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Spon’s Architects’ and Builders’ Price Book 2014 This page intentionally left blank Spon’s Architects’ and Builders’ Price Book Edited by Davis Langdon, An AECOM Company 2014 One hundred and thirty-ninth edition Firstedition1873 Onehundredandthirty-nintheditionpublished2014 byCRCPress 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,Oxon,OX144RN andbyCRCPress Taylor&Francis,BrokenSoundParkway,NW,Suite300,BocaRaton,FL33487 CRCPressisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2014Taylor&Francis TherightofDavisLangdontobeidentifiedastheAuthorofthisWorkhasbeenassertedbythem inaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedorutilisedinanyformorby anyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,nowknownorhereafterinvented,including photocopyingandrecording,orinanyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermission inwritingfromthepublishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregisteredtrademarks,and areusedonlyforidentificationandexplanationwithoutintenttoinfringe. Thepublishermakesnorepresentation,expressorimplied,withregardtotheaccuracyofthe informationcontainedinthisbookandcannotacceptlegalresponsibilityorliabilityforanyerrorsor omissionsthatmaybemade. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN13:978-1-4822-0406-3 Ebook:978-1-4822-0407-0 ISSN:0306-3046 TypesetinArialbyTaylor&FrancisBooks Contents PrefacetotheOneHundredandThirty-NinthEdition ix SpecialAcknowledgements xiii Acknowledgements xv HowtousethisBook xxix PART1:GENERAL CapitalAllowances 3 ValueAddedTax 9 TheAggregatesLevy 17 LandRemediation 23 TheLandfillTax 33 PropertyInsurance 35 BuildingCostsIndices,TenderPricesIndicesandLocationFactors 39 PART2:RATESOFWAGESANDLABOUR BuildingIndustry–England,WalesandScotland 47 BuildingandAlliedTradesJointIndustrialCouncil 48 RoadHaulageWorkersEmployedintheBuildingIndustry 48 PlumbingandMechanicalEngineeringServicesIndustry 49 LabourRateCalculations 51 CIJCLabourCategories 57 PART3:APPROXIMATEESTIMATING BuildingPricesperFunctionalUnit 65 PreliminariesBuild-upExample 157 BuildingPricesperSquareMetre 69 ApproximateEstimatingRates 161 BuildingCostModels 79 Preliminaries–typicalplanthirerates 162 LandRemediation 80 1Substructure 163 DistributionCentre 82 1.1Substructure 163 SmallIndustrialUnit 87 2Superstructure 167 CentralLondonOffices 89 2.1Frame 167 OfficeFit-Out 96 2.2UpperFloors 170 SustainableOfficeRefurbishment 101 2.3Roof 170 OutofTownRetailUnit 105 2.4StairsandRamps 174 CarShowroom 107 2.5ExternalWalls 176 HealthCentre 110 2.6WindowsandExternalDoors 180 CareHome 115 2.7InternalWallsandPartitions 182 PrimarySchoolExtension 118 2.8InternalDoors 185 SecondarySchoolBlockExtension 122 3InternalFinishes 186 SchoolRefurbishment 125 3.1WallFinishes 186 AffordableHousing 129 3.2FloorFinishes 187 Apartments 132 3.3CeilingFinishes 188 Hotel 141 4Fittings,FurnishingsandEquipment 190 OfficetoResidentialConversion 146 4.1Fittings,FurnishingsandEquipment 190 CommunityCentre 151 5Services 191 MuseumFit-Out 154 5.1SanitaryInstallations 191 vi Contents 5.4WaterInstallations 192 8ExternalWorks 196 5.6SpaceHeatingandAirConditioning 192 8.2Roads,Paths,PavingsandSurfacings 196 5.7VentilatingSystems 192 8.3SoftLandscaping,PlantingandIrrigation 5.8ElectricalInstallations 193 Systems 197 5.9FuelInstallations 193 8.4Fencings,RailingsandWalls 198 5.10LiftandConveyorInstallations 194 8.5ExternalFixtures 199 5.11FireandLightningProtection 195 8.6ExternalDrainage 200 5.12CommunicationandSecurityInstallations 195 8.7ExternalServices 203 5.13SpecialInstallations 195 8.8AncillaryBuildingsandStructures 203 5.14Builder’sworkinconnectionwithservices 196 PART4:PRICESFORMEASUREDWORKS Introduction 