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Sri Ramakrishna - The Great Master by Swami Saradananda [1080 Pages, A Detailed Biography] (1) r PDF

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Preview Sri Ramakrishna - The Great Master by Swami Saradananda [1080 Pages, A Detailed Biography] (1) r

SR RIR. LOUGH: THE on 1G NA GRE, AT Th M [A STER ER SRI RAMAKRISHNA THE GREAT MASTER Originally written in Bengali in five volumes BY SWAMI SARADANANDA A DIRECT DISCIPLE OF THE MASTER SRI RAMAKRISHNA THE GREAT MASTER TRANSLATED by SWAMI JAGADANANDA é SRI RAMAKRISHNA MATIL MYLAPORB 5 MADRAS INDIA Pentiaed by THE PRESIDENT SRL RAMAKRISHNA. MATH "MYLAPORP. MADRAS SRI RAMAKRISHKA IBE GREAT MASTER & Comprinht, 1982, by the Presiden, Sri Ramakrishna Meath, Mvlepore, Mediassé All rights tie book are reserved. Na part of the book may be reproduced in any manner vibiout writen permission except in the caze cf bri quotations embodied in evDied arcley ond reviews Foyer Barrio SAC B70 Peat = “THe JUPITER PRESS PRIVATE LD, vine: Peg ARD: MADRAS wr ah @ 4 fala @ fa ave: | ewer 2 gar AA aA AST Whosoever knows, in the true light, My divine birth and action will not be bor again when he leaver kis body: he will auigin Me, Q Arjuna. Gita, V9 a ae af oat ately aay | ma wenigadt agian oh ale: 1 In whatsoever way men approach Me, even so do reward them (for it is) My path, O son of Pritha, (that) men tread, in all things. Gita, 1-11 Rist aisiaeaR sraraint aaparit cepa & an "Salutation to you, O Ramakrishna, the Reinstator of all Religions, the Embediment of all Religions, the Great Master among all the Masters." — Swami Saradananda PUBLISHER'S NOTE TO THE FIRST EDITION We have much pleasure iri presenting to the public "Sri Rama krishna the Great Master"—the most comprehensive, authentic and critical estimate of the fife, Sadhana and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, Sixtysix yours have rolled down the streath of time since Sri Ramakrishna leit the mortal coil. But the wave of spirituality raised by his life, has touched even the distant shores of both the hemispheres and is resurgent stil in all. its native potency in the thought-life of the diflerent countries of the civilized world of today. In India his name bas become a Household word, a symbol of hope and solace and a sacred Mantra to conjure with, His inspired utterances have brought light where utter darkness prevailed before, solace to many suffering soul and peace to many a distracted mind. The life which could have such a marvellous inlluence within suctt a short period, it is needless to say, is of unproeedented potency, whose Tull depth and significance it will take ages to get revealed to tumanity. Descriptions of this wonderful life were given to the world by his various disciples and admirers from time to time in dillerent Fanguages since his disappearance from the earth. But none of them embodied a detailed accouot of this unique personatiy. Scimat Swami Sarsdanandaji Maharaj, & dircct disciple of Sti Ramakrishna, and General Secretary of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission from ils very beginning to his passing away in 1927, feeling the necessity of such a biography, brought ont five volumes in Bengali under the caption of Sri Sri Rummakrishnw Lita prasanga, which contain many unpublished details of the life of the Master and can fairly be called an exhaustive treatmeat of the subject. The Swami wanted to write an English version of his Bengali work, and, in fact, fe translated a few chapters which vi SRI RAMAKRISHNA THE GREAT MASTER. appeared in the two periodicals of the Mission, the Vedanta Kesarl and the Prabuddha Bharata, but owing to his illness ant various other cuuses, he could not complete the work. ‘The eager- ness of the general public outside Bengal to know more details of the wonderful life of the Master was being felt keenly and we thought we would be doing some service to our cager readers, if ‘not to humanity at large, if we would present them with a Zaithful and literal English translation of the beautiful Bengali biography. Srimat Swami Jagadanandaji, a very senior and learned monk of our Order, accepted at our request this Herculean task of translating the whole work of five volumes into English and left us under a deep debt of gratitude. It is a matter of great regret that he passed away last December before this remarkable work of his devotion could see the light of day. He took up this translation when he was verging on seventy, but finished the work jin an incredibly short time und passed i¢ on to the Edicors. A. disciple of the Holy Mother, one who knew the revered Swami Saradanandaji Mahacaj and many other ditect disciples of Sri Ramakrishna