Spin-polarization coupling in multiferroic transition-metal oxides Chenglong Jia,1,∗ Shigeki Onoda,2,† Naoto Nagaosa,2,3,‡ and Jung Hoon Han4,5,§ 1School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul 130-012, Korea 2CREST, Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan 3Correlation Electron Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1, Higashi, Tsukuba 305-8562, Japan 4Department of Physics and Institute for Basic Science Research, 7 0 Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea 0 5CSCMR, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Korea 2 (Dated: February 6, 2008) n Asystematicmicroscopictheoryofmagneticallyinducedferroelectricityandlatticemodulationis a presentedforall electron configurationsof Mott-insulatingtransition-metal oxides. Variousmecha- J nismsofpolarizationareidentifiedintermsofastrong-couplingperturbationtheory. Especially,the 5 spin-orbitinteractionactingontheligandporbitalsisshowntogivetheferroelectricpolarizationof 2 thespin-currentform,whichplaysacrucialroleparticularlyineg systems. Semiquantitativeagree- ments with the multiferroic TbMnO are obtained. Predictions for X-ray and neutron scattering 3 ] experimentsareproposed toclarify themicroscopic mechanism of thespin-polarization coupling in l e different materials. - r PACSnumbers: 75.80.+q,71.70.Ej,77.80.-e t s . t a The coupling among the charge, spin, and orbital de- Effects of the exchange-striction and the Dzyaloshinskii- m grees of freedom in Mott insulators has been one of the Moriya(DM) interactionhavealso beendiscussedin the - centralissuesinstronglycorrelatedelectronsystems. De- context of the multiferroic RMnO [14]. d 3 n spite the charge localization, its displacement can occur In view of the recent proliferation in the number o accompanied by the lattice deformation as in the dielec- of multiferroic materials, a proper classification scheme c tric or ferroelectric band insulators. In the case of Mott seems to be in order. In this Letter, we propose a [ insulators, the charge displacement is usually triggered systematic microscopic theory of the magnetically in- 1 byanon-triviallow-energyspinand/ororbitalstructure, ducedpolarizationandlatticemodulationinmultiferroic v which is unveiled within an energy scale of the exchange transition-metal oxides, by means of a strong-coupling 4 interactionJ V4/∆3 withthehybridizationV andthe expansion in both V/∆ and λ/∆. We classify various 1 ∼ charge transfer energy ∆ between the transition-metal microscopic mechanisms for the polarization and their 6 1 (TM) d and ligand (L) p orbitals. There, the ferroelec- distinct features. The classification scheme offers a way 0 tricity and the magnetism sometimes appear concomi- of identifying the material-specific mechanism by prob- 7 tantly as a spontaneous magnetoelectric effect dubbed ing the magneticallyinduced non-uniformshifts ofthe L 0 multiferroic order [1–3]. Usually, the largest magneto- ions. Asthespecificdemonstration,keyexperimentalob- / t electric force is given by the exchange-striction. Spatial servationsonthepolarizationandthelatticemodulation a m imbalance in the symmetric magnetic exchange leads to in TbMnO3 are analyzed. a lattice modulation. When it breaks the inversionsym- LetusconsideraclustercomposedofTMionsatrand - d metry, a finite net dipole moments appears as the ferro- r+e hybridizedthroughaL ionatthe centerr+e/2as n electric polarization. showninFig.1(a). Forsimplicity,weneglectadeviation o of the bond angle away from 180◦. The dipole moment Recentobservationsofthe ferroelectricpolarizationat c P induced at the ligand site r +e/2 is generally v: the onset of the spiral magnetic order in TbMnO3 [4–6] r+e/2 expressed as andNi V O [7]haveattractedrevivedinterestsinmulti- i 3 2 8 X ferroic behavior from the viewpoints of the fundamental r physics as well as applications [3]. Microscopic [8] and a P = Pnm +Pms (m m ) e phenomenological[9, 10] theories have revealedthat spi- r+e/2 r,r+e r,r+e r· r+e ralandconicalspinstructurescancoupletothepolariza- (cid:2)+Pro,rrb+e[(e·mr)mr−(e·m(cid:3)r+e)mr+e] tionP intheabsenceofanysymmetrybreakingthrough +Psp