206 21CladdingandCovering 412 3Demolitions 210 22GeneralJoinery 419 4Alterations,RepairsandConservation 215 23Windows,ScreensandLights 428 5ExcavatingandFilling 224 24Doors,ShuttersandHatches 442 7Piling 234 25Stairs,WalkwaysandBalustrades 474 8Underpinning 238 27Glazing 481 9DiaphragmWallsandEmbeddedRetaining 28Floor,Wall,CeilingandRoofFinishings 486 Walls 243 29Decoration 511 10CribWalls,GabionsandReinforcedEarth 244 30SuspendedCeilings 525 11InSituConcreteWorks 245 31Insulation,FireStoppingandFire 12Precast/CompositeConcrete 268 Protection 530 13PrecastConcrete 271 32Furniture,FittingsandEquipment 535 14Masonry 273 33DrainageAboveGround 549 15StructuralMetalwork 313 34DrainageBelowGround 561 16Carpentry 321 35SiteWorks 587 17SheetRoofCoverings 341 36Fencing 598 18TileandSlateRoofandWallCoverings 367 37SoftLandscaping 602 19Waterproofing 383 39ElectricalServices 604 20ProprietaryLiningsandPartitions 388 41Builder’sWorkinConnectionwithServices 605 PART5:FEESFORPROFESSIONALSERVICES QuantitySurveyors'Fees 611 Architects'Fees 612 ConsultingEngineers'Fees 615 TheTownandCountryPlanning(ApplicationFees)Order2013 617 TheBuilding(LocalAuthorityCharges)Regulations 617 PART6:DAYWORKANDPRIMECOST BuildingIndustry 619 PART7:USEFULADDRESSESFORFURTHERINFORMATION UsefulAddressesforFurtherInformation 643 PART8:TABLESANDMEMORANDA ConversionTables 665 ThermalConductivityofBuildingMaterials 674 Geometry 669 Earthwork 675 Formulae 673 ConcreteWork 681 Contents vii Reinforcement 686 Seeding/TurfingandPlanting 727 Formwork 688 FencingandGates 730 Masonry 689 Drainage 735 Timber 692 ElectricalSupply/Power/LightingSystems 742 Roofing 697 RailTracks 743 Glazing 701 Fractions,DecimalsandMillimetreEquivalents 746 Metal 702 ImperialStandardWireGauge(SWG) 747 Kerbs,Paving,etc. 720 Pipes,Water,Storage,Insulation 748 INDEX 757 SPON’S PRICEBOOKS 2014 Spon’s Architects’ and Builders’ Price Spon’s Civil Engineering and Book 2014 Highway Works Price Book 2014 DAVIS LANGDON DAVIS LANGDON The most detailed, professionally relevant source of With output in civils starting to rise, and buoyancy in UK construction price information currently available highways, rail and electricity a number of prices are increasing. Labour rates have increased at the begin- anywhere. ning of the year and further increases are expected in 2014. Pressure is continuing on material costs with a What’s new in this year’s Spon’s A&B Price Book? slight fall in materials prices as some of the rail projects There are new cost models for out of town retail come on stream. developments, office to residential conversion, and a museum fit out; there’s a re-formatted Preliminaries Hbk & electronic package 680pp approx. 978-1-4822-0410-0 £165.00 example, and typical hire rates for common ebook & electronic package preliminaries items. We’re also giving overhauled 978-1-4822-0411-7 £165.00 coverage of automated car parking systems (from (inc. sales tax where appropriate) simple stack systems to fully automatic ones), Plasmor concrete blocks, diamond drilling, ETFE roofing, and flowing screeds. And an extended range of underground drainage Spon’s Mechanical and Electrical Services Price Book 2014 Hbk & electronic package 824pp approx. 