intimately, the Swami is known to many readers of or literature and students of Vedanta as very good teacher of the Scriptures, as the anonymous editor of many religious books and as the translator of some Yedantic Text-books like Sri San: karacharya’e Upadesha Sahasri. His illuminative classes were a treat to oll, young and old, fay and monastic, students in the Uttarakhand. One would always notice in him a happy but rare combination of Joana and Bhakti. Untiring in work, uncompro- mising in his sdherence (o the Siddhanlas (conclusions) of ‘Vedanta be was throughout conspicuous by his great devotion to the Master and the Holy Mother, Swami Nirvedsnanda, the learned writer of * Sri Ramu- krishna and Spiritual Renaissance * (in the Cuhural Heritage of India, Vol. 1) and other books, has written a short but beautiful life of Srimat Swami Suradanandaji Maharaj. This will give the reader an inkling of the real personality of the Author of the book and will partly serve the purpose of an introduction to it, We ate much bebolden to ‘him for this valuable addition to this work, PUBLISHER'S NOTE ix Prof. K. Subcamanyam, M.A. LT, Vice-Principal, Vivekananda College, Madras, has kindly gone through the eutire manuscript and pas ably edited i€ for us, He deserves our hearty thanks for this noble act. Dr. Nandalal Bosc, the famous artist of Santiniketan (Visva-bharati), ban very Kindly drawn the Dust cover (Pancha: wath at Dakshinaswar) as a lanour of Jove. We are indeed grateful to hie. In bringing out such a big volume, we have reveived, substantial help i various ways frou many lay and monastic friends who prefer to remain unknown soldiers. We offer our sincere (hanks to thet Diacritical marks have not been used in the body of the book, but they have been explained and the pronunciation of important Indian words has been shown with diaerities in the Index, A word about the book itself: Srf Sri Ramakrishna Lila prasanga holds a place, unique of its kind in hagiography. ‘the Jife-story of a divine personality worshipped by millions as an Incarnation of Goll has -never been written in this wise by yay tone of his apostles. Yet the reader will notice how the author has made the book so reliable and interesting by giving it a, modern touch and using the scientific method all through. The book is not simply a biegraphy of the latest Incarnation of the modem age; it combines a Biography with a lucid study of the various cults of religion, mysticism and philosophy ‘obtaining in India and clsewhere from the prehistoric times down to the modern era. The Subject-matter, the life of Sri Ramakrishna, is nothing short of an encyclopaedia of celigion and philosuphy. Tt will not be out of place to make some mention of the Tantras, the sacred literature of the Shaktas of Bengal and alsc- where, Sir Jon Woodroffe alias Arthur Avalon, and his Indian collaborators fhave made the Tanteas parlly available to the English-tcading public, As they have used-the scientific method, their studies of the Tautras have much appeal to the modera mind. Sci Ramakrishna practised all the disciplines enjoined in the sixty-four principal Tanteas under the guidance of a good teacher. x SRI RAMAKRISHNA THE GREAT MASTER Some practices of the Tantras known as “loft” which were not entirely ruled out by Sri Ramakrishna have been actually re oriented by him. Much of modern scientific teaching is consonant with the fundamental teaching of the Tanttas, ‘Things or practices which seem repulsive to the modern mind are not actually 20, Readers, endowed with an exalted vision and the modem spirit of enquiry info trath, will be able to understand that the Tantric aspirants’ practices involving contacts with what arc termed lowly, bad, ugly and vulgar, helped them to sublimate (o the extent of snaking them realize the divine power which is always high, true, good and beautiful, We crave the thoughtfulness of the readers in their study of the Tantric chapter of Sri Rumakrisma’s Sadhana as we have not sacrificed the beauty and the substance of that episode to satisty the claims of “ modern" taste. A right attitude is also necessary t0 enter into the spirit of Sri Ramakrishna’s Sadhana according to the Madhura Bhava of the Vaishnava school. We trust our teaders will never lack it “Where you cannot unriddle, Iearn to teust” is an adage that aay be very helpful here. There is cothing queer or strange in the fights of the genius of one of the greatest muster mystics of the world like Sri Ramakrishna, May a serious perusal of this cew book inspire humanity to take a step forward on its march to Tenth ! Sri Ramakrishna Math PUBLISHER ‘Mylapore, Madras-4 ‘October, 1952,

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