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Spin fluctuations in the quasi-two dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet GdI_2 studied by Electron Spin Resonance PDF

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Preview Spin fluctuations in the quasi-two dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet GdI_2 studied by Electron Spin Resonance

Spin fluctuations in the quasi-two dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet GdI studied 2 by Electron Spin Resonance J. Deisenhofer, H.-A. Krug von Nidda, and A. Loidl Experimentalphysik V, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Institute for Physics, Augsburg University, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany 4 K. Ahn∗, R. K. Kremer, and A. Simon 0 Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Festk¨orperforschung, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany 0 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 2 The spin dynamics of GdI2 have been investigated by ESR spectroscopy. The temperature de- n pendences of the resonance field and ESR intensity are well described by the model for the spin a susceptibility proposed by Eremin et al. [Phys. Rev. B 64, 064425 (2001)]. The temperature de- J pendence of the resonance linewidth shows a maximum similar to the electrical resistance and is 2 discussed in terms of scattering processes between conduction electrons and localized spins. 2 PACSnumbers: 76.30.-v,71.70.Ej,75.30.Et,75.30.Vn ] l e - I. INTRODUCTION only. Of course, interplane interactions cannot be ne- r t glectedandGdI revealsbulk ferromagneticorder below s 2 . Recently, the phenomenon of giant magnetoresistance 290 K with an ordered moment of 7.33 µB. The excess t a has attracted considerable interest, not only in the momentof0.33µB,whencomparedtothespin-onlymo- m manganites1 but also in spinel-type2 or intermetallic ment of the Gd 4f shell, obviously results from a strong - compounds.3,4 Gadolinium diiodide came into the focus polarization of the 5d conduction band.6 d ofsolid-stateresearchbecauseofreportsofgiantnegative n o magnetoresistance effects at the ferromagnetic phase- c transitionclosetoroomtemperature.5,6GdI2,whichcon- II. SAMPLE PREPARATION AND EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS [ tains formally divalent Gd with an electronic configu- ration 4f75d1, is a correlated narrow d-band metal re- 1 v vealing ferromagnetism. GdI2 has first been synthesized GdI2 has been prepared in a solid-state reaction of 5 by Mee and Corbett.7 It crystallizes in the close-packed GdI3 and Gd metal powder at 1100 K for three weeks 1 hexagonal 2H-MoS structure (space group P6 /mmc), inasealedTatubejacketedwithanevacuatedsilicaam- 2 3 4 whichhasastronglytwo-dimensional(2D)character: the poule. Details of the sample preparation are given in 1 rare-earth layers, in which each Gd atom is surrounded references 5 and 6. The structure has been determined 0 by six nearest Gd neighbours, are separated by two I by x-ray powder diffraction and lattice parameters a = 4 atom layers. The stacking sequence is built up along the 0 / c-axis (see Fig. 1). A first study of the magnetic proper- at ties was performed by Kasten et al. characterizing GdI2 m as a ferromagnet with a Curie temperature near room temperature,8 atwhichtheGdmomentsarealignedper- - d pendicular to the c-axis. n Using a semi-phenomenological approach, the large o magnetoresistance has been explained in terms of a d-f c : exchange model: The anomalous peak of the resistance v and the negative magnetoresistance are due to a strong i X scattering of the d-derived conduction electrons by the localized 4f electrons.9 Furthermore, also from its mag- r a netic properties GdI is highly interesting. Gd exhibits 2 a half-filled 4f-shell with a spin-only moment of 7 µ . B Any spin-orbit coupling is expected to be weak and in the paramagnetic phase GdI should be a good realiza- 2 tion of a 2D-Heisenberg ferromagnet. Theoretically, a 2D Heisenberg ferromagnet is expected to order at 0 K ∗Present address: Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University, Wonju,Korea FIG. 1: Crystal structureof GdI2 (space group P63/mmc). 