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Spin dynamics of quadrupole nuclei in InGaAs quantum dots M. S. Kuznetsova,1 R. V. Cherbunin,1 I. Ya. Gerlovin,2 I. V. Ignatiev,1,2 S. Yu. Verbin,1 D. R. Yakovlev,3,4 D. Reuter,5 A. D. Wieck,6 and M. Bayer3,4 1Department of Solid State Physics, Saint Petersburg State University, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia 2Spin Optics Laboratory, Saint Petersburg State University, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia 3Experimentelle Physik 2, Technische Universität Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany 4Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia 5Department Physik, Universität Paderborn, 33098 Paderborn, Germany 6Angewandte Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany (Dated: January 16, 2017) 7 1 Photoluminescencepolarizationisexperimentallystudiedforsampleswith(In,Ga)As/GaAsself- 0 assembled quantum dots in transverse magnetic field (Hanle effect) under slow modulation of the 2 excitation light polarization from fractions of Hz to tens of kHz. The polarization reflects the evolutionofstronglycoupledelectron-nuclearspinsysteminthequantumdots. Strongmodification n a oftheHanlecurvesundervariationofthemodulationperiodisattributedtothepeculiaritiesofthe J spindynamicsofquadrupolenuclei,whichstatesaresplitduetodeformationofthecrystallatticein thequantumdots. AnalysisoftheHanlecurvesisfulfilledintheframeworkofaphenomenological 3 modelconsideringaseparatedynamicsofanuclearfieldB determinedbythe±1/2nuclearspin 1 Nd statesandofanuclearfieldBNq determinedbythesplit-offstates±3/2,±5/2,etc. Itisfoundthat ] the characteristic relaxation time for the nuclear field BNd is of order of 0.5 s, while the relaxation l of the field B is faster by three orders of magnitude. l Nq a h PACSnumbers: 78.67.Hc,78.47.jd,76.70.Hb,73.21.La - s e m INTRODUCTION principal deformation axis and is not destroyed by the dipole-dipole interaction.7 In this case, the stability of . t nuclear spin system should be determined by processes a Hyperfineinteractionofanelectronlocalizedinaquan- m tum dot (QD) with nuclear spins forms a strongly cou- of longitudinal spin relaxation of quadrupole nuclei with characteristic time T >> T . Although many publica- - pled electron-nuclear spin system.1,2 This system is con- 1 2 d tions are devoted to the nuclear spin polarization6,8–26 sidered to be promising for realization of quantum in- n (see also review articles2,27–29), there are very few works formation processing devices.3–5 The realization of spin o where relaxation dynamics is studied for quadrupole nu- qubitsassumessomestabilityofthespinsystemrequired c clei.30–32 [ for the storage and processing of quantum information. In this paper we report on experimental study of InQDs,theopticallypolarizedelectrontransfersitsspin 1 spindynamicsofquadrupolenucleiinthesingly-charged moment into the nuclear subsystem where the spin ori- v (In,Ga)As/GaAsQDs. Thenuclearspinpolarizationwas entation may be conserved for a long time controlled by 1 studied in optical experiments by detection of the elec- 9 the nuclear spin relaxation processes. tron spin orientation via polarized secondary emission of 5 Themainprocessdestroyingthenuclearspinpolariza- 3 tion is believed to be the transverse relaxation in local theQDsinatransversemagneticfield(theHanleeffect). 0 Wehavefoundthat,whenthephotoluminescence(PL)of fieldscausedbythedipole-dipoleinteractionofneighbor- . thesamplesunderstudyisexcitedbylightwiththemod- 1 ing nuclear spins. Characteristic time of the relaxation, ulated helicity of polarization, the Hanle curves strongly 0 T , for nuclei with spins I = 1/2 is of order of 10−4 s.1 7 2 dependonthemodulationfrequency. Wehavedeveloped Theeffectivelocalfields,B ,areoffractionofmilliTesla 1 dd a phenomenological model based on the consideration of and can be easily suppressed by external magnetic fields : separate polarization dynamics of the |±1/2 > nuclear v exceeding these local fields. i spin doublets and of the split-off doublets, | ± 3/2 >, X In the case of self-assembled QDs, the stabilization of |±3/2 >, etc. The analysis performed using a pseudo- nuclear spin orientation is possible, in principle, in the r spin approach proposed in Ref. 33 has allowed us to ex- a absence of external magnetic field.6 Due to noticeable tract contributions from polarization of these different differenceinthelatticeconstantsofQDsandbarrierlay- groups of spin doublets into the effective nuclear field ers, some elastic stress appears in the QDs causing me- acting on the electron spin. chanical deformation of crystal lattice. The deformation resultsinagradientofcrystalfieldsactingonnucleifrom neighboring atoms and splitting the nuclear spin states for quadrupole nuclei with I >1/2.1 Because the strain- I. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS inducedquadrupolesplittinginself-assembledQDstypi- cally greatly exceeds Zeeman splitting in the local fields, We studied two samples prepared from one het- thespinorientationofquadrupolenucleiispinnedtothe erostructure with InAs/GaAs QDs grown by Stranski- 2 Krastanovmethod. SampleAwasthenannealedattem- II. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS perature 900 ◦C and sample B at temperature 980 ◦C. Theannealinggivesrisetothediffusionofindiumatoms A. Hanle curves at optical excitation with into the barriers so that the indium concentration and, modulated polarization. correspondingly,thecrystallatticedeformationsdecrease for higher annealing temperature. Theoretical modeling Typical Hanle curves for different modulation periods shows34 that the deformation is of about 3 % for sam- ofexcitationpolarizationareshowninFig.1. Asonecan ple A and 1 % for sample B. The quadrupole splitting of see, the Hanle curves of sample A [panel (a)] annealed thenuclearspinstatesstronglydependsonthedeforma- at lower temperature is considerably broader than the tion.35 It is considerably smaller for sample B compar- curves of sample B [panel (b)]. For both samples, the ing to sample A. Therefore, the experimental study and shape of Hanle curves strongly depends on the modu- analysis of two samples allows one to highlight the role lation period. At large periods, as well as at the excita- of quadrupole splitting of nuclear states in the observed tionwithafixedpolarization,awellresolvedW-structure effects. in the small magnetic fields is observed indicating a dy- The QDs under study contain one resident electron namicnuclearpolarization(DNP)actingonelectronspin per dot on average due to δ-doping of barriers by donors asaneffectivenuclearfield.43 TheW-structurebecomes during the epilaxial growth. There are 20 layers of the smoothedandthenalmostdisappearswhenthemodula- QDs with areal density of about 1010 cm−2 separated by tion period decreases. Besides, the Hanle curves notice- 60-nm thickGaAs barriers.36 Optical characterization of ably shrink with the period shortening. At the smallest the samples is given in Ref. 37. The photoluminescence periods used in the experiments, the Hanle curves ac- (PL) band in sample A corresponding to the lowest op- quire almost Lorentzian shape. Experiments also show tical transitions in the QDs is centered at photon en- that the Hanle curve width becomes independent on the ergy E =1.34 eV with the half width at half maximum modulation frequency at its further increase but mono- A (HWHM), δE = 9 meV. Similar PL band in sample tonically increases with the excitation power (not shown A B is shifted to the higher photon energy due to smaller here). Suchregularityistypicalfordepolarizationofelec- indium content, E =1.42 eV with δE =7 meV. tron spins with no nuclear spin effects.1 B B Itisimportantthat,inspiteofthelargeoverallmodifi- Inourpresentexperiments,dependenceofcircularpo- cationofHanlecurves, thepolarizationdegreemeasured larizationofPLismeasuredasafunctionofthemagnetic at zero magnetic fields is almost independent of modula- field applied perpendicular to the optical axis. The de- tion frequency. It approaches some value with the rise of polarization curves (Hanle curves) are measured under excitation power and becomes also almost independent opticalexcitationbyacontinuouswaveTi:sapphirelaser of the power at strong enough excitation. We assume into the wetting layer of each sample (E = 1.459 eV WL that this stability of polarization indicates the total po- for sample A and E =1.481 eV for sample B). Polar- WL larization of electron spins in the QDs at zero magnetic izationofthelaserradiationisslowlymodulatedbetween field. Thedeviationoftheexperimentallyobtainedvalue σ+ and σ− by an electro-optical modulator followed by of the polarization from unity is most probably caused a quarter-wave plate with a frequency varied from frac- by contribution of non-polarized PL from the neutral or tions of Hz to several kHz. No resonant effects studied doubly-charged QDs.37 in Refs. 37 and 38 are observed at such slow modulation Remarkable difference in behavior of Hanle curves is of the polarization. observed for two samples studied, compare Fig 1(a) and The PL is dispersed by a 0.5-m spectrometer and de- Fig 1(a). Namely, for sample B with higher annealing tected with a silicon avalanche photodiode. The circular temperature, strong modification of Hanle curve is ob- polarization degree, ρ = (I++ −I+−)/(I++ +I+−), is servedevenatlargemodulationperiod,T =1s,while mod measured using a photo-elastic modulator operating at for sample A the modification is hardly seen at the ten a frequency of 50 kHz and a two-channel photon count- timesshorterperiod. Besides,theHanlecurvenarrowing ing system. Here I++(I+−) is the PL intensity for co- forsampleBisfollowedbystrongincreaseofpolarization (cross-) circular polarization relative to that of excita- farbeyondtheW-structure. Nosuchincreaseisobserved tion. In the maximum of PL band of the QDs, the po- forsampleA.ThisdifferenceintheHanlecurvebehavior larizationisnegativeandreflectsthemeanspinpolariza- indicates large difference in the dynamics of nuclear spin tion of resident electrons as it was extensively discussed system in these two samples. earlier.39,40 Hereafter we use the maximal absolute value The analysis of complex shape of the Hanle curves is of ρ obtained at the center of PL band for each sample, the main topic of the rest part of the paper. As it is A =max|ρ(ω)|,forquantitativecharacteristicofthe shown in Ref. 26, the W-structure and the shape of cen- NCP electronspinpolarization:40S =A /2,alongtheop- tralpartoftheHanlecurvesfortheQDsunderstudycan z NCP tical axis. Because the resident electrons are