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Spin Physics at RHIC [Year-1 and Beyond] PDF

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BNL-52635 Formal Report Proceedings of RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop Volume 33 SPIN PHYSICS AT RHIC IN YEAR-1 AND BEYOND May 14-18,2001 Organizing Committee: Leslie.Bland, Daniel Boer, Naohito Saito, Werner Vogelsang RIKEN BNL Research Center Building 510A, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973-5000, USA OtherRIKENBNLResearchCenterProceedingsVolumes: Vchrne 33– SpinPhysicsatRHIC inYear-1 andBeyond – BNL Vchrne 32– RHIC SpinPhysicsV – BNL -52628 Vchune31 – RHIC SpinPhysicsIII&IV PolarizedPartonsatHigh QA2Region - BNL-5261 7 Vcdume30- RBRC Scientific Review CommitteeMeeting– BNL-52603 Vcdume29- FutureTransversityMeasurements- BNL-52612 Vcdume28- Equilibrium& Non-Equilibrium Aspects of Hot, DenseQCD – BNL-526 13 Vchrne 27 – PredictionsandUncertaintiesfor RHIC SpinPhysics& EventGeneratorfor RHIC SpinPhysics III– TowardsPrecisionSpinPhysicsatRHIC – BNL-52596 VcJume26- Circum-Pan-Pacific RIKEN Symposium onHighEnergy SpinPhysics- BNL-52588 Vchxne 25- RHIC Spin- BNL-52581 Vc,lme 24- physics Society of JapanBiannualMeeting Symposium on QCD Physics atRIKEN BNL ResearchCenter- BNL-52578 Vchme 23- Coulomb andPion-Asymmetry PolarimetryandHadronic SpinDependence atRHIC Energies– BNL-52589 VcJ~e 22- OSCAR II: predictions for ~IC - BNL-52591 Volume 21- RBRC Scientific Review CommitteeMeeting - BNL-52568 Volume 20- Gauge-InvariantVariablesinGaugeTheories– BNL-52590 Volume 19- NumericalAlgorithms atNon-Zero ChemicalPotential-BNL-52573 Vahme 18- EventGeneratorfor RHIC SpinPhysics -BNL-52571 Volume 17- HardPartonPhysicsinHigh-Energy NuclearCollisions - BNL-52574 Volume 16- RIKEN WinterSchool - Structureof Hadrons- Introductionto QCD HardProcesses– BNL-52569 Volume 15- QCD PhaseTransitions-BNL-52561 Volume 14- QuantumFieldsInandOutof Equilibrium- BNL-52560 Volume 13- Physicsof the 1Teraflop RIKEN-BNL-Columbia QCD ProjectFirstAnniversaryCelebration– BNL-66299 Volume 12- QuarkoniumProductioninRelativisticNuclearCollisions – BNL-52559 Volume 11- EventGeneratorfor RHIC SpinPhysics -BNL-66116 Volume 10- Physicsof PolarimetryatRHIC - BNL-65926 Volume 9- HighDensityMatterinAGS, SPSandRHIC Collisions - BNL-65762 Volume 8- FermionFrontiersinVector LatticeGauge Theories- BNL-65634 Volume 7- RHIC SpinPhysics -BNL-65615 Volume 6- QuarksandGluons intheNucleon - BNL-65234 Volume 5- Color Superconductivity,InstantonsandParity(Non?)-Conservation atHighBaryonDensity– BNL-65105 Volume 4- InaugurationCeremony, September22 andNon -EquilibriumMany Body Dynamics – BNL- 64912 Volume 3- HadronSpin-FlipatRHIC Energies- BNL-64724 Volume 2- PerturbativeQCD asaProbe of HadronStructure-BNL-64723 Volume 1- Open Standardsfor CascadeModels for RHIC - BNL-64722 Preface to the Series The RIKEN BNL Research Center(RJ3RC)was establishedin April 1997 at Broolihaven National Laboratory. It is tided by the “Rikagaku Kenkysho” (RIKEN, The Instituteof Physical and Chemical Research) of Japan. The Center is dedicatedto the studyof stronginteractions,includingspinphysics, latticeQCD andRI-HCphysics throughthenurturingof anew generationof young physicists. During the fist year, the Centerhad only a Theory Group. In the second year:,anExperimentalGroup was also establishedattheCenter. At present,there are seven Fellows andnine post dots in thesetwo groups. During the thirdyear, we starteda new Tenure Track Strong InteractionTheory RHIC Physics Fellow Program, with six positions in the academic year 1999-2000; this program will increase to include eleven theorists in the next academic year, and, in the year after, also be extended to experimental physics. In addition, the Center has an active workshop program on strong interactionphysics, about ten workshops a year, with each workshop focused on a specific physics problem. Each workshop spea:keris encouraged to select few of themost importanttransparenciesfrom his or her presentation, accompanied by a page of explanation. This material is collected atthe end of the workshop by the organizerto form proceedings, which can thereforebe availablewithin ashorttime. The construction of a 0.6 teraflop parallelprocessor, which was begun atthe Centeron February19, 1998, was completed on August28, 1998. T. D. Lee September29,2000 *Work performed undertheauspicesof U.S.D.O.E. ContractNo. DE-AC02-98CH1 0886. CONTENTS Prefa.ce tothe Sefies ......................................................................... i Spin Physics at RHIC in Year-1 and Beyond – Introduction and Overview – Organizers: L. Bland.D. Boer, N. Saito, and W. Vogelsang .................. 1 ST&? Spin Plans in Year-1 G. Rakness............................................................................. 3 PHENIX Spin Plans in Year-1 Y.Goto................................................................................... 9 Introduction to A_LL (pi) W. Vogelsmg .......................................................................... 15 Fragmentation Functions for Light Hadrons S.Kretzer..............................................................................- 21 Studies of Quark Fragmentation at HERMES M. Vetterli............................................................................... 27 Vector Boson Production with Longitudinally Polarized Beams: Lepton-Level Results P. Nadols~ ............................................................................ 33 Vectc)r Boson Production at Small Transverse Momentum A..Kulesza.............................................................................. 39 Determining Delta g: Polarized Hadro- and Photoproduction of Heavy Quarks in NLO QCD I. Bojak................................................................................. 45 Physics Beyond the Standard Model at RHIC J–M. Virey............................................................................ 51 Gluon Contributions to Parity-Violating Asymmetries in Polarized Proton-Proton Scattering S.Moretti.............................................................................. 57 Highw-Order QCD Corrections to the Parity-Violating Jet Asymmetry W. Vogelsang......................................................................... 63 Parity Violation in bb-bar Production by Polarized Protons D. Amood .............................................................................. 69 Photon- and Gluon-Fusion as a Probe of Higgs-Sector CP Violation B. Grzadkowski........................................................................ 75 Parity Violation and New Physics at RHIC in Year-01 and Beyond JMurata .............................................................................. 83 RHIC-Spin and Lorentz Structure of Electroweak Current ZRybv ................................................................................ 89 Introduction Talk on Single-Spin Asymmetries AN,Theory and Experiment M.Anselmino.......................................................................... 95 ANfor Pion Production G. Stennan............................................................................. 105 Polarized Proton Nucleus Scattering L. Trueman............................................................................ 111 RHIC pC CNI Polarimeter Status LAletiew ............................................................................. 119 pp2pp in Year-1 at RHIC S.Bueltmann........................................................................... 125 Introduction to Experimental Issues at RHIC L. Bland................................................................................ 131 Discussion of Experimental Issues in Year-1 G.Bunce............................................................................... 137 Comments on Polarimetry at High Energy Accelerators H. Spinh .............................................................................. 141 Expectations for RHIC ~ G.Bunce................................................................................ 147 Towards a Global QCD Analysis of Polarized PDF’s ill Stratmann......................................................................... 155 Statistical Approach to Polarized Parton Distributions JSoffer ................................................................................ 163 Uncertainties in Polarised Parton Fits S. Gupta............................................................................... 171 Error Analysis of PDF’s H. Kob~ashi ......................................................................... 177 Towards A Global Analysis of Polarized Scattering Data for Determination of Polarized Gluon Distribution A. Deshpande .......................................................................... 183 Lambda Polarization in Semi-Inclusive DIS MAnselmino .........................................................................- 189 Strangeness in Neutrino DIS S.Kretzer.............................................................................. 199 Flavor Dependent PDFs M.Liu....................................`.............................................. 205 Transversity Single-Spin Asymmetries D. Boer................................................................................. 213 Measuring Transversity at RHIC ill Grosse Perdehmp ............................................................... 219 Azimuthal QCD Asymmetries in e+e- Collisions & Chiral Odd Fragmentation Functions A. Ogwa .............................................................................. 225 List(~fRegistered Ptiicipmk ............................................................. 231 Agenda .......................................................................................... 