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Preview Spoke, January 21, 2008

The Golden Reduce, reuse and recycle Boy The new trend of going green Kitchener Rangers’ can even apply to your sex life. new goalie Steve Mason Stressed out? starts off 2008 Counsellors can help balance the stress on a high note. A learning newsroom forjournalism students of school, work and a social life. — Monday, January 21 2008 Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ont. www.conestogac.on.ca/spoke 40th Year No. 3 , OHIP Buses ponies up not fast cash Dany’s for but affordable transplant BetterWorld Today, which raises By CHARLOTTE PRONG awareness about bone marrow PARKHILL donation, had teamed up with the By ELIZABETH BATE Mercado family in an attempt to Dany Mercado finally got his raise the needed funds. Before What’sbig, will getyoutoschool mismatch bone marrow transplant OHIP agreed to help pay for the on time and is cheaperthan driving at a Detroit hospital Jan. 15. risky surgery, they raised over your car? Grand RiverTransit was The 24-year-old Conestoga stu- $50,000, including $18,000 from a at Conestoga’s Doon campus on dent underwent the potentially life- one-day fundraising blitz held at Jan. 8 and 9togiveyou theanswer. saving surgery at the Karmanos Conestoga in November. Stafffrom the GRT, the bus serv- Cancer Institute after OHIP agreed ice for Kitchener, Waterloo and to pay part ofthe costs for the pro- Cambridge, were oncampustosell cedure. estimated to be $200,000. the college bus pass. The pass is Mercado has been battling sold exclusively to students who leukemia since 2002 and was attend Conestoga for $189 per forced to withdraw from the elec- term. It is good for unlimited use trical engineering program when on any GRTroute forafour-month the disease returned in October, semester. The current pass runs 2007. His doctors agreed that a from January toApril 2008. bone marrow transplant was the The pass has been available to only way to save his life, but an students for years, however this exact donorcould not be found. year it contains some new security In the mismatch transplant, he features. The picture pass is now will receive marrow from the clos- one piece, like a driver’s licence, est possible donor. It is typically instead of being laminated, and ltersasnsspulcacnets,sfaunldtihsannoatnuesxuaacltlymactocvh- (Internetphoto) ccoanntabiensmaatnchienddivwiidtuhaleancuhmsbteudrentth’ast HiteshYyas, a first-year software engineering(sPthuodtoenbty,ElgieztasbethhisBate) ered by OHIP. That money will now be used to phone numberin case it is everlost picture taken for his college bus pass by Sandy Stotz, the Grand To prepare for the surgery, pay for Mercado’s care, prescrip- or stolen. RiverTransit affairs co-ordinator, on Jan. 9. Mercado underwent several rounds tions and expenses that are not Ifa student can drive, why would odccifaiTneefoolofipFrsmduzhttrpfreiiarlacdotsboyinhuhlychkerbeeaoromaAtwudClttsoiseliyoswoitee,olno.ohikefscnelss,miferteoaoahaachtnevfftepititi'ywontlheohnlghnrseisw.tbhaidseBenrieeBpdmsabtaoiitlarnkfvgeronueernhliodroelndyWysdsgapopcbsiseraetotulenlnuastlryddl-ost- cbfglipleeeoeanutFttlMmvgttttaiaieeeaietmlrrrrnvyhtielgtaeoidelonstdnmytdobOohcyftaDHehtolrfoeeIOs.rrffsoHPif,duueoIenVprnswPsiditpadnea.icoiarntsdrcvngrtoHe.odimtasstnhprw,has“arliottHessarrcMsenruokceiigmargoneiwuhincnMnsrtt,tataeoioad.rtonalontteosH.hi'wki'aens,-an't tnnmrwAhaeeilaS“etAlwttyyoaaTehnhrxnrhdooiht,depunhefyytggemlohrpotwrdSdroirth$ostdeoiatn1thetvat'eu8zicktdt,no9eoegGnn,tphvRstat”heeachbTserenhvso,oiehuttaboeeofteulnsfrt.stsahaomiayairbytsvssnssuhest.eserttceehaoesmsa-aesstcodrmro?voldiostirichutke-eet?e yGvcamylteeeefuhooAsafhneiunsceritdrtcvsccehpteflo,chetloeraihrrsycdracyaytlieboreteinvaptaou.sgeorrricr.iwdsoycnt,eAeuoeplplwyrrgtodehetsohcacheeomrkeicsnuaeeagtytaIunyheonbpnout.eotue'bxohorvpiykngvseeeeoctdr2toot0oewoA$ntsnu6hsnpeete0'eilod0tralr daiKttofireeniivimernSgmmetpstteercrgosshbooftaieeiasvzrnnntfmeowgsewrhpmh.ariooelyatumeseBstrNnousotrttettwrhirrhhioevmteeitCuefyshithGaecesmtmeRsutobW.aupTafradgryotieeteritoendasntargsetlwswlelehhoor,dcaerore.rair.ekendeTaietrcrmnrEattsogpaavhanmlbesekst-elytye-o Mercado's spirits just before he fundraising efforts have been put a hefty sum just to get you to col- increasing the frequency ofservice rwdeoemwnanti,niiannntgdooipnstuairmglioestrtyio.cf."p"aiHne.'sButaheb’ist owthneishno-eldea.dnd“tWoseel'eertwehDjaautnstythlecayooimunetgcltoohmrweoauings.dh" yleogPuear.rkoitiwningscfaaarrt.cChoenapeesrtotghaa'nsdrDiovionng “Thoeuytdwoint’htthhaevderitvoinsgt.r”ess aanuTdthoeamdadtnieendwg ftEeeaaltseupyrheGsoO.nesyssytsetmemisthaant calaomnpeucsanforruntahsemsuecchonads $s2e8m0e.stFeorr SandyStotz. GRT wsiylslterme.plEacaesytGheOcwuirlrlentbeTealbelreidetro those students willing to walk far- affairsco-ordinatorfor help riders plan their trips by giv- ther,apass inLot 1 canbeobtained ing them times for routes and con- for $180. If parking were the only Sowhatdoall these numbers add necting buses. cost associated with driving, then up to? The average student will The system was supposed to be the choice to come to school with spend $550 per month on their operational in January, however. your own set of wheels might be vehicle, making their transporta- Stotz estimates that it won't be up easy, but other expenses include tion costs more expensive than and running until February. gas, insurance and depreciation, even their tuition. “They're just still working on a which don't comecheap. It's no wonderthen thatover 170 few glitches in the program.".”she According to Statistics Canada, passes were issued to students in says. “We're hoping forFeb. 1 in 2006 Canadians spent over $38 the two days that the GRT was on Ifstudents are interested in acol- amgiel.limoinda-tratnhgeep,ucmiptsy.