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Preview Spin-isospin Response in Finite Nuclei from an Extended Skyrme Interaction

Spin-isospin Response in Finite Nuclei from an Extended Skyrme Interaction Peiwei Wen1,2, Li-Gang Cao1,3,4,5, J. Margueron6, H. Sagawa7,8 1Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 000049, China 3 State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 4 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China, CAS, Beijing 100190, China 5 Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator of Lanzhou, Lanzhou 730000, P.R. China 6 Universit´e de Lyon, Universit´e Lyon 1 and CNRS/IN2P3, Institut de Physique Nucl´eaire de Lyon, 4 rue Enrico Fermi, 69622 Villeurbanne, France 7Center for Mathematics and Physics, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima 965-8580, Japan and 8RIKEN, Nishina Center, Wako, 351-0198 ,Japan 4 1 Themagneticdipole(M1)andtheGamow-Teller(GT)excitationsoffinitenucleihavebeenstud- 0 ied in a fully self-consistent Hartree-Fock (HF) plus random phase approximation (RPA) approach 2 by using a Skyrme energy density functional with spin and spin-isospin densities. To this end, we n adopt the extended SLy5st interaction which includes spin-density dependent terms and stabilize a nuclear matter with respect to spin instabilities. The effect of the spin-density dependent terms is J examined in both themean field and thespin-flip excited state calculations. The numerical results 9 showthatthosetermsgiveappreciablerepulsivecontributionstotheM1andGTresponsefunctions of finitenuclei. ] h PACSnumbers: 21.60.Jz,24.30.Cz,24.30.Gd,25.40.Kv t - l c I. INTRODUCTION 1981, the Skyrme SGII interaction was design to give, u for the first time, a detailed description of the GT n [ The properties of spin asymmetric matter are still data [13]. Some other Skyrme interactions, such as very difficult to access experimentally since the ground SLy230a & SLy230b [14], SLy4 & 5 [15], SkO [16], and 1 more recently SAMi [17], have been determined with a v states of nuclei have a weak or an almost zero spin- specialcareofthespinandspin-isospinpropertiesofnu- 1 polarization: even-even spherical nuclei are not spin- 8 polarized, while their closest odd nuclei can be weakly clear matter and nuclei. Calculations of GT within the 9 spin-polarized by the last unpaired nucleon, but with relativistic frameworkweredone morerecently [18, 19]. 1 The relation between the spin or the spin-isospin exci- a moderate impact on the ground-state energy [1]. In . tations and the central part of the nuclear interaction 1 well deformed nuclei, ground-state spin and parity as- 0 signments are still difficult to predict globally [2]. It is is however not a one-to-one relation and other effects 4 therefore difficult to probe the nuclear interaction in should be considered such as the spin-orbit splitting of 1 the single-particle states and the residual spin-orbit in- spin and spin-isospin channels from the ground-state : teraction in the RPA calculations [20]. v properties of nuclei. However, in the excitation spectra i of nuclei, some collective modes can provide a unique Recently an extension of the Skyrme interaction, in- X opportunity to explore the nuclear interactions in spin cluding spin-density and spin-isospin density depen- r a and spin-isospin channels [3–5]. The M1 and GT exci- dent terms, was proposed by some of the present au- tations are the most common collective modes of spin thors [1, 21]. At variance with predictions in nuclear andspin-isospintypesinnuclei. Thesemodeshavebeen matter of ab initio methods based on realistic