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REGNIRPS STCART NI NREDOM SCISYHP Ergebnisse der exakten Natur- wissenschaften 06 Volume Editor: .G H6hler Editorial Board: .P Falk-Vairant S. FliJgge J. Hamilton .F Hund .H Lehmann E.A. Niekisch .W luaP Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1791 Manuscripts for publication should eb adressed to: G. ,RELH6H Institut fiTihre oretische Kernphysik der Universiti~t, 57 Karlsruhe ,1 Postfach 6380 Proofs and all correspondence concerning papers in the process of publication should eb addressed to: E. A. ,HCSIKEIN Kernforschungsanlage Jiilich, Institut fiir Technische Physik, 715 J/ilich, Postfach 365 ISBN 3-540-05653-X Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-05653-X Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is con- cerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer- Verlag, Berlin • Heidelberg 1971. Printed in Germany. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 25-9130. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trade marks, ere. in this publication, even if the former are not especially identified, is not be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone. Fotosatz, Druck und Bindearbeit: BriLhlsche Universit~tsdruckerei, GieBen Contents Conformal Invariance and the Energy- Momentum Tensor J. SSEW Representations of the Local Current Algebra. A Constructional Approach R. V. SEDNEM and Y. NAME'EN 81 Chiral Symmetry. An Approach to the Study of the Strong Interactions M. NIETSNIEW 32 Dual Quark Models K. ZTEID 74 High Energy Inclusive Processes CHUNG-I NAT 19 Deep Inelastic Electron-Nucleon Scattering J. sE?mD 701 Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction J. J. ,TRAWSED M. M. ,SLEGAN T. A. RIJKEN and P. A. NEVEOHREV 831 How Important are Regge Cuts ? P. D. B. SNILLOC 204 Conformal Invariance dna the Energy-Momentum Tensor* J. WEss Contents I. The Conformal Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. Low Energy Theorem for Gravitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 III. Conformal Invariance and Effective Lagrangians .............. 6 IV. Invariant Lagrangian for a Scalar Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 I. The Conformal Group The conformal group in the four-dimensional, pseudoeuclidean space is the group of coordinate transformations which leave the relation ds 2 = (dx~ 2 - (dx1) 2 - (dx2) 2- (dx3) 2 = 0 (1) invariant. The infinitesimal transformations can be parameterized as follows 1: Translations" x'u = x'. + e, Lorentz Rotations x, ! = xu + a.~ x, v (a~ = - ~) )2( Scale Transformations: x. ! = x, + e x. (Proper) Conformal Transformations: x~ = x, + ~. x 2 - 2 x. ~ x. The proper conformal transformations can be generated by an inversion (x'. = -x~'/x2), a translation and an inversion. A'u(x' ) = Au(x ) - 8A,(x) (3) A' u (x') = A u (x) + 2 a x A u (x) + 2 (x~ a u - x~, o~) A ~ (x). It can be seen that Maxwell's equations are invariant, under scale and conformal transformations, if the electromagnetic potential transforms like above. Therefore, the interest in this group is quite old 2. Despite of this it has not yet lead to much physical insight. But there is some hope that by the skill we have acquired in dealing with symmetries and with * Based on a Lecture given at the International Summer School for Theoretical Physics 1970, University of Heidelberg. 2 J. Wess: broken symmetries, we might be able to explore fruitfully conformal invariance. The natural domain, where one would hope to learn something from conformal invariance is at processes where all energy variables are large compared to the masses involved. This is so because in a Lagrangian with dimensionless coupling constants it is the mass term which breakes the symmetry. To demonstrate this let us assign the following trans- formation properties to fields: Scalar Field: )'x('Sq = )x(b~ - e ~b(x) qb'(x') = )x(~q + b~x~c2 (x). )4( Spin 1/2 Field: ~'(x') = ~ (x)- (3/2) e o~ (x) (5) ~'(x') = w (x) + {3 ~c x + (1/2) ce x '~ <, y'} o~ (x) or, more concise: "p( (x') = 1( - de) p~(x) )6( ;o~ (x') = 1( + 2 d a x) ~q ~(x) + 2c~.xtS~ ~q ,(x), where S.t is the generator for Lorentz rotations and d = 1 for Bose fields and d = 3/2 for Fermi fields. We find that a Lagrangian is conformal invariant if it is composed of the massless free Lagrangian and the following interactions: ~4, ~)l/~lp, ,~157~/,u~q A"pTu~ p, ,P~57u?p~UA )7( AU~Su(o , A u x At(SuAv - 8tA.), (A" x A t) (a. x A O. For this reason one might be willing to give some serious considerations to the conformal group. The group