-drFiovrenthveehaivcelr-e caFmoprustr.ansitworkerVirginiaFancy, olengee wbhuislepaGssRTandwamsisosnedcagemtptuisn,g this means paying about $52 per being on campus for the two days they can be purchased at the week in gas. In addition, gas prices each semester makes sense. Charles Street Terminal in are expected to soar as high as "It helps the kids so they don t Kitchener or the Ainslie Street $1.50 per litre this spring, driving have to godowntown ifthey're not Terminal in Cambridge until the thecostofa50-litretank upto$75. familiarwith the area." she says. end of January. After this month, For basic insurance costs, the According to Stotz. for the fall students have the option of pur- average student will pay approxi- semester, over 700 passes were chasing adult passes on a monthh mately $200 per month, according issued to Conestoga students. basis for S58. plus a one-time pic- (PhotobyCharlotteProngParkhill) to several insurance companies What about convenience? Buses ture card fee of $5. This option is Sparks fly registered with the Insurance are available on all routes during SI 1 more per month than the col- Rob Sauve shows off his welding skills at the Guelph campus Institute ofCanada. Ifyou've had a the week beginning at 6:15 a.m. lege pass: however, itis still cheap- tour on Jan. 14. See story on Page 2. major accident in the last three and run until midnight, giving stu- erthan driving. , i News — Page 2 SPOKE, January 21 2008 , Doors open Guelph campus at Now deep thoughts Tour hammers out changes in trades Conestoga College ...with Random questions answered byrandom students Ry CHAPRALROKTHTIELLPRONG thrayv.”e Hgoenealoson tsoaijdobasfweiwthssttuadretnitnsg cOawmeen fSrooumnd.LoSntdeovne Ntiochfoilnsd, o1u8t, salaries as high as $85,000 a year. about the millwright programs but What is the most memory-jogging CoFnreosmtogtaheCoflrolnetge'osf Gthueelbpuhildcianmg-, prLecoiusiDonropmkaac,hianipnrgofedsespoarrtimnentth,e wpaatsh laefstsercesreteaiinngabthoeutplheitshocraareeorf aroma? pus looks small. But inside, it said prospective students shouldn't options the Guelph campus offers. stretches far beyond what you worry too much about the down- “I'mkindofcheckingoutalotof imagine. turn in the manufacturing industry. places,” he said. “But I heard Huge shops filled with the latest He said 10-year forecasts predict Conestoga was a good college tools, machinery and computers skilled machinists will still be in from someone in the industry.” “I’m from Mexico, so are available for students who are great demand. From the mature student to the the smell of the tropical learning a trade - machining, recent high school graduate, there forest. There’s nothing iicnsduasntrdiawleladnidnga.utomotive mechan- “There are companies atrhee atrlaodtesofinwtaoyysoutorfsitchaedcualree.erIti’ns like that here.” The face of trades is changing, calling up the college also a good option for women, KarenMarroquin, aynodu ailmsaogisnter.etcBheeisngfarabteryadoensdpewrhsaotn looking for people with cwehnot mofakteheupstjuudsetntfsiveattoGu1e0lpphe.r first-yearhuman doesn't have to mean grubbing these skill sets.” Programs range from full time to sen'icesfoundations around underakitchen sinkorput- Jim Galloway, part time, apprenticeship or co-op, ting in 12-hourdays at a noisy fac- certificate ordiploma. tory. weldingprogram co-ordinator Or you can learn a new skill just The Guelph campus tour on Jan. forfun. 14 showcased the opportunities - RobSauvealready hasajob. He's “Dragging out the and the money to be made - in “There are companies calling up a Waterloo region police officer hockey equipment after thesejobs. the college lookingforpeople with who is taking agas metal arc weld- “People have a perception of these skill sets,” he said. “And ingcourseintheevening.“I wanted four months.” welding as this dirty, messy job,” when students leave here, they to learn how to weld properly,” he KaylaBruce, said Jim Galloway, who co-ordi- know their stuff." said. “I’ll be able tojust fix things, natestwooftheweldingprograms. The building also has a huge make things in my shop at home.” first-year But he said graduates ofthe weld- addition for truck and coach tech- There was also a tour on Jan. 15 generalartsand ing and robotics diploma program nicians, with programs that started at Conestoga’s Waterloo campus, science are in high demand, and many in 2006. Students get hands-on which offers carpentry, plumbing, have gone on to build aerospace experience with the three buses and food and beverage manage- parts. and two transport trucks on site. ment among otherprograms. “Some of that stuff is up on Over a hundred people showed For more information about a “Burnt fuel because it Mars,”he said. "We're operatingat up for the open house, coming career in the trades, go to reminds me of snow- the high end ofthe welding indus- from as far away as Barrie and www.conestogac.on.ca/trades. mobiling on my dad’s crappy old Jag.” dat® Art Fine NikkiPatterson FEB. third-yearbusiness administrative FMtmSY 4 so© management pi THE BISTRO * Wildlife “Campfires make me think of good drinking times with my friends.” Giant-Sized Posters hours Matt Watson, Music second-year materialsandoper- ationsmanagement last day Frames a Hangers < 9-5 Film “As a student, the smell of a good coffee.” Photography GalitHashish, first-year BScN 1000S OF POSTERS — mmm- “The smell of justice r M mWft* * when you open the Criminal Code.” JoelCampbell, second-year policefoundations Smile Conestoga, you could be our next respondent! News — SPOKE, January 21, 2008 Page 3 Counsellors ; are here to help By JOHN LINLEY light box designed to give you more sunlight. Did you find yourself feeling Lynn Robbins White, a counsel- overwhelmed lastsemester?Trying lor at the college, said the event is to balance school with your social to acknowledge stress and depres- lifeandjobscan often be toomuch sion and to help students deal with forone person to handle. (he symptoms ofseasonal effective Thecounselling servicesoffice is disorder. trying to help make it easier. “We are trying to bring some They have a number of events sunshine into the dreary winter planned this semester to help stu- blues,’’ she said. dents deal with the stress that Also, during exam week there school can bring. will be a Success Over Stress (PhotobyJennSprach) The events will include displays (S.O.S) display table in the atrium. Crash! in the atrium along with one-on- The display will have stress A two-car accident on HomerWatson Boulevard left both cars severely damaged, Jan. 9. Police one meetings you can set up with reduction information, offer some wouldn’t comment on whether anyone was injured. the counsellors. goodies and show a funny video, Starting immediately, students all designed to help students deal Degree students receive scholarships can set up an appointment with a with the stress ofexams. counsellor to get assistance with Christopher Steckly, a first-year applying to universities online. police foundations student, said ByVANESSA BUTLER informatics management and inter- graduate of a Guelph secondary' The application process can be exam time can be hard because national business