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Spin Hall effects due to phonon skew scattering Cosimo Gorini Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany Ulrich Eckern Institut fu¨r Physik, Universita¨t Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany Roberto Raimondi Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Roma Tre University, Via della Vasca Navale 84, 00146 Rome, Italy 5 1 A diversity of spin Hall effects in metallic systems is known to rely on Mott skew scattering. 0 In this work its high-temperature counterpart, phonon skew scattering, which is expected to be of 2 foremostexperimentalrelevance,isinvestigated. Inparticular,thephononskewscatteringspinHall g conductivityisfoundtobepracticallyT-independentfortemperaturesabovetheDebyetemperature u T . As a consequence, in Rashba-like systems a high-T linear behavior of the spin Hall angle D A demonstrates the dominance of extrinsic spin-orbit scattering only if the intrinsic spin splitting is smaller than the temperature. 8 1 The spin Hall effect (SHE) [1–5] is the generation of a at T = 0, where they arise from electron scattering at ] l transverse spin current by an applied electric field, the static impurities. In this case one has (explicitly in 2D) l a spin current polarization being perpendicular to both [21]: h current and field directions. Indeed, a family or related - effects exists [6]. The SHE and its inverse are routinely en(cid:18)λ(cid:19)2 (cid:18)λk (cid:19)2 en s σsH = , σsH = F 2πN v τ (1) e employed in spin injection or extraction experiments in sj,0 (cid:126) 2 ss,0 4 m 0 0 0 m a variety of systems [7–13], and their potential for spin- . tronics applications is becoming ever more evident [14]. with n the electron density, λ the effective Compton t a Acrucialissueisthedeterminationofthedominantspin- wavelength of extrinsic spin-orbit coupling, v the scat- 0 m orbit mechanism responsible for such effects. In partic- tering amplitude, k the Fermi wave vector, N = F 0 - ular, whether this is of intrinsic origin, i.e., connected m/2π(cid:126)2 the density of states, τ the elastic scattering d 0 with the band and/or device structure or geometry, or time,ande>0theunitcharge. Equation(1)showsthat n o extrinsic, i.e., due to impurities. Spin-orbit phenomena the side-jump conductivity is independent of the scat- c are typically complex in their own right, mixing charge tering mechanism (at least in simple parabolic bands), [ and spin (magnetic) degrees of freedom in a plethora of whereas the skew scattering one is proportional to τ , 0 2 ways, and standard experimental setups add to such a i.e., to the Drude conductivity σD = e2nτ0/m = −enµ v complexity [15]. We will see that one of the main phe- (µ=−eτ /misthemobility). FromtheseT =0results, 0 2 nomenological arguments employed to discern the dom- theT (cid:54)=0spinHallconductivitybehaviorisextrapolated 9 inant spin-orbit mechanism misses the central aspect of arguing that the skew scattering conductivity should be- 0 dynamicalspin-orbitinteraction. Thelatterdescribesin- have as σsH ∝ µ, with the proportionality constant de- 3 ss 0 ter aliathedirectinteractionbetweentheelectrons’spin pending on microscopic details (impurity concentration, . and phonons, and, though it will be the leading process k , etc.), but not on the temperature. Hence the argu- 1 F 0 at experimental temperatures T ≈ 300 K, it has been mentgoesasfollows[8,10,13,22,23]: (i)inhighmobil- 5 mostly neglected until now [16]. itysamplesskewscatteringshoulddominate,and(ii)the 1 spinHallsignalshouldscaleasthemobilitywithrespect v: At T = 0 in metallic systems there are three main to its T-dependence. On the contrary, the same signal extrinsic spin-orbit mechanisms: (i) side-jump [17], (ii) i shouldbeT-independentinsampleswheretheside-jump X skew scattering [18], and (iii) Elliott-Yafet spin relax- mechanism is the leading one. r ation [19]. When a charge current is driven through a However, we will see that this simple and appealing a sample, (i) and (ii) give rise to a transverse spin current phenomenological extrapolation from T = 0 to T (cid:54)= 0 via the side-jump and skew scattering spin Hall conduc- misses a critical feature of high-T skew