Spin wave instabilities and field induced transitions in heavy fermions M. A. Continentino1,∗ 1Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Campus da Praia Vermelha, Niter´oi, 24210-340, RJ, Brazil (Dated: February 6, 2008) We study phase transitions in heavy fermion systems due to spin-wave instabilities. One moti- 6 vation is to determine the changes in the spin-wave parameters of a magnetically ordered heavy 0 fermion system as it approaches a quantum critical point (QCP) by applying pressure. The other 0 moreactualistoprovideanalternativeapproach,basedonspin-waveinstabilities,forthemagnetic 2 field induced transitions recently observed in antiferromagnetic heavyfermion materials. n a PACSnumbers: 75.20.Hr;75.30.Ds;75.30.Mb;71.27.+a J 7 1 INTRODUCTION shouldbeincludedinananalysisofthisphasetransition, besides that of other quasi-particles. ] l e Pressure and magnetic field have been used as exter- - nalparameterstodriveheavyfermionmaterialsthrough r t different quantum critical points [1]. The theory of the s . heavy fermion quantum criticality has been developed t x a startingontheparamagneticsideoftheirphasediagram T = ( /kB) (H - HC2) m I [2]. In the ordered magnetic phase, usually with anti- - ferromagnetic (AF) long range order, most studies have II d concentratedindeterminingthe shapeofthe criticalline HC2 n Paramagnetic o as a function of pressure (P) and magnetic field (H), [c oinnptharetiicmuplaorrtwanhtenshTifNt e→xpo0n[e1n].t wThhiicshgiisvedsetienrfmorimneadtibony H Spin-flop T 1 thecriticalexponentsassociatedwiththeQCP.However, HC1 v in the broken symmetry phase, the magnetic excitations 5 are spin-waves and a relevant question concerns what Antiferromagnetic 8 happens to these modes as the quantum critical point 3 (QCP) is approached from the ordered side [3]. More 1 0 specifically, we ask what happens to the spin-wave pa- T TN 6 rameters, its gap and stiffness as, for example, T (P) N FIG. 1: (Color online) Phase diagram of an anisotropic an- 0 goes to zero, i.e., P approachesPC the critical pressure? tiferromagnet in an external magnetic field in the easy axis / t The most direct way to answer this question would be direction[5]. Thethreephases,antiferromagnet,spin-flopand a toperformneutronscatteringexperiments,buttheseare paramagneticandthetricriticalpoint(T)areshown. Thefull m non trivial. There are other less direct strategies to fol- lines are lines of second order phase transitions. The dashed - line is a line of first order transitions and the dotted line d lowthesemodesasthesystemapproachesaQCP.Oneof is a crossover line dividing the paramagnetic region in two n these is the electrical resistivity. Since magnons scatter regimes, as explained in the text. o theconductionelectronsofthecorrelatedmetal,thetem- c perature dependent resistivity has a componentwhich is : v due to electron-magnonscattering. The temperature de- i pendence of this component yields direct information on X The magnetic field and temperature dependent phase the spin-wave gap and stiffness [3]. r diagram of an anisotropic antiferromagnet, with the ex- a Recently, there have been many experimental studies ternal field H applied in the easy axis direction [5], is on field induced transitions in magnetic heavy fermion shown schematically in Fig.1. General features of this systems[4]. The analysisofthese experimentstakesinto phase diagram are the presence of a tricritical point and account correlated electrons with masses strongly renor- linesoffirstandsecondordertransitions. Heavyfermions malizedbythepresenceofaQCPatthecriticalfieldH are in general strongly anisotropic and a