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Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Superfluid Helium-4 Junpei Harada∗ Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, 790-784, Korea Physics division, History of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan (Dated: January 16, 2007) Wederiveananalyticalexpressionforacriticaltemperatureofspontaneoussymmetrybreakingin 7 arepulsivehard-coreinteractingBosesystem. Weshowthatthecriticaltemperatureofspontaneous 0 symmetry breaking in a hard-core interacting Bose system is determined by the three physical 0 2 parameters: the density of Bose liquid at absolute zero (ρ0), the mass (m) and the hard sphere diameter (σ) of a boson. The formula that we have derived is Tc = ρ0π~2σ/m2kB. We report Tc n of liquid helium-4 is 2.194 K, which is significantly close to the λ-temperature of 2.1768 K. The a deviation between thepredicted and experimental values of theλ-temperature is less than 1%. J 5 PACSnumbers: 67.40.-w 2 ] 1. Theyear2008isthe100thanniversaryof“LiquidHe- Although London’s work was revolutionary progress, r e lium Year”,in which Heike KamerlinghOnnes produced thereis adifference ofapproximately0.95Kbetweenhis h liquid helium. We are in a truly memorial moment in theoretical prediction and the experimental value. This t o the history of low temperature physics. Liquid helium deviation is approximately 44% and it is not negligible. . has been studied for the past 100 years, and there is Itiswidelybelievedthatthisdiscrepancyarisesfromthe t a no question that liquid helium is of central importance neglect of interactions between helium atoms in his the- m in this field. (I would like to turn readers’ attention to oretical calculation. This conjecture is quite reasonable - Ref.[1]. ItpresentsthefirstcompleteEnglishtranslation because liquid helium is not an ideal Bose gas but a re- d oftheinauguralspeechofHeikeKamerlinghOnnesatthe pulsive interacting Bose system. However, in general, it n o University of Leiden in 1882. Although his speech is not is difficult to consider interactions between atoms in an- c related to helium, it is quite interesting and gives us a alytical calculations of the BEC. Although this problem [ lesson. I believe that it attracts the interest of readers.) has been discussed [4], it remains very important. 2 In spite of greatefforts,an important problemstill re- In this paper, we study the “Why 2.2 K?” problem v mains to be solved. The problem is as follows. Liquid via an alternative approach. The key concept in our ap- 5 helium-4 undergoes a phase transition, known as the λ- proach is spontaneous symmetry breaking. We derive an 6 transition, to a superfluid phase at the λ-temperature. 3 analytical formula for a critical temperature of sponta- The experimental value of the λ-temperature T is ap- 1 λ neous symmetry breaking in a repulsive hard-core inter- 0 proximatelyequalto2.2K.The problemisquite simple. actingBosesystem. Weshowthatacriticaltemperature 7 WhyisT 2.2K?Whatphysicalparametersdetermine λ ≃ is determined by the threephysicalparameters: the den- 0 the value of the λ-temperature? This is the “Why 2.2 sityofBoseliquidatabsolutezero(ρ ),themass(m)and / 0 at K?” problem, which is the subject of the present paper. the hard sphere diameter (σ) of a boson. Our formula Itisalong-standingdreaminlowtemperaturephysicsto m predicts that a critical temperature of liquid helium-4 is derive a formula for the liquid helium-4 λ-temperature. 