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WHAT’S INSIDE Golfing in the winter see page 10 Conestoga College, Kitchener — January 19, 1998 30thYear No. 3 OSAP form runs smoothly distribution BTyhVeicbteogriinaniLngo-nogf-term distribu- bnoy“oTnJh,ainst.h7ies,rnesohwteaastsranuiode.lpiiBncyteuurpJeaanot.falwl8h.aatt btWoealtpshrehoircseaasipdsp.eldiciantiaobnosutcatnwcourwreeenktsl,y sa6ts0usdipesenttrasnccweehnottoacpocpaulrryrsyeforalothamidsinteyixpcmeeupomtf tsAitsAorsnnoooncttgihhaierstreisaocpcnhoaandnseogemfeifctroFoyiOmenSaatnrAhcePeiavOlronektgeauArdliiad-oa tionofOntario StudentAssistance we’ve been going through,” clerk Part ofthe reason the task went for special needs students Advisors. Program forms at Doon campus Val Groves said. “It’s been really smoothly was that the majority of whose requirement remains at Thecontroversialchangewasthe wtftpihheineecnakwtnbeicudinslatmlukeorpaooittafdehnroltmdfyh,feliCitcahnefreeosouralfpimisdWrs.sawtlBheswyarhedeJeoasbkfnhe.toeohr8neft, bwdtuhoaSsenntyeatr.,re”ttgcoiiansgtngertcaJroat’hnmse.eiorft1fOo2i,cStehAsebtPfeurtdpoweannetpteedsnrewsw1ok:hr3aok0t dsscSataootuicciddiuoeamnnle,ttnIshstneoasputdrriegoaolvonnaivc,ydeeserWcdcnaaamrltndeshsnheotfcocnsrueariricedde.qeisnfustiSsiartfhreuieys-- 4bcs0htoWuauapdnnleegdsrneht.tcsoeSnshhtasa.ieivdgesnasebiodedmesuenhpeasftnffuooedtrceitnceatednsdbseywxoettmrhreeea llcmioaaSmlwtixeeutnriddiemefnnurogtrmsyoefaswwrtiht,uthodfheernhpoitaamsnvrcte$o-t5tonm0ioemta$e6orwvi0eeepn0erockro.pttmeehered orOnvoenr-exi2s,te0n0t0. Doon students pT.hmu.rsdaanyd 3:o3r0^p.hmo.neMonfdoary atno deTnhtesrdeoarneotfehwaevreOthSeAmPonlohaannsdt.his etlhercotuigvhe coorntinauincgouerdsuecatoifofneretdo tmheentexcseitsusatwiiolnl bwehiicnhanwiollvearfpfaeyc-t haaplpfliheaddfpoirckOeSdAupPtlhoeiarnsdoacnudmeonvtesr apCphoainngtemsentstfu’d*e^n^ts need to make yeeranrmeunntderrtehgeulnateiwonOsntarreiqouigroivn-g mstaukdeentulpoantheleigiebixltirtay. credit for PleaseseeOSAP,page2 By Rachel Pearce After returning to Conestoga following the Christmas break, faculty member John McIntosh said he found himself telling acquaintances his holidays were “fine”outofhabit. Buthisholidayswerenotfine. His 22-year-old son, David McIntosh,diedofanasthmaattack onNewYear’sEve. David was a second-semester materials management student at Conestoga.Hewaswith friends in Kitchenerwhenhehadhisattack. “They hadbeen discussing their tm plans for the evening when it happened,” said McIntosh, a full- time instructor who teaches strategies for student success David McIntosh, 22, died NewYear’s Eve of an asthma attack. He andcommunications. was aConestogastudent. (PhotocontributedbyJohnMcIntosh) McIntosh said the fact that he camedirectlybacktoworkisnota Paul Knight, director of But with David, it was never signofstrength. “hjuPo“MseuItcos’Icpemnoltueinsloodssntneho’nbttwsessaiiaiontdjgmtuhDanbeagnrrvleayie.v.d”ef’,lIs”ojwuhiesnerttse,.sra.eoi.sudt.rsI Cmbtrouheeesnnmietensfmetapsbolrslegoarcg’ssorsemammmDe,umasnatvtheiieracdr.aditaaDiHlsoasenvsbimedscaialnniiadgansgshehaii-esnn hhtlheeMie’lkcisepIretngdshtoaohontn.esi’”,hsmbdauenstaadtihtdh.hies“hrwiWeiselfaetfaidagoierntaeshlehiwtphihataishts icfdynaauotcrmuhlipenunirgdgnetgsdo.mucmaHamnmemuepsrwsiwocmhu,ionolndtthhtswegr.aaovMseHuwles,ikthwhioagkashhanlisdsya eww“cneIiMotltcmhlhuIdmswinhuiiditnatsosihststaihcoyclnalsosswatswtaimiusdadtotehafhenistvs.ewfwraormyhreiolklgaiotewoiisodonrnoskanhteneihd.dpe shCatehiAnDlludaldrvfthJcuihianhedsner.erimi.an4os”ltCashastuemerSrrbtv,vr.iiiTDvcdeehogdonefmon.braaysDMhaAcivnsIigndfltaiowtcshaahesn;r DSRaaonvcectuKkalryymo,Jnagnu.it8a.riSsetefosrtotrhye. MHi3k.e Plume b(aPnhdotowbhyoAmpylaSyoendneninbetrhge) mDhffuoaoau“ptrvnsTieeithvvrdoieaa,khrlnt”e,.egipdhsmtaP,enewbedosmuaeapsotritlidsehlne.tyeo.y“tns”Poemoaetafleotlmpeareclhnideiaasmliwitseesosfrturteiweioc.ae.fnHtrodhemrse saaoytonfnhoidmduntetghtwkaseilonkmuotteltwhhso,diatnmgpbtesahewereateubnhkpoteisausynletldthstwhagoaeodobuiforluddtcjtohhurnivcsoleeodunorgimm—ehleen.e hCbufirrnaDsoicmaetlbnvhesdreisisri,sd,stdeRgPrcasoaeol,ubuslsoaCaianhnnlnrdsdeidfsCtESthariarnibnricdesea.thha;itH.niwdlaolnidaecurlnhotoissfs,e DSA photocopier vandalized By _Eri.ca A.yliffe The grvliaascso csrcrr#e»epnn rcnonnttrroollss tthhee ffiixx tthhee ccooppiieerr ffrroomm iittss iinnssuurraanncce number of copies, paper size company. ptaRhhrAToeoohtoueonmDcCdpoohhp$ro2oi1inAte,sor13tc59mwoS0aaptsisuwfedoovrerra,bntnrthpdseltaaoualkAfdci,sezedsnedaotdmccsoiaa’buaugettsfesuiio.isorndenege, ac$Dionn1eTps,dchit3eeae5rtml0.hlbeeetodrorTo.ghrtaeahTtnptehhilreazecaypeota.pihrpeoathrnvoaettaoilnlcoeooonatnspserieeedocrfceoiatsvnhteiedsdn ofalbrfiooKexcoraeskotdtseilutokodconeoeor,rnkpetiiaonesrnrgluidifcneiht,inthntheBtoeoeaDoscaSpkmAelyo’nievnssaBssiciodncdeirgeerrestemsicoetttltnohha,ereeb wss8suCcea:sch“cre5rsrSuele0ireeoesipsnnmts.,Kfey,mrbo”o.oruneomnkekadwseekaornii.rcdnkrwoegainrctDkhSeDtdehAcaet.ittshpe1mr7aaecsrttbihooodyuiuuecnncnhdehat tDtbcbhhyoSroeTeeoiwmhcrkmnesuefaeecrinDirrnysteatStfyerresbAnouiadlusilwtidn.sratdwaihscntaeoletrxaadpkianrtemmohirisebnnttagitubcmedloteeryph.nvCeitiae.betcrrwhoorstwSktihahneateensto igdfwcdneooDaaatll2momssllAaaweo6gggnw0aeeeDe.nddtySy.hAasttpaihirnedlofpepioraefcrodrtompthpaeyeeitrevistreeoy,ncnutrhttiaahohttnenoyyduogfwwhfwnihiaclooiseltt TwhoirskeDr.rSTvAhephd:otaomcao^gpieercowstas$1f,o3u5n0d.damaged Dec(.Ph1o7tobbyy EarisceacAuyrhfiftey) — Page 2 SPOKE, January 19, 1998 NEWS News in Brief DSA offers more funding By Erica Ayliffe financialdepartmentandwastobe given to students in February, so The Doon Student Association lastyear’s moneywasnotused. created 10 new bursaries and five While lastyear’s DSA was mak- new scholarships available to ingthebudgetfor 1997-1998,they students with good marks and allottedanother$2,300forthebur- studentsin financial need. sary and scholarship program on The 10 bursaries, worth $250 top of $700 they already put each,willbegiventostudentswith toward the fund. This year’s DSA financialdifficulties.Thefive$100 decided to use thatmoney to offer scholarships will be given to more bursaries than scholarships students with topmarks. to help people who are in The DSA made the decision to financial need. increase the number of bursaries DSA president Chris Kroeker, andscholarshipsitoffersduringan said the DSA will budget money executivemeetingJan. 