relevant situa- C2 (see Fig.1). However, field induced magnetic transitions tion for these materials is the metamagnetic case where are associatedwith softspin-wavemodes. Consequently, there is no intermediate spin-flop phase at all and the closetoH thesemodesgiveanimportantcontribution systemgoesdirectlyfromtheantiferromagneticphaseto C2 to the thermodynamic properties and electrical resistiv- the paramagnetic phase through a line of second order ity,byscatteringthequasi-particles. Thesecontributions phase transitions, H (T). C2 2 RESISTIVITY OF THE ANISOTROPIC thefirstterminthisexpansionyieldstheresultofRef.[6]. ANTIFERROMAGNET IN ZERO MAGNETIC Furthermore, it is easy to check that in the gapless case FIELD the temperature dependence ofthe resistivity due to lin- early dispersive magnons is, ρ(T) T2 [6]. Eq. 3 allows ∝ We start considering the case relevant for the study to obtain from the measured ρ(T), the absolute value of heavy fermions systems, driven by pressure to a QCP. of the spin-wave gap. If ρ(T) is measured for different The spectrum of hydrodynamic spin-wave excitations in pressures it yields the trend of the stiffness D and gap the antiferromagnetic phase, for H <<HC1 (T <<TN) ∆ as a function of this parameter, for example, when (see Fig.1), is given by, approaching a QCP. In a recent analysis of a magnetic heavyfermiondriventoaQCPbypressure,weobtained ω(k)= µH ∆2+Dk2 that ∆ (P P), vanishing with pressure at the same − ± ∝ C − critical pressure P that T (P) vanishes while the stiff- p C N wherethegap∆isproportionaltotheanisotropy(either nessD remainsunrenormalized[3]. Itwouldbe interest- exchange or single ion). In the isotropic case and in the ing to confirm these results by direct neutron scattering absence of a magnetic field, the hydrodynamic magnons experiments [7, 8]. havealineardispersionrelation,ω(k)=√Dk,differently from those in a ferromagnet, for which, ω(k)=Dk2. Weconsiderfirstametallicantiferromagnetinasimple ZERO TEMPERATURE FIELD INDUCED cubic lattice with no applied external field. Following TRANSITION YamadaandTakada[6]wewritetheelectricalresistivity due to electron-magnon scattering as, We now turn our attention to the next topic of this ρ(T)=CI (H =0,T) (1) Report which deals with the phase transition induced in AF AF heavy fermions by an external magnetic field. In where C is a constant. The quantity IAF(0,T) is given this case it is useful to start in the paramagnetic phase, by the following integral [6], with H > H (T = 0) (see Fig. 1). The results below C2 apply in general even if the external field is applied per- β ∞ k2 I (0,T)= dk (2) pendicularly to the easy axis. The spin-wave spectra for AF 2 Z0 sinh2 β2ǫk H >HC2 isferromagneticlike,withadispersionrelation given by [5, 9], whereω(k)=√∆2+Dk2isthedispersionrelationofthe antiferromagneticmagnons. In the limit β−1 =kBT << ω(q)=µH S[J(0) J(q)] (4) ∆, we deal with this integral changing variables and in- − − tegrating by parts to obtain, wheretheminussigntakesintoaccountexplicitlythean- 2(k T)2 ∞ tiferromagnetic nature of the exchange interactions (J). I (0,T)= B y2e−y0 ey0(1−coshx)cosh2xdx In a simple cubic lattice, the minimum of the spin-wave AF D3/2 0 Z0 spectrum occurs for q = Q = (π/a,π/a,π/a). For sim- where y0 =∆/kBT. The function F(x)=ey0(1−coshx) is plicity we have considered only the isotropic part of the such that, F(0)=1 and F(xf)=e−1.The last condition exchange coupling [5, 6, 9]. Since ω(Q) = µH −2SZJ, implies y0(1−coshxf)=−1,orcoshxf =1+y0−1. This t0h)e=con2dSiZtioJn/µω,(Qbe)l≡ow0wdehfiicnhestthheescpriitni-cwalafiveeldenHerCg2y(Tbe=- function cuts off the integral at x and we can