is isomorphic to S O ,4( 2) and the commutation relations between the generators are, in an obvious notation: pu, W = 0 M ,~u M ~ = ~Ug Mt~ + g~ M ~'~ _ ~Ug Mt~ _ gtO M~'X MUt, p~. = gtZ pu _ ZUg W IS, P~ = P~ Is, M"q = o (s) C", C t = 0 C ,u W = 2(M u" - 9"tS) C ,~ M.t = 9~. Ct _ gZt C u C ,~ S = C% Conformal Invariance and the Energy-Momentum Tensor 3 It is easy to show that in a theory, where the generators of the con- formal group exist as linear operators in Hilbert space, the only possible discrete eigenvalue of p2= M 2 is zero. Moreover, the continuous spec- trum of p2 cannot start at any finite value. To prove this let us labte the eigenvalues of pZ by #, or K, depending if they are discrete or in the continuum. We normalize the states as follows: (Pi#j) = 6u, (g, K') = 6(K-K'), (p~, K) = 0. (9) If S is a linear operator and if the eigenstates of p2 form a basis and are in the domain of definition of S we can expand: S#~) = ,_~ Ci jl#j) + . d K C~(K) K) J (10) SK) = ~ C,(K) #,) + ~ d K' C (K, K') K') . i From the commutator IS, p2 = 2p2 follows: 2#rSrs = C,s(#r-- #s) (11) 2 K 6 (K - K') = (K - K') C (K, K'). Taking r = s in the first equation yields #, = 0, i.e. the only possible dis- crete eigenvalue of pZ is zero. The second equation has the solution C(K, K')= - 2K S'(K - K'). (12) For K > 0, K' > 0 we find that C (K, K') = - C (K', K) + 2 6 (K- K'), as a consequence, the continuous spectrum cannot start at any finite value of K. Notice that in this proof we have used only the property that S is defined on the eigenstates of p2, it was not necessary to assume that S 2 or expi2S exists. This result, valid for a strictly conformal invariant, conventional theory is not very encouraging. To approximate any realistic theory by a conformal invariant theory does not seem to be realistic because the vanishing masses would give rise to severe infrared problems. Fortunately, we have learned from chiral invariance and PCAC how to deal with approximate symmetries without really having to start from the symmetric limit. In order to apply this techniques we are now going to construct the relevant currents by Noether's theorem. These currents might be meaningful, even when the corresponding charges (like S) do not exist. 4 J. Wess: We find 3: s,,= o.vv-O/2) ~ ~r F. ralacs sdleif C,v = Ou~(gX~x 2- 2xXx~) )31( + 2 vX( eu ~2 -- guy 42) q- 2X~ Fu ralacs sdleif where L= ~, 6 o(~0~cZat dgu~q~+Zuvq) and ~uO is the symmetric lla sdleif energy momentum tensor. If Fu--0,A, the definition of the energy momentum tensor can be changed 4: O.v = O.~ - (1/3) (G~ - 0.0~)(A - 42/2). )41( This new tensor has all the properties required for Poincar~ invariance and so have the new currents: ~ = O,v~ x, v C#v = O,(g~vx 2 2 - 2x2xv) )51( for scale and conformal invariance. They differ from the original currents S, and C,~ only by terms which do not contribute to the charges. In this very interesting case we find: 0 u d V" = - 2x~ O"Su = Of )61( i.e., the breaking of the conformal and scale invariance are both charac- terized by the trace of the energy momentum tensor. II. Low Energy Theorem for Gravitons The connection between conformal invariance and the energy momentum tensor was established in the preceeding lecture. The energy momentum tensor, on the other hand, is thought to be the source for gravitons. Therefore, we might hope to learn something about conformal invariance by studiing the emission of gravitons. We consider the matrix element: M ~" = (~10u~ Ifl) )71( of the energy momentum tensor between a state fl) with an arbitrary number of incoming particles and the state @ with an arbitrary number of outgoing particles. The process fl-+ e is described by the amplitude T: 53/1~( = 6 )k( (~l Tiff) )81( lamrofnoC Invariance dna eht mutnemoM-ygrenE Tensor 5 where k = ~P - Pp is the difference between the total momentum of the outgoing particles (P.) and the total momentum of the incoming parti- cles (Pp). From Lorentz invariance follows: Uk M~,v = k~ M,,v = Uk V.k ~uI,if = 0. (19) If ~ and fi are not one-particle states the fourvector k" will, in general, have four independent components. In this case we can differentiate Eq. (19) with respect to k, and we obtain, using also the symmetry of Mu~: M0, = (1/2) k,k,(c3/~3 k )o (O/~ k') M ~" . (20) Eq. (20) shows that M,v is either singular as k--+0 or of order k"kL Thus, if we are able to determine the singular part of M,~, (M,~), we know M,~ up to second order in k. Me. = (i/2) G (O/a k k~) (a/a )"k M'"" + 0 k2 . (21) From perturbation theory we learn that a singular contribution to