6. for this program in next year’s Last year’s council created two budget.Hesaidhewasn’tsurehow scholarships and two bursaries much moneywill begivenout,but around March. The money was to said it will probably be the same be administered by the college’s amount. More need for food vouchers By Erica Ayliffe buymilk,breadandfreshproduce. Joan Magazine, of student ser- stTuhdeenDtoofnooSdtuvdoenutchAesrsocpiratoigorna’ms vgiicveess,thseaivdoutchhaetrssttuodsetnutdesnetrsvtihceeys Students stand in the first ofthree lines for Conestoga’s meningitis vaccination clinicJan.9. seems to be quite successful, find are shortofadequatefood. (Photoby RitaFatila) according to the organization’s She said the vouchers are a last Free meningitis clinic directorofstudentlife. measure and usually a one-time Becky Boertien said, since deal. Staffusually recommend the September, the DSA has given DSA’s food bank as a first option, comes Doon campus $580 worth of $5 and $10 Zehrs said Magazine. They also try to to vouchers to the college’s student help students with financial servicesstafftoadminister. planning and decision making, yeTahr,ebDutSsApenrtanhatlhfitshepraomgoruanmttlhaastt shReecseaindt.lyConestogastaffandstu- ByVictoria Long Two- tofour-year-olds will proba- victimsagedeightto27. they’ve spent this year. Boertien dents donated around $150 to the blyonlybeprotectedforayearby Andrew Leith, adataentry clerk snaeTiehddetthhDeirsSeyAesaera.elsmosotfofebresmaorsetudoefnta vmworoiuntceihnyegrwpairlolcghrbeaeqmu,geiwivfteohnrot$no2e5s.sttuuTddheeannttt gu“AyVtsaDcmcoaionynatgcoia.omnPpluefsao’srefmrsseteophm.ee”rnei.ngiYtoius ftthhoreuerevattcooci2fni2ev,ewiywlehlaerbrse,eatsphreotthfeoaccstteedsahgefeeodtr cninoatmhtphiuensg,riesgsipasritedrd,airc’“tsFarboalfenfkialcnyed,ahtIowDtohcioannnk food bank, but decided to services in the form of vouchers vaccination clinic for said. younarrowdownanagecategory? providevoucherssostudentscould shortly. students, staff and their family Margaret, who preferred not to People mature at different rates. members aged two to 22 Friday, givehersurname,ofthecommuni- One person’s immune systemmay OSAP- continuedfrom page 1 unpredictable situation because marketing student Wendy Lang ty health department’s Meningitis be completely developed at 22, their allotmentnext year, she said. their income depends on the gave the event acamival-like flair Information Line, said that nor- while anothersisnot.” Walsh said some students shied demand for their services, she with her upbeat traffic control mally by 20 years of age, people Third-year nursing student vol- away from part-time jobs because said. They don’t know how many style. will have been exposed to the unteers, Debbie Santos and Sue ofthe new restriction. hours they will be putting in. No Lang, the only non-nursing stu- germs and will have developed Starling, were checking ID forthe Peer-tutoringcoordinatorMyma one has yet reached the income dent volunteer, said her mandate antibodies. However, the latest clinic. They said their instructions Nicholas at Conestoga, said she limit, but she said she is continu- was tomarshal the clinic lineupin case to emerge is a 23-year-old were to cut offapproval at age 22 alerted tutors to the new OSAP ing to monitor the situation a manner that met fire regulations who attended a New Year’s Eve with noexceptions. regulations. The tutor is in an closely. by keeping the hallways passable. party at the University of Third-year graphic design stu- Business was brisk but waiting Waterloo. dent, Anna Domanska, said. time was only 15 minutes, A Jan. 8 press release from the “I don’t think it’s right. Everyone she said. community health department is a human being; everyone pays Althoughmostinthelineupwere states that health department and taxes; andeveryoneshouldbeable intheirlateteensorearlytwenties, senior public health branch offi- togetashot.” many families with toddlers or cials are not recommending an A Jan. 6 story in the Kitchener Canadian Institute childrenattended. upwardexpansionoftheagerange Record stated the vaccine costs $6 grandvalley OF Management Thevaccine given iseffectivefor for public health-administered per dose and Ontario Health BRANCH about80percentofthepopulation vaccinationsbecausethelatestvic- Minister Elizabeth Witmer said for the four common strains of tim hadengaged in the close shar- that although the provincial Tory meningococcal bacteria it targets, ing behaviors known to transmit downloadingputstheentirecostof Leading The Way For Over 50 Years said the Waterloo Region’s com- the bacteria only with a small public health on municipalities as munity health department’s groupofclosefriends. ofJan. 1,theprovincemaypickup ADVANCE YOUR CAREER vaccinefactsheet. But the 11 confirmed cases of the lion’s share of the cost of Childrenundertheageoftwoare meningococcal infection in clinics inWaterlooRegionbecause IN MANAGEMENT unlikely to develop immunity. Waterloo Region in 1997 were in thecampaignbegan in 1997. €am» €uC Learn about the CIM program in the next Winter Conestoga College Continuing Education Catalogue or PhoneorWrite either CANADIAN INSTITUTE ofMANAGEMENT Grand Valley Branch P.O. Box24083, R.P.O. Evergreen Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5P1 (519)896-3165 or CANADIAN INSTITUTEof MANAGEMENT National Office 1-800-387-5774 — NEWS SPOKE, January 19, 1998 Page 3 VP human resources resigns Students of age raise ByGreg Bisch question John MacKenzie is a dedicated family man, an avid golfer and a professional who loves solving By Rita Fatila problems, says Dick Parker, coordinator ofConestoga’s social Conestoga’s health office is servicesprogram. still answering questions about “John is a very open, caring and meningitis, said Kim Radigan, friendly person,” saysPairker, who coordinator of health and isalsooneofMacKenzie’sgolfing safetyatthecollege. buddies. Thedifferencethistime isthe MacKenzie is resigning from age of the people asking his position as the college’s vice- questions. president of human resources, “The ones who are asking continuing education and training now are the 23- to 25-year- anddevelopmentonJan. 16. olds,” Radigan said. “They’ve He will be moving to London, heard about the University of Ont., to take the position of Waterloo and want to know, vice-presidentofhumanresources ‘Whatdowedo?”’ forComcareLimited. Even though the Waterloo Upon meeting MacKenzie, he Region health department has gave a composed smile, a sturdy not recommended a meningitis handshake and modestly vaccinationforanyoneoverthe introduced himself. Although age of 22, the University of confident in the surroundings of Waterloo offered three clinics his office in the student services John Mackenzie, vice-president of human resources, continuing education and training and lastweekforstudentsabove22 building,he seemednervouswhile development at Conestoga College wasto resign Friday. (PhotobyGreg Bisch) aftera23-year-oldMississauga tryingtodescribehimself. mancontractedthedisease.The wh“aTthis istostransgaey,,”I donc’htuckknloewd r“eVleartyionpsohsiiptiwviethaJnodhna,p”psraoiadcChraobflte. ofMaancyKeinsszuie.e” said that he regrets th“eMeyxcijtoebmewnitl.l” be ensuring that mEvaenphaardtygoanteUtWo’asNFeedwerYaetairo’sn MacKenzie. “I think they (his by all the employee’s at the leaving friends, like Croft, behind the human resource policy and Hall along with 1,000 - 1,500 chou-mwaornkbeerisn)g.viIetwhimnketahseyafgeeelnuIianme coAlslegwee.l”l, on aprofessional level, aetxpreCsosneedsteoxgcai.temeHnotwetvoewra,rd hhies p“rTohceedcuroemspaanreyinwapnltacse,t”ohebesatihd.e otRhaedripgeaonples.aid UW had been honestwith people andtry totreat Croft said he is a considerate and upcoming employment at highest quality health-care innundated with requests