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Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish Amendment 14 DEIS - Mid-Atlantic PDF

400 Pages·2011·10.6 MB·English
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Preview Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish Amendment 14 DEIS - Mid-Atlantic

AMENDMENT 14 TO THE ATLANTIC MACKEREL, SQUID, AND BUTTERFISH (MSB) FISHERY MANAGEMENT PLAN (FMP) Draft Environmental Impact Statement & Public Hearing Document -------------------September, 30 2011 -------------------- Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council in cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction This Amendment deals with incidental catch and general management of blueback herring, alewife, American shad, and hickory shad. In this document, "river herrings" include blueback herring and alewife. "Shads” include American shad and hickory shad. This document refers to these four species together as "RH/S." More specifically, the actions considered in this Amendment address three potential management problems (A, B, and C below) related to RH/S. Considering, and if appropriate, implementing solutions to these potential problems are the purposes of this Amendment. The potential problems, related purposes, and related analytical goals for Amendment 14 are summarized below, followed by an estimated timeline and summary of the alternatives considered via this document. Potential Management Problems and Related Amendment Purposes: Problem A: Relatively low levels of catch monitoring have resulted in relatively high uncertainty about incidental catch of river herrings and shads in Mid-Atlantic and New England fisheries. Purpose A: "Implement Effective RH/S Catch Monitoring" – develop monitoring programs for the Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish (MSB) fisheries that are sensitive and robust to the spatial and temporal variability of RH/S distributions. Analytical Goals: A1. "RH/S Catch" - Establish the best available information on the catch of RH/S in the MSB fisheries. A2. "Effectiveness" - Evaluate how effective various alternatives would be in terms of improving the precision of RH/S catch estimates. A3. "Practicability" - Evaluate the socioeconomic impact on the fisheries of various alternatives and the ability of management to implement them. 2 Problem B: Catch of RH/S in the MSB fisheries may be negatively impacting RH/S populations. Purpose B: "Reduce RH/S Bycatch and/or Catch" - Consider alternatives to reduce bycatch (discards) and/or total catch of RH/S in the MSB fisheries. The Magnuson- Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act requires Councils to minimize bycatch (discards) to the extent practicable (Section 301 – National Standard 9) and provides discretionary authority to “include management measures in the plan to conserve…non- target species…considering the variety of ecological factors affecting fishery populations” (Section 303(b)(12). As will be discussed in this document, because there are no coast- wide RH/S assessments, at this time it is not possible to quantitatively evaluate the impact on RH/S stocks of any catch reductions that may occur. Analytical Goals: B1. "RH/S Bycatch" - Evaluate if bycatch (discards) of river herrings and shads in the MSB fisheries has been minimized to the extent practicable (National Standard 9). B2. "Effectiveness" - Evaluate how effective various alternatives would be in reducing the bycatch and/or or catch of RH/S. B3. "Practicability" - Evaluate the socioeconomic impact on the fisheries of various alternatives and the ability of management to implement them. Problem C: The overall existing federal/state/regional management framework may be insufficient to adequately conserve RH/S stocks. Purpose C: "Consider RH/S NS1 Stock Issues" - Consider whether RH/S should be included as stocks in the fishery in the MSB FMP. National Standard 1 (NS1) suggests that non-target species may be considered to be added as stocks in the fishery to existing FMPs. This essentially would bring RH/S into the plan as equals to the existing species in terms of Council management responsibilities. Analytical Goals: C1. "Effectiveness" - Evaluate how effective various alternatives would be in terms of improving RH/S management. C2. "Practicability" - Evaluate the socioeconomic impact on the fisheries of various alternatives and the ability of management to implement them. 3 Throughout this document, each purpose will be referenced by the bolded phrases in quotes above. Each purpose is addressed by one or more related set of alternatives, summarized below and fully described and analyzed in this document: Alternatives Related to Purpose A: Implement Effective RH/S Monitoring • Alternative Set 1: Vessel Reporting Measures • Alternative Set 2: Dealer Reporting Measures • Alternative Set 3: At-Sea Observation Optimization Measures • Alternative Set 4: Port-side, 3rd Party, and Other Sampling/Monitoring Measure • Alternative Set 5: At-Sea Observer Coverage Requirements Alternatives Related to Purpose B: Reduce RH/S Bycatch and/or Catch • Alternative Set 6 : Mortality Caps • Alternative Set 7 : Restrictions in areas of high RH/S catch • Alternative Set 8: Mesh Requirements Alternatives Related to Purpose C: Considering RH/S NS1 Issues • Alternative Set 9: Add RH/S Stocks as "Stocks in the Fishery" within the MSB FMP. Approximate Timeline Overall Goal: Final Rule Effective by January 1, 2013. Oct 2011 – Council approves DEIS for Submission to NMFS, selects preferred alternatives Nov 2011 – Document perfection, FR the DEIS Dec 2011 – Public hearings for Am 14 with DEIS Feb 2012 – Council receives comments, makes edits as appropriate, chooses alternatives, approves FEIS for submission if it is ready. Mar 2012 – Document perfection Apr 2012 – Council approves FEIS for Submission if not done in Feb. May 2012 – Document Perfection w/ NMFS July 2012 – Proposed Rule Sept 2012 – Comment Period Closes Nov 2012 – Final Rule 4 Wording Conventions All acronyms used in this document should be listed in Section 2.0, List of Acronyms. Several critical wording conventions are noted below. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is the primary law governing marine fisheries management in United States federal waters. The Act was first enacted in 1976 and amended in 1996 and in 2007. In this document, the abbreviation "MSA" refers to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act as currently amended. Hereafter "mackerel" refers to "Atlantic mackerel," "Am14" refers to "Amendment 14 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan" and "the Council" refers to "the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council." "Bycatch" refers to discards while "Incidental catch" is the catch of one species while directing upon another species. Incidental catch may be retained or discarded. Longfin squid have previously been referenced as Loligo pealeii or just Loligo. There has been a scientific name change from Loligo pealeii to Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii. To avoid confusion, this document will utilize the common name “longfin squid” wherever possible. Some historical documents will still refer to “Loligo.” 5 1.1 SUMMARY OF THE ALTERNATIVES AND THEIR IMPACTS 1.1.1 Alternative Set 1: Vessel Reporting Measures 1a. No Action 1bM. Institute weekly vessel trip reporting (VTR) for mackerel permits so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. FMAT SUGGESTS REPLACE – see simple 1b below to add consistency to MSB fisheries… 1bL. Institute weekly vessel trip reporting (VTR) for Longfin squid permits so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. FMAT SUGGESTS REPLACE – see simple 1b below to add consistency to MSB fisheries… 1b. Institute weekly vessel trip reporting (VTR) for MSB permits so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. FMAT PREFERRED 1c1. Require 48 hour pre-trip notification to retain more than 20,000 pounds of mackerel so as to facilitate observer placement. FMAT SUGGESTS REMOVING TO CONSIDERED BUT REJECTED AS 48 hours is not yet feasible for observer program 1c. Require 72 hour pre-trip notification to retain more than 20,000 pounds of mackerel so as to facilitate observer placement. FMAT SUGGESTS PREFERRED IF CATCH CAP IS PREFERRED 1dM. Require VMS for limited access mackerel vessels (see 1e and 1f below). 1dL. Require VMS for Longfin squid/butterfish moratorium vessels (see 1e and 1f below). 1eM. Require daily VMS reporting of catch by limited access mackerel vessels so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. 1eL. Require daily VMS reporting of catch by Longfin squid moratorium permits so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. 1fM. Require 6 hour pre-landing notification via VMS to land more than 20,000 pounds of mackerel so as to facilitate quota monitoring. 1fL. Require 6 hour pre-landing notification via VMS to land more than 2,500 pounds of Longfin squid so as to facilitate quota monitoring. 6 Statement of Problem/Need for Action: The current suite of reporting and monitoring requirements may be insufficient to precisely enough estimate RH/S incidental catch in the mackerel and Longfin squid fisheries based on the Council’s management goals. Background: The measures in this alternative set would (alone and/or in combination with other alternatives) increase reporting and/or monitoring with the overall goal of improving the precision of RH/S incidental catch estimates. While some of the focus may appear to be on mackerel and/or Longfin squid general reporting compared to just RH/S in those fisheries, given extrapolations are often made based on total landings, accurate monitoring of the target species can be as important as determining the encounter rates of RH/S. Pre-landing notifications would primarily be useful if linked to dockside sampling. Summary of Biological Impact Analysis Summary of Economic Impact Analysis (Summary Impacts Will be Added After the Council Meeting Once the Final Set of Measures is Established and Any Preferred Alternatives are Selected – See Section 7 for Impact Analysis) 7 1.1.2 Alternative Set 2 - Dealer Reporting Measures 2a. No Action 2bM. Require federally permitted dealers to obtain vessel representative confirmation of SAFIS transaction records for mackerel landings over 20,000 so as to minimize data entry errors at first point of sale. FMAT SUGGESTS REPLACE – see simple 2b below… 2bL. Require federally permitted dealers to obtain vessel representative confirmation of SAFIS transaction records for Longfin squid landings over 2,500 pounds so as to minimize data entry errors at first point of sale. FMAT SUGGESTS REPLACE – see simple 2b below… 2b. Require federally permitted MSB dealers to obtain vessel representative confirmation of SAFIS transaction records for mackerel landings over 20,000 lb, Illex landings over 10,000 lb, and longfin squid landings over 2,500 lb so as to minimize data entry errors at first point of sale. STAFF: The only existing method to do this would be to require use of “Fish-On Line” which currently allows vessels to check their landing records if they choose to do so. It should be relatively easy to add a box on-line that needs to be viewed and checked by a vessel representative for each transaction. 2c1. Require that federally permitted SMB dealers sort and weigh all species related to mackerel transactions over 20,000 pounds so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. FMAT SUGGESTS REMOVING TO CONSIDERED BUT REJECTED DUE TO FEASIBILITY ISSUES…NOT ALL DEALERS CAN SORT ALL FISH… 2c2. Require that federally permitted SMB dealers weigh all catches related to mackerel transactions over 20,000 pounds so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. If dealers do not sort by species, they would need to document in the dealer application how they estimated the relative composition of a mixed catch. 2c3. Require that federally permitted SMB dealers weigh all catches related to mackerel transactions over 20,000 pounds so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. If dealers do not sort by species, they would need to document with each transaction how they estimated the relative composition of a mixed catch. 8 2d1. Require that federally permitted SMB dealers sort and weigh all species related to Longfin squid transactions over 2,500 pounds so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. FMAT SUGGESTS REMOVING TO CONSIDERED BUT REJECTED DUE TO FEASIBILITY ISSUES…NOT ALL DEALERS CAN SORT ALL FISH… 2d2. Require that federally permitted SMB dealers weigh all species related to Longfin squid transactions over 2,500 pounds so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. If dealers do not sort by species, they would need to document in the dealer application how they estimated the relative composition of a mixed catch. 2d3. Require that federally permitted SMB dealers weigh all species related to Longfin squid transactions over 2,500 pounds so as to facilitate quota monitoring (directed and/or incidental catch) and cross checking with other data sources. If dealers do not sort by species, they would need to document with each transaction how they estimated the relative composition of a mixed catch. 2e. If 2c1, 2c2, 2d1, and/or 2D2 were chosen, allow dealers to use volume to weight conversions if they cannot weigh their catch – they would need to identify their conversion methods in their dealer application and explain why they cannot weigh all landings. STAFF SUGGESTED ADDING – NO OBJECTION BY FMAT Statement of Problem/Need for Action: The current suite of reporting and monitoring requirements may be insufficient to precisely estimate RH/S incidental catch. Also, practices on how landing weights are determined are not standardized. Background: The measures in this alternative set would (alone and/or in combination with other alternatives) increase reporting and/or monitoring with the overall goal of improving the precision of RH/S incidental catch estimates. While some of the focus may appear to be on mackerel and/or Longfin squid general reporting compared to just RH/S in those fisheries, given extrapolations are often made based on total landings, accurate monitoring of the target species can be as important as determining the encounter rates of RH/S. Summary of Biological Impact Analysis Summary of Economic Impact Analysis (Summary Impacts Will be Added After the Council Meeting Once the Final Set of Measures is Established and Any Preferred Alternatives are Selected) 9 1.1.3 Alternative Set 3: At-Sea Observation Optimization Measures All of these would apply to mackerel limited access and/or longfin squid moratorium permits. 3a. No Action 3b. Require Reasonable Assistance (safe station, bycatch collection, basket sample collection assistance) so as to improve observer data. FMAT PREFERRED 3c. Require vessel operators to provide observers notice when pumping/haul-back occurs so as to improve observer data. FMAT PREFERRED 3d. Require observer program and/or vessels (as appropriate) to place observers on both vessels for pair trawl operations so as to improve observer data. STAFF: FMAT NEEDED MORE INFO…FOLLOWUP REVEALED OBSERVER PROGRAM IS ALREADY DOING THIS WHEN BOTH VESSELS MAY TAKE ON FISH. NO POINT IN PUTTING OBSERVER ON “WING” VESSEL STAFF SUGGESTS MORE TO CONSIDERED BUT REJECTED 3e. Require slippage reports from captains on observed trips so as to better understand slippage events and/or facilitate enforcement of trip termination alternatives (see 3f-3i). 3f. Require trip termination following an "un-sampled" slipped haul during an observed trip. Approximately ¼ of haul would need to be pumped across deck to facilitate sampling to avoid a slipped haul being designated as "un-sampled." Goal is to minimize slippage events and/or get some information on slipped hauls. FMAT SUGGESTS REMOVING TO CONSIDERED BUT REJECTED AS UNFEASIBLE/UNENFORCABLE 3g. Require trip termination following 2 "un-sampled" slipped hauls during an observed trip. Approximately ¼ of haul would need to be pumped across deck to facilitate sampling to avoid a slipped haul being designated as "un-sampled." Goal is to minimize slippage events and/or get some information on slipped hauls. FMAT SUGGESTS REMOVING TO CONSIDERED BUT REJECTED AS UNFEASIBLE/UNENFORCABLE 3h. Require trip termination following 1 slipped haul on an observed trip so as to minimize slippage events. Goal is to minimize slippage events. 3i. Require trip termination following 2 slipped hauls on an observed trip so as to minimize slippage events. Goal is to minimize slippage events. 3j. Require cod-ends to be re-secured and brought aboard for sampling after pumping on every 4th haul on observed trips that typically do not bring nets aboard so as to get better information on contents of net after pumping (operational discards). (REALLY NEED AP INPUT) 10

programs for the Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish (MSB) fisheries that are sensitive and . Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan" and "the integrated document contains all required elements for these laws and
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