M "v can only arise from a process where the graviton is emmitted from an external line. This contribution can be computed in terms of the gravita- tional form factors of the relevant particles and the amplitude for the process fi--+ a. The gravitational form factors for a scalar particle are: 11@ O,,, P2> = (1/2) P,P~FI(k )2 + (#,~k 2 - k,k~) f2(k )2 (22) P =pl +P2, k=p,-P2. From the definition of the energy H = 5 800 d3x follows F a (0)= .1 For a spin 1/2 field the form factors are: <PI I O,~ P2> = ~(Pl) {(1/2) (?,Pv + 7~P,) ~G (k )2 (23) -1- (1/2)p# vP 2G (k2) -~ (g/iv k2 -- ~/k )vk 6 3 (k2)} u (P2). Again, from the definition of the energy and the angular momentum: GI(0 ) ,1 G2(0)= 0. = The singular part of the matrix element (17) can now be computed. It arises from the expression: ~. <pdo.vlp,+k> 7r(P,+k) _ (p,+_k)2 m 2 A(P,+_-k, ...) (24) i: ~n t particles where A is the off-mass-shell amplitude for the process ~fl, rr is a polynomial in Pi +- k, due to the propagators. The sign of k depends on whether the graviton is emitted by an incomming or an outgoing particle. We insert (24) into (20) and obtain M,~, the singular part of Mu~. We 6 J. :sseW expand A (Pi -+ k, ...) in powers ofk and neglect terms of order k .2 Contrary to what one might expect, there is no off-mass shell dependence to this order in k. Finally, we take the trace of M,~, we omit terms proportional to the masses of the particles and obtain: 1=( o." >BI = ~'~ {(di + Pi" 8/~ P,) i: out, particles + k"Ed,. O/~p~ + P'. ~/OP,. O/OPg - (1/2) P,, ~2/8p2 )52( - i Z~;~ 0/8 P/'} A + 0 k( )2 1~ scalar where di = 3/2 spin 1/2 and the S~ are the generators for Lorentz rotations. We would like to emphasize that, up to now, we have made use of Lorentz invariance only. Scale and conformal invariance or approximate invariance would tell us something about the trace of the energy momentum tensor independent of Eq. (25). Invariance for ex- ample would tell us: (~10~ Ifl) = 0 + 0 Ek23. (26) Approximate invariance could mean that 1~( Of >lfI = M2f(Pi .. .) + 0 k 2 and that in a domain, where all energy variables are big we can neglect the term proportional to M ,2 M 2 being some fixed, but finite mass, characteristic for the system. It is very interesting to note that at the right hand side of Eq. (25), the coefficient of the zero'th order in k is just the differential operator which we would obtain from the Ward identities due to scale invariance, assuming that the fields have their natural dimension, i.e. transform according to (6). The coefficient of the first order in k is related to con- formal invariance in the same way. III. Conformal Invariance and Effective Lagrangians In this lecture we are going to describe the interaction of an external gravitational field with matter fields through an effective Lagrangian. This means we have to use the formalism of the theory of general re- lativity. Such a Lagrangian has to be invariant under general coordinate Conformal Invariance and the Energy-Momentum Tensor 7 transformations: x,~, = x'U {x ~ ... x }3 A'U(x ') = (0 x'U/O x ~ A ~ (x) (27) A'~,(x') = (~ x~ x 'u) A o (x). Because we consider our Lagrangian as an effective one and not as a basic one we should be able to deal with fields of arbitrary spin. This is best done if one uses the concept of a Vierbein 5, which we are going to explain in a moment. In the preceeding lectures we have developed some interest in the trace of the energy momentum tensor. Therefore, it is advantageous to write the Lagrangian in such a way that the trace of the energy momentum tensor can be obtained by a simple variation. This can be achieved by the conformal variation 6: )x(22=~Ug6~o=,x6 ,~"g 64)=-d2(x).4~ (28) 6gu, = - 22(x) ~ug where d is the appropriate dimension of the respective field. We vary the action accordingly: aa=aI l/Tad'x )92( = ,j { 6(~ /Tg) g.~22 6 (s /-~) } ag ~" 5q6 ~bd2 d4x. It is well known that the energy momentum tensor can be defined through: 6 ac~ ~ _ (1/2) 0~ /~g. (30) 6gU ~ The equations of motion say: 6 _ o. (31) 4a Therefore, we obtain the desired result: aA = - S d4x O.,g (32) If Y' is invariant under the transformation (28) we find that the trace of the energy momentum tensor is zero. Our aim, as customary, is to construct the main part of the Lagrangian invariant under (28) such that the trace of the energy momentum tensor can be computed by the varia- tion of a simple term in the Lagrangian which breakes the symmetry. For this purpose we are going to show that the free, massless field equa-

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