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SPONTANEOUS EDGE CURRENTS FOR THE DIRAC EQUATION IN TWO SPACE DIMENSIONS MICHAELJ.GRUBERANDMARIANNELEITNER Abstract. Spontaneous edgecurrents areknown tooccur insystems oftwo space dimensions in a strong magnetic field. The latter creates chirality and determines the direction of the currents. Here we show that an analogous effect occurs in a field-free situation when time reversal symmetry is broken 6 by the mass term of the Dirac equation in two space dimensions. On a half 0 plane,oneseesexplicitlythatthestrengthoftheedgecurrentisproportional 0 tothedifferencebetweenthechemicalpotentials attheedgeandinthebulk, 2 sothattheeffectisanalogoustotheHalleffect,butwithaninternalpotential. n Theedge conductivity differs fromthe bulk(Hall)conductivity on thewhole a plane. Thisresultsfromthedependenceoftheedgeconductivityonthechoice J ofaselfadjointextensionoftheDiracHamiltonian. Theinvarianceoftheedge 5 conductivitywithrespecttosmallperturbationsisstudiedinthisexampleby topological techniques. 3 v 1 2 1. Introduction 0 9 Wheninatwodimensionaldevicewithoutdissipation,anelectricfieldis turned 0 on, a current is induced transversally, with density subject to the Ohm-Hall law 4 0 ~j = σE~. Here σ is the 2 2-conductivity matrix and σH := σ21 defines the Hall × / conductivity. For particles described by a Schr¨odinger operator, a magnetic field h perpendicular to the plane is needed in addition to obtain σ = 0 (Avron et al., p H 6 - 1986). However,formoregeneralinvestigations,atimereversalsymmetrybreaking h term in the Hamiltonian might suffice to produce a nonzero σ (Semenoff, 1984; t H a Haldane, 1988). The constant Dirac operator m (1) D =~c( ı~σ ~)+σ mc2 : − ·∇ 3 v with fermion mass m =0 yields a very instructive example. Here c is the velocity i X of light, ~σ := (σ ,σ )6, where σ are, for i = 1,2,3, the Pauli matrices, and ~ is 1 2 i r the 2-dimensionalgradient. OnR2,the operator(1)featuresazero field Hall e∇ffect a (Fr¨ohlich & Kerler, 1991) with σ = 1sgn(m)e2 (Redlich, 1984). The interpre- H 2 h tation of σ at zero temperature as the Chern number of a complex line bundle H (Thouless et al., 1982; Kohmoto, 1985; Avron & Seiler, 1985) fails, but its quan- tisation can be traced back to the geometry of the Lorentz group (Leitner, 2004, 2005). In the present paper, we direct our attention to the Dirac operator (1) on a sample with boundary. In this situation spontaneous edge currents may occur, without any exterior electric or magnetic field. We calculate the edge conductivity σe (Halperin, 1982) for a natural class of self-adjoint extensions of (1) on the half- plane. Hereσeisaninteger(inunitsofe2/h)whichdiffersfromzeroiftheboundary condition satisfies a certain sign condition. It is shown that σe is, in units of e2/h, the spectral flow through the gap (Hatsugai, 1993a,b). Robustness is then Date:Received20July2005,revised11November2005. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 81Q10,58J32. Keywords and phrases. Diracoperator,boundarycondition,Halleffect, spectralflow. 