scattering— tivities, denoted σsH and σsH, respectively. Elliott-Yafet sj ss which, following Ref. [13], we call “phonon skew scat- spin relaxation is typically weak, but is needed to ensure tering”. NamelythatfortemperaturesT (cid:38)T , withT the proper analytical behavior of the full spin Hall con- D D the Debye temperature, σsH does not scale as the mobil- ductivityσsH whenalsointrinsicspin-orbitinteractionis ss ityandratherbecomesT-independent. Sincetypicalspin present—as is the case in thin films or two-dimensional Hall experiments are performed at room temperature in (2D) electron or hole gases [20]. “soft”metalssuchasAu(T =165K),Pt(T =240K) D D The above mechanisms have been extensively studied orTa(T =240K)[8,11,24],thismakesdistinguishing D 2 between side-jump and skew scattering contributions an even more complicated issue. The Hamiltonian is (compare Ref. [16]) (a1) (a2) λ2 H =H +δVph(r,t)− σ×∇δVph(r,t)·p+Hph, (2) 0 4(cid:126) 1 whereσisthevectorofPaulimatrices. HereH contains 0 the static electronic part of the Hamiltonian, in first- (b1) (b2) (b3) quantized notation given by p2 α λ2 Hel = − σ×zˆ·p+V (r)− σ×∇V (r)·p, (3) 0 2m (cid:126) imp 4(cid:126) imp (c1) (c2) (c3) as well as the standard harmonic phonon contribution: H0 =H0el+H0ph. Thesecondtermonther.h.s.ofEq.(3) FIG. 1. (a) Self-energy in the standard self-consistent is a Bychkov-Rashba-like intrinsic spin-orbit term [25], Born approximation for electron-impurity (a1) and electron- whichappearsattheinterfacebetweentransitionmetals phonon (a2) scattering. (b) Diagrams describing skew- andinsulators/vacuumwhereinversionsymmetryisbro- scatteringfromimpurities,and(c)diagramsdescribingskew- scatteringfromphonons. Dashedandwigglylinesindicatethe ken [26]. The potential from static impurities is denoted impurity average and phonon propagator, respectively. The V (r),andδVph(r,t)stands—classicallyspeaking—for imp square box is the spin-orbit insertion due to both impurity the time-dependent potential due to lattice vibrations at and phonon potential. T (cid:54)=0. The actual calculations employ well-known quantum fieldtheoreticaltechniques,seebelow. Hereweonlymen- tion that it is convenient to introduce the phonon field Just as for the second order self-energies [Fig. 1(a)], operator [27] there is a direct correspondence between the diagrams due to impurities [Fig. 1(b)] and those due to phonon (cid:114) ϕˆ(r)=i(cid:88) vsk (cid:16)ˆb eik·r−c.c.(cid:17) , (4) scattering [Fig. 1(c)]. Such a correspondence appears 2V k in the high-temperature limit, where the phonon dy- k namics become irrelevant, roughly speaking ϕˆ(r,t) → where ˆb and ˆb† are annihilation and creation operators ϕ(r) [29]. To illustrate this further, consider the dia- k k for longitudinal Debye phonons of momentum (cid:126)k, v is grams of Fig. 1(b), with the impurity potentials—before s thesoundvelocity,andV thevolume(ortheareain2D). averaging—replaced by the classical phonon field gϕ(r). √ Notethatϕˆ(r)correspondstov ρtimesthedivergence The average is then performed using the equipartition s of the ionic displacement, where ρ is the ionic mass den- law sity. As usual, the electron-phonon coupling constant (cid:104)ϕ(r )ϕ(r )(cid:105) =k T δ(r −r ), (6) will be denoted by g [27]. Finally, the anharmonic term 1 2 T B 1 2 (3-phonon processes) reads where (cid:104)...(cid:105) denotes the classical average, and T Λ (cid:90) Hph = drϕˆ3(r). (5) (cid:104)ϕ(r )ϕ(r )ϕ(r )(cid:105) =−Λ(k T)2δ(r −r )δ(r −r ) 1 3! 1 2 3 T B 1 2 1 3 (7) In its most general form, there appears a tensor arising which follows from expanding the Boltzmann factor to fromthethirdderivativesofthecrystalpotentialwithre- first order with respect to the anharmonic term. In the specttosmalldisplacements[28]. Forourpurposes,how- case of impurity scattering, the equivalent of the r.h.s. ever, it is sufficient to characterize the anharmonicity by of Eq. (6), assuming “white-noise” disorder, is given by thesingleparameterΛ,whichisrelatedtotheGru¨neisen n v2δ(r − r ), while the three-field average results in i 0 1 2 parameterγ byΛ=−γ/ρ1/2v ;typicallyγ ≈2...3[28]. n v3δ(r −r )δ(r −r ). Thissuggeststhatonecanobtain s i 0 1 2 1 3 The T = 0 processes, as well as the dynamical side- thehigh-T resultsthroughthefollowingcorrespondence: jump and Elliott-Yafet, have been discussed in Ref. [16]. 