management. school. Grime is in the integrated very confusing, but the staffin the everything seems to pile up at Twenty-one students in degree Conestogaisalsoafull partnerin a advanced manufacturing technolo- counselling office are there to once. programs at ConestogaCollege are jointbachelorofscience in nursing gies program. help. “You start to realize you are run- therecipientsofmorethen$25,000 program with McMaster The President’s degree entrance They will also have displays set ning out of time and money, and in entrance and academic achieve- University. scholarships, sponsored by up in the atrium for National without the proper grades you ment scholarships provided by a Mostofthe scholarshipsawarded Conestoga College, offers two Eating Disorder Awareness Week won’t be able to do what you want number ofcollege and community were given to students who have scholarships for each degree pro- from Feb. 3 to Feb. 9. afterschool,’’ he said. donors. completed the first semester of gram -a$1,500first-place scholar- There will be information and Finally, the counselling services “I would like to extend my grati- their first-year at Conestoga, but ship and a $1,000 second-place videos to,help raise awareness of office will be once again running tude to COM DEV International several went to bridging students scholarship. In the architecture - the signs and symptoms of eating their stress-free zone and drop-in forinvesting in myeducation,”said who have already completed a col- project and facility management disorders, as well as a list ofcom- relaxation sessions, both with dif- Marco Noguiera of Kitchener. lege diploma or university degree program, Anita Verberk of Forest munity events and resources avail- ferent methods to help relieve gen- “Persistence and diligence is and have gained entry into the first received the $1,500 award andDan able. eral stress. rewarded.” semester of the third year of these Stiplosek of Kitchener the $1,000 On Feb. 20, they will be having a The services are available at no Noguiera received a $1,500 four-yeardegree programs. one. Beat the Blues event in the atrium cost toall students. Formore infor- entrance scholarship in integrated “The awardsaregiven out, and in The Conestoga College alumni about seasonal affective disorder mation, visit the counselling serv- telecommunications and computer order to qualify, the students are association scholarships are spom with handouts, music, prizes and a ices office in Room 1A103. technologies. He plans on attend- assessed on individual academic sored by the alumni association ing Conestoga to obtain abachelor performance,” said Jal Wadia, andgotooutstandingalumni ofthe of applied technology (ITCT) director of strategic projects at college who have chosen to go on CLASSIFIEDS degree. Conestoga. “A panel of faculty to further studies at Conestoga as Conestoga’s degree programs are members in each program exam- bridging students who enter the four years in length. These pro- ines the first-year students, as well third-year of a degree program. Have the summer of your life at a prestigious coed grams are structured on a specific as their high-school grades to Winners of these $1,000 awards sleepaway camp in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of aspceacdiefimcictebchansiecalwhistcuhdiecsomibnintehse deWtaedrmiianesaaipdprtohperiaantneuaclancdeidraetmeosn."y wanedreSJeebsassitciaanBaUirlbeyanofofKiGtucehlepnhe.r Pennsylvania, 2 Vz hours from NYC. We’re degree field, appropriate business is heldevery Novemberforparents Bailey graduated in 2007 from seeking counselors who can teach any Team & and business management skills and industry leaders toenjoy in the Conestoga’s mechanical engineer- Individual Sports, Tennis, Gymnastics, Horseback aarned allisboerabluilsttuodniesancoeuxrpseersi.meTnhteayl blHueersoaiodmeoafchtheawcaorlldegies.sponsored ianugtomtaetcihonnolopgryog-ramroboatnidcs tahnedn Riding, Mt. Biking, Theatre, Tech Theatre, Circus, base which covers theoretical stud- by one company or by an individ- entered the integrated advanced Magic, Arts & Crafts, Pioneering, Climbing Tower, ies and extensive project-based ualdonation. manufacturing technologies pro- Water Sports, Music, Dance, or Science. Great work and periods of co-op educa- The Guelph Community gram. Urban, a 2006 graduate of salaries and perks. Plenty of free time. Internships tiTonheemdpelgoryemeenptr.ograms offered at Freoquunidraetsiothne rSecchipoileanrtshtiopbeawfarrodm Cinognetsetcohgnao’lsocgoyns-traurccthiiotnecetnugrieneperro-- available for many majors. Interviews on Feb 6. Conestogaare in theareasofarchi- Guelph. Matthew Grime won the gram. is now in the architecture - Apply online at <http://www.islandlake.com/> tectural management, advanced $1,000 scholarship, which goes to project and facility management www.islandlake.com. Call 800-869-6083 manufacturing technologies, health asecond-yearstudent whois alsoa program. between 9 and 5 eastern time on weekdays for more [email protected]. SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE! CAMP WAYNE FOR GIRLS - Children’s sleep-away camp, Northeast Pennsylvania (6/21-8/17/08). If you love children and want a caring, fun environment we need Counselors and Program Directors for: Tennis, Swimming, Golf, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Drama, Ropes Course, Camping/Nature, Team Sports, Waterskiing, Sailing, Painting/Drawing, Ceramics, Silkscreen, Printmaking, Batik, Jewelry, Calligraphy, Photography, Sculpture, Guitar, Aerobics, Self-Defense, Video, Piano. Other staff: Administrative, CDL Driver (21+), Nurses (RN’s and Nursing Students), Bookkeeper, Mothers’ Helper. On campus Interviews January 31st. Select The (PhotobyVanessaButter) Camp That Selects The Best Staff! Call Yummy! 1.215.944.3069 or apply on-line at Elizabeth Dukett, Rachel Pepping and Jonathan Compton, third-year civil engineering technology www.campwaynegirls.com students, held a bake sale Jan. 14 to raise money for theiryear-end banquet. Commentary — Page 4 SPOKE, January 21, 2008 Mandatory winter law tire not practical Winter tires may be a good idea, but to make them mandatory in Ontario is a step too far. There has been alotofdiscussion around the issueoverthe lastcou- ple of months and Quebec has already gone ahead with a provincial law making it mandatory for drivers to place snow tires on their vehi- cles from Nov. 15 toApril 15 startingthis year, according toaDec. 