1 2 MICHAELJ.GRUBERANDMARIANNELEITNER immediate for sufficiently small perturbations of (1). In spite of the absence of an exterior field, the edge conductivity can be related to the Hall conductivity in the bulk. For Schr¨odinger operators in a magnetic field equalityofbulk(Hall)andedgeconductivityhasbeenshownin(Kellendonk et al., 2002; Elbau & Graf, 2002). In our system, the relationship is more subtle, since the bulk conductivity is half integral,in contrast to the integral edge conductivity. x E E 2 µ E1 µL R |∆|=|qE1d| x 1 0 d Figure 1. Edge currentsin the strip. The electric field opens an interval∆betweentherespectivechemicalpotentialsontheedges. The resulting inequilibrium of charge transport along both edges yields a nonzero total current in the sample. Hallcurrentscangothroughthe bulk oralongthe edges,e.g.dueto intercepted cyclotron orbits (Schulz-Baldes et al., 2000). For d 1, consider the strip [0,d] R R2 with edges of similar type at x =0 and x ≫=d, respectively, and no bul×k 1 1 ⊂ currents. When an electric field of constant strength E > 0 is applied, parallel 1 to the x -axis, the force qE pushes particles away from one edge to the other, 1 1 changing the respective chemical potentials on the left edge (µ ) and on the right L edge(µ )correspondingly(Figure1). Forµ >µ ,thereisanetchargetransport R R L due to the states with energies contained in the interval ∆ := [µ ,µ ], of width L R ∆ = qE d. If j (x ) denotes the corresponding current density, the net edge 1 ∆ 1 | | | | current is d (2) Je(∆):= j dx . d ∆ 1 Z0 It is related to the voltage ∆/q by | | ∆ (3) Je(∆)=:σe(∆) | | . d q Here the proportionality factor σe(∆), given in units of q2/h, defines the edge conductivity (Laughlin, 1981; Halperin, 1982). (3) mimicks the Ohm-Hall law j =σbE for σb :=σ . 2 1 21 For sufficiently large d, the two boundaries decouple, and to calculate Je(∆) ≡ Je (∆), one only needs to consider a half-plane geometry. Provided µ lies in the ∞ spectral gap, with lower gap barrier E , ∆:=(E ,µ]. crit crit Depending onwhetherthe boundaryissituatedonthe left(x =0)oronthe right 1 (x =d)ofthesample,thesignin(3)hastobeadjusted,andthisisdonecorrectly 1 by imposing sgn(σe(∆)) = sgn(σb). ∆ = µ E > 0 can be interpreted as crit | | − the amount of energy needed to excite a bulk particle of energy E to a state crit at highest possible energy µ. Therefore (3) has the shape of the Ohm-Hall law, but here the current is proportional to an interior voltage (instead of to an exte- riorlyappliedoneasintheHalleffect). Inparticular,σe(∆)isagainaconductivity. Our paper is organised as follows: In the following section, we introduce the self-adjoint boundary conditions for the constant Dirac operator (1) on the half SPONTANEOUS EDGE CURRENTS FOR THE DIRAC EQUATION IN 2D 3 plane. Their effect on the spectrum will be investigated in Section 3. In Section 4, we derive the corresponding edge conductivity. Section 5 presents a first stability result. We would like to thank H. Schulz-Baldes for helpful discussions. 2. Boundary conditions Asnoticedabove,themagneticfieldmaybezeroifatimereversalbreakingterm intheHamiltonianispresent. WeinvestigatetheDiracoperator(1)ofmassivespin 1 particles (with q =e, the electron charge)where this symmetry is brokenby the 2 mass term. D is a symmetric elliptic operator on the domain (D) = C∞(R R,C2) of D c + × smooth functions with compact support vanishing in a neighbourhood of x = 0, 1 but it is not essentially self-adjoint. Since D is not bounded below the Friedrichs extensionisnotavailablefordeterminingacanonicalchoiceofboundarycondition. Note