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Spirals in Amber 2nd Edition: Algorithm Universe Theory PDF

328 Pages·2017·2.386 MB·English
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Spirals in Amber SECOND EDITION Algorithm Universe Theory (AuT)-the origin of spacetime and Quantum Mechanics GREGORY FRIEDLANDER Copyright © 2017 GREGORY FRIEDLANDER All rights reserved. ISBN-13:978-1542386241 ISBN-10:1542386241 DEDICATION To my children. Even if existence is preordained, I still care. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book is built on the work of many scientists and scientific historians. Every step in development from the very first concept to the last is the result of the study of the work of someone else. While certain specific works are mentioned in this book to give context, it is difficult at this late date to determine which insight came from which person, which philosopher, scientist or individual. But much of what is in this book was not there before I put it in context. It is, to the best of my knowledge, the first book that explains the origin of space-time from non- linear components. FORWARD This book is the most predictive fundamental model of the Universe written to my knowledge. As such it is likely the most accurate. It is a work in progress, but the structure of the universe is addressed in sufficient detail for the first time (other than blog posts) to allow anyone to understand how the universe works from non-linearity forward. While a great deal of description of the non-linear universe is presented, it remains largely a mystery. This investigation began in 2012. While the basis for that investigation remained intact, the structure of the universe as perceived has changed dramatically. It is complete in the sense that it provides an explanation of all observed phenomena including space/time. It is incomplete because more data has to be parsed to select specific mechanisms within the mathematical structure envisioned in the model. Introduction AuT explains the origin of space time and quantum theory for the universe. It is specifically the study of fixed quantum coordinates as the origin of all space-time phenomena. Methodology: This undertaking began by looking for relationships between different observed phenomena and then locating flaws in poorly explained phenomena. Models were developed from observed phenomena on gross (universal) scales and micro (quantum) scales. The result was the determination that the universe is made up of offsetting expanding and contracting infinite series algorithms built on prior solutions to give the impression of linearity in a quantum system. Nomenclature: The nomenclature reflects the ongoing development. Early in the process “clock time” states which might be better described as information states were used to designate the various states that we know as space, photonic energy, wave energy, matter and black hole material. These are called, respectively ct1-5. We see photons and wave energies as “energetic clock time states” only because our ct state (ct4) changes slower relative to those relative to ct1. Standard Clock time, SCT or time is what we experience on a watch and which is subject to time dilation and which is typically called “time”. I apologize for the confusion. SCT is largely irrelevant to the underlying algorithms but remains one of the most important features of the model. X or Q is primarily used to define the single variable defining change and quantum instants are changes in x from one number to the next (1,2,3,etc). Because of Scientific nomenclature, x is often used for other purposes in this book, hence the attempt to change it to Q in the text. Quantum Fibonacci Spirals or F-series spirals or F-spirals provided the best model for defining the relative changes from ct1 (space) to ct5 (black holes) consistent with observed exponential compression. In addition, F-Sprial mathematics provides a mechanism to maintain history in a quantum moment universe. Carriers refers to individual spirals that are intersected by other spirals Carrier states, spiral turns refers the F-series changes in length between two values of X for an F-series. Quantum state moments or Quantum lengths refers to the individual changes between the carrier states. By way of example in the F-series 2,3,5,8,13 there is a carrier state between 8 and 13 when a single change, from 8 to 13 occurs. However, between 8 and 13 there are 5 quantum state moments. This relationship is critical to the creation of space time, relative time and velocity changes. In this way, dimension, velocity and time (standard clock time) function based on this relative change between clock times ct1 and higher clock time states. By way of example, light speed represents one ct1 change per 256 ct1 states “compressed” or “carried” along quantum state moments between spiral turns of a carrier ct1 state. The mathematical solution or algorithm solution for the 256 states aligned by one ct1 carrier define a quantum photon or ct1. At first glance it appears that the one ct1 carrier state is added to 255 “carried” states to reach the 256 magic number although other solutions are suggested by the mesh created when higher states are formed. MODEL: It has been determined that ct states are information states that define the relationships between non-dimensional, time independent space (ct1) and higher information states. Since ct3 and ct2 states “move” relative to ct1 it was determined that they “aged” relative to a “carrier” formed by stacking successive ct states in a fashion that changed the relative movement. Aging and velocity are known to be interchangeable via time dilation. Aging is actually a “slowing” of the rate of change of information so that all ct5 states would age faster than ct4 states and all ct5 states would change slower than ct4 states, for example. Velocity and time dilation are directly related