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Spin gauge symmetry in the action principle for classical relativistic particles Jan Steinhoff1,2,∗ 1Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert-Einstein-Institute), Am Mu¨hlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam-Golm, Germany, EU 2Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrof´ısica — CENTRA, Departamento de F´ısica, Instituto Superior T´ecnico — IST, Universidade de Lisboa — ULisboa, Avenida Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal, EU (Dated: January 21, 2015) We suggest that the physically irrelevant choice of a representative worldline of a relativistic spinningparticleshouldcorrespondtoagaugesymmetryinanactionapproach. Usingacanonical formalism in special relativity, we identify a (first-class) spin gauge constraint, which generates a shift of the worldline together with the corresponding transformation of the spin on phase space. An action principle is formulated for which a minimal coupling to fields is straightforward. The electromagnetic interaction of a monopole-dipole particle is constructed explicitly. I. INTRODUCTION spin-tensor Sµν, where the spatial components Sij con- tain the usual spin (or flux dipole) and the components Si0 give the mass dipole. The latter is non-zero if and 5 Relativistic spinning particles are an important topic 1 in both classical and quantum physics. All experimen- only if the observed center of mass differs from the refer- 0 tally verified elementary particles, except the Higgs bo- ence point. 2 son, are spinning. In the classical regime, spinning par- Actually, in special relativity, Si0 is in one-to-one cor- n ticles in relativity are a seminal topic, too, see [1, 2] for respondence with the choice of a reference point. This a reviews. But we are going to argue in this paper that, allows one to represent the choice of center through a J as of now, their formulation through a classical action condition on Sµν, called spin supplementary condition 0 principle remains incomplete. (SSC).Forinstance, thephysicalmeaningoftheFokker- 2 TulczyjewconditionS pν =0[3,4]isthatoneobserves An interesting, but sometimes problematic, feature of µν spinning objects in relativity is that their center of mass a vanishing mass dipole Si0 =0 in the rest-frame of the c] depends on the observer. This is vividly illustrated in object,whereitsmomentumpν isparalleltothetimedi- q rection. Inotherwords,thechosencenteragreeswiththe Fig. 1. On the other hand, the definition of the angular - centerofmassobservedintherest-frame. Becausephys- r momentum of the object, or spin, hinges on the loca- g tion of the center as the reference point. Hence, both ically the dynamics of the object must be independent [ of the reference worldline zµ(σ) we chose to represent its the three-dimensional center and the three-dimensional motion, this choice is a gauge choice and the SSC can 1 spinofanobjectdependontheobserver. However,both v arecombinedtoformanantisymmetricfour-dimensional be understood as a gauge fixing. However, we will see 1 that,inthecontextofanactionformulationforspinning 5 particles, thereisatwistinthisstory. Ingeneralrelativ- 9 fast and heavy ity, the correspondence between the choice of center and 4 theSSCwasrigorouslydemonstratedonlyforthespecial 0 case S pν = 0 [5, 6], but intuitively one should expect . µν 1 that it holds more generally, too. 0 vi ∆zi To date, the prototype construction for an action and 5 canonicalformalismofclassicalspinningparticlesinspe- 1 cial relativity is given in a seminal paper of Hanson and : v spin Regge [2]. (For earlier work on the action see [7, 8] and Xi for the canonical formalism see [9]). However, this con- slow and light struction essentially covers the choice S pν = 0 only, r µν a which has the advantage of being a covariant condition. FIG. 1. If a spinning spherical symmetric object moves with Then the covariance of the theory is manifest. But fol- a velocity vi to the left, then its upper hemisphere moves lowing the idea that the choice of a reference worldline