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SPOKE Need Melting away supplies? the stress The bookstore Studentsenjoy caterstowhat massages studentswant. and more! A LEARNING NEWSROOM FOR JOURNALISM STUDENTS Page 11 Pages CJIQ takes on the world ByGERALDUPTON Thurnell. “From British sional.” Columbia, Alberta. I had During the daytime CJIQ First CJIQ conquered some listeners firom Halifax. focusesoncurrentrockmusic. southwestern Ontario. We have hsteners in France, However, onthe eveningsand What’s next? The world! Great Britain, the Ukraine.” weekends their music selec- CJIQ FM, the Conestoga Announcer Shannon Burt tionbecomes more eclectic. College radio station, is now mentioned New Zealand; ‘We play some local.stuff,” streaming live online. That “For me it’s greatthat some saidShepherd. ‘Wehave alot means you can pick it up any- familymembers from outside of specialty shows in the where you have a computer ourbroadcastrange cantune evening. Wehavetheacoustic hookeduptothe Internet. in and listen,” said show. We have the punk “Anyone can hear us aroimd Shepherd. show. I do my own progres- the world now,” said Andrew CJIQ will be celebrating its sive rock show. A couple Shepherd, a second-year radio 10th anniversary this month. metal shows. Classical music. broadcast student and CtJIQ It was launched as a college We have a Polish show. So news announcer. ‘It’s great to radio station, with a mandate now anyone from around the be part ofthat.” of, “for the students, by the worldwho mightlisten to dif- “You can hsten to us any- students.” Music was only ferenttypes ofmusiccantune where,” said Mike Thumell, pumped into speakers on in online.” programdirectorofCJIQ.“The campus. Notonlycan CJIQreachthe Internet streams on Overtheyears that mandate world, but the world can also www.cjiq.fm. If you go to the changed. It is now a public reach CJIQ. main page you’U see a listen- radio station, licensed by the ‘We have a Facebook page,” hvelink. Youcanchckon that CRTC, with the broadcast saidThurnell. “Thatisthe No. and hear us. There’s also going as far as Moimt Forest, 1 way that the audiences tend options to listen throughother -Port Dover, Woodstock and togetbacktous. Theannounc- mettiods sucli as ITunes, Hamilton. Ithas become a liv- ers 8ire on Facebook constant- Windows Media Player, ing workshop for students in ly, interacting with the listen- Winamp, etc.” PHOTOBYGERALDUPTON the broadcast radio and jour- ers. We also, of course, have Thisis a greatleap forward, JamesScottstarts hisstintasan announceron CilQ, surrounded nalism broadcast programs to email. The website CJIQ.FM but also abignecessity. CJIQ by hi-tech equipment includingtwo computersto assist him. allowthemtoworkinaprofes- haslinks.” plays music that caters to sional environment while on The announcers have people from 18 to 34 years. basis asking when we’re haven’t noticed much differ- campus. noticed one other difference. The preferred method of lis- going to do it, so we’re finally ence so far. Managementhas, “So they get real-world “Online doesn’t mean on tening for this age group is doing it.” however. exposure to a radio station your computer,” said ofStaeindliTvheusrtnreelal,min‘gW.e’ve been stTrheeayminghasvience otnhley enbdeeonf go’t’Allirsetaednyerwsetkhnaotwatrheattuwnei’vneg tThhuartneplelo.pl“Iet’sliastreanditoo,s”tastaiiond iSnhgepbhreeradk.fas“tWhIilliestIenwedasonematy- getting emails on a daily November, so the announcers infrom all over Ontario,” said that is designed to be profes- Blackberry. It’s cool.” Wli DANCE OUR WAYTO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Kitchener library gets a new look BySARABUSSE website, www.kpl.org, “Our renovated and expanded This past fall, construction Central Library will provide began on the Kitchener much needed space for our Public Library as part of current collections and serv- their $40-million project to ices, and enable us to accom- renovate all three floors of modate for future growth. In the library, located at 85 keepingwithever-increasing Queen St. N. environmental concerns, our Along with construction of new building will also be a new 25,000-square-foot constructed to the highest addition on the back of the standards of energy efficien- building, there will be a 412- cy.” space, three-level under- The building is remaining ground parking garage. open during construction. The renovation and expan- Parkingbehindthe libraryis sion project is much needed closed but pay-and-display as the library was originally parking is available at the built to serve a population of adjacent Centre in the 70,000 people, but Kitchener Square lot and there is on- HealthyStudentWeekwas held from Nov. 29 to Dec. 2. Studentscreated many different Interactive has a growing population of street parking. displaysto help and encourage healthy livingamongstudents. From left,Jamie Iverson,Jessica 200,000. The project completion Sheppard, SandyShantzand Melanie Lucas, first-year pre-health sciencestudents, entertained the According to the library’s date is January 2013. student bodywith theWii dance game. Forstoryand more photossee Pages6 and 7. NEWS Page2SPOKE Monday,January10,2011 Now deep thoughts with Conestoga College ... Random questions answered byrandom students you were a Disney character, If who would you be? “Goofy, because he’s awesome.” RobertGamble, first-year generalartsandscience “The beastfrom Beauty andthe Beast, because I’m PHOTOBYKATHRYNSCHNARR rugged ontheoutside but The hardware departmentof ITServices is located in Room 2A405. Filled with computer parts, this princecharminginthe room is hometo a numberofstudenttechnicians.Above, JayGlinny, a first-yearinformation technolo- inside.” gyservicesstudent,fixes a computer. JimmyCarlton, first-year IT Services gave the gift of policefoundations computer upgrades over the holidays “Arielfromthe Little ByKATHRYNSCHNARR Mermaid, because I liketo troubleshooting any technical the most drastic of updates singhersongs.” How many times have you issues that may arise. are