20 CBC news article. According to the article, Quebec is the first province to make a law requiring winter tires. Let’s hope Ontario doesn t follow suit. "In Ontario, we don't get nearly as much snow as (Quebec); some areas yes, however, that doesn't constitute them making it mandatory for you to have two sets of tires," said Sameer Ahmed, a consumer councillorforCAA in a Dec. 22 National Post article. "Drivers simply need to pay attention and drive cautiously," he said. Pakistan turmoil in The article also states some concerns forthe environment. Dr. Franz Hartmann, executive director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance, said snow tires reduce fuel economy, since they have better traction and therefore cause more friction between Dec. 27 will be remembered as a U.S.-backed system which was tires and the road, and ifmandatory, cars would burn more gasoline. day of infamy for the people of falling increasingly into disfavour Ifwinter tires became mandatory, motorists would need to spend a Pakistan. with the Pakistani population. fair bit ofmoney in order to have two sets oftires. CanadianTire had Moments after a euphoric crowd Wei-Lon However, with the death 'of Goodyear Nordic tires on sale for $33.74 each, which are regularly received Benazir Bhutto with out- Lee Bhutto, a champion ofdemocracy, c$o4s4ts.99$1,3a7n.d9it9.goOetsheurpsftroormesthsehroe.wAsiMmiiclharelpirnicLeastiotnluidneeX.-Ice,SUV tire sftorremtecrhedpoaprumlsi,stmopmreinmtes amfitneirstteher Opinion wproommeinn’esnt rfiigghutrse ianndPaktihsetan,mosaltl Ifyougetthe cheapestwintertiresyoucan, approximately $30each, made herself vulnerable by salut- hopes of that legitimacy have van- you’re already looking at $120 before service fees to put the tires on ing her supporters through a car’s However, there is no doubt that ished into thin air. your vehicle. That can be a lotofmoney, especially for someone who sunroof, the street was awash with Bhutto’s assassination is a huge Instead, the death of Bhutto has only drives occasionally or a shortdistance every day. blood and tears. blow to Pakistani democracy, anda created an opening for Nawaz According to the CBC article, drivers in Quebec will be fined And in that very instant, hope for great victory to Islamic extremism. Sharif, leader of the Pakistan between $200 and $300 for not having the proper tires. If Ontario a nascent democracy suffered a Seen as a pro-western moderate Muslim League. brought in a law with similar penalties, some people would decide to crushing setback. by the United States, Bhutto was Sharif, like Bhutto, was twice forego the tires and take theirchances. Pakistanis around the world will the linchpin of efforts to stem the prime minister-from 1990-93 and Ofcourse, ifyou did get caught without the right tires, you would no doubt come to remember the rising tide of Islamic fundamental- from 1997-99. probably have to deal with getting points on your driver's licence as Dec. 27 assassination of Bhutto in ism in Pakistan. But he is best remembered as a well as the fine. much the same way that we Bhutto’s death has also dashed populist prime minister who tested Alawformandatorywintertireswouldalsobeextremelydifficultto remember9/11. any hopes thatthe U.S. could build nuclear weapons in response to implement. Police officers won't be able to sit on the side ofthe road As many people of Pakistani any kind of legitimacy around India’s nuclear test in 1998 - and tell which tires motorists have when driving by. That leaves the descent are likely to tell you, President Pervez Musharraf. despite strong U.S. objections. optionofstoppingmotoriststochecktheirvehiclesoronlyfiningpeo- Benazir Bhutto was a great leader, In a deal brokered by the Bush Although not known explicitly as ple who get into collisions and don't have winter tires. with a democratic vision for administration, Bhutto’s re-entry a religious fundamentalist, Sharif I think Ontario’s Ministry ofTransportation and the provincial gov- Pakistan and a genuine wish to into Pakistani politics after an remains very close to the religious ernmentshouldcontinue to inform motoriststodrivecautiously in bad modernize both the civil and polit- eight-year exile was approved by right in Pakistan. * weather conditions and maybe insurance companies could offer dis- ical landscape ofhercountry. Musharrafin Octoberoflast year. So for the February elections, counts to people who use wintertires as incentives to do so. But like many political leaders of Thegoal ofthe United States was Pakistanis can choose between It is illegal to drink and drive butjust because a few people still do, that country, her terms in office to maintain Musharraf in power as Bhutto's widowerAsifAli Zardari, itdoesn'tmeaneverydriverneedsabreathalyserinstalledintheirvehi- were marred by charges ofcorrup- president of Pakistan, but give nicknamed “Mr. 10 Per Cent” for cle. Likewise,justbecause afewpeople don'tknow how to slowdown tion, misappropriationoffundsand legitimacy to its continual support the kickbacks he allegedly took, or and drive carefully in winter, it doesn't mean everyone should have to abuse ofpower. of the military dictator by reintro- a populist right wing Islamist, or a have winter tires. Twice elected into office, first in ducing Bhutto through elections military dictator who wants noth- AccordingtotheNationalPostarticle, theMinistryofTransportation 1988 and then in 1993, she was and power-sharing. ing more than to maintain power. says it has no plans to implement a law requiring motorists to have oustedboth timesamidaccusations Basically, Bhutto was only Pakistani politics gives new snow tires. Let’s hope they neverdo. of graft and financial mismanage- allowed back intoPakistan because meaning to the phrase, “between a ment. she could provide legitimacy to a rock and a hard place.” Spoke Letters are welcome ispublishedandproduced weeklybythejournalism students ofConestoga College Spoke welcomes letters to the Editor: Charlotte Prong Parkhill editor. Letters should be signed and include the name Advertising Manager: Marcia Love, Aaron O’Connell Spoke Online Editor: Wei-lon Lee and telephone number of the writer. Writers will be Production Manager: Kerry Reed, Kayla Grant Circulation Manager: Jennifer Marko contacted for verification. Photo Editors: John Linley, Jackie Allwood, Josh Khan, Franca Maio, Elizabeth Bate, Hien Dinh Faculty Supervisorand Adviser: Christina Jonas No unsigned letters will be published. Letters should be no longer than 500 words. Spoke reserves the right to edit any letter Spoke’s