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Square-Central and Artin-Schreier Elements in Division Algebras 5 DembaBarrya,AdamChapmanb 1 0 2 aDe´partementdeMathe´matiqueetInformatique,Universite´deBamako,CollinedeBadalabougou BPE3206,Bamako,Mali r p bDepartmentofMathematics,MichiganStateUniversity,EastLansing,MI48824 A 3 1 Abstract ] A We study the behavior of square-central elements and Artin-Schreier elements in R division algebras of exponent 2 and degree a power of 2. We provide chain lem- . h mas for such elements in division algebras over 2-fields F of cohomological 2- t a dimension cd (F) ≤ 2, and deduce a common slot lemma for tensor products of 2 m quaternion algebras oversuch fields. Wealso extend to characteristic 2atheorem [ proven by Merkurjev for characteristic not 2 on the decomposition of any central 2 simplealgebraofexponent2anddegreeapowerof2overafieldFwithcd (F) ≤ 2 2 v asatensorproductofquaternion algebras. 1 3 Keywords: Quaternion algebras, Quadratic forms,Commonslotlemma 8 2010MSC: primary16K20;secondary 11E04,11R52 3 0 . 1 0 1. Introduction 5 1 Aquaternion algebra overafield F isanalgebra oftheform : v i [α,β) = F[x,y : x2+ x= α,y2 = β,yxy−1 = x+1] X r a forsomeα ∈ F andβ∈ F× ifchar(F) = 2,and (α,β) = F[x,y : x2 = α,y2 = β,yxy−1 = −x] forsomeα,β∈ F× ifchar(F) , 2. The common slot lemmafor quaternion algebras states that for every twoiso- morphic quaternion algebras (α,β) and (α′,β′) there exists β′′ ∈ F× such that Emailaddresses: [email protected](DembaBarry),[email protected] (AdamChapman) PreprintsubmittedtoArchivderMathematik April14,2015 (α,β) (cid:27) (α,β′′) (cid:27) (α′,β′′) (cid:27) (α′,β′) (see [Jac96, Lemma 5.6.45 & Corollary 5.6.48]). Anoncentral element vinaquaternion F-algebra issquare-central ifv2 ∈ F×. If char(F) = 2, a noncentral element v is Artin-Schreier if v2 +v ∈ F. For every twoArtin-Schreier elements vandwinaquaternion algebra there existsasquare- centralelementtsuchthatvt+tv = tw+wt = t. Ifchar(F) , 2,thesquare-central elements are the “pure quaternions”. Forevery twosquare-central elements v and w in a quaternion algebra there exists another square-central element t such that vt = −tv and tw = −wt. The common slot lemma is an immediate result of this fact, which we refer to as the chain lemma for square-central or Artin-Schreier elements. Weextend thenotions ofsquare-central and Artin-Schreier elements andtheir chainlemmastoanyalgebraofdegreeapowerof2andexponent2. Thenotionof commonslotlemmaextendsnaturallytoanytensorproductofquaternionalgebras. Incharacteristicnot2,acommonslotlemmaandachainlemmaforsquare-central elements in tensor products of two quaternion algebras were provided in [Siv12] and [CV13], respectively. Equivalent results in characteristic 2 were provided in [Cha13, Section 3.3]. In [Cha15] a common slot lemma was provided for tensor products of quaternion algebras over fields F with cd (F) ≤ 2. However, a chain 2 lemmaforthesquare-centralelementswasnotprovided,andthelengthofthechain wasnotcomputed. In this paper we prove several facts about square-central and Artin-Schreier elements,andinparticularweprovideachainlemmaforthemindivisionalgebras of exponent 2 over 2-fields F with cd (F) ≤ 2. We then deduce the common slot 2 lemma for tensor products of quaternion algebras over such fields and bound the lengthofthechainsfromaboveby3,whichisequaltothemaximallengthofsuch chains for biquaternion algebras over arbitrary fields. We make use of [Kah90, Theorem 3]onthedecomposition ofanycentralsimplealgebraofexponent 2and degreeapowerof2overafieldFwithcd (F) ≤ 2asatensorproductofquaternion 2 algebras, which was proven in that paper for characteristic not 2 and we prove it herealsoforcharacteristic 2. 2. Preliminaries Quadratic forms play a major role in the study of central simple algebras of exponent 2. By I F we denote the group of Witt equivalence classes of even di- q mensional nonsingular quadratic forms over the field F. Every such form is iso- metric to [a ,b ] ⊥ ··· ⊥ [a ,b ] for some integer m and a ,b ,...,a ,b ∈ F 1 1 m m 1 1 m m if char(F) = 2, and ha ,...,a i for some a ,...,a ∈ F× if char(F) , 2. The 1 2m 1 2m 2 expression [a,b] stands for the quadratic form au2 +uv+bv2, ha ,...,a i stands 1 n forthediagonal forma u2+···+a u2,and⊥istheorthogonal sumofforms. 1 1 n n Thediscriminant(alsoknownastheArfinvariantincharacteristic2)isdenoted by δ and defined as follows: If char(F) = 2, δ maps I F to the additive group q F/{a2+a : a∈ F}by δ([a ,b ] ⊥ ···⊥ [a ,b ]) = a b +···+a b . 1 1 m m 1 1 m m Ifchar(F) , 2,δmaps I F tothemultiplicative group F×/(F×)2 by q δ(ha ,...,a i) = (−1)ma ...a 1 2m 1 2m (see[EKM08,Section13]). Thesubgroup of I F offormswithtrivial discriminant isdenoted by I2F. We q q followthetraditional abuseofnotation ofwriting f ∈ I2F whenweactuallymean q thattheWittequivalence classof f belongs toI2F. q TheCliffordalgebraofaquadratic form f isdefinedtobe C(f)= F[x ,...,x :(u x +···+u x )2 = 1 2m 1 1 2m 2m = f(u ,...,u ) ∀u ,...,u ∈ F]. 1 2m 1 2m For f ∈ I F withdim(f) = 2m,thisalgebraisacentralsimplealgebraofexponent q 2 and degree 2m. The Clifford invariant c(f) of f is the Brauer class of C(f) in Br (F). Restricted to I2F, the Clifford invariant is an epimorphism from I2F to 2 q q Br (F)withkernelI3F(see[Mer81]forchar(F) , 2and[Sah72]forchar(F) = 2). 2 q For f ∈ I2F one hasC(f) (cid:27) M (E(f)) with E(f) a central simple algebra over F q 2 ofdegree2m−1 isomorphic toatensorproduct ofquaternion algebras. Thecohomological 2-dimension of F, denoted by cd (F), isbydefinition ≤ 2 2 ifHn+1,n(L,Z/2Z) = 0foreveryfinitefieldextensionL/F andn ≥ 2(see[EKM08, Section 101.B]). Thelatterholds ifandonly if I3L = 0(see[EKM08,Fact16.2]). q Ifcd (F) ≤ 2then I2F (cid:27) Br (F). 2 q 2 A field extension K/F is excellent if for every form f over F there exists a quadratic form f′ over F such that f′ is isometric to the anisotropic part of f . K K In particular every quadratic field extension is excellent (see [EKM08, Example 29.2] and [MM95, Lemma 1]). A 2-field is a field with no nontrivial odd degree extensions. (In [EKM08] such fields are called 2-special.) In [Mer91, Theorem 4] interesting examples of fields F with cd (F) = 2 were constructed. The odd 2 closure F′ ofsuch F alsohascd (F′) = 2(see[EKM08,Example101.17]). 