that even in the Schr¨odinger/Paulicase, Dirichlet (Friedrichs) and Neumann boundary condition are not necessarily the boundary condition which represents thephysicalsystembest(seeAkkermans et al.,1998,wherechiralboundarycondi- tionsaresuggested). Neither DirichletnorNeumannnorchiralprovideself-adjoint boundary conditions for Dirac operators. Therefore, we choose to determine all self-adjoint boundary conditions which respect the symmetry of the problem. The physical setup is homogeneous w.r.t. x , and so is D on (D). Fourier 2 D transform in x gives a unitary transform 2 ⊕ Φ:L2(R R,C2) L2(R ,C2)dk , + + 2 × → R Z (4) (Φ(ψ)) (x ):=ψ (x ) with k2 1 k2 1 1 ψ (x ):= e−ıx2k2ψ(x ,x )dx . k2 1 √2π R 1 2 2 Z Anoperatorishomogeneousw.r.t.x ifandonlyifitisdecomposablew.r.t.thedi- 2 rectintegral(4)(see,e.g.Reed & Simon,1978, chapterXIII.16). Ofcourse,we are interestedonlyinthoseself-adjointextensionsD˜ ofD whichpreservehomogeneity. We therefore state Proposition 1. The x -homogeneous self-adjoint extensions D˜ of D are given 2 exactlybyall(measurable)families D˜(k )ofself-adjoint extensionsofD(k ), where 2 2 (5) D(k )=σ ~c d +σ ~ck +σ mc2 2 1ı dx 2 2 3 1 on (D(k ))=C∞(R ,C2). D 2 c + Proof. Being a differential operator (with smooth coefficients), D is a closable op- erator. By continuity the closure D¯ is homogeneous, and for closed operators we have the equivalence between homogeneity and decomposability cited above. The fibresD¯(k )ofD¯ areclosed,andC∞(R ,C2)isclearlyanoperatorcoreforD¯(k ). 2 c + 2 This proves the first part. The second part is a standard calculation with the Fourier transform. (cid:3) For determining the self-adjoint extensions of D(k ) for fixed k we follow the 2 2 von Neumann theory of extensions (see, e.g., Reed & Simon, 1975, chapter X.1): Theorem 1. The self-adjoint extensions of D(k ) are parametrized by ζ R := 2 R . The extension D (k ) is given by the domain ∈ ζ 2 ∪{∞} v (6) (D (k ))= H1(R ): w(0)=ıζv(0) D ζ 2 w ∈ + (cid:26)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) 4 MICHAELJ.GRUBERANDMARIANNELEITNER where ζ = is understood to mean v(0)=0, and H1 denotes the L2-Sobolev space ∞ of order 1. Note that, by Sobolev’s embedding lemma, H1-functions on R are continuous, + so that v(0) makes sense. Physically, (6) says that at x = 0, no current perpen- 1 dicular to the boundary is allowed. Indeed, j = ev with the velocity operator 1 1 v := 1[x ,H]=cσ acting on C2. Now the matrix element 1 ı~ 1 1 v v w σ =v¯w+w¯v =2 (v¯w) 1 w ℜ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) vanishes if and only if w =ıζv for ζ R. ∈ Proof. The bounded parts do not matter for questions of self-adjointness (they do change the parametrization) and we choose units with ~ = 1,c = 1 for this proof 1 d so that we have to deal with T :=D(k2)=σjı dx only (j =1, x=x1). Since T is first order differential and elliptic, the adjoint is given by the domain (T∗) = W1(R ) (i.e. no boundary conditions). According to von Neumann’s + D theoremwehavetocomputethe ıeigenspacesofT∗. Becauseofellipticitytheyare ± givenbysmoothfunctions,becauseofuniquenesstheyareatmostone-dimensional. We have T∗ψ = ıψ ψ′ = σ ψ ψ′′ =ψ j ± ⇔ ∓ ⇒ so that ψ(x) = a e−x for some constants a,b C. Reinserting this into the b ∈ eigenvalue equation yields (cid:0) (cid:1) a a (7) σ = j b ± b (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) which is an easily solvable eigenvalue problem in C2. P± := 1(1 σ ) are the j 2 ± j corresponding eigenprojections. To sum up, the ı eigenspaces of T∗ are given by ± K± =P±C2e−x. j Now we have to find all unitaries K+ K−. Since K± are one-dimensional, → all unitaries differ only by a complex number z of modulus 1. If k = j then 6 σ σ = σ σ by the canonicalanti-commutation relations for Paulimatrices. So, k j j k − σ P± = P∓σ . Therefore, σ maps K+ to K− and vice versa, and it is clearly a k j j k k unitary, so that all unitaries are of the form U =zσ . z k Again, according to von Neumann theory, to each U corresponds a self-adjoint z extension T with domain z (8) (T )= (T¯) (1 U )ψ: ψ K+ z z D D ⊕ − ∈ (9) = (T¯) (cid:8)(1 zσ ) a e−x:(cid:9)σ a = a . D ⊕ − k b j b b (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:27) Note that σ a = a P− a =0 P+ a = a j b b ⇔ j b ⇔ j b b so that (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) ψ (T ) ψ(0)=(1 zσ ) a and P− a =0 ∈D z ⇔ − k b j b (and ψ H1, of course). In other words, the(cid:0)po(cid:1)ssible bo(cid:0)und(cid:1)ary values ψ(0) are given by∈the range of R := (1 zσ )P+ which is a non-othogonal projection. − k j Furthermore, P−(1+zσ )= 1(1 σ )(1+zσ )=1 (1 zσ )P+ j k 2 − j k − − k j sothatthe self-adjointboundaryconditioncanbeequivalentlydescribedbynoting (10) P−(1+zσ )ψ(0)=0 ψ(0)=(1 zσ )P+ψ(0) j k ⇔ − k j SPONTANEOUS EDGE CURRENTS FOR THE DIRAC EQUATION IN 2D 5 which we will use in Section 3. For j = 1 and, say, k = 3, one computes easily R 1 = 1 1+z which is 0 2 1−z nonvanishingsothatitspanstheone-dimensionalspaceofboundaryvaluesψ(0)= (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) v . So we arrived at w 1+z (cid:0) (cid:1) w = v 1 z − which is a fractional linear transformation in z, and as such maps circles to lines or circles. Inserting a few values on the circle z = 1 one sees that it is mapped indeed to the line ıζ, ζ R. | | (cid:3) ∈ Note that, in principle, the parameter ζ specifying the boundary condition is allowedto varywith k without breakinghomogeneity. In the following werestrict 2 ourselvesto constantζ, eventhoughthe discussionofthe spectrum(except forthe pictures) goes through in the general case as well. 3. Spectrum Notethat D (k )depends continuouslyonk sothat, by the standardtheoryof ζ 2 2 direct integrals, the spectrum of D is given by ζ (11) specD = specD (k ). ζ ζ 2 k[2∈R The spectrum of the fibre operator D (k ) is determined in the following: ζ 2 Theorem 2. The spectrum of D (k ) consists of: ζ 2 (1) a continuous part E: E2 E (k )2 , where E = (~ck )2+(mc2)2 b 2 b 2 { ≥ } (bulk part) and 2ζ~ck +(1 ζ2)mc2 p 2 (2) a gap eigenvalue E (k )= − under the condition g 2 1+ζ2 (12) ~k (ζ2 1)> 2mcζ. 2 − − Proof. Again we choose the simplified notation from the proof of Theorem 1 and write T =D (k ). If E is an eigenvalue of T then E2 is an eigenvalue of ζ 2 (13) T2 = d2 +k2+m2 −dx2 2 We begin with the case E2 <k2+m2. The only bounded solutions ψ of T2ψ = 2 Eψ have the form (14) ψ(x)= a e−x√k22+m2−E2 b (cid:18) (cid:19) with arbitrarya,b C. Plugging this into the eigenvalue equation Tψ=Eψ gives ∈ the condition a a (15) Q =E with E b b (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (16) Q =ı k2+m2 E2σ +k σ +mσ E 2 − 1 2 2 3 q in addition to the