Spin Hot Spots in vertically-coupled Few-electron Quantum Dots Anjana Bagga, Pekka Pietil¨ainen† and Tapash Chakraborty 6 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada R3T 2N2 and 0 †Department of Physical Sciences/Theoretical Physics, 0 P.O. Box 3000, FIN-90014 University of Oulu, Finland 2 (Dated: February 6, 2008) n a The effects of spin-orbit (SO) coupling arising from the confinement potential in single and two J vertically-coupled quantum dots have been investigated. Our work indicates that a dot containing a single electron shows the lifting of the degeneracy of dipole-allowed transitions at B = 0 due to 7 1 the SO coupling which disappears for a dot containing two electrons. For coupled dots with one electron in each dot, the optical spectra is not affected by the coupling and is the same as the dot ] containing one electron. However, for the case of two coupled dots where one partner dot has two l interactingelectronswhiletheotherdothasonlyoneelectron,aremarkableeffectisobservedwhere l a the oscillator strength of two out of four dipole-allowed transition lines disappears as the distance h between the dotsis decreased. - s e PACSnumbers: 71.70.Ej,72.25.Dc,72.25.-b m t. Interestinspinpropertiesofsemiconductornanostruc- in quantum information processing [8]. a tures has increased significantly in recent years due to Webeginwiththelow-lyingenergylevelsandthetran- m the excitingpossibilityto manipulateitinsolidstatede- sition energies of a single electronin a vertically-coupled - vices [1, 2]. The role of SO coupling in nanostructured parabolic quantum dot [9, 10] in the presence of a SO d systems is important in this context because this cou- coupling. From the Dirac equation we know that when- n o pling would provide a means to influence the spin states ever a spin-half particle with charge q moves under the c via the orbital degrees of freedom [3]. Quantum dots four-potential (A~,φ) the lowest-order relativistic correc- [ (QDs) areparticularlypromisingsystems for these stud- tion leads to the SO potential VSO of the form ies as the electron spin states are very stable in these 1 q~ q 0v zero-dimensional systems and are measurable [4]. VSO = 4m2c2∇φ(~r)·~σ×(cid:16)~p− cA~(~r)(cid:17) 9 In quantum dots, spin hot spots are composed of two = q~ E~(~r) ~σ ~p qA~~(r) . 3 or more states that are degenerate in the absence of the −4m2c2 · ×(cid:16) − c (cid:17) 1 SO coupling but the degeneracy is lifted due to the SO 0 coupling[5]. Theimportanceofthesehotspotsliesinthe 6 In quantum dots the electric field can arise, for example fact that this lifting of degeneracy allows mixing of the 0 from the inversion asymmetry of the potential restrict- / spin-upandspin-downstatesandopensupthepossibility ing the motion of the electrons (charge e < 0 and ef- t a forspinfliptransitionsinthepresenceoftheSOcoupling. fective mass m∗) to a two-dimensional plane [11]. Then m Recent studies have indicated that for laterally coupled the electric field would be perpendicular to the plane of quantum dots, there is no contribution of the Bychkov- - the motion. Furthermore, since we may well assume the d Rashba SO potential [6] to the spin hot spots at zero field to be nearly homogenous within the range of the n magnetic field [5]. We have explored the spin hot spots o electron wave functions it can be replaced to a good ap- in vertically coupled quantum dots where they are read- c proximation with its average value. It is also customary ilyidentifiableandreflectsinterestingphysicalproperties : to collect all the parametersincluding the averageof the v in the presence ofSO coupling throughthe low-lying en- i electric field into a single coupling constant β leading to X ergylevelsaswellasinthedipole-allowedopticalabsorp- the familiar Bychkov-Rashbapotential [6] tion spectra. To be specific, we have studied the effect r a ofBychkov-RashbaSO coupling in the opticaltransition VSOI =β ~σ p~ eA~(~r) , spectraandtheenergylevelsoftwoparabolicdotsplaced h ×(cid:16) − c (cid:17)iz vertically and interacting only through