2 Thefollowinglemmawillbeusedlateron: Lemma 2.1. For any field extension K/F, if f ∈ I F and f ∈ I2K then there q K q exists f′ ∈ I2F suchthat f′ ≃ f . q K K 3 Proof. Letδbearepresentative ofthediscriminant of f. Assume char(F) = 2. On the one hand δ ∈ F. On the other hand, δ = u2 +u for some u ∈ K because f ∈ I2K. Now, f ≃ [a ,b ] ⊥ ··· ⊥ [a ,b ] for some K q 1 1 n n a ,b ,...,a ,b ∈ F. Without loss of generality we can assume a , 0. Set 1 1 n n 1 f′ = [a ,b +a−1δ] ⊥ ··· ⊥ [a ,b ]. Becauseofthediscriminant, f′ ∈ I2F. 1 1 1 n n q Weshallnowprovethat f′ ≃ f . Sinceallthesummandsarethesameexcept K K the first one, weshall prove that under the scalar extension, the firstsummands in bothformsareisometric. [a ,b +a−1δ] = a x2+ xy+(b +a−1δ)y2 ≃ a (x2+ xy+(a b +δ)y2) ≃ 1 1 1 K 1 1 1 1 1 1 a ((x+uy)2+(x+uy)y+(a b +δ)y2) = a (x2+ xy+a b y2)≃ [a ,b ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K (Thefirstisometryisobtained byreplacing ywitha y.) 1 Assume char(F) , 2. Onthe one hand δ ∈ F×. Onthe other hand, δ = u2 for some u ∈ K× because f ∈ I2K. Now, f ≃ ha ,...,a i for somea ,...,a ∈ F×. K q 1 n 1 n Set f′ = hδ−1a ,a ...,a i. Because of the discriminant, f′ ∈ I2F. It is obvious 1 2 n q that f′ ≃ f . (cid:3) K K 3. Square-centralandArtin-Schreierelements LetAbeadivisionalgebraofexponent2anddegree2n overafieldF forsome n ≥ 2. In this section we prove a couple of facts about square-central and Artin- Schreier elements in A without restricting the cohomological dimension of F. If char(F) , 2 and xis square-central then any element t inthe algebra decomposes into t + t such that t = 1(t + xtx−1) commutes with x and t = 1(t − xtx−1) 0 1 0 2 1 2 anti-commutes with x. Ifchar(F) = 2and xisArtin-Schreierthenanyelementtin thealgebradecomposes intot +t suchthatt = xt+tx+tcommuteswith xand 0 1 0 t = xt+txsatisfies xt +t x= t . 1 1 1 1 Lemma3.1. AssumeAisadivisionalgebraofdegree4andexponent2. Let xand x′ betwocommutingelementsinAwithF[x] , F[x′]. Ifchar(F) = 2thenassume xiseitherArtin-Schreierorsquare-central and x′ isArtin-Schreier. Ifchar(F) , 2 assumethat xand x′ aresquare-central. ThenAdecomposesasQ ⊗Q suchthat 1 2 x ∈ Q and x′ ∈ Q . 1 2 Proof. Assume char(F) = 2. The involution on F[x,x′] mapping x′ to x′ + 1 and x to x+ 1 if x is Artin-Schreier and to x if x is square-central extends to A. Denote this involution by τ. Then τ restricts to an involution of the second kind on the centralizer C(x′) (a quaternion algebra over F[x′]), and it commutes with thecanonical involution γ onthisalgebra. Therefore, γ◦τisanautomorphism of 4 order2onC(x′),andthealgebraoffixedpointsisaquaternion algebra Q over F 1 containing xandcentralizing x′. (See[KMRT98,Proposition 2.22].) Theproof incharacteristic not2can bewritten inasimilar way, orconcluded from[CV13,Proposition 3.9]. (cid:3) Proposition 3.2. Assume F is a 2-field and A is a division algebra of exponent 2 and degree 2n over F. If char(F) = 2 then for any two Artin-Schreier elements in Athereexistsanelement,eitherArtin-Schreier orsquare-central, commutingwith them both. Ifchar(F) , 2, for any twosquare-central elements in Athere exists a square-central elementcommutingwiththemboth. Proof. Assume