boundary condition. Note that Q2 = (k2+m2 E2)+k2+m2 =E2 E − 2 − 2 and trQ = 0 so that the matrix Q has spectrum E and there is always a E E {± } nontrivial solution. For E = 0 we define a corresponding (non-orthogonal) eigen- 6 projectionP := 1(1+ 1Q ) (the case E =0 is dealt with easily). All candidates E 2 E E 6 MICHAELJ.GRUBERANDMARIANNELEITNER for eigensolutions are within the range of P . On the other hand, the bound- E ary condition in the form (10) requires P−(1+zσ )ψ(0) = 0. A straightforward 1 3 computation with Pauli matrices results in 1 (17) A:=P−(1+zσ )P = (v vσ +wσ ıwσ ) where 1 3 E 4E − 1 2− 3 (18) v =E ı k2+m2 E2+zk ı+zm, − 2 − 2 q (19) w =k +zEı z k2+m2 E2+ım. 2 − 2 − The conditionfor the existence ofa nontrivialeigqensolutionfulfilling the boundary condition is therefore A = 0, since P has one-dimensional range onl y. Closer E inspection shows w =ızv¯ so that v =0 is the only condition to check. (Note that the Pauli matrices form a basis of M(2,C).) (20) v =0 E+zk ı+zm=ı k2+m2 E2 ⇔ 2 2 − (21) (E+zk ı+zm)q=0 and (E+zk ı+zm) 0 2 2 ⇔ℜ ℑ ≥ From this we get 2ζk +m(1 ζ2) 2 (22) E =k z m z = − 2ℑ − ℜ 1+ζ2 and k (ζ2 1)+2mζ 2 (23) 0 (zk ı+zm)=k z+m z = − ≤ℑ 2 2ℜ ℑ 1+ζ2 which proves the claim about the gap spectrum. In the case E2 >k2+m2 there are always two bounded solutions ψ of T2ψ = 2 ± Eψ, having the form (24) ψ±(x)= ab± e±ıx√E2−k22−m2 ± (cid:18) (cid:19) with arbitrary a ,b C, so that we have to define two matrices Q and two ± ± E,± ∈ corresponding projections P . Together with the boundary condition this gives E,± the requirement a a 0=P−(1+zσ ) P + +P − 1 3 E,+ b E,− b + − (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) which has always nontrivial solutions since this is a linear map C4 C2. This proves the claim about the bulk spectrum. → (cid:3) Remark 1. For the system on R2, D(k ) lives on R, and its spectrum consists of 2 E: E2 E (k )2 onlysincethesolutionsforotherenergiesincreaseexponentially b 2 e{ither at≥x = or}x = . This explains the term bulk spectrum because R2 is ∞ −∞ the configuration space of a bulk system. Forfixedk thebulkspectrumofourD hasagap( E (k ),E (k )). According 2 ζ b 2 b 2 − to (11), it is ∆:=( mc2, mc2). This is the gap we will be interested in. −| | | | Proposition2. Ask variesover( , ),thegapeigenvalueE (k )goesthrough 2 g 2 −∞ ∞ the gap ( mc2, mc2) if and only if mζ >0, i.e. when sgnm=sgnζ. −| | | | Proof. If ζ2 =1 then the gapcondition (12) requiresmζ 0, andE (k )=ζ~k c. g 2 2 ≥ This gives mζ >0. Ifζ2 >1thenthegapconditionrequiresk k withk := 2mcζ . Note 2 ≥ crit crit −~(ζ2−1) thatk isexactlythevalueofk wherethelineE (k )hitsthehyperbolaE (k ). crit 2 g 2 b 2 Therefore, E goes through the gap if and only if k < 0, which is equivalent to g crit mζ >0. SPONTANEOUS EDGE CURRENTS FOR THE DIRAC EQUATION IN 2D 7 g g g E E E & & & b b b E E E m=1,ζ=1 m=1,ζ=2 m=1,ζ=−2 Figure 2. Spectrum of D (k ) for different m,ζ. The thick lines ζ 2 are E for m,ζ as indicated, the dotted lines are E for m, ζ. g g − − The dashed line indicates k (see Proposition 2). crit Ifζ2 <1then the gapconditionrequiresk k . Therefore,E goes through 2 crit g ≤ the gap if and only if k > 0, which is equivalent to mζ > 0 again (note that crit ζ2 1 < 0 in the present case, so that the direction of the inequality changes aga−in). (cid:3) 4. Edge conductivity on