1 Inparticular,skewscatteringfromimpuritiesisdescribed niv02 →g2kBT = 2πN τ (8) by the self-energy diagrams of Fig. 1(b), together with 0 1 the self-energy (a1) yielding the self-consistent Born ap- n v3 →−Λg3(k T)2 = (−k TgΛ). (9) i 0 B 2πN τ B proximation for the elastic scattering time. In order to 0 study finite (high) temperatures, the self-energy (a2) as Note that τ here denotes the T-dependent electron- well as the skew-scattering from phonons via the self- phonon scattering time, in contrast to τ due to elas- 0 energy diagrams of Fig. 1(c) have to be taken into ac- tic scattering from impurities; −1/2τ corresponds to the count. imaginarypartoftheretardedself-energyasderivedfrom 3 (a2), with the result given in (8) [28]. Using (8), (9) in low-T conductivities we thus obtain Eq. (1), the skew scattering conductivity reads (cid:126)Λ γ ∼ ∼0.1, (11) gτ (cid:15) τ F 0 (cid:18)λk (cid:19)2 en(cid:126)Λ where, to be explicit, we assumed (cid:15)Fτ0/(cid:126) ≈ 20. Note, σsH =− F , (10) however, that there might be a sign change as a function ss 4 m g of temperature, depending on the nature of the impuri- ties, i.e., the sign of v , as well as on the sign of g. 0 Aquantumfieldtheoretical(Keldysh)calculationcon- which is, in particular, T-independent. Thus the T- firms the above results up to a numerical prefactor in dependence of the spin Hall conductivity must inter- Eq. (9). Besides providing a solid basis for what has polate between the two limiting expressions at low [see been obtained through simple and intuitive arguments, Eq. (1)] and high [see Eq. (10)] temperature. we stress that such a calculation is necessary in order to study the full temperature range 0<T <T . D Inordertocomparetheorderofmagnitudeofthetwo We now outline the Keldyh calculation in the high- limits,weusethestandardrelationsvalidforanisotropic T regime, where the self-energy diagrams of Fig. 1(c) metal, v ∼1/2N (screened Coulomb impurities), g2 ∼ acquire a transparent form [30]. In fact it is sufficient to 0 0 1/2N , ρv2 ∼N (cid:15)2. Fortheratiobetweenthehigh-and consider the first one (now (cid:126)=k =1): 0 s 0 F B λ2 (cid:88) (cid:90) (c1): ΣT =− Λg3 (cid:15) σ (−i∇G) (∇D) G D D D G . (12) ss,13 4 ijk j 1 i 1 k 12 14 24 34 23 i,j,k 2,4 Here the G’s are SU(2)-covariant electron propagators acts only on the following G-function, and similarly for [16, 31, 32], while the D’s are free phonon propagators, ∇D. After analytical continuation [33], the t-integrals 1 both defined on the Keldysh contour. The arguments, run from −∞ to +∞, and the Keldysh structure is car- written as subscripts, include both space and time, e.g., riedbytheR,A,K propagatorcomponents. Inthehigh- 1=(r ,t ). Thenotation∇G indicatesthatthegradient T regime, T (cid:38) T , we use D< ≈ D> ≈ 1DK [34], with 1 1 1 D 2 the result (c1): (cid:2)ΣT (cid:3)<(>) =−λ2 (cid:88)(cid:15) σ (−i∇G) (∇D) (cid:90) (cid:16)GR G<(>)+G<(>)GA(cid:17)D , (13) ss,13 4 ijk j 1 i 1 k 12 23 12 23 123 i,j,k 2 where 0 → T > T correspondence for skew scattering thus D reads Λg3 (cid:90) D = [DR DK DK (14) 123 4 14 24 34 n v3 →−3Λg3(k T)2. (16) 4 i 0 B +DK DR DK +DK DK DR]. 14 24 34 14 24 34 This yields at once Equation(13)hasthestandardformduetothecoupling (cid:18)λk (cid:19)2 en(cid:126)Λ to an external field, whose role is here played by D. Ex- σsssH =−3 4F m g , (17) ploiting the fact that the phonon frequencies (∼ω ) are D small compared to ω ∼ T, which physically means that whichisthecentralresultofourwork. Apartfromtheal- electron-phonon scattering is elastic, we obtain ready mentioned factor of 3, it confirms the heuristically obtained Eq. (10), and shows that the skew scattering D ≈−3Λg3(k T)2, (15) conductivity at high temperatures does not scale as the 123 B mobility, being rather T-independent. havingrestoredherek foreasycomparisonwithEq.