rewrite f comes negative signalling the entrance of the system in the equation above as, the AF or spin-flop phase. Above, Z is the number of 2(k T)2 xf nearest neighbors. Finally, writing q = Q+k and ex- I (0,T)= B y2e−y0 cosh2xdx AF D3/2 0 pandingforsmallk,thespin-wavedispersionrelationcan Z0 be obtained as, which yields, ω(k)=µ(H H )+Dk2 (5) ∆2 − ∆ − C2 IAF(0,T)= D3/2e kBT sinh2xf (3) where the spin-wave stiffness at T = 0, D = SJa2 (a is Since coshx = 1 + y−1 = 1 + k T/∆, sinh2x = the lattice parameter). The temperature dependence of f 0 B f H (T) is determined by that of the spin-wave stiffness 2 1+y−1 1+y−1 2 1. Using that y−1 = C2 0 0 − 0 D(T) [5, 9]. This generally results in a critical line vary- kB(cid:0)T/∆<<(cid:1)q1,(cid:0)we obta(cid:1)in, ingwithtemperatureas,HC2(T)=HC2(T =0) bT3/2. − We can obtain the magnon contribution to the elec- 2√2∆2 − ∆ kBT 21 5 kBT 23 tricalresistivity in the presence of the externalmagnetic IAF(0,T)≈ D3/2 e kBT "(cid:18) ∆ (cid:19) + 4(cid:18) ∆ (cid:19) # fieldas,ρ(T)∝IF(H,T),whereinthreedimensions(3d) 3 [6], givenin Eq.6. Consequently, inregionII, whichincludes the line H = H , the specific heat has a simple power C2, k T 3/2 ∞ y√y y law dependence, C (k T/µH )3/2. In region I, the I (H,T)= B dy − 0 (6) V ∝ B C2 F (cid:18)µHC2(cid:19) Zy0 sinh2 y2 fithealdt oafntdhetermespiestriavtiutyregdiveepnenindeEnqc.e7o.fTChVeimsathgneestaizmaetioans with y0 = ∆/kBT. The gap ∆ = µ(H HC2) is the atthecriticalfieldHC2 decreaseswithaT3/2 powerlaw. − controlparameterfor the zero temperature field induced In region I for H > HC2 it decreases exponentially due phase transition. to the gap, ∆=µ(H HC2). − We can distinguish two regions, separated by the crossover line T× = (µ/k )(H H ), in the phase B − C2 TWO DIMENSIONAL CASE diagram of Fig.1. This line is fully determined by the value of the magnetic moment µ and by H . In region C2 II, for T >> T× and in particular for H = H , the Many heavy fermions systems due to their anisotropy C2 dominant contribution to the resistivity is due to gap- in the crystalline structure have a regime close to less magnons and given by, ρ (k T/µH )3/2. In this their QCP where the critical fluctuations have a two- B C2 region, for a fixed temperatur∝e T >> T×, the resistiv- dimensionalcharacter[1]. Forthisreasonitisinteresting ity as a function of magnetic field obtained from Eq.6 is to generalize the results obtained above for the case of shown in Fig.2 . The resistivity has a cusp at H . In two dimensions (2d). In 2d the relevant integral for the C2 fact dρ/dH (H H )−1/2 and diverges to as resistivity can be evaluated and we get, C2 ∝ − − −∞ H H [6]. C2 2h h h → In region I, for kBT <<µ(H −HC2) the resistivity is ρ2d(h,t)∝t t coth2t −4ln2−4lnsinh2t (8) calculated as in the previous section and is given by, (cid:18) (cid:19) where h = (H H )/H and t = k T/µH . In the C2 C2 B C2 3/2 − kBT 2µ(H HC2) −µ(H−HC2) limit (h/t) 0, this reduces to ρ 1+ − e kBT (7) → ∝ µH 3 k T (cid:18) C2(cid:19) (cid:18) B (cid:19) ρ (h,t)=ρ0 (1+ln t)t (9) 2d 2d h Thisresistivityvariesnearlylinearintemperature(Fig.3) butforH H (h 0)itisnotdefinedforfinitetem- C2 5 |d /dH| (H-HC2)-0.55 peratures.