for peIonplecwointthrarsets,pectD.”ebra Croft, caanraelfyutlicalmlaynevawlhuaotinbgeldieecviessionisn Co“ImtcareL(iCmoimtceadr.e) provides peraosvyidefror incomthpeaniceousntrtyo. mItakies tahgee2v2acacnidneobbtayinsetdutdheentvsacocvienre mlsiaatytnlaeagbteorourutbohlfeehrfucimond-aiwnnogrrkneeisrco.uertcheisn,gshatdo boef“f(hoAursemomwrea,lkl”i),nsghheethsheaaimsd..a“gHoeodhassentshee cCocorompmmomruuantniiitotnyys ccaaarnreedtoigsoivneadrinvgimdreuonawtlsts.h, bsnteeaectdoemmtoeenhtaasveqluigakoleoitdtyhhatuc.moImanpnaornreydseoruyroctuoe fbsarultoemrurgagawvehedolttehhseaeUlmeWrt.otTshheheavrawechcotihlneeei-,r “IX hliaCldu atX very positive a»,*n**d%* open a—b—ilitjy t--o see the humorous side industry and that is part of practices.” sUnuipvpelrysitwyitahndWCiolnfersitdogLaa.urier distinguished Conestoga teachers “I talked to the doctor there Calling all and he said our students are welcometogo,”saidRadigan. BgnATCidroeuSynoeTematnbnmhaiuocoeRrtedvnhniseeaaisttynttntatotiigaregsvFnaawaeAagcwtaHwthefrhaaieasdhorlgcraaiduanwl.mrdtaiclysnaeotmnarcDdetrgeoiemhirsdarebvsttoereehiicnvinroepfgg,souwnoritihoszoahatebenhnyiaedddas aM!sAbs>sfiHtlayoaenTaallnclfhgteaueafchetallcrcgaeymtiturleniyirweacrdroarbiroyminssenypladtennnlwaacattemfettalongrobehsrmdeu,eseo,mdrmrhiffmnpacfeatosuolseocmtwcwmosluifeebiwpilitlervenleletnt,lneoebgyravler.meestmr,easnaaofsl,ioafdmmtlscmpeeeesusriacmmlujccenhtpubbuhhvayopepeedoi.tsorgoorreresleuoA,.t.dnssfs ddfaaacMHSHMeerrvopnNaaocssamaimyroroiGsiicmmdmld.ekggreiaiar,nnmdetcb,nSeeetrglaaddCReeemlotou,embrinAi.llteouiikerahTnrrrinTsndotiivsMhtppideniaiiloe,nyppJcgfeeoaIBma,,oMfnnrKeretaecammaayMonrttMssbsrlethctcleereeWhDe,twwrangozeeslwLhesn,llki9oaellaleiclmnllnroe,aca,dcaaftlAsst.rTLuSliboeeodotieaamfdeenux HHfHeepwcmaaaxeermUoanaccgobnntdudcearrsocileleeeructdhottslr’lyiiiseinstrrt.neteeeeo”ccodrdddvrerieteiieabHi.hrnnttraenaeheitf11egprteoq99hrhedaur88ieemaress66seltte..einehalnttkaeenaitecceyawhet“staaiipbictwrnosevhhadgnecaa-rstanladupgecasrarenouercesdcnalpaitoeaonhnessrindegdeses trds1cshe5trA^o“e,uiutTWmdmgOeeesbtgvn’ptuhaltiuvgreacnsdeosncecae,tiwnhlndontiahRdesnybdaoc.iyhaxdcpjssaipret,kAdgahfolaheeiaptlnnedbloDuloelspwdSuCayaoetioAJAyfdrxnia.^eatn$estl.ct2slW*tu0t"eoa1d.o’g”e2fbgrenoeaesrt- cmtrstehouetAleanusetcdctacheesoelneralret.nll,assesafogtsoerb,twm”eewuslotas“luctadccaneousnrrtasrndsmoei.obnmnmatTgeishonotsenaroatedtaefeowoaprhrcromhefteesohirsrres eMtgrdaheciLeeccvGavheesreintaelnvwgooeatosmprhrimdey,ne.e$enaw8AetraT0u.’s0hbseratehnfyetdowrei1aH0ncatanphhegreroarwf,rsiepwnsenshaceiiwoAoraalnlrioalixdflys AadadduuiTctmrbahiiedreenceesitmosyaiirtwnrcacaraltHoduonfarddgieafscdsrootr,gltrilha1evat7tegeageynoiepcfailrnCdasion.phrnnloHeiaencannstogngotriaroanrgnogoafd.fs MANAGEMENT TIME We’ve got you coming... ...and going this Christmas. WORKSHOP And we’ll keep you coming and going all year with regular return departures at student discount prices. StudentReturn Fares Thursday,Jan. 15/98 from Kitchener/Waterloo to: ll:30-12:.30or FACILITATOR Toronto $22 London $18 Guelph $10 Ottawa $85 12:30-1:30 LYNN ROBBINS Belleville $46 Sudbury $96 Friday, Jan. 16/98 Peterborough $40 11:30-12:30or To Register: see Other discounted destinations available. 12:30-1:30 Check with your Greyhound Agent. Elaine or Jeanette in PricedoesnotincludeG.S.T. Wctl. March 11/98 Student Services Surf to www.greyhound.ca 11:30-12:30or Ereyhaimd Room 2B02. I2TRAVELCUTS 12:30-1:30 Lanaaa* Thurs. March 12/98 Everyone welcome University Shops Plaza is ! 170 University Ave. W. 15 Charles StreetWest 11:30-12:30or 886-0400 741-2600 12:30-1:30 — Page 4 SPOKE, January 19, 1998 COMMENTARY Editorial To clone or not clone to The reality of cloning humans It may be swell to say that we maybe debatable. But, ifoutraged could get rid of diseases by ethicists around the world are any cloning only healthy genes, and indication, it’s not something that Scott’s efforts to help childless willbereadily accepted. couples may be considered noble, Just last year we learned that the but, in the end it just puts us one conceptofabrave new world may step closer to reducing our worth weffTwee r£P6Rt not be as farfetched as we once as humanbeings. poe. : thought it was. Cloning creates all sorts ofquan- eoES Now an Illinois physician has daries we didn’t have to deal with 1 announced his intentions to clone 10 years ago. Animals humans. It certainly can’t be ethical to not created For anyone who has seen the make acopy ofyourself. movie Gattaca, this concept may Trying to distinguish someone bejust a bit too appalling. we know out of a crowd can be to perform for people Hailed as either a brilliant challenging enough, just think of sSceieedntihsatsoretahimciasdtmsaenv,erGy.whReircehaurpd awlolutlhdecirdeeanttei.ty confusion cloning trTahineerrbeycenattimgaeurldiunrginogfaapucbilriccuistyapnhiomtalo theWihrialneimaIlds,o Ibeclaine’vteuncdirecrusstatnrdaiwnehrys tlhoevye in arms over his plans to clone The mere thought of having one shoothasbroughtback an age-oldquestion: don’tseetheinjusticeofwhattheyaredoing humans to help infertile couples or several replicas of yourself out Shouldwildanimalsbeheldincaptivityand tothese animals’ lives. Elephants,bears and have children. there can be baffling enough and, trained to entertain the public attending tigers are not pets and should not be raised Raising all sorts of moral now wehave toworry aboutbeing circusshows? inanunnaturalenvironmentsuchasacircus. dquoecsttoironpsl,anasndtotcelmopneersa,dutlhtesgwohood mseilsvteask?en for our other identical qinuBeecsrctiiatouincs,aelacotorfnaditinheterionnuonwacnllediaeras itaningaesrhw,oesorpviettarolcotbhmeieds nrTaohtaeumyredfreiesneetreivnnedteahde.bierTtnthaeetrruelriaflearhweahbeietrnaeot,utghthehyezmwoaaoyys can’t have children so their off- What if our replica is a criminal by natural instincts, lies dead. It was around thatifsomeone wantedtoseeone of spring will genetically be their wanted formurder? killed shortly after mauling the trainer in these animals, they easily could. And own. Then there are those who’ve St.Petersburg,Fla. acoupleofweeks ago. although zoosare notnaturalhabitatseither, rMeomsetmberpeoDopllley, ptrheobsahbeleyp wsthilol awillrleabdeyvdeercyiudseedfutlhaftorthsepiarreclboondeys gtoaRimeneggaarntdodlettsrasakienofawiwhlaodywatnmhiemuiacrlhsn,ahttuuhrmeayalnasretnreyvetro aatbslueradsttrtithchekessyefwaoernrihemuanmlesavnearreemnnet’aetnrttfaotironcmededon.ttothdaot made headlines last year, captur- parts. instincts. Of course it’s serious According to the Mercury article, ing the world’s attention by being But, if a clone is only used for whenatigerattacksaman,butdid # circuses have been accused by 'A' the first mammal to be cloned replacing someone’s lung because that tiger really deserve to die—for animal rights activists of starving suItccmeassyfuslelye.m a little farfetchedto hwiellorsserhieouhsalsybaefefnecat shmoowkerc,lotnheiss bcpreeeoiapntlguersetortmiaeekdtehtniofntrgaomimtetslhiiemkepwlialyddiowsgh?oma Easlnoedmpehtainmmtiessstarreeenatsdihanangcgkelreeeddxaoatnnidicmkaelpsta.nidn be thinking about cloning humans are viewed as part ofsociety. Why is everyone so surprised crampedspaces,justbigenoughto already when they’ve only cloned Just how much ofahuman being that a tiger would attack a man? I Barbara hold them,whileotheranimalsare animals so far. will thenew creation be? would think it would be expected, kept in cages and not allowed to Yet, travelling back in time only Will the clone be accepted by regardless of how much time the Ateljevic exercise for more than acouple of 15 to 20 yeCarDs to explain the glo- society as an equal or will it have ttirgaeirnserdos.pentwith it. Itisjustsomethingthat hevoeurrshaasdcaoyn.tArcotlivoivsetrsaanlysoasnaiymatlh.atnotrainer ries ofthe player or the frus- to fight for its rights like slaves, This animal did not deserve to die. It was Circusofficials,ofcourse,denytheseaccu- trations of wading through all the and women had to and aboriginals madeavictimbyhumansandwasteditslife sations,sayingtheyloveandnurturetheani- junk on the Internet, people would still have to? entertaining mindless, candy corn-eating mals. They defend keeping dangerous probably be just as outraged over The cloning experiment may humanswho,asreported inarecentGuelph animalsby sayingattacksare rare and train- futuristic predictions. have been a major breakthrough Mercury article, thoughtthey were getting a ersbuild trustwith theiranimals.Anofficial wiGtrahnatehd,umcaonmpbaeriinnggiasnC’tDalpllatyheart foHrowDoelvleyr,suwppeorstheorsu.ld realize that e“rnAajnroieymianllgooarki”lgehatarstnaicentxgiovetixispctesraairneeincmueap.lsinaanrdmswoevreer haItnaddtihaenaaRpiloneltgitlseirnNgehweBrsowsar.octCoeiurpclpueusb,olfAisnyhedeayrdsIriaengloa.tnhdIe,t realistic. However, this example is humans are a little more valuable the incident,sayingthetruefeelingsoftigers said many of the circus’s trainers grew up only supposed to*show that some than sheep. towards their trainers were shown that day. with the animals they work with, so of the changes which are happen- It’s not something to look While 1 do feel badly for the trainer who is “relationshipsofmutual trustandrespectare ionbgviaoruosuntoduussuenvteirlywdealyoaorkenb’atctkhaatt fthoerwahrudmatonifrawceeetnod aupbruendcuhcinogf siinnacycirdihetenitcaslshhcoiounnleddsint’iltoignhbteinottnoheothhsoeusrpfpiartciatsle,tdh.IatmTuhnseot beasIstwiacboluailnsdihmehdaalfvrebeothmoavctihoeouunvrte,errythabeneydgwisenanryienthgna”ott.jmusetanbty how things used to be. guinea pigs. matterhowwell-trainedacircusanimal may to mingle among humans. Exotic animals be, sooner or later something like this is are still wild, no matter how hard circus very probable. trainerstry todefeattheirnature. SPOKE is mainly funded from September to May by Keeping Conestoga College connected the Doon StudentAssociation (DSA). The views and opinionsexpressedinthisnewspaperdonotnecessarily reflect the views of Conestoga College or the DSA. Advertisers in SPOKE are not endorsed by the DSA unless their advertisements contain the DSA logo. SPOKEispublishedand produced weekly bythejournalism studentsofConestogaCollege. SPOKEshall notbe liable foranydamagesarisingout Editor: RitaFatila; Newseditor: EricaAyliffe; Collegelifeeditor: BarbAteljevic; Features editor: JamieYates; ospfaecrer.orUsnsionlaidcvietretdissiunbgmibsesyioonndstmhuesatmboeunsetntpatiodtfhoeredtih-e Entertainmenteditor: Natalie Schneider; Sportseditor: MattHarris; Onlineeditor: Amy Sonnenberg; tor by 9:30 a.m. Monday. Submissions are subject to PhotoCeidrictuolrast:iGorSnePgmOBaKinsEacg’heSraa:ndddBrReeacsckshyeilsLi2Pt9tel9aer;DcFoeao;cnuPlrVtoaydllusecuytpieDror.vn,imsRoaorn:oamgJei4rmB:1Ha5Cg,oarKriitntyachFHeianlcleu;rl,AtdOyvntaeadrrvtiiioss,oirnN:g2AmGnadn4raMeg4we.rJ:anDkaonwsMkeiagher; aatSycnupcdbeemdpmi;tsaaasyniWcoboenersodraPmcerucresjofteemccpnttaioontonirceaoMdnnStdbasyiWhnooaraundnldyiflilbllueiesbtcwerlloaelutaoilruodlsnysb(wtesrauihtcteehtlmpeeafnnsutols.ar Phone: 748-5366Fax: 748-5971 E-mail: [email protected] photograph). — COMMENTARY SPOKE, January 19, 1998 Page 5 Every generation needs teen heroes its Anyone Backstreet Boys, Hanson and the tradition of musical celebrity saw kids being carried into the obsessed with musical objects of watching SpiceGirls. fandomthathasbeenpasseddown Chum/City TV building by devotion, we silently agreed that MuchMusic on SheattendedtheBackstreetBoys forgenerationsinthiscentury. ambulanceattendants.Weheardof we would have gladly done the Jan. 4 would show in Toronto, and waited We watched the Backstreet one poor girl that suffered a same thing, albeit for different have certainly outside MuchMusic the next phenomenon on television, and fractured ankle. LikeYmany othersOreasons,Usometimeinourlives. thought a riot morning with the frenzied throng was taking before her ailing health got the place in best of her. Freezing rain didn’t What Do Toronto that help the influenza she picked up evening. The onChristmas. Needlesstosay,she streets were passedoncampingoutfortheday. filled with screaming kids, traffic Every adolescent generation want to see at was directed away from Queen tends to focus its attentions on a Street West, police officers were music artist or group that are as guarding shops, and the intimidat- famousfortheirgood looks asfor Conestoga? ing glare oftelevision cameras lit their talent, catapulting them into upthe scene. stardom. Dominant among Holocaust threats? Post-Boxing females,teenidolworshipisaway Day bedlam? No, it was merely a ofattaching someone to a person The visit to the Chum/City TV thatisunattainablebutappealing. Dive In building by American pop Music is an escape for some; sensationtheBackstreetBoys. those who favour aesthetically Yes, Virginia, the Florida-based appealing celebrities in the quintet sent Canadian fans into recording industry can combine orbitbycomingtoMuchMusicfor the element of fantasy into the Tank an Intimate and Interactive diversion music provides. I was session. The group performed at not able to actually date anyone Think the Skydome the previous night, fromDuranDuran; instead,Igave reducing the adolescent gathering myselfadistractionfromthedaily toashriekingmass. routine by listening to the music One oftheir fans happens to be and visualizing the experience my younger sister who turned 23 whiledroolingoverpinups. thismonth. I believesheis suffer- Anothernumber in the legion of ing alatent teen rebellionbecause pop enthusiasts, my sister is Have Your Ideas Heard!!! ofherardortowardsbandslikethe unwittingly contributing to the My 22 close bout Thurs. JTan, 11:30 and 12:30 with meningitis Xn. -;V-’ ancTuary) CLocaTed in +Hc: JS The week was spreading like wildfire, and before the everyone was avoiding contact Christmas with anyone who appeared to be break ran sick. It must have been hard for rather smooth- my customers to avoid me. ly for me. I Everyday I dragged myselfout of startedmynew the sanctity of my bed to work job as produc- behindthecounteratacertainfast tion manager foodrestaurant. at SPOKE and All thefood, folks andfunmade Financial Planning I was