Spin-orbit-induced exotic insulators in a three-orbital Hubbard model with (t )5 electrons 2g Toshihiro Sato1, Tomonori Shirakawa1,2, and Seiji Yunoki1,2,3 1Computational Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 2Computational Materials Science Research Team, RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS), Kobe, Hyogo 650-0047, Japan 3Computational Quantum Matter Research Team, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan (Dated: February 3, 2015) 5 On the basis of the multi-orbital dynamical mean field theory, a three-orbital Hubbard model 1 0 with a relativistic spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is studied at five electrons per site. The numerical 2 calculations are performed by employing the continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo (CTQMC) method based on the strong coupling expansion. We find that appropriately choosing bases, i.e., n the maximally spin-orbit-entangled bases, drastically improve the sign problem in the CTQMC a calculations, which enables us to treat exactly the full Hund’s coupling and pair hopping terms. J This improvement is also essential to reach at low temperatures for a large SOC region where the 1 SOC most significantly affects the electronic structure. We show that a metal-insulator transition 3 is induced by the SOC for fixed Coulomb interactions. The insulating state for smaller Coulomb interactions is antiferromagnetically ordered with the local effective total angular momentum j = ] l 1/2, in which the j = 1/2 based band is essentially half-filled while the j = 3/2 based bands are e completely occupied. More interestingly,for larger Coulomb interactions, we findthat an excitonic - r insulatingstateemerges,wherethecondensationofanelectron-holepairinthej =1/2andj =3/2 t based bandsoccurs. Theorigin of theexcitonic insulator as well astheexperimentalimplication is s . discussed. t a m PACSnumbers: 71.27.+a,71.30.+h,75.25.Dk - d Recent experiments have reported interesting obser- also by the multi-orbital nature. Therefore, a question n o vations for 5d transition metal Ir oxides in the layered naturallyarises: whatisthegroundstateofmulti-orbital c perovskite structure such as Sr2IrO4 and Ba2IrO4 [1–5]. systems with the competition between the electron cor- [ In these materials, along with moderate electron corre- relations and the SOC. This is precisely the main issue 1 lations [6, 7], there exists a strong relativistic spin-orbit of this paper and we will demonstrate the emergence of v coupling (SOC), which splits t2g orbitals, already sepa- exotic insulators in a three-orbital Hubbard model with 8 rated from e orbitals due to a large crystal field, into the SOC. g 0 the effective total angular momentum j = 1/2 doublet 1 Here,onthebasisofthemulti-orbitaldynamicalmean and j = 3/2 quartet orbitals in the atomic limit [8]. 0 field theory (DMFT) [29], we numerically study a three- 0 Sincetherearenominallyfive5delectronsperIrion,the orbital Hubbard model with the SOC at five electrons . j = 1/2 orbital is half filled while the j = 3/2 orbitals 2 are fully occupied. persite, correspondingto (t2g)5 electronicconfiguration. 0 The continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo (CTQMC) 5 As opposed to simple expectation from strongly cor- method based on the strong coupling expansion is em- 1 related 3d and 4d transition metal oxides [9–13], the ex- ployed as a multi-orbital impurity solver [30]. We find v: perimentshaverevealedthatthegroundstateoftheseIr that the sign problem is significantly improved by ap- i oxidesisaj =1/2antiferromagnetic(AF)insulator[14– X propriately choosing the maximally spin-orbit-entangled 17]. The theoretical understanding of the j = 1/2 AF r bases, which allows us to treat exactly the full Hund’s insulator has been also reported [14, 18–24]. Moreover, a coupling and pair hopping terms. This improvement is evenpossibleunconventionalsuperconductivityhasbeen crucialalsoforthecalculationsinalowtemperatureand