fasterwithrespecttotheobserverthanitslowerhemisphere. can be seen as an arbitrary gauge choice, one would in- Hence, the upper hemisphere possesses a larger relativistic stead expect that the action possesses a corresponding massthantheloweroneandtheobjectacquiresamassdipole gauge symmetry, so that any SSC can be used equiva- Si0 =m∆zi. See, e.g., [1]. lentlyattheleveloftheaction. Itisthemainpurposeof the present paper to work out a recipe for the construc- tionofsuchagauge-invariantactioninspecialrelativity, and in this sense completes the work in [2]. ∗ jan.steinhoff@aei.mpg.de;http://jan-steinhoff.de/physics/ ItisimportanttonoticethatRef.[2]isthebasisofcur- 2 rent methods for the computation of general relativistic plies that particles are characterized by a mass shell and spin effects in compact binaries [10–20]. Predictions for an irreducible representation of the little group, which thesespineffectsareofgreatimportanceforfuturegrav- carries a spin quantum number. An analogous group- itationalwaveastronomy. Forinstance,someblackholes theoretical approach can be used in the classical context areknowntospinrapidly[21,22]andcertainspinorien- [31]. tationsleadtoanincreasedgravitationalwaveluminosity For classical particles, we follow [2] and represent the [23]. Thismakesitlikelythatspineffectsarerelevantfor configurationspaceoftheparticlebyapositionzµ anda the first detectable sources. If spinning compact objects Lorentz matrix Λ µ, with obvious transformation prop- A are modeled through an effective field theory approach ertiesunderthePoincar´egroup. HeretheindexAlabels (EFT) [10, 16, 24], then it is vital to implement all ex- the basis of the body-fixed frame. Though this is bor- pected symmetries in the effective action. However, the rowing terminology from a rigid body, we insist that the gauge symmetry related to the choice of a representative constructedactioncanserveasaneffectivedescriptionof worldline was not considered so far. generic spinning bodies. The generators of the Poincar´e It is noteworthy that classical spinning particles are grouparethelinearmomentump andthetotalangular µ based on a spin-1 representation in the present paper, momentum J =2z p +S , so the Poisson brackets µν [µ ν] µν whileFermionstransformunderfractionalspinrepresen- must read tations. But still, an action for classical spinning parti- cles can also be seen as an effective theory for fermion {zµ,p }=δµ, {Λ α,S }=2Λ βη δα, (1) ν ν A µν A β[µ ν] fields in certain limits. The clearest way to understand {S ,S }=S η −S η +S η −S η , the classical limit is through a Foldy-Wouthuysen trans- αβ µν αµ νβ αν µβ βν µα βµ να formation [25, 26]. This is a unitary transformation of all other zero, where η is the Minkowski metric. the spinors, which removes the Zitterbewegung. This µν We consider the case of a massive particle here. Then unitary representation corresponds to the choice of the wecandefineastandardboostwhichtransformsthetime Pryce-Newton-Wigner center [27–29] for the representa- direction of the body-fixed frame Λ µ into the direction tivepointintheclassicaltheory. Thenthecommutators, 0 of the linear momentum p , or Poisson brackets, of the three-dimensional spin and µ positionarethe(rathersimple)standardcanonicalones. pµΛ pωµω We adopt the conventions from [2]. Lµ =δµ +2 0ν − ν, (2) ν ν p p ωρ ρ √ where p := p pµ and for later convenience we have II. SPINNING PARTICLES µ introduced the time-like vector ων :=pν/p+Λ ν. When 0 applied to the Lorentz matrix, we obtain a new matrix Before we discuss classical spinning particles, it is use- Λ˜ µ =Lµ Λ ν, or explicitly A ν A ful to recapitulate the definition of particles in quantum theory. One-particlestatesaredefinedbythepropertyof pµ p ωµ Λ˜ µ = , Λ˜ µ =Λ µ−Λ ν ν . (3) transforming under an irreducible representation of the 0 p i i i p ωρ ρ Poincar´e group [30]. That is, a particle is still the same one if it is transformed to a different position, orienta- We notice that Λ˜ µ is redundant, since it is given by p . 