through this exchange of ct1 states which for ct1 occur at the rate of one every quantum instant Q where a quantum instant is a quantum change in the single variable Q. For higher ct states (ct4, particularly) the number of exchanges of ct1 for each ct4 is radically higher (specifics follow) and this means that fewer changes per quantum instant slow down the velocity and increase “aging” defined as movement along a carrier more than one quantum state moment instead of exchanging ct1 states. Minimum speed changes per quantum instant are a part of the conclusion and these are defined in detail below. For ct4, matter, Time dilation results from moving along quantum points in the ct3 carrier between F-series (Fibonacci series) turns. Compression and decompression refers to the tendency of ct states to form carriers. The F-series spirals move through compression and decompression cycles which result in the stacking of time (ct) states or the unstacking of time (ct) states. This allows for a solution that we experience as either time dilation or velocity. The cycle change can occur at every “Turn” or it can occur according to a different model suggested by intersecting spirals. Two intersecting F-series spirals form a pair which define solutions which includes a “neutral period” between compression and decompression cycles. For many reasons, including the “neutral period” between ct1 states (0,1,1,0,1,1), quantum entanglement, and logical origination it continues to be considered a valid model for investigation. Compression and decompression are reflected in the expansion and contraction of the universe at inflection points. Ct1 (and hence higher states) are non-dimensional logical solutions (yes/no, plus/minus, 1/-1). Distance and dimension are only relative changes between different ct states. Forces reflect only the exponentially higher relative changes between higher (ct2 and higher) information states. Gravity is only linearity of ct1 states expressed relative to higher ct states. The perception of history is preserved in quantum moments by having the current quantum moment made from the stacking of prior quantum moments which is a result of compression. The best known example of "compression/decompression" is recognized by the equation as e=mc^2 at the ct3-ct4 interface. This is not a base 10 equation which would fail at the ct4-ct5 interface (matter to black holes). The more precise equation is Ctn=Geo(F(n)^2^n. This equation is explained in detail below but the Geo is an evolving definition of pi which is certain for any set of points with a value of x, F(n) is the Fibonacci number n+(n-1)+(n-2). If you examine this number in terms of scale for black holes you will get a confirming result (16^16 times the mass of the minimum ct4/matter state). By combining the F-series model with the information model, a satisfactory explanation is obtained for the origin of the universe and quantum phenomena from a non-dimensional origin. The cover “A Spiral in Amber” by Linda Perry www.FidelisFineArt.com Linda Perry is a professional artist in Magnolia Springs, AL. She has been in international art exhibitions in Florence, Italy and New York City. Her work is collected in the US and abroad and includes abstract expressionism to representational art. She has studied art from master artists in NYC, LA, Santa Fe, Italy and France. She has won awards in juried art exhibitions. Her work has been commissioned by film producers for several films such as "Hush," "Before I Wake," "Extraction" and "Holding Patterns." Table of Contents The Table of contents had to be deleted due to publication problems. THE AuT LIST AUT provides intuitive answers to what are mysteries of prior models. It is worth generating a partial list. Aut provides: (1) a specific model, which is not a field theory, that defines the relationship of gravity to other forces; (2) the origin of space time, (3) the origin and cause of quantum phenomena, (4) algorithms in a non-space environment giving rise to quantum points and the appearance of linearity giving rise to quantum gravity and space-time, (5) the origin of speed and force as relative changes between different compression or clock time states, (6) why information transitions to time, dimensional features and manifestations of force, (7) an explanation of how we experience clock time in a quantum environment; (8) why time dilates relative to velocities and relative to gravity, (9) the reason for exponential growth of information states and the exact growth rates (10) the makeup of black holes and higher compression states (11) the origins of what we have previously thought of as dark matter and gravitational forces, (12) the reasons for the expansion and contraction of the universe and the role that successive big bangs, as opposed to one, play in the process of converging infinite series; (13) an explanation of dark energy expanding the universe, (14) the origin of randomness and coincidence, (15) the method that history and velocity is experienced in a quantum state universe, (16) a way of eliminating (real as opposed to illusory) entropy from the universe, (17) what light speed represents, and why history fades, and (18) why we have at least apparent (if not real) self- determination in a narrow range, the middle range, of time states and that the control is based on slowing down one directional change of one-point relative to another. Aut-Building blocks Democritus in Greece in 460 BC came up with the idea of the atom. Valence bond theory wasn't developed until 1927, almost 2500 years later. It is still under development today. Likewise, it took Einstein 10 years to derive the basic field equations. Therefore, I can be excused, perhaps, if the math of the theory, the algorithm, is developed over several years. The fundamental features and math are set out in this treatise together for the first time. It is, however, the second edition, the