proposedoncemobilecarriersareintroducedintothein- a strong SOC regions where the metal-insulator transi- sulating state [25–28]. However, the electronic structure tion (MIT) occurs. We find that for fixed Coulomb in- in multi-orbital systems with the competition between teractions the MIT is induced by increasing the SOC. theelectroncorrelationsandtheSOChasnotbeenthor- The insulating phases include the j =1/2 antiferromag- oughlyunderstood. WhentheSOCissignificantlylarge, netically ordered phase as well as a multi-orbital AF in- the j = 1/2 based band is completely separated from sulating (AFI) phase. In addition, we find an excitonic the j = 3/2 based bands, and thus a single-orbital de- insulating (EXI) phase, where an electron-hole pair in scription of the j = 1/2 based band is expected to be the j =1/2 and j =3/2 based bands are condensed. valid. On the other hand, when the SOC is small, this picture breaks down and the electronic structure should The three-orbital Hubbard model studied be largelyaffectednotonly by Coulombinteractionsbut here is described by the following Hamiltonian: 2 H = H0 + HI, where H0 = Phi,i′iPγ,σtγc†iγσci′γσ − in QMC calculations is a basis dependent problem and µPi,γ,σnγiσ + λPi,γ,δ,σ,σ′hγ|Li|δi · hσ|Si|σ′ic†iγσciδσ′ Aitlcthanoubgehiwmepernocvoeudnbtyeratphpersoeprrioiautseslyigcnhporoosbinlegmbawsheesn[3t5h]e. represents the non-interacting part of the model aUn′d HI =nγUnδPi,γnγi↑nγi↓J + U′2−Jc†Pci,γ6=δc,†σncγiσnδiσ ++ iomriaglilnyalspt2ing-boarbseits-e(ncitγaσn)glaerde jusbeda,sewse(fiainjdm)thiamtptrhoevemtahxe- 2 Pi,γ6=δ,σ iσ iσ¯ − Pi,γ6=δ iγ↑ iγ↓ iδ↓ iδ↑ sign problem significantly. These j bases are the eigen- iJn′tPerai,cγt6=ioδncs†iγ.↑Hc†ieγr↓ec,iδt↓γcisδe↑tsdtehsecrnibeeasrestth-eneilgohcablorChoouplpominbg st2tgatbeassoefs,H0 in the atomic limit and are related to the amplitude for t2g orbitals γ = (dyz,dzx,dxy) on the a(aBtsdeγsotuhpm=etinlaagtt/ts√tiechmZeei)ew,sllaiitmwphtheicecrobedoarentdndhiswneitaiydtDitohMonfFfonsTrutamttisehbseeerxftoahZrcrteZ[e3[13o]1.→r,bi3tWa2∞l]es. aaai32ii3221−222ss3s = √16−√√s23s −−i−i√√i23s √−022s ccciiidddxzyxzyσσσ¯¯ ,(1) c† (c ) is an electron creation (annihilation) op- where s = 1( 1) for σ = ( ). In the j bases represen- eirγaσtor wiγiσth spin σ(= , ) and orbital γ at site i and tation,thenu−mberofoff-d↑iag↓onalelementsinGδ,σ′(τ)is ↑ ↓ γ,σ nγ = c† c . λ is the SOC and L (S ) is the orbital reduced and as a result the sign problem can be allevi- iσ iγσ iγσ i i (spin) angular momentum operator at site i. The ated. chemical potential µ is tuned to be at five electrons per Figure1showstypicalresultsoftheaveragesign sgn h i site. σ¯ denotes the opposite spin of σ. HI includes the (see Ref. 35 for the definition) for U = 8 calculated for intra (inter) orbital Coulomb interaction U (U′), the the paramagnetic and orbital disordered solutions. The Hund’s coupling (J), and the pair hopping (J′). We set λ dependence of sgn at T = 0.08 in Fig. 1(a) clearly h i U = U′ +2J and J = J′ = 0.15U [33]. Employing the shows that sgn 1 for the j bases, much larger than h i ≈ CTQMC method as an impurity solver [30] to calculate sgn for the t2g bases particularly for large λ. Simi- h i the imaginary-time Green’s functions at the impurity larly,the T dependence of sgn at λ=0.24in Fig. 1(b) site, Gδ,σ′(i,τ) T c (τ)c† (0) , we can solve demonstrates the remarkabhle imi provement of sgn for γ,σ ≡ −h τ iγσ iδσ′ i h i numerically exactly the model. In what follows, U, low T when the j bases are used. These improvements λ, temperature T, and frequency ω are in units of t. of sgn guarantee higher accuracy of our CTQMC cal- h i We also omit the site index in the Green’s function, culationswith lesscomputationalcostina wide rangeof Gδ,σ′(τ)=Gδ,σ′(i,τ),unlessGδ,σ′(i,τ)issitedependent. λ even at very low T. γ,σ γ,σ γ,σ Let us first examine the numerical accuracy of the First,weshallbrieflyexaminetheMITinducedbythe CTQMC calculations. Generally, a negative