the half plane For the constant Dirac operator (1) over R2, the bulk conductivity is (Redlich, 1984; Ludwig et al., 1994; Leitner, 2004, 2005) 1 (25) σb = sgn(m) 2 in units of e2/h. To study the corresponding edge conductivity on the half plane, for ζ ∈R, let Dζ ≡{Dζ(k2)}k2∈R be the operator family defined by Theorem 1. Theorem 3. Let ∆ be the gap of the bulk spectrum of D . Then for any nonempty ζ subinterval ∆′ ∆, the edge conductivity σe(∆′) is, in units of e2, ⊆ h sgn(m) if mζ >0, (26) σe(∆′)= (0 otherwise. In particular, σe(∆′) σe does not depend on the choice of ∆′ ∆. σe is the ≡ ⊆ spectral flow through E =0 of D . ζ Remark 2. The edge conductivity on the half-plane equals the bulk conductivity (25) on R2 in the sense that σb is the arithmetic mean value of the two possible values for σe. Note that interchanging the rˆoles of x and x amounts to rotating the sample 1 2 by π/2 and to multiplying ζ R by ı in the complex plane. If ζ =0, this yields a ∈ 6 proportionality factor ζ˜ R of sign sgn(ζ), and, in terms of of ζ˜, the inequality ∈ − inthe gapconditionofProposition2 is reversed. However,this modificationleaves σe unaffected because of the sign convention used in (3). Proof. We will proceed in two ways. First, let ψ (x ) be the normalised eigen- k2 1 functions (14) of D (k ). Eq. (2) yields ζ 2 dk (27) Je(∆)=ec hψk2 |σ2 |ψk2iL2(R+) 2π2. Z{k2:E(k2)∈∆} Using v (k )=~−1dD (k )/dk and the normalisation condition, we obtain 2 2 ζ 2 2 1 dE (k ) 2ζ g 2 (28) hψk2 |σ2ψk2iL2(R+) = c~ dk = ζ2+1 2 8 MICHAELJ.GRUBERANDMARIANNELEITNER from Theorem 2. (28) shows that hψk2 | j2 |ψk2iL2(R+) does not depend on k2, so that by (3), h c (29) σe(∆) ∆−1 dk e2 ∝ ~ | | 2 ZE(k2)∈∆ with proportionality factor (28). But r.h.s. of (29) is just the absolute value of the inverse of the slope of the line E (k ). Taking Proposition 2 into account, we g 2 conclude (26). For the last statement, rewrite (2) as Je(∆)=eτ(I (H)v ), ∆ 2 where v = 1[x ,D] =: 1∂ D and I (D) being the spectral projection of D onto 2 ı~ 2 ~ 2 ∆ ∆. is the trace per unit volume in direction x for homogeneous operators A, 2 2 T defined as 1 (30) (A)= A(k )dk , 2 2 2 T 2π R Z where ⊕A(k )dk =ΦAΦ−1,andtr istheordinarytraceindirectionx (includ- R 2 2 1 1 ing the spin-trace over C2). Now approximate I /∆ by g′ for a switch function g CR∞(R) (denote R := R ) with g′∆ | 0|, suppg′ ∆, g( ) = 1, ∈ ∪ {±∞} ≥ ⊂ ∞ g( )=0 (see, e.g., Kellendonk et al., 2002). Then −∞ e Je(∆)=eτ(I (D)v ) e∆τ(g′(D)v )= ∆ τ(g′(D)∂ D). ∆ 2 ≈ | | 2 | |ı~ 2 Denote by ψ a normalised eigenvector for E (k ), differentiable in k . Then k2 g 2 2 tr1(g′(D)∂2D)(k2)=g′(Eg(k2))hψk2|∂k2D(k2)ψk2iL2(R+) =g′(E (k )) d E (k )= d g(E(k )), g 2 dk g 2 dk 2 2 2 whose integral is σe(∆) as given by (26), in units of e2. This proof also shows the h topological nature of the result. (cid:3) The essential point is that instead of varying the subinterval ∆′ ∆ but using ⊆ the eigenvalue dispersion explicitely, the second approach keeps the calculation quite general by introducing a function g which we allow to vary (while now the gap interval is fixed). The topological nature of σe will enable us to show the invariance of σe at least under a simple class of perturbations. 