e (m m ) (1) P J ,whereJ e (S S ) S(∇ S) (S ∇)Sis r,r+e × r× r+e s s r r+e · ∝ × × ∝ · − · the spin currentproducedbetween the two spins S and up to second order in the local spin moments m and r r S atsitesrandr+e,respectively. Thiscouplinghas m . Here, Pnm V/∆ is the nonmagnetic term that r+e r+e ∝ beenderivedbytakingaccountofthespin-orbitcoupling occurs regardless of the magnetic properties. Pms ∝ λ for a model of the t orbitals of TM ions hybridized (V/∆)3 represents the magnetostriction term. These ef- 2g with the L p orbitals[8, 11], ane systemcoupledto the fects do not demand the spin-orbit interaction. The or- g localized t spin [12], and a sp hybridized model [13]. bital term Porb min(λ/V,1)(V/∆) has been obtained 2g ∼ 2 P(q) Mechanisms Polarization P(0) Psp −e×(m ×m )sinQ·e 1 2 P(±(πe+Q)) Pms e[m ·(m ±im )]cos[Q·e/2] 0 1 2 P(±(πe+2Q)) Pms e(m2+m2)/4 1 2 P(±Q) Porb ∓i[(e·m )m +(e·m )m ] 0 ± ± 0 Psp ∓ie×(m ×m )sin[Q·e/2] 2 0 ∓ P(±2Q) Porb ∓i [(e·m )m ]sinQ·e 2 ± ± TABLE I: Wave vectors and directions of the lattice modu- lation originating from the mechanisms Pms, Porb, and Psp. Pnm always gives a modulation with wave vector πe. HoMnO as pointed out by Sergienkoet al. recently[14]. 3 Underthespiral(conical)magneticstructure,Porbyields ∆cf aspiral,evennoncoplanar,modulation,whilePsp givesa uniform (conical) modulation. Porb is found only in the unfulfilled t system[11]. These results can be used to 2g classifythe mechanismsofthe magnetoelectriccouplings using X-ray and neutron scattering experiments. ∆ c f = E − E Equation (1) can be derived from the TM-L-TM clus- termodel[8,11]composedoftheLporbitalsandthetwo TM d orbitals which are hybridized with L through the FIG. 1: (color online) (a) The TM-L-TM cluster model with Slater-Koster parameters V and V . We assume an the rod-type d3x2−r2/d3y2−r2 staggered orbital order under effectiveZeemanfield(U/2)pmˆdσ (a=lp/drπfortheleft/right a noncollinear spin configuration with the associated electric a polarization. (b) The lattice structure of the perovskite sys- TM ion) with an energy separation U, which originates tem within thexy (or ab) plane. The staggered orbital order fromthelocalCoulombrepulsionandtheHundcoupling forTbMnO3 isalsoshown. (c)Thelevelschemeforthet32ge1g in the magnetically orderedphase. The local energy lev- high-spin (S =2) configuration. elsoftheTMd andLporbitalsareE andE ,respec- α dα p tively, while the spin-orbit couplings for d and p orbitals are denoted λ and λ . d p inthe studyofpartiallyfilleddegeneratet2g orbitals[11]. The mechanisms responsible for the spin-induced Finally, the spin-current term Psp (λ/∆)(V/∆)3 was dipole moments through spin-orbitcoupling can be clas- ∝ demonstrated for the degenerate t2g model [8, 11] and, sified as in Table II. Spin-orbit interaction λt2g within as will be shown below, exists for any Mott-insulating the degenerate t manifold can be a source of polariza- 2g electron configuration. Psp and Porb are even under the tion, Psp and Porb[8, 11], when the t orbital degrees 2g spatial inversion and found only in the presence of spin- of freedom are unquenched, e.g. tn with n = 1,2,4,5. 2g orbitinteraction,whilePnmandPmsareodd andpresent It was derived in a previous paper [11] that Porb and only in the absence of the inversion symmetry. Psp appear in proportion to min(λ /V ,1)(V /∆) d pdπ pdπ On an array of TM L TM L with (at and (λ /∆)(V /∆)3, respectively, in the t5 configura- ···− − − − −··· d pdπ 2g most)twoinequivalentLpositionsduetotheorthorhom- tion, where ∆=E +U/2 E . The t2 configuration t2g − p 2g bic distortion and/or staggered orbital order, the vari- is related to t5 with the change in the charge transfer 2g ousmechanismsofpolarizationaremanifestedasFourier energyto ∆=E U/2 E , andthe t1 to t4 in the t2g− − p 2g 2g harmonicsinX-rayorneutronscatteringprobes. Assum- same manner. Another symmetry operationcan be used ingageneralconicalstructurem =m +m cosQ r toshowthatPsp andPorb fort4 isrelatedtothoseoft5 r 0 1 · − 2g 2g m sinQ r,weobtainthenontrivialFouriercomponents by a sign change, as well as those for t1 to t2 . Due to 2 · 2g 2g P(q) = P e−iq·(r+e/2) shown