sign prob- SOC in paramagnetic and orbital disordered states. A lem is one of the most serious issues in QMC calcula- typicalexampleofthe evolutionofsingle-particleexcita- tions. Specially, when QMC methods are employed for tion spectrum Aj,m(ω) = −1/πImGjj,,mm(ω +i0+) in the the multi-orbital DMFT calculations, the sign problem real frequency ω with increasing λ is shown in Fig. 2(a). seriously prevents us from simulating at low tempera- Here, 0+ is positive infinitesimal. The maximum en- tures, which often enforces to approximate the Hund’s tropy method is employed to calculate Aj,m(ω) from coupling and pair hopping terms [34]. Indeed, for our Gj,m(τ) [36]. As shown in Fig. 2(a) for U = 8, the j,m model, we find that the sign problem becomes destruc- SOC induces the transition from the metallic to insulat- tively serious at low temperatures specially when the ing state at λ 0.31,where the quasi-particlepeak near ∼ SOC is large (see Fig. 1). theFermilevelvanishesandthesingle-particleexcitation gap starts to open. The insulating state for λ & 0.31 is It is now important to recall that the sign problem the j = 1/2 Mott insulator, where the j = 1/2 based band is half-filled while the j = 3/2 based bands are 1 fully occupied [see Fig. 2(b)]. Figure 2(b) also indicates j bases j bases that the j = 1/2 based band, which is degenerate with the j = 3/2 based bands at λ = 0, gradually separates > n g0.5 formthe j =3/2basedbands with increasingλ [see also s < t2g bases t2g bases Fig. 2(c)]. This is essential for the SOC induced Mott (a) (b) transition because the critical U for the MIT decreases 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.05 0.1 0.15 as the orbital degeneracy is degraded [37]. T Now,weshallconsiderpossibleorderedstates. Tothis end,weintroducemagneticorderparameters,M (l)= FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) λ dependence of the average sign j,m hsgni for U = 8 at T = 0.08. (b) T dependence of hsgni for 12Pm′=±msign(m′)ha†ljm′aljm′i, where l(= A,B) indi- U =8 at λ=0.24. For both t2g and j bases in the CTQMC cates two sublattices [38] and aljm is defined in Eq. (1) calculations, the paramagnetic and orbital disordered solu- with site i being on sublattice l. In addition, we in- tions are assumed. vestigate excitonic orders formed by an electron-hole 3 (a) (b) (a) (c) 2 λ=0.08 j,|m|=1/2,1/2 j,m=1/2,1/2 0 j , | m | ==33//22,,31//22 nj,m1.5 jjj,,,mmm===331///222,,,131///222 Mj,m 0.2 jj,,mm==33//22,,13//22 ×5 ×5 λ=0.30 0 0.1 0λ=0.31 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 j’,m’Δj,m-0.10 Δ31//22,,11//22 Δ31//22,,--11//22 (c) 2 ω ω 0λ=0.36 0 j=1/2=3/2 0 jj=1/2 nj,m 1.5 4t 1 0 3/2λ jjjj=3/2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 -8 -4 0 4 8 λ=0 λ≠0 (b) j,m=1/2,1/2 (d) j,m=1/2,-1/2 FspIeGc.tru2m: A(jC,mol(oωr) oannlidne)(b)(a)eleScitnrgolne-pdaertnisciltey enxjc,imtatio=n λ=0.08 jjj,,,mmm===333///222,,,13-1///222 λ=0.02 F31//22,,--11//22 Pm′=±mha†ijm′aijm′i for U = 8 at T = 0.06 with varying 0 j,m=3/2,-3/2 0 λ. Paramagneticandorbitaldisorderstatesareassumed. (c) Schematicdensityofstatesforthenon-interactinglimit with λ=0.32 λ=0.32 F31//22,,11//22 λ=0 and λ6=0. Fermi level is at ω=0. The j =3/2 based bandsare completely filled when λ≥4/3. 0 0 -8 -4 0 4 8 -8 -4 0 4 8 pair in different (j,m) bands with excitonic order pa- r(ja′m,met′e)r.s,We∆ajj,′lm,smo′c(la)lcu=latehath†ljemeallejc′mtr′oin, dwehnesritey(njj,,mm()l)=6= Fg∆eIjrG,e′md.