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1 1 Spin-charge separation: From one hole to finite doping 0 0 Z.Y. Weng, D.N. Sheng, and C.S. Ting a 2 n aTexas Center for Superconductivity, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204,U.S.A. a J In the presence of nonlocal phase shift effects, a quasiparticle can remain topologically stable even in a spin- 6 charge separation state due to the confinement effect introduced by the phase shifts at finite doping. True 2 deconfinement onlyhappensinthezero-doping limitwhereabareholecanlose itsintegrityanddecayintoholon andspinonelementaryexcitations. TheFermisurfacestructureiscompletely differentinthesetwocases, from a ] l large band-structure-like one to four Fermi points in one-hole case, and we argue that the so-called underdoped e regime actually corresponds to a situation in between. - r t s . t a Spin-charge separation idea [1] has become a operator is expressed as follows m d- vMeorytt-bHausibcbacordncienpstuliantournmdeordsetlasnrdeilnagtetdhetodhoipgehd- ciσ =h†ibiσeiΘˆiσ (1) n Tc cuprates. Itstatesthatthe systemhastwoin- where holon h†i and spinon biσ are both bosonic o dependentelementaryexcitations,neutralspinon fields, satisfying the no-double-occupancy con- c and spinless holon, respectively, as opposed to a straint h†h + b† b = 1. These spinon and [ i i σ iσ iσ singleelementaryexcitationin conventionalmet- holonfieldsdesPcribetheelementaryexcitationsin 1 als — the quasiparticle that carries both spin the mean-field state [3] which is controlled by a v and charge quantum numbers. In literature, it single bosonic RVB order parameter ∆s and re- 1 1 has been usually assumed that the quasiparti- ducestotheSchwinger-bosonmean-fieldstate[4] 4 cle excitation would no longer be stable in such in the limit of half-filling. 1 a spin-charge separation state and should decay Thekeyfeatureinthebosonizationformulation 0 into more elementary spinon and holon excita- (1) is the phase shift field eiΘˆiσ ( σ)ieiΘsiσtring 1 tions once being created,e.g., by injecting a bare with Θstring 1 Φb σΦh , ≡in −which Φb = at/0 hoBleuitntino tthhiesswyostrekmweaswiillllussthroawteadninexFaimg.pl1e(ath).at aPnld6=iθθii((ilσl))(cid:0)=PIα≡mαnln2blα(cid:2)(z−ii1−(cid:1)z,l)Φ.ihi(cid:3)It=is Pa lv6=oirθtie(xli-)lnikhle, m thefateofthequasiparticlecanbedrasticallydif- − phase field whichprecisely keepstrackof the sin- ferent from what has been previously perceived. - gular phases (signs) involved in the doped t J d Specifically, based on a consistent spin-charge − model known as the phase string effect [2]. n separationtheorywefindthataquasiparticleex- Thedecomposition(1)impliesthatinorderfor o citation does not simply break up into a pair of c aquasiparticlecreatedbyciσ todecayintoholon- : freeholonandspinonanddisappearinthemetal- spinon elementary excitations, a phase shift Θˆ v iσ i lic regime. On the contrary, it remains topologi- must take place in the background. Since Θˆiσ is X callystableinaformofspinon-holonboundstate basically aninfinite-body operatorin the thermo- r whose symmetry is fundamentally different from dynamic limit, the dissolution of a quasiparticle a a pair of simple spinon and holon as sketched in wouldtakevirtuallyinfinite time torealizeunder Fig. 1(b). a local perturbation which means that a quasi- Such a spin-charge separation theory [2,3] is particlewillpracticallyremaina stableandinde- based on a generalized slave-particle representa- pendentexcitationeveninabackgroundofholon- tionofthet−J modelinwhichtheelectron(hole) spin sea. In fact, it can be shown [5] that eiΘˆiσ, due to its vorticities, introduces a new “angular- momentum-like” quantum number to the quasi- 2 involves an infinite body of them. Upon detailed examination, it is found [5] that the holon field h†i has to be bound to e2iΦbi while biσ to e−iσ2Φhi (a) in (1). But while eiΘˆiσ is well-defined, these two phase factorsare notsingle-valuedby themselves except in the zero doping limit. Consequently,at finite doping the holon and spinon constituents aregenerallyconfinedtogetherdue totheir bind- ing to eiΘˆiσ. Involving infinite-body holons and spinons, the quasiparticle excitation has to be treated more carefully before applying the mean-field approx- imation. Using the exact Hamiltonian to de- (b) termine the equation of motion i∂tciσ(t) = − [H ,c (t)]andthenintroducingthemean-field t−J iσ order parameter ∆s in the high order terms, one finds [5] Figure 1. Quasiparticle deconfinement (a) and confinement (b) due to the phase shift field i∂tciσ(t) teff clσ +µciσ − ≈ l=NXN(i) 3J∆s eiΘˆiσh†b† eiσAhil +... (3) particle such that the excitation is orthogonal to −8 l=NXN(i)h i l−σ i thegroundstateaswellasthosestatesofelemen- taryholonandspinonexcitations. Therefore,the where teff = 2t(1+δ), µ is the chemical poten- phase shift field not only plays a role leading to tial. Ah is the difference of Φh/2 at site i and il i a non-Fermiliquid(with the quasiparticleweight l. Note that without the “scattering” term, (3) Z =0)asconjectured[1,6]byAndersononagen- wouldgive rise to a bare quasiparticlekinetic en- eralground,butalsoattachesadistinctquantum ergy ǫk = 2teff(coskx + cosky). The “scat- − numbertothequasiparticletoensureitsintegrity tering” effect in the second line of (3) actually in the metallic phase. correspondsto the decaying process of the quasi- Tofurtherunderstandthephaseshifteffect,let particle into holon and spinon constituents. But us construct Ψ′ eiΘˆiσ ΨG where ΨG is the the presence of eiΘˆiσ prevents a real decay since | i ≡ | i | i ground state of H . Then by computing its such a vortex field would cost a logarithmically t−J energy cost one can show [5] divergent energy if being left alone as discussed above. Nonetheless, at Ψ′ H Ψ′ Ψ H Ψ lnL (2) t−J G t−J G h | | i−h | | i∝ E >E +E (4) quasiparticle holon spinon which diverges logarithmically with the sam- ple length scale L. But the quasiparticle state astrongsignatureofspin-chargeseparationisex- ciσ ΨG should cost only a finite energy relative pected to show up in the spectralfunction as the | i to the ground-state energy. It thus imples that logarithmic potential is not important in short- the holon and spinon constituents on the r.h.s. range, high-energy regime. of (1) can no longer behave as mean-field free el- In the ground state, the bosonic holons are ementary excitations: They have to absorb the Bose condensed with h† = h √δ and the d- effect of the vortex-like phase shift eiΘˆiσ to re- wave superconductinghoirider pa0r∼ameter ∆SC = 0 6 sult in the finiteness of the quasiparticle energy. [3]. Based on (3), one can find a coherent con- Clearly here one has to go beyondthe mean-field tribution from the “scattering” term. The de- treatment of individual holon and spinon as c composition (1) may be rewritten in two parts: iσ 3 ciσ = h0aiσ + c′iσ where aiσ ≡ biσeiΘˆiσ and where Tc =0. Namely c′iσ = (: h†i :)biσeiΘˆiσ with : h†i :≡ h†i −h0. Cor- 2∆k(T =0) (7) respondingly, the single-electron propagator may T →∞ c be expressed as at δ 0, whereas the BCS theory predicts a → G =h2G +G′, (5) constant. e 0 a e The quasiparticle thus gains a “coherent” part where one has [5] h a which should behave similarly to the con- 0 ventional quasiparticle in the BCS theory as it u2 v2 h2G (k,ω) h2 k + k . (6) does not further decay at E < E . In this 0 a ∼ 0(cid:18)ω E ω+E (cid:19) k s − k k sense, the quasiparticle partially restores its co- herence in the superconducting state. Such a co- with E = (ǫ µ)2+ ∆ 2, ∆ = k k k k − | | herent part will disappear as a result of vanish- 43J qΓq(cid:18)∆hSk+20Cq(cid:19)pin which Γq =cosqx+cosqy. ing superfluid density. The total spectral func- P tion as the imaginary part of G can be written And like in the BCS theory, u2 = [1 + (ǫ e k k − as A (k,ω) = h2A (k,ω)+A′(k,ω) so that at µ)/E ]/2 and v2 =[1 (ǫ µ)/E ]/2. e 0 a e k k − k− k h 0, even though ∆ does not scale with h , The large “Fermi surface” is defined by ǫk =µ th0e→superconductingcohkerentparth2A vanishe0s and ∆ then represents the energy gap opened 0 a k altogether, with A reduces to the normal part atthe Fermisurface whichis d-wave-likeasillus- e A′ at T >T . trated in Fig. 2 by the “V” shape lines. Note e c Destruction of Fermi surface: Deconfinement that in the ground state, there also exists an in- of quasiparticle. The existence of a large Fermi dependent discrete spinon excitation level [3] at surface,coincidingwiththenon-interactingband- E δJ which leads to E = 2E 41meV s g s ∼ ∼ structure one, can be attributed to the integrity (if J 100meV) magnetic peak at δ 0.14. ∼ ∼ of the quasiparticle due to the confinement of This latter spin collective mode is independent spinon andholon. But sucha confinement disap- of the quasiparticle excitation at the mean-field pear in the zero-doping limit where Φh vanishes level. While∆SC apparentlyscaleswiththedop- i ing concentratkion δ (h √δ) and vanishes at while e2iΦbi becomes single-valued. In this limit, 0 ∝ the single-electron propagator may be expressed δ 0, the gap ∆ does not and can be extrap- k → in the following decomposition form olated to a finite value in the zero doping limit G iG G (8) e f b ≈ · where Gf =−iDTth†i(t)(cid:16)ei12Φbi(t)e−i12Φbj(0)(cid:17)hj(0)E (9) and E s G = i( σ)i−j T b (t)b† (0) (10) b − − D t iσ jσ E E without the multi-value problem. k Here the large Fermi surface is gone except for four Fermi points at k = ( π/2, π/2) with 0 ± ± 0 the rest part looking like all “gapped” [7]. In fact, in the convolution form of (8) the “quasi- particle”peak(edge)isessentiallydeterminedby the spinon spectrum Es = 2.32J 1 s2 with Figure 2. Low-lying excitations in the super- sk =(sinkx+sinky)/2 tkhroughthepspi−nonkprop- conducting phase: The “V”” shape quasiparticle agator G , since the holon propagator G is in- b f spectrum and the discrete spinon energy at Es. coherent [7]. The intrinsic broad feature of the 4 spectral function is obtained due to the convolu- in this regime which is characterized by the tion law of (8) and is a direct indication of the Bose condensation of bosonic spinon field. Since composite nature of the quasiparticle, which is spinons are presumably condensed in hole-dilute alsoconsistentwiththeARPESresults[8]aswell regions [3], the propagator will then exhibit fea- as the earlier theoretical discussion [9]. Further- tures looking like in an even weaker doping con- more, athigh energy orequal-time limit, the sin- centration or more “gap” like than in a uni- gularphasefactore2iΦbi alsocontributestoalarge form case,below a characteristictemperature T∗ “remnantFermisurface”inthemomentumdistri- which determines this microscopic phase separa- bution function n(k) which can be regarded as a tion. Therefore, the “spin gap” phenomenon re- precursorofthelargeFermisurfaceintheconfin- lated to the ARPES experiments in the under- ingphaseatfinitedoping,whichisalsoconsistent doped cuprates may be understood as a “par- with the ARPES experiment [8]. tial” deconfinement of holon and spinon whose The above one-hole picture may have an im- effect is “amplified” througha microscopic phase portant implication for the so-called pseudo-gap separation in this weakly-doped regime. T∗ also phenomenon in the underdoped region of the characterizes other “spin-gap”properties in mag- high-T cuprates. Even though the confinement netic and transportchannels in this underdoping c will set in once the density of holes becomes fi- regime [3]. nite, the “confining force”should remain weak at REFERENCES smalldoping,andoneexpectsthevirtual“decay- ing” process in (3) to contribute significantly at 1. P. W. 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