the Coulomb in- for the SO coupling due to the inversionasymmetry. teraction. Interestingly, the zero-field spin hot spots in Anothersourcefortheelectricfieldinthequantumdot our vertically-coupled QDs manifests in the dipole tran- is of course the potential V that confines the electrons c sitionenergies. ForcoupledQDswithonedotcontaining into the dot in the two-dimensional plane. The field E~ two electrons while the other with a single electron, the now lies in the plane of motion and, if the confinement SOeffectstronglydependsontheinterdotseparation. It is rotationally symmetric it will be parallelto the radius shouldbe pointedoutthata vastliteratureexists onthe vector ~r = (x,y). It is easy to see that the SO coupling electronic properties of vertically-coupled quantum dots can now be written as [12] [7],butwithoutanyspin-orbitinteractionincluded. The interest on the role of SO coupling in coupled quantum αdV (r) e c dots has reached its peak recently due to its importance VSOC =σz~ dr (cid:16)pθ− cAθ(~r)(cid:17), 2 wherep andA standfortheangularcomponentsofthe 24 50 θ θ (a) (b) momentumandthevectorpotential,andwhereagainwe have combined most of the parameters to a constant α. (1,−1) 22 As comparedto the VSOI we see two essentialdifferences 40 (1,1) inVSOC. Firstly,thecouplingdependsontheposition,in (−1,−1) +L p21amrt∗iωcu02rla2riitnwtihllebceasperoofptohretiopnaarlabtooliωc02cro.nSfienceomnednlyt,Vict=is meV) 20 30 (−1,1) diagonalinspinspace. Fromourpointofviewthislatter E ( 18 property makes it very attractive because it allows us to find analytic solutions for the single-particle problem. It −L 20 (0,−1) should be noted, however that in order to see the effects 16 (0,1) arisingfromthe confinement-inducedSO couplingVSOC, the confinement itself must be rather large. Typically, 14 10 ~ω0 must be of the order of 10–20meV [12]. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 The Hamiltoniandescribing ourcoupled-dotsystem is B (T) B (T) given by = o+ e2 FIG.1: The(a) dipole transition energies and (b)afew low- H Xi Hi Xi<j ri2j +d2 21 lsyininggleeqnueragnytulemvedlsotofinthtehseinpgrlees-eenleccetroofntheeneSrOgycsopuepcltirnugm. Tofhae (cid:2) (cid:3) states are labelled as (ℓ,σ) where ℓ and σ denote the orbital where d is interdot separation (in units of magnetic and spin quantum numbers respectively. The spin up and lengthℓ ), o istheHamiltoniangoverningasingleelec- B Hi spin down projections are denoted by 1 and −1 respectively. tron confined in a parabolic quantum dot [9, 10] and is AtB=0,thedegeneracy(withouttheSOcoupling)islifted. given by The states with antiparallel ℓ and spin are lower in energy. o = o+ o (1) Hi H Hso 21 80 o = 1 ~p+ eA~ 2+ 1σ µBgB+ 1m∗ω2r2 (a) (b) H 2m∗ (cid:16) c (cid:17) 2 z 2 o o = σ αdVc(r)(k + e Br) 20 70 L=+1 Hso z dr φ 2~ L=−1 = σ α(mω2r)(k + e Br) V) L=+1 z o φ 2~ me 19 60 where σ is the Pauli z-matrix and α is the Bychkov- E ( z L=−1 Rashba spin-orbit coupling parameter [6]. It is to be 18 50 noted that the first term of o is independent of the Hso L=0 external magnetic field B. At B =0 it lifts the spin de- generacy because of the magnetic field orginating from 17 40 the orbitalmotionofthe electroninthe presenceofelec- 0 0.4 0.8 0 1 2 3 tric field coming from the confinement potential [12]. B (T) B (T) The energy eigenfunctions are then given by 1 FIG. 2: The (a) dipole-transition energy spectrum and (b) ψ = exp(iℓφ)R (r) n,ℓ,σ √2 n,ℓ,σ the few low-lying energy levels of a two-electron dot in the presenceoftheSOcoupling. In(b)thelowest linerepresents where theeigenvalues of the state L=ℓ1+ℓ2 =0,S =s1+s2=0. √2 n! 21 r2 The eigenvalues for the L= 1,S = 1,0,−1 states are drawn as dashed lines. R (r) = exp n,ℓ,σ r (cid:20)(n+ ℓ)!(cid:21) (cid:18)−2r2(cid:19) | | σ r2 |2ℓ| r2 L|ℓ| × (cid:18)r2(cid:19) n (cid:18)r2(cid:19) where σ σ wguheerrreerpσol=yno(~m/imal∗.Ωσ)12 and L|nℓ| is the generalized La- Ω2σ =ωo2+ ωc24(B) +σαm∗~ωo2ωc, (3) The corresponding electron energy levels are and ω is the cyclotron frequency. Clearly, the SO cou- c E =~Ω (2n+ ℓ +1)+ℓ~ωc+σ µBgB+ℓαm∗ω2 pling influences Ωσ [Eqs.(3)and (2)] which results inan n,ℓ,σ σ | | 2 h 2 oi increase of the energy of the up spin and an decrease in (2) energy of the down spin. Another effect due to the SO 3 21 21 21 (a) (b) (a) (b) 65 L=+1 20 L=+1 20 L=+1 20 L=+1 L=−1 V) V) me 19 me 19 19 E ( 55 E ( 18 L=−1 18 L=−1 18 L=−1 L=0 17 45 17 17 0 0.4 0.8 0 0.4 0.8 0 0.4 0.8 0 0.4 0.8 B (T) B (T) B (T) B (T) FIG. 3: The (a) transition energy spectrum and (b) the few FIG. 4: The transition energy spectrum of two vertically- low-lying energy levels of two vertically-coupled dots sepa- coupled dots separated by (a) d = 0.5ℓB and (b) d = 9.5ℓB, rated by d=0.5ℓB in thepresence of the SO coupling. Each in the presence of the SO coupling. In this case, one dot dot contains a single electron. In (b), the three lowest lines confines a single electron while the other dot contains two correspond totheeigenvaluesfor thestates L=ℓD1+ℓD2 = interacting electrons. 0,S = sD1 +sD2 = 0,±1. The eigenvalues for the L = 1 states are drawn as dashed lines. electron can either jump from 0 to the 1 state | ↑i |− ↑i orfrom 0 tothe 1 state. Again,thesetwopossi- | ↓i |− ↓i couplingisfromthelasttermofEq.(2)whichisindepen- bilities for L= 1 are not degenerate at B = 0 but due − dent of an external magnetic field. As mentioned earler, to the Coulomb interaction the eigenstate is a combina- at B = 0 it lifts the spin degeneracy of the states with tionofthesetwoalternatives. However,the state 1 |− ↑i the same orbital momentum. The energy of the states is degenerate at B = 0 with 1 and so are the states | ↓i with anti-parallel spin and ℓ is lowered while the states 1 and 1 [Fig.2(b)]. Therefore,wedonotobserve |− ↓i | ↑i with the parallel ℓ and spin show an increase in energy a splitting at B = 0 between the L = +1 and L = 1 − at B =0. branches in the optical spectra of a dot containing two The dipole-allowed transition energies of a single interacting electrons. parabolic dot in the presence of the SO coupling are The results for two quantum dots each containing one presented in Fig. 1(a) while the energy eigenvalues are electronandareverticallycoupled(viaonlytheCoulomb presented in Fig. 1(b). In all our calculations, the interaction) are displayed in Fig. 3. For a large separa- material parameters are for the InAs dots as listed in tionofthe dots (e.g.,d=9.5ℓ ), the transitionenergies, B Ref. [12]. Transitions take place from the ℓ=0, state quite expectedly, resemble those of a single dot with one | ↑i to ℓ=1, and ℓ= 1, states. Thesetwotransitions electron [Fig. 1(a)]. As the dots are brought closer, the | ↑i | − ↑i are notdegenerateat B =0 because of the SO coupling: inter-dot interaction becomes stronger but that modifies 1 haslowerenergythanthatof 1 [Fig.1(b)]. Itis onlytheenergyspectrum,leavingtheopticalspectraun- |− ↑i | ↑i interestingtonotethatthissplittingbetweentheL=+1 changed [Fig. 3(a)]. Figure 3(b) shows the low-lying en- andL= 1branchesatB =0disappearsifthedotcon- ergy levels for two dots at a separation of d = 0.5l . B − tainstwoelectrons[Fig.2(a)]. Intheenergyspectrumof An electron in the ground state 0 in any of the two | ↑i a two-electron dot [Fig. 2(b)], the lowest line represents dots can make a transition to 1 state. There are | ↑i atwo-electronstatewheretheelectronsoccupy 0 and now two states corresponding to L = ℓD1 + ℓD2 = 1, | ↑i 0 states. Inordertounderstandthedegeneracyofthe S = sD1+sD2 = 1 where ℓD1, sD1 and ℓD2, sD2 repre- | ↓i L = +1 and L = 1 branches at B = 0, let us look at sent the quantum numbers for the first and second dot − the states involvedin the transition to (say) the L=+1 respectively. Whentheinter-dotinteractionisveryweak, branch. In this case, any of the two electrons occupying thetwostates(ℓD1 =1,ℓD2 =0)and(ℓD1 =0,ℓD2 =1) 0 and 0 states can be excited: the electron is ex- are degenerate. However, as the separation between the | ↑i | ↓i cited either from 0 to 1 or from 0 to the 1 dots is decreased, the Coulomb interaction lifts the de- | ↑i | ↑i | ↓i | ↓i state. Due to the SO interaction, the