Spin correlations in the electron-doped high-transition-temperature superconductor Nd Ce CuO 2−x x 4±δ E.M. Motoyama,1 G. Yu,1 I.M. Vishik,1 O.P. Vajk,2 P.K. Mang,3 and M. Greven3,4,∗ 1Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA 7 2NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA 0 3Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA 0 4Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford, California 94309, USA 2 n a High-transition-temperature (high-T ) super- and three-dimensional couplings, NCCO exhibits three- c J conductivity develops near antiferromagnetic dimensionalAForderatanon-zeroN´eeltemperature,as 1 phases, and it is possible that magnetic exci- observedintheelasticscatteringchannel[2,6]. Thespin 1 tations contribute to the superconducting pair- stiffness ρ (x) decreases monotonically with increasing s ] ing mechanism. To assess the role of antifer- electron concentration, with ρs(0.18)/ρs(0) ≈ 25% [6], n romagnetism, it is essential to understand the andthedopingdependenceofρ (x)andoftheamplitude s o doping and temperature dependence of the two- A(x)isremarkablyclosetothatfortherandomly-diluted c - dimensional antiferromagnetic spin correlations. spin-one-half square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet r p The phase diagram is asymmetric with respect La2Cu1−z(Zn,Mg)zO4 [14]. u to electron and hole doping, and for the com- Magnetic inelastic neutron-scattering experiments in s paratively less-studied electron-doped materials, the SC phase have become possible only in recent years . t the antiferromagnetic phase extends much fur- [15, 16]. We have carried out two-axis measurements of a m ther with doping [1, 2] and appears to overlap thespincorrelationsineightoxygen-reducedNCCOcrys- with the superconducting phase. The archetyp- talsinthe ceriumconcentrationrange0.038≤x≤0.154 - d ical electron-doped compound Nd2−xCexCuO4±δ (Fig. 1). The data are fit to a 2D lorentzian, S(q2D) = n (NCCO) shows bulk superconductivity above x S(0)/(1+q2 ξ2), convoluted with the calculated instru- o ≈ 0.13[3, 4], whileevidence forantiferromagnetic mental reso2luDtion, where q is the distance in momen- [c orderhasbeenfounduptox ≈0.17[2,5,6]. Here tum space from the 2D A2FDzone center (Fig. 2). The we report inelastic magnetic neutron-scattering non-SC samples (x ≤ 0.129) follow equation (1), con- 2 measurements that point to the distinct possibil- sistent with bulk AF order in the ground state (Fig. 3). v 6 ity that genuine long-range antiferromagnetism Althoughthisbehaviourisqualitativelythesameasthat 8 and superconductivity do not coexist. The data foras-grownNCCO[6],thespinstiffnessdecreasesmuch 3 reveal a magnetic quantum critical point where more rapidly with doping. The data for the SC sample 9 superconductivity first appears, consistent with withx=0.134arefittoequation(1)withasmallvalueof 0 an exotic quantum phase transition between the thespinstiffnessρ ,butareequallywelldescribedbythe 6 s two phases [7]. We also demonstrate that the simple power law ξ ∝1/TνT with exponent ν =1.0(5). 0 T / pseudogap phenomenon in the electron-doped The power-lawbehaviour,indicatedbythe dashedcurve t a materials, which is associated with pronounced in Fig. 3, would imply that ρs is already zero and that m chargeanomalies[8,9,10,11],arisesfromabuild- the system is quantum critical at this cerium concentra- - up of spin correlations, in agreement with recent tion. Fig. 4a demonstrates that ρs approaches zero at d theoretical proposals [12, 13]. x = 0.134(4) in an approximately linear fashion. In a n AF In their as-grown state, the electron-doped materials fundamentaldeparturefromtheabovebehaviour,wefind o c exhibit antiferromagnetic(AF) order throughoutthe ac- that in the SC samples with x ≥ 0.145, ξ remains finite : cessibledopingrange,andanoxygenreductiontreatment down to the lowest temperatures. The low-temperature v i is required to induce superconductivity [3]. Previous in- correlation length ξ0 for these samples increases as xAF X elasticneutronscatteringexperimentsonas-grown,non- is approached from above (Fig. 4a). r superconducting (non-SC) NCCO demonstrated [6] that Previous elastic neutron measurements [2, 4, 6] indi- a the two-dimensional (2D) spin correlation length ξ ob- cated that oxygen-reduced NCCO exhibits AF order up served above the N´eel temperature is exponentially de- to x ≈ 0.17. Such measurements in our crystals