bare in- extensivelystudiedduringthelastdecadeandmuchin- teractions [22–25], most of the standard Skyrme inter- formation on spin and spin-isospin excitations becomes actions predict spin or spin-isospin instabilities beyond now available [5, 6]. They are of interest not only in the saturation density of nuclear matter [26]. The ad- nuclear physics but also in astrophysics. They play, for ditionalparametersofthe extendedSkyrme interaction instance, an important role in predicting β decay half- were therefore adjusted to reproduce the results given lives of neutron rich nuclei involved in the r-process of by microscopic G-matrix calculations better. The ex- the nucleosynthesis [7]. In core-collapse supernova, the tension of the Skyrme interaction was designed to keep GT transitions ofpf-shell nuclei give animportant con- the simplicity of the standard Skyrme interaction and tribution to the weak interaction decay rates that play to remove the ferromagnetic instability or to shift it to an essential role in the core-collapse dynamics of mas- larger density. sive stars [8–10]. The neutrino-induced nucleosynthesis The extended spin-density dependent terms can im- may take place via GT processes in neutron-rich envi- provethepropertiesofthe Skyrmeenergydensityfunc- ronment[11]. For neutrino physics and double β decay, tional in spin and spin-isospin channels by adding the accurate GT matrix elements are necessary to under- weak repulsive effect. For example, the dimensionless stand the nature of neutrinos [12]. Landau parameter G′ is increased by about 0.3 for 0 In the beginning of the 1980s,GT experiments made three interactions SLy5 [15], LNS [27] and BSk16[28]. great progress when the (p,n) facility at the Indiana In Refs. [1, 21], the authors explored the effect of spin- University Cyclotron Facility became operational. In density dependent terms on the response functions and 2 the mean free path of neutrinos in nuclear matter as where ρ = ρ − ρ is the spin density and ρ = s ↑ ↓ st well as the ground state properties of finite odd nuclei. ρ −ρ −ρ +ρ is the spin-isospin density. The n↑ n↓ p↑ p↓ The model proposed in Ref. [1, 21] was constrained by spin symmetry is satisfied if the power of the density microscopicG-matrix predictions in uniform matter. It dependent terms γ and γ are both even integers. s st will be quite interesting to investigate the effect of the In the following study, the spin-density dependent proposed extension of the Skyrme interaction for the terms (2) are added to the original Hamiltonian. Then spin and spin-isospin excitations of finite nuclei. In the the density dependent part of the Skyrme energy den- presentwork,we study the contributionof spin-density sity functional, dependenttermstothe M1andGTexcitationsinfinite nuclei 90Zr and 208Pb with a fully self-consistent HF H = t3ρα 3ρ2+(2x −1)ρ2−(2x +1)ρ2−ρ2 ,(3) plusRPAframework[29]. TheSLy5Skyrmeparameter 3 48 3 s 3 t st (cid:2) (cid:3) set is employed in our calculations by adding the spin- has the extra density dependent terms Hs and Hst density dependent terms. The new parametrization is 3 3 which read, calledasSLy5st,whichisthesameusedinRefs.