2 0.40775(4)nm andc = 1.5041(1)nm wereobtained. For spectra. For samples small compared to the skin depth the samples under investigation, from an analysis using one expects a symmetric absorption spectrum (α = 0), modifiedArrottsplotstheferromagneticphase-transition whereas for samples large compared to the skin depth temperature has been determined as T = 276 K.5 absorption and dispersion are of equal strength yielding C ESR measurements were performed in a Bruker an asymmetric resonance line (α = 1). An additional ELEXSYS E500 CW-spectrometer at X-band frequen- contribution to the asymmetry of the resonance line can cies (ν 9.47 GHz) equipped with a continuous N -gas- arisefromthe fact that∆H is ofthe same orderofmag- 2 ≈ flow cryostatin the temperature region80<T <600K. nitude as Hres, because then not only the overlap with Note that the samples are very sensitive to exposure to the resonance at Hres but also the mutual coupling − airandhumidity. Thereforethewholeprocedureofpow- via the nondiagonal elements of the dynamic suscepti- deringthe polycrystallinesamplesandplacingtheminto bility influences the lineshape.13 As canbe seeninFig.2 quartz tubes had to be undertaken in He atmosphere. theasymmetryoftheresonanceremainsalmostconstant Then the tubes were sealed in He atmosphere,too. ESR for higher temperatures, while on approaching magnetic detects the power P absorbed by the sample from the order from above the resonance strongly shifts to lower transverse magnetic microwave field as a function of the fieldsandconcomitantlytheasymmetryincreasessignifi- static magnetic field H. The signal-to-noise ratio of the cantlyduetotheincreasingoverlapwiththecorrespond- spectra is improved by recording the derivative dP/dH ing resonanceat Hres. The temperature dependence of − using lock-in technique with field modulation. the parameter α is shown in the inset of Fig. 3(b). GdI III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND 2 DISCUSSION T = 500 K A. ESR spectra ) ESR spectra obtained for GdI in the paramagnetic s 2 t i regime at different temperatures are displayed in Fig. 2. n u The spectra consist of a broad, exchange-narrowedreso- . T = 400 K b nance line, which is well fitted by a single Dysonian line r shape.10 Although an anisotropy of the resonance line (a H cannot be excluded due to the two-dimensional charac- d ter of the system, no such indications can be deduced / P from the powder spectra in GdI2. In general, powder d spectra exhibit a characteristic pattern due to the ran- dom distribution of the orientation of the grains, if reso- T = 295 K nancefieldandlinewidthareanisotropic.11Thefactthat the spectra are well described by a single Dysonian line indicates that an anisotropy, if existing, is smaller than the observedlinewidth. As in the present compound the linewidth ∆H is of the same order of magnitude as the 0 4 8 12 resonancefieldH , bothcircularcomponentsofthe ex- res H (kOe) citinglinearlypolarizedmicrowavefieldhavetobetaken into account. Therefore the resonance at the reversed magnetic field Hres has to be included into the fit for- FIG.2: ESRspectraofGdI2 fordifferenttemperaturesillus- − mula for the ESR signal given by tratingthelineshiftandlinewidthchanges. Solidlinesarefits obtainedbyusingaDysonianlineshapeaccordingtoEq.(1). dP d (1) dH ∝ dH Figure 3 shows the temperature dependences of the ∆H +α(H Hres) ∆H +α(H +Hres) main spectral ESR parameters of GdI2, namely (a) the − + ×(cid:26)(H −Hres)2+∆H2 (H +Hres)2+∆H2(cid:27) ihnatlefn-wsiitdythI-EhSaRlf,-m(ba)xtihmeumresolinnaenwciedtfihel∆dHH,rews,haicnhd w(ci)lltbhee This is an asymmetric Lorentzian line, which includes discussed in the following. both absorption and dispersion, with α denoting the dispersion-to-absorption ratio. Such asymmetric line shapes are usually observed in semiconductors12 and B. ESR intensity and resonance field metals,10 where the skin effect drives electric and mag- netic microwave components out of phase and therefore In principle, I measures the spin susceptibility of ESR leads to an admixture of dispersion into the absorption the Gd spins and is approximated by I A∆H2, ESR ∝ 3 where A denotes the amplitude of the field-derivative of staticmagneticfieldattheGdsite. Theasymptotichigh- the absorption spectrum. In metals, however, one has temperature value of the resonance field H ( ) = 3.4 res ∞ to account for the finite skin depth δ of the microwave kOecorrespondstoaneffectiveg -valueofg =1.99sim- eff into the sample, which depends on the resistivity ρ and ilar to the value observed for Gd3+ ions in insulators,14 the ESR frequency