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Preview Spring and Summer 2011 - St. Andrew The Apostle Catholic Church

SPRING AND SUMMER ALUMNI NEWSLETTER 2011 SAINT ANDREW APOSTLE SCHOOL SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST:  Visit the alumni page of the S I L V E R S P R I N G , M A R Y L A N D school website at www.standrewapostle.org It Just Takes a Miracle . . . By Sean McArdle (‘70) good things having to do H with Saint Andrew’s ow do you get a youth, asked him why he sports field named after was just standing you? This question came around. “Do you know up many times during anything about foot- the celebration of Saint ball?” he asked. Andrew’s 50th Anniver- “I played at Kennedy,” sary with events held on he replied. “I know the Terrence E. defense best. We McArdle Athletic Field. played the three-four, The strangest secrets the four-three and the sometimes unlock them- wide tackle six.” selves right in front of place and my parents did not cotton our eyes. You might think that life “Good,” replied Kline, “that to failure on the part of their chil- -long dedication to sport, a huge makes you my new defensive co- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: donation to the church, or a long dren. ordinator.” This was the almost and winning record would be the As penance, my mother made long imperceptible spark that started route to take. Little did Terry lists of ways that Terry could “pay a miracle. It Just Takes a Miracle 1,4 McArdle know that it was failure, for his transgressions”. He had to Terry took a job working at my a decision to turn his life around, drive my brother Patrick and me to Dad’s printing company. He School News 2-3 and the love of one man that would Bethesda for weekly music lessons, started dating a really cute girl leave him this posthumous honor. pick up dry cleaning and run many named Sandy. He got his hair of the hundreds of trips Mom had 50th Anniversary 5-11 In 1967, Terry McArdle gradu- cut, his shoes shined, and started done routinely as the mother of ated from John F. Kennedy High shopping for a new wardrobe. eight. On his list of things to do Upcoming Events 13 School in Silver Spring. He played Most significant, Howard Kline was to drop Patrick and me off at on their very first football team. gave Terry a whistle, a clipboard, football practice and then pick us Although he was small for a line- and a new name; “Coach.” Class Contacts 13 up. man, the school was new and the My father used to answer roster was small. He played of- Patrick played on the Saint An- In Memoriam 14 Coach Kline’s numerous nightly fense and defense. I don’t believe drew 85-pound team and I had to phone calls concerning strategy that the team won a single game. travel to Saint Catherine Laboure Credits 15 for the game that would take Terry did not seem to care. He to play on the 130-pound team. It place on the coming Saturday. was shy, good looking, and passion- was on one of these journeys that He would sometimes cover the ate about sports. One of eight Terry was plucked from the obscu- mouthpiece of the phone and children, he was used to compet- rity of his failure at school and accuse Kline of thinking he was ing. thrust into the possibility of some- Vince Lombardi to my brother as thing special. When he graduated, he went to he would run to answer. One a small Catholic college in Louis- One day, while watching the time, I remember my brother ville, Kentucky; Bellarmine College. teams practice, a coach screamed looking at my dad and telling him Terry loved college life more than across the field for Terry to come point-blank, “I think it’s Vince he loved classes. Two years later, hither. He ran across the field and Lombardi who thinks he’s Howard the school and Terry decided to Howard Kline, coach of the 70- Kline!” part ways. Returning home was pound team at Saint Andrew’s and (Continued on page 4) difficult. Our house was a strict track coach and driver of almost all SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 2 School News: From the Principal’s Desk: Susan Sheehan D ear Alumni, The 50th Anniversary year of Saint Andrew Apostle School was a very busy one. Although it was quite productive, it was also a year of great sadness for our school community. We continue to mourn the loss of Saint Andrew’s Founding Principal, Sister Irene Kelly, as well as Mary Helen Eiden, Adam Hosinski, and Betsy DeLuca who were treasured members of our school family. We ask that you join us as we continue to pray for their families. We also said goodbye to our pastor, Monsignor Mike Mellone. Father Mike was a big “...we hope to continue to supporter of our school and he will be greatly missed. We welcomed Father Dan Leary as our new pastor this build on this past year’s summer. This past school year, together, we were able to successfully host community events like Adult momentum, Bingo, Celebrate Science Family Fun Day and Yard Sale, most notable for the collaboration between school families with the parish communities