indeed pendent on inverse temperature: reveal N´eel order. However, our inelastic results demon- strate that, contrary to previous belief [4, 11, 17], the ξ(x,T)=A(x)exp(2πρ (x)/T) (1) s groundstateofSCsamplesexhibitsonlyshort-rangespin for cerium concentrations ranging from zero up to the correlations. Moreover,priorinelasticneutron-scattering solubility limit of x≈0.18. This behaviour indicates the experiments clearly revealeda SC magnetic gap, despite existence of an underlying ground state with long-range the presence of AF Bragg peaks in the elastic response 2D AF order. Owing to weak spin-space anisotropies [15, 16]. We conclude that the AF phase boundary in 2 fact terminates at x = 0.134(4), and that magnetic field [18] due to the paramagnetic decomposition prod- AF Bragg peaks observed at higher cerium concentrations uct (Nd,Ce) O . 2 3 originatefromregionsofthesampleswhichwerenotfully Foras-grownNCCO [6]andforLa2Cu1−z(Zn,Mg)zO4 oxygen-annealed. While a relatively small volume frac- [14]itwasfoundthat,toaverygoodapproximation,the tion of such macroscopic remnants of the AF as-grown statecangiveriseto significantBraggscattering,ourin- elastic measurements are fortunately insensitive to their 4500 a x=0.038 d x=0.145 1100 presence. This conclusion is consistent with the obser- T=250K T=35K 4000 ξ/a=260 ξ/a=46 vation that the N´eel transition is very broad in SC sam- 1000 3500 ples(Fig.4b),andalsowithmuonspin-resonanceresults 3000 [4], which show a significant decrease of the AF volume 900 2500 ftricacstiigonnanlefarormx =the0.1re4m. nWaentnoAtFe trheagtiotnhsesshpouurlidounsoetlabse- 10 min)22680000 b xT==04.0003K8 e xT==02.0104K5 380010 min) confused with the spurious elastic signal in a magnetic s/ ξ/a=14 ξ/a=16 s/ ount2400 3600ount C C sity (2200 3400sity ( 500 en en Int6200 c x=0.106 f x=0.154 4300Int T=300K T=1.8K 2 6000 ξ/a=10 ξ/a=10 4200 400 5800 5 4100 5600 K) 10 5400 4000 ure (300 20 0.45 H 0(r..5l.0u.) 0.55 0.45 H 0(r.5.l.0u.) 0.55 erat ξ/a mp 50 FIG.2: Representativetwo-axisscansusedtomeasure Te200 the spin correlation length. The scans are along (h,h) 100 about the 2D AF zone centre (1/2,1/2) and are fitted (solid blue curves) to a 2D Lorentzian convoluted with the calcu- 200 100 latedinstrumentalresolution(dashedredcurves). Shownare 400 data at a, T = 250K ≈ TN and b, T = 400K for x = 0.038; c, T = 300K for x = 0.106; d, T = 35K and e, T = 200K for x = 0.145; and f, T = 1.8K for x = 0.154. Wavevectors 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 are represented as (h,k,l) in reciprocal lattice units (r.l.u.), x where Q = (2πh/a,2πk/a,2πl/c) is the momentum trans- fer, and a and c are the lattice constants of the tetragonal FIG. 1: The temperature-doping phase diagram for system (space group I4/mmm; for x = 0.038, for exam- oxygen-reduced NCCO. The red and blue hashed areas ple, the room-temperature lattice constants are a = 3.93˚A indicate long-range AF order and superconductivity, respec- and c = 12.09˚A). Vertical error bars represent uncertain- tively. The black circle at zero temperature indicates the ties(1σ)assumingPoissonstatistics. Themeasurementswere approximate location of a magnetic quantum phase transi- performed in two-axis mode on the BT2 and BT9 triple-axis tion. Theinstantaneous2Dspin-correlation lengthξ(x,T)in spectrometersattheNISTCenterforNeutronResearch. The the CuO2 sheets was measured at the doping levels and over incident neutron energy was Ei = 14.7meV. In previous ex- the temperature ranges indicated by the vertical bars. The perimentsonLa2Cu1−z(Zn,Mg)zO4[14]andas-grownNCCO colour scale shows ξ, in units of the planar lattice constant [6], this energy proved to be sufficiently large in the temper- a, interpolated and extrapolated from the measured values. ature region TN < T < 2TN to reliably extract the instanta- TheN´eeltemperatureTN isshownasthedottedcurve,while neousstructurefactorS(Q). Thecollimationswere: a,b,40′- the dashed curve is the extrapolated contour of ξ/a = 400. 