truth. the process of receiving this mercy is to hear from a person in a bona fide disciplic succession. that transcendental knowledge cannot possibly be attained through mundane learning, intelligence or knowledge. this chapter also explains that an incarnation of the supreme Lord appears in every millennium. the birth and activities of the Lord are divine, and it is foolish and offensive to consider them mundane. one attains this knowledge of the absolute truth in the association of a self-realized spiritual master. one gradually hears from him about the unique characteristics of communion with the Lord through such knowledge and its superiority over linking with him by offering him the fruit of one’s work. a person can easily cross over the ocean of birth and death by taking shelter of authentic knowledge. the practitioner who doubts this cannot make progress. one who lacks this conclusive knowledge of the truth will become fallen and deviate from the path. he will become trapped again in the cycle of fruitive action. Chapter 5 – Karma-Sannyäsa-Yoga yoga through renunciation of action 287 Upon attaining knowledge of the truth, the practitioner becomes qualified to connect with the supreme through the renun- ciation of prescribed duty. at that time, he realizes that real renunciation means to give up attachment to prescribed action and its fruits. For one whose heart is still impure, it is both proper and beneficial to adopt the practice of offering the fruit of one’s work to the Lord, remaining detached from both the process and its result, rather than completely renouncing the work itself. selflessly offering of the results of one’s prescribed duty to the Lord bestows the qualification to attain the nature of brahma, or God; and those who know God attain peace. Chapter 6 – Dhyäna-Yoga yoga through the Path of meditation 321 the practitioner understands from the instructions of the spiritual master who has seen the truth that one can only meditate on the supreme Lord when the heart has been purified. a genuine mystic (yogé) or renunciant is devoid of xi Çrémad Bhagavad-gétä mundane desire, because no one can attain perfection in yoga as long as one still desires material enjoyment. it is necessary to regulate eating and recreational activities to attain perfection in yoga. this perfection means (1) seeing the supreme Lord as the indwelling witness in the hearts of all living entities, and (2) realizing that all living entities exist only due to the support and shelter of the Lord. it is also clearly stated in this chapter that a devotee of the Lord is superior to a fruitive worker, an empiric philosopher and a mystic. Chapter 7 – Vijïäna-Yoga yoga through realization of transcendental Knowledge 369 Constant study of these instructions leads one to the firm understanding and realization that bhagavän Çré Kåñëa alone is the ultimate limit of the supreme absolute reality and that there is no absolute reality other than him. only by surrendering exclusively to his lotus feet can one become free from the bondage of the deluding material energy. Four types of people have no qualification to engage in worship of the supreme Lord because they perform impious acts: the foolish, the lowest among mankind, those whose nature is demoniac, and those whose knowledge is covered by illusion. Conversely, four classes of people are endowed with spiritual merit and can therefore engage in worship of him: the inquisitive, the distressed, those who desire wealth, and those desirous of liberation. in this world, the devotees of the Lord are most rare. one does not attain one’s eternal welfare by worshipping various demigods and goddesses. Chapter 8 – Täraka-Brahma-Yoga the yoga of absolute Deliverance 419 only those who are exclusively devoted to the supreme Lord can know tattvas, or fundamental spiritual principles, in regard to the Lord’s featureless aspect (brahma-tattva), fruitive action (karma-tattva), the basis of this material manifestation (adhibhüta-tattva), etc. one-pointed devotees can easily attain Kåñëa (Gétä 8.14). Devotees of the supreme Lord never take rebirth (Gétä 8.16). one can only attain him by exclusive devotion (Gétä 8.22). xii

Śrīmad Bhagavad-Gītā : with the bhāvānuvāda of Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī . like. Only devotees whose eyes are anointed with pure love can
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