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Sphinx moth pollinators for the endangered western prairie fringed orchid, Platanthera praeclara in Manitoba, Canada PDF

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Preview Sphinx moth pollinators for the endangered western prairie fringed orchid, Platanthera praeclara in Manitoba, Canada

JournaloftheLepidopterists'Society 58(1),2004,13-20 SPHINXMOTH POLLINATORS FOR THE ENDANGEREDWESTERN PRAIRIE FRINGED ORCHID, PLATANTHERA FRAECLARA IN MANITORA, CANADA A. RichardWestwood1 and Christie L. Borkowsky DepartmentofBiology,UniversityofWinnipeg,Winnipeg, ManitobaR3B2E9,Canada ABSTRACT. Thewesternprairiefringedorchid,Platantherapraeclara (Sheviak&Bowles),isanendangeredspeciesinNorthAmerica. In Manitobaorchidsproducelowernumbers ofseedcapsulesthan more southern populations. Exploration ofthepollination biologyforP. praeclaraiscriticaltopreservediisendangeredspecies.ThisstudyidentifieddiepollinatorsofP. praeclara usingconeandmalaisetrapsand testedtheeffectivenessofmarkingpollinatorswithtracesofDay-Glow®orangemarkerpowder.AlthoughLepidopterawerenumerousinor- chidplotsduringdailyobservationperiods,includingdayflyingSphingidae,nonewerepollinatorsforP.praeclara.Amongthe5856insectsfrom 49familiescapturedover45trappingdays,sixsphinxmoths,twospecimensofHylesgallii(Rottenburg)andfourspecimensofSphinxdrupifer- arum J.E. Smith (Sphingidae), were foundwith two ormore orchid pollinia attached to theireyes and were confirmedas pollinators ofP. praeclara. S.drupiferarumisuncommoninsoudiemManitobaandH. galliiappearstobealessefficientpollinatorthanS. drupiferarum.Pro- boscislength,eyewidthandflightperiodmayinfluencetheefficiencyofbioticpollinationoftheorchid. Additionalkeywords: Sphingidae,pollinia,pollination,P. praeclara,S. drupiferarum,H.gallii. The western prairie fringed orchid, Platanthera seedcapsules can rangeup to49% (Bowles 1983, She- praeclara (Sheviak & Bowles 1986), occurs in areas of viak& Bowles 1986, Cuthrell 1994). The audiors have remnant tall grass prairie in southeastern Manitoba. hypothesizedthatreducedseedpodproduction maybe Priortoitsdiscoveryinthemid 1980snearTolsoi, Man- linkedtolowpollinationsuccessin Manitoba. Thelevel itoba, P. praeclara was not known to exist in Canada ofpollination success forP. praeclara and the identity (Johnson 1985, 1991). The Manitoba population, atits ofthe orchidpollinators are unknownin Manitoba. maximum has consisted ofapproximately 21,000 indi- Pollination is die process inwhich pollen grains are vidual plants (although the population may fluctuate transferred to the stigma, which is followed by fertil- widely from year to year) and it is the largest offour ization ofthe ovules and development ofseeds (Proc- metapopulations (over 300 plants) in North America. tor et al. 1996). Many orchids require a biotic organ- The remaining populations occur in North Dakