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SPINAL CORD PLASTICITY Alterations in Reflex Function SPINAL CORD PLASTICITY Alterations in Reflex Function edited by Michael M. Patterson Nava Sautheastern University James W. Grau Texas A & M University SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSlNESS MEDIA, LLC Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Spinal cord plasticity: alterations in reflex function/ edited by Michael M. Patterson, James W. Grau. p.;cm. lncludes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4613-5553-3 ISBN 978-1-4615-1437-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-1437-4 l. Spinal cord. 2. Neuroplasticity. 3. Reflexes. 1. Patterson, Michael M. Il. Grau, JamesW. [DNLM: l. Spinal Cord-physiology. 2. Neuronal Plasticity-physiology. 3. Reflex-physiology. 4. Spinal Cord Injuries-rehabilitation. WL 400 S7583 2001] QP371 .S645 2001 612.8'3---dc21 2001038130 Copyright © 2001 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2001 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 2001 AII rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC . Printed on acid-free paper. T ABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword VB 1 Spinal Plasticity Richard F. Thompson 2 Pavlovian and Instrumental Conditioning Within the Spinal Cord: Methodological Issues James W. Grau and Robin L. Joynes 13 3 Pavlovian Conditioning of Flexion Reflex Potentiation in Spinal Cat: Temporal Effects Following Spinal Transection Russell G. Durkovic 55 4 Spinal Fixation: Long-term Alterations in Spinal Reflex Excitability With Altered or Sustained Sensory Inputs Michael M. Patterson 77 5 Spinal Cord Plasticity in the Acquisition of a Simple Motor Skill Jonathan R. Wolpaw 101 6 Mechanisms of Central Sensitization of Nociceptive Dorsal Horn Neurons William D. Willis, Jr. 127 7 Noxious Stimulus-Induced Plasticity in Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn: Evidence and Insights on Mechanisms Obtained Using the Formalin Test Terence 1. Coderre 163 8 Neural Darwinism in the Mammalian Spinal Cord v. Reggie Edgerton, Roland R. Roy and Ray D. de Leon 185 VI 9 Spinal Cord Plasticity Associated with Locomotor Compensation to Peripheral Nerve Lesions in the Cat Laurent Bouyer and Serge Rossignol 207 10 Lautband (Treadmill) Therapy in Incomplete Para-and Tetraplegia Anton Wemig, Andras Nanassy and Sabina MUller 225 Index 241 Foreword The area of spinal cord plasticity has become a very actively researched field. The spinal cord has long been known to organize reflex patterns and serve as the major transmission pathway for sensory and motor nerve impulses. However, the role of the spinal cord in information processing and in experience driven alterations is generally not recognized. With recent advances in neural recording techniques, behavioral technologies and neural tracing and imaging methods has come the ability to better assess the role of the spinal cord in behavioral control and alteration. The discoveries in recent years have been revolutionary. Alterations due to nociceptive inputs, simple learning paradigms and repetitive inputs have now been documented and their mechanisms are being elucidated. These findings have important clinical implications. The development of pathological pain after a spinal cord injury likely depends on the sensitization of neurons within the spinal cord. The capacity of the spinal cord to change as a function of experience, and adapt to new environmental relations, also affects the recovery locomotive function after a spinal cord injury. Mechanisms within the spinal cord can support stepping and the capacity for this behavior depends on behavioral training. By taking advantage of the plasticity inherent within the spinal cord, rehabilitative procedures may foster the recovery of function. The chapters in this book explore some of these recent advances in spinal cord plasticity. The authors characterize spinal cord plasticity from both a behavioral and molecular perspective and describe how behavioral and pharmacological treatments can foster the recovery of function after a spinal cord injury. The book is the outgrowth of a symposium organized by the editors and Reggie Edgerton, Jonathan Wolpaw and William Willis. The symposium was held at the UCLA Tennis Center in conjunction with the Society for Neuroscience Meetings on November 7, 1998. The organizers wish to thank the sponsors of the symposium for their support and for the use of the UCLA facilities. The program was sponsored by the Parke-Davis division of Warner-Lambert, the Kent Waldrep Foundation, the Wadsworth Center (Albany), and the Department of Physiological Science, the Neural Repair Program and the Brain Research Institute at UCLA. A special thanks goes to Linda Maninger in helping to organize the facilities for the symposium at UCLA. We also want to thank Brenda Riepenhof for her work on the preparation of the fmal manuscripts of the book chapters. Our thanks also to Stephanie Washburn at Texas A and M and Stephanie Elkins at UCLA for their most gracious help during the editing process. Our appreciation goes to Michael Williams and Mary Panarelli for their continuing and unwavering help in the publishing process. Michael M. Patterson James W. Grau 1 SPINAL PLASTICITY Richard F. Thompson Neuroscience Program University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 "Traditional views often held that little learning occurs within the spinal cord, however, recent findings suggest that neurons within the spinal cord are highly plastic" (Organizers' statement for the symposium). 