Splendid plants in your aquarium n Bottom ground n Planting n Fertilization Contents Natural purification cycle...................................................... 3 Light energy – the correct light............................................. 4 Balanced nutrient fertilization................................................ 5 Macro nutrients and trace elements..................................... 6 Active bottom ground........................................................... 8 sera fertilizers....................................................................... 8 CO fertilization.....................................................................10 2 sera CO systems.................................................................11 2 Planting correctly..................................................................18 Aquatic plants and algae......................................................21 Problems and solutions........................................................22 Aquatic plants fulfill many vital tasks in an aquarium. They are an essential component of the natural purification cycle. In cooperation with micro organisms, organic substances such as fish waste and uneaten food are processed in a way that the plants can utilize them as nutrients. During photo synthesis, plants produce oxygen and enrich the water with this vital element. Only plants make an aquarium look exotic and decorative. The light display caused by water reflections and plants swaying in the current create unique fascination. Plants pro- vide conditions as in nature, the possibilities to set up terri- tories, and shelter and nutrition for aquarium inhabitants. 2 Natural purification cycle The better this natural purification cycle func- quired. You will enjoy your aquarium or pond tions, the less maintenance efforts are re- even more. NO = 3 plant nutrient NO 3 Fish waste, dead plant parts and too much food Purification bacteria pollute the water convert NO to NO3(nitrat2e) Plan ts p O2 rov C id e e m o x u y s g n e o n c O s 2 t n Fish and micro organisms NO al P consume oxygen 2 Purification bacteria convert NH/NH to 4 3 NO (nitrite) 2 Purification bacteria first convert pollutants to NH / N4H NH4/NH3 3 (ammonium/ammonia) Only plants allow setting up an aquarium Fish feel well in optimally planted aquariums close to nature and creating its special exotic and live healthier. They will enjoy the aquarist fascination. Plants allow fish and other water with their entire agility and splendid colors. inhabitants to hide and form territories. This Knowing their requirements and accordingly reduces stress for the fish. Plants also serve fulfilling them is required to keep aquatic as food for some animals – although their plants successfully. This especially includes: owner will not exactly be happy about this. • Light • Balanced nutrient fertilization • CO supply 2 3 Light energy – the correct light Plants are able to produce complex mole- red/blue color light. It perfectly matches the cules (carbohydrates/sugars) they require for requirements of aquarium plants and en- their growth from carbon dioxide (CO ) and hances the natural colors of fish and plants. 2 water while utilizing light energy. During this It can be combined with the other serafluo- process, which is called photo synthesis, rescent tubes without any problems. This plants also produce oxygen that the fish gives you the possibility to fulfill the light re- need for breathing. quirements of both fish and plants in the same way. Aquarium plants require light of a certain composition for photo synthesis. The special sera plant colorfluorescent tube provides 4 Balanced nutrient fertilization Aquatic plants require a large number of nutrients for healthy, colorful growth. The growth will be affected if only a single nutri- ent is missing. Depending on the plant, trace element and mineral uptake either takes place through the leaves, through the roots, or both. Therefore, there are fertilizer tablets (e.g. sera flore - nette A) which are placed in the bottom ground, and liquid fertilizers (e.g. sera flo- rena) that are added to the water. Depending on the plant species you keep it is necessary to fertilize with tablets and liquid fertilizers as to ensure complete supply. Some rarer nutri- ents or trace elements do not remain stable for a long time in an aquarium, they must therefore be added daily. This is done with so-called daily fertilizers such as sera flore daydropsor sera flore NPKdrops. CO fertilization NPKdrops for Leaf fertilizer Growth enhancer 2 plant aquariums Root fertilizer Soil fertilizer Active bottom ground Daily fertilizer 5 Macro nutrients and trace elements Macro nutrients include: Aquatic plants require mineral nutrients in different amounts. They are therefore di- Nitrogen (N) vided into macro nutrients (high require- Phosphorus (P) Sulfur (S) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Nitrogen is taken up by the plants as nitrate (NO ) or ammonium (NH+). Among others, it 3 4 is required for the building up amino acids, the basic units of proteins. Phosphorus is taken up as phosphate (PO3-). It is important 4 for obtaining energy in the cells. Nitrogen and phosphorus containing com- pounds are already sufficiently available in the water due to uneaten food and organic