[1,21]. In present study we switch on and off the spin-density ts dependenttermsingroundstatesandexcitedstatescal- Hs = 3ργs 3ρ2+(2xs−1)ρ2−(2xs+1)ρ2−ρ2 ,(4) 3 48 s 3 s 3 t st culationstoseehowmuchtheyaffectthespinandspin- (cid:2) (cid:3) tst isospin response functions in finite nuclei. Hst = 3 ργst 3ρ2+(2xst−1)ρ2−(2xst+1)ρ2−ρ2 ,(5) 3 48 st 3 s 3 t st This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we (cid:2) (cid:3) willbrieflyreportthetheoreticalframeworkoftheRPA whereρ =ρ −ρ . The meanfieldpotentialU , where t n p q basedonthe Skyrmeinteractionandits extension. The q =n,p, gets additional terms results and discussion are presented in Sec. III. Sec- tion IV is devoted to the summary and perspective for ts Uadd. = 3ργs (2+xs)ρ−(1+2xs)ρ future. q 12 s 3 3 q (cid:2) (cid:3) tst + 3 ργst (2+xst)ρ−(1+2xst)ρ . (6) 12 st 3 3 q II. FORMULA (cid:2) (cid:3) In symmetric nuclear matter the Landau parame- We adopt the standard form of Skyrme interaction ters [30] are also modified by the following additional withthenotationsofRef.[15]. Thetwonucleonsarein- terms teracting through a zero-range,velocity-dependent and Fadd. ts tst density-dependent Skyrme interaction with space, spin 0 = 3ργs + 3 ργst , (7) and isospin variables r , σ and τ which reads [15]: N0 8 s 8 st i i i F′add. ts tst V(r1,r2) = t0(1+x0Pσ)δ(r) 0N0 = −234(2xs3+1)ργss − 234(2xs3t+1)ργstst ,(8) + 21t1(1+x1Pσ)[P′2δ(r)+δ(r)P2] GNa0dd. = 4ts38γs(γs−1)[3ρ2−(2xs3+1)ρ2t 0 + t2(1+x2Pσ)P′·δ(r)P tst 1 + 1t (1+x P )ρα(R)δ(r) − ρ2st]ρsγs−2+ 132(xs3t− 2)ργstst 3 3 σ 6 ts 1 + iW0(σ1+σ2)·[P′×δ(r)P] , (1) + 234(xs3− 2)(γs+1)(γs+2)ργss , (9) G′add. tst wPh′eirsethre=herr1m−itria2n, Rcon=ju12g(art1e+ofrP2),(Pact=ing21io(∇n t1h−e l∇ef2t)),, N00 = 438γst(γst−1)[3ρ2+(cid:0)2xs3t−1(cid:1)ρ2s ρPσ==ρ21+(1ρ+isσt1h·eσto2)tailsntuhcelesopnind-eenxscihtay.ngWeiotphienratthoer,staannd- − (2xs3t+1)ρ2t]ργstst−2− 2ts34ργss n p dard formalism, the total binding energy of a nucleus tst − 3 (γ +2)(γ +1)ργst . (10) can be expressed as the integral of a Skyrme density 48 st st st functional [15], which includes the kinetic-energy term K, a zero-range term H , the density-dependent term It was mentioned in [1, 21] that the spin-density de- 0 H ,aneffective-masstermH ,afinite-rangemomen- pendent terms may lead very important effects on the 3 eff tum dependent term H , a spin-orbit term H , a spin and the spin-isospin properties of finite nuclei and fin so spin-gradient term H , and a Coulomb term H . nuclear matter. That is, the dimensionless Landau pa- sg Coul rameter G′ is increased by about 0.3 for three inter- TheSkyrmeinteractionhasbeenextendedtoinclude 0 actions SLy5, LNS and BSk16. The improved Skyrme spin-density dependent terms which can improve the energydensity functionalin spinandspin-isospinchan- properties of the energy density functional in the spin nels will give also substantial contributions to the spin and spin-isospin channels [21]. That is and spin-isospin excitations in finite nuclei, such as M1 1 and GT excitations. In present work, we will study Vadd.(r ,r ) = ts(1+xsP )[ρ (R)]γsδ(r) 1 2 6 3 3 σ s the effect of spin-density dependent terms on the spin- 1 dependent M1 and GT excitations in finite nuclei 90Zr + 6ts3t(1+xs3tPσ)[ρst(R)]γstδ(r),(2) and 208Pb. 3 ThecalculationsaredonewithintheSkyrmeHFplus coordinater andtheir detailedexpressionsaregivenby RPA. The well known RPA method [31, 32] in matrix ts tst form is given by vqq(r) = − 3(xs−1)ργs − 3 (xst−1)ργst 0 12 3 s 12 3 st vqq′(r) = ts3(xs +2)ργs + ts3t(xst+2)ργst 0 12 3 s 12 3 st A B Xν 1 0 Xν ts =E , (11) vqq(r) = 3 γ (γ −1)ργs−2 3ρ2−(2xs+1)ρ2−ρ2 (cid:18)B∗ A∗ (cid:19)(cid:18) Yν (cid:19) ν(cid:18)0 −1(cid:19)(cid:18) Yν (cid:19) σ 48(cid:20) s s s (cid:18) 3 t st(cid:19) +ργs (γ +1)(γ +2)(2xs−1)−2 s (cid:18) s s 3 (cid:19)(cid:21) tst wYhνearreeEthνeiscotrhreesepnoenrdgyingoffothrweaνr-dthanRdPbAacsktwataerdanadmXplνi-, +438(cid:20)γst(γst−1)ργstst−2(cid:18)3ρ2+(2xs3t−1)ρ2s tudes, respectively. The matrix elements A and B are −(2xst+1)ρ2 expressed as 3 t(cid:19) +ργst −(γ +1)(γ +2)+2(2xst−1) , st (cid:18) st st 3 (cid:19)(cid:21) Ami,nj =(ǫm−ǫn)δmnδij +hmj|Vres|ini, (12) vσqq′(r) = 4ts38(cid:20)γs(γs−1)ρsγs−2(cid:18)3ρ2−(2xs3+1)ρ2t −ρ2st(cid:19) +ργs (γ +1)(γ +2)(2xs−1)+2 s (cid:18) s s 3 (cid:19)(cid:21) tst + 3 −γ (γ −1)ργst−2 3ρ2+(2xst−1)ρ2 48(cid:20) st st st (cid:18) 3 s B =hmn|V |iji. (13) −(2xst+1)ρ2 mi,nj res 3 t(cid:19) +ργst (γ +1)(γ +2)+2(xst−1) (16) st (cid:18) st st 3 (cid:19)(cid:21) We will use the following operator for M1 excitation, The p-h matrix elements are obtained from the SinkyErqms.ee(n3e)∼rg(y5d).enTsihteyfeuxnpclitcioitnafolrimncsluodfinthgealmltahteritceersmAs FˆM1 = A {gis−→si +gil−→l }, (17) andB aregiveninRef.[29]inthe caseofSkyrmeforce. Xi=1 In general, the expression of the residual interaction is where the spin g−factors are gs = 5.586 for protons derivedfromthesecondderivativeoftheenergydensity and gs = −3.826 for neutrons, respectively, and the withrespecttothedensityρst withthespinabdispspin orbitalg−factorsaregl =1.0forprotonsandgl=0.0for indices, neutrons, respectively, in unit of the nuclear magneton µ = e~/2mc. We will also study the charge-exchange N GT excitations. The GT external operator reads δ2H A Vres =sXts′t′ δρstδρs′t′, (14) FˆGT± =Xi=1−→σ(i)t±(i). (18) III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS whereH istheHFenergydensityfunctional. According to Eq. (14), the antisymmetrized particle-hole interac- In Table I we show the parametersused inthis study tion induced by the spin-density dependent terms (2) and the Landau parameters G and G′ calculated with 0 0 are expressed as, the corresponding Skyrme interactions. To keep the spinsymmetry,wesetγ andγ equalto2. Thevalues s st for the other parameters ts, tst, xs and xst are fixed 3 3 3 3 by an optimal fit of the BHF results in spin and spin- Vqq = vqqδ(~r −~r )+vqqδ(~r −~r )σ ·σ , isospinchannelsinahigherdensityregionthanthenor- res 0 1 2 σ 1 2 1 2 mal density. The ground state properties of nuclei 90Zr Vrqeqs′ = v0qq′δ(~r1−~r2)+vσqq′δ(~r1−~r2)σ1·σ2,(15) and208Pbarecalculatedinthe coordinatespacewith a boxapproximation. Theradiusoftheboxistakentobe 20fm in whichthe continuumis discretizedin the large box. The 8 oscillator shell is included as the particle wherethefunctionsv andv dependonlyontheradial states to build the RPA model space. All calculations 0 σ 4 (208Pb). Including the spin-density dependent terms, TABLE I: Parameters of the spin-density dependent terms ts3 (in MeV.fm3γs−2), ts3t (in MeV.fm3γst−2), xs3 and xs3t for the centroid energies of the low-lying and high-lying strengthsbecome5.53MeV(10.92MeV)and16.68MeV the interactions SLy5st. We also show the dimensionless Landau parameters G0 and G′0 deduced from the original (19.07 MeV) for 90Zr (208Pb). The energy shift is 0.3 MeV (1.05 MeV) for the low-lying and 0.42 MeV (0.94 SLy5and SLy5st,respectively. MeV) for the high-lying states in 90Zr (208Pb). The ts3 ts3t xs3 xs3t γs γst G0 G′0 energy shift given by the Skyrme HF plus RPA calcu- SLy5 - - - - - - 1.12 −0.14 lations is qualitatively the same as those estimated by SLy5st 0.6×104 2×104 -3 0 2 2 1.19 0.15 the semi-classicalSteinwedel-Jensenmodel for 208Pb in Ref. [21]. The upwardshift of the centroidenergies can be understood as follows: the spin-density dependent Exp. terms give an strong repulsive contribution to the ma- SLy5 trix elements of RPA for the GT calculations because 10 1) SLy5st the residual interactions or the Landau parameter G′0 -V 90Zr changes to be more positive from −0.14 to 0.15 when e M the spin-density dependent terms are included. It also (T- 5 can been seen that the RPA collective state located at G 19.07 MeV with the spin-density dependent terms in R 208Pb is very close to the experimental GT excitation energy of 19.2 ± 0.2 MeV [33, 34]. For 90Zr, the cal- culated values with or without the contribution of the 0 spin-density dependent terms both are larger than the 0 5 10 15 20 25 E (MeV) experimental value of 15.60 MeV [35]. 