excitation energies generacy between the two eigenstates (which are linear are not degenerate at B = 0. Since there are now two combination of above two states). For L = 1, we sim- − electrons, the Coulomb interaction between them mixes ilarly have two levels. However, the oscillator strength the 1 and 1 states. Theeigenstateisacombination of the lower state is nearly zero and the transition takes | ↑i | ↓i of 1 and 1 states due to the Coulomb interaction. place only to the higher state. Therefore, there are only | ↑i | ↓i Similarly, the L = 1 transition can occur in two ways: two lines (for L = 1) in the optical spectra for all dis- − ± 4 tances between the two dots [Fig. 3(a)]. appearence of one of the two L = 1 branches (same for The most interesting situation is found to occur when the two L = 1 branches) as the distance between the − onedothasasingleelectronwhiletheotherdotcontains two dots is decreased. It should be pointed out that the two electrons. Figure 4 shows the transition energies of L = 1 branch of the dot containing two electrons is not the two dots for two different values of the interdot sep- degenerate with the L = 1 branch of the dot contain- aration: (a) d = 0.5ℓ , and (b) d = 9.5ℓ . For a large ing a single electron because the two-electron dot does B B separation of the dots (d = 9.5ℓ ), there are four lines not show the SO splitting between the L= 1 branches B ± as a function of the magnetic field [Fig. 4(b)], whereas while the one-electron dot does show the splitting. there are only two lines for a much smaller separation In summary, we have investigated a single parabolic (d=0.5ℓ )[Fig.4(a)]. Thisisbecausewhenthedotsare QD and two vertically coupled QDs, containing one or B far apart the uncoupled two-electron dot does not show two (interacting) electrons, in the presence of the SO theSOsplittingbetweentheL=1andL= 1branches coupling. For single dots, the SO interaction that we − at B =0 and as a result, there are two middle lines that considered to be arising from the confinement potential, are degenerate at B = 0. The one-electron dot, on the lifts the degeneracy of the dipole-transition energies at other hand shows a splitting and results in the lowest B = 0 for a dot containing one electron. The splitting line corresponding to the L = 1 branch while the up- disappearsforadotcontainingtwoelectrons. Thelifting − permostline correspondsto the L=1 branch. Hence we of the degeneracy at B =0 is also observed for two cou- have two L = 1 branches and two L = 1 branches for pled QDs, each containing a single electron. In case of − thetwodots. Asthedistancebetweenthedotsdecreases, twocoupleddotswhereonepartnerdothastwointeract- the excited L = 1 state of the two dots are coupled by ing electrons while the other has only one electron, the the Coulomb interaction. The transition probability for dipole transitionenergiesshowaremarkabledependence the lowerstate decreaseswhile itincreasesforthe higher on the interdot separation. For a large separation, the state. At d = 0.5ℓ the transition to the lower state is spectra consist of four lines correspondingto a combina- B zero and hence we have only one line corresponding to tion of one and two electron spectra. However, as the the L = 1 branch and similarly one line for the L = 1 separation between the dots is decreased, the oscillator − branch [Fig. 4(a)]. The novel result we observe here is strengthforthe lowereigenstatesofL=+1andL= 1 − that,unlikeinthecaseoftwocoupleddotswithoneelec- decreasesand the optical spectra contains only two lines tronineachdot,inthepresentsystem,foralargesepara- instead of four. tion, the L=1branchcoming fromthe two-electrondot The work of T.C. has been supported by the Canada isnotdegeneratewiththeL=1branchcomingfromthe Research Chair Program and the Canadian Foundation one-electron dot. Therefore, one could observe the dis- for Innovation (CFI) Grant. [‡] Electronic mail: [email protected] Burkard, G. Seelig, and D. Loss, ibid. 62, 2581 (2000); [1] D.D. 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