first being a partially complete model published in 2016. The name Algorithm Universe Theory is more descriptive than Non-linear coordinate theory because coordinates do not exist in a durable form. While even durability of the algorithm is questionable, it is the most durable element from our perspective. This is not, however, a fanciful theory. It is based on observation and solves problems which prior quantum theories fail to answer. There are no 1.5 variations in this universe because the change in value of x is quantum. It is not a length which can be divided, so it functions as a quantum movement from one bit of information to more than one bit. There are no halves. There is a subtle change in theory from NLC to AuT. In NLC “all” coordinates are static, but they exist in a fixed state. In AUT the coordinates do not exist at all. Instead, in AUT there is only an algorithm which “would” solve for the coordinates whenever a solution is sequentially sought, whenever a value for x is given. In both all the events exist at once, but in AUT they exist only as sequential solutions of the algorithms that define the universe. Dimension changes are all in one direction and at one rate because they are a function of one variable changing. Since each state is static, the appearance of movement is illusory, but no dimensions move in multiple directions. What we perceive as dimensional coordinates changing in multiple directions (x,y and z axis changes, up/down; left/right; faster/slower) are merely the relative slowing down or speeding up of a constant rate change relative to other lines between conserved coordinate sets. AUT, or Non Linear Coordinate Theory (NLC), sets out an elegant, internally consistent theory of space time originally set out in vague terms in “The Einstein Hologram Universe.” It would be radical, even implausible, were it not for an independent predecessor, string hologram theory. AuT discloses a universe different from anything we experience but which explains our experience. It eliminates traditional views of space and time. It uses relativity to explain our perception of dimension but fundamentally it eliminates relativity. While earlier versions correctly predicted that the Higgs Boson did not exist, this version eliminates even gravity and mass except as reflections of a richer and more predictable background. It replaces probability with certainty where apparent randomness is defined by predictable, certain quantum changes to the solution to the algorithm. AuT is a fundamental change in how space time is viewed. AuT easily breaks through the Big-Bang. The bang is determined to be nothing more than a net phase change, a change in the average inflection point between compression and decompression (or expansion) of the algorithm solutions that defines the individual quantum points of any quantum moment in the universe. With this information, the speed of expansion and contraction and the life span of each big bang, including ours is determinable as set forth herein. AuT eliminates the concept of the Higgs Boson. Space-time limitations are replaced with more severe limits. Our ability to manipulate our surroundings, to invent concepts of our surrounding, even our ideas of awareness are an illusion. These illusory acts of self-determination do not allow us to change a single dimension, we cannot slow them down, we only experience a relative slowing in a very narrow range primarily between space phenomena and black hole phenomena. This is, perhaps the most dangerous physics paper ever written. It strips bear the universe down to its bones which are not pretty. It eliminates randomness and self-determination in their entirety rendering the scope of human endeavor. AuT strengthens the corollary in Physics which dictates that we do not think because we are, we think because in the world of non-linearity our entire existence is laid out for us in a way that includes thought. I can decide to write this and you can decide to read this, but it is a decision that is already made. AuT IN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS It is right to doubt a theory that questions our perception of reality. This is not the earliest version of this concept and anyone reading this has already questioned reality. (1) The primary questions that any quantum mechanics theory must answer is: How can anything exist? Existence makes no sense at all. Why should things be? AuT takes this answer back farther, but it never completely solves the dilemma. (2) What is space? Do you believe space to be empty? Do you believe space is filled with something? How can you have a minimum quantum size if any length can be cut in half? Traditional physics, defined as anything before AuT, trended towards a filled space, but filled with what? AuT shows exactly what space is, information. It also answers other space related questions: What is the minimum size of things? It isn’t plank length because it isn’t a size at all. It is a bit, a question with a yes/no answer. The idea of a dimensionless, timeless singularity ends the division question, there being discreet minimum sizes below which you are in the singularity, the space between yes and no. AuT argues that a universe that went increasingly towards entropy is absurd, and it shows that the universe has an inherent order, a complete order that it moves in discrete steps of expansion and contraction towards, but never arriving back at the starting point of non- linearity. THE UNIVERSE IN A NUTSHELL 1. FIBONACCI SPIRALS: The universe is defined by math that yields solutions to compressing and decompressing intersecting spirals defined by the linear-F-series (FIBONACCI series). These appear to have basic features: 1. Specific units; e.g. 0,1,1, for space 2. Compression based on alignment of like states along quantum lengths of longer carriers of the same time state.

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