of Saint Andrew Apostle and Resurrection. Resurrection Parish, a focusing on neighboring parish without an elementary school, became a partner with our school community in 2010. In addition, we hosted a Vocabulary Parade, Peter Pan, the school plan, and Open Houses once a month that curriculum enhancements, helped increase school enrollment by 18 students. I wanted to also make special note of the generosity of an anonymous donor who contributed 8 interactive boards and laptops. It is our goal to have an interactive board improved communication or projector in every classroom by the end of the 2011-2012 school year. The Saint Andrew Parent Associa- tion (now called Saint Andrew Apostle Home School Association) worked diligently to raise enough funds so and community that every teacher could have a much needed laptop for the coming school year. Their efforts also allowed us involvement to purchase FOSS Hands on Science Kits to help overhaul the Science Lab. In addition to the laptops and the science kits, they donated $5000 to the library for new library books as well as the Safari Montage Digital in school activities.” Library that the whole school will be able to use from their classrooms. Our parents were asked to complete an online survey this year to help us move into the next 50 Susan Sheehan years. Armed with information gathered from that, we hope to continue to build on this past year’s momen- tum, focusing on curriculum enhancements, improved communication and community involvement in school ac- tivities. The administration, faculty, and staff are busily working over the summer to prepare for the upcom- ing 2011-2012 school year. May you continue to enjoy a safe and peaceful summer! Ms. Susan Sheehan Acting Principal Ms. Sheehan begins her 25th year in education and her 12th year at Saint Andrew’s with the start of the 2011-2012 school year,. She has served as Assistant Principal and Art teacher since 2009. and was appointed Acting Principal in 2011. She lives in Hyattsville with her four children. Thirty-six students graduated on June 5 to become the Saint Andrew's Class of 2011. Students have chosen to attend the following high schools this fall: Academy of the Holy Cross (4) DeMatha Catholic High School (3) Georgetown Prep (2) Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School (1) Gonzaga College High School (2) James Hubert Blake High School (2) Montgomery Blair High School (4) Northwood High School (1) Our Lady of Good Counsel High School (14) Saint John’s College High School (2) Wheaton High School (1) SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 3 School News: Graduation Speech: Brian Garner (‘11) friends into my life. I am sure our lives that has prepared us Saint Andrew has done the same for our futures. I would like to for all of you, fellow graduates. thank all of my teachers that I have had over the past 3 years In our time at Saint Andrew we of my life, because almost every- have held exciting events and thing we know, has come from activities. I will never forget the one of you. The staff here at annual holiday concerts and pag- Saint Andrew has made this eants, Peter Pan, which was a school a positive and fun learning great success, Born for This, and experience and I hope this school the dances. I will also remember stays the way it is for many winning the soccer championship years to come. Thank you, Princi- back-to-back, playing basketball pal Rand ,for being there when I with friends, and competing at needed your guidance. To Ms. track meets. I will keep in my Sheehan, many thanks for all you mind the memory of being do. Thank you to the student G elected president and having the government members, especially ood morning Fr. Mike, Princi- opportunity to be up here on the the officers for standing beside pal Rand, Ms. Sheehan, teachers, podium at graduation. I will re- me and contributing your ideas. parents, family, friends, and the member all of us staying up late It has been a great year and I Brian Garner graduating class of 2011. It is an together on the New York trip, am proud of what we have accom- honor for me to be able to speak trying to make the night last plished! Also, big thank you to all served as to you all today on behalf of our forever. These were all unforget- the coaches and parents who class. table memories that I will carry guided us and enabled us to par- Student Body President with me for the rest of my life. ticipate in athletic and other Now that I think about it, it is extracurricular activities. in 2010-2011. surprising that I have been going Our next phase of our educa- He will attend to this school for only three tion will be the scary, unfamiliar This year has honestly been years. It feels as if I have been place called high school. We will one of the best years that I have Our Lady of Good Counsel here for a lifetime just like most enter being known as “minor nin- experienced at Saint Andrew. It of my classmates have. I can say ers” but hopefully we will all has been academically challenging High School that Saint Andrew has been an graduate being considered ma- and exciting. Thank you to my amazing learning environment for ture adults. Unfortunately many parents, my teachers, my class- this Fall. me. Here at Saint Andrew I have of us will separate from each mates and especially my friends strengthened my faith. I learned other as we go on to our new and for making my last year here that being Catholic means caring exciting schools. The friends we awesome! about others and making sacri- have made have become an im- fices for them. Catholicism has portant part of our lives and it In the words of Albert Ein- become a central part of my life. will be hard to say good-bye. As stein, one of the most revered Because of the small number of we meet new people and learn minds in history, “the greatest students that attend Saint An- new things, I hope our experi- danger to the world is not the drew, it has been like a home to ences and our memories from our bad people but it’s the good peo- all of us. We all know most of time at Saint Andrew will stay ple who don’t speak out”. So as the students and we are friends with us. These experiences will we go out into a bright new fu- with many of them as well. Hav- hopefully guide us through high ture, remember to try something ing a small student body has school and will prepare us for new, because I know that each made this school a friendly and many years to come. and every one of you students pleasant place to be. The laugh- here is capable of doing some- ter we shared as friends will Although our future seems thing great and making a differ- resonate in our minds forever. It quite far away, we are slowly ence. I wish everyone the best. will be the memory I cherish approaching it for we have now I will miss you all. Good luck, most from Saint Andrew. Laugh- completed the first stage of our thank you, and God bless the ing has brought a smile to my education. I think Saint Andrew Class of 2011. face, joy to my heart, and good has been a fantastic beginning in SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 4 It just takes a miracle... (Continued from Page 1) At Terry’s funeral, Monsignor John from that of a college dropout to a Murphy said mass. Father McMain “Friend, Coach and Counselor.” Kline’s exuberance was over-the- assisted. Monsignor was my fa- What a journey. top, no doubt about it. His enthusi- ther’s closest friend and his pres- asm was infectious ,though. He Years after Terry’s passing, How- ence gave us all great comfort on would constantly remind Terry and ard Kline called the last time to ask the hardest day of our family’s life. his players that, “winning was impor- if it would be alright to name the The church was packed. To me, the tant; becoming winners was more new athletic field at Saint Andrew’s sermon was unforgettable. Choosing important.” Terry took this as seri- after Terry. My parents were so an odd person to quote at a Catholic ously as any one of the players. I moved. We went to the dedication funeral ceremony, Monsignor quoted watched how it affected him. He of that field as adults. I wasn’t a the French existential philosopher, grew up; he started to display a grade school student anymore. I Albert Camus. He said, “Coming to confidence that heretofore was was a married man. My wife and I terms with life amounts to coming missing in him. Their team went sat behind Tim “Boom-Boom” Pate at “Factually, to terms with death. After that, all undefeated. the ceremony. He had his children things are possible.” with him. A whole generation had the field In the 1969 CYO 70-pound cham- The message has been with me grown up and the seeds of a third pionship game, I watched my is really named ever since. None of us knows the generation had been planted. brother jump five feet off the hour of our death. We simply know ground as Tim “Boom-Boom” Pate The Terrence E. McArdle field after one of that there will be one. So live every crossed the goal line to win the city could have been named after How- day as if it were your last. After championship with a score of 6 to 0 ard Kline. His tenure was far Howard Kline’s all, if you were Terry McArdle, you at John Carroll High School field. longer. It could have been named were a very old twenty. If you miracles.” On the same day, Saint Andrew’s after Al Weaver, Tom Doheny or should live to a hundred, twenty 85-pound team won, and so did my any one of those who gave so much would have seemed so young. 130-pound team from Saint Cath- to the youth of Saint Andrew’s. I erine’s. It was a great day for us. One year after Terry’s passing, know for a fact that it was named Sean McArdle (‘70) Father Roy, a visiting French Cana- after my brother because that is Terry was on a new track. He was dian priest who was quite a cabinet the way Howard Kline wanted it and now associated with winning, not maker, built a beautiful pedestal for he usually got what he went after. failing. He was determined to con- an Infant of Prague statue which tinue to work on himself. He en- Factually, the field is really named the church dedicated to Terry’s joyed the way it felt to go to after one of Howard Kline’s mira- memory in the baptismal. It had a church and have fellow parishioners, cles. During an eighteen month plaque which read, “This is dedi- young and old, recognize him. In period, he planted seeds of great- cated to the memory of Terrence E. the period of a year and a half, he ness in a young man who was headed McArdle, Friend, Coach and Coun- had made an immense journey. The in the wrong direction and every- selor to the youth of Saint An- journey from failure to success, thing changed. Miraculously, Ter- drew’s parish.” It was quite beauti- from having no direction to having a rence McArdle went from failure to ful. firm course to follow showed in success, sadness to joy, and from everything I can remember about A year after the dedication, How- fear to an esteem-driven young man. him. He was my hero. ard Kline called my parents to an- So, that is how the field at Saint nounce that a new award would be On July 9, 1970, he locked bump- Andrew’s got its name. Pass it on. presented to the best all-around ers with another car in a torrential boy in the CYO sports program at downpour left over from some hur- Saint Andrew’s. It would be named ricane. His car began to spin and after Terry. He wanted to know if met with a bridge abutment. He my dad would present the award. was just twenty years old. Need- Too grief stricken to attempt it, he less to say, his loss left a hole in my asked me to present it. I did. It family that is still felt more than wasn’t easy. I reminded the audi- forty years later. I couldn’t ence and the recipient that because breathe normally for more than five of the high ideals that the pro- years. When Coach Kline led the grams at Saint Andrew’s offered; team into Terry’s wake at Collins because of the mentorship of How- funeral home wearing their jerseys, ard Kline, Al Weaver, Tom Doheny my mom collapsed. They wore the Terry McArdle (right) stands to be recognized beside Mr. Al Weaver at the and so many of the coaches at Saint same attire to the funeral. awards luncheon for the Saint Andrew’s 70-pound football champions in 1969. Andrew’s, my brother’s legacy went SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 5 The Saint Andrew’s Family Celebrates its First 50 Years S aint Andrew’s marked the 50th Anniversary of its parish and school with a weekend of activities for students, alumni, and parishioners on September 15-19, 2010. The school kicked off the celebration by commemorating the school’s opening day which took place exactly 50 years prior on September 15, 1960. Superintendent Deacon Bert L’Homme joined Monsignor Mi- chael Mellone, Principal Gary Rand, faculty, staff, and students to mark the momentous day with an assembly in the church, songs, and birthday cake. The celebration continued during the week with individual class parties and activities in the school on Friday, September 17. Individual alumni classes gathered in the evening around the county for cookouts, cock- tails, and celebratory fun on their own. Runners and walkers from the entire parish community gathered at 8am on Saturday morning for the Spirit 5K and Fun Run/Walk , an event that is envisioned to become an annual event designed to promote the Spirit of Catholic Education. This spirit is cultivated in many ways within the parish community that comple- ment the classroom, including participation in athletics. The 50th Anniversary year event was dedicated to honoring the spirit of Howard T. Kline, one of the most endeared pillars of the Saint Andrew’ Community during its first fifty years. The races began on Saint Andrew’s Terrance E. McArdle Field and followed trails through Wheaton Regional Park., with athletes greeted at every turn by old friends such as Coach Jack Costa. Many thanks to Bill Costa (‘78) and school parent Paul Beckham for organizing the event, assisted by Bill Witte (’72), Jim Kmetz (‘73), Austin Conaty (’76). and parishioner Don Reed. Evening festivities for alumni on Saturday began with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Francisco Gonzales, S.F., Auxiliary Bishop of Washington. Jim Boicourt (’74) was lector. Kathy Bethke Yates (’74) and Lisa Schwartz Longacre (’74) served as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Sister Nena Larocco (alumni faculty), Bill Costa (‘78 and School Advisory Board Chair), Mr. Cornelius Heine and Mrs. Cath- erine Heine (founding members of Saint Andrew’s), and Peggy Oliverio Konieczka (‘72 and current faculty) served in the offertory. Rick Ellrod (‘67) again performed “Fellowship of the Spirit,’” a song he wrote to commemorate the first alumni reunion weekend that was held in 2004. Rick led a choir of alumni including Jane Lehr McGrath (’69), Betsy Oben Chiles (’71), Marianne Hillig Noone (‘77), Mike Garvey (’81), and Peg Duchesne. Special prayer cards and programs were created and distributed to commemorate the weekend, thanks to