1.1 SPINAL HABITUATION One aspect of spinal plasticity with a long history is habituation of spinal reflexes. Sherrington (1906) studied this phenomenon at length in the spinal dog. He used the term fatigue but was careful to define it only as the response decrement to repeated stimulation. Indeed, in ingenious experiments he ruled out sensory adaptation and muscle fatigue as contributing factors and presented strong evidence from reflex interaction studies that the final common path, the spinal motor neurons were not themselves fatigued. In a series of studies by the author and William Alden Spencer, we characterized the processes of habituation and sensitization in detail at both behavioral and neuronal levels (Thompson and Spencer, 1966). We used habituation and sensitization of the hindlimb flexion reflex in the spinal animal (cat) as a model system to explore the neuronal mechanisms underlying this form of behavioral plasticity, often now termed non-associative learning. Kandel and associates completed similar studies on mechanisms of habituation and sensitization in a 2 Richard F. Thompson monosynaptic pathway in the marine mollusk Ap/ysia (Carew, Pinsker and Kandel, 1972; Kandel, 1976), as we also did using a monosynaptic pathway in the isolated frog spinal cord (Farel and Thompson, 1976; Fare!, Glanzman and Thompson, 1973). A primary goal in all these studies was to understand the mechanisms of these forms of behavioral plasticity at the neuronal/synaptic/ molecular levels. Rather than review these now "historical" studies in any detail I summarize here the results of our analytic studies on localization and identification of the process of plasticity in the mammalian spinal cord. A schematic of the spinal cord is shown in Figure 1.1, together with the experimental manipulations used. The repeated stimulus was to skin (Ss) or cutaneous nerve (Sin) and the behavioral response was contraction of a flexor muscle (Rm), recording of the ventral root response (Rn) or intracellular recording from the alpha motor neurons (MRa). ~~,r~ ,n} 'nr~·~.w «f~;f"i-1 ~({t k9 Figure 1.1. Much simplified schematic of the mammalian spinal cord indicating some of the experimental procedures used to study plasticity (habituation, sensitization and classical conditioning). Electrical stimuli can be delivered to skin (Ss, b), to afferent nerves (Sin, cutaneous nerve; S2N, muscle afferent nerve; x, dorsal root) or to cutaneous nerve terminals for antidromic activation (T). Responses can be recorded from a flexor muscle (Rm), a motor nerve (Rn), the ventral root (Y), intracellularly from the motor neurons (MRa) or antidromically from the mixed or cutaneous nerve (Rs). See text for more details. (From Thompson, 1967). Spinal Cord Plasticity 3 Since both skin (Ss) and sensory nerve stimulation (Sin) yielded identical habituation, sensory adaptation was ruled out. Since both muscle contraction (Rm) and ventral root response (Rn) showed identical habituation, muscle fatigue was ruled out. The possibility that motor neuron excitability decreased with repeated stimulation was evaluated by interpolated stimulation of a muscle nerve (S2N) activating the monosynaptic Ia afferent to motor neuron response. This monosynaptic response, recorded either from the ventral root (Rm) or intracellularly from the motor neuron (MRa), did not change at all over the course of habituation. Similarly, spike generation threshold to intracellular stimulation via the intracellular electrode (MRa) did not change during habituation. The possibility that alterations in cutaneous afferent terminal excitability, e.g., presynaptic inhibition (at T in Figure 1.1) was tested by interpolated stimulation of the afferent terminals at T with antidromic recording of the dorsal root response at Rs. This antidromic dorsal root response did not change at all over the course of habituation to repeated skin or cutaneous nerve stimulation, thus ruling out changes in terminal excitability. Sensitization in this system was induced by strong cutaneous stimulation elsewhere on the leg (see Figure 1.1). This strong extra stimulation caused an increase in the habituated response, and in the control response to cutaneous stimulation before habitation training. Unlike habituation, sensitization resulted in a significant increase in excitability in motor neurons. Thus, following the sensitizing stimulus there was a significant increase the monosynaptic muscle nerve-motor neuron response. These experiments localized the process of habituation to spinal