50 Exp. 10 40 SLy5 SLy5 ) SLy5st 1 8 SLy5st -eV 30 208Pb -1V) 90Zr M e R (GT-20 2( MµN46 2 ()µN1 10 M1 BM R 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 E (MeV) 6 8 10 12 14 FIG.1: (Coloronline)RPAResponsefunctionsof90Zr(up- E (M eV) per panel) and 208Pb (lower panel) for GT excitations cal- 25 SLy5 culatedbytheSkyrmeHFplusRPAapproachbasedonthe SLy5st SLy5 interaction. Solid (Dotted) line is the result given by 20 including (excluding) the spin-density dependent terms. A 208Pb ) 1 Lorentzian smearing parameter equals 1 MeV. The experi- -V 15 ) mental responses from Ref. [34, 35] are shown by thedots. e 2µN M ( 2µN10 M1 ( B 1 areperformedwithintheSLy5parametersetbyinclud- M R 5 ing or excluding the spin-density dependent terms. InFig.1wedisplaythe responsefunctions for GTex- citation in 90Zr and 208Pb calculated with and with- 0 0 5 10 15 out the contribution of the spin-density dependent E (MeV) terms (2). The solid(dotted) line representsthe results FIG.2: (Coloronline)RPAResponsefunctionsof90Zr(up- including (excluding) the spin-density dependent terms per panel) and 208Pb (lower panel) for M1 excitations cal- both at the HF and RPA calculations. The dots show culatedbytheSkyrmeHFplusRPAapproachbasedonthe the corresponding experimental GT response. As one SLy5 interaction. Solid (Dotted) line is the result given by cansee fromFig.1, the inclusion of the spin-density de- including ( excluding) the spin-density dependent terms. A pendent terms tends to slightly increase the high-lying Lorentzian smearing parameter equals 1 MeV. The exper- strength on the one hand and to decrease the low-lying imental B(M1) values from Ref. [36–41] are shown by the strength on the other hand. The excitation energies bars. are shifted up in energy both the low-lying and high- lying strengths by the spin-dependent terms. Without We alsoinvestigatetheeffectofthe extendedSkyrme the spin-density dependent terms, the centroid ener- interaction on the M1 excitation by the RPA calcula- gies of the low-lying and high-lying strengths are 5.23 tions for 90Zr and 208Pb. The results are shown in Fig. MeV (9.87 MeV) and 16.26 MeV (18.13 MeV) for 90Zr 2. The spin-density dependent terms are included or 5 excluded in the calculations to clarify their influence. tions. The calculations are carried out with the SLy5 For the RPA results of 208Pb, the proton 1h → Skyrme interaction and the extended Skyrme interac- 11/2 1h configuration contributes mainly to the lower en- tion SLy5st,in which the spin-density dependent terms 9/2 ergy peak of the response function, and the neutron areaddedtotheSLy5parametersettomimic the BHF 1i → 1i configuration plays the main role in the results in spin and spin-isospin channels. Those terms 13/2 11/2 higher energy peak. For 90Zr, the M1 response func- are switched on and off in both the HF and the RPA tion mainly comes from the neutron configuration of calculations in this study. The inclusion of spin-density 1g → 1g . The results show that the inclusion of dependent terms is known to give no contribution to 9/2 7/2 the spin-density dependent terms increasesthe energies the ground state of even-even nuclei, while the residual ofM1statesbothin90Zrand208Pb. Thepeakenergies interactionsfromthespin-densitydependenttermsgive of M1 excitation in 208Pb are 7.6 MeV (7.4 