in Table I, with the strong Hund coupling, the t3 and t6 configurations r,e r+e/2 2g 2g m± =mP1 im2 and Pr+e/2 given in Eq. (1). To com- represent the orbital quenched case with no polarization ± pensate the electrostatic energy loss, each L ion tends arising from orbital deformation. to shift towards the induced dipole moment and cause The spin-orbitinteractionwithin the e manifold van- g the lattice modulation with the same wave vectors. Pms ishesandhasnoimpactonspin-polarizationcoupling. In gives a collinear lattice modulation along the cluster di- this case,the spin-orbitinteractionλ atthe ligandoxy- p rection with wave vectors πe+Q and πe+2Q, where gen site can mediate the spin-polarization coupling Psp, the shift of πe is due to the present of two equivalent L aswedemonstratebelow. Inaddition,mixingofanoccu- sites. ItbecomesuniformforthespecialcaseQ e=π/2, pied e level andan unoccupied t , or of an unoccupied g 2g · or period four for magnetism. This case is relevant for e and an occupied t , can occur due to the spin-orbit g 2g 3 Spin-orbit Configuration Polarization λt2g tn2g (n=1,2,4,5) Psp, Porb V 1 V 3 λt2λgp−eg aarrbbiittrraarryy ddnn,, nnoonnzzeerroo SS PPsspp Pnm=(Lr,x−Ll,x) ∆pdσ, Pms=4(Ll,x−Lr,x)(cid:16) ∆pdσ(cid:17)(3,) with L = d xp . On the local scale both terms, a,x a x h | | i being independent of spin-orbit interaction, are greater TABLEII:Classificationofthespin-orbitinteractionsandthe correspondingtypesofinducedpolarizationandtherelevantd than Psp. Except for special circumstances, however, λp electronconfiguration. Nonzeronetmagneticmomentforthe Pnm and Pms are finite-q modulations with zero macro- d electrons, S 6= 0, is required to generate magnetic ground scopic average. Even for the d9 and d8 cases, the or- states. λt2g−eg (λp)effectsdecrease(increase)astheelectron thorhombicdistortiondisplacestheoxygenpositionaway number n increases. fromthemiddleoftheTMions,thenonehastheappear- ance of Eq. (3) in the polarization. As a concrete example of the λ mechanism interactionλ inthegivenTMionandcontributeto t2g−eg t2g−eg at work, we discuss the case of t3 e1 configuration thepolarizationPsp. Suchmechanismwasdemonstrated 2g g found in TbMnO with Mn3+ ion. Because of the for TbMnO recently[12]. Both mechanisms described 3 3 large Jahn-Teller effect, TbMnO exhibits the rod-type in this paragraph should apply for arbitrary dn config- 3 uration, as long as the net magnetic moment remains d3x2−r2/d3y2−r2 orbital ordering shown in Fig. 1(b) far abovetheroomtemperature[19]. Accordinglyweassume nonzero to guarantee magnetic ordering. A low-n transition metal involving Ti or V will be the that the d3x2−r2 and d3y2−r2 orbitals are occupied at the l and r sites of the TM-L-TM cluster. Assuming likelycandidatetoobservet -mediatedPsp andPorb. A 2g V = V = V , one obtains polarization of the spin- l r pdσ spin-canted phase in YVO was found recently[15]. For − 3 current form[17] such a state we argue that Porb, which is much larger than Psp on the atomic scale,is detectable in the micro- scopicX-rayorneutronprobes. The specificdependence λ V 3 of Porb on the local magnetic structure given in Eq. (1) Pts2pg−eg =−√3L′zU ∆ +dE /2(cid:18) ∆pdσ(cid:19) (4) cf JT and in Table I can be checked experimentally. − Recently, a number of eg systems with filled t2g came where ∆cf is the crystal field gap Eeg − Et2g, EJT is to be classifiedas amultiferroic: a nickelateNi3V2O8 [7] the Jahn-Teller energy splitting, and L′z =hdl,zx|z|pxi= with d8, and a cuprate LiCuVO4 [18] with d9. We hdr,zx|z|pxi[12, 17]. A similar term is obtained for uni- propose that the oxygenspin-orbit-mediated mechanism formorbitalorder,i.e. same d-orbitalsfor both TM ions should play an important role for these materials. For in the cluster. No orbital polarization Porb is induced instance, the d9 Cu sites can be modeled as dx2−y2 or- from the mixing[17]. bitals at the TM sites in the cluster model. Taking In the rest of the paper, we compare the experimen- Vl =Vr =Vpdσ[16], Psp is given by[17] tal situation with the theoretical analysis for TbMnO3, − whichprobablypresentsthemostcomplexsituationwith orbitalordering,unfulfilled t ande levels,and t e 2g g 2g g − λ V 3 mixing. The two terms, Eq. (4) and Eq. (2), combine Pλspp =−2√2(Lr,z +Ll,z)∆p (cid:18) ∆pdσ(cid:19) (2) constructively to produce Psp, the uniform polarization. Quantitative agreement with the measured uniform po- twhheerreele∆van=t eEego+rbUit/a2l.