2.194 K, which is significantly close to the experimental - d In 1938, Fritz London proposed that the λ-transition value of the λ-temperature (T = 2.1768 K [5]). λ n of liquid helium-4 probably has to be regarded as the o Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) [2]. He calculated a 2. Spontaneoussymmetrybreakingisasymmetrybreak- c critical temperature of the BEC in an ideal Bose gas: ing by the ground state of a system. The symmetry can : v bediscreteorcontinuous,andbelocalorglobal. Sponta- i 2π~2 n 2/3 neous symmetry breaking is a phenomenon that occurs X T = , (1) BE in many systems. In condensed matter physics, ferro- mk ζ(3/2) ar B (cid:18) (cid:19) magnetism is a primary example. For superconductiv- where m is a boson mass, n is a number density of Bose ity, the importance of spontaneous symmetry breaking gas and ζ(3/2) = 2.612375 . Thus, the Bose-Einstein was firstly emphasized by Yoichiro Nambu [6]. In parti- ··· temperature T is determined by the two physical pa- cle physics, the electroweaksymmetry breaking is estab- BE rameters, m and n. London reported T of helium is lishedintheStandardModel. Incosmology,anumberof BE 3.13 K [3], which is the same order of magnitude as the spontaneous symmetry breaking play an important role λ-temperatureof2.18K.Hisproposalisquiteimportant, inthe historyofthe earlyuniverse. Furthermore,the re- because it was the first suggestion that the λ-transition centlyproposedghostcondensation[7]intheaccelerating was intrinsically related to the Bose-Einstein condensa- universe can be regarded as a kind of spontaneous sym- tion. Recall that it was not clear in the 1930s whether metry breaking. Thus, spontaneous symmetry breaking the BEC was an actually physical phenomenon [3]. is a very important concept in modern physics. 2 Spontaneous symmetry breaking is crucial in liquid V helium-4. In short, the λ-transition is the spontaneous symmetry breaking. This is the basis of our approach. We derive a formula for a critical temperature of spon-  taneoussymmetrybreakinginthe frameworkofeffective 0 √µ/λ field theory described by the order parameters. In the Reϕ case of liquid helium-4, the order parameter is a macro- scopic wavefunction ϕ, which is a one-component com- plex scalar field with both amplitude and phase. We begin with the theory described by this scalar field ϕ. FIG. 1: The potential V in thecase that µ>0. 3. The Lagrangiandensity (= ) of the system is L K−V givenby the nonrelativisticGoldstonemodel ofthe form 4. The ground state of a system is given by solving the λ 2π~2σ condition ∂ /∂ϕ = 0. First, we consider the case that = µϕ∗ϕ+ (ϕ∗ϕ)2, λ= . (2) V V − 2 m a chemical potential µ is negative (µ 0). In this case, ≤ there is only a trivial solution ϕ = 0. This solution is The kinetic part = i~ϕ∗∂ ϕ + ~2ϕ∗ 2ϕ/2m is not important here, anKd thereforetwe concent∇rate on the po- the stable ground state, because ∂2V/∂ϕ∗∂ϕ|ϕ=0 ≥ 0. HencetheglobalU(1)symmetryisunbrokeninthiscase. tential . InEq.(2),µisthechemicalpotential,λisthe V Second, we consider the case that µ is positive (µ > 0). coupling constant for helium interactions and ϕ∗ is the Inthis case,incontrasttothe casethatµ 0,there is a complexconjugateofϕ. Theinteractionbetweenhelium ≤ nontrivialsolutioninadditiontoatrivialsolutionϕ=0: atoms is repulsive at short distances (hard-core interac- tions). Therefore, the coupling constant λ = 2π~2σ/m µ ϕ = . (5) is positive, where m and σ are the mass and the hard | | λ r sphere diameter of a helium atom, respectively. Fig.1showsthepotential inthecasethatµ>0. Inthe We first consider the physical dimensions of parame- V present case, the trivial solution ϕ = 0 is unstable and ters of the potential (2). In units of ~ = 1 and k = 1 B it is not the ground state of the system. The nontrivial (~ is the reduced Planck’s constant and k is the Boltz- B solution ϕ = µ/λ is the stable ground state, because mannconstant),foranyphysicalquantityQ,itsphysical | | the curvature of the potential at two solutions satisfies dimension[Q]iswrittenastheproductofthedimensions p of length and temperature: ∂2 ∂2 V <0, V >0. (6) ∂ϕ∗∂ϕ ϕ=0 ∂ϕ∗∂ϕ |ϕ|=√µ/λ [Q]=[Length]α[Temperature]β, (3) (cid:12) (cid:12) Therefore,i(cid:12)fachemicalpotent(cid:12)ialµispositive (µ>0), (cid:12) (cid:12) whereαandβ arenumericalconstants. The physicaldi- theglobalU(1)symmetryisspontaneouslybroken. From