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Spinorspaces in discrete Clifford analysis H. De Ridder∗, T. Raeymaekers† 7 1 0 2 Abstract n a In this paper we work in the ‘split’ discrete Clifford analysis setting, i.e. the m- J dimensional function theory concerning null-functions, defined on the grid Zm, of the 6 discrete Dirac operator ∂, involving both forward and backward differences, which 2 factorizes the (discrete) Star-Laplacian (∆∗ = ∂2). We show how the space of Mk discrete homogeneous spherical monogenics of degree k, is decomposable into 22m−n ] T isomorphicirreduciblerepresentationswithhighestweight k+ 1,1,...,1 intheodd- 2 2 2 R dimensional case and two times 22m−n isomorphic irreducible representations with (cid:0) (cid:1) . highest weight (k)′ = k+ 1,1,...,1,1 resp. (k)′ = k+ 1,1,...,1, 1 in the h + 2 2 2 2 − 2 2 2 −2 even dimensional case. t a (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) m MSC 2010: 17B15,47A67, 20G05, 15A66, 39A12 [ Keywords: discrete Clifford analysis, irreducible representation, orthogonal Lie al- 1 gebra, monogenic functions v 1 4 1 Introduction 7 7 In classical Clifford analysis, the infinitesimal ‘rotations’ are given by the angular momen- 0 . tum operators L = x ∂ x ∂ . These operators satisfy the commutation relations 1 a,b a xb − b xa 0 7 [La,b,Lc,d] = δb,cLa,d δb,dLa,c δa,cLb,d+δa,dLb,c, − − 1 : which are exactly the defining relations of the special orthogonal Lie algebra so(m) and v i they form endomorphisms of the space k(m,C) of scalar-valued harmonic homogeneous X H polynomials, thus transforming the latter in an (irreducible) so(m,C)-representation. To ar establish k(m,S), i.e. thespinor-valuedhomogeneous monogenics of degreek, classically M as so(m,C)-representation, the following operators are considered 1 dR(e ) : (m,S) (m,S), M L + e e M . a,b k k k a,b a b k M → M 7→ 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) ∗Ghent University, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Building S22, Galglaan 2, 9000 Gent, Bel- gium, email: [email protected] †Ghent University, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Building S22, Galglaan 2, 9000 Gent, Bel- gium, email: [email protected] 1 These operators are endomorphisms of the space of spinor-valued k-homogeneous polyno- mials which also satisfy the defining relations of so(m,C): [dR(e ),dR(e )] =δ dR(e ) δ dR(e ) δ dR(e )+δ dR(e ). a,b c,d b,c a,d b,d a,c a,c b,d a,d b,c − − In [3], we developed similar operators in the discrete Clifford analysis setting: the angular momentum operators are discrete operators L = ξ ∂ +ξ ∂ , a = b. For a = b, we define a,b a b b a 6 L = 0. Then the operators Ω , acting on discrete functions f as Ω f = L fe e , aa a,b a,b a,b b a satisfy the defining relations of the special lie algebra so(m): [Ω ,Ω ] = δ Ω δ Ω δ Ω +δ Ω . a,b c,d b,c a,d b,d a,c a,c b,d a,d b,c − − Furthermore, they are endomorphisms of the space of Clifford-algebra valued homoge- k n[4e]o,uwsehsahromwoednitchsaotf degirsetehek,susimncoefΩ22am,b icsoommmoruptheiscwHcoitphiesslo2f=the∆ir,rξed2,uEci+blem2rep,r∀es(ean,tba).tioInn k H (cid:8) (cid:9) of so(m,C) with highest weight (k,0,...,0). Thediscrete Dirac operator ∂ is however not invariant underthe operators Ω , hence a,b k M cannotbeexpressed as so(m,C)-representation by meansof these operators. Therefore,we 1 consideredin[3]theoperatorsL andthefour-vectorV = e e e⊥e⊥ = e⊥e e⊥e . a,b−2 a,b a b a b − a a b b Let the operator dR(e ), a = b, act on discrete functions f as a,b 6 1 dR(e )f = V L fe⊥e⊥. a,b a,b a,b− 2 a b (cid:18) (cid:19) For a = b, we defined dR(e ) = 0. The operators dR(e ) satisfy the defining relations a,a a,b of the special lie algebra so(m): [dR(e ),dR(e )] =δ dR(e ) δ dR(e ) δ dR(e )+δ dR(e ), a,b c,d b,c a,d b,d a,c a,c b,d a,d b,c − − and commute with osp(12) = ∂,ξ,E+ m which makes them endomorphisms of the | 2 space of k-homogeneous discrete monogenic polynomials. As such, the space of k- k (cid:8) (cid:9) M homogeneousClifford-valuedmonogenicpolynomialsisareducibleso(m,C)-representation. In [3], it was already suggested that can be decomposed into irreducible parts of high- k est weight k+ 1, 1,...,1 resp. kM+ 1,1,..., 1 , but this was left as open conjecture. 2 2 2 2 2 −2 In the following sections, we will show how this decomposition is done exactly. (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 Preliminaries Let Rm be the m-dimensional Euclidian space with orthonormal basis e , j = 1,...,m and j consider the Clifford algebra Rm,0 over Rm. Passing to the so-called ‘split’ discrete setting [5,1], weimbedtheCliffordalgebraRm,0 intothebiggercomplexoneC2m,0,theunderlying 2 vector space of which has twice the dimension, and introduce forward and backward basis elements e± satisfying the following anti-commutator rules: j e−,e− = e+,e+ = 0, e+,e− = δ , j, ℓ = 1,...,m. j ℓ j ℓ j ℓ jℓ n o n o n o Theconnection to theoriginal basis e is given by e++e− = e , j = 1,...,m. This implies j j j j e2 = 1, in contrast to the usual Clifford setting where traditionally e2 = 1 is chosen. We j j − will often denote e+ e− = e+e− e−e+, j = 1,...,m. j ∧ j j j − j j Now consider the standard equidistant lattice Zm; the coordinates of a Clifford vector x will thus only take integer values. We construct a discrete Dirac operator factorizing the discrete Laplacian, using both forward and backward differences ∆±, j = 1,...,m, acting j on Clifford-valued functions f as follows: ∆+[f]() = f( +e ) f(), ∆−[f]() = f() f( e ). j · · j − · j · · − ·− j With respect to the Zm-grid, the usual definition of the discrete Laplacian in x Zm is ∈ m m ∆∗[f](x)= ∆+∆−[f]= (f(x+e )+f(x e )) 2mf(x). j j j − j − j=1 j=1 X X This operator is also known as “Star Laplacian”; we will from now on simply write ∆. An appropriate definition of a discrete Dirac operator ∂ factorizing ∆, i.e. satisfying ∂2 = ∆, is obtained by combining the forward and backward basis elements with the corresponding forward and backward differences, more precisely m ∂ = e+∆++e−∆− . j j j j Xj=1(cid:16) (cid:17) In order to receive an analogue of the classical Weyl relations ∂ x x ∂ = δ , the co-ordinate vector variable operators ξ = e+X−+e−X+ are defixnjedk −by tkhexirj interjakction j j j j j with the corresponding co-ordinate operators ∂ = e+∆++e−∆−, according to the skew j j j j j Weyl relations, cf. [1] ∂ ξ ξ ∂ = 1, j = 1,...,m, j j j j − which imply that ∂ ξk[1] = kξk−1[1]. The operators ξ and ∂ furthermore satisfy the j j j j j following anti-commutator relations: ξ ,ξ = ∂ ,∂ = ∂ ,ξ = 0, j = k, j,k = 1,...,m j k j k j k { } { } { } 6 implying that ∂ ξk[1] = 0, j = ℓ. ℓ j 6 The natural powers ξk[1] of the operator ξ acting on the ground state 1 are the basic j j discrete k-homogeneous polynomials of degree k in the variable x , i.e. Eξk[1] = kξk[1], j j j 3 where E = m ξ ∂ is the discrete Euler operator. They constitute a basis for all j=1 j j discretepolynomials. Explicitformulasforξk[1]aregivenforexamplein[1,2]; furthermore P j ξk[1](x ) = 0 if k >2 x +1. j j | j| Adiscretefunctionisdiscreteharmonic(resp. leftdiscretemonogenic)inadomainΩ Zm ⊂ if ∆f(x) = 0 (resp. ∂f(x) = 0), for all x Ω. The space of discrete harmonic (resp. ∈ monogenic) homogeneous polynomials of degree k is denoted (resp. ), while the k k H M space of all discrete harmonic (resp. monogenic) homogeneous polynomials is denoted H (resp. ). It is clear that M ∞ ∞ = , = . k k H H M M k=0 k=0 M M The respective dimensions over the discrete Clifford algebra are k+m 1 k+m 3 k+m 2 dim( )= − − , dim( ) = − . k k H k − k M k (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 3 Orthogonal Lie algebras We willstartby brieflyintroducingtheorthogonal Liealgebraso(m,C); adetailed descrip- tion can be found for example in [6]. The orthogonal Lie algebra so(m,C) is generated in even dimension m = 2n by m basis elements H , X , Y and Z (1 6 a,b 6 n) and 2 a a,b a,b a,b in odd dimension m = 2n+1 these basis elements are extended to a full basis of so(m,C) (cid:0) (cid:1) by 2n extra elements U and V , 1 6 a 6 n: a a so(2n,C) = span H ,X ,Y ,Z ,1 6 a,b 6 n, a = b , C a a,b a,b a,b { 6 } so(2n+1,C) = spanC Ha,Xa,b,Ya,b,Za,b,Ua,Va,1 6 a,b 6 n, a = b . { 6 } The Cartan subalgebra can be chosen as h = H ,1 6 a 6 n , a { } independently of the parity of the dimension, i.e. so(2n,C) and so(2n+1,C) are both Lie algebras of rank n. The roots of so(m,C) (see also [?]) are determined by considering the adjoint representation (1 6 a,b,c,d 6 n): [H ,Y ]= (δ +δ )Y = ((L +L )(H ))Y , c a,b ca cb a,b a b c a,b [H ,X ]= (δ δ )X = ((L L )(H ))X , c a,b ca cb a,b a b c a,b − − [H ,Z ]= (δ +δ )Z = (( L L )(H ))Z , c a,b ca cb a,b a b c a,b − − − [H ,U ]= δ U = (L (H ))U , c a ca a a c a [H ,V ]= δ U = ( L (H ))U . c a ca a a c a − − 4 Note in particular that the Cartan subalgebra elements H can be found by means of the a commutator of a positive root with a negative root of the same index: [Y ,Z ]= H H , [X ,X ] = H H . a,b a,b a b a,b b,a a b − − − We thus deduce the following roots and root vectors. Here L ,1 6 a 6 n is a basis of a { } the dual vector space h∗ of the Cartan subalgebra h, i.e. L (H )= δ . a b a,b m = 2n m = 2n+1 root root vector root root vector L L X L L X a b a,b a b a,b − − L +L Y L +L Y a b a,b a b a,b L L Z L L Z a b a,b a b a,b − − − − L U a a L V a a − By the usual convention, we choose the positive roots in even dimension to be L +L :1 6 a = b 6 n L L : 16 a < b 6 n) a b a b { 6 }∪{ − and negative roots L L : 16 a = b 6 n L L : 16 b < a 6 n). a b a b {− − 6 }∪{ − In odd dimension, one finds positive roots L +L : 16 a =b 6 n L L : 16 a < b 6 n) L : 16 a 6n a b a b a { 6 }∪{ − ∪{ } and negative roots L L :1 6 a = b 6n L L : 16 b < a 6 n) L :1 6 a 6 n . a b a b a {− − 6 }∪{ − ∪{− } In [3], we introduced the algebra so(m,C) (up to an isomorphism) in the discrete Clifford analysis context. The generators of so(m,C) were not given in terms of the root vectors andCartansubalgebra,butratherbythegenerators dR(e ) :1 6 a = b 6 m ,satisfying a,b { 6 } the defining relations of so(m,C): [dR(e ),dR(e )] = δ dR(e )+δ dR(e ) δ dR(e ) δ dR(e ). (1) a,b c,d a,d b,c b,c a,d a,c b,d b,d a,c − − In the following sections, we will re-establish the orthogonal Lie algebra in the discrete Cliffordanalysissetting,butnowbydeterminingtheexplicitexpressionsoftherootvectors and Cartan subalgebra. 5 4 Decomposition of in irreducible representations k M 4.1 Even dimension m = 2n Definition 1. We define the operators H , X , Y and Z so(m,C): a a,b a,b a,b ∈ Ha = idR(e2a−1,2a), 16 a 6 n, 1 Xa,b = (dR(e2a−1,2b−1)+idR(e2a−1,2b) idR(e2a,2b−1)+dR(e2a,2b)), 2 − 1 Ya,b = (dR(e2a−1,2b−1) idR(e2a−1,2b) idR(e2a,2b−1) dR(e2a,2b)), 2 − − − 1 Za,b = (dR(e2a−1,2b−1)+idR(e2a−1,2b)+idR(e2a,2b−1) dR(e2a,2b)), 1 6 a,b 6 n. 2 − Note that, because dR(e ) = dR(e ), we find that Y = Y and Z = Z . For a,b b,a b,a a,b b,a a,b − − − X , we find that X = X and that X = H , hence we will only consider couples a,b b,a a,b a,a a 6 (a,b) with a = b. 6 We will now show that these operators indeed show the expected commutator relations: Lemma 1. The operators H , X , Y and Z , 1 6 a,b,c,d 6 n, satisfy the commutator c a,b a,b a,b relations given in Lemma ??; in particular: [H ,Y ] = (δ +δ )Y = (L +L )(H )Y , c a,b ca cb a,b a b c a,b [H ,X ] = (δ δ )X = (L L )(H )X , c a,b ca cb a,b a b c a,b − − [H ,Z ] = (δ +δ )Z = (L +L )(H )Z , c a,b ca cb a,b a b c a,b − − [X ,Y ] = δ Y δ Y . a,b c,d bc a,d bd a,c − In particular, X , a < b resp. Y are root vectors corresponding to the positive roots a,b a,b L L , resp. L +L . Furthermore, X with a > b and Z are root vectors corresponding a b a b a,b a,b − to the negative roots L L resp. L L . a b a b − − − Proof. Since the commutator relations between the operators dR(e ) are the same as a,b those between the operators Ω of the harmonics, the proof is completely similar as the a,b proof in [4]. We already established in [?] that although is a representation of so(2n,C), by means k M of the operators dR(e ), acting on , this representation is not irreducible. The de- a,b k M composition is done by splitting 1 into a sum of idempotents. We will now introduce the appropriate idempotents for this situation. For a function P L to be an eigenfunction of k the maximal abelian subgroup h, it must certainly hold that Le⊥ e⊥ is again equal to 2a−1 2a L up to a (complex) constant. Consider, for a = 1,...,n, the Clifford elements L± = e+ e− ie+ , L± = e+e− e+ , 2a−1 2a−1 2a−1 ± 2a−1 2a 2a 2a± 2a M± = e− e+ ie− , M± = e−e+ e− , 2a−1 (cid:0) 2a−1 2a−1 ± 2a−1(cid:1) 2a (cid:0) 2a 2a± 2a(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 6 For the rest of this article, we will