0 µ tion, or speed by the Poincar´e group and the irreducibil- The independent physical degrees of freedom are con- ity guarantees that it can not be separated into parts, tained in Λ˜ µ, which carries an SO(3) index and hence i so it is indeed just one particle. The linear momentum transforms under the vector (spin-1) representation of of the particle p follows as the eigenvalue of the trans- µ the little group. This is intuitively clear, since the state lation operator. Since p transforms as a vector under µ of motion is already characterized by the linear momen- Lorentz transformations, it can not label the irreducible tumandthetemporalcomponentofthebody-fixedframe representations, but the scalar p pµ = M2 can. Now, µ must be redundant. The physical information of the allvectorsonsuchamassshellareconnectedbyLorentz body-fixed frame is the orientation of the object, which transformations, so one can define a standard Lorentz should be associated with three-dimensional rotations. transformation L(p) which brings p to some standard µ Because Λ µ contains irrelevant, or gauge, degrees of form. A generic Lorentz transformation of the particle A freedom, its conjugate S must be subject to a con- state can then be decomposed into the standard Lorentz µν straint. This constraint is usually also the generator of transformationL(p)andanelementofthesocalledlittle the gauge symmetry [32], which must leave the physical group. The latter leaves the standard form of p invari- µ degreesoffreedomΛ˜ µ invariant. Fromtheprojector-like ant. For instance, for massive particles (M2 > 0) one i structure of Eq. (3) and the fact that the spin generates usually chooses the standard form of p to point to the µ Lorentz transformations of Λ µ, we may guess that the time direction (p is boosted to the rest frame) and the i µ generator is given by S ων. Indeed, we find little group is the rotation group SO(3) (Wigner rota- µν tion),sinceitleavesthetimedirectioninvariant. Finally, {S ων,Λ˜ ρ}=0, (4) this simple group-theoretical definition of particles im- µν i 3 where we made use of ωµp /p = ω Λ µ = 1ω ωµ and uµ = z˙µ, Ωµν = Λ νΛ˙Aµ, and ˙ = d/dσ. Since ΛAµ µ µ 0 2 µ A Λ˜ µw =Λ˜ µp . Wehavediscoveredthespingaugecon- is a Lorentz matrix, it can only be varied by an in- i µ i µ straint finitesimal Lorentz transformation δθµν = −δθνµ, i.e., δΛAµ =ΛAνδθ µ. (cid:18)pν (cid:19) ν 0≈C :=S +Λ ν ≡S ων, (5) Notice that the dynamical mass M can be a general µ µν p 0 µν function of the dynamical variables. Then the mass M contains all the interaction energies. It must be adapted where weak equality [33] (restriction to the constraint suchthatthepoint-particleprovidesaneffectivedescrip- surface) is denoted by ≈. It is further illustrated below tionforsomeextendedbodyonmacroscopicscale(reduc- that this constraint physically makes sense. This spin ing the almost innumerable internal degrees of freedom gauge constraint is not an SSC (in the usual sense) and of the body to the relevant ones). The dynamics is then does not correspond to a choice for the worldline, but encodedthroughMandtheactionprinciple. Thismakes it parametrizes the possible SSCs through a gauge field the dynamical mass M analogous to a thermodynamic Λ ν, see below for discussion. 0 potential, like the internal energy. It should be noted WenoticethatRef.[2]wasmissingtheΛ ν inthiscon- 0 that EFTs are of comparable importance for both parti- straint. One might object that the appearance of Λ ν 0 cle and statistical physics. The analogy of M to a ther- is breaking the SO(1,3) Lorentz invariance in its first modynamicpotentialsuggeststoapplyaconstructionof index. However, this index belongs to the body-fixed M using symmetries and power counting arguments, as frame, whose time-like component is not an observable. usual in an EFT. For black holes, M as a function of Indeed, we already argued that Λ ν is a physically irrel- 0 the dynamical variables is related to the famous laws of evant gauge degree of freedom. Furthermore, also from black hole dynamics [36], see also [37] for discussion. an EFT point of view, only SO(3) rotation invariance is WerequireherethattheconstraintsinH