done when students are walked into a computer lab Svu'prisingly, both the hard- away for the holidays. While and not been able to find a ware and software depart- students and faculty were Madeline Deltner, seat, let alone a free comput- ments consist mainly of stu- away for the 2010-2011 second-year er? The labs at Conestoga dent technicians. Consisting Christmas break, IT techni- nursing College are always jam- of 14 student employees, the cians were working hard on packed with students work- hardware department also upgrading our computers. ing on assignments, surfing deals with phones, digital Charlene Bailey, of the the web or just hanging out. video projectors and network- hardware department, It is obvious that computers ing. They also offer technical explainedthatthere was a lot “Bellefrom Beautyandthe are in high demand, and it is support on the Conestoga done over the Christmas Beastbecauseshe loves up to Information Technology website. break. “Lecterns were to read and sing.” Services to make sure that installed and preventative they are supplied. maintenance was done in Olga Marroquin, “I really like working for IT While students and faculty labs,” she said. “Everyday second-year Services,” said hardware procedures were still upheld, graphicdesign technician and marketing were awayforthe 2010- as most of Conestoga’s staff student, Jordanna Pendon. 2011 Christmas break, IT were at the campus over the “I’ve worked there for a cou- holidays. Network lines were ple years now as a student technicianswere working run and phones were technician. My job consists of installed. There were also hard on upgrading our doing lab runs and fixing any some computer upgrades “Aladdin, because Iwould computer hardware-related computers. done.” ridearound on mymagic issues. There is always a lot IT Services had their work carpetwith a bunch ofgirls.” to do.” cut out for them this year. IT Services handles every- With our classrooms and With many upgrades com- thing computer related for all computer labs filled with stu- pleted over the holidays, both Kamal MaharqJ, six Conestoga campuses. dents, it is difficult for the students andfacultywill defi- second-year They supply, install and departments to make any nitely notice some changes in businessmanagement maintain computers, while major changes. This is why the computer labs. LAST-DITCH EFFORT “Geppettofrom Pinocchio Myxoeu.nItoooMteraristeeykmsv MTtoUrsATrTUocMooirSuvnoemuurrruTevWotTso HA^Tv.eToeaei.oevetMtsAetMcatuTS,v,tMaofrvoytaoe-,sw, Asesooosesseomrv AaoooufeAMetrr nuTu,icAtrrrmm because I’m Italian.” MToUnAeyT,reuyeeeaeysoruertmcumotsts MfSveTe.CAuMoSe.unoouMsSesT,O soeemAtetymrmuieaeMuthcaut mufZAttemee. excmcoesTmnous.. ACTUAU-ytsnee. I I ArlenSllvestrl, second-year businessmanagement SmileConestoga,youcouldbeournextrespondent! NEWS Monday,January10,2011 SPOKEPage3 new What’s with security? ByCASSANDRABOURGEOIS everyone, he could make an announcement to the entire There have been a lot of school. He can even page changes to Safety and other campuses. Security Services since Don “What’s the most impor- Willis came on board as the tant thing you need in an director. Updatedtechnology emergency?” asked Willis. and a fresh attitude have “Communication.” made security more efficient They also started a bicycle and staffmore approachable. unit two years ago. Each A new camera system spring, the cycling security makes surveillance a breeze. guards are given training in It’s a matter ofpointing and defensive biking, braking clicking for security to look and curbs. back at a specific time on a ‘Y’ou don’t wantto wipe out certain camera. On the com- and suddenly you’re the puter, blue bars show where other first-aid call,” said there’s motion on a camera, McCartney. Bicycles can get and when you’re watching through parking lot traffic footage, it auto-skips to the jams and go on the paths. PHOTOBYROBERTCONTE next blue bar. They usually travel in pairs “You can watch them with- for safety reasons. During James Howespoke during Rallyfor Rails on Dec. 5.The political bloggerdiscussed potential prosand out having to scan through the summer, securitytries to consthata LRTsystem could have in thearea and manyotherissuesthatcould arise. five hours of camera,” said always have the bicycle unit Chris McCartney, a security out. Rally for Ralls assistant. Day shift guards have been Boon still has some of the added to the roster at the old cameras, which hadto be Waterloo and Guelph cam- wired back to the video puses. Previously, they only supports new LRT s^tem recorders, a very expensive had security there from 4 process for cameras on the p.m. until midnight, but now other side of the school. The they’re covered from 7:30 new cameras are plugged a.m. through to midnight. At ByROBERTconn the widening of Weber Street being circulated. They were into an IP system and con- midnight, the campuses lock costingover$52 million, inthe produced by University of nect wirelessly. This has down and the cameras and A rally to support the con- end Light Rail Transit will Waterloo professor Dr. John allowed cameras to be put cleaners are left to keep an struction ofa light rail transit savethetaxpayers’ money. Shortreed, who is in the outside on the path. eye on things. Boon has system in the region was held The LRT was presented as Department of Civil and guards on campus 24 hours. in December at Waterloo both an effective and environ- Environmental Engineering. Security guards are hired Public Square. Some 200 sup- mentally friendly option for In his pamphlets, he points The more involved we are, from Barbara Collins porters braved the fidgid cold transportation. By 2031, out that Bus Rapid Transit Security and are given plen- to showtheir support. 