Jim Boicourt (‘74) and Lisa Schwartz Longacre (‘74). School tours were conducted by Monsignor Mike Mellone, Principal Mr. Gary Rand, and a number of school parents and 8th grade guides. Opportunities for alumni to support the school were plentiful, efforts led by the Saint Andrew’s Parents’ Association President, Mary Philogene. Many thanks to those who donated auction items. The Alumni Reunion Gala for the Classes of 1996-2002 (ages 21 and over), spearheaded by Ann Garvey (‘78) and held in an enormous tent on the Saint Andrew’s athletic field, capped the evening. The Saint Andrew’s Alumni Band was a huge hit. Led by Mike Oben (‘70), the band was comprised of accomplished musicians Matt Ellrod (‘69), Dave Gorozdos (‘70), and John Vengrouskie (’69), with help from their friends Louise Ellrod, Bill Carey, and Art McKinney, and with guest vocalists Laura Farrell Jacobs (’70), Tom Murphy (‘76), and Sean McArdle (‘70). Sean McArdle (‘70) served as Master of Ceremonies and offered a beautiful tribute to his brother, Terry, for whom the field was named. Dinner was provided by Andy Nelson’s Famous Barbecue, ensuring no one left hungry. The evening was made possible only through the efforts of many people who worked behind the scenes from sunrise until late in the evening, including Kathy Bethke Yates (‘74), Dolores Murphy Ma- loney (’78), Juanita Cerullo (school parent), and all the Parents’ Association volunteers. Our special thanks to the Knights of Columbus team of Joe Cerullo, Tom Claxton, Sr., Sean Hardman, Mark Ramsey, and Bill Taylor, who volunteered their time to serve beverages during the Gala. Even the schoolchildren contributed to the excitement, adorning each table with charming handmade cards to welcome the returning alumni. The celebration continued on Sunday, September 19 with a celebration Mass at 11:30 followed by a potluck picnic under the tent for the entire parish community. Alumna Theresa Farace Smith (‘81) and Deacon Kevin Mukri organized this event, assisted by volunteers from the School Parents’ Association and Knights of Columbus. A special thank you to Liz O’Connor, Kate Whelan, and other members of the Health Ministry who provided support for both the Spirit 5K Run/Walk and the parish picnic and were ready for any emergency that might have arisen. Our special thanks to Monsignor Mike Mellone, for without his support for the celebration efforts this would simply not have been possible. Thank you to parish staff Barbara Girolami, Theresa Comer, and others for their willingness to help print programs, prayer cards, and an assortment of other tasks in support of the weekend. Thank you to Don Johnson (‘74) for ensuring we were compliant with all laws and regulations. Thanks also to Billy Cannon who helped early in the planning and communication process, and to Ed Chambers (’70) who captured all of the festivities in pictures that will be cherished for generations to come. The Anniversary Celebration provided an opportunity to gather with the entire Saint Andrew’s Community to honor our past, cele- brate our present, and imagine the possibilities for the decades to come. Thank you to all who were able to participate and be a part of such an extraordinary celebration. Ann Garvey (’78), Bill Costa, (’78), and Lisa Schwartz Longacre (‘74) 50th Anniversary Organizing Committee SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 6 The Saint Andrew’s Family Celebrates its First 50 Years The First Spirit 5K and Fun Run /Walk was held on Saturday morning, September 18, and dedicated to the Spirit of Howard Kline. Mr. Howard T. Kline 1926-1996 Coach Howard Kline and his assistant, Kathy Weaver (’69), at the starting blocks with some of their stars (circa 1972). L/R: Mary Mills (’74), Theresa “TC” Witte (’74), Kathy Conroy (’74), Beth Fangmeyer (’72), Richard Mills (’73), James Mills (‘73), Rommel Antonio (’72), Bill Witte (‘72) M r. Howard T. Kline occupies a central place in the tapestry of Saint Andrew’s first fifty years. Memories that alumni hold for this larger-than-life man include the way he loved Wendy’s hamburgers loaded with onions, his out-of-tune renditions of old show tunes, and his frequent shouts to his runners to “Get the lead out!” Mr. Kline was born on October 12, 1926 in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. He moved to Washington, D.C., with his mother and sisters when he was 16 years old and joined the United States Navy in 1942 at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, seeing a great deal of action in the Pacific theater. He served in the Merchant Marines and subsequently the United States Marine Corp Reserves for several more years. While in the Marines he became an accomplished boxer. He married his wife, Elizabeth, in June, 1952, and they had six children. Mr. Kline became very active in the Saint Andrew’s Athletic Association beginning in 1968, coaching football, track, and cross- country. He first became involved in CYO to try to get girls into some sports activities, especially track and