23′-sample-20′; c, 60′-40′-sample-40′; d, 40′-47′-sample-10′; The measurement of TN is contaminated by remnants of the e, 40′-47′-sample-20′; and f, 40′-47′-sample-40′. The NCCO as-grown state of NCCO, so that the true AF phase extends crystals were grown in 4atm of oxygen using the travelling- only to xAF ≈ 0.13, close to where superconductivity first solvent floating-zone technique, and subsequently annealed appears. This is established from the fact that ξ diverges for 10 h at 970◦C in argon, followed by 20 h at 500◦C in exponentially upon cooling for non-superconducting compo- oxygen. The sample masses range from 1 to 5g. The oxy- sitionsatlowerelectronconcentrations,whileitremainsfinite gen reduction treatment, required for superconductivity to insuperconductingsamples. Thesmallremainingoverlapin- appear, isa non-equilibriumprocess resulting in unavoidable dicated in the figure may be caused by cerium and oxygen oxygeninhomogeneities. Ceriumconcentrationsxweredeter- inhomogeneities. The grey and white circles indicate optical mined from inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy, conductivity measurements of of the pseudogap temperature with typical variation of ∆x≈0.005 along the growth direc- T∗ on NCCO crystals [9] and Pr2−xCexCuO4±δ thin films tion. Superconductivity is observed from magnetic suscepti- [11],respectively. Thedot-dashedcurveisaguidetotheeye. bility measurements for x≥0.134. 3 N´eeltemperature T (x) is a contour of constant2D cor- nario: a second-orderquantum phase transitionbetween N relationlengthwithξ/a=200-400and100,respectively. the AF and SC phases. This quantum phase transition Following the observations for as-grown NCCO, we plot would be described by a dynamic critical exponent of the extrapolatedcontour of ξ/a=400 as a dashedcurve z = 1/ν ≈ 1.0(5), which differs from the value z = 2 T inFig.1. ThisestimateoftheunderlyingbulkN´eeltem- predicted for a transition from the antiferromagnet to perature coincides with the measured T at x = 0.038, N but it lies systematically lower at higher cerium concen- trations, approaching T =0 at x ≈0.134. N AF 22 50 The decrease to zero of the spin stiffness at x ≈ a AF 40 0.134 and the finite values of ξ for x > x indicates 11..55 0 AF agrofuunnddasmtaetnet.aTl hcehacnognetriibnuttihoenonfattuhreeAoFfrtehmenamnatgsnmetaiyc πρ2/Js 11 2300ξ/a0 lead to a slight over-estimate of the spin correlations, 00..55 10 and consequently of ρ and ξ , but we emphasize that s 0 00 0 the qualitative change in behaviour is a robust result. 300 b The NCCO phase diagram resembles those of other un- conventionalsuperconductors,suchastheheavy-fermion TN200 compound CeRhIn5, in which the AF and SC phases arent are believed to be separated by a first-order boundary pp100 A [19]. Although we cannot rule out a genuine under- lying coexistence between AF and SC order, such co- 0 existence would be confined to a rather narrow doping 40 c range. However,the behaviour of ρ (x), which decreases 30 s continuously by more than an order of magnitude with ξ*/a20 doping, together with the crossover to power-law be- 10 haviour of ξ(x,T) near x = 0.134, suggests another sce- 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 x 500 x=0.038 FIG. 4: Spin stiffness, spin correlations at low- x=0.075 temperature, apparent N´eel temperature, and spin x=0.106 correlations along T∗. a, Doping dependence of the spin 200 x=0.129 stiffness ρs (plotted as 2πρs/J, where J = 125meV is the a ξ/ x=0.134 AFsuperexchangefortheundopedMott insulator Nd2CuO4 gth 100 x=0.145 [2, 6]) and of the low-temperature spin correlation length ξ0. n len x=0.150 zVoenrttaiclaelrerrorrorbabrasrsinhaelrlepraenperlessernetpruensecnetrttahinetimeseaosfu1reσd. rHanorgie- o 50 x=0.154 ati of cerium concentration in each crystal. Dashed curves are orrel guidestotheeye. Thespin stiffnessdecreases smoothly with c doping and reaches zero in an approximately linear fashion pin 20 around xAF ≈ 0.134. The ground state for x < xAF has S long-range AF order, whereas long-range order is absent for 10 x > xAF, as seen from the finite values of ξ0. The doping dependence of ξ0 indicates a divergence as the critical point is approached from the right. b, Apparent N´eel temperature 5 0 100 200 300 400 TN, as determined from elastic scattering, as a function of Temperature (K) doping. The temperature dependence of the measured order parameter (not shown) was modelled using agaussian distri- FIG. 3: The temperature dependence of the spin bution of TN, and the vertical bars indicate the full-width at correlation length at various cerium concentrations. half-maximum (FWHM) of this distribution. Measurements Vertical bars represent uncertainties of 1σ. The data for were not performed on all samples; previous data [6] are in- x ≤ 0.134 are fit to equation (1). The spin stiffness may dicated by open