address is 299 Doon Valley Dr., Room 1C29, Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 4M4. for publication. Phone: 519-748-5220, ext. 3691, 3692, 3693, 3694 Fax: 519-748-3534 Address correspondence to; E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.conestogac.on.ca/spoke The Editor, Spoke, 299 Doon Valley Dr., Room 1C29, Kitchener, Ont., The views and opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect the views of Conestoga College. N2G 4M4 Spokeshallnotbeliableforanydamagesarisingoutoferrorsinadvertisingbeyondtheamountpaidforthespace.Letters totheeditoraresubjecttoacceptanceorrejection and should beclearlywritten ortyped;a MSWordfilewouldbehelpful. Letters mustnotcontain anylibellous statements. News — SPOKE, January 21 2008 Page 5 , Make over your dieting habits Fanatical diets need to be a thing of the past. With 2008 underway, attitudes toward dieting have to change. There are so many people in the Kerry world obsessed with dieting and Reed losing their extra pounds that they become possessed. There is noth- Opinion ing wrong with losing weight, especially if it is something that safer to lose weight in the correct will make a person healthier and amount oftime foryou. happier, but goingabout it the right Even though most people loath way is extremely important. goingtothegym, it is, unfortunate- Rash and spur-of-the-moment ly, one of the easiest ways to start diets do not work. Sure, you may losing weight. get the results you want fast, but Makethe timetogoat least twice keeping the results is slim to none. a week to start and soon you will Most people who begin a diet end find out how great it feels to get up weighing more than when they moving. started it. 1 can vouch for that. I know from first-hand experi- Diets do not work, but planning ence the gym can be your best and talking to professionals does. friend. I hated going but once it became routine I lived forthe gym, not to mention the results I got. It Getting help makes it was hard work but worth all the easier and safer to lose sweat in the end. A fitness and nutrition plan goes weight in the correct hand.in hand. To get results you amount of time for you. need to have both. A propermeal plan will make the transition from what you eat now Instead of going on crazy, to the new diet easier and less ofa unhealthy diets, you should seri- shock to your body. ously sit down and make a game Do not starve yourself by eating plan foryourself. nothing in aday; you need toeatto It you cannot do it on your own survive. However, make it healthy thereisnoshame inaskingforhelp. choices. Go to a local gym and talk to a Since it is the beginning of a (PhotobyHienDJnh) trainer, go to the doctor’s office or new year, challenge yourself to Is it any wonder we’re obsessed with diets and body image? Tabloids full of weight loss success sto- consult a nutritionistordietician. make a difference. It will be ries, extreme fad diets and photos of celebrity (gasp!) cellulite sit on the racks right beside the Getting help makes it easier and worth it. chocolate bars and candy at the grocery store checkout. Police are abusing powers their Recently, an off-duty Waterloo regional police officerwas charged with impaired driving, dangerous driving, leaving the scene of an Jackie accident and driviiK with over 80 Allwood mgofalcohol in his blood. The 35-year-old. seven-year vet- Will you butt out? eran ofthe force allegedly collided Opinion with another vehicle in the National Non-smoking Week is Jan. 20 to Jan. 26. For tips on quitting, go to www.nnsw.ca. Township of Wilmot. After many through stop signs. years of enforcing the law against This last practice isn’t too bad, drinking and driving, this officer even though it means a ticket for COUNSELLOR’S CORNER: Grief has ended up making himself and normal people,butmostofthetime the police force look foolish. they are not putting any lives in There have been other incidents danger. You can’t stop crying. You feel angry. You feel numb. These feelings are qthuaetsthiaovn,e icnalclleuddipnoglitcheeadcetaitohn oifntoa pleH'oswelvievres, itnheydanargeerpubtytindgripveion-g all normal reactions to loss in our lives - a reaction we call gWrieef. Griefdoes man who was tasered at the drunk and tasering people because not only have to be a result oflosing a loved one to death. grieve any Vancouver airport. It seems this they don't like their tone of voice. kind of loss: the breakup of a relationship, the loss of good health or even past year caused many people, Even flashing their badges to get including me. to wonder if police out of speeding tickets while they the loss ofa dream to reach a certain goal. Although these feelings are bipnoowuCenard.naarideashavaendbeeanbupsuisnhgingthtehier aprlTeahcoeefdfo-fodfunitcyeardimswihanniosatwbrauastsiecvheoafrdpguoteiwdeeswr,.asa nhaetaulrianlg, pitroscoemsest.imWersithienlgpsyotuortatlhkoutghhetmsoivnearjwoiutrnhala,croeunasdeilnlgobroaoskpsaratboouftthe punishment I don't think fits the grief, and talking to friends can also help. Most of all, give yourself This officer has ended crIimdeo. know that any other person permission to grieve. Feelings left bottled up will only come out later, up making himself and who was charged would probably delaying the healing process. the police force continue to work too, unless they drive vehicles for a living, but this look foolish. is a police officer who is supposed Ifyou have a friend who is grieving, don’t worry about saying the wrong tosetanexampleforthecommuni- thing to them. Just be there, be a good listener or remind them how much We all know that once and a teyx.amHpeleshfoorulddrivaelrsso. be setting an you care with a card, a hug or some time together. Ifyou are grieving a loss while the odd officer will flash the Hopefully future police officers, and would like to talk with a counsellor or find out about resources in the ctrhuriosuegr'hsalitgrhatfsfiecnalibglhitngtotgheetmttootghoe iatnctlhuedicnoglletgheo,sewiclulrrleenatrlnyfsrtoumdytihnigs community, come to Counselling Services. station or Tim Hortons a little and other officers' mistakes and quicker. They also speed past peo- will not drive drunk or abuse their A Message from Counselling Services, 1A103 ple in slow speed traffic zones powers when they are in the field. (school zones)anddoarollingstop Public safety depends upon it. — Page 6 SPOKE, January 21 2008 , 'TicketsintheCSIofficeRoom2A106 Con estogA STUDENTS INC rtl HsrfsAoRtrt*e STUDENTS INC MU AT THE BACK POND • SIGN IIP IN THE (El OFFICE ROOM CONESTOGA STUDENTS TAKING THE PLUNGE TO HELP RAISE MONET FOR HEART AND STROKE! OSsu aasoGnt IIMBTHM? Pll U nil r U a IVl 1 IN WELCOME mm CONESTOGA STUDENTS N OP AT THE CSI OFFICE, ROOM 2AI06 18+ 'TODAYS at 5:00 BALLOTS AVAILABLE AT THE &NUARY n™, 24th, 31th and FEBRUARY I* STUDENT LIFE CENTRE INFORMATION DESK , GIFT CERTIFICATE Contact Jessica Harrison, student Lite Coordinator I STUDENT id required or Roxm Stanciu, CSI President for more information '“TV’S ITAlXPS/lFL/ MAI FREETO ENTER I MMH. 1“ BOKBiy. 