waste. However, they first must be converted by micro organisms (e.g. sera bio nitrivec) into a form that can be utilized by plants. Ad- ditional fertilization with phosphate and ni- trate is not necessary in aquariums stocked with animals. This would lead to the opposite and support the growth of unwanted algae. However, phosphate and nitrate must be added in mere plant aquariums (also called “Dutch style aquariums”). sera flore NPKdropsare ideally suited for this purpose. They are exactly blended for densely planted aquariums with low or no fish stock. The ratio between the single elements is perfectly bal- anced to the requirements of aquatic plants. Magnesium is the central component of chlorophyll (green leaf colorant), and it is es- sential for photo synthesis. The other macro nutrients are also required for the growth of aquatic plants. 6 ments by the plant) and micro nutrients, Trace elements include: often also called trace elements (low re- quirements). Iron (Fe) Copper (Cu) Manganese (Mn) Zinc (Zn) Boron (B) Molybdenum (Mo) Vanadium (V) These trace elements are taken up only in very small amounts, but they are just as im- portant as the macro nutrients. For instance, iron is part of an enzyme required for the synthesis of chlorophyll. Molybdenum makes the very important processing of nitrate possi- ble. Manganese and vana- dium are required for trouble free enzyme activity. No plant can grow without these substances. 7 Active bottom ground sera Professional floregroundis a unique and innovative active bottom ground. In combination with micro organisms, e.g. from sera filter biostart, organic waste is actively converted to plant nutrients directly at the plant roots. Furthermore, it aerates the bot- tom ground due to its special pore structure and thus prevents the formation of toxic rot zones within the bottom ground – the ideal basis for a stable aquarium and magnificent plants. O O O 2 2 2 sera fertilizers sera bottom ground fertilizer serabottom ground fertilizers are distributed underneath the aquarium gravel or sand in the planted areas when setting up or re-de- signing an aquarium. This provides the con- ditions the plants require for growing on quickly and for forming strong roots. The plants are optimally supplied during the start phase while they are growing on (4 to 6 weeks). The basic bottom ground sera floredepot consists of a blend of washed sand, peat, essential nutrients and trace elements. sera floredepot with long term effect continu- ously releases nutrients for the plants. The special structure of the bottom ground sup- ports the formation of strong roots. 8 sera leaf fertilizer sera root fertilizer sera florenaprovides a bal- sera florenette Aserves anced nutrient supply con- as a nutrient depot that sisting of iron, minerals and slowly releases the min- trace elements for aquatic erals and trace elements plants that take up their nu- to the roots. One tablet trients through the leaves. is sufficient for 3 to 4 Due to a special manufactur- plants for approx. 4 ing procedure, sera florena weeks – directed growth ensures that sensitive nutri- support bysera. ents such as iron remain ac- tive in the water until the plants take them up. Growth enhancer Daily sera nutrient addition sera florepluscontains im- sera flore daydropsdaily fer- portant macro elements that tilizer provides the plants with ensure healthy and robust sensitive vital substances that growth of the plants. The ef- are consumed daily but must fects of sera florena and not be missing in order to sera florenette A are opti- achieve healthy plant growth, mized. This directed growth lush green or intensely red improvement is recom- leaves. mended during the first weeks or when the plants have been receiving an insuf- ficient nutrient supply for a while. sera flore NPKdrops daily fertilizer supplies magnificent plant aquariums (Dutch style aquariums) and aquariums with very low fish stock with the macro nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are essential for plants. 9 CO fertilization 2 Only carbon dioxide, or CO for 2 short, allows plants to build up O 2 O organic compounds during 2 photo synthesis (page 4) for their growth. Plants utilize the mere carbon (C) for this pur- O pose, which they separate from 2 CO during photo synthesis. 2 Oxygen (O ) is released into the 2 environment. Insufficient CO 2 leads to poor plant growth, puny appearance and pale col- ors. Using CO and water, 2 plants produce complex sugar molecules they require for their growth, and they produce oxy- gen for the other living beings in the aquarium at day. Plants can only grow healthily with suffi- cient CO supply. Furthermore, 2 the CO level is an important 2 stabilizer of the carbonate hard- ness and, correspondingly, the pH value. Carbon is consumed by the plants Oxygen is released The CO requirements of aquatic plants 2 The general rule is: the faster a plant grows, the higher its CO requirements. Thus, espe- 2 cially the fast growing plants require addi- tional CO , e.g. the very beautiful Green 2 Cabomba (Cabomba aquatica) or the deco- rative Red Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea lotus). The better the plants grow, the more oxygen they produce and consume even more algae nu- trients. You will thus hardly have any trouble with annoying algae. 10