300,000 more people are pre- wouldcosthalfoftheproposed the more people know ty of site specific training so ‘Teople have said T haven’t dictedtoliveinthe area, mak- costoftheLRTandhavelower we’re here and whatwe tthhaety cwaonulddealcrwoipthupanyatthitnhge hLeRaTr?dIp^eookplaetaiUnofsyuopu!p”o’rtsaiodf iabnlge.the bus system unsustain- oopuetrtahtaitntghceosLtsR.THweillalhsaovpeoilnitm-s do. college. They’re given sensi- MackenzieKeastto acheering ‘Imagine the number seven ited stops and that by 2031 - tivity training and taught crowd. (a bus route) 10 years from carswillbemoreefficientthan Don Willis, Safety and how to deal with domestic Keast is a representative of now,” said Keast, the crowd theLRT. disputes. the Waterloo Students laughedboisterously. Supporters such as Zehr SecurityServices director “Inthe lastyearor sowe’ve Planning Advisory and spoke Despite the attendees’ seem- remainoptimistic. tried to gear some of our attherallyonbehalfofuniver- inglytotal supportofthe LRT, “We will have LRT in this At the Ingersoll campus, information up to interna- sityandcollegestudentsinthe pamphlets in opposition were community,”he said. when an alarm goes off. tional students,” said Willis. region. Herecognizedthatthe Boon’s computer automati- They have pamphlets to construction ofalightrail sys- cally pulls up the camera at explain some safety tips to tem coxdd assist the 35,000 Ingersoll. Boon is like secu- people who may not be studentsinthe area. rity central for all the cam- accustomed to appropriate “These students are putting puses. social interactions in up with crowded buses on a The new technology doesn’t Canada, with tips such as dailybasis,” saidKeast. end there. They’ve also not giving out your home Ifthe funds for this massive installed a Blazecast inter- address. project are secured, construc- nal emergency communica- Being respectful is impor- tion ofthe LRT is to begin in tion system. Before, security tant to Security Services, so 2012. Thesystemwdlbeoper- had no way of communicat- security staff and even the ationalinlate 2014. ing with the student body or peoplewhoparticipateinthe The expected costs are over offices. Two and a halfyears walk-safe program watch $1 biUion, withlocaltaxpayers ago, federal grants for cam- the Respect video. Willis’s covering $500 million of that. pus security allowed them to goal has been to maintain Despite this large price tag, install the new communica- good communication with enthusiastic supporters tion system. CSI and be involved with all seemedvmdeterred. “We have the ability to tar- ofthe Conestoga community. “When good things happen; get right where we need to “The more involved we are, sunshine,” said regional coun- send a message,” said Willis. the more people know we’re cillor Jean Haalboom as sun- If the school needed to be here and what we do,” said shine peeked through the locked down, he could page Willis. clouds. some classrooms and tell With higher enrolment Other speakers at the rally them to evacuate the build- numbers and new technolo- included Kitchener Mayor ianrge,asaonfdpospsiabglee doatnhgeerrs,,anidn gayl,waySseckuerpittybuSseyr,vibcuets, aiss VCiaertlhZeahnrd, MCPouPnciJlolhonr AManlgleolya, PHOTOBYROBERTCONTE tell them to stay put. Or, if Willis said, “It’s a good aUin supportoftheLRT. Several LRTsupporterscame outto Rallyfor Ralls on Dec. 5and hehadthe same message for busy.” Zehr pointed out that with showed enthusiasm, chantingand wavingsigns. COMMENTARY Page4SPOKE Monday,January10,2011 We survived the unexpected ByMANPYLIVERANCE Earth was an unpredictable place in 2010. Earthquakes shook up our cities, oU was spUled into the water, volcanic ash clouds blanketed the sky and minersweretrappedunderground.Aftergettingthrough a rough year maybe it’s time we head to the moon for safety. Oh right, we’re working on that too. The drama of2010 startedoffquickly and withinten- sity. With Haiti’s earthquake beginning the year, it showed how unprepared we were for Mother Nature’s wrath, but it also showed how generous people could be. Devastation exploded months later when BP’s oil spill taintedthe waterinthe GulfofMexico, attractingatten- tion from all over the world. It even became the No. 1 most searched subject onYahoo.com. But despite Mother Nature’s attempts at ruining our daCyasnaanddalwivaess,ewnethrdaildlheadvweiqtuhittehea2bi0t10ofWfiunn.ter Games, Rated U for useless we watched Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga dominate the InternetwitheachhavingabillionhitsonYouTube, and we smirked as Tiger Woods struggled to explain his Sometimes you’rejust in ever be.” And since Saw is questionable actions. the mood for a good old-fash- known as one ofthe goriest New entertainment has also kept us happy; 3D movies ioned scare. So you head to horror movies on the mar- made a big comeback, impressive items that begin with the local theatre, grab a big ket, this is really an accom- theletter‘T’wereinhighdemandandfist-pumpingreal- bag ofbuttery popcorn, and plishment. ity shows have caught our attention. sit down for the latest DirectorAlexandre Aja, All in aU, 2010 will be a year for the history books, screamfest. known for horrors such as thanks to major news events including winning gold for Just as you are settling in The HUls Have Eyes and P2, the first time on Canadian soil and hearing the Pope’s for a gorybig-screen chiller, chose the attitude of“over- shocking decision to allow the use ofcondoms. you notice a 12-year-old sit- done is underrated,” making But starting a newyear doesn’t exactly mean starting ting beside you. Now what? PG-13 for sci-fi life/death sce- the blood flow. new. Unfortunately we can’tjust forget the problems of Do you sit beside him for a narios andbriefstrong lan- The gore was bad, but I 2010 and call it history just yet. We are still dealing movie so gory you can barely guage. wasn’t expecting the nudity. with the after-effects ofnatural disasters and it doesn’t stomach it, or do you talk to This seems like a reason- It was based during spring look like Bieber is stepping down anytime soon. the theatre staffand warn able change, but I think break, so I was prepared for After the ups and downs, the shocking and the every- them about kids sneaking we’re now taking it too far. some topless partiers. What I