236 Workshop Photos Spin Physics at RHIC in Year-1 and Beyond – Introduction and Overview – The much anticipated RHIC spin physics program will commence this fall when the first physics run with colliding beams of polarized protons is expected. More specifically, the pla,nned year-1 RHIC-Spin measurements are 1) the double-spin asymmetry A~~ in pro- duction of pions by collisions of longitudinally polarized protons (in order to obtain first information on the proton’s spin-dependent gluon density, Ag); 2) the transverse single-spin asymmetry A% for pion production. These two reactions provided part of the motivation for our workshop. On the first day there were informative talks on the specific plans of STAR (by Rakness) and PHENIX (by Goto) for the polarized run of Year-1. Some of the theoretical questions related to the double-spin asymmetry A~~ were discussed on the first day by Vogelsang and Kretzer, which centered mostly around the questions of how well the unpolarized fragmentation functions are known, the need for next-to-leading order calculations, and on how sensitive the asymmetry is to the possible Ag dktributions. Vetterli presented HERMES measurements of fragmentation functions, which overlap in Q2 with the future lower-p~ measurements at RHIC. The single-spin asymmetry Afi was a main topic of the third day. Anselmino and Ster-. man showed theoretical predictions for RHIC based on different methods, but nonetheless resulting in very similar expectations. A related observable, also interesting for Year-1, is a certain single-spin asymmetry Afi+”-, where the pion system is in the p – o interference region. On the last day, Boer, Grosse-Perdekamp and Ogawa discussed how Afi+”- could. be used for an extraction of the transversity densities. This topic had been the focus of an earlier RBRC workshop (Future Transversity Measurements, September 2000), but much prclgress has been made since then, because of the new insight that some required input can possibly be obtained from off-resonance data of B-factories. It was a further major motivation of the workshop to address the experimental issues con- cerning the first RHIC spin physics run. On the third day, Bland, Spinka and Bunce reviewed the key issues; their presentations were followed by a long and lively discussion session. Po- larimetry was one important topic here, as discussed by Alekseev. The other RHIC experiment that will be exploiting the polarization of the protons is the PP2PP experiment. It was discussed, also on the third day, by Bueltmann. An interesting theoretical talk in this context was given by Trueman. Apart from the talks and discussions on’~he main Year-1 observable, the workshop also had a broader goal, namely the discussion of the status, progress and open problems of three more topics very relevant to RHIC-Spin: 1) “global analyses” of the available and future data in terms of spin-dependent parton densities ; 2) measurement of the polarized strange qua,rk density, As; 3) sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model. Again we managed 1 to have many experts on these topics amongst the participants, and a lot of original work was”discussed. Stratmann critically discussed the first topic and presented a new practical method for incorporating higher-order calculations into global analyses. He also pointed out that serious studies of the uncertainties in the extractions of polarized parton densities are only just starting – no clear-cut, generally accepted way exists yet. Talks along similar lines were given by Gupta, Kobayashi and Deshpande. Soffer presented new work on a statistical approach to polarized parton distributions, with which he could fit a remarkable wealth of data with fewer parameters than other descriptions of the data. Related issues of higher order corrections and resummation calculations, which are at the very basis of a successful theoretical framework for precise predictions for RHIC, were discussed in a separate session on the first day by Nadolsky, Kulesza and Bojak. The measurement of As was topic of the discussion on the fourth day. Talks by Anselmino, Kretzer and Liu explored the possibilities for RHIC, also comparing to the potential of deep inelastic scattering for giving information on As. The feasibility study by Liu using PYTHIA was based on a spectator-like picture that might provide information on a polarized s-quark fracture function, rather than on As, which is a new idea and interesting in itself. The second day was reserved for talks on the sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model at RHIC. Many interesting ideas were put forward (by Virey, Atwood, Grzadkowski and Rykov), relating to signatures of contact interactions, parity violation in b~production, and CP violation in the Higss sector. For some specific observable more detailed studies, also of Standard Model backgrounds, were presented (by Moretti, Vogelsang and Murata). The main conclusion was that for design energy and luminosity the sensitivity will most likely not be sufficient, but that a conceivable future upgrade to @ = 650 GeV and an improvement in luminosity of a factor 25 would enhance the possibilities considerably. In summary, all topics were discussed in detail, most of the time by more than one expert speaker, and in the interesting talks and lively discussions many new ideas were proposed. The large number of 51 registered participants, with 36 scheduled talks, demonstrates the large interest in the RHIC spin physics program and the excitement created by the start of the program only a few months from now. We would like to end with the general conclusion that Year-1 