need the following notations. For a factor F a ∈ L±,M± , a = 1,...,m, denote a a { } 0, F =L+ or M−, 0, F = L±, F = a a a and F = a a | a| (1, Fa =L−a or Ma+. k ak (1, Fa = Ma±. Furthermore, denote by F the idempotent a e F = L∓a, if Fa = L±a, s (Ma∓, if Fa = Ma±. e Then F = 1 F and F = F . s s s s | | −| | k k k k Lemma 2. The multiplication from the right on the idempotent F L±,M± by e is e e a ∈ { a a } a given by F2a−1e⊥2a−1 = (−1)|F2a|+1iF2a−1, F2ae⊥2a = ( 1)|F2a|+1F2a. − As a result, for 16 a 6 n, we have that e F2a−1F2ae⊥2a−1e⊥2a = (−1)|F2a−1|+|F2a|+1iF2a−1F2a. We also find that for 1 6 a < b 6 n and a general idempotent F = m F , with s=1 s F L±,M± , we get s s s ∈{ } Q V2a−1,2b−1F e⊥2a−1e⊥2b−1 = (−1)|F2a−1|+|F2b−1|+kF2a−1k+kF2b−1k+1F2a,2b−1, V2a−1,2bF e⊥2a−1e⊥2b = (−1)|F2a−1|+|F2b|+kF2a−1k+kF2bkiF2a,2b−1, V2a,2b−1F e⊥2ae⊥2b−1 = (−1)|F2a|+|F2b−1|+kF2ak+kF2b−1kiF2a,2b−1, V2a,2bF e⊥2ae⊥2b = ( 1)|F2a|+|F2b|+kF2ak+kF2bkF2a,2b−1. − where we denote, for 1 6 s1 < s2 6 m: Fs1,s2 = F1F2... Fs1−1Fs1Fs1+1... Fs2−1Fs2Fs2+1Fs2+2...Fm−1Fm. Proof. Note that e e e e L± e⊥ = e+ ie+ e− = iL± , L± e⊥ = e+ e+e− = L∓, 2a−1 2a−1 2a−1∓ 2a−1 2a−1 ∓ 2a−1 2a 2a 2a∓ 2a 2a ∓ 2a M2±a−1e⊥2a−1 =(cid:0)−e−2a−1±ie−2a−1e+2a−(cid:1)1 =±iM2±a−1, M2±ae⊥2a =(cid:0)−e−2a±e−2ae+2(cid:1)a =±M2∓a. We may indeed(cid:0)summarize this as (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) F2a−1e⊥2a−1 = (−1)|F2a−1|+1iF2a−1, F2ae⊥2a = (−1)|F2a|+1F2a. e 7 From this, it follows that F2a−1e⊥2a−1 = (−1)|F2a−1|iF2a−1, F2ae⊥2a = (−1)|F2a|F2a. Hence, for F L±,M± , we have a ∈e{ a a } e e F2a−1F2ae⊥2a−1e⊥2a = F2a−1e2a−1F2ae⊥2a = (−1)|F2a|+|F2a|+1iF2a−1F2a. Also importantto noteis that e⊥e L± =L± ande⊥e M± = M± so for theidempotent a a a ea a a a a F = m F , we find that − s=1 s Q V F = e⊥e e⊥e F = ( 1)1+kFak+kFbkF. a,b a a b b − − We thus get, for F = m F , that s=1 s V2a−1,2b−1F e⊥2a−1e⊥2b−Q1 = (−1)1+kF2a−1k+kF2b−1kF1F2...Fme⊥2a−1e⊥2b−1 = (−1)1+kF2a−1k+kF2b−1kF1...F2a−2F2a−1e⊥2a−1F2a ...F2b−1e⊥2b−1F2bF2b+1...Fm = ( 1)|F2a−1|+|F2b−1|+kF2a−1k+kF2b−1ki2F1F2...F2a−2F2a−1F2a ...F2b−1F2bF2b+1...Fm − e e = ( 1)|F2a−1|+|F2b−1|+kF2a−1k+kF2b−1k+1F2a,2b−1. − e e Analogously, we find that V2a−1,2bF e⊥2a−1e⊥2b = (−1)1+kF2a−1k+kF2bkF1F2...Fme⊥2a−1e⊥2b = (−1)1+kF2a−1k+kF2bkF1...F2a−2F2a−1e⊥2a−1F2a ...F2be⊥2bF2b+1F2b+2...Fm = ( 1)|F2a−1|+|F2b|+kF2a−1k+kF2bkiF1F2...F2a−2F2a−1F2a ...F2b−1F2bF2b+1...Fm − e e = ( 1)|F2a−1|+|F2b|+kF2a−1k+kF2bkiF2a,2b−1. − e e Also V2a,2b−1F e⊥2ae⊥2b−1 = (−1)1+kF2ak+kF2b−1kF1F2...Fme⊥2ae⊥2b−1 = (−1)1+kF2ak+kF2b−1kF1...F2a−1F2ae⊥2aF2a+1 ...F2b−1e⊥2b−1F2bF2b+1...Fm = ( 1)|F2a|+|F2b−1|+kF2ak+kF2b−1kiF1F2...F2a−1F2aF2a+1 ...F2b−1F2bF2b+1...Fm − e e = ( 1)|F2a|+|F2b−1|+kF2ak+kF2b−1kiF2a,2b−1. − e e e Finally V2a,2bF e⊥2ae⊥2b = ( 1)1+kF2ak+kF2bkF1F2...Fme⊥2ae⊥2b − = ( 1)1+kF2ak+kF2bkF1...F2a−1F2ae⊥2aF2a+1 ...F2be⊥2bF2b+1...Fm − = ( 1)|F2a|+|F2b|+kF2ak+kF2bkF1F2...F2a−1F2aF2a+1 ...F2b−1F2bF2b+1...Fm − e e = ( 1)|F2a|+|F2b|+kF2ak+kF2bkF2a,2b−1. − e e e 8 Consider the basic monogenic functions g2k = ((ξ2 ξ1)(ξ2+ξ1))k, g2k+1 = (ξ2 ξ1)((ξ2+ξ1)(ξ2 ξ1))k. − − − From now on we denote (k)′ = k+ 1, 1,...,1 and (k)′ = k+ 1, 1,..., 1 . We will show under which