1MIM8Y 21st • FEBWARY £ Feature — SPOKE, January 21 2008 Page 7 , (Internetphoto) Believe it or not, you can green your sex life. Andriana Bertfni’s condom couture includes dresses made out of unusedcondoms. on Get your green Conestoga goes green Living the green life Numbers By KAYLA GRANT a big impact is transportation. Cox By SARAH JAYNES suggests walking or biking to From light bulbs to condoms, if places nearby instead ofdriving. •Fiveisthenumberofplanets Do you have an old cellphone you look hard enough, chances are "People making the choice to we would need if everyone that is collecting dust in a drawer you’ll find a green option. While walk places make a huge differ- lived like the average North somewhere? Perhaps you have an going green may seem trendy, sav- ence," said Cox. American. If everyone lived old pair of glasses that you will Cienlgebtrhietieesnvainrdonomregnantiziastiwoonrstahlikite. buItt tgaektteisnsgoimnetoditshceiphlaibniet,nsohewswaiildl, lwiek’ednteheedtahvreere.agUenfoEruturnoapteealny,, nabelveertwoeadrisapgaoisne. Soofonthyeomu wsialflelbye, “We are trying to encourage cus- httwoiaavvreaemsdijvinoongicn.taehtedetcfhroeurscaaadunesdetootfhffiiesgrhptaaslgttleyorebnaaalr- hPsearilidpAmteytohuetMhifeKnuiyrstpothateseortroAnKSctycieoon.prthldoi'efesn.megHeoatarilpnget.ro •wuplseaisnotSgnihlc5oy0pbh0paaegbvriseslloinpwoeeon.rrtloydew1air.dtreilTlhaiirosen tCGhorGanaenvenkesesstroasgatlaoidSmttahauadntneaCnegtSwes1rIwniacnCn.ihttrisaittsiotvoempohvbeyer tbbsaoeaimcdekrreAstuolstleooydusbrhroaisrntgoBrreaeennscdyyistckohl.ietndhgaatepclrtueohcpsetetyrroolcmnyaei.ncr' Now, you're probably thinking, reduce emissions by six per cent translates to about 150 bags a toward a green footprint. service representative at Future tlihgehtsabyuilnbgs gsourees,absukt acnodndyoomus?shaAlsl (Tfhreomgo1v9e9r0nmleevnetls)hacsouulndtni'lt2b0e1m2ett.o yReeamrefmobreervertyo-bpreirnsgoynoounroeawrnt!h. CsoysnteesmtoogfareCcoylclleigneg ianltrheeadhyalhlawsaysa ShMoapniyn Wotahteerrlroeot.ailers and grocery rsafbueedulcxvyleiiilcsnvieefegec.,toicfnToeornanwetdheouoranhmiutnsghg,gtooeawrttl.ootocypoosokmg1r0atenoolerfdinsftewryewhsvoieeutnnhra assaiicnConcdncoosemxgp1hlls9aiao9vsi0oedh.mtgthohseincrseee.naiCusrpaianoas2ldo4atr’oepsfegraedrmdociieosnnm-tg •Awlinemamer2.Er0mi0Tiig4hcnh.iagtsnysii-sstuhanproef“ewrsoermpise7oaruy0sc"peegnrlptorcboeabonl-tf tphsahlatosapuw.tederev,naetlrspl,lotawoststhdiiicssstpapuondrsdeoengtcorsafanmosttohwoeirdrlrlbmooaptattlellroeoisfw-,f sapbtttiiaoinmgrngesegssbdotaaohrmgneee'itsroboeniohetnawhgvganeotceosnrtneousscmchybieoceerplnoaptubiuislnsoeegud.sp,slFaehcosaortrcpeih--ca eco-undies. The website also global warming and personal Some ofthe items that are going small price the shopper can buy a offers advice on how to be eco- changesalone won’t make adiffer- Source: Treehugger.com to be accepted are cellphones, bat- bag and bring it back the next time ftwfmoroaeirBrgaeudrmnntredo?leorynbweeThiyntaooaitoupnstrde.hcdeccooarolrem.owsmgaiuVyisn“sstgi,iottsiyJtuna,hcngehestwuagemsrbmCesheoeiorxntw,,"e essdtnhoa"EcnereOv't.teusmrrawayiapdkn.lliatintnt"getlGoetcocbihvishateainrnnhgnegeslmeespersyni,toootuuespsrvoeltlnniriecofyeeuisf.bdt"lyyelo,teu"o. Eco-footprint ttpHbcerourorintroidsetggetseor,rxsnaup.scmeetyriCebiwoSgeeenlIlng.alcasensbbdeeesigfataosadrnetnelrdpaatnlyhpsearfdnionnunriteemenwargttoiTcotatinhrhm-e,e tedprilhne“afeuvPsfysilteariarabcsoerltnneeittmhcseabhtntabohtgapci?gpnoasgiunIsnlt.dag'dsr.eawbeaehthseviuruergsrieebndlfoeowtrtafoseouwtvrsaeeerrtdovhse-fa ogopmfrwry"eonlFecieoenfirers.msipsanom'ocfetft,juFcosao‘ntcngstoatoitarhnpneyghtalspygel1ra6eenb3eevu,tnat,l-"uabaeiwtssiiaanniyggda cSe9Apllnio1ievsmnr1tipgt,irlsano,yghndamiipnsveaicintcs1taiik9.voi9innl9tAagiorecrfgsceuectophpyrecridllemgiiivptrnnetaogegncruttapetondordoGnlaErcobaeobroctmatuyh-lh-te Ar.zpah*crnveeeeepcpdtarvtrjfacvaCcrgdarittek'eXrtilooca'Por'etmsKiee:*cpnac!atpfsw»neu:>tfrdruisensiostr*n*?<e.%i'«JtrgaLS’yaf'ectrb'ncC3ae^wlhemcda/ten.*datn aGithnrl"TegalhWvosewbeecsihdn.oarssoroeellpifnwg-oohsftiefohrnefvgarersoteemoalifranb-etnesaeyerriesvimsstetpuelddalee.romnec'teaassntateiti-ddon owgBbnrahe"egoeo.Tsc"c.hehrhesIyawahscoiaudsovswtdeotSonrhorp'eemkltsleaelrhzdseseawyaiffartooRrdcrreehaaZi1pd6nesl,igehynaraegsstaleocredsaa.tsctwhhoiietmthese-hre' CtthyCwahhoaoothSei"xruuxetnrBd.r.ruegeeu,sdenrtfevrttnytiihihtoodrfeasguontheynaohtcmcivuuaaesar'evnnnnreetecnc.(oeoiadntnrl)otItiggfrrvdryooieosylnlaewgootfnotumf.hiinieen"cmriwpeetanahsnettciem,ptmtplspheaaioletrci'ner-des 6etc22nhoen4a0o0rInRdt0sp0nteui.4em0rcn.isCe.oyglafcatlntuhlioaaepo6ilnd5nlgNiagrnotwperoealaethnarspnhanstpdscterfAerooinmelfxwbtnleiaesdrmmsciaiaawnottcncremiedarlerleleiciyafaaynsonlccsel2dliel7enffcodeCrrwoprooonaeiimxm-drnn 9.6 mfKlLLkILtCiZiU.hn3lnSnt-i%ptAJdecdC" bsiOpdcoBdeitnllteouCfsugdanlhyfodic'leoeednteperrrnaeelhetgnessonpstegcdtnttrhttooiecoerrTnsiartgeothnnenhasniacegerinaynClgcowlcido.SwksllgoTgenoablruaibaeegFroltmmgeuoucetetetnee.HsfuriiooriastreertrsesnthepomoSeohasthasnostoecsthtspcahwoue.tweeccdplhoohatBtlepnyiehrylsensaae-y.ygtss pMpbsmuarlauoaesoaF“wrmupgetiIoteescdnth.ar'otfeoes,bostdrkr"rlo.ntSe"cbshogoBeheuofobhsafesneaasoletttiyiesvrsohwdaacese.msirostdeoS,s.cruahawwrsgenmeheShdaatshotontoc5eateap0prdshvnputaeapeeryaldndcrsahoV'suaorsttsKsgaeihieeescuan.retsDgnbclareao.bstuilnglhtgse-saee Anotherlittle thing to do that has its footsteps. News — Page 8 SPOKE, January 21 2008 , (PhotobyJackieAllwood) (PhotobyKaylaGrant) Repairing traffic lights Grand River floods trails Police had a portion of Hespeler Road in Cambridge closed Jan. 14 while city crews Water covers part of the Walter Bean trail off Fountain Street.The Grand River repaired a traffic light. Conservation Authority warns banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slip- pery. Fast-moving waters combined with the coJd pose a serious hazard. Last year. Max underwent surgery to implant a new kind ofpacemaker, one with technological advancements unavailablejust 5 years ago. Every time you give to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, you fund research that leads to medical breakthroughs, like Of ilia the one that saved Max’s life. mIwkMl Now he can spend more time IB, with his grandfather. c CONESTOGA J ConnectL-aursiCutting Please give to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. UNIVERSITY o ^QUELPH J , Universityof tp Waterloo K! HEART WilfridLaurier ANDSTROKE University FOUNDATION \ News — SPOKE, January 21 2008 Page 9 , (COPE It WeekofJanuary21, 2008 Skiers and snowboarders share the slopes Libra September23 - BY FRANCA MAIO challenge just being able to stay new technology means the skis do October22 upright. not stiffen, providing you with the You are skiing down a hill when Dwayne Orth, manager of mar- flexibility you need. The Rail flex it suddenly hits you, you need a ketingand businessdevelopmentat helps you to safely transfer the A situation will approach you Let your artistic side lead this new challenge. You race into the Chicopee, said ski hills are seeing power from the boot to theedge of this week. It seems like telling a week. Your creativity and imagi- rental store and exchange yourskis more people skiing or snowboard- the ski so the skis can be steered lie will give you an advantage. nation will prove to be beneficial. fora snowboard. ing. with ease,/ according to Don't do it. Be your usual honest Spend time creating this week Robert Reed, of Hanover, decid- He said the majority are families www.head.com. and sincere self and you will whether it is art, music or a story ed to give snowboarding a try and there is a 50/50 split between Reed said he has seriously receive appreciation and respect. - it will be something you'll keep. when the hills in eastern Canada skiers and snowboarders. thought about putting on a pair of were not as exciting as the hills in Orth said many freestylers are skis again, but he still enjoys the Taurus Scorpio western Canada where he once moving back to skis becauseofthe challenge ofthe snowboard. April 20 - May 20 October23 - lived. new way skis are crafted. Ifyou would like to try skiing or November 21 Reed said his parents first took Freestyleskiingisamix ofskiing snowboarding, Orth said, Chicopee him skiing as a young boy and he and acrobatics. The skier performs offers eight-session group lessons, hasenjoyed the sportforthe last 32 differentjumps and flips in the air. which start at a couple of hundred Taureans are vulnerable to colds You are as unpredictable as the years. One of the jumps includes a dollars and private lessons for $47 because they rule the throat and weather. When aloverchecksout However, he wanted a new chal- back-flip. an hour. neck. Avoid colds by keeping your another person this week don't lenge and attempted snowboarding He said having two legs that can He said their discover program neck warm, drinking lots of water getjealous,just simply ask what fouryears ago. move separately makes it easier to featureslessonsthatcan betaken in and eating lots ofanti-oxidant rich made them look. This will reveal He said he has tried the halfpint perform the tricks and that is why agroup orprivately to learn howto foods like berries. Try sipping on the deeper meaning ofthings and once, but will not go nearthe rails. some are leaving their snowboards ski or snowboard. Lessons are at 9 greenteaalsohighinanti-oxidants. yo.u'11 be surprised at the result. He prefers to travel up and down forapairofskis. a.m., 1 1 a.m. and 1 p.m. on the the hills. Another reason is a new fibre weekend and at 7 p.m. Wednesday Gemini Snowboard parks often have a called, Intellifibers. It helps to sta- and Friday. Sagittarius selection of boxes and rails to bilize speed when the skier is fly- The program runs throughout the May 21 - June 21 November22- slide on as well as a variety of ing down the hill, according to winter. December21 jumps. global sports equipment manufac- Hesaidtheygrouppeopleby age There are also some half pint turer Head’s website, andabilityandthereareusuallysix parks which are similarto the main www.head.com. people with one instructor. You want it all and more. You’re blunt, what you say is snowboard parks but on a smaller This allows skiers toski with bet- Orth said the predicted end date Beware of biting off more than what you mean, this will'give you scale. tercontrol. fortheski andsnowboardseason is you can chew, with having it all a boost this week. You will shut Reed said that sometimes it is a If you like to ride the rails, the March 24. comes all the responsibilities. down an idea without potential Don't leave your usual trail of andgivean ideawith muchpoten- Put on your poker face unfinished business, it will come tial. Watch forjealousy from oth- backto haunt you. ers. Conestoga gears up for the student poker tour ^ Cancer _ tf Capricorn BY FRANCA MAIO best four or five students from Texas hold ’em at home once in June 22 - July 22 igfl December22 - Conestoga College who will then awhile with friends, but will not be January 19 Get your chips out, your poker become Team Conestoga and com- able to attend the poker challenge face ready and brush up on your pete against other students from held at the school because ofwork Thisweekwill bringyouafeel- Your shoulder will be needed to Texas hold ’em rules because start- othercolleges and universities. obligations. ing of security which is unlike cry on this week. A friend will ing on Jan. 17, the student poker She said there is a lot of interest Grant Moshonas, a third-year you. Don't question it, enjoy it. experience adifficult situation and tourstopsatConestogaCollege for in the tournament with 10 to 15 graphic design student, said he Learn to accept that everything will come to you for assistance. three weeks. students stopping by CSI daily to does not play pokerso the event is only gets taken away from those Let them talk it out and use your LindsaySilva,ConestogaStudents ask when it will start. ofno interestto him. who take advantage ofit. excellent sense ofhumour to help Inc. event programmer, said there is Silva said she is not sure where Michelle Palmer, a second-year , them feel better. no sign-up this year,just show up at the major tournament will be held lawandsecuritystudent,saidshe is 5p.m.attheSanctuarylocatedinthe thisyear,butlastyearitwasheldin not a poker player. new Student LifeCentre. Toronto. "Nope,” she said when asked if Leo Aquarius Silva said a company called Red She said