(9). We stress that the current interpretation of (inverse) B Theonlydifferencewiththelatterisafactorof3,missed spinHallexperimentsis,however,basedonthe“scaling- by the simple introductory argument. The correct T = as-mobility”assumption[8,10,13,22,23]. Equation(17) 4 shows that a more careful analysis seems to be required, and has important consequences for the spin Hall an- 0.20 gle θsH ≡ eσsH/σ . As shown in Fig. 2, the spin mo- 1 D 0.1 tion becomes diffusive for ∆ < (cid:126)/τ ∼ k T ∼ 10−2 B 0.01 eV and ballistic for ∆ > kBT, with ∆ = 2αkF the 0.15 0.001 intrinsic splitting. If a nonlinear or decreasing behav- 0.0001 ior of θsH is observed, we deduce that kBT > ∆ and u.) (wσessajHke+r tσhssasHn)/t(hee/8inπt(cid:126)r)ins(cid:28)ic o1ne(se)x.tIrfi,nsoinc tehffeecottshearrehamndu,cha H (a.0.10 sθ linearbehaviorisobserved,noconclusioncanbereached by simply looking at the T-dependence, since there are 0.05 two possibilities: (i) k T > ∆ and the extrinsic and in- Diffusive B trinsic effects are comparable (light blue curves in Fig. Ballistic 2); (ii) k T < ∆ and nothing can be said about the B 0.00 relative strength of extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms 0 5 10 15 20 25 k T/∆ B (all curves, i.e., for different parameter values, look the same). FIG.2. QualitativeplotoftheT >T spinHallangleθsH as D The relative importance of phonon vs. impurity skew afunctionofk T,measuredinunitsoftheintrinsicspin-orbit B scatteringisobtainedbycomparingtheself-energies(b1) splitting, for the paradigmatic case of a Rashba-like system. and (c1), yielding The spin Hall conductivity is given by Eq. (19), and we set λ/λ ≈ 10−1 [16]. Darker (lighter) curves are for weaker F ΣTss/Σ0ss ∼−γ(τ0/τ)(kBT/(cid:15)F). (18) 1(s0t−ro4n.g.e.r1). extrinsic conductivities, (σssjH + σsssH)/(e/8π(cid:126)) = Inametalatroomtemperaturewehavek T/(cid:15) ∼10−2, B F setting as threshold for the dominance of phonon skew scattering τ (cid:38)102τ. 0 term(5)washandledviaan“s”-waveapproximation,ig- In general, the T = 0 → T > T correspondence lets D noring the tensor structure of Λ as well as any details us immediately turn known T =0 results into their T > of the generally anisotropic phonon-phonon coupling: T counterparts. For example, the full expression for D these, however, are not expected to qualitatively modify the high-T spin Hall conductivity and current-induced ourconclusionsconcerningthe T-dependence. Thesame spin polarization [35] due to intrinsic Bychkov-Rashba is true when other phonon modes are included, provided couplingandextrinsicdynamicalspin-orbitinteractionis their typical frequencies are smaller than k T/(cid:126). B structurallyidenticaltotheT =0expressionsappearing Second,φ4 (andhigher)anharmonicities,formallynec- inRef.[32]. Explicitlyfora2Dhomogeneousbulksystem essary to stabilize the system, could also be considered. These have their T = 0 parallel in the T-matrix resum- σsH = 1 (cid:0)σsH+σsH+σsH(cid:1) (19) mation of skew scattering. However, whereas the latter 1+τ /τ int sj ss s DP does not add qualitative new features to the physics de- scribedbythediagramsofFig.1(b),higheranharmonici- where σsH =(e/8π(cid:126))(2τ/τ ) is the intrinsic part of the int DP tiescould. Roughlyspeaking,anyadditionalphononline spin Hall conductivity, and connected to the anharmonic vertex in the diagrams of 1 1 (cid:18)λk (cid:19)4 1 1 (∆τ/(cid:126))2 Fig. 1(c) should contribute a further kBT factor in the = F , = (20) T > T regime, as well as modifying the prefactor of τ τ 2 τ 2τ [(∆τ/(cid:126))2+1] D s DP “3” missed by the simple introductory arguments. This would further increase the importance of phonon skew are, respectively, the Elliott-Yafet and Dyakonov-Perel scattering at high T’s, possibly implying a T-behavior of spin relaxation rates. Furthermore, the current-induced σsH opposite to that of the mobility. Indeed, it would spin polarization “conductivity”, P, is given by ss be highly desirable to develop a more detailed theory of P =−2mα 1 (cid:0)σsH+σsH+σsH(cid:1) , (21) phonon scattering, in analogy with the T =0 treatment (cid:126)2 1/τ +1/τ int sj ss by Fert and Levy [40], as well as to elucidate the role of s DP Umklapp processes. This phenomenon, together with its inverse [36–38], is Third, band nonparabolicities could be relevant since intimately related to the spin Hall effect [38, 39] and can theymodify,inparticular,theside-jumpmechanism,and be similarly exploited for spin-to-charge conversion [36– thus possibly its T-dependence. 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