interacting bewelldescribedintheframeworkofaphenomenological with the QD nuclei, the negative circular polarization model. The model considers the electron spin precession (NCP) can be used as a sensitive tool to monitor the about an effective magnetic field, which is the sum of nuclear spin state.40–42 the external magnetic field, B, an effective field of the 3 Figure 1. (Color online) Hanle curves for sample A (left panel) and sample B (right panel) measured at the optical excitation of one circular polarization (CW) as well as with modulated polarization with periods given in the legends. Excitation power P =14 mW for sample A and 10 mW for sample B. Diameter of laser spots on the samples, d≈60 µm. T =1.8 K. DNP (Overhauser field),44 B , and an effective field of ied in detail in Ref. 37. N the nuclear spin fluctuations, B .45 f At the presence of quadrupole splitting, behavior of In the GaAs-based structures with no quadrupole ef- the |±1/2 > doublet and the split-off doublets in the fects, the regular nuclear field is developed, in Hanle ex- magneticfieldorthogonaltodeformationaxis(transverse periments, parallel, rather than anti-parallel, to the ex- field) is very different. Hereafter we call these compo- ternalmagneticfieldbecauseofthenegativesignofelec- tron g factor.1 The W-structure, in particular, the dips nents as the dipole and quadrupole components of the nuclear field, respectively. inthestructure,areformedduetothelargenuclearfield, which magnifies the effect of external magnetic field on According to Ref. 7 the split-off nuclear states are not the electron spin.26,43 At larger magnetic fields, i.e., at splitted in the transverse magnetic field at the first or- the wings of Hanle curves, the electron polarization is der. This means that the quadrupole components of nu- additionally suppressed by the nuclear field added to the clear field conserve their orientation. Correspondingly, external magnetic field. Therefore, it would be expected the electron spin polarization is also conserved due to that the modulation of excitation modulation suppress- hyperfine interaction with the stabilized nuclear spins. ing the nuclear polarization should partially restore the Only when the Zeeman splitting becomes comparable electron polarization at the wings of Hanle curve. with the quadrupole splitting, the nuclear spins are no ExperimentallyobservedevolutionoftheHanlecurves longerpinnedtothemajoraxisoftheelectricfieldgradi- strongly differs from this prediction. As it is seen ent. Correspondingly, the nuclear spin orientation is de- inFig.1,theincreaseofmodulationfrequencyisfollowed stroyed and electron polarization decreases. That forms byasmoothingoftheW-structurethatindicatesthede- the wings of the Hanle curve. The fast modulation of crease of nuclear polarization. At the same time, the excitation suppressing the quadrupole component of nu- width of Hanle curves decreases, rather than increases, clear field should result in destroying the nuclear polar- at it is predicted by the standard model.1 izationatsmallermagneticfieldsthatisinnarrowingthe We assume that the main reason for such behavior is Hanle curve. thequadrupoleeffectsinthenuclearspinsystem.7 Agra- dientofcrystalfieldsplitsoffthespindoublets|±3/2>, This simplified discussion of dynamic processes in the |±5/2>, etc, from doublet |±1/2>. In the structures electron-nuclear spin system allows one to qualitatively understudy,thegradientismainlyinducedbythecrystal explain the experimentally observed behavior of Hanle lattice deformation. The principal axis of this deforma- curves at different modulation frequencies. An accurate tion is directed along the growth axis of the structures analysis of the Hanle curves allowed us to obtain valu- that is along the optical axis in our experiments.35 The able information about both the dipole and quadrupole quadrupole splitting caused by this deformation is stud- components of nuclear field. 4 B. Phenomenological model The electron spin precession competes with the spin re- laxation, which can be described by an effective field To extract information about the dynamics of nuclear Bτ =h¯/(geµBτs) where ge is the electron g factor, µB is polarization from the Hanle curves, we generalize the theBohrmagneton,andτe istheelectronspinrelaxation phenomenological model proposed in Ref. 26. In par- time. To include the relaxation, we should generalize ticular, we consider two effective nuclear fields acting on Eq. (3): the electron spin. The first one, the dipole field B , Nd is determined by polarization of the ±1/2 nuclear spin B2 +B2 ρ= totz τ. (4) states. The second one, the quadrupole field BNq, is B2 +B2 due to the polarization of the split-off states ±3/2, etc. tot τ We should note that, in (In,Ga)As-based structures, the For simplicity, we assume here that the relaxation time nucleiofallchemicalelements,includingisotopesconsti- τ does not depend on the external magnetic field. This tuting the structure, possess quadrupole moments. e assumption will be verified by the simulations of Hanle Theelectronspinprecessesinthetotalfield,B ,con- tot curves described below. Similar to Ref. 26, we assume sisting of several contributions: that the total field squared can be expressed as: B =B+B +B +B , (1) tot Nd Nq f B2 =(B+B +B )2+(B +B )2+(cid:104)B2(cid:105). (5) tot Ndx Nqx Ndz Nqz f where B is an effective field of the nuclear spin fluctu- f ations. Due to the fast precession of electron spin about Here we use the fact that the external magnetic field is B , only the projection, S , is conserved: tot Btot directed along the x-axis. We also assume that no valu- able nuclear polarization appears along the y-axis. The (S ·B ) B SBtot = 0|Btott|ot =S0(cid:112)Btott2ozt. (2) nduisctlreiabrutsepdin: fluctuations are assumed to be isotropically Here S is the electron spin polarization created along 0 the optical axis (z-axis). The electron spin polarization (cid:104)B2(cid:105)=(cid:104)B2 (cid:105)+(cid:104)B2 (cid:105)+(cid:104)B2 (cid:105)=3(cid:104)B2 (cid:105). (6) f fx fy fz fz measuredintheexperimentsS istheprojectionofS z Btot on the direction of observation (the optical axis). Corre- The z-projection of the total field squared, B2 , is de- spondingly, the measured degree of PL polarization is: totz termined by similar way with taking into account only z-components of the regular and fluctuating fields. Fi- S B2 ρ= z = totz. (3) nally we obtain: S B2 0 tot ρ(B)= Be = (BNdz+BNqz)2+(cid:104)Bf2z(cid:105)+Bτ2 . (7) B0 (B+B +B )2+(B +B )2+3(cid:104)B2 (cid:105)+B2 e Ndx Nqx Ndz Nqz fz τ HereB =b S isthez-componentofKnightfieldacting the Zeeman splitting of the doublet in an external mag- e e z on the nuclei and B0 = b S is the Knight field at zero neticfieldisconsiderablysmallerthantheenergysepara- e e 0 external magnetic field. Constant b is proportional to tionbetweenthedoubletsdeterminedbythequadrupole e the hyperfine interaction constant.1 It is considered as a splitting. The Zeeman splitting, δE = g βB, can be m m fitting parameter. described by an anisotropic nuclear g factor, g . Here β m Wesupposethatcomponentsofthenuclearfield,B is the nuclear magneton. The nuclear spin polarization Ndx andB ,B andB aredeterminedbythenuclear and, correspondingly, the nuclear field are created along Ndz Nqx Nqz spinprecessionaboutthetotalfieldactingonthenuclei. aneffectivemagneticfield,Bemff =gmxB+gmzBe.46 We The field consists of the external magnetic field, B, and should stress that the direction of Bemff deviates, in gen- of the Knight field, B . For simplicity, we neglect the x- eralcase,fromthedirectionofvectorsumoffieldsBand e and y-components of the Knight field because they are Be because of the anisotropy of the nuclear g factor. much smaller than the external magnetic field. Using a simple vector model26 one can obtain general expressions for components of nuclear field: Evolution of the nuclear field created by nuclei with quadrupolesplittingofspinstatescanbeanalyzedinthe B2 framework of a pseudo-spin model proposed in Ref. 33. B =B e , Nmz Nm(g∗ B)2+B2 According to the model, each spin doublet with the spin mx e (8) projection, m = ±1/2, ±3/2, ..., onto the principal (g∗ B)B B =B mx e , quadrupole axis may be considered independently, while Nmx Nm(g∗ B)2+B2 mx e 5 Here gm∗x =gmx/gmz are the normalized g factors deter- 0.3 minedastheratioofg factorscharacterizinginteractions (a) Sample A T = 50 ms mod 0.25 T=900°C with the magnetic fields applied across and along the 0.5 ms principal quadrupole axis, respectively. In small trans- P 0.2 fit curve C verse magnetic fields, the splitting of nuclear states with N A m= ±1/2 (the dipole states) linearly depends on the 0.15 magneticfieldandg∗ ≈2,whiletheZeemansplittingof dx 0.1 the doublet is considerably smaller than the quadrupole splitting. Wewillusethisapproximateequalitybecause, 0.05 as it will be seen in the next section, the dipole nuclear 0 fieldsignificantlydiffersfromzeroonlyinsmallmagnetic 0 30 60 90 120 fields. Magnetic field (mT) The splitting of the ±3/2, ±5/2, ..., doublets is 0.3 strongly anisotropic one in the transverse magnetic field (b) Sample B T =1 s and nonlinearly depends on the magnetic field magni- 0.25 T=980°C mod tude. For nuclei with I =3/2, splitting of the ±3/2 spin Tmod=10 ms states is described by expression:47 CP 0.2 fit curve N A 0.15 δE = EQ[a+((cid:112)1−a+a2−(cid:112)1+a+a2)], (9) ±3/2 2 0.1 where a = 4γ¯hB/E . Here E is the quadrupole split- 0.05 Q Q tingofthe±1/2and±3/2doubletsatzeromagneticfield 0 and γ is the gyromagnetic ratio for the nuclei. Eq. (9) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 allowsonetoobtainanexactexpressionforthenuclearg Magnetic field (mT) factor. We found, however, that this complex expression can be well fitted for all the nuclei and magnetic fields considered here by a phenomenological formula: Figure 2. (Color online) Examples of the Hanle curve simu- lations for samples A (a) and B (b) for different modulation B2 periods given in the legends. Symbols are the experimental gq∗x =kB2+B2 , (10) data and solid lines are the fits. ∆ where k and B are the fitting parameters. According ∆ to this expression, the g factor quadratically rises with lem we have first obtained approximate values of the magnetic field at small B and then reaches a constant parameters. For this purpose we fixed one parameter, value at B (cid:29) B∆. An analysis shows that both the pa- be = 4 mT for sample A and be = 2 mT for sample B, rameters are strongly different for Ga and As nuclei due and obtained other parameters by simple fitting proce- to different quadrupole splittings. Therefore, to accu- dure using Eqs. (7) and (8). Then we solved the total rately model the nuclear field, a sum of contributions of equation using the obtained values of the parameters as different nuclei, like those given by Eqs. (9), would be the initial ones and setting the limits for their possible considered. The experimental results, however, do not variations. We found that there is only one root of the contain sufficient information required for separation of equation, which satisfies the physical conditions: Sz is different contributions. We, therefore, simplify our anal- the real and positive quantity. ysis and suggest the simplest, linear, dependence for the Numerical solution of the equation for different mag- g factor, neticfieldsallowedustosimulateHanlecurvesbyappro- priate choice of the fitting parameters. We have ignored g∗ =kB, (11) some asymmetry of Hanle curves observed experimen- qx tally(seeFig.1)andsimulatedonlyapartofeachHanle to model the effective nuclear field averaged over all the curve measures at B > 0. An analysis has shown that nuclei. Results, described in the next subsection, show the fitting parameters are not noticeably changed when that this dependence allows us to explain main peculiar- another part of Hanle curves is modeled. ities of the Hanle curves. Substitution of the expressions (8) into Eq. (7) gives rise to an equation of the 9-th degree relative to Knight field B . Solution of this equation for different magnetic C. Analysis of Hanle curves e fieldsgivesthefielddependenceofelectronspinpolariza- tionthatistheHanlecurve. Comparisonofthemodeled Thephenomenologicalmodeldevelopedaboveallowed Hanle curve with that obtained experimentally allows us us to describe well the non-trivial shape of Hanle curves to determine fitting parameters B , b , B , B , B , measured for both samples at different modulation peri- τ e Nd Nq fz and k for each modulation period. To solve the prob- ods. Example of the Hanle curves obtained in the model 6 200 external magnetic fields, the dipole field almost disap- Sample B T= 980C B pearsandthewingsofHanlecurveismainlydetermined 150 BBNdx (mT)Nd 200 BNNddxz bfiyeldco.mApseotinteioncaonfxse-eanindFzi-gc.om3,ptohneenzt-csoomftphoenqeuntadrrauppidollye Ndz B decreases at large B and the x-component increases that B ) Nqx results in relatively sharp decrease of electron spin po- T m BNqz 0 larization observed experimentally. So, the dipole field (N100 0 5 10 15 forms the W-structure and the quadrupole field forms B B (mT) the wings of Hanle curve. Letusnowdiscussotherparametersofthemodel. Pa- 50 rameter B is determined by time τ of the electron spin τ e relaxation, seecommentto Eq.(4). As itwasmentioned above, τ depends on the excitation power but should e 0 be independent of the modulation period. Therefore we 0 20 40 60 80 100 fixed its value, B =18 mT. This value is obtained from τ Magnetic field (mT) the Hanle curve width at the fastest modulation used when the nuclear spin effects are negligibly small. Figure 3. (Color online) Examples of the magnetic field de- Parameter b [see Eq. (8)] characterizes the Knight e pendences of the longitudinal and transverse components of field B averaged over all the nuclei interacting with thedipoleandquadrupolenuclearfieldscalculatedforsample e electron spin. The magnitude of this parameter is de- B using Eq. (8). The parameters used in the calculation are termined by the electron density on the nuclei.1 The de- extracted from the Hanle curve measured at the modulation scribedabovesimulationsoftheHanlecurveshaveshown period T =300 ms. The magnetic field dependence of B mod e is taken from the experimentally measured Hanle curve. In- thatthisparameterhastobechangedundervariationof set shows behavior of components of the dipole field at small the modulation period. In particular, be = 5.3 mT at magnetic fields. At zero magnetic field, B =300 mT. slow modulation (T > 0.01 s) and b = 8 mT at fast Ndz mod e modulation (T < 0.01 s) for sample A. For sample mod B, b = 1.13 mT at slow modulation (T > 0.3 s) e mod are shown in Fig. 2. The good correspondence of the and be = 3.6 mT at fast modulation (Tmod < 0.1 s). measured and simulated Hanle curves allows us to ob- We assume that this variation of be with the modulation tain values of the fitting parameters at each modulation period is due to different rates of spin relaxation for dif- period and, therefore, to evaluate their frequency depen- ferent nuclear states. If the relaxation of some nuclear dence. Althoughthereareseveralfittingparameters,val- statesisslowerthanthemodulationperiod,suchnuclear uesofmostparameterscanbedeterminedindependently states are ”switched off” from the joint electron-nuclear because they control different features of Hanle curves. spin dynamics. Correspondingly, the Knight field should In particular, parameters B and B , describing the be averaged over a subset of nuclear states, which are Nd Nq photoinduced dipole and quadrupole nuclear spin polar- not ”switched off”. Difference in the magnitudes of be for ization,determinethecentralpartwithW-structureand sample A and B is explained by different electron densi- the peripheral part of Hanle curves, respectively. ties on nuclei in these samples. Sample A contains QDs Examples of magnetic field dependences of the dipole