ω as δ = (ρ/µ ω)0.5. As for GdI as expected for vanishing orbital moment (L=0) of the 0 2 only the resistance R but not the specific resistivity ρ half-filled 4f shell. At about 400 K the resonance field is available at present, the absolute skin depth cannot startstodecreasedramaticallytowardstheferromagnetic be calculated. Note that the resistance in the paramag- ordering at T = 276 K.6 Considering the strong influ- C netic regimeexhibits abroadmaximum,6 and,therefore, ence of the ferromagnetic fluctuations on the resonance the changes in the skin depth are negligible, so that one shift on approaching T from above and the quite large C probes always the same fraction of the sample. As we valuesof the susceptibility χ>0.1emu/molfor T <400 are only interested in relative changes of the spin sus- K,9 demagnetizationeffects cannotbe neglected. Due to ceptibility, the use of the above approximation for I therelationbetweenintrinsicandobservedsusceptibility ESR is justified. I decreases monotonously with increas- ESR ing temperature. Following the analysis of spin fluctu- ations of localized 4f7 electrons by Eremin et al.9 for 1 = 1 +N, (5) T > TC, we use the random-phase-approxomation-like χobs χint approach to the dynamic spin susceptibility (depending whereN denotesthedemagnetizationfactoroftheorder on the wavevector q and the frequency ω) given by of 4π along the direction of the applied magnetic field, χ (q) iγ(q,ω) one expects important corrections. Therefore we use the χ (q,ω)= 2D , (2) spin 1 J (q)χ (q)ω+iγ(q,ω) famousformuladerivedbyKittel15 forferromagneticres- 2D − ⊥ onance in an ellipsoidal sample given by where γ(q,ω) constitutes the damping function of the spinfluctuations,andJ (q)theferromagneticinter-layer ω0 exchange constant. Eva⊥luation of the imaginary part of γ = [He0+(Nx−Nz)M0][He0+(Ny−Nz)M0], Eq.(2) at q = 0 and using the temperature dependence q (6) of the 2D spin susceptibility χ given by 2D 1 16√3S2J 1.0 χ2D(T)= 6√3SJk exp" T k#, (3) nits) u results in b. 0.5 GdI r 2 16√3S2J J −1 (aR χspin(T)∝ exp"− T k#− 6√3⊥SJ ! , (4) IES (a) k 0.0 with the Gd spin S = 7/2 and the ferromagnetic ex- 3 change constant J within the Gd layers. Note that the ) determination of akbsolute values of the susceptibility us- Oe 2 1 k ing Eq. (2) cannot easily be undertaken, as the ’form of ( a the function γ(q,ω) for finite ω is unknown’.9 H res 1 The best fit obtained using Eq. (4) is displayed as a 0 300 400 500 600(b) solidlineinFig.3(a). Withinexperimentaluncertainties, 0 the data can be well described by this approach with fit 1.5 T parameters J =4.9(1) K and J /J = 0.035(3). These e) C valuesareingkoodagreementwith⊥thekestimatesJ 6K O atenmdpJe⊥ra/tJukr≈es0b.y03Eorebmtaiinnaedndfrcoomwothrkeearns.a9lDyseivsioafttiohknes≈Cfruormie H (k1.0 D the fitting curve are largest in the temperature range (c) 0.5 300 < T < 350 K, where the linewidth is reduced by 300 400 500 600 a factor of three. The approximation IESR A∆H2 T (K) ∝ strictly holds only for ∆H H but can also be used res ≪ for larger ∆H, if ∆H changes only slightly as in our case above 350 K. Therefore, the largest uncertainty in FIG. 3: Temperature dependence of (a) the ESR intensity IESR certainlyoccurswhere the changesinlinewidth are IESR,(b)theresonancefieldHres includingthedispersion-to- largest. absorptionratioαintheinset,and(c)theESRlinewidth∆H The resonance field H or the effective g-value in GdI2. Solid lines in (a) and (b) represent fits obtained by res using Eqs. (4) and (8) as described in the text,respectively. g =hν/(µ H ) provides information about the local eff B res 4 where ω denotes the resonance frequency, γ the gyro- 2 0 magnetic ratio, H the external magnetic field applied GdI e0 30 2 parallel to the z-direction, N the demagnetization fac- i tors, and M the magnetization of the sample. Approxi- 0 0 T matingtheshapeofthesampleasacylindricaldiskwith D 20 1.5 T H wfinitihtetthheicekxnteesrsn(aNl ym=agNnezti≪c fiNelxd,HNe0xa−pNplzie=d:wNitrhesin) atnhde WR () 1 (kO disk’s plane one derives D H(T)-D H (T) e) 10 KT H =H / 1+N χ (7) e0 0 res D H (T) by using M0 = χHe0 andpH0 = ω0/γ. Applying the 0 KT 0 proportionalityforχspin(T)givenbyEq.(4)thefollowing 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 fit formula for the resonance field Hres =He0 emerges: T (K) H 0 H (T)= res r1+A(cid:16)exph−16√3TS2Jki− 6√J3⊥SJk(cid:17)−1(8) FgGeIdtGhI2.er4in:wizTtehermot-hpmeeartgaentmueprteiecrdafietepuldreenaddneednpceienndoaefnntchaeepopEflitSehRdefirlieenslediswtoaidfntc1he.5tfooTr- The dimensionless parameter A includes the demagne- taken from Ref. 5. The contribution ∆HKT has been es- timated as described in the text and subtracted from the tization factor and the unknown prefactors of the sus- linewidth data to highlight the contribution of the d-f scat- ceptibility (see above). The resulting fit curve (solid tering. line in Fig. 3(b)) yields parameters A = 2.2(1) 10 3, − × H =3468(3) Oe, J =5.6(3) K, and J /J =0.039(2). 0 This goodagreemenktwith the ESR inte⊥nsityk and the re- relaxation channel that usually dominates the broaden- portedvaluesbyEreminandcoworkers9corroboratesthe ing mechanism. Regarding the resistance values, GdI 2 consistency of our approach. cannot be looked upon as a good metal and, hence, we willdiscussbothline-broadeningcontributionsinthefol- lowing: C. Linewidth In exchange coupled systems the isotropic Heisenberg exchange J (here J 6 K) leads to an exchange nar- On decreasing temperatures the resonance broadens rowing of the ESR ksp≈ectrum into a single line, which is and the linewidth exhibits a broad maximum at about usually described by the Kubo-Tomita approach,16 390 K (see Fig. 3(c)). Towards lower temperatures M the linewidth decreases and shows a minimum before it ∆H 2 (9) KT abruptly increases again due to inhomogeneous broad- ≃ Hex ening above the ferromagnetic transition. Towards the with the second moment M of the resonance line and 2 highesttemperaturesthelinewidthseemstoreachacon- exchangefield H J. The temperature dependence of ex stant value at about 1.1 kOe. Already at first sight ∝ thelinewidthinthiscaseisgiveninthehigh-temperature one recognizes that ∆H(T) correlates with the temper- approximationby ature dependence of the electrical resistance, both of which are shown in Fig. 4. It has been proposed that χ (T) 0 ∆H (T)= ∆H (10) the maximum in R(T) results from strong scattering of KT χ(T) ∞ the 5d-derivedconductionelectrons atthe localized4f7- electrons due to a peculiar topologyof the Fermi surface with the free Curie susceptibility χ = C/T, where C = 0 inthiscompound.5 TheconductionelectronsinGdI oc- Ng2µ2S(S +1)/3k denotes the Curie constant of the 2 B B cupy a narrow 5dz2 band and the carriers at the Fermi GdionswithS =7/2,andthemeasureddc-susceptibility level are close to a Γ point of the first Brillouin zone. χ(T).17 As χ (T)/χ(T) 1 for T , the tempera- 0 → → ∞ Hence, critical ferromagnetic fluctuations influence the tureindependentparameter∆H canbeidentifiedwith magnetic part of the resistivity very strongly. the high-temperature limit of th∞e ESR linewidth. To es- The ESR linewidth ∆H(T) generally corresponds to timate this contribution to the ESRlinewidth, we follow the transverse spin relaxation rate 1/T due to local the arguments by Sperlich et al. for the case of GdB .18 2 6 fluctuating fields, which in insulators originate from The authors conclude that the main contribution to the anisotropicinteractions like dipole-dipole interactionbe- resonancelinewidthisgivenbythedipole-dipoleinterac- tweenthelocalizedspins,hyperfinefieldsfromthenuclei, tionoftherare-earthspinscontributingabout0.3kOeto and the crystal electric field of the surrounding ligands. the linewidth for GdB , which has an exchangeconstant 6 In good metals, which contain both localized magnetic of about 1 K. With J 6 K in GdI this value is about 2 ≈ moments and delocalized conduction electrons, the in- 50 Oe and too small to fully account for the observed teractionbetweenthemprovidesanadditionalimportant high-temperature value of the linewidth. However, it 5 cannotbeexcludedthatthestrongtwo-dimensionalityof Compared to R(T), however, the linewidth maximum thesystemeffectivelyreducestheexchange-narrowingef- isshiftedtohighertemperatures. Thiscanbeattributed fectresultinginalargercontributionofthedipole-dipole to the finite external magnetic field in the ESR exper- interaction.19 iment, which is swept over a range from 0 to 1.5 T. Due to very short correlation times τ ω in metals, Field-dependentresistancemeasurementsevidenceasig- 0 ≪ longitudinal T and transversal spin relaxation time T nificant shift of the maximum to higher temperatures 1 2 are equal.20 Hence, in this case the ESR linewidth di- withincreasingstrengthofthemagneticfield.6Fromthe- rectly measures the spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T . In oretical estimates, it follows that the maximum in R(T) 1 the case of a half-filled 4f-shell with spin J = S = 7/2 shifts by approximately 10 % in external magnetic fields the orbital momentum of Gd3+ vanishes and a direct of 1 T,9 hence accounting for the observed differences relaxation to the lattice is not possible. Nevertheless, between ESR linewidth and resistance. the energy is transferred to the lattice by scattering of Interestingly, a correlation between the temperature the conduction electrons at the localized moment of the dependence of ∆H(T) and R(T) has also been observed 4f shell. This is the well-known Korringa relaxation in the intermetallic compound Gd PdSi .26 Similar to 2 3 which gives rise to a linear increase of the Gd linewidth GdI this compound is characterized by a large mag- 2 with increasing temperature.21 This behaviour is typi- netoresistance effect and, though showing antiferromag- callyobservedforGdionsdilutedinusualmetalsandalso netic ordering at T = 21 K, exhibits a positive Curie- N in many concentrated Gd-based transition-metal com- WeisstemperatureΘ =25Kevidencingtheexistence CW pounds above magnetic order.22,23 The slope of the lin- ofstrongferromagneticcorrelations.3OnapproachingT N ear increase is determined by the electronic density of both resistivity and ESR linewidth attain a minimum at states at the Fermi level N2(EF). Deviations from T 2TN,followedbyasimilarincreaseofbothquantities ∝ ≈ this canonical behaviour have already been found from towards the N´eel temperature. It seems likely that this strongly correlated electron systems like heavy-fermion feature could be due to similar scattering processes as compounds, where the density of states is strongly mod- inGdI ,especially,becausetheoccurrenceofanisotropic 2 ifiednearEF.24 Inthese compounds, boththe resistivity magnetoresistance effects and anomalies in the Hall re- andGd-ESRlinewidthshowatypicalnon-lineartemper- sistivity strongly suggest the existence of an anisotropic ature dependence with a maximum near the character- Fermi surface and its reconstruction across the metam- istic temperature T∗ EF/kB for the screening of the agnetic anomaly observed in Gd2PdSi3.27 To establish ≪ Kondo ions by the conduction electrons. such a scenario, however, a theoretical analysis of the InGdI2 wedonothaveanyKondoeffectwithitsanti- ferromagnetic correlations in Gd2PdSi3 is highly desir- ferromagnetic screening of the localized moments,25 but able. instead there are strong ferromagnetic fluctuations due tothe exchangeinteractionbetweentheGd5dbandand the localized 4f shell. Like in the case of the Kondo IV. CONCLUSIONS effecttheelectricalresistanceisdominatedbythese fluc- tuations and vice versa the spin relaxation of the Gd 4f Insummary,we findthat inGdI the temperaturede- shell is strongly affected. Therefore the maxima of resis- 2 pendence of the ESR linewidth correlates with the re- tance and linewidth which coincide approximately indi- sistance and conclude that the linewidth is dominated cate the characteristic temperature of the ferromagnetic by scatteringprocessesofconductionelectrons atthe lo- fluctuations in the range T <T <Θ =412 K. The C ∗ CW calized f electrons. Both the resonance field and the Curie-Weiss temperature Θ was obtained from the CW ESR intensity can be well described by a phenomeno- high-temperatureregimeofthesusceptibilityreportedin logical approach taking into account ferromagnetic spin Ref. 9. fluctuations of the f electrons. For the resonance field To accentuate the contribution due to the ferromag- and the ESR intensity the analysis yields in- and out-of- netic spin fluctuations it seems useful to subtract the plane exchange constants J = 5.6;4.9 K and J /J = contribution of the high-temperature relaxation. Both 0.039;0.035, respectively, wkhich are in excellent⊥agkree- possiblecontributionstothehigh-temperaturelinewidth, ment with previous estimates. dipole-dipole interaction following Eq. (10) or a linear Korringaincrease,ifmetallicpropertiesdominate,would yield a monotonic increase with increasing temperature. Acknowledgments Subtractingsuchacontributionresults,hence,inamore pronounced maximum in agreement with the maximum of the resistance. To illustrate this we assumed a high- We thank I. Eremin for fruitful discussions. 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