char(F) = 2. Let x,t be two Artin-Schreier elements in A. Now, t = t +t where t commutes with x and t satisfies xt +t x = t . The element 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 t2 + t = t2 + t t +t t +t2 + t + t decomposes similarly as T +T where T 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 commutes with x and T satisfies xT +T x = T . Clearly T = t2 +t2 +t and 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 T = t t +t t +t . However, t2 +t is central, which means that T = 0 and so 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 t t + t t = t . If t = 0 then x and t commute and the statement is trivial. If 1 0 0 1 1 1 t , 0 then F[x,t] = K[x,t ] where K is the field extension generated over F by 1 1 t2 and x+t . Clearly K[x,t ] is a quaternion algebra over K. If the K = F then 1 0 1 A = F[x,t]⊗A . NowA isofdegree2n−1andthereforeitcontainsafieldextension 0 0 of degree 2n−1 of the center, and since F is a 2-field it contains a quadratic field extension of F (see[EKM08,Proposition 101.15]), whichisgenerated byeither a square-central orArtin-Schreier element. Thiselement commutes with xand t. If K , F thenitmustbeofdegreeapowerof2. Since F isa2-field, K mustcontain a quadratic field extension of F which is generated by either a square-central or Artin-Schreier element. Thiselementcommuteswith xandt. Assume char(F) , 2. Let x,t be two square-central elements in A. Now, t = t +t where t commutes with x and t anti-commutes with x. The element 0 1 0 1 t2 = t2+t t +t t +t2 decomposes similarlyasT +T whereT commuteswith 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 xandT satisfies xT = −T x. ClearlyT = t2+t2 andT = t t +t t . However, 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 t2 is central, which means that T = 0 and so t t = −t t . If t = 0 then x and t 1 1 0 0 1 1 commute and the statement is trivial. If t , 0 then F[x,t] = K[x,t ] where K is 1 1 the field generated over F by t2 and xt . Clearly K[x,t ] is a quaternion algebra 1 0 1 over K. If K = F then A = F[x,t]⊗A . Now A is of degree 2n−1 and therefore 0 0 it contains a field extension of degree 2n−1 of the center, and since F is a 2-field itcontains aquadratic fieldextension of F,whichisgenerated byasquare-central element. Thiselementcommutes with xandt. If K , F thenitmustbeofdegree a power of 2. Since F is a 2-field, K must contain a quadratic field extension of F which isgenerated byasquare-central element. Thiselement commutes with x andt. (cid:3) 5 4. Fieldsofcohomological dimension2 The following fact appeared in [Kah90, Theorem 3] under the assumption char(F) , 2: Theorem 4.1. Let F be a field with cd (F) ≤ 2. For any form f ∈ I2F, E(f) 2 q is a division algebra if and only if f is anisotropic. As a result, every algebra of exponent 2 and power 2m is isomorphic to E(f) for some f ∈ I2F, and therefore q decomposes asthetensorproductofquaternion algebras. Proof. By the remark preceding this theorem, we can assume char(F) = 2. First weshowthateveryfrom f ∈ I2F isuniversal (i.e. represents everyelementof F): q Let D(f) denote the set of nonzero elements represented by f. Since cd (F) ≤ 2 2 and f ⊥ bf ∈ I3F for any b ∈ F×, wehave f ≃ bf. Thismeans F×D(f) ⊆ D(F) q andso D(f) = F×. Nowweshowthatif f ∈ I2F isananisotropicformofdimensionatleast6and q f is isotropic for some K = F[x : x2 + x = a] then f = ˆ ⊥ f where ˆ is a K K 0 hyperbolic planeand f isanisotropic: Since f isisotropic, f = (f′⊗[1,a]) ⊥ f 0 K 0 forsomebilinearform f′andanisotropicform f (see[EKM08,Proposition34.8]). 