annealed at lower temperature (Tann =900 ◦C) than the and quadrupole components of nuclear spin polarization sample B (Tann = 980 ◦C) so that the indium content are shown in Fig. 3. As seen, the x- and z-component is larger, the electron localization volume is smaller, and of the dipole field have large magnitude in small mag- the hyperfine interaction is stronger in sample A.34 netic fields. In particular, the dipole component B Parameterk describingnonlinearsplittingofthe±3/2 Ndz has a maximal value at zero magnetic field and rapidly etc. doublets in magnetic field [see Eq. (11)] is found decreases with B while component B rapidly rises in to be almost independent of modulation period for both Ndx the same range of magnetic field (see insert in Fig. 3). samples. Its average value is: k = 0.9×10−4 mT−1 for As it is discussed in Ref. 26, such behavior of nuclear sample A and k = 1.8×10−4 mT−1 for sample B. The field is responsible for the W-structure in Hanle curves. obtained values of k can be compared with those found Subsequent decrease of the B component completes from Zeeman splittings of the ±3/2 states in different Ndx the W-structure. Beyond the W-structure, i.e., in large nuclei. According to the data of Ref. 37, k(Ga) = 20× magnetic fields, the dipole component of nuclear field is 10−4 mT−1, k(As) =1.3×10−4 mT−1 for sample A and virtually absent. k(Ga) = 40×10−4 mT−1, k(As) = 7×10−4 mT−1 for The quadrupole field is weakly changed in small mag- sample B. As seen, these values considerably differ for netic fields. In particular, x-component of the field is the Ga and As nuclei and are larger than those obtained almost zero while z-component has some finite, almost from the modeling of Hanle curves. constant,value. Itisthecomponent,whichstabilizesthe Possible reason for the difference of the k values ob- electron spin polarization making the Hanle curve broad tainedfromthefittingofexperimentaldataandfromthe at slow modulation of excitation polarization. At large splittings can be related to the fast phase relaxation of 7 nuclear spin polarization caused by fluctuating electron 300 (a) Sample A spin polarization under strong optical pumping used in 250 B T= 900°C the experiments. An analysis shows48 that this relax- Nd ) T ation should additionally weaken the effect of transverse m 200 magnetic field on the nuclear spin dynamics. B(f 150 Another possible reason is a contribution of the As , q B nuclei in an asymmetric atomic configuration containing BN 100 Nq oneorfewInneighbors. Crystalfieldgradientcausedby B, Nd 50 B astatisticaloccupationoflatticenodesbytheInandGa f atoms gives rise to a quadrupole splitting of spin states 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 in the As nuclei.1 The principal axis of the gradient may T (ms) be oriented along different crystal axes. The quadrupole mod splitting in these nuclei is stronger, therefore the value 450 (b) STa=m 9p8l0e° BC of k should be smaller. These nuclei can be responsi- ) CW ble for stabilization of the electron spin polarization at mT 300 large magnetic fields and, correspondingly, for the wings (d N 150 of Hanle curves observed experimentally. This contri- B bution also explains the fact that the widths of Hanle 0 curves for sample A and sample B do not strongly differ 0 100 200 300 400 500 (seeFig.1)althoughthelatticedeformationinsampleA T (ms) mod is three times larger compared to that in sample B.37 100 (c) B CW Finallyweshouldnote, thatthecontributionofInnu- T) Nq m 80 cleiintotheeffectofstabilizationoftheelectronspinpo- ( larization is negligible because of wide spread of Zeeman Bf 60 splittins of different states (m=±3/2,±3/2,...,±9/2). ,Nq Bf CW B 40 20 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 D. Dynamics of nuclear fields T (ms) mod ThesimulationofHanlecurvesdescribedaboveallows Figure 4. (Color online) Dependences of the dipole field us to analyze evolution of the dipole and quadrupole nu- B , quadrupole field B , and the field of nuclear spin clear fields at the modulation of excitation polarization. Nd Nq fluctuations B on modulation period T for sample A Figure 4 shows the evolution of initial (photoinduced) f mod (a) and sample B (b, c). Symbols are the values extracted values of nuclear fields B and B for both the sam- Nd Nq from the analysis of experimental data. Solid lines are the ples. The magnitudes of nuclear fields, in particular, of fits by Eqs. (12) with characteristic times: for sample A: the dipole component, obtained in the simulations have τ = 1.6 ms, τ = 1.4 ms, τ = 0.5 ms; for sample B: Nd Nq f relatively large spread. As it is already discussed (see τ =191ms,τ =0.18ms,τ =328ms,τ =0.2ms, Nd 1Nq 2Nq 1f Fig. 3), the dipole component significantly differs from τ2f =467 ms. zero only at small magnetic fields in the range of W- structure of the Hanle curves. Therefore, any small in- accuracy of experimental data in this range noticeable effect)anddrasticallyincreasesthedipolefieldachievable affects the component. The quadrupole component is at the CW or slowly modulated excitation. determinedinthelargermagneticfieldrangeand, there- Both the dipole and quadrupole fields decrease with fore,itsmagnitudeisfoundwithlessuncertainty. Never- shortening the modulation period. The decrease of nu- theless, in spite of the spread, the