field, and was recruited to coach a Saint Andrew’s team by his good friend, Mr. Al Weaver, while he was still a parishioner of Saint Catherine’s. The family later moved within Saint Andrew’s parish boundaries and joined the parish. Under Mr. Kline’s tutelage, the track team had an incredible record and in six years the Saint Andrew’s girls’ track team won the Maryland National Invitational Track Meets four times, finishing second the other two years. The major CYO sport for boys at the time was tackle football, and his 1969 70-pound team was one of three Saint Andrew’s teams that swept the CYO championships that year. When Saint Andrew’s discontinued its tackle football program, he continued to coach track and flag football for Saint Andrew’s until the early 1990s. In the beginning, winning was very important to Mr. Kline. However, as he continued coaching he said, “It’s not so much winning as giving time to the kids. The real reward is in serving the groups.” Mr. Howard Kline was chosen CYO Coach of the Year in 1981. By then, his teams had won 65 championships, two in football and 63 in track. What many did not know was that he would often quietly pray the rosary as he watched his athletes practice. In addition to coaching, he also produced and wrote three variety shows and one fashion show to raise funds for Saint Andrew’s sports teams. Teaming up with Mrs. Eleanor Sarsfield, Mrs. Jeannette Clark, Mrs. Marylin Adrian, and others, Mr. Kline made magic happen on the stage for hundreds of kids. He retired from Vitro Laboratories’ Designing and Drafting Department in March, 1986, after thirty years of service. He suffered a stroke on December 24, 1977 but continued working and coaching as many as 80 boys and girls in spring track despite a resulting handicap, stopping only in the last two years of his life. Still, he continued to oversee the annual Christmas tree sales at Saint Andrew’s as well as organized the sale of commemorative mugs and plates for Saint Andrew’s anniversary in 1990. In June, 1996, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. One of his track stars, Mary Leesman (’92), remembers visiting her beloved Mr. Kline in the hospital during his last days. She says, “It had finally sunk in that he was a mortal.” Mr. Kline died on July 3, 1996. For almost 30 years of Saint Andrew’s alumni and parishioners, the impact that this one devoted man made on their lives will last forever. SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 7 The Saint Andrew’s Family Celebrates its First 50 Years Mass was celebrated on Saturday, September 18 by Bishop Francisco Gonzales, S.F., Auxiliary Bishop of Washington. Participation of numerous alumni as liturgical ministers contributed to the perfect start of a perfect evening. 50th Anniversary Prayer  SAINT ANDREW APOSTLE, SILVER SPRING, MD    Lord our God, you called Saint Andrew to be your first disciple.    It was by Andrew’s promptings that his brother, Saint Peter, came to know you and love you.   You gave Andrew the mission to preach the mystery of the cross to the nations   and challenged him to become a fisher of men.    As we celebrate the past and plan for the future of our parish and school,   grant that we may follow Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life.    Through Saint Andrew’s intercession grant that we will become   true lovers of your holy cross, and lead others to communion with you.    Help us to guide and encourage our children by our example,   that they may draw ever closer to you.    Fill them with your wisdom and blessings.    Amen.    NOVEMBER 1960‐NOVEMBER 2010 SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 8 Th e Saint Andrew’s Family Celebrates its First 50 Years School tours and the Alumni Gala filled Saturday evening with laughter, nostalgia, and renewed friendship. SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 9 The Saint Andrew’s Family Celebrates its First 50 Years A bunch of talented alumni created a band just for this event, rocking the house with nostalgic rock and roll that kept the dance floor cov- ered and smiles flowing all night long. This was a real treat that magically transformed everyone directly into their happy memories of years gone by, and elevated the reunion to a "you-had-to-be-there" very special experience for all. Check out YouTube for Steve Gorozdos’ videos of the St. Andrew Alumni Band. SPR IN G A ND S UM M ER 2 0 1 1 PAG E 10 The Saint Andrew’s Family Celebrates its First 50 Years One of the hottest items auctioned at the Alumni Gala to benefit the school was a portrait painting commission donated by the very talented Matt Ellrod (‘69). Lissa Butler Andrakakos (’74) was the lucky bidder. Her portrait was a gift for her husband.

and winning record would be the track coach and driver of almost all .. became involved in CYO to try to get girls into some sports activities, especially track and field, . D.C., has been named the Archdiocese of Washington's Distinguished.
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