→Thisisrela→tedtothefactthatforanisotropic 10 systemthere is no long rangeorderin two dimensions at u.) dH| any finite temperature due to the creation of an infinite . / y (a 4 |d ninumfabcterthofremeadginmoennss.ioTnhael,saylsttheomusghwethaeryecmoanysideexrhiinbgitarine t vi some region of their phase diagrama 2d behavior. How- siti 3 1 10-3 10-2 10-1 ever, this is just a regime which will cross over to 3d si ( H - HC2 ) / HC2 sufficiently close to the transition. Consequently this di- e R vergence of ρ2d(0,t) should not interfere with the actual 2 kBT/ HC2 = 0.5 observationofanearlylineartemperaturedependenceof the resistivity of real systems in some range of region II. In 2d the spin-wave contribution to the specific heat, as 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 before, has a similar field and temperature dependence ( H - HC2 ) / HC2 of the resistivity due to electron-magnon scattering. We FIG. 2: (Color online) Field dependence of the electron- find in this case ((h/t) 0) that in region II (Fig.3), → magnon resistivity for afixed temperaturein region II of the C (h,t) t phasediagramofFig.1. Theinsetshowsthefielddependence V a(1+ln ). of the modulus of the derivative dρ/dH, which diverges as a T ∝ h power law when H approaches HC2. Thedecreaseofthemagnetizationwithtemperaturein afixedfieldinthisregionalsohasafieldandtemperature The thermodynamic properties of the system close to dependence similar to Eq. 9. H can be easily obtained in the soft mode scenario. Finally,inregionIthespecificheat,magnetizationand C2 They are essentially those of a system of non-interacting resistivity have an exponential term, as in Eq. 7. Only bosons. The temperature and field dependent contribu- the temperature dependence of the pre-factor is depen- tion of the spin-wave excitations to the specific heat C dent on dimensionality. This makes it difficult to dis- V can be shown to have a form similar to that of the elec- tinguish a 2d from a 3d regime in this region, either in trical resistivity. We get, C I (H,T), with I (H,T) thermodynamic or transport measurements. V F F ∝ 4 of the magnons and not the antiferromagnetic nature of 30 30 the transition. In the extreme metamagnetic case of an (H-HC2)/HC2=0.01 Ising antiferromagnetin an external longitudinal field, a ) renormalization group approach yields a phase diagram ) u. a.u 20 20 (a. wheretheT =0transitionatHC2 isnotassociatedwith (T)/T (2d10 (T) (a.u)2d24680000 (H-HC2)/HC2=0.01 24680000 C(T) (a.u.)2dV 10 C(T)/T 2dV itdanhifinetxahmereydaligppnnooeeiinnotitftc.stefihTceaholtdnefldptouoowrirnnsdtsetor(oHtu(rHta=nt=osHitb0Cioe,2nT,asTn=H=iTr=rN0e)lH)eivaCsas2jnu(atTsntyp),aapsnrioanoimncret-- eter [11]. Notice that the spin-wave approach presented 00 1 2 3 0 kBT/HC2 above is independent whether the T = 0 transition at 0 0 H is associated or not with a fixed point. 0.1 1 3 C2 k T/ H We thank S. Bud‘ko, J. Larrea and Magda Fontes B C2 for helpful discussions. Support from the Brazilian FIG.3: Semi-logarithmicplotoftheresistivityρandspecific agencies CNPq and FAPERJ is gratefully acknowl- heat CV dividedbyTin 2d. Insetshows ρand CV versusT. edged. Work partially supported by PRONEX/MCT and FAPERJ/Cientista do Nosso Estado programs. CONCLUSIONS We have obtained the electrical and thermodynamic properties of a metallic antiferromagnetic system due to ∗ Electronic address: [email protected]ff.br spin-wavemodesclosetoazerotemperaturefieldinduced [1] For a review see G. Stewart, Rev. Mod. Phys. 73, 797 transition. The existence of these excitations close to (2001). thisphasetransitionisageneralphenomenon,depending [2] M. A. Continentino, G. Japiassu and A. Troper, Phys. onlyontheappearanceofasymmetry-brokenstatebelow Rev. B 39, 9734, (1989); A. J. Millis. Phys. Rev. B 48, H . The resistivity is determined by the scattering of 7183 (1993); T. Moriya and T. Takimoto, J. Phys. Soc C2 Jap. 64 960 (1995). quasi-particles by ferromagnetic-like magnons which be- [3] M.A.Continentino,S.N.deMedeiros,M.T.D.Orlando, come gapless at the transition. 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