excited me dizzy and I finally decided to to see all the changes I was stayhome. Itwas during this time destined to incorporate at the that I happened to catch another paappperro.acThhiengwianntdeIrwbarnetaekdwtaosdofaasst loLcyailnngewisncbaesdt,. Iperchedmyhead Seminar mmuychfriaesndIspaollsswiebnlyt cboauclkdtboetfhoerier uopnothneaouptiblrleoawka.nSduwdadietneldyfmoryneeywess hometowns. became wide as I stared at the Enter the infamous Christmas screen. Before me sat a list of meningitissymptoms. cold. Presentation Will Include: I went out with friends to drink Ihadallofthem. onthelastdayofclassandI start- Afterafewdaysoflyinginbed,I Introduction to Mutual Funds ed to feel strangely. My voice draggedmyselftothedoctor. started getting scratchy and my The room was cold and cleMany, RRSP's information head started to hurt. I excused reeking with disinfectant. myselfandwenthometorest. doctor walked in and putas much Tax strategies After sleeping for 14 hours, I room as possible between us. He awoke the next day feeling worse askedmetodescribemy symp- How to start an investment portfolio tbhoadnyIanhdadneecvkeracfheeldt.beTfhoeres.ouMnyd touotmsoftomyhimm.ouEtvherwyhiolneedejsucstrifblienwg How to manage and make the most of your money ofmy head pounding rang in my the horrible meningitis-like symp- earsasIwasforcedtofacethefact tomsIdescribed. nON STiy thIattrIiewdatsosriecskt.asmuchaspossible meA,smmyyhedaorcttosrpesdtaurpe.dAtfoteerxapmeiemnkye- Wednesday, January 28 but the symptoms kept getting ing rather reluctantly into worse. It was just before falling mouth, he held the cold Sessions at intoalongnapChristmasEvethat stethescopeonmyback. Isomoveeornheearind Kointchtehneernehwasd dtiheadt baAcfkteerdaliwsatyenfirngomtomem.y lungs he 10:30 pm, 11:15 pm, 12 noon, 12:45 pm with an illness unbeknownst to The air was thick as I waitedfor me. hisdiagnosis. The Other Room, in The Sanctuary Enterthemeningitisoutbreak. “You’re definitely sick,” he said, igBneofroeretthheisnneiwgsh.t IBheaidngtrioevdert-o dsianscheinmgenianllgitmiyskhilolpsessoqouficlkilvyi.ng For more information contact CBSA at 748-5220 ext. 620 worked at a part-time job as well “You have bronchitis.”Anything atshealtasstcthhoionlg,ocnurmreyntmienvde.nts were osaviedr maeft,ernetvhearttsoebnetehnecaerdflboyodmeyd Soon the news of the outbreak ears. Iwashappy tobe alive. — Page 6 SPOKE, January 19, 1998 NEWS Loan jump 1997 default rates in Richard Berta harassed by collection agencies, havingtheircreditratingdamaged ConestogaCollege’s default rate and losing their income tax onstudentloansjumpedfrom 15.9 returns,”Walsh said. per cent in 1996 to 19.5 per cent Infact,thegovernmentmayeven in 1997. look at contacting employers and The increaseatConestogaispart notifying them ofemployees who ofa larger province-wide trend of havedefaultedonaloan. defaultincreases. The message to students is clear, Conestoga’s default rate, never- Walsh said. Students with loans theless, remains the lowest ofany should make arrangements with collegeinOntario. the bank to repay them. She said According to Carol Walsh, the that banks would be willing to be college’s financial services lenientandallowstudentstorepay manager, the low default rate is loanson termsacceptabletoboth. due to the college’s high student “The banks would rather have retentionandplacementrate. part of their loan repaid on a Defaults arise when students piecemealbasis,thanhavenoneof who feel they can’t repay their itall,”she said. loansgiveuptrying, saidWalsh. She acknowledged that the The students most likely to reason why many students fail to Conestoga’s manageroffinancial services, Carol Walsh. (PhotobyRichardBerta) duenfeamupltloyearde orthtohsoese wthhaot haavree dwiistchustshecobnasnokl,idaistinthgatthtehireyloaarne relief is available for 36 months Students need funding, simply withdrawn from programs, overwhelmedbythecomplexityof after graduation for anyone she added. the loan and in reaching alterna- struggling withrepayments. says department head Butthe provincial governmentis tivepaymentplans. However, in light ofthe increas- ttoakindgefaauhlatrsd.erTlhineewMhiennisittrcyomeosf shCeodnssuolmteinlgighwtitohn tthheenbuaannckescaonf Winaglsihntoleenrcaonuceraaggeadinststduedfeanutlsterst,o Richard Berta defaults,”hesaid. “Other than tightening the Education and Planning is loansandcanenlightenstudentsto think twice about applying for a scheduled to announce its the existence of alternative loaninthefirstplace. Jack Fletcher, head of student admissions requirements at a time services at Conestoga, suggested ofjobscarcityorselectingonlythe intention toreduce defaultrates to repaymentschemes,Walsh said. She added, “Sure, receiving a 10percentwithinfive years. She added that more often than large loan is advantageous in the trahiasteiftutihteiognoavnedrnbmeemnotries sgtoriinnggentot bmeuscthstuwdientths,rtehgearcdolletgoe clainm’ittidnog Both opponents and proponents not, ignorance ofthe existence of short term, but over the long term of the government’s new policy, such programs, is the primary it’s a greater burden because not winictrheadesfeaufltienrasn,citahlenasitsisshtoaunlcdealfsoor de“fOaunlets,”oFfletcthheersarieda.sons why acdegafrnaeudelotthiianstgt,tohedewftoahrueslytttohnriinasgklaoasnt.bued“ieBnnygt fcaoWcnatsolurslthinthpseotiubndatenenktdsionnuottthetbhofaittrhsetirnpitlneagrceest.ot orinentpleayrye,isstbtruhaettreetthaoerbleae’rsgpeariadlp.sr”oimaehriatgehetro stFuldeetncthse.r, who is also on the Craotneesistotghaathawsesulicmhitaoluorwsdteufdaeunltt college advisory committee, said intaketothenumberofplacements he has had frequent contacts with available. Also, the fact that we’re WORKSHOP SELF-ESTEEM the provincial government on the located in an economically robust issueofloanrepayments. areaworkstoouradvantage.” “As the cost of education However,Fletcher added thatthe increases, sowill defaults, and this currentdefaultrateof19.5 percent will result in student accessibility is unacceptable and is viewed by to higher education declining,” theprovinceassuch. • Are you concerned with what Fletcher said, commenting on the “The province wants to reduce others may think of you? rise in defaults atOntario colleges thedefaultrateinallcollegesto 10 • Do you put yourself down? laHsteyeaard.ded that defaults were peHrecesnatidwitthhaitnaflivtehoyuegarhs.h”e agrees • Have feelings of not being good likely to continue to increase as with the province’s aims, he enough? long as students lacked compre- doesn’t like the means they are hensivefinancial assistance. usingtobringthisabout. \ •'! ilf you answered yes to any of these Fletcher said he made He recalled that in aconsultation questions, this worksho|) may be of recommendations to increase with the Ministry of Education government grants and forgiveable and Training, the ministry interest to you. loans to the Ministry ofEducation representative highlighted the • See Elaine in Student Services to andTraining. colleges’ responsibilities for “So far, we haven’t received any reducing defaults without