arerelated D a symmetry that must be respected for the body-fixed to gauge symmetries. Then the Lagrange multipliers are frame [24, 34], instead of SO(1,3) Lorentz invariance. not fixed by requiring that the constraints are preserved We must have another constraint related to a gauge in time and represent the gauge freedom. This implies symmetryhere, namelythatofreparametrizationinvari- thatthePoissonbracketsbetweenallpairsofconstraints ance of the worldline parameter σ. The associated con- vanish weakly here. Constraints with this property are straint is the mass shell one [2] called first class [33]. See Ref. [32] for further discus- sion of gauge symmetry in constrained Hamiltonian dy- 0≈H:=p pµ−M2, (6) µ namics. In contrast to our requirement that all three which together with (5) forms the basis for an action independent components of the spin constraints are first principle. class, only one component of the spin constraint used in [2] is first class. This renders the completion of the set of constraints in [2] rather unsatisfactory, because only III. ACTION FOR SPINNING PARTICLES firstclassconstraintsrequireacompletionthroughgauge fixing constraints. Wearegoingtoconstructanactionprinciplebasedon a Hamiltonian. The Dirac Hamiltonian H [32, 33, 35] D is the canonical Hamiltonian plus the (primary) con- IV. SPIN GAUGE CONSTRAINT straints,whichareaddedwiththehelpofLagrangemul- tipliers. However, due to reparametrization invariance, The first main objective of the present paper is to es- the canonical Hamiltonian vanishes, so that HD is just tablish Cµ as the proposed spin gauge constraint. We composed of the constraints, just argued that it should be a first class constraint. Furthermore, it should be the generator of a spin gauge λ H = H+χµC , (7) transformation, i.e., a shift of the representative world- D 2 µ line ∆zµ(σ) together with the appropriate change in the where λ and χµ are the Lagrange multipliers. spin, An action principle for spinning point-particles (PP) mustreproducetheequationsofmotionofHD withPois- ∆Sµν ≈2p[µ∆zν], (9) son brackets from Eq. (1). The relation between action and Poisson brackets is discussed in Appendix A. The This is in agreement with the physical picture in Fig. 1, appropriate action reads [2] which refers to the rest-frame where pµ = (m,0). These are the physical requirements we have on C . µ (cid:90) (cid:20) 1 (cid:21) These requirements are indeed met for Eq. (5). It is S = dσ −p uµ− S Ωµν −H , (8) PP µ 2 µν D easy to see that Cµ is first-class among itself, where the variables with independent variations are zµ, 2 {C ,C }= p C ≈0, (10) pµ, ΛAµ, and Sµν and we introduced the abbreviations µ ν p [µ ν] 4 so it qualifies for a gauge constraint. Then the generator and the second one was applied more recently only [11, ofaninfinitesimalspingaugetransformationis(cid:15)µC and 13, 40, 41] in slightly different forms and contexts. The µ the transformations of the fundamental variables read differences arise in the way the (normalized) time vector δµ isgeneralizedtocurvedspacetime. However,itshould 1 0 ∆zµ :={(cid:15)αC ,zµ}= PµνS (cid:15)α, (11) be noted that [11, 13, 41] suggest to complete the set of α p να constraintsbyΛ µ ∝pµ,whilehereinthecontextofspin 0 ∆pµ :={(cid:15)αC ,pµ}=0, (12) gaugesymmetrythiswouldleadtothefirstSSC,butnot α ∆Λ µ :={(cid:15)αC ,Λ µ}=2(cid:15)[µων]Λ , (13) to the second one. The SSC and the condition on Λ0µ A α A Aν can not be chosen independently here. ∆S :={(cid:15)αC ,S }=2p ∆z −2(cid:15) C , (14) µν α µν [µ ν] [µ ν] Any of the above conditions can be added to the set where Pµν is the projector onto the spatial hypersurface of constraints, e.g., 0 ≈ Λ0µ−δ0µ. This constraint then of the rest-frame, turns the spin gauge constraint into a second class con- straint, which means that the set of constraints can be Pµν :=ηµν − pµpν. (15) eliminatedusingtheDiracbracket[33](andonecansolve p2 for the Lagrange multipliers). This is the usual manner in which gauge fixing is handled in the context of con- Notice that ∆zµ is a spatial vector in the rest-frame of strained Hamiltonian dynamics. the particle, p ∆zµ =0. This makes it obvious that the µ However, one can alternatively insert the solution to symmetry group is three-dimensional. thesetofconstraintsintotheactioninaclassicalcontext. Now, on the constraint surface, Eq. (14) is identical to For the case of the Pryce-Newton-Wigner spin gauge, it oursecondandfinalrequirementinEq.(9). Thatis,itis holds Λ µ = δµ and Λ 0 = δ0, so the temporal compo- preciselytheamountthatanangularmomentumchanges 0 0 A A if the reference point is moved by ∆zµ. This shows that nents drop out of the spin kinematic term in the action, (cid:15)µC indeed generates a shift of the reference worldline µ withintheobjectandthatC isthecorrespondinggauge µ 1 1 constraint. 2SµνΩµν = 2SijΩij, Ωij =−ΛkiΛ˙kj. (19) While the physical meaning of ∆S is immediately µν clear,aninterpretationof∆Λ µdeservesamoredetailed A illustration. We recall that the physically relevant com- ThekinematictermstillhasthesameformasinEq.(8), ponents of Λ µ are obtained by a finite boost to the rest but the indices are 3-dimensional now and the SO(1,3) A frame, see Eq. (2). Therefore, ∆Λ µ should be given by Lorentz matrix was reduced to a SO(3) rotation ma- A a standard boost to the rest-frame followed by another trix. Therefore, the standard so(1,3) Lie algebra Pois- standard boost to a frame infinitesimally close to ΛAµ. son bracket for the spin, Eq. (1), must be replaced by a It is straightforward to check using the standard boost, standard so(3) algebra for the spatial components of the Eq. (2), that this is the case. spin. However, for other gauge choices, the kinematic term will not simplify this drastically and the reduced Poisson bracket algebra will in general be more com- V. SPIN GAUGE FIXING plicated. This makes the Pryce-Newton-Wigner gauge probably the most useful one if one aims at a reduc- As usual, a gauge fixing now requires a gauge condi- tion of variables, while the Fokker-Tulczyjew one leads tion, that is, a condition on the gauge field Λ µ. No- to manifestly covariant equations of motion. It should 0 tice that the spin gauge constraint (5) does not corre- be emphasized that all gauges lead to equivalent equa- spond to a choice for a representative worldline, because tions of motion by construction here, if the mass shell itcontainstheunspecifiedgaugefieldΛ µ. Thefollowing constraint H is spin gauge invariant. 0 choices turn the spin gauge constraint (5) into familiar Note that we obtain the same set of constraints as [2] choices for the SSC: if we choose the first gauge. However, adding a gauge pµ symmetry to the theory should not be seen as adding Λ0µ ≈ p ⇒ Cµ =Sµνpν ≈0, (16) unnecessary complications. On the contrary, different gaugesareusefulfordifferentapplications. Forinstance, Λ µ ≈δµ ⇒ C =S (pν +pδν)≈0, (17) 0 0 µ µν 0 in Ref. [2] a transformation from Fokker-Tulczyjew to 2p0δµ−pµ Pryce-Newton-Wigner variables is considered because it Λ µ ≈ 0 ⇒ C =S ≈0. (18) 0 p µ µ0 simplifies the reduced Poisson brackets. Here one can directlyusethesecondgaugefixingconditioninsteadand The first one is due to Fokker [3], the second due to the simplification of brackets is explained by Eq. (19). Pryce,Newton,andWigner[27–29],andthelastonedue This is an important consequence of our construction: to Pryce and Møller [28, 38]. In general relativity, the Different SSCs are manifestly equivalent, in particular first condition was first considered by W. M. Tulczyjew the covariant SSC is equivalent to noncovariant ones by [4], the third one by Corinaldesi and Papapetrou [39], construction. 