dayusual, it’s funnyhow our No. 1 questionforYahoois in? Piranha 3D was released didn’t expect was a full four how to tie a tie. Sadly, there’s nothingyou this summer with a rating of minutes oftwo naked women It looks like we’ve got the hang of handling the good, can do. The “goregasmic” 18A, for sequences ofstrong swimming through the lake, the bad and most certainly the ugly of the past year. event is only 18A, and as bloody horror, violence and toYanni’s Aria. Hopefully we have learned from these experiences, and long as the kid is with some- gore, graphic nudity, sexual Because this film was only will have a smooth year ahead ofus. one over 18, he is perfectly content, language and some rated 18A, however, a child So whatever 2011 has in store, bring it on. welcome to stay. drug use. could see this movie, as long According to media-aware- A loose remake ofthe 1978 as he was with someone over The views herein represent theposition ofthe newspa- ness.ca, in Ontario “persons horror film ofthe same the age limit. There were, of per, not necessarily the author. under the age of 18 years name, the movie revamps the course, children under 15 sit- must be accompaniedby an story, appl5dng it to today’s ting in the rows, hiding Letters are welcome adult to see 18Afilms. At an audience. behind their fingers and R-rated film, access is denied A species ofpiranha laughing at the nude women Spokewelcomesletterstothe than 500words. to anyone under 18, and believed to be extinct for mil- in front ofthem. identification will be lions ofyears is released into The ratings are getting editor. Lettersshould be Spokereservestherightto required.” Arizona’s Lake Victoriajust lenient lately, and this is signedand includethe editanyletter The ratings, however, have in time for spring break. And unacceptable. When you go nameandtelephone forpublication. changed drastically in the these creatures are hungry. to see an 18Afilm, you numberofthewriter. Addresscorrespon- past 25 years. A porn website director and should notbe sittingbeside a Writerswill becontact- denceto: For example, according to his crew are also at the lake, preteen. edforverification. TheEditor,Spoke,299 Timhdeb.Ccaosms,antdhrea1C9r7o6ssdirnagmwaas fspielcmiianlg.their springbreak reWshpionlseibIilaidtmyitresstosmoenofthtehe Nounsigned letterswill be DoonValleyDr., restricted for implied sexuali- Don’t forget the gore. This parents, the Ontario Film published. Room 1C30, Kitchener,Ont., ty and minor violence. A movie was described by one Review Board is there to pro- Lettersshouldbenolonger N2G4M4 movie released in 2003, The imdb.com user as “100 tect us. So protect us, and Core, was given the rating times worse than Saw could our youth. SPOKE IS PUBLISHED AND PRODUCED WEEKLY BY THE JOURNALISM STUDENTS OF CONESTOGA COLLEGE Editor:BrandonReoch Gerrett,SaraBusse,MarcusMatthew,LauraBennett Spracklin,NathanRienstra,ErinFarrar,Jonathan Spoke’saddressis299DoonValleyDr.,Room 1C30, AssignmentEditors: LisaOlsenandMandy andGerryUpton CharlesandAmandaBaines Kitchener,Ontario,N2G4M4. Liverance Production Managers:Jessica-LynnTabak, Circulation ManagerRyanYoung Phone:519-748-5220,exL3691,3692,3693,3694 AdvertisingManagers:AshleyIdleandKathryn PaulIrvine,RobConte,CourtneyNixonandBrittany Fax:519-748-3534 Schnarr Belanger FacultySupervisorandAdviser Email:[email protected] SpokeOnlineEdHors:ThomasParent,Emily Photo Editors:CassandraBourgeois,Victoria ChristinaJonas Website:www.conestogac.on.ca/spoke TheviewsandopinionsexpressedinthisnewspaperdonotnecessarilyreflecttheviewsofConestogaCollege.Spokeshallnotbeliableforanydamagesarisingoutoferrorsinadvertisingbeyondtheamountpaidforthespace.Letterstotheeditorare subjecttoacceptanceorrejectionandshouldbeclearlywrittenortyped;aMSWordfilewouldbehelpful.Lettersmustnotcontainanylibellousstatements. OPINION Monday,January10,2011 SPOKEPage5 my This was no Christmas special, it was reahty check On the first day of eye-opener. However, believe it away from him. After our chat, he walked December, a surreal it or not, this wasn’t even my Why? Why would I give away with a smile. I realized encounter with ahomeless reality check. him all the change I had and I forgot mybackpack so I man changed my outlook on I exited the building and then take it away? went back to get it. I then life. Marcus walked to mycar, parked in Maybe it’s because he’s saw him walking down the Before I fill you in on what Matthew front ofa mechanic’s garage. used to havingthings taken street and followedhim for this “reality check” was, let Opinion As I approached the car, I awayfrom him. Hisjob, his about a block. me briefly tell you abit saw this odd man running house and maybe even He ran up to another man about myself. and yelling, “hey, do you friends and family. and asked for money. This And no, this isn’t one of find the meaning oflife. have any change. Just $5 for I smiled and said no, you guy didn’t even acknowledge those eHarmony profiles that So the other day when I a coffee, lunch. I’m homeless. take it, buyyourselflunch him. Frankly I don’t care begin with “I like long walks was covering an event for I have nothing. Please.” and merry Christmas. what the man does with my onthe beach, cuddlingup by SNAP K-W on WorldAIDS I didn’t even think about He asked for my name and money; all I know is life has the fireplace and romantic Day, I felt down in the hiding my $500 Sony camera we talked for a few minutes. been cruel to him. candlelit dinners.” Well, I dumps. On that Monday, I in my car and drivingoffin He was smoking, smelled I grabbed mybag and then actually do hke those things, did something so stupid, fear ofhim robbing me. I awful, the coat he was wear- drove home. About two min- but I digress. ignorant and selfish. took out my wallet and gave ing was old andbeaten up, utes into driving, as I passed I don’tconsidermyselftobe I hadjust finished work him all the change I had. he had ajollybelly and a the outdoor rink at city hall, selfishorignorant.Youcould around 9 p.m.; I was tired, in Maybe $3.50 