register. feedback suggesting anything mentioning itsown. • Workshops are Tuesdays, (five concrete,”he said. “I’d like to say that we were consecutive) starting Tuesday, Fletcher said that colleges and dividingupourresponsibilities,but universities have no control over the province was clearly Jan.27/98 from 3:30-5:30 pm. student defaults, just as they lack allocating responsibilites to us, controloverwhichstudentsreceive without making any mention of loans, which is why colleges were those ithad.” MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST riled when the province published Fletcher added, “The problem their default rates on the Internet. lies in the fact that this province Fletcher said this gave the false sees education as an expense, TAKING WORKSHOP impression that colleges were to whereasitneedstobeviewedasan - blame forthe high rates. He added investment.” that colleges do give advice to He said allowing students tax banks and the government over credits, forgiveable loans and Multiple Choice Test Taking- which students should receive a grants, would lead to the creation loan, butthatthe final decision lies of a robust workforce that would Facilitator: Lynn Robbins withthecreditors. utlimately return the money Wed. Jan. 21/98 11:30- “All we do is give advice and invested ineducation. suggestions on which students Fletcher pointed out that the 12:30:12:30-1:30 should recieve a loan. We don’t current policy of the government Thurs. Jan.22/98 do the paperwork, and we runs counter to this aim and will certainly have no control over resultin short-termgainonly. 11:30-12:30:12:30-1:30 Tues. March 17/98 I 1:30- PASNPARIMNAGCBIRTEYABKEA‘C98H, W12e:d3.0:M1a2r:3c0h-11:83/098 1:30- BEBPSRRTEICAHEOKST.EALlSl^SLprOiWnEgST FLhoOteRlIinDhAe.art7onfiagchttiobne.acFhrforomnt 1 locations. Florida, 149/OUADhotelsonly, 12:30:32:30-1:30 Cancun,etc. from 489,register 299/OUAD,busandhotel. Book Please see Elaine or Jeanette in yourgroupoRrebpe.ourCampus 1S0prfirinegndBsr,eagkoefrrseei!nOPvaenram70a0C,i0t0y0 Student Services, Room 2B02 to Call forinformation at: beach lastyear! Register. 1-800-327-6013 Call Bradat886-7567 www.icpt.com ThamesTravel 1-800-962-8262 January 19 1998 , What’s Inside ©Movie review aoov HUWriW(5 \M\LL V\Q£CreD 6V VAk) CAjJT The Boxer DIRECTED BYJIM SHERIDAN see ©Music© NINE INCH NAILS MUSIC TOP 10 FOR 1997 see ©LIVE MUSIC© Mik© Plmn© Band Th.© rock©d th© Sanctuary on Jan. 8 see Media© ©Print People magazine laimcKes newest magazine to hit stands this year, Teen People see )erekMazurek, bassistfor the Mike Plume Band rocks the Sanctuary on Jan. 8. ’ nhntnhvCncf^ Inhrutnn and Conestoga CoUg^g stud-Gnts staffs ^En^tertainiri^ Ar MOvie6 T446 aOGO The fL^htiiA^ Insh HUMTiW^ Will TVie Boxer by Amy Sonnenbera 've never been one for serious movies. dealwithhisaggression.Agreeingthatthedeal by Natalie Schneider IEithersomemuscle-bound kickboxerhas sucks,butsurebeatsjail.Willcooperates. players, his deter- to kill scores of foreign enemies or a Will is turned downby countless therapists mination turns it group ofsilly Englishmen has to search for the due to his unbearably bad attitude. However, into a place for holygrail tokeepmeinterested. Sean McGuire (Robin Williams) is intrigued the young and old Good Will Hunting is the total opposite of and agrees tohelpsaveWill'slife. to enjoy the sport those, but it kept me just as interested from Of course. Will has to meet a girl who may of boxing. beginning toend. be able to turn his life around. Skylar (Minnie Flynn breaks Will Hunting (Matt Damon) is a guy from Driver) is a pre-med student at Harvard that history when he thebad end ofBostonwhopushesbroomatthe hasthechancetoopenWilluptoachange.This holds his first illustrious Massachusetts Institute of provides the mushy, obligatory love story that boxing match in Technology as placementby his parole officer. no Oscar or Golden Globe contending movie over 14 years. Oneday,hespotsamathequationontheblack- candowithout. However, it's not board and solves it with ease, much to the sur- There has been a lot of buzz about Matt the fight that prise of Prof., Gerald Lambeau (Stellan Damon throughout the industry as of late - changes history, Skarsgard). When Will gets in trouble with the some even call him "the next Tom Cruise". I it’s the fact that law, Lambeau bails him out in exchange for didn't see the big deal with him at first, but he he invited helpinghim and his collegues withmathequa- really does grow on you with his boyish good Protestants and tionsaswellastherapysessionstwiceaweekto looksand Colgatesmile. Catholics to come Another reason he's the talk-of-the-town is together to watch thefactthatthis20-year-old andhisbuddyBen the fight. It has Affleck (who plays his best friend Chuckie in been years since thefilm) wrotethescreenplay. It'srefreshingto the two sides sat have the dialogue of young people actually in a room writtenbyyoungpeople,givingitarealitythat together without olderwriterssimplycan'tachieve. war starting. Robin Williams has some witty one-liners, _____ Obviously, this but one really would expect nothing less. However, he's generally very serious in this Daniel Day-Lewis stars as Danny Flynn emotions ^of the movie,and hepulls theroleoffwell. in TheBoxer. past, which some For those who are into sappy sentimental he acclaimed direc- people don’t take kindly flicks, bring your tissues, or atleastbe warned Ttor of My Left foot to. that you may end up with a grapefruit-sized and In the Name of Lewis’ portrayal of Flynn lump inyour throatbytheend. the father, Jim Sheridan leaves one speechless. His For those who still aren'tconvinced they're brings forth another ability to make the going to like this serious movie, bear in mind riveting film reflecting a character believable is thatthereishumorwoventhroughouttheplot, piece of the Irish lifestyle. truly amazing. Flynn is a as well as a pretty good fight scene that winds The Boxer, which hit man of few words, but what Willupinjail. mainstream theatres Jan. 9, he docs say is Putitthisway: theonly timeIcould see the is the third collaboration unforgettable and captivat- movie was on a Sunday afternoon during the between Sheridan and ing. His actions speak loud- National Football Conference championship Daniel Day-Lewis, who por- er than many a man’s game, and I didn't care one bit that I only saw trays Danny Flynn in The words. the last 21 seconds of what is quite often the Boxer. Lewis also starred Playing the role of bestgameoftheseason.Thatsaysa lot.