′3m:(cae(gnCntoeetlroi)zr,aatoinnodlnineMele)cj,t(mrao)n(atdonpedn),s(icte)yx:cniλtondiec(pbeoonrtddtoeernmcp)e.aro(abfm)steaatnegdr- ePxcmit′=at±iomnhas†ljpme′catlrjumm′i,FAj′j,m,m′((ll,,ωω)),=an1/dπItmheGja′,nmo′m(l,aωlou+s O(dtj),h:meSrinpgalrea-mpaertteircsleuesxecditaatrieonTss=pe0c.t0r6umja,mnAdj,Um(=ω)8fo(rat,wb)oaλn’sd. i0+) [39, 40]. Since wejh,mave found−that thesje,morder pa- 9.25 (c,d). Anomalous excitation spectrum F13//22,,±±11//22(ω) is rameters satisfy M (A)= M (B) and ∆j′,m′(A)= also shown in (d). j,m − j,m j,m ∆jj,′−,−mm′(B), as wellas nj,m(A)=nj,m(B), Aj,m(A,ω)= As shown in Fig. 3(c), the j = 1/2 AFI phase is found A (B,ω) and Fj′,m′(A,ω) = Fj′,−m(B,ω), we will with no exitonic order for λ 0.25, the same phase dis- j,−m j,m j,−m ≥ drop the sublattice index l in these quantities hereafter. cussed above for smaller U. Aj,m(ω) shown in Fig. 3(d) clearly exhibits a finite gap only in the j = 1/2 based Let us first explore a case with U = 8. Figure 3 (a) showstheλdependenceofM ,∆j′,m′,andn . First band while the j = 3/2 based bands are fully occupied. j,m j,m j,m The difference appears as compared with the case with of all, it is apparent that there is no excitonic order for smaller U when λ decreases. For 0.12 λ 0.25, all fialnlitvealwueitshofnλ. Second1, faonrdλn≥ 0.25,=onlny M1/2,1/2 2is, three Mj,m’s are now finite and n1/2,1/2≤(n3/≤2,1/2 and revealingthe1j/2=,1/12/2≈AFI state.3T/2h,1i/rd2,forλ3/2,30/.225≈,the n3/2,3/2) increases (decrease) from one (two) with de- ≤ creasingλ[seenFig.3(c)]. Wefurtherconfirmafinitegap magnetic order disappears and n =n starts 3/2,1/2 3/2,3/2 inA (ω)forbothj basedbands. Theseresultsindicate to decrease from two with decreasing λ, implying the j,m that this phase is a AFI state but apparently breaks the breakdown of the single-orbital description of the half- single-orbital description of the half-filled j = 1/2 based filled j =1/2 based band. band. Figure 3(b) shows A (ω) for two λ’s at U =8. Sim- j,m More remarkably, for λ 0.12, we find that the exci- ilar to the paramagnetic cases (see Fig. 2), for large tonic order parameter ∆3/≤2,±1/2 is finite with non zero λ = 0.32 in the AFI phase, a finite gap is clearly open 1/2,±1/2 AF order [see Fig. 3(c)]. Although the magnetic order in the j = 1/2 based band while the j = 3/2 based 3/2,±1/2 bands are fully occupied (i.e., band insulators). How- eventually disappears for λ≤0.04,∆1/2,±1/2 remains fi- ever, notice that A (ω) [A (ω)] has larger nite. The most important feature in this phase is that 1/2,1/2 1/2,−1/2 (smaller) weight in the occupied states than in the un- ∆3/2,1/2 +∆3/2,−1/2 = 0 but ∆3/2,1/2 ∆3/2,−1/2 is fi- 1/2,1/2 1/2,−1/2 1/2,1/2 − 1/2,−1/2 occupied states for sublattice A because of the AF or- nite[41]andstaggeredbetweenthetwosublattices,indi- der. For smaller λ = 0.08, besides broad structures cating that the excitonic order is accompanied by trans- aroundω U/2,thesharpquasi-particlepeakappears lationalsymmetrybreaking. ItisalsonoticedinFig.3(c) ∼± aroundtheFermilevelforbothj basedbands,indicating thatn =n inthisphasebecauseofthepres- 3/2,1/2 3/2,3/2 a metallic state with strong correlations. ence of non-z6ero excitonic order. Moreover,we find that Next, we shall examine a case with larger U = 9.25. a single-particle excitation gap is always finite in both 4 (a) (b) state [see Fig. 4(b)] in the case where the degeneracy of 0.4 10 =0.02 t2g orbitalsisliftedduetoatetragonalcrystalfield,caus- 0.08 jjj===111///22 AAFFII ing a finite splitting δ between the dxy orbital and the 0.16 0.3 8 other two orbitals. We have considered both magnetic and excitonic orders in the DMFT calculations [44]. Al- / 6 0.2 MMOAFI though the crystal field splitting reduces the exciton or- 4 der parameter as compared to the one at δ =0, we have 0.1 MMeettaall EEEEXXII++AAFF foundthattheEXIstateisrobustagainstthecrystalfield 2 EXI splitting as long as δ is smaller than the single-particle 0 | | 6 7 8 9 8 9 OOI 10 excitation gap at δ =0. U U In summary, we have studied the three-orbital Hub- bardmodelwiththeSOCusingthemulti-orbitalDMFT. FIG.4: (Coloronline)(a)U dependenceoftheeffectiveSOC We have employed the CTQMC method based on the λ∗ (see the text for definition) for λ=0.02 at T =0.06. For strong coupling expansionand found that the signprob- comparison, theresultsfor λ=0.08 and0.16 arealso shown. lem is significantly improved by using the maximally (b) U-λ phase diagram at T = 0.06. (MO)AFI, EXI, and OOI stand for (multi-orbital) antiferromagnetic insulating, spin-orbit-entangled