5 VI. GAUGE INVARIANT VARIABLES straightforward to generalize the current construction to the general relativistic case, where the dynamical mass Now we turn to the second main objective of the must be coordinate invariant. presentpaper,whichistheconstructionofthemassshell constraint H such that it is invariant under spin gauge However, because the mass shell constraint must be transformations. This is equivalent to written entirely in terms of the position z˜µ, it is sugges- tive to shift the worldine of the action to this position. {C ,H}≈0. (20) It should be noted that one can not switch to the invari- µ ant spin and Lorentz matrix as fundamental variables, The usual way to construct invariant quantities is by because the transformation involves projections (notice combining objects with are invariant. That is, we aim Λ˜ µp = 0). This leads to an action containing a time i µ to find a position, spin, and Lorentz matrix which have derivative of the momentum, weakly vanishing Poisson bracket with C . We already µ encountered the invariant Lorentz matrix Λ˜ µ given by i Eq. (3). Recalling that Λ˜ µ was obtained by a boost to i the rest frame, we may guess that the following projec- (cid:90) (cid:20) p˙ p 1 (cid:21) S = dσ −p u˜µ−Sµν µ ν − S Ωµν −H . tions to the rest-frame variables, PP µ p2 2 µν D (26) p z˜µ :=zµ+Sµνpν2, S˜µν :=PµαPνβSαβ (21) The Poisson brackets involving z˜µ will not be standard canonical,buttheycanbereadilyobtainedfromEq.(21) have the desired properties. It is indeed straightforward andtheoldPoissonbrackets. Notethatonecanassociate to show that these variables with a tilde have weakly Poisson brackets to an action if it contains at most first vanishing Poisson brackets with C , ordertimederivatives(andnopathologiesarise). Seethe µ AppendixA.Theequationsofmotionarestillfirstorder, 1 which is important because otherwise more initial values {C ,z˜µ}=− [δµp −δµp ]Cν ≈0, (22) α p2 α ν ν α would be needed. {C ,S˜ }=−2P P βC ≈0, (23) α µν α[µ ν] β Now it is now straightforward to couple the spinning particle to the gravitational field, namely by replacing and the linear momentum is already invariant, see ordinary derivatives with respect to σ in Eq. (26) by co- Eq. (12). Therefore, if the mass shell constraint depends variant ones (minimal coupling). Additionally, nonmin- on these variables only, then it is invariant under spin imal couplings can be added in the sense of an effective gauge transformation, theory via the dynamical mass M, as long as these are M=M(z˜µ,pµ,Λ˜ µ,S˜ ) ⇒ {C ,H}≈0. (24) evaluated at the position of the new worldline z˜µ and i µν µ constructed using the matter variables Λ˜ µ, S˜ , and p . i µν µ The most simple model is given by Further development of the general relativistic case and an application to the post-Newtonian approximation is M2 =f(S˜2) in H=pµpµ−M2, (25) given in [42]. In the following section, we illustrate that this construction is also convenient for coupling to other and S˜2 = 1S˜ S˜µν. Here f is an almost arbitrary func- fields, like the electromagnetic one, and see that non- 2 µν tion, commonlyreferredtoasaReggetrajectory[2]. We minimal couplings represent the multipoles of the body require it to be analytic and nonconstant (for f =const [12, 43, 44]. it follows Ωµν = 0 for any spin). This function encodes the rotational kinetic energy and the moment of inertia The time derivative of the momentum in our action is of the body. For black holes, it is related to the laws of similar to the acceleration term introduced in [45]. (It black hole mechanics. also appeared in a similar time+space decomposed form in [46, 47].) After a coupling to gravity (or the electro- magneticfield),onecanapproximatelyremovethisterm, VII. SIMPLIFIED INVARIANT ACTION ifthisisdesired, usingamanifestlycovariantshiftofthe worldline as introduced in [48]. This approximately cor- The construction of the last section has a problematic responds to inserting the equation of motion for p˙ into µ aspect. All fields interactions, entering through the dy- theaction[49]. Thistransformationleadstothenonmin- namicalmassM,mustbetakenatthepositionz˜µ,which imal coupling proportional to the Fokker-Tulczyjew SSC in general is different from the worldline coordinate zµ. used in [12]. However, in both Refs. [12, 45] this term This is particularly a problem for coupling to the grav- was introduced in order to preserve the covariant SSC, itational field, because first of all the tangent spaces at while here it arises from the requirement of spin gauge z˜µ andzµ aredifferentandsecondthedifferencebetween symmetry. This distinction is significant in the context the positions is not a tangent vector. Therefore, it is not of an EFT. 6 VIII. ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERACTION from the right hand sides of the equations of motion. The equation of motion of a dynamical variable is then A minimal coupling to the electromagnetic field with expressed in terms of derivatives of HD with respect to charge q can be introduced as usual by adding −qA˜ u˜µ other dynamical variables only, and the prefactor is the µ to the Lagrangian, see, e.g., Eq. (6.1) in [50, 51], mutualPoissonbracket. ExplicitexpressionsforallPois- son brackets are given in Appendix A. These Poisson (cid:90) (cid:20) brackets are similar to Eq. (5.29) in [2]. However, for S = dσ −p u˜µ−qA˜ u˜µ PP µ µ most applications it should be sufficient to have an ac- (cid:21) tion principle and the equations of motion in the form p˙ p 1 −Sµν µ ν − S Ωµν −H , (27) given above. But it is good to know that the equations p2 2 µν D of motion follow a symplectic flow and that the Poisson brackets can be obtained explicitly if needed. An analo- where A˜ = A (z˜ν). This new term turns into a total µ µ gous calculation should be possible for the gravitational timederivativeunderelectromagneticgaugetransforma- interaction. tions. The added term is also manifestly invariant under The finite-size and internal structure of the particle spin gauge transformations, because it only involves in- is modelled by nonminimal couplings in the dynamical variant quantities. Here it is convenient that we shifted mass M. These are composed of the (electromagnetic the worldline to the spin-gauge-invariant position z˜µ. gauge invariant) Faraday tensor F and its derivatives, Wearegoingtoderivetheequationsofmotionbelong- µν whereanincreasingnumberofderivativescorrespondsto ingtotheaction(27)andexplicitlyconstructthePoisson smaller length scales or higher multipoles. As an illus- brackets associated to it. The δp -variation leads to the µ tration for the treatment of electromagnetic multipoles, velocity-momentum relation we consider the simplest case of a dipole, which corre- p˙ p ∂H sponds to a nonminimal coupling to the Faraday tensor u˜µ =2S˜µν ν +S˙µν ν − D, (28) F in the dynamical mass. For a spin-induced dipole, p2 p2 ∂p µν µ this reads and from the δS -variation it follows gq µν M2 =f(S˜2)+ F˜ S˜µν, (35) 2 µν 2p[µp˙ν] ∂H Ωµν = −2 D. (29) where g is the gyromagnetic ratio. For this model, our p2 ∂S µν equations of motion are in agreement with [2]. Making the gauge choice Λ µ = pµ/p and requiring that it is Finally, the δz˜µ-variation leads to 0 preservedintimebyaboveequationsofmotions, wefind ∂H thatχµ =0fortheLagrangemultiplierofthespingauge p˙ =−qF˜ u˜ν + D, (30) µ µν ∂zˆµ constraintinthiscase. Acontractionof(28)withpµthen leads to λ = u˜µp /p2 for the Lagrange multiplier of the µ with the Faraday tensor F˜µν := A˜µ,ν − A˜ν,µ, and the massshellconstraint,whichisrelatedtotheparametriza- δΛAµ-variation gives tion of the worldline. Then we find structural agreement with (4.29), (4.33), and (4.34) in [2] and therefore also ∂H S˙ =−2Ωρ S +2Λ D , (31) with the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equations [52]. The µν [µ ν]ρ A[µ∂ΛAν] normalization of the dipole interaction differs compared to [2], which is due to the fact that in [2] the dipole is We eliminate the time derivatives on the right hand side proportional to the angular velocity, while here it is pro- of Eq. (28), portional to the spin. In [52] the SSC Sµνu =0 [53–55] µ u˜µ =− q S˜µνF˜ u˜α+Uµ, (32) is used, which fails to uniquely define a worldline and in p2 να general leads to helical motion [54–56]. Finally, we no- ∂H p ∂H tice that a dipole linearly induced by an external field Uµ :=− D −4δ[µSν] ν D ∂p α βp2 ∂S is modelled by couplings of the form shown in Eq. (1) µ αβ (33) of Ref. [57], which can be added to the dynamical mass S˜µν ∂H ηµ[αpν] ∂H + D +2 Λ D , here. p2 ∂zˆν p2 Aα∂ΛAν If desired, one can shift the p˙µ-term in the action (27) to higher orders in the derivative of the electromagnetic which