of the polarized running will undoubtedly produce interesting results. It will already broaden our understanding of the nucleon spin and will also lead to the test of some theoretical models. The prospects for spin physics at RHIC after Year-1 are even more exciting. We thank T.D. Lee and his RIKEN-BNL Research Center for the generous funding of the workshop and for continuous support. Special thanks go to Tammy Heinz and Pamela Esposito for their invaluable work – it would certainly have been impossible to run a workshop like this without them. We also thank all participants for their visit to the Center and for having made this workshop a great success. I Leslie Bland Daniel Boer Naohito Saito Werner Vogelsang 2 STAR Spin Plans in Year-1 G. Rakness Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Representing the STAR Spin Collaboration A plan ispresented outlining the goals which the STAR Spin group believes cm be achieved during the first ~ – ~ physics run at RHIC, scheduled for Fall, 2001. The goals are aimed at making interesting physics measurements as well as taking important steps towards the long- term success of the overall spin program at RHIC. Ultimately, the RHIC spin program will provicle several new insights about the structure of the proton, including the fraction of the proton’s spin carried by gluons. The collider environment differs from that of fixed target experiments. As such, this first ~ – ~ run will provide important lessons about how to make spin asymmetry measurements at RHIC. Following the commissioning of RHIC and STAR, the central focus of the STAR Spin group for this run is to measure a beam spin asymmetry for the first time in a ~– ~ collider. According to model calculations, the transverse single-spin asymmetry for the production of leading To mesons at large-z~ and moderate-p~ is expected to be significantly different from zero at RHIC collider energies. During this year’s data collection period, the background, the rates, and the value of the inclusive To asymmetry will be studied in detail. If the conditions are appropriate, the plan is to identify detectors suitable for an in situ beam polarimeter at the STAR interaction region to use in subsequent years’ running. An important issue which will be addressed during this measurement is the determination of the relative luminosity between bunch crossings which have polarization directions pointed in the same and in opposite direct ions. Concurrent with this measurement, STAR will measure single-spin asymmetries for the production of high-p~ leading charged hadrons at mid-rapidity. These asymmetries are expected to vanish according to leading-twist perturbative QCD predictions. The majority of the beam time in Year-1 will be spent with longitudinally polarized proton beams. The STAR Spin group will spend this time studying the production of leading charged particles and neutral pi-mesons at mid-rapidity, with the aim understanding the systematic uncertainties that could limit an eventual measurement of the double-spin asymmetry, ALL. Ccmcurrent with the preceding measurements, the ~– ~ beam collisions this year will also be used to accumulate an unpolarized reference data set to aid the heavy ion program in the interpret ation of the Au – Au data which are being collected with STAR. Spin Run at RHIC i I STllR Spin Plans in Year-1 I l Begincommissioningof15– Z7collisionsOctober 2001 G. Ralmess IndiamaUniversity Cyclotron Facility . Spin run mid-Ott. – end ofNov. Representingthe ST.ARSpin Collaboration + Have5week to collectdata fromZ3—F collisions.... Spin Physicsat RHIC in Year-1and Beyond RIKEN-BNL Workshop Expectations: 14May2001 . .C= 5 x 1030cm–2s–l l P&~~ = 0.5 l Colliderexpectations l Polarization direction: l STAR goals —vertical: N 1.5pb–l - radial fewdays l SingI&spinasymmetries - longitudinal: -5 pb–l c Luminosity measurements l Doublespin considerations l Other plans I Asymmetry Measurements I Goals for Year-1 Spin I singl~spin (n = 1) and doublespin (n = 2) ssymmetry . Commissionaccelerator and detectors foroperation during measurements havethe form l?– $ running . ~_ lN+– RN. P N+ + RN_ l Measure asymmetries forthe firsttime in aZ5– ~ collider whichrequiresthree measurements o Determine limitingsystematicuncertainties formeasurements ofALL l N+(_) =Yield of particles born bunch crmsings with one polarization vectorpointiig in the +(–) direction QAccumulate reference p —p data sample for heavy ion program l R=relative luminosity ofbeun crossingsfor bunches with poltition pointing in the + and – dkctions (PndA w 6R/(1+ R)2) + Measurements aimed at maldng interesting physim messurementx, AND makingsteps towards the successofthe longerterm spin program.... l P = l?bl(~ P~2)=beam polarization(s) + Focuson singkspin asymmetries.... + RHIC will provide the first measurements of beam spin asymmetries in afl– 15collider.... .AN=smsJl pT-t-p+ h*+ Xatlql<l.2 SpeciaJdifficultiesina collide~ l Depolarization resonances .AN#O:pT+p+?TO+X at 0.2<xF<0.6 and l<~<4GeV l Luminosityfluctuations (correlated with Pb) l Backgrounds 4

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