j bases. The improvement is essen- excitonic insulating, and orbital ordered insulating phases, tial to treat exactly the full Hund’s coupling and pair respectively. A plus mark indicates a set of U and λ where hopping terms and alsoto reachatlow enoughtempera- theeffect of a tetragonal crystal field is examined. tures for large SOC. We have applied this method to determine the finite temperaturephasediagramontheU-λplaneatfiveelec- j based bands, including the phase where only the exci- tronper site. The U-λphase diagramatthe lowesttem- tonic orderparameteris nonzero,as shownin Fig. 3(d). perature T =0.06 is summarized in Fig. 4(b). For small 3/2,±1/2 In addition, in the EXI phase, F (ω) are found 1/2,±1/2 U(.8),wehavedemonstratedthattheSOCinducesthe to be non zero. This is a strong evidence for the exis- transition from the metallic to the j =1/2 AFI state, in tence of a stable EXI state formed by an electron-hole good agreement with the previous numerical study [20]. pair between the j =1/2 and j =3/2 based bands with ForlargeU(&8),themulti-orbitalAFIphaseappearsfor m = 1/2. In the limit of λ = 0, this EXI state is re- intermediatevaluesofλ,wherethesingle-orbitaldescrip- ± placed by the orbital ordered insulating state in the t2g tion breaks down. Moreover,we have found that further orbitals reported previously [42]. overlapofthenon-interactingj =1/2andj =3/2based We shall now argue that there are two important in- bandsfavorsthe EXI phase,either withorwithoutmag- gredients for the emergence of the EXI state. First, λ is neticorder,whichdominatesthephasediagramforsmall strongly renormalized by the Coulomb interactions and λ(. 0.1). The EXI state is formed by an electron-hole the renormalized λ becomes sizably large even for small pair in the j = 1/2 and j = 3/2 based bands with the λ in the metallic phase at the vicinity of the EXI phase. same m= 1/2. We have argued that the strong renor- To show this, we calculate the first moment of Aj,m(ω), malization±of the SOC near the MIT as well as the full defined as Wj,m = dωωAj,m(ω), and evaluate the ef- Hund’s coupling and pair hopping are essential for the R fectiveSOCλ∗ =W1/2,1/2 W3/2,1/2 [43]. TheU depen- emergence of the EXI state. − dence of λ∗ for the metallic phase is shown in Fig. 4(a). Many experimental and theoretical studies support Indeed, λ∗/λ is strongly renormalized with increasing U thatthe5dtransitionmetalIroxidessuchasSr2IrO4and andcanbesignificantlylarge,aslargeas∼9atU =8.75 Ba2IrO4 are the j = 1/2 AF insulators [14–24]. These near the transition to the excitonic insulator. materialsarecharacterizedwiththelargeSOCandmod- The other key factors are the Hund’s coupling J and erate Coulomb interactions, thus in good qualitative ac- thepair-hoppingJ′. Wehaveperformedthestaticmean- cordance with our phase diagram. Possible materials for filed analysis andfound that the EXI state emerges only theexcitonicinsulatorfoundhereshouldbecharacterized for a small λ region with non zero magnetic order. We with i) larger Coulomb interactions, ii) relatively small have also found that the excitonic order is never stabi- SOC, and iii) the low spin configuration with no e or- g lized when J = J′ = 0. This implies that the particle bitals involved. For 4d electron systems, relatively large number fluctuations are essentialfor the EXI state since Coulomb interactions and relatively small SOC are ex- the particle number of each j = 1/2 and j = 3/2 based pected, while 3d electron systems exhibit large Coulomb bands is conserved separately when J = J′ = 0. These interactions and very small SOC with the high or in- results suggest that not only the SOC but also the full termediate spin configuration. We expect that the ideal Hund’scouplingandthepairhoppingplaytheimportant systemsforthestableexcitonicinsulatorwouldbesome- role for stabilizing the EXI state. The similar tendency where between 3d and 4d electron systems. 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