0 The dimension of f′ is equal to the Witt index of f . If the dimension of f′ is K greater than 1 then it contains a subform φ of dimension 2, and then φ ⊗ [1,a] is a proper subform of f. This proper subform is in I2F, which means that it is q universal, andso f isisotropic, contradiction. Let f beaforminI2F. Clearlyif f isisotropicthenE(f)isnotadivisionalge- q bra. Thereforeassumethat f isanisotropic. WewanttoshowthatE(f)isadivision algebra. AccordingtoSpringer’sclassicaltheorem(see[EKM08,Corollary18.5]) f remains anisotropic under odd degree extensions. Therefore fF′ is anisotropic where F′ istheodd closure of F. Since E(fF′) = E(f)⊗F′, itisenough toprove that E(fF′)isadivisionalgebra. Assume F isa2-fieldthen. If E(f) is split then since I2F (cid:27) Br (F), f is hyperbolic. Assume then that q 2 E(f)isnonsplit. Hencethedimensionof f isatleast4. If f isofdimension4then itisknownthat f isthenormformofthealgebraE(f),whichisaquaternionalge- bra, and according to [EKM08, Corollary 12.5] a quaternion algebra is a division algebraifandonlyifitsnormformisanisotropic. Thereforeassumethedimension of f is2m ≥ 6. We use induction on m. Since F is a 2-field with cd (F) ≤ 2, any finite field 2 extension K/F is also a 2-field with cd (K) ≤ 2. The induction hypothesis is that 2 foreach2 ≤ t < mandevery2-field Lwithcd (L) ≤ 2,ifφisananisotropic form 2 in I2Lofdimension 2t then E(φ)isadivision algebra. Since E(f)isnonsplit, itis q a matrix algebra over a nontrivial division algebra of degree a power of 2 over F. ThisalgebracontainsanontrivialfieldextensionofF,andsinceF isa2-field,this 6 fieldextensioncontainsaquadraticfieldextension K ofF. Sincethedimensionof f isatleast6,thedimensionoftheanisotropicpartof f is2(m−1). Now,Kisalso K a 2-field with cd (K) ≤ 2, so by the induction hypothesis, E(f )is of index 2m−2. 2 K Ontheotherhand,theindexofE(f)isatleasttwicetheindexofE(f)⊗K = E(f ), K whichmeansthatitmustbe2m−1. Consequently, E(f)isadivision algebra. (cid:3) Thefollowingtheoremextends[Bar14,Theorem3.3]whichpresentsasimilar decomposition on the symbol-level fordivision algebras of exponent 2 overfields ofcohomological 2-dimension 2andcharacteristic not2: Theorem 4.2. Let F be afield with cd (F) ≤ 2, and Abe adivision algebra over 2 F of exponent 2 and degree 2n for some n ≥ 2. Let x and x′ be two commuting elements in A with F[x] , F[x′]. If char(F) = 2 then assume x is either Artin- Schreier or square-central and x′ is Artin-Schreier. If char(F) , 2 assume that they are both square-central elements. Then A = Q ⊗ Q ⊗ ··· ⊗ Q such that 1 2 n x ∈ Q and x′ ∈ Q . 1 2 Proof. Let B be the centralizer of F[x,x′] in A. It is enough to prove that B = F[x,x′]⊗B′ forsomecentral simplealgebra B′ over F,becausethen A = A ⊗B′ 0 (see [KMRT98, Theorem 1.5]) where A = C (B) is a degree 4 central simple 0 A algebraofexponent≤ 2containing xandx′andthereforeitdecomposesasQ ⊗Q 1 2 such that x ∈ Q and x′ ∈ Q according to Lemma 3.1, and B′ decomposes as 1 2 Q ⊗···⊗Q according toTheorem4.1. 3 n Let f be the unique quadratic form in I2F with E(f) (cid:27) A. In particular, f is q anisotropic. However, f isisotropic,because A⊗F[x]isnotadivisionalgebra. F[x] Since quadratic extensions are excellent, there exists g ∈ I F such that g is q F[x] isometric to the anisotropic part of f , and according to Lemma 2.1 we can F[x] assumeg∈ I2F. q Now,E(gF[x])=CA(F[x])andgF[x]isanisotropic. HowevergF[x,x′]isisotropic. Assume char(F) = 2. Then g = φ ⊥ d[1,x′2 + x′] for some d ∈ F[x] and F[x] φ ∈ IqF[x] such that φF[x,x′] is the anisotropic part of gF[x,x′]. Since cd2(F) ≤ 2, g ⊥ dg ishyperbolic,whichmeansthatg ≃ dg ,andhencewecanas- F[x] F[x] F[x] F[x] sumed = 1. Thereforeφisisometrictotheanisotropicpartofg ⊥ [1,x′2+x′]. F[x] Since g ⊥ [1,x′2 + x′] is in I F and F[x]/F is excellent, there exists φ′ in I F q q such that φ′ is isometric to φ. Now, φ′ is in I2F[x,x′], and therefore ac- F[x] F[x,x′] q cordingtoLemma2.1thereexistsτinIq2F suchthatτF[x,x′] isisometrictoφ′F[x,x′]. Consequently, Bisarestriction of E(τ)to F[x,x′]. Assume char(F) , 2. Theng = φ ⊥ dh1,−x′2ifor somed ∈ F[x]and φ ∈ F[x] IqF[x]suchthatφF[x,x′]istheanisotropicpartofgF[x,x′]. Sincecd2(F) ≤ 2,gF[x] ⊥ −dg ishyperbolic, which means that g ≃ dg , and hence wecanassume F[x] F[x] F[x] d = 1. Therefore φ is isometric to the anisotropic part of g ⊥ h−1,x′2i. Since F[x] 7 g ⊥ h−1,x′2iisinI FandF[x]/F isexcellent,thereexistsφ′inI Fsuchthatφ′ q q F[x] is isometric toφ. Now, φ′ is in I2F[x,x′], and therefore according toLemma F[x,x′] q 2.1 there exists τ in Iq2F such that τF[x,x′] is isometric to φ′F[x,x′]. Consequently, B isarestriction of E(τ)to F[x,x′]. (cid:3) Corollary 4.3. If char(F) = 2 then for every two commuting Artin-Schreier ele- ments x,x′ ∈ Awith F[x] , F[x′]thereexistsasquare-central elementzsuchthat xz+zx= x′z+zx′ = z. Ifchar(F) , 2,foreverytwocommutingsquare-central el- ements x,x′ ∈ Athereexistsasquare-central elementzanti-commuting withthem both. Proof. Since A = Q ⊗ Q ⊗ ··· ⊗ Q where x ∈ Q and x′ ∈ Q , there exist 1 2 n 1 2 square-central elements y ∈ Q and y′ ∈ Q such that y2,y′2 ∈ F and xy+yx = y 1 2 and x′y′+y′x′ = y′ ifchar(F) = 2,andyx = −xyandy′x′ = −x′y′ ifchar(F) , 2. Takez= yy′. (cid:3) Corollary 4.4. If char(F) = 2, x ∈ A is square-central, x′ ∈ A is Artin-Schreier and xx′ = x′x, then there exist a square-central element z and an Artin-Schreier elementwsuchthatwx+ xw = xandwz+zw = z = x′z+zx′ = z. Proof. Since A = Q ⊗Q ⊗···⊗ Q where x ∈ Q and x′ ∈ Q , there exists an 1 2 n 1 2 Artin-Schreier element w ∈ Q whichsatisfies wx+ xw = xand wx′ = x′w. From 1 hereonwecanapplyCorollary 4.3. (cid:3) Fromnowonassumewefocuson2-fields. Theorem4.5. LetF bea2-fieldwithcd (F) ≤ 2,andAbeadivisionalgebraover 2 F of exponent 2 and degree 2n for some n ≥ 2. If char(F) = 2 then for every two Artin-Schreierelemetns xand x′inAthereexistseitherachain x,y ,x ,y ,x′such 1 1 2 that x isArtin-Schreier,y andy