prizes have not been she playsthe game. "I haveno idea July 23 - August January 20 - Hot Poker Tournament is holding revealed, but last year the grand how you play.” 22 February 18 the event, and are going to all the prize was a trip for two to Europe. The tour will end on Feb. 7. The collegesanduniversitiesinOntario. Desiree Donn, a second-year law event isopen toanyone 18 yearsof Attheend,theycreateateamofthe and security student, said she plays age orolder. Your advice-giving nature will As an Aquarian you are a be needed by a loved one when humanitarian and always looking an unexpected issue arises. Use fora way to help.A good project your sunny disposition and a to help ward off boredom is to cThehFatuherr'scHouhse night out to help them decrease get involved with acause such as stress and let loose. Habitat for Humanity or similar volunteer work. 185 King St. S Waterloo Virgo Pisces Adult Recreational Center August 23 - February 19 Meeting Times: September22 March 20 Sunday 10 am & Wed. 6:45 pm You're a very logical individual Pisces has a tendency to feel who studies all the facts before others' pain as theirown. A friend Check out: makingadecision.A majordeci- will come to you for assistance; www.thefathershouse.ca sion will have to be made this only help them ifyou can remain week but watch for an error in anobserveroryou will fall behind visienfriendsfutarevaliesleari fact, it could seriously affect the in yourown life. inglaughterdestinycreatrvityltealin! outcome. trainingfamilyfoadresiaraiienadera (PhotobyWei-LonLee) ttonorayernationsliopefartiiMedeaci The answer man Can’t find your way around campus? Ryan Shantz can help.The Jennifer Sprach is a third-year third-year marketing student is a student life information desk rep- journalism student holding fate resentative who can help you locate that hard-to-find classroom in the palm of her hand. orjust help you find your way around the college.The desk is located in the Student Life Centre and operates from Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturday, the desk is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 7 , . Sports — Page 10 SPOKE, January 21, 2008 man mask The behind the Despite all the buzz, Steve Mason is still humble Bv ANNELISETHOMPSON who just likes going to the arena early so he can tape his sticks and It’s been quite a year for goalie bond with his teammates. extraordinaire Steve Mason, and “(The attention is) nice but at the it's onlyWeek 3. First he was con- same time, sometimes you like troversially traded from the OHL’s yourprivacy," he said. -London Knights to the Kitchener But that doesn’t mean he isn’t Rangers, and then he won a gold grateful for the support the fans medal at the World Junior Hockey have shown him since arriving on Championship in the Czech the 1 1th. Republic and was named the world “(Kitchener fans) really support juniorMVR Upon returning home, their team and they come in num- (PhotosbyAnnetise Thompson) hereceivedanemergencycall from bers and it’s nice to see junior Above: Steve Mason shut down most of his teammates during the NHL’s Columbus Blue Jackets, hockey games supported so well.” practice last week. because they needed a backup Those same fans are already won- goaltenderfortheirJan. 8 game. dering if their team will be able to Below: Mason deflects a puck into the corner during a two-on-one bring home the Cup. According to “(The attention is) nice Steve Mason DloeuBdoeerr,sintcheeNrou.mb3l5inroglslehdaivnetogtroowwnn. drill at practice. but at the same time, for a goaltender because there’s “To add a guy like that to your sometimes you like your usually a lot of goals scored,” he lineup ... I think itjust adds to the added with alaugh. — buzz and excitement of the privacy.” Bu—thisability tostopapuck or Memorial Cup this year,” he said. SteveMason 10 has turned Mason into a Winning the Cup has also been KitchenerRangers house-hold name in Kitchener, on Mason’s game plan since the which is an honour that his new beginning ofthe season. coach and GM, Peter DeBoer, feels “It’s the biggest tournament for Mason returned to the Rangers is well deserved. junior hockey and there are 60 Jan. 1 1, and was just settling into "It’s instant credibility in the teams playing for one goal and if his new dressing room at the Aud playoffs (for us) with a proven guy we can come out on top it’ll be when he added another notch in his that knows how to win underpres- right up there with (winning) the belt by being named to the 2008 sure at that time of year,” said World Juniors,” said Mason. OHLAll-StarClassic team. DeBoer. Mason will be between the pipes “It’s an added bonus,” Mason Despite all the buzz both in local on Friday, Jan. 25 when the said. media as well as households, Rangers face off against the “Actually, it’s not too much fun Mason insists he’s a normal guy Belleville Bulls at 7 p.m. Networking Opportunities at Job Fair What is Job Fair? Preparation An opportunity. • Visitwww.partners4employment.cafor alist ofparticipating . • To networkwith over 250 employers from across North Americawho organizations are currently hiring for full-time, summer, co-op, contract • Pickup an Employer Guidebook at Career Services in advance of and part-time jobs Job Fair (available at RIM Park on the day ofthe Fair aswell) • To investigate and research career options and potential positions • Research employers attending the Fair andtarget those ofinterest from diverse sectors to you • To offeryour resume to numerous employers • Update your resume andtake copies to the Fair • To presentyour skills and qualifications in person • Prepare questions to ask employers Presentation For more information, contact Co-op and Career Services, SCSB Room 220 (Doon Campus), call 519-748-5220, ext. 3340 or email • Dress and conductyourselfprofessionally [email protected] • Exude enthusiasm and self-confidence • Be focused and ask relevant questions Transportation to Job Fair • FREE transportation is available • Buseswill pick up and drop offfrom Doon Campus Door #3 • Additional bus service from UW, WLU and U ofGuelph is available from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Please see the Fairwebsite for To From details: www.partners4employment.ca Job Fair Job Fair • Buses leave promptly at these times 9:30 12:00 • Students requiring accessible 12:30 3:00 transportation should contact Pam Martin at 519-888-4567, ext. 36055 or email [email protected] beforeJanuary 1 lh

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