MeV) for substantial repulsive effect and shifts the M1 and GT the lower one and 9.3 MeV (9.1 MeV) for the higher response function of finite nuclei to higher energy. one with including (excluding) the spin-density depen- The main conclusion we can draw from the present dent terms. The peak energy of the M1 excitation in study is that the spin and spin-isospin response func- 90Zr are 9.4 MeV (9.1 MeV) by including (excluding) tions can be changed without altering the ground-state the spin-density dependent terms. The energy shift is properties. Since the parameters related to the spin- lessthan0.3MeVforboth90Zrand208Pb. Theeffectof density dependent terms are introduced to the existing the spin-dependent terms is predicted to be smaller on Skyrme interaction, it is marginal whether the new in- the distribution of the M1 response function compared teractionimprovestheagreementwiththeexperimental withthatontheGTexcitation. Thiscanbeunderstood data of spin dependent excitations or not. The better bythechangeoftheLandauparameterswhenthespin- strategy could be to perform a global fitting of the pa- density dependent terms are included. The difference rameters of the spin-independent and spin-dependent of G which contributes to the M1 excitation is about density terms on the same foot. Recently, the effect of 0 0.07 (from 1.12 to 1.19), while the change of G′ which tensor force on the various response of nuclear systems 0 plays the dominant role in GT excitation is about 0.3 has been studied extensively [42–44] and the important (from -0.14 to 0.15). In Fig. 2 we show also the exper- contributions to the spin and spin-isospin response in imental data of the M1 excitations for 90Zr and 208Pb. nuclear matter and finite nuclei are pointed out. It is The experimental data for the M1 excitations in 208Pb a future challenge to include both the spin dependent arefoundatEx=5.85MeVforlow-lyingcomponentand terms and the tensor force in the parameter fit proce- between Ex=7.1 and 8.7 MeV for the high-lying com- dure. This study will be discussed in the forthcoming ponent[36–38],whilein90ZrtheM1strengthsexistbe- paper. tween Ex= 9.0 and 9.53 MeV [39–41]. We can see that thepresenttheoreticalresults,takingornottakinginto account the contribution of the spin-density dependent ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS terms, slightly overestimate the experimental data in energy. This work is supported by the National Natural Sci- ence Foundation of China under Grant Nos 10875150 and 11175216, and is supported in part by the Project IV. SUMMARY AND PERSPECTIVE of Knowledge Innovation Program (PKIP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. KJCX2-EW-N01. In summary, we have studied the effect of the spin- This work is partially supported by the Japanese Min- density dependent terms of the Skyrme energy den- istry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Tech- sity functional on the M1 and GT giant excitations in nologybyGrant-in-AidforScientificResearchunderthe 90Zr and 208Pb by the Skyrme HF plus RPA calcula- program number (C(2))20540277. [1] J. Margueron, S. Goriely, M. Grasso, G. Col`o, and H. [10] A. F. Fantina, P. Blottiau, J. Margueron, Ph. Mellor, Sagawa,J.Phys.G:Nucl.Part.Phys.36,125103(2009). P. A. M. Pizzochero, Astron. & Astrophys. A 30, 541 [2] L. Bonneau, Ph. Quentin, and P. Moller, Phys. Rev.C (2012). 76, 024320 (2007). [11] B.M.Sherrilletal.,Nucl.Instrum.MethodsPhys.Res. [3] M.N.HarakehandA.M.VanDerWoude,Giant exci- A 432, 299 (1999). tations: FundamentalHigh-FrequencyModesofNuclear [12] T. N. 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