* in My Left foot and In the Flynn’s old love is Maggy Name of the father. (Emily Watson), a prison- The Boxer takes place er’s wife and the daughter in Belfast, in the miast of of the IPA’s ring leader. unsettled times between Although Maggie struggles the Catholics and with her feelings for Flynn, Protestants. The viewer is they soon rekindle their taken smack-dab in the ast love. The relationship middle of an emotional Cetween the two is over- Journey into the lives and whelming as they secretly violent times of Belfast. steal stolen moments The poverty-stricken together to catch up on dwellings and the uprising each other’s lives and of the IPA shows a bleak what’s happening around view of the lives of the them. Both risk their lives. people and the city that If there was even so much holcJs them. as speculation that the two With Lewis plays Danny were together, Flynn would Flvnn, a prisoner of war surely die and Maggie Matthew Oood Band who recently returns to would be ostracized by Belfast after 14 years of society. Maggie’s husband imprisonment for his is a prisoner of war and involvement in the IPA. IPA members don’t look Tuesday, January 21 Although Flynn was only 17 highly on affairs of the years old when he left, heart when a man who returning as a 31-year-oId serves them sits in Jail. he finds not much has Together with the Stases Nistit Club cuhnawneglecdo.medHisbyarricvoarlrupits gseltotoimnyg,s wdaerpicttoirnng Baelcfoalsdt,, IPA members who are and the driven perfor- uneasy about his motives. mances, this film is defi- Despite the ruthless nitely above average. The shootings and the smell of Boxer takes you to a Tickets explosives still lingering in place you couldn’t even the air, Flynn starts his comprehend unless you acJvonoo new freedom on his own lived it, but for those who $$<8f> at thio door treertmusr.n tCohotohseingIPA,notFlyntno hreaavlen’atn,dithemaarkteswrietnaclhlintgo.o on salo at tho DSA Offioo ipnasstseiaodn forpursbuoexsing hbiys eDnedsipnigtethaat, dliesaavpepsoitnhtiinnggs converting the local run- unresolved one can’t down community centre help but see that it’s into a boxing ring. No fitting, since that is Hcvj! longer a place filled with unfortunately the winos and smoking card reality.# ) Mike Plume B e Amy by Sonnenberg givetheMikePlumeband Their press release their distinctive sound: describes them as "alter- not really country, not nativecountrywithedge" quiteblues, butnotentire- and "folk music with ly rock, either. balls". But the Mike The performance in Plume band, who per- the Sanctuary displayed formed in the Sanctuary the band's diversity in onJan. 8, is hard to label. songs from the albums The music can be Songs from a Northern compared to John Town (1993), Jump Back Mellencamp or Steve Kerouac (1996), Simplify Earle,butaccordingto the (1997) and themostrecent lead singer, Mike Plume, release. Song and Dance, utahle binafnlduemnecemsbeorn'isndriavnigde- ManPl(1u9m9e7).and his band The Mike Plume Band performs live in the Sanctuary Jan. 8. (photobyAmySonnenberg from one extreme to the played two sets, approxi- It seems the main Mazurek and Basiliadis music was in such other. mately 45-minutes each, focus of the guys from havebeencallingthe road demand. Plume listed Bob of songs ranging from the Alberta is cleansimplicity homeforquite some time. Plume is just an Dylan, Beck, Lyle Lovitt fun fast-paced Big (perhaps the reasoning They've even made some average, down-to-earth and John Hiatt as just a American Headliner to behind the name of their stops over in Europe, guywho's more intowrit- few of his influences. the slow countryish. Take third album). However, with more dates lined up ingand perfroming music Lead guitarist Dave Klym me with You, to the silly guitarist Klym added a inthe future. Europe took he enjoys as opposed to is into progressive punk, tongue-in-cheek instru- tad more flavor with the to the Canadian trying to make it big. This such as Nomeansno, mental, Inbreeders' occasional slide guitar folk/rock/country/blues comes through in the bassist Derek Mazurek is Lament. and his frequent uncon- band well: Plume recalls music. into Primus, and drum- All but one of the 21 ventional yet entertaining selling all the CDs they It's refreshing to hear mer Ernie Basiliadis loves songs performed were stage presence. had brought along with the originality anc Radiohead. originals, the exception They may have them and having to have sincerity of the Mike It's this wide range of being the song Sam Stone addresses in Edmonton, more sent to them from Plume Band in an musical tastes that helps by folk singerJohnPrine. but Plume, Klym, Canada because the industry full of sell-outs. new launches magazine i^ee^nle teen Joining the wide world of print Themagazine,whichcome*fromthe tainment and issues that are ofinter- adsyougettothe heartofthe maga- about other teensjust like you whe media is the first issue of Teen editors of its mother magazine, esttoayoungeragegroup. Afterflip>- zine. are doingcool things, because every People, one of the newest People,targetsayoungergeneration, ping through a never-ending array of A huge portion of Teen People body—has something special about magazines to hit shelves in the new as the title obviously suggests. Teen advertisements for The Gap. Devlon, dealswitharticlesonthehottestteen them and we want to celebrat year. Peopleconcentrates on music, enter- Maybelline andtonsofothercosmetic stars such as Jerry O’Connell and that” Jennifer Love Hewitt, both ofwhom The magazine definitely delivers, h Free Nooner appeared in, / Know What You Did atime when the media Last Summer. In-depth articles on concentrates on the failures anc Hanson, the 6pice Girls and Missy flaws ofteenagers. Teen Peoplepor Elliottalsomake an appearance in the traysthe otherside. A side filledwitf first edition. Although light-hearted dreams, accomplishmentsandplaying the DeviVs articlesoncelebritylovesecretsand positive role in society. It’s a refresh beautytipsadornthe magazine, more ing idea. serioustoned articlesare alsoinclud- Although the magazine states ittar ed. getsyoungpeople, ingeneral, it Articleson eating disorders, keep- has failed to a degree. There ingyour virginity, and the violence of is no doubt that they target Advocates fraternities address issues thataffect teenagers, but it seems to a lotofyoung adults. The wide spec- steer more towards the trum ofeasy-reading articles to edu- female spectrum. It weighs cational, informative articles definitely heavilyon hotmake-uptrends, comedemons shows the magazine is not underesti- halter tops and women’s mating teenagers as shallow readers. apparel. The male population They deliver the fun stuff, but incor- has certainly been over-shad- porate informative articles as well. owed. Profiles on young teenagers doing remarkable things, whether thatbe in sports or [politics, surely empower their readers. Wed. Jan. 21 Managing editor Christina Ferrari writes on the editor’s page that she pON promisestodelivera publication that isdifferentfrom anyotherteen maga- am zines. 