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SPOROBOLUS POTOSIENSIS (POACEAE: NEW A RHIZOMATOUS ERAGROSTEAE): FROM SAN SPECIES LUIS POTOSI, MEXICO, NEW AND A COMBINATION IN AIROIDES S. JOSEPH WIPFF STANLEY JONES K. and D. S.M. Tracy Herbarium Department Rangeland and Management Ecology of A&M Texas University TX 77845-2126, College Station, U.S.A. ABSTRACT new Sporobolus potosiensis a rhizomatous species from San Luis Potosi, Mexico that is dil rom its closest putative relative, S. airoides, by having conspicuous and slender rhizor 1 .) A lacking trichomes behind the ligule, and generally smaller in stature. :.) 3.) A ombination proposed is at the subspecific rank: S. airoides subsp. regis. key to hizomatous species of Mexican Sporobolus, as well as S. nealleyi and 5". airoides, is provic Sporolobus potosiensis es una nueva especie rizomatosa de San Luis Potosi, Mexico, que difiere de su pariente putative mas proximo S. airoides por tener rizomas conspicuos y mas 1 .) delgados, 2 ausencia de tricomas detras de la ligula, y 3 tamano mas pequeno generalmente. .) .) Se propone una nueva combinacion de rango subespecifico: airoides subsp. Se ofrece S. regis. Sporobolus a genus of approximately 60 species, distributed throughout is 1 the tropics, subtropics and temperate areas (Clayton and Renoize 986). The 1 species of Sporobolus intergrade to such an extent that their limits are seldom sharply defined (Clayton and Renvoize 1986). There are approximately 60 New known World species of Sporobolus to occur in the (Judziewicz and Peterson 1989) and 28 species are reported from Mexico (Beetle 1987), only two which species of have been reported rhizomatous: as virginicus (L.) -S". Kunth and S. regis I.M. Johnston. Sporobolus virginicus, a strongly rhizoma- tous perennial, found on sandy beaches and at the bases of sand dunes from is Virginia to Texas, south to Brazil and Peru, the West Indies, and the tropics Old World of the (Reeder 1975; Pohl 1980). known Sporobolus regis only from Coahuila, Mexico (Beetle 1987). is new Johnston (1943) stated that his species, was probably most S. regis, Munro and Lamson- closely related to 5'. airoides (Torr.) Torr. 5". wrightii ex and from Scribner differed these species in having pubescent leaf sheaths, tufts of trichomes in the axils of the panicle branches, and very coarse 163- SiDA 1994 16(1): 169. Sid A 1994 164 16(1) mentioned culms and rhizomes. Johnston (1943) also that "the bases of the younger nodes of the rhizomes bear shredded remnants of old leaves." the The presence of shredded remnants of old leaves on the rhizomes needed further investigation, since grass rhizomes usually produce modified leaves termed (Gould and Shaw Examination of the holotype "scale leaves" 1983). Holmgren 2655 (GH, acronyms according revealed {Stewart to et 1990)}, al. that not rhizomatous and that the "rhizomes" are the portion of the S. regis is culms covered by with their sheaths decomposed and their nodes soil, developing adventitious roots, thus resembling rhizomes. All of the tillers, specimen and or shoots, of the type are erect lack lateral (horizontal) shoots. Because of the obvious remnants of the culm sheaths, and the lack of "scale leaves" on the culms, there little doubt that the "rhizomes" of 5". regis are is culms responding being buried. in fact to distinguished from by densely pubescent Sporobolus regis is S. airoides its sheaths and tuft of trichomes in the axils of the panicle branches. In our opinion, these characters are not significant to warrant the recognition of cS^. at the specific rank, but are significant to warrant infraspecific recog- regis The However, nition. lack of rhizomes places this taxon in S. airoides. these (SW unique and coupled with distribution distinct characters restricted its Coahuila) justify the recognition of this taxon at the subspecific rank, thus new necessitating the following combination. & Wipff Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr. subsp. regis (I.M. Johnst.) S.D. comb, Jones, et stat. nov. basionym: Sporobolus I.M Johnst., Arnold Arbor. regis J. km MEXICO. 