mensionofthe Lagrangiandensity is [ ]=[L]−3[T], and above arguments, we reach a following view. A physical L that of the scalar field ϕ is [ϕ] = [L]−3/2. (Here [L] and systemundergoesaphasetransitionatacriticaltemper- [T] represent [Length] and [Temperature], respectively.) ature T , if a chemical potential satisfies the conditions: c Hence it is straightforwardto derive the physicaldimen- µ 0 (T T ), µ > 0 (T < T ). Spontaneous symme- c c ≤ ≥ sions of parameters in Eq. (2): try breaking occurs only if a chemical potential becomes positive. Therefore,incontrasttothe Bose-Einsteincon- [µ]=[T], [λ]=[L]3[T], [m]=[L]−2[T]−1, [σ]=[L].(4) densation, spontaneous symmetry breaking never occurs in an ideal Bose gas, in which a chemical potential is Note here that in the present case the coupling constant always negative (µ 0). This is a crucial difference be- λisadimensionfulparameter,incontrasttoarelativistic ≤ tweenspontaneoussymmetry breakingandthe standard case in which λ is dimensionless. These physical dimen- Bose-Einstein condensation. sionshelpustounderstandthephysicsofliquidhelium-4. 5. Before deriving a formula for a critical temperature, We next consider the symmetry of Lagrangian. The we consider the temperature dependence of a chemical potential of Eq. (2) is invariant under the U(1) phase V potential µ. Although the temperature dependence of µ transformation of the field ϕ: ϕ eiθϕ, ϕ∗ e−iθϕ∗. → → is notnecessaryfor derivinga formula,it is usefulto un- Furthermore, if this is a global transformation in which derstandaphasetransition. Forthis reason,weconsider the transformation parameter θ does not depend on the the temperature dependence of µ in the following. The space and time coordinates, the kinetic part is in- K quantity ϕ2 is equivalent to the number density n of variant under the U(1) phase transformation. Hence, | | superfluid. Therefore, the following relation is satisfied the system described by the Lagrangian density has L below the λ-temperature aglobalU(1) O(2)symmetry. ThisglobalU(1)symme- ≃ try is spontaneously broken at low temperature as you µ ρ ϕ = =√n= s, (7) see below. | | λ m r r 3 whereρ isthesuperfluiddensityandmisabosonmass. From thsis relation, the superfluid density is given by 1 - (T/Tλ)5 1 1 - (T/Tλ)6 mµ 1 - (T/Tλ)7 ρs = . (8) Ref.[5] λ 0.8 1 This expression indicates that the temperature depen- ρ dence of µ is obtained from that of ρs. ρ/s0.6 0.9 Here we take a minimal model: 0.4 0.8 6 ρ T s =1 , (9) ρ − T 0.2 (cid:18) λ(cid:19) 0.71 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 where ρ(=ρ +ρ ) is the total density of liquid helium, n s 0 and ρ , ρ are the normal fluid and superfluid densities, 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 T 2.5 n s Temperature [K] λ respectively. It should be emphasized that this model doesnotaffectaformulaforacriticaltemperature. Fig.2 FIG.2: Superfluiddensityratioforliquidhelium-4asafunc- shows the superfluid density ratio as a function of tem- tion oftemperature. Theinset showsthetemperatureregion perature. Two functions 1 (T/Tλ)5 and 1 (T/Tλ)7 1.0 K ≤ T ≤ 1.7 K. Key: (dotted line) 1−(T/Tλ)5; (solid are plotted, for comparison.−Fig. 2 shows th−at Eq. (9) line) 1−(T/Tλ)6; (dashed line) 1−(T/Tλ)7; (+) the data from Ref. [5]. and experimental values are consistent except near the λ-transition, at which the superfluid density ratio is of the form (1 T/T )2/3. The form of Eq. (9) is the same V λ − asthatoftheBose-EinsteincondensationinanidealBose gas, 1 (T/T )3/2. Although the exponent “6” has not c − T>T yet been derived, we do not consider this problem here. λ From Eqs. (8) and (9), we obtain the expression T=T 0 λ T 6 λρ Reϕ µ=µ0 1 , µ0 = 0, (10) T<Tλ −(cid:18)Tλ(cid:19) ! m T=0 whereµ isachemicalpotentialatabsolutezeroandρ is 0 0 the total density at absolute zero. We have used the ap- FIG.3: Theschematictemperaturedependenceofthepoten- proximationρ ρ inEq.