11:30 “In Teen People, you’ll find out whatyourfavoritestarsare reallylike; who their friends are, what they care aboutand how they became success- Sanctuary ful. but we won’t focus only on tlie celebrities; oa Hcvjl you’ll also read CO I lu- lll'sl ISMU- ()| ll ( II /’( (lllll. ® 1997 Top ten musical highlights of byLisaRoberts ^Piazraknnxeissliriumpha~ntEnthronB obbaecdkidernotp ocfytbeecrfhenmoarlheytthoms,thAe Rsuacdcieoshsefuald rterlaeialseed tThhee hBiegnhdlys Upanisnpfouilleddiviosrcaen. aBcicgoTurnutcokfahnids vswgJHaycaaaMSraoerleeuTaarnntrtenuarnhdeesdieirnrireagsajroedsltkyedmnoAustscyeaomitsrRlonrtfnonaeaoamioteftrelncPvrbedieltkertiiitfaa,MhmnnborhmTmaesirpteyNeaeeihnsilaretsmdsgsgekntthnmhcaeoeshdeaottamttenufg,rG.ek1^poeotbe9nlP-swweid9caoRawostcirh3iuieathinoreon,meptdritSdnu.aoheS,ntrsspfllgtFriheaasiaoacrtttoayswnucahahhdseotnlerkepede-srf fCmPRtaE•gPttmurfrahxehTuhieiltrapaoehaotstlimdttrirsyaahglucosmaelhlaerimfupnturessaeSeSto,vtmnrdkweofBciifooeeoenwurnleFnrodrsgpigoicgymieiltotitttod-Lkshirhhuiaath'iBsbvllnissinnreiuondnoddisktcttauet-mhlarrtaiiaigSlefoBbsakrsilucldheondsttoaouscuceMivrcaroctsarrradtteaumumeilsiiimbcaieenosntpunctbcabgn^geieseslhilrTrtseuainaehhscrnagotcIise-ek,gs.nofks tnM^AF•tFaBUtfhieaemboarpoPiercirle.tderdiesenmeaotarrsiisTitotdzirnsgashhaftiezcgiuyreoelugatadtt,hgenyye-ilhlaayereaaasePnr,s^neannytdafcbltlLddo,eitelarydarn.rioswrehnkSititfaieo^dlmhsdlvtywlnriayoehes'Sinenaacetsegvteglr,rtkeoLsat'tiyobrroasiaheoMu;rmlnmaekbtceyredarlfsTbdcueo,hNaaBcbrrfao•nnciioeawdrldhcotnrnielit'esnccdttan,hs--heh-., wraPPlYCaiRtsbooionauhnadtoolcertrsddsaumtiikkhaKiagchnprenneoeeedut's.aloehmsthsahdaileoCetLeroobdabtielierfowdiusndnotu,tisAtoemkwdifthnnnwiaginoelwdgnloashnewgrbhftiPnorsonouftomwoefsmiumtiseafvlw.shidsttesalweeshemyteipmraiirud-rylilntnoecepoacil.TdgioagpmoeshrrpdTeptnm.eeldKhsryieTisu,aeeGueCsrhsrrmasoiiteoOeomnvlonhntlamaKeddgenotdt jLOoomOodChCaaffdoenauPaaonfcfdctni.rnsmdekiaoccarbhLtlgtkesdiiCayaahiaihgmnlmarnedbeaaaiugnmylngnsranemereeeurPgrcersrfepe.eo.tyyrandnhte.wesceurfshoteoenhaOaCm-efline-ufnsomeurnssenrtuyasCegrtbloslihlstyptnLNceatleiasaoaebrcsddCvtsos,eaayyhepgtvlrseaeohkwaPclldmothsfeytvfbiiiaribalisdneilevnucfsecfearegtey.tss dcoymimcobvoioeksatdoarpytaatlimoonstofforgtehte- PuPruraannPuPruarna-n'MsedanaitnatJhsaaildbum isdnlegascntrgoibbeuasnceuddeiinnbtgyearv-idterewaecsjk.aiytF'ssatthtoeof jMoTQkheeernkuocnalredashwiansg odfrtohpepefdourbtyh oASfuutptoelrm^mabatonir'cdseFrlo-wweiPtrhesathadirse aelxbxaaamnm-d. table. steers away from conceptual the Landwill set standards for Pisney's Preamscope label for ples of good pop song writing, tapestries the electronicaphenomenon, offensive material Their lyrics while the title track crea-tes a (Seven and have been branded -violent and somber, but uplifting mood. A the Ragged various artists - Lostffighway sexist, but only those open- successful sophmoric effortfor Tiger, any- soundtrack mindedenough-willgetthejoke. theband. Clumsyfailstodisap- one?) and The soundtrack for Pa-vid With tongue firmly in cheek, point. moves back Lynch's cinematicodyssey was ICP combine satirical rap lyrics to simple pop produced by Nine Inch Nails •with a circus kaleidoscope Live- SecretSaxoadhi songs. mastermind Trent Reznor, who music score. The Great Milenko Lakini's Juice is the albiim's Synthesizer contributedthreetracksinclud- lets the listener wonder ifICP first single, showing off •wizard Nick ing The Perfect Prug. Angelo are makingfun ofthe gangsta- frontman Ed Kowalchyk's Rhodes Badalamenti's moody rapper lifestyle they also seem ability -to create moods with monotones instrumental compositions are touphold. words alone.Freakexplores-the his way scattered throughout, blending world of taboo subjects with through the well -with tracks by Marilyn CoalChamber- CbaiC3iam2>er rawhonesty.TiomMyHeadand title track. Manson and Smashing This Los Angeles quartet Ra-ttlesnake are quieter in com- Electric Pumpkins, andLou Reed's ram- released their debut effort to parison but force listeners in a Barbarella, bling rendition of This Magic international acclaim, subse- subtle way to pay attentioa If the first sin- MomentLostHighway'ssovind- quently landing them opening ThrowingCoppermerely whet- gle,celebrates track is the perfect slots for bands like Type 0 ted one's appetite for material every hetero- companion to an otherwise Negative and Megadeth. fromLive,then SecretSamadhi sexual man's confiisingmovie. Vocalist Pez Farfara is •willdefinitely satisfy. dream of a Radiohead- OKCampater comparable to Jonathan Pavis gorgeous, yet Hailing from the U.K., of Korn for lyrical honesty; labelledHalo 12,inkeepingwith The first ofthe two tapes con- by Lisa Roberts the numbering system given to tainsallofNineInchNails’spro- In case you were wondering Nine Inch Nails releases. motional videos, including the what on earth happened toTrent Unfortunately,UniversalPictures uncut version of Closer, Head Reznor after The Downward refused to distribute Closure Like A Hole, the very explicit Spiral, fear no more. A two-tape because of“offensive material,” Happiness in Slavery, and The video package called Closure and therefore ithasbeenbanned Perfect Drug. The videos are was releasedjustbefore the new from certain stores in Ontario. looped together with disturbing year to keep fans satisfied until Those fortunate enough to get stock footage of self-mutilation the much awaited follow-up to their hands on a copy should andanelephantbeingelectrocut- themomentous 1994release. consider themselves lucky for ed, as well as conceptualized The video package has been obtainingsuch acollector’sitem. images directed by Peter Christopherson from the experi- ivioifie mentalbandCoil. A bonus for fans is the video forGaveUp,thelasttrackonthe Grammy winning Broken EP. Cameos by Filter’s Richard Patrick,industrialpioneerMartin Atkins, and Marilyn Manson before he started abusing make- ififeeK up, provide a mere backdrop for this otherwise standard perfor- (Ji mance piece. Gave Up was Trent Reznor isthe mastermind behind Nine Inch Nails, shown filmedatthe infamousTateman- liveduringtheir Downward Spiraltourin 1994-95. C/osuredoc- sion, where The Downward uments life on the road forthe band. Spiral was conceived and photocourtesyofGeorgeDeSota,Circusmagazine recorded. manceareoverlappedwith inter view into life on the road; with The second tape, called Self- view clips with Reznor, who footage not always at its best Destruct, features behind-the- described that performance as quality-wise, it is also a glimpse scenes footage of Nine Inch one of his best. There is also a into the heart of an inspiring Tues. Jan, 20 Nails’s massive 1994-1995 tour violent collage of scenes that musician. pON sroo tAhmaetrtiocoakatnhedbEaunrodpael.l MovaenrdaNtoorrtyh sdehsotwroyiRnegznovrarioaunsd piceocmepsanoyf foOrvetrhaell,siCnglloesumroestis ainfrleuqenutiieaml am dressingroomdestructionscenes onstage gear, and occasionally band of the ‘90s. In a sense, it :30 are intertwined with shots of eachother.Formertouringdmm- signifies the end ofone era, but 1 1 Reznor composing the sound- merandrecordingassistantChris heraldsthe beginningofanother, track for Natural Bom Killers Vrennareceived 20stitchesafter courtesy of The Perfect Drug. The Sanctuary and hanging out with touring a microphone stand was vaulted Closure is a necessity for NIN mate David Bowie. in his direction, resulting in a devotees and a staple of ‘90s Footage from the infamous huge gash acrosshishead. musicalcultureforalt-rock mud-covered Woodstock perfor- Self-Destruct is a fan’s eye- fans. -cO/5 O TnT Hcvf! V

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