978-1-4822-0406-3 £155.00 DAVIS LANGDON ebook & electronic package Our M&E price book continues to be the most com- 978-1-4822-0407-0 £155 .00 prehensive and best annual services engineering price (inc. sales tax where appropriate) book currently available. This year the methodology for estimating year Building Management Systems (BMS) has been examined. BIM guidance, Feed-In Tariffs and Carbon Trading sections have been brought up Spon’s External Works and to date with the current rates and processes. The book Landscape Price Book 2014 also gives the usual market update of labour rates and daywork rates, material costs and prices for measured DAVIS LANGDON works, and all-in-rates and elemental rates in the Now in its 33rd edition, the EW&L Price Book has a Approximate Estimating section. Prices for measured heavily enhanced approximate estimates section, with works are brought into line with RICS New Rules of most measured works items being also presented Measurement NRM2. as composite items. It covers wildflower meadows – reflecting current interest – and urban and street tree Hbk & electronic package 912pp approx. planting systems, Sudscape porous paving systems, 978-1-4822-0414-8 £155.00 and maintenance operations for long term cyclic main- ebook & electronic package tenance contractors. 978-1-4822-0415-5 £155.00 (inc. sales tax where appropriate) Hbk & electronic package 720pp approx. 978-1-4822-0412-4 £135.00 ebook & electronic package Receive our online data viewing package free 978-1-4822-0413-1 £135 .00 when you order any hard copy or ebook Spon (inc. sales tax where appropriate) 2014 Price Book Visit www.pricebooks.co.uk To order: Tel: 01235 400524 Fax: 01235 400525 Post: Taylor & Francis Customer Services, Bookpoint Ltd, 200 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4SB, UK Email: [email protected] A complete listing of all our books is on www.sponpress.com Preface to the One Hundred and Thirty-Ninth Edition Recentconstructioncctivitytrends The economy was broadly flat in the first quarter of 2013 and reflects what has been happening to construction pricesgenerally. Therehavebeenincreasesinsomeconstructionmaterialpricesandincreasesindirectlyemployedlabourcosts buttenderpricesingeneralremainedflatascontractorscontinuetocompeteforworkinadecliningmarket. Thegeneralfeelingisthatpriceshavenowherefurthertofall,andinsomesectorssomepriceshavestartedtorise as the market is caught between rising input costs, both known and predicted, and the downward drag of con- structionworkload. Materials Thenewyearbroughtabouttheusualflurryofpriceincreaseannouncements. Duringtheyearaheadmaterialpricesarelikelytobesubdued.Steelpricesarebeingforecasttoremainflatwith rawmaterialsinsurplussupply.Oilpriceshaverecentlyfallen,andtheexchangerateofthepoundtotheeurois mostlikelytocontributetobringingthecostofimportedconstructionmaterialsdown. Priceadjustmentformulaeforconstructioncontracts PriceAdjustmentFormulaeindices,compiledbytheBuildingCostInformationService(previouslybytheDepart- mentforBusiness,Innovation&Skills),aredesignedforthecalculationofincreasedcostsonfluctuatingorVaria- tionofPricecontracts.Theyprovideusefulguidanceoncostchangesinvarioustradesandindustrysectorsandon thedifferentialmovementofworksectionsinSpon’sPriceBooks.Overthelast12monthsbetweenApril2012and April2013,the60BuildingWorkcategoriesrecordedanaverageriseofjust1.4%. Thoseworkscategoriesshowingthehighestincreasesoverthelast12monthshavebeen: CladdingandCovering:Lead 6.7% LiningsandPartitions:Plasterboard 5.4% Finishes:PaintingandDecorating 3.6% Finishes:Screeds 3.6% Finishes:Plaster 3.5% SuspendedCeilings 3.5% ExcavationandDisposal 3.2% Thosecategoriesshowingthesmallestincreasesorinsomecasesdecreasesare: Concrete:Reinforcement −3.8% Finishes:Bitumen,ResinandRubberLatexFlooring −2.7% Insulation −1.0% Filling:Imported,HardcoreandGranular 0.8% Concrete:InSitu 1.8% Concrete:Formwork 2.0%

The beginnings of recovery? Some materials costs are rising, and so are direct labour costs. Spon's Architects' and Builders' Price Book 2014 gives you the total picture. Spon's Architects' and Builders' Price Book 2014, compiled by Davis Langdon, still provides the most accurate, detailed and p
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