(10),becausethetotaldensity ≃ 0 tial V for a second-order phasetransition. ρ is approximately a constant below the λ-temperature. Therefore, Eq.(10) is a good approximationat low tem- perature (T < 1.7 K). Fig. 3 shows the schematic tem- where n0 = ρ0/m is the number density of Bose liquid peraturedependence ofthe potential . ForT >Tλ,the atabsolutezero. Thisquantityµ0n0/2representsthere- V potentialhasonlyoneminimum atϕ=0 andthe curva- quiredenergy density to recoverthe globalU(1) symme- tureatϕ=0ispositive. WhenT =T ,thecurvatureat try of the system. Therefore, the corresponding thermal λ the minimum is zero, ∂2 /∂ϕ∗∂ϕϕ=0 = 0. For T <Tλ, energy density kBTcn0 is equivalent to µ0n0/2. Conse- V | the curvature at ϕ = 0 is negative and the scalar field quently, we obtain the following relation rolls down to the ϕ = 0 minimum. Thus, there is no µ | | 6 k T = 0. (12) barrier of potential between the minimum at ϕ = 0 and B c 2 ϕ =0, indicating a second-order phase transition. 6|.|W6 e now derive a formula for a criticaltemperature of Fig. 4 shows the present situation. From above argu- ments, we have the following relations: spontaneous symmetry breaking. When T =0, the field ϕ is located at the nonzerominimum ϕ =0. Hence the µ0 ρ0 µ0 2π~2σ global U(1) symmetry is broken in th|is|6phase. As the kBTc = 2 , m = λ , λ= m . (13) temperature increases above a critical temperature, the Therefore,acriticaltemperatureofspontaneoussymme- potentialhas only one minimum atϕ=0 and the global try breaking in a repulsive interacting Bose system is: U(1)symmetryisrecovered. Fromtheseobservations,we reach a following conclusion; the depth of the potential ρ0π~2σ T = , (14) well at absolute zero determines a critical temperature. c m2kB When T =0, the depth of the potential well is given by where ρ is the density of Bose liquid at absolute zero, 0 µ n m and σ are the mass and the hard sphere diame- 0 0 (ϕ = µ0/λ)= , (11) ter of a boson, respectively. Substituting the values of −V | | 2 p 4 V/n 2.22 0 T=0 2.21 Eq. (14) 2.2 K] √µ/λ ure [2.19 2.194 +1% 0 0 Reϕ mperat2.18 2.1768 -0.8% kBTC λ-te2.17 -1% 2.16 -µ/2 0 2.15 2.639 2.592 2.618 2.644 FIG. 4: The absolute zero potential per numberdensity. 2.124.58 2.6 2.62 2.64 2.66 the hard sphere diameter of a helium atom [Å] liquid helium-4 into Eq. (14), ρ = 0.1451 g/cm3 [5], FIG. 5: The λ-temperature as a function of the hard sphere 0 m=6.6465 10−24 g, and σ =2.639˚A [8, 9], we obtain diameter σ of a helium atom. × the value T = 2.194 K. This prediction is significantly c close to the experimental value of the λ-temperature cable to the present study, because it is not sufficiently 2.1768K[5]. Thedeviation∆betweenthepredictedand a good approximation. For these reasons, we plot the experimentalvaluesoftheλ-temperatureislessthan1%: λ-temperature as a function of σ. Fig. 5 shows that the T(theory) T(exp) deviationbetweenthepredictedandexperimentalvalues ∆ 100 c − λ 0.8%<1%. (15) is less than 1% for the region 2.592 ˚A σ 2.644 ˚A. ≡ × Tλ(exp) ≃ 7. In conc±lusion, we have derived an≤ana≤lytical for- mulaforacriticaltemperatureofspontaneoussymmetry Thus, our prediction is much closer to the experimen- breakinginarepulsiveinteractingBosesystem. Thefor- tal value than London’s prediction. It is because in the mulathatwehavederived,Eq.(14),isasimpleanalytical present approach the repulsive interactions between he- expressiontopredictT 2.2K.Wehopethatthiswork lium atoms are included in the derivation of a formula. λ ≃ contributes to progress of low temperature physics. While the Bose-Einstein temperature T in an ideal BE Bose gas is determined by the two physical parameters, ourformulaforacriticaltemperature,Eq.(14),is deter- mined by the three physical parameters: the density of superfluid (ρ ), the mass (m) andthe hard sphere diam- ∗ 0 E-mail:[email protected] eter(σ)ofaboson. Theadditionalphysicalparameterσ [1] A. 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