can be solved for u˜µ using Eq. (A.4) and (A.7) in field through redefinitions of the variables [49]. That Ref. [2], is, through successive redefinitions, one can turn the (cid:34) qS˜µνF˜ (cid:35) p˙µ-term into nonminimal interaction terms of increasing u˜µ = δµ− να Uα, (34) derivative order. Consistent with neglecting finite-size α p2− 1qS˜ρδF˜ effects of a certain multipolar order in M, one can ter- 2 ρδ minate this process at the desired order and the p˙ -term µ whereweusedS˜ ∗S˜µν =0(∗denotestheHodgedual). is effectively removed. The physical reason for the addi- µν Using this relation, all time derivatives can be removed tional nonminimal interactions is that a shift of position 7 ofamonopoleqgeneratesaninfiniteseriesofhighermul- one can directly read off M−1. For the case of electro- ab tipoles [48]. magnetically interacting spinning particles (27), we have u˜µ =Gµ Uν where ν q 1 IX. CONCLUSIONS Gµ =δµ− S˜µαF˜ , P2 =p2− qS˜µνF˜ . (A6) ν ν P2 αν 2 µν The spin gauge symmetry formulated in the present This leads to the Poisson brackets involving z˜µ paper is an important ingredient to extend the EFT for charged particles to spinning charged particles (see, e.g., S˜αµ S˜µν {zˆµ,z˜ν}=Gν =− , (A7) [58]). This should serve as a classical EFT for massive α p2 P2 fermions. Massless particles have a different little group, {p ,z˜ν}=−Gν , (A8) µ µ so our approach need several adjustments for this case. 2 Weidentifiedspingaugeinvariantvariablesinthepresent {Λ µ,z˜ν}= Gν[αpµ]Λ , (A9) A p2 Aα paper,whichshouldbeusefulforamatchingoftheEFT. 4 Thegeneralrelativisticcaseisanalogoustotheelectro- {S ,z˜α}=− Gα δ[βSρ] p , (A10) magnetic one and is invaluable for modelling the motion µν p2 β [µ ν] ρ of black holes and neutron stars. This will lead to bet- where we used Eq. (A.5) in [2], tergravitationalwaveformsneededforthedataanalysis requirements of future gravitational wave astronomy. S˜αµ S˜µν S˜αν Gν =− =−Gµ . (A11) α p2 P2 α p2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Similarly,fromconsideringtheequationofmotionforp , µ We acknowledge inspiring discussions with Gerhard {p ,p }=qF˜ Gα , (A12) µ ν να µ Sch¨afer and Michele Levi. A part of this work 2q was supported by FCT (Portugal) through grants {Λ µ,p }=− F˜ Gβ[αpµ]Λ , (A13) A ν p2 νβ Aα SFRH/BI/52132/2013andPCOFUND-GA-2009-246542 4q (cofunded by Marie Curie Actions). {S ,p }= F˜ Gδ δ[βSρ] p , (A14) µν α p2 αδ β [µ ν] ρ and from the remaining equations Appendix A: Poisson brackets from the action 4q {Λ µ,Λ ν}=− Λ p[ρF˜ν] Gβ[αpµ]Λ , (A15) Consider an action containing at most first order A B p4 Bρ β Aα derivatives in time. We can write it in the form {S ,Λ α}=−2Λ βη δα µν A A β[µ ν] (cid:90) 8q (A16) S = dt(cid:2)B (qb)q˙a−H(qb)(cid:3), (A1) + Λ p[δF˜α] Gσ δ[βSρ] p , a p4 Aδ σ β [µ ν] ρ {S ,S }=−4S η µν αβ α][µ ν][β where a, b label the dynamical variables q . The equa- a 16q tions of motion read + Sγ δδ p F˜ Gσ δ[χSρ] p . p4 [α β] [δ γ]σ χ [µ ν] ρ M q˙b =∂ H, M :=∂ B −∂ B . (A2) (A17) ab a ab a b b a where ∂ =∂/∂qa, or The Poisson brackets are rather complicated. For most a applications, it is therefore better to work directly with q˙a =Mab∂ H, Mab :=M−1 (A3) the action (27) if possible. b ab This can be written using Poisson brackets Appendix B: Another check against Ref. [2] q˙a ={H,qa}, (A4) The term involving p˙ in Eq. (27) can be removed by µ if we set variable redefinitions, which will then be canonical vari- ables because the action assumes a canonical form. Here {X,Y}=Mba∂ X∂ Y. (A5) weonlyintendtomakeaconnectiontotheresultsin[2]. a b Therefore we apply the gauge fixing Λ µ = pµ/p, or the 0 InsteadofcomputingM anditsinversedirectlyfrom SSCS pµ =0. Thetermcontainingp˙ canbecancelled ab µν µ theaction,itisofteneasiertoobtaintheequationsofmo- from the action by shifting back to the position zµ. Now tion and transform them to the form of Eq. (A3). Then new contributions arise from the minimal coupling term. 8 However, at the level of the action, we can neglect terms momentum ofquadraticorhigherorderintheSSCS pµ. 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