24: 393-394 (1943). Type: Coahuila: salt flat 4 SE of Laguna del Rey, potosiensts^ipii S.D.Jones the second rhizomatous species Sporobolus Sc is known new to occur in Mexico. This species was originally identified at TABS from specimens that were either unidentified or misidentified as S. MEXU, MO, TEX MICH, Specimens were requested from Vasey. nealleyi US and determine whether additional collections could be found. to non-rhizomatous, gypsophilous of Sporobolus nealleyi a cespitose, species is southwestern United and northern Mexico. Chase (1951) and the States Correll and Johnston (1970) reported nealleyi as rhizomatous or subrhi- S. None zomatous. of the specimens examined, including the holotype {Nealley, US), had rhizomes. However, the densely tufted and persistent bases can be covered by and then appear to be shortly rhizomatous or subrhizoma- soil Mexico, reported tous, as already discussed above. Sporobolus nealleyi, in is Nuevo from Coahuila, Leon, and San Luis Potosi (Reeder 1975; Beetle 1987). appears that reports from San Luis Potosi are based on misidenti- It of Based upon specimens examined, the collections fied S. potosiensis. Mexico probably northern distribution of nealleyi in restricted to S. is Nuevo Coahuila and Leon. The Specimens closest putative relative oi S potosiensis S. airoides. of 5". is . resemble depauperate individuals of but superficially airoides, potostensis .S. from by having conspicuous and slender rhizomes, differ S. airoides 1.) 2.) lacking trichomes behind the ligule, and being smaller in stature. 3.) does not have rhizomes and usually has conspicuous Sporobolus airoides trichomes behind the though some very depauperate specimens were ligule, examined that did not have trichomes. Sporobolus airoides usually a robust is cm may plant to 150 but depauperate specimens resemble S potosiensis tall, . conspicuous rhizomes. general appearance, except the in for cm Inflorescences 15-25 wide, foLuid on dry soils in open ground, 2. (5-) cm 2. Inflorescences 1-3 5 wide, restncied to gypsifeious soils S nealltyi Vasey & Wipff S.D. Jones (I.M. Johnst.) Back of sheaths glabrous; base of inflorescence primary branches glabrous 3 . cm cm Inflorescences 4.0-9 wide, 12-18 long, open; branches 4. & Wipff Jones spreading; plants inland, not coastal potosiensis S. cm 2-8 cm 4. Inflorescences 0.6-1.0 wide, long, contracted; branches Kunth appressed; plants coastal S. virginicus (L.) & Sporobolus potosiensis Wipff S.D. Jones, sp. nov. (Figs. 1-4) mm 1.2-1.4 antheris longis, luteolis. 3, cm 18-5 with Vlants (Fig. perennial, erect, tall slender rhizomes (Fig. 1) 1 mm cm 2) to 14.5 long, 1.3-3.5 wide. Leaves 4-5, cauline, subcoriaceous; sheaths glabrous, margins ciliate; collar (Fig. 4) abaxially glabrous, yellowish, mm margins conspicuously long ciliate with trichomes to 5-5 long; blades mm cm 6.2-24.0 long, 0.6-2.5 wide, folded or involute; abaxial surface flat, minutely scaberulous along glabrous; adaxial surface papillose, antrorsely mm raised veins; margins antrorsely scaberulous; ligules 0.1-0.3 long, membrane, truncate, lacking long trichomes behind the