5. Spectral flow and stability One of the most remarkable properties of the integer QHE is its stability w.r.t. perturbations (disorder). The simplest case is when the perturbation depends on x only: 1 Proposition3. Let W be a bounded self-adjoint operator on L2(R ,C2), inducing + a homogeneous (w.r.t. x ) bounded operator on L2(R R,C). If W < m then 2 + × k k | | the system described by D +W has the same edge conductivity as one described by ζ D . ζ Proof. First note that W, being bounded, does not change anything regarding the boundaryconditionsandself-adjointextensions. SinceW isindependentofx ,the 2 direct integral decomposition of D +W is D (k )+W, and therefore the Hall ζ ζ 2 conductivity is given by the spectral flow as before. Through addition of W, the spectrum of D k ) can change by W only. ζ 2 ±k k Therefore a gap around 0 in the bulk spectrum remains as long as W < m. k k | | In the same way, in the W -neighbourhood of E (k ) there will be a unique g 2 k k SPONTANEOUS EDGE CURRENTS FOR THE DIRAC EQUATION IN 2D 9 eigenvalue of D (k )+W if mζ >0. Since E (k ) goes from below m to above ζ 2 g 2 −| | m or vice versa,the unique eigenvalue in the perturbed system will cross 0 in the s|am|e direction as long as W < m. Thus the spectral flow is the same. (cid:3) k k | | Note that W is not restricted to be multiplication by a function. Choosing W = m (x )σ +V(x ) with bounded (smooth, for simplicity) m ,V allows for 1 1 3 1 1 variable mass and electric potential. We nowturntothe moregeneralcaseofperturbationswhichareperiodic inx . 2 SinceDisnothomogeneousw.r.t.x anymore,wehavetoreplaceFouriertransform 2 w.r.t.x asin(4)byFloquet-Blochanalysisw.r.t.x (see,e.g.,Reed & Simon,1978, 2 2 chapter XIII.16). Then, for a periodic operator A on L2(R R,C2), its Floquet- + Bloch transformA(k ) acts on L2(R [0,L],C2) with k -qu×asiperiodic boundary 2 + 2 × conditions on [0,L], and the trace per unit volume is 1 (31) (A)= tr A(k )dk . T2 2π L2[0,L] 2 2 Z[−π/L,π/L] Note that homogeneous operators are in particular periodic, and that for these, Definition (31) gives the same trace as (30). g g g g E E E E & & & & b b b b E E E E m=1,ζ=−1 m=1,ζ=1 m=1,ζ=2 m=1,ζ=−2 Figure 3. Spectrum in the first Brillouin zone [ π/L,π/L]. − Dashed and dotted lines have the same meaning as in Figure 2. Reviewing the spectral results from Section 3 in the framework of the Bloch- Floquet decomposition leads to the spectrum shown in Figure 3. Note how in this representation (so called reduced zone scheme) the bands and eigenvalues are mapped back periodically to the k -interval [ π/L,π/L]. 2 − Now,goingthroughtheargumentsaboveweseethatσe isstillgivenbythespec- tral flow, even when computed through the Bloch-Floquet decomposition. There- fore, Proposition 3 holds mutatis mutandis. For physical applications one would like stability under random perturbations describingdisorderinacrystal. IfW israndomwecannotapplytheBloch-Floquet decompositionanymore. Instead,onecouldusetechniquesfromNon-Commutative Geometry as was done in (Bellissard et al., 1994) for the quantum Hall-effect. It wouldbe interestingto allowrandomnessinthe boundaryconditionζ aswellsince this would describe surface imperfections. We leave this to future work. References Akkermans, E., Avron, J., Narevich, R. & Seiler, R. (1998). Boundary conditions for bulk and edge states in quantum Hall systems. European Phys. J. 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