aresquare-centralandxy +y x = x y +y x = 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 y and x′y +y x′ = x y +y x = y ,orachain x,y ,x ,y ,x ,y ,x′ withsimilar 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 properties. Ifchar(F) , 2thenforeverytwosquare-central elements xand x′ inA there exists achain ofsquare-central elements x = x ,x ,x ,x ,x = x′ such that 0 1 2 3 4 xixi+1 = −xi+1xi foreach0 ≤ i≤ 3. Proof. Assume char(F) , 2. According to Lemma 3.2, there exists a square- central element x which commutes with them both. According to Corollary 4.3, 2 there exists a square-central element x commuting with x and x , and a square- 1 2 centralelement x commutingwith x and x′. 3 2 The proof in characteristic 2issimilar, making useof Corollaries 4.3 and 4.4. (cid:3) 8 We say that two quaternion algebras Q and Q′ over F share a common slot if forsomea,b,c ∈ F,either Q = [a,b)and Q′ = [a,c)or Q = [a,b)and Q′ = [c,b) ifchar(F) = 2,orQ = (a,b)andQ′ = (a,c)ifchar(F) , 2. Wesaythattwotensor products of quaternion algebras ⊗n Q and ⊗n Q′ share a common slot if there i=1 i i=1 i existiand jsuchthat Q and Q′ shareacommonslot. i j Theorem 4.6. Let F be a 2-field with cd (F) ≤ 2. For every two isomorphic 2 tensor products of quaternion algebras over F, ⊗n Q and ⊗n Q′, there exists a i=1 i i=1 i chain ⊗n Q,⊗n Q′′,⊗n Q′′′,⊗n Q′ such that every two adjacent tensor prod- i=1 i i=1 i i=1 i i=1 i uctsshareacommonslot. Proof. If ⊗n Q is not a division algebra then it is isomorphic to M (F)⊗ Q′′ ⊗ i=1 i 2 2 ···⊗Q′′ for some quaternion algebras Q′′. If char(F) = 2, write Q = [a,b) and n i 1 Q′ = [a′,b′) for some a,a′ ∈ F and b,b′ ∈ F×. Then M (F) is isomorphic to 1 2 both[a,1)and[a′,1). Ifchar(F) , 2,write Q = (a,b)and Q′ = (a′,b′)forsome 1 1 a,a′,b,b′ ∈ F×. Then M (F)isisomorphic toboth(a,1)and(a′,1). Therequired 2 chainisobtained asaresult. Assume ⊗n Q is a division algebra. Write Q = F[x,y : x2 + x = a,y2 = i=1 i 1 b,xy + yx = y] and Q = F[x′,y′ : x′2 + x′ = a′,y′2 = b′,x′y′ + y′x′ = y′] if 2 char(F) = 2, and Q = F[x,y : x2 = a,y2 = b,xy = −yx] and Q′ = F[x′,y′ : 1 1 x′2 = a,y′2 = b,x′y′ = −y′x′] if char(F) , 2. If char(F) = 2 then there exists an element z, either square-central or Artin-Schreier, commuting with x and x′. If char(F) , 2 there exists a square-central element z commuting with x and x′. Therefore, according to Theorem 4.2, A is isomorphic to ⊗n Q′′ where x ∈ Q′′ i=1 i 1 andz ∈ Q′′,and Aisalsoisomorphic to⊗n Q′′′ where x′ ∈ Q′′′ andz∈ Q′′′. The 2 i=1 i 1 2 required chainisobtained asaresult. (cid:3) Acknowledgements We thank Jean-Pierre Tignol and the anonymous referee whose remarks im- provedthequalityofthepaperconsiderably. Bibliography References [Bar14] DembaBarry,Decomposableandindecomposable algebrasofdegree 8 and exponent 2, Math. Z. 276 (2014), no. 3-4, 1113–1132. MR 3175173 [Cha13] Adam Chapman, p-central subspaces of central simple algebras, 2013, Thesis(Ph.D.)–Bar-IlanUniversity. 9 [Cha15] , Chain equivalences for symplectic bases, quadratic forms and tensor products of quaternion algebras, J. Algebra Appl. 14 (2015), no.3,1550030 (9pages). 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