−HEepr,eaLnd Edeegnoistetshteheenienrtgeygroafl larMizaattiroixnevlaelmueenintsTnbeMedneOd3toiseovbatlauianteedEaqs.fo(l2lo)wasn.d Eq. g a,z L = d z p with a = r,l. The d8 contains two e (4) are calculated by taking the TM-O bond length a,z a z g orbitalshwit|h|Si= 1, that can be decomposed as d3x2−r2 1.9˚A and the Clementi-Raimondi effective charges [21] and dy2−z2 in the degenerate case. Of these, the latter ZMeffn3d = 10.53 and ZOeff2p = 4.45. Other parameters does not couple to the oxygen orbitals and one is left are chosen as Vl = 2Vr = Vpdσ = 1.2 eV, U = 3 − − withasingled3x2−r2 orbitalpersitewiththepolarization eV and Eeg − Ep = 2 eV. The spin-orbit coupling for again given by Eq. (2). No Porb term is found for pure the oxygen 2p and TM 3d orbitals are chosen from eg models with oxygen spin-orbit interaction. λL ≡ 2∆EL/(2L+1), where L = 1,2 for p and d or- The d7 case with a single e electron is subject to the bitals. Thespin-orbitenergysplittingisgivenby∆Ep = g 37 meV (λ = 25 meV), and ∆E = 120 meV (λ = 48 Jahn-Tellerdistortionandtheliftingoftheorbitaldegen- p d d meV), respectively[20]. With these values we obtain the eracy. When the same e orbitals are occupied for the g uniform polarization along the c axis Psp 130 µC/m2 adjacentTMsites, one againhasEq. (2). If not,the ap- λp ∼ propriate cluster model should involve different orbitals fromtheoxygenspin-orbitinteraction,andPts2pg−eg ∼860 for the right and left TM’s, and the inversion symmetry µC/m2 from the t e mixing with ∆ = 2 eV and 2g g cf − breaking yields non-zero values of E =1 eV. The net value Psp 990 µC/m2 multiplied JT ∼ 4 with m m sin(0.28π)in Eq. (1) givesthe uni- Average over the O(3) vector m determines the appro- r r+e i | × |≈ form c-axis polarization of 760 µC/m2, in reasonable priate β . The dipole moment in the collinear/elliptic i ∼ agreementwith the experimental value in TbMnO [4, 5] spinconfigurationcanbe obtainedbytakingthe average 3 ( 700 µC/m2 at 10K). The direction of the polarization ofEq. (1) overthe spins m andm with weights w r r+e r ∼ is also consistent with the experiment. andw ,forthemagneticperiod 0.28πconfiguration r+e ∼ The X-ray intensity of the 2Q lattice modulation in of the low-temperature TbMnO . 3 TbMnO3 increasesmonotonicallybetweenthe Neeltem- As showninFig. 2(d), inthe collinearphase,(e=1), peratureTN forthecollinearmagneticphase,andTL,the the 2Q intensity arising from the magnetostriction Pms latter signaling the onset of ferroelectricity, as the tem- monotonouslyincreases with the orderedspin amplitude peratureislowered. Thenthesignaldecreaseswithlower S. Then in the non-collinear phase (e < 1), the 2Q temperature in the non-collinear, ferrroelectric phase, intensity arising from Pms decreases for smaller e cor- T < TL. Both features can be understood by taking responding to a lower temperature (Fig. 2 (c)). The the view that the non-uniform component arises from direction of the lattice modulation in TbMnO has not 3 the magnetostriction term, due to the breaking of the been clearly determined yet [22]. A proper identification inversion symmetry in each TM-L-TM cluster from the of the lattice modulation direction in the future can be orbital ordering and the orthorhombic distortion. used to discriminate the different scenarios of magneto- The spin configuration in the magnetic phase T <TN electric coupling. can be described by the ordered spin moment, si = The authors acknowledge fruitful discussion with T. h i S(ˆbcosθi + cˆ√1 e2sinθi). It evolves from collinear Arima, Y. Tokura, F. Ishii, and T. Ozaki. H. J. H. was − (e = 1) to nearly circular (e = 0) pattern with de- supported by the Korea Research Foundation through creasing temperature [6]. In the collinear phase, one has Grant No. KRF-2005-070-C00044. 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