total andhe puffy white beard like Santa I began to break down. sayI’m apushover. Ifindit a rush and, ofcourse, was says “godbless you” and Claus. Sounds like a This is out ofthe ordinary hdieIfafhricatuvlfteortaopsosovafeytrntsoyp,ottopeisonopmmleeybosdufy-. dadrrniidvviivnnoggdkhdaoo,nm’eht.umrJiruxy.sitngliakendbeer “toimnmeearsr.syecI.CthIhreuinnslttomocalkdse”hdismmevyetordaholoolrd oCuhItrtiwasantdsmaIssnfeoslwptienscoigar,lrymdafooyersbnte’hte-2itC? fcfoiorgmhmpteoi.nsgeIdb’ambcuuktsueIamlwoltayisocniasnl.mmWyahncydar fering and child abuse. IfI I got caught goingway over and took out a removable cof- man. did Ihave so muchfeeling see a homeless person on the the speed limit down a pitch fee holder I hadfilled with WhenI chattedwithhim I towardthis homeless man? street or someonebeingver- black TrusslerRoad, and got quarters, dimes, nickels and didn’taskwhyhe washome- The encounter was a reahty bally or physically abused I’ll ticketed. pennies. less, whathe was smokingor check. At 19 years old, I feel ask myself, why? Then, after seeing people He quicklyputhishands whattheheckwashe goingto tremendous pressure to fig- Why do people physically or with HIV/AIDS with a posi- together andI dumpedrough- do withmymoney? Support ure outwhat I want to do verbally attack others and tive attitude, laughing and ly $6 worthofchange. Itwas his drughabitperhaps? andwhat I wanttobecome. hleosws?do some get tobe home- hsmaidlianng,enmlyigshptiernitisnglicftoendv.erI- tthheelleeaassttIIccoouullddhdoa.vAectduoanlely, hiNmo,aIndcomnatidneueedyetocotnatlakctto It’Ishnaovtejufsintamlley,rweealiazUedfamceyit. Every time I see this I feel sation with a gay male who was tellhimto get ajob. eventhoughhe has ambly- callingin life. It’s something helpless and I always want has lived with the disease for He looked at me and said opia, more popularlyknown I will pursue in the future tfoorktnhoinwgwshaaret.tAhnedrenaos,oIning b2u8tyeIarresa.hIzefedlthseodrirdynf’otrfheeilm, y‘Toauudsduyr,eaIrecaynouhasvueret?hiAsr,eyou haselwaazsyheyieg.hIodriwdhn’att,knboutwhiifs Manydnleoowkpfaosrswiaorndistogidvoiinngg. don’tbelieve in God, pray sorryforhimself. don’t mind do you?” as ifhe eyes were litup like a back to the community and each night nor do I strive to The conversation was an thought I was goingto take Christmas tree. helping those in need. Complete your bachelor’s degree with Davenport University. Davenport University has developed degree completion partnerships that allow you to transfer credits toward a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Due to generous transfer credits, many graduates with a three year diploma can complete a bachelor’s degree with as few as 10 Davenport classes. Benefits of an online degree; • NO VISAS Earn your degree completely online, • 24/7 AVAILABILITY Take classes any time, work around scheduled commitments, • AFFORDABLE Scholarships or partnership tuition rates are available. www.davenport.edu/capartners 1-800-203-5323 partnerships(»davenportedu NEWS Page6SPOKE Monday,January10,2011 week Healthy student enlightens college ByCOURTNEYNIXON lege is very important. Studying and retaining infor- Coming to college is a life- mation can become much changing experience on its more difficult with little or no own; factor in exercise and sleep. healthy eating and you may ‘Most students lack sleep find yourself wondering how which can contribute to poor you are goingto manage to fit health,” said Ceaser. this all into your daily rou- Sleep can help repair your tine. body, helps keep your heart The first-year general arts healthy, reduces stress, and sciences-health options improves your memory and and pre-health services stu- maintains your body weight. dentshostedHealthy Student “All parts are essential to Week from Nov. 29 to Dec. 2. help you feel, look and be Students created manydiffer- healthy,” said first-year pre- ent interactive displays to health sciences student help and encourage healthy Matthieu Payette. living among students. Yoga is an age-old tradition “Healthy Student Week is that combines proper concen- an initiative that is organized tration and breathing tech- in partnership between facul- niques that will focus your ty teaching the student suc- mind and connect your body cess for higher learning to your soul. Many ways to courses in the pre-health sci- reduce stress come from yoga ences and general arts and such as controlled breathing, sciences programs and the mediation, physical move- Student Life Department,” ment, mental imagery and said Student Life program- stretching. merMatthew Maguire. Some benefits ofyoga are it As part of the curriculum, increases flexibility, mas- students are required to par- sages all the organs in the ticipate in Campus Service body, and leads to better Learning which is an educa- PHOTOBYCOURTNEYNIXON breathing, mental calmness tional approach where stu- and stress reduction. It can dents achieve their learning The humourtherapygroup, bottom from left, KaylaJolley, All Haelzle,Jenny Pawlowski and top, from also cure insomnia, fight outcomes through experien- left, Natalie Hiuserand Melissa Reid use thefun and interactive gameTwisterduring HealthyStudent fatigue, build a stronger tial learning activities in the Week. immune system and improve campus community. have to,” said personal train- and the back. Even ifyou are carry. asthma. The studentschose different er Tasha Ceaser. carrying your laptop, sports Humourtherapyis an alter- With students on the go topics to research such as fit- One source ofnutrition that bag or a simple handbag, native therapy which helps theytendtopumpthemselves ness and nutrition, yoga, can contribute to better eat- knowing how to choose, load, relieve both physical and full of caffeine and energy stress and human therapy. ing are eggs. Eggs are super lift and wear your bag can go emotional pain and stress. drinks. In every human, there are high in protein and can help a long way to preventingpain It is used to improve the Repeated energy drink con- three