ligule. ciliolate cm cm 12-18 an open panicle, long, 4.0-9-0 wide, glabrous; Inflorescences cm lower branches 3.0-8.0 long, nonfloriferous in the proximal 1/3-1/2; mm pedicels 0.2-2.2 long, glabrous; spikelets appressed to tertiary branches. mm mm 1.6-2.5 long, 0.5-1.1 wide, glabrous, mottled Spikelets (Fig. 3) mm /im purplish, with one glumes unequal; glumes 1.0-1.5 long. floret; FIG. Photograph >r., of 1. mm veinless, lanceolate; 1.3-2.1 long; conspicuously 1-veined, jefo;z^^///;;2^j vein green; lanceolate with white-hyaline margins in the distal half, slightly mm shorter than lemma; lemmas 1.5-2.3 long; conspicuously 1-veined, vein green, ovate-lanceolate, mottled purplish with white-hyaline margins in mm 1.6-2.2 long, 2-veined, grooved or furrowed between distal half;/;^/e^j mm lemma veins, similar to texture and color; anthers 1.2-1.4 long, 3, mm yellowish. 0.9-1. long, 0.4-0. mmyNxde. Chromosome number C^ryo/jj^j 5 The specific epithet refers to the State of San Luis Potosi, Mexico; the only Known Distribution: only from the Rio Verde River Valley, San Luis Mexico. Potosf, km MEXICO. Typus: San Luis Potosi: 9 al E de Rio Verde, sobre la carretera a Rayon, 1000 m, terrenos aluviales pianos con vegetacion de zacatal halofilo con Prosopis, alt. 24790 MICH!; graminea dominance, 16 Sept 1967,/. Rzedoivskt (holotype: isotypes: LL!, MICH!, TAES!, WIS). MEXICO. San Additional specimens examined (paratypes): Luis Potosi: in the valley of (TAES); in the valley of the Rio Verde and in the Sier 14-15 l95A,Sohm San Francisco-Patios-Cardenas-Rayon, Sept N (RR mi del Maiz, 0.7 of Las Tablas crossing in town), alkal 1010 m, 22°17'N, 99°52'W, Samolus, Vig/mra, Flaveria, alt. SW km Wells (ARIZ, TEX); ± 5 al de Tablas, alt. 1000 m, 2 (MEXU); Region de Llanos de Angostura municipio de Rio Verde, 900 m, 29 1980, Jul alt. N km (MEXU); Bravo 14 0.65 (0.4 mi) of the Escuela Primera in Las Tablas, on gravel road m Hwys running between 70 and 80, 1097 (3600 27 Jul 1979, Lane 25386 alt. ft), &J. E. (TEX). Fryxelt ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Tony A. Re2nicek (MICH) for his assistance with the Latin We description and review of the manuscript. thank Charlotte G. and John R. Reader (ARIZ), and an anonymous reviewer review and for their We suggestions. also would like to thank the Curators at the following GH, MEXU, MICH, MO, TEX/LL, herbaria loaning specimens: and US. for REFERENCES Man Chase, A. 1951. 5 2nd ed. U.S.D.A. Misc. Publ. No. 200. United State Washington, D.C. Kew W.D. Clayton, and S.A. Renvoize. 1986. Genera gramin grasses of the World. , XIIL Her Bull., Addit. Ser. Majesty's Stationery Office CoRRELL, D.S. and M.C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of the TX. Foun. 1 , AND WlPFF JONES, Sporobolus 69 1 A&M Gould, F.W. and R.B. Shaw. 1983. Grass systematics, 2nd ed. Texas University Press, TX. College Station, Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren P.K., and L. C. Barnett. 1990. Index herbariorum. Part The I: Regnum New New herbaria of the world. Veg. 120. York Botanical Garden, York, NY. Johnston, I.M. 1943. Plants of Coahuila, eastern Chihuahua, and adjoining Zacatecas and Durango, Arnold 24:377-421. Arbor. II. J, JuDZiEWicz, and P.M. Peterson. 1989- Sporobolus temomairemensis (Poaceae: Eragros- E.J. PoHL, R.W. 1980. Gramineae. In: Flora Costaricensis, Family #1 ed. W. Burger. Fieldiana, 5, Museum Botany No. 4. Field of Natural History, Chicago, IL. A&M Reeder, C.G. 1975. Sporobolus. In: The grasses of Texas, Frank W. Gould. Texas TX. University Press, College Station,

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