interneurons and suggested that interneurons played a key role in both habituation and sensitization. In studies with Philip Groves, recording from spinal interneurons during habituation and sensitization, we identified several classes of interneurons, including one class that showed only decrements to repeated stimulation, independent of reflex sensitization and another class that showed dramatic increases in response during sensitization. Thus led us to the "dual process" theory of habituation (Groves and Thompson, 1970). The basic idea is that repeated stimulation resulted in synaptic processes of decrement and increment and the two processes interact to yield the behavioral outcome. This is schematized in oversimplified terms in Figure 1.1, where the decremental process would occur in the interneurons between cutaneous afferents and alpha motor neurons (shown as a single interneuron in Figure 1.1), whereas the process of sensitization resulted in a build-up of excitation in an interneuron pool (? in Figure 1.1), leading to increased excitability of the motor neuron at a. We were able to account for a wide range of behavioral (and neuronal) phenomena of habituation and sensitization with this theory. In monosynaptic systems, where appropriate analysis is possible, e.g., Aplysia and isolated frog spinal cord, habituation is a presynaptic process apparently involving a decrease in probability of transmitter release as a result of repeated stimulation. 4 Richard F. Thompson 1.2 SPINAL CONDITIONING Unlike habituation, the early history of spinal conditioning -- the possibility that classical or instrumental training procedures could induce associative learning -like phenomena in the spinal cord --was somewhat controversial. Pavlov's dictum to the effect that associative learning required the cerebral cortex did not help matters. Shurrager, working in Culler's laboratory (where so many pioneering studies of brain substrates of learning and memory were carried out), published the first modem studies of classical conditioning of spinal reflexes, (Shurrager and Culler, 1940; 1941). In brief, they used acute spinal dogs, measured the twitch response of a partially dissected flexor muscle, gave paw shock as a US and weak stimulation of the tail as CS. They obtained robust acquisition in about half their animals and demonstrated CS alone extinction and successively more rapid reacquisition in repeated training and extinction sessions. Unfortunately, adequate controls for sensitization and pseudoconditioning were not run in these studies. A few years later Kellogg and associates reported negative results in attempts at spinal conditioning (e.g., Kellogg, 1947; Kellogg et. aI., 1946; Deese and Kellogg, 1949). They used chronic spinal dogs and the flexor response of the whole leg. The US was shock to the paw of that leg and the CS was a shock to the opposite hind paw. Kellogg's choice ofCS locus was unfortunate. Paw shock elicits a crossed extension reflex that would work against the development of a conditioned flexion response. Pinto and Bromiley (1950) completed an extensive spinal conditioning study with long-term acute spinal animals and found only inconclusive evidence because of passive hindquarter movements caused by anterior limb movements. The bible in the field at that time (Morgan and Stellar, Physiological Psychology, 2nd ed., 1950) drew the following conclusion: "So there is a good deal wrong with the experiments as they stand. They do not let us conclude confidently that spinal conditioning can take place. We need more experimenting before we can be sure. In fact, it may turn out that what seemed to be conditioning is more correctly called reflex sensitization, as Kellogg has suggested above. Even if that is the case the experiments will be of some value, for knowing as little as we do about conditioning, it is possible that conditioning may be closely related to reflex sensitization." (p.446) This conclusion apparently discouraged others from pursuing the phenomena of spinal conditioning for many years to come. In 1967 the author and a graduate student took up the gauntlet (Fitzgerald and Thompson, 1967). We used acute spinal cats, detached the distal tendon of left hind limb flexor muscle (tibialis anterior) led it out through a small skin incision and attached it to a force-displacement transducer to measure the flexor responses. The CS was a weak shock to thigh skin and the US was a brief strong shock to the left hind paw, CS and US coterminating. All animals were first given four UCS alone trials following by a series of CS alone trials to establish a control response level. Half the animals were then given paired CS-US trials and half were given

The area of spinal cord plasticity has become a very actively researched field. The spinal cord has long been known to organize reflex patterns and serve as the major transmission pathway for sensory and motor nerve impulses. However, the role of the spinal cord in information processing and in expe
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