different types of mus- burn unwanted belly fat. and unnecessary injury. quality of life, provide pain sumption can cause muscle cles; cardiac, smooth and They contain the vitamin Choose a bag made oflight- relief, encourage relaxation twitching and hallucinations. skeletal. The muscles in the B12, a great supplement for weight material such as vinyl and reduce stress. It includes Drinkingtwocans ofRedBull body have five basic func- breaking down fat cells. or canvas, instead of leather. funny movies, books or sto- every day for a week can tions, movement, support of “All stu- ries, telling increase your blood pressure joints, produce heat, protect dents’ eating jokes, upbeat by 10 per cent. habits internal organs and to main- “Two big barriersfor healthy eating bystudents are a conversations, An interesting fact is that tain posture. changewhen comedians or coffee has the same 10 mg/oz The home video game, Wii, they come to limited budget, food preparation and cookingskills. finding humour as a Rock Star. is another alternative to college,” said in everyday life. “Students think that when going to the gym with its new first-year There is a misconception that eating healthy costs a lot It takes 13 they drink energy drinks, featuresincludingavarietyof pre-health of money, when in reality ifwe buy local and facial muscles to they will be more energetic, different sports. sciences stu- smile and 50 but the reality is that they Playing baseball burns 7.3 d e n t in season produce, it really doesn’t haveto.” facial muscles to will crash harder,” said first- Melanie calories per minute while on Lucas, - personal trainerTasha Ceaser frown. year pre-health sciences stu- the Wii it burns 4.5; tennis “It is good to dent Katelyn Pellegrini. burns 5.1 calories per minute adding they get people Energy drinks are becoming opposed to the Wii which encouraged laughing,” said more popular to the youth of burns 5.3. Boxing burns 10.2 students to eat healthy, pro- With multiple pockets and first-year pre-health sciences today. High levels of caffeine calories per minute while the viding samples of nutritous shoulder straps that are wide student Natalie Hiuser. canboostheartrateandblood Wii burns 3.1 and bowling food. and adjustable, poorly Some benefits to humour pressure, causing palpita- burns 7.2 calories per minute Some ways to include fit- designed shoulder straps can are it lowers blood pressure, tions, according to the while the Wii burns 3.5 nessintocollege life arewalk- dig deep into the muscles and reduces stress hormones, National Institute of Health. Poor nutrition and obesity ing or biking to class, and put strain on the nerves. increases muscle flexion and Mixing these drinks further are among the most impor- being active on the way to When packing a bag you boosts immune function. increases the risk of heart tant health issues facing soci- class instead of taking the should plan to pack light and Plus the biggest benefit of rhythm problems. etytoday, notonlyinterms of bus or car. You can also join put the heaviest items at the laughter is that it is free and An interesting fact is that health, but also health-care an intramural sport; it is a bottom. If you can’t pack has no negative side effects. one in three students mix expenses. fun way to meet new people light, it is best to pack items Exercisingisveryimportant energy drinks with alcohol. “Two big barriers for and fit in exercise and to into several bags, rather than forcollege students because it “Alcohol is a tempting reali- healthy eating by students check out the college gym, overstuffa single bag. improves your mood, combats ty in the life of a student,” are a limited budget and food where they may offer classes When carrying a bag make chronic diseases, helps you said personal trainer Tasha preparation and cooking such as yoga, cardio, etc. sure to alternate shoulders manage your weight, boosts Ceaser. skills. There is a misconcep- Carrying a heavy backpack frequently to avoid strain, your energy level, promotes Stayinghealthyatcollegeisa tion that eating healthy costs to school every day can save neverwear abackpackonone better sleep, can put the constant struggle, but with the a lot ofmoney, when in reali- you time but it does not help shoulder and for luggage or spark back into your sex life right nutrition, exercise and ty ifwe buy local and in sea- you. A heavy load can be a laptop bags, make use of and can be fun. sleepyoucanachievewhatever son produce, it really doesn’t pain in the neck, shoulders wheels to pull, rather than Getting enough sleep in col- you setyour mindtoo. NEWS Monday,January10,2011 SPOKEPage7 Handingout a seven-dayexercise routine aiongwith a nutrition scheduie are,from ieft, Steffanie Panchaud, Bahare Pirouzi, First-yearpre-health sciencestudentsfrom left, Andy Liboiron,Janelle Hatt, Jannah Collisand Kayla RebeccaVoorianderand Matthieu Payette. Blairvolunteered to danceto Crazy in Love by Beyonce during HeaithyStudentWeek. PHOTOS BY COURTNEY NIXON Lettingthestudents knowthe properwaytoweartheir backpacks, and promotingpack it light, wear it right, during HeaithyStudentWeekwere,from left, Jamie Ropp, Jordan Dermo, Sarah Schendal, Kerri Waglerand Amanda Bender. EATWELLLIVELONGER. We’reKelpingCanadianseathealrhkr.Enhancedfood ; labelling,HealthCheck‘''!shoppingchoicesandreduced HEARTS trans fats are just the beginning. Make healthier STROKE choices today;visitheartsndstroke.ca. FOUNPATION ISHE/^.MOKOi DuringHealthyStudentWeek,from left, Sam Trautman,TaraJeffery, Paulo Pasilva and Kristen Turnertalkaboutthe benefitsofyoga and stress. NEWS Page8SPOKE Monday,January10,2011 CSI Idol CHILLING OUT in counselling service's stress free zone tryouts happen week next ByLAURABENNEH Conestoga Students Inc. is inviting all Conestoga stu- dents to flaunt their vocals at this year’s CSI Idol tryouts. The tryouts will be held Jan. 17-21 atBoon campus in the CSIofficeinRoom 2A106. The CSI office is also where students can sign up for the event. CSI Idol is also offered to students who