obtained values of the clear fields is naturally explained by some inertia of nu- dipole and quadrupole components demonstrate certain clearspinsystem,whichdoesnotallowittobereoriented tendency in evolution of nuclear spin polarization. during the half-period of the modulation. This effect en- As seen from the figure 4, all the nuclear fields tend to ables to estimate the characteristic relaxation times for gotosomestationaryvaluesatslowenoughmodulation. each nuclear field. The dependences of the nuclear field These stationary values are very different for different amplitudes on the modulation periods for sample A can nuclear fields and different samples. For example, as it be approximated by simple phenomenological equation: is shown in Fig. 4(a), the dipole field B is only three Nd (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) times larger than the quadrupole field BNq in sample B =B 1−exp −Tmod , (12) A. For the strongly annealed sample B, the dipole field N N∞ τ N is at least of 10 times larger than the quadrupole field [compareFigs.4(b)and 4(c)]. So,theannealingslightly Similar equation well describes evolution of the dipole decreases the quadrupole field (which is very expectable nuclear field for sample B. At the same time, evolution 8 of the quadrupole nuclear field in this sample is not ex- the nuclear spin system. ponential and we have to use more complicate equation: The most exciting experimental result is the drastic slowing down of nuclear spin relaxation at the increase (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) B =B 1−a2exp −Tmod −b2exp −Tmod , of annealing temperature from 900 ◦C for sample A to N N∞ τ τ 980 ◦C for sample B. This decrease of relaxation rate is N1 N2 (13) directlyseeninFig.1andthemodelallowsustoestimate with condition a2 +b2 = 1. Here B is the value of the rate. In principle, the annealing increases the local- N∞ nuclear field under the continuous wave excitation. ization volume for the resident electrons that may result As seen from Fig. 4, the relaxation time of the dipole inadecreaseoftherelaxationrateviahyperfinecoupling field for the stronger annealed sample B is larger by with electron spins.11,52 However, as it is pointed out in more than two orders of magnitude comparing to that Ref. 34, the annealing gives rise only to the two-fold in- forsampleA.Sodrasticdifferenceintherelaxationrates crease of the volume and, correspondingly, to the two- pointsouthighsensitivityofthenuclearspindynamicsto fold decrease of the hyperfine interaction that certainly quadrupole effects. We should mention also that the re- cannot explain so large difference in relaxation rates. laxationdynamicsinbulkn-GaAs,wherethequadrupole Other result of our modeling is that the nuclear spin splitting is very small, is further slowed down by a few dynamics is non-trivial and consists of a fast process orders of magnitude.32,49–51 with characteristic time of order of 1 ms and a slow pro- Dynamics of quadrupole field in sample A is charac- cess with characteristic time of about 1 s (see Fig. 4). terized by a relaxation time, which is close to that for We assume that the slow process is the relaxation of dipole field in this sample. However, the dynamics in the dipole nuclear field in the conditions when dynamics sample B is characterized by two relaxation times. The of the dipole and quadrupole components is decoupled. first one is close to that for sample A and the second These conditions is probably realized in the stronger an- one is only several times smaller than relaxation time of nealedsampleBwherethedipolefieldisstronglymagni- dipole field in this sample. Possible reason for such be- fied comparedto thequadrupole field[see Figs.4(b) and haviorofquadrupolefieldinsampleBisdiscussedinthe (c)]. next section. The dynamics of nuclear fields in sample A is much FittingoftheHanlecurvesallowedustoobtaintheef- faster and characterized by practically the same relax- fectivefieldofnuclearspinfluctuations,Bfz. Asonecan ationrate(withinexperimentalerrors)forthedipoleand seeinFig.4,theamplitudeoffluctuationsdecreaseswith quadrupolecomponents[seeFig.4(a)]. Suchdynamicsin decreasingperiodofthemodulation. Thepossibleorigin this sample is possibly caused by a mixing of the dipole of this unexpected, at the first glance, effect is discussed and quadrupole nuclear spin states due to tilting of the in the next section. The dynamics of Bfz is similar to principalaxisoftheelectricfieldgradienttensororpres- dynamics of the quadrupole field and is characterized by ence of some biaxiality of the tensor.35 a single relaxation time for sample A and two relaxation The relaxation of quadrupole field in sample B times for sample B. [Fig. 4(c)] is characterized by the presence of fast and slow components. It is also possibly due to an asymme- try of the tensor. Another possible reason is that the III. DISCUSSION quadrupolecomponentofthenuclearfieldinthissample is small compared to the dipole one and even small error Thephenomenologicalmodelusedintheprevioussec- in the separation of the components during the experi- tionforanalysisoftheexperimentaldataisbasedonap- mentaldataprocessingmayresultinanoticeableadmix- proximation of the well separated nuclear spin doublets. ture of the dipole component. Such admixture may be This approximation is valid in some limited range of the responsible for the complex shape time dependence for transverse magnetic field when the Zeeman splitting of BNq seen in Fig. 4(c). thedoubletsisconsiderablysmallerthanthequadrupole Large difference of relaxation times for the dipole and splitting. However the experimental data analyzed in quadrupolecomponentsofnuclearfieldrequiresseparate the present work are measured in the relatively wide discussion. The slow relaxation in the ±1/2 nuclear spin range of magnetic field of about ±100 mT where the system is inherent property of the system well known in Zeeman and quadrupole splittings become comparable, the nuclear magnetic resonance.47 In this process, the see Ref. 37. In such magnetic fields, the dipole (±1/2) angular momentum ±1 should be transferred from the and quadrupole (±3/2,...) states are mixed that makes nucleustoaphonon. Howevertherearenosuchphonons considerationofthedipoleandquadrupolefieldsinlarge in the phonon bath. Hyperfine interaction with resident magnetic fields to be not applicable. A more accurate electrons accelerates this process11,52 but it still remains microscopicmodelisrequiredforanalysisofthespindy- slow. namics in quadrupole nuclei. To the best of our knowl- Direct relaxation between the ±3/2 states is also in- edge, there is no such model so far. Therefore, we con- effective. However any modulation of the electric field sider the results obtained in the framework of our model gradient should provoke an efficient relaxation ±3/2 → asqualitative,ratherthanquantitative,characteristicsof ±1/2. In particular, the crystal field gradient can be 9 modulated by fluctuations of the carrier density.30–32 In of the dynamics of the nuclear spin fluctuation and of the case of QDs with relatively deep potential well for thequadrupolenuclearfieldsuggeststhatthequadrupole carriers, the fluctuations are small, at least at low sam- states mainly contribute to z-component of the nuclear ple temperature. However, in the case of optical excita- spin fluctuations. Similar conclusion has been made in tion of QDs, the fluctuations may be much larger due to Ref. 53. separatecaptureofelectronsandholessothatthismech- anismofrelaxationofthequadrupolestatesmaybecome effective. After the ±3/2 → ±1/2 relaxation, rapid pre- IV. CONCLUSION cession of the nuclear spins in the transverse magnetic field mixes the ±1/2 states due to large effective nuclear Strong modification of Hanle curves observed under g factor for this doublet. In particular, the precession modulation of excitation polarization is demonstrated frequency is of order 104 Hz in magnetic field of 1 mT. to contain valuable information about the dynamics Thebackwardrelaxation ±1/2→±3/2, whichoccursat of coupled electron-nuclear spin system in the studied any moment of the precession, should give rise to effec- (In,Ga)As/GaAs QDs. To extract this information, we tive destruction of the quadrupole field. This simplified havedevelopedasimplifiedphenomenologicalmodelcon- picture of the relaxation process may explain the rapid sidering separate dynamics of the dipole and quadrupole relaxation of quadrupole field observed experimentally. nuclear fields. In particular, the quadrupole field can ef- Finally we should mention about one more effect ob- ficientlystabilizeelectronspinpolarizationinlargemag- served at the modulation of the excitation polarization. netic fields up to 100 mT. At the same time, the rel- Thisisthesuppressionoftheeffectivefieldofnuclearspin atively fast relaxation of the quadrupole nuclear states fluctuations, which is observed at the shortening of the to the ±1/2 states may considerably shorten the elec- modulationperiod[seeFig.4(c)]. Thesuppressionunam- tron spin lifetime. In the studied samples with different biguouslyfollowsfromthefactofthestrongnarrowingof quadrupole splittings, the lifetimes differ by more than the Hanle curve down to the purely electron peak at the two orders of magnitude. fast enough modulation of polarization. We assume that ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the strong optical pumping with rapidly alternating po- larization equalizes the population of nuclear states with The authors thank K.V. Kavokin for fruitful discus- spin down and spin up and, hence, suppresses the lon- sion. The work is supported by the Russian Foundation gitudinal component of nuclear spin fluctuations, which for Basic Research and the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- supports orientation of the electron spin. The transverse schaft in the frame of International Collaborative Re- componentofthefieldofnuclearspinfluctuationswhile, searchCenterTRR160(ProjectNo. 15-52-12020). I.V.I. ofcourse, remain, but, astheanalysis showed, theircon- acknowledges the support of the Russian Foundation for tribution to the formation of the Hanle curve is negligi- BasicResearch(ContractNo. 16-02-00245A)andSPbSU ble small The mentioned above almost total coincidence (Grant No. 1 Optical Orientation, ed. by B. P. Zakharchenya and F. 037401 (2007). Meier (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984). 8 D.Gammon,Al.L.Efros,T.A.Kennedy,M.Rosen,D.S. 2 V.K.Kalevich,K.V.Kavokin,andI.A.Merkulov,Ch.11 Katzer, D. Park, S. W. Brown, V. L. 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