condition+s on(cid:0)the id2em2poten2t(cid:1)F = ns−=1Fs(cid:0), the2sp2ace sp−an2C(cid:1){gkF} is a weight space of h with weight (k)′ resp. (k)′ . + − Q Lemma 3. The polynomial g F , F = m F with F L±,M± , is a weight k ∈ Mk s=1 s s ∈ { s s } vector of so(m,C) with Q weight (k)′+ when k+ F1 + F2 + F1 + F2 is even and F2a−1 + F2a + F2a−1 + • | | | | k k k k k k k k | | F2a is even for 26 a 6n. | | • weight (k)′− when k+|F1|+|F2|+kF1k+kF2k iseven, kF2a−1k+kF2ak+|F2a−1|+|F2a| is even for 2 6 a 6 n 1 and F2n−1 + F2n + F2n−1 + F2n is odd. − k k k k | | | | Proof. We consider the action of the Cartan subalgebra-elements H , 1 6 s 6 n, on the s gkF. Since gk only contains ξ1 and ξ2, we will first consider H1: 1 H1(gkF)= iV12 L12 gkF e⊥1 e⊥2. − 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) We will also denote f2k = ((ξ2+ξ1)(ξ2 ξ1))k, f2k+1 = (ξ2+ξ1)((ξ2 ξ1)(ξ2+ξ1))k. − − In [] it was established that ∂jgk = ( 1)jkfk−1: − L12gk = (ξ1∂2+ξ2∂1)gk = k(ξ1 ξ2)fk−1 = k(ξ2 ξ1)fk−1 = kgk. − − − − We thus get that 1 H1(gkF) = i k V12gkF e⊥1 e⊥2. − − 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) Now we will show that V12gk = ( 1)kgkV12: consider again V12 = e⊥1e1e⊥2e2, then − − e⊥1e1ξ1 = e+1e−1 e−1e+1 X1+e−1 +X1−e+1 = X1+e−1 +X1−e+1 − − = (cid:0)X1+e−1 +X1−e(cid:1)+1(cid:0) e+1e−1 +e−1e(cid:1)+1 =(cid:0) ξ1e⊥1e1, (cid:1) − − e⊥1e1ξ2 = ξ(cid:0)2e⊥1e1. (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) Hence V12(ξ2 ξ1) = e⊥1e1e⊥2e2(ξ2 ξ1)= (ξ2 ξ1)e⊥1e1e⊥2e2 = (ξ2 ξ1)V12, ± − ± ± − ± V12((ξ2 ξ1)(ξ2+ξ1)) = ((ξ2 ξ1)(ξ2+ξ1))V12 − − 9 and so V12gk = ( 1)kgkV12. Applying this, we find that − 1 H1(gkF) = ( 1)k+1i k+ gkV12F e⊥1 e⊥2 − 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 = ( 1)k+|F1|+|F2|+kF1k+kF2k k+ g F. k − 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) To be a weight vector with weight k+ 1, it must hold that 2 k+ F1 + F2 + F1 + F2 is even. | | | | k k k k We thus find 8 possible combinations for F1F2: k even: • F F L+L+, L−L−, L+M+, L−M−, M+L+, M+M+, M−L−, M−M− . 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ∈ (cid:8) (cid:9) k odd: • F F L+L−, L−L+, L+M−, L−M+, M+L−, M+M−, M−L+, M−M+ . 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ∈ (cid:8) (cid:9) Next, we consider Ha, 1 < a 6 n. Since the generator gk only contains ξ1 and ξ2, it vanishes under the action of L2a−1,2a. Note that V2a−1,2agk = gkV2a−1,2a since gk contains only e± and e±. Thus 1 2 i i Ha(gkF) = −2V2a−1,2agkF e⊥2a−1e⊥2a = −2gkV2a−1,2aF e⊥2a−1e⊥2a i = ( 1)kF2a−1k+kF2ak+|F2a−1|+|F2a|+1i g F k − 2 1 = ( 1)kF2a−1k+kF2ak+|F2a−1|+|F2a| g F. k − 2 This equals +21 gkF when kF2a−1k + kF2ak + |F2a−1| + |F2a| is even and −12gkF when F2a−1 + F2a + F2a−1 + F2a is odd. We may thus conclude that the statement holds. k k k k | | | | We find that F2a−1 + F2a + F2a−1 + F2a is even for F2a−1F2a in k k k k | | | | L+ L+,L− L−,L+ M+,L− M−,M+ L+,M+ M+,M− L−,M− M− 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a (cid:8) (cid:9) and odd for F2a−1F2a in L+ L−,L− L+,L+ M−,L− M+,M+ L−,M+ M−,M− L+,M− M+ . 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a 2a−1 2a (cid:8) (cid:9) 10

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