want to try out at the Waterloo campus on Jan. 24 and at the Guelph campus on Jan. 25. Students can sign up at both campuses at their administration offices. “Three CSI staff members will be judging the tryouts,” Dara Pappas and Shelly Francisworkthe epsom saltstation. said Tara Herriot, event co- ordinator for CSI. ‘The top six finalists will compete at Boon campus on Feb. 2 at noon.” “For the finals I like to get judges who are not part of CSI,” saidHerriot, addingshe usually asks someone from Student Life and a person who works for Chartwells. She is still workingon a third judge for this year’s competi- tion. The winner of the competi- tion will go on to compete against other colleges for Darren Nixon, registered massagetherapist, givessecond-year provincial Campus Idol. general businessstudentJamieWaglera massage in the coun- This will be Conestoga’s sellingcentre’sStress FreeZone, held in E-wingon Dec. 1.The seventh CSI Idol. Last year zone included food, massage and an aromatherapystation where Katherine Laguna, a BScN students could maketheirown bath salts. student, won the competition and its $200 prize. PHOTOS BY ASHLEY IDLE First-year marketingstudents Kelsey Hellier, Brittany Mullin and Mona Yacoubwait in linefor massages. mm mrmr Canadian Diabetes i|; - "f. Assodotion i* Today, 1 in 5 people with diabetes survives heart disease. Help reversethetrend. Visitgetserious.ca KeiraWysocki, an RMT, helps a Conestoga student relievestresswith a well-deserved massage. Mini massage sessionswere offered as part ofthe day-longevent. Monday,January10,2011 SPOKE Page9 new Cambridge bylaw enforces Idling your vehicle in an anti-idling zone could cost you $40 fine ByEMILYGERREn Advisory Committee. Local schools and their boards Named Canada’s first offered support during the “Smarter City” for asset man- evaluation and development agement this fall, the City of process to put this bylaw in Cambridge is hoping after a place. It is hoped that other year of educational cam- cities in the area will follow paigns, its citizens will also Cambridge’s example. be smarter - about idling “As the local government, their cars. we are foremost looking at An anti-idling bylaw was theneedsandincreasedbene- put in place Dec. 1, for the fits for our community, but Cambridge civic square and we commend the many other aroundallits cityschools. Big communities that have anti-idling signs can be seen already helped to contribute outside these areas, including totheoverallapproachto sus- aroundcityhallandthefarm- tainable cities,” Fegan said. ers’ market, with a $40 fine There are currently about for those caught idling for 30 municipalities in Ontario more than one minute. tr dng to cut back on idling, 5 but still many people remain it attachedto the ideathatthey need to idle their cars, espe- PHOTOBYEMILYGERRETT Ourapproachoftargetedzones ciallyinthe colder months. Although drivers in Cambridge riskbeingfined ifthey idletheirvehicies in schooi areasfor morethan atschoolsandthecityhall...will “It was ingrained in our one minuteduetoa nevi^ bylaw,the driversofthesecarsidlingoutfrontConestoga College in thoughts that we needed to helpminimizehealthimpacts, runourvehiclesabout 10min- Kitchenerface nosuchfine. utes to fuUy warm up the restaurant or while you wait overall goal, and while they ple of our ‘green philosophy.’ encourageconservationbehav- engine; with new technology outfiront ofa maU is not pun- are notpartofthisbylaw, the We monitored the reduction iourandimproveairquality. andelectricalcomponents,this ishable by fine. But it is educational campaign of greenhouse gases for our - is not so,” Fegan said. “That hoped the bylaw can bring addresses many ofthese sub- many infrastructure projects LindaFegan message needs to be conveyed awareness about the effects jects,” Fegan said. this year. tochangeotherthingsthatcan idling anywhere can have, “These community assets “We are very proud to be 99 have a positive effect on our andcanreduce this as well. that we repair, replace and home to the greenestcityhall It is hoped this bylaw will healthandenvironment.” “These all contribute to the renew arejust another exam- in the country.” reduce the negative effects For students, worries about idling has on the environ- the environment can come at ment, as well as improve thebottomofalonghstofwor- Counsellor's Comer Cambridge citizens’ air quah- riesaboutgrades, assignments ty in these areas where peo- andfinancialdifficulties. ple are highly concentrated. First-year general business Weicome from ‘We know that there is a student Kyle Bossaer said, “I great concentration of young neveridledmytruck, butthis Counselling Services peopleattheschoolzones and was mainly because of the pubhc square areas that are cost ofgas. I am aware ofthe part of the designated areas effectofidhngontheenviron- Tothose students who are beginning theircollege careerat Conestoga, in Cambridge, and we know ment, but it wouldn’t be my welcome! Right nowyou are probably excited about opportunities to learn more that the rates of asthma are first thought, because ofcom- about your area ofstudy, meetother students andjustfind yourway around increasing in young people,” panies or factories that could campus. saidspokespersonfortheCity take the initiative to reduce of Cambridge Linda Fegan. greenhouse gasses by the We encourage you to take advantage ofthe many services that Counselling “Our approach of targeted hundreds of cars at a time, zones at schools and the city but don’t, because they are Services have designed to help you be successful. Professionallytrained hallisuniqueforamunicipal- irresponsible as well.” counsellors can help you resolve barriersthat stand in the way ofyou reaching ity and will help minimize For students who haven’t youreducational goals. Arrange to see a counsellor ifyou have academicor health impacts, encourage thought of the effect idling personal concerns during yourtime atConestoga. Groups and workshops are conservation behaviour and theirvehicles canhave onnot offered forsuch issues as performance anxiety, stress management and imApcrcoovredianigrtqouaaliDteyc..“4 article oalnsloythtohsee eanrvoiurnodntmheenmt,, ebduut- relaxation. Counselling is free, voluntary and confidential. We can also refer you in the Record, no fines were cation ofthis matter is essen- to other College and community resources that can help. handed out in the first three tial. After hearing about days of the bylaw’s enforce- Cambridge’s bylaw, Bossaer To those students who are returning for anothersemesterofstudy, welcome ment. This should come as no wondered why Kitchener had back! We hope the coming term provides fresh ideas and challenges, new surprise, after the extensive no suchrules as well. friends and activities and brings you closerto youracademic goals! Come and cofamthpeaibgynlatwoirnaitsheeapwaasrteyneeasrs, by“lIawa,”mhecosamipdl.e“tAelcyarfcoarntshtiisU see us in Counselling Services ifwe can help in anyway. as well as the support from havemusiconwhilenotidling, theschoolsandtheirstudents andasforheatinthewinteror inreducingidling. air inthe summer, ifyou need Although many cities have to be waiting in one spot for Counselling Services; lAlOl anti-idling bylaws, including more than five minutes, you the City of Waterloo as well shouldbeabletogetup andgo Student Life Centre as Cambridge, at the present inside somewherenearby. Kitchenerhasonlyanti-idling “Orpeoplecanjustgetbetter educational campaigns. time management skills and The issue of needing a law time their arrival better, so to enforce this idea was there’s no need to idle in the brought to Cambridge city firstplace.” www.conestogac.on.ca/counselling/ council’s attention by the Idling while in a drive thru Cambridge Environmental instead of walking into a NEWS Page10*SPOKE Monday,January10,2011 makes Technology BE PREPARED for the flu season way sex too available Something is really differ- Sex, Lies and Power Trips. ent about the way teenagers Glazier talks about how seri- are today and the way they ously technology and culture were when my mom was one. promoting sex have affected Growing up with sex and teen behaviour. technology and the fact that “Kids today are growing up both are so easily accessible on a steady diet ofreality 'TV plays ahuge partinthe grow- that’s far from real and th—at ing differences between teens pushes sexual stereotypes now and teens then. Facebook gives people the raunchy music videos, porn The Internet has been a opportunity to find someone on the Internet,—young stars blessing and a curse for they may have just met and behaving badly and it has Diana Mbambu, afourth-year BScN student, gives Brittany many of us because it has contact them as weU as add an impact on the way they Baskett, a third-year BScN student,theflu shot on Dec. 2 in Room advantages that make our friendsjustbyseeingapicture. relate to each other,” said 2E04 atConestoga College’s Doon campus. Conestoga College lives so much easier but at Often Facebook profiles give Glazier. “It has created a cul- held fourclinicsthroughout December, two at Doon campus and the same time it tends to thefalseimpressionofknowing ture where sexual gossip, one attheWaterloo and Guelph campuses.Teresa McQuillin, a complicate everything. I’m things about people. It’s cer- dissing and being a profes- nurse atConestoga College, said therewas a reallygood turnout talking about social net- tainly dangerous to have your sionalhaterontheInternetis in Decemberand ifthere isstill a high interest in gettinga flu shot working and the means by personal information laid out what makes you cool and then therewill be more clinics in January. which people are communi- foreveryoneto see. acceptable.” cating. People will put anything on a Snow means no parking Inthe ’60s, ifawomanwent the Internet without really “aU the wa/’ with a man, she thinking about the conse- was severely frowned upon. quences. Many ofus are com- “Ithascreated a culturewhere BySARAH BUSSE ticket and may tow vehicles Today, it’s normal, unsurpris- pletelyoblivious to how many sexual gossip, dissingand that are interfering with ingandseeminglyacceptable. people are able to see these As a reminder for students snow removal. The ticket I believe this has to do with comments. A huge number of beinga professional hateron who are returning to their amount for vehicles parked the advance of social media employers these days will Kitchener and Waterloo stu- onthe side oftheroad diuing and the horrible influences look up potential employees the Internetiswhatmakesyou dent housing this year, all snow removal is $80. that exist today. The models online and you may be sur- cooi and acceptable.” vehicles parked on city roads The bylaw started Dec. 1 seen in magazines, celebri- prisedhow much they maybe overnight will receive a ticket and will continue to March ties, fashion organizations able to access through your and mayhe subjecttotowing. 31. To avoid a ticket leave pushingskimpyclothinglines Facebook profiles. Parkingbetween the hours of your vehicle at your house and extremely stupid reality A recent Toronto Starinter- If I had it my way, I think 2:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. is pro- and take a taxi or bus, or television can allbe blamed. view was held with filmmak- I’d prefer to grow up back in hibited. make sure there is room for A big problem is how easy it er L5Tin Glazier, who filmed the ’60s where these things During snowfall the City of yourvehicleinaproperdrive- istogetinvolvedwithsomeone the documentary entitled It’s weren’t everywhere you Kitchener bylaw staff will way. without knowing them at all. a Teen’s World: Wired for look. Registration for Winter 2011 leadership workshops Mon 9am opens Jan 10th at WWW.conestogac.on.ca/leadership Enhance your portfolio! __ Meet new people! Explore your leadership potential! Explore. Grow. Inspire. Create. Lead, Empower. Listen. Encourage. Develop. (OOnCCt (2S ^Student Life Shape yourexperience Leadership Workshop Series

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