symbols. The dotted and dashed curves are alreadybezeroforx=0.134, becauseafittoasimplepower thesame as in Fig. 1. c,The spin correlation length ξ∗ mea- law ξ ∝ 1/T describes the data equally well (dashed curve); sured at or extrapolated to the pseudogap temperature T∗. power-law behaviourisexpectedat aquantumcritical point. Vertical bars represent uncertainties of 1σ. Below optimal For x=0.145 and higher, ξ does not diverge, but instead re- doping (x < 0.15), ξ∗ is given by the single-particle thermal mains finite at low temperatures, demonstrating the absence deBrogliewavelengthandincreasesasξ∗ ∝1/(x∗−x)(fitted of genuine long-range AF order. The curves drawn for these curve). However, this relationship breaks down near optimal latter data are guides to the eye. Superconductivity is ob- doping, where ξ∗ is found not to exceed the SC coherence served for x≥0.134. length. 4 a non-SC paramagnet [12]. If hyperscaling holds, the the contributions from the remnant AF regions to our spin stiffness for a 2D system is expected to decrease as measured ξ(x,T) are negligible. ρ ∝ (x −x)ν0z, where ν is the exponent describing Equation(2)wouldsuggestthatξ∗divergesatx ≈x∗. s AF 0 c the divergence of ξ as x is approached from above. However,as seen from Fig. 4c, this relationbreaks down 0 AF Fromtheapproximatelylinearbehaviourofthespinstiff- nearoptimaldoping,presumablyowingtotheemergence ness,wethereforehaveν ≈1. Wecannotindependently ofa new length scalethat limits the developmentofspin 0 determine ν , since we do not have sufficient informa- correlations. Interestingly,atoptimal doping (x=0.15), 0 tion for ξ (x). It is also possible that the system lies ξ∗ ≈ ξ is comparable to the SC coherence length [20] 0 0 above the upper critical dimension, in which case mean- ξ = 58˚A ≈ 15a. The spin correlations near optimal SC fieldbehaviourwithρ ∝(x −x)2βmean field isexpected. doping are still relatively large, consistent with sugges- s AF β = 1/2, so this is consistent with the observed tions basedon Ramanscattering [21] and photoemission mean field behaviour. [22]thatthedx2−y2 SCorderparameterisnon-monotonic Our results for ξ(x,T) also have important conse- due to AF fluctuations. quences for the relationship between AF correlations The new experimental results for the magnetic phase and the pseudogap physics in the electron-doped cop- diagram and pseudogap physics contain important im- per oxides, which appears to be different from that of plications for theories of high-T superconductivity. By c the hole-doped materials [9, 12, 13]. The pseudogap avoiding spurious scattering that significantly contami- (charge anomalies associated with the opening of a par- natestheelasticresponse,wehaveestablishedfrommea- tial gap along the Fermi surface) has been discerned in surements of the 2D spin correlations that genuine co- photoemission [8, 10], optical spectroscopy [9, 11], and existence of AF and SC order is essentially absent in charge transport [9] experiments on NCCO crystals and Nd2−xCexCuO4±δ. On symmetry grounds, a possible Pr2−xCexCuO4±δ films up to x=0.15 [8, 11]. First, our second-order quantum phase transition between these finding that the AF phase terminates at xAF =0.134(4) two types of order would seem unlikely and exotic. One refutes statements that a possible quantum phase tran- scenarioisthatanunderlyingfirst-ordertransitionisren- sition at x ≈ 0.17 is related to the disappearance of AF dered second-order owing to microscopic disorder [23]. order [11, 17]. Second, we find that the spin-correlation Such disorder is found in most high-T superconductors c length changes smoothly across the pseudogap tempera- [24]and,inthe presentcase,itmightbe the randomness ture T∗ and, remarkably, up to x = 0.145 it follows the associated with the Nd-Ce substitution. Alternatively, simple relationship: such a phase transition may be an example of ‘decon- ξ∗ C fined’ quantum criticality [7], a new paradigm for quan- = (2) tumphasetransitions. Tofurtherelucidatethenatureof a x −x c the transition from AF to SC order, a detailed comple- with fitting parameters C =0.96(12) and x =0.171(4). mentarystudy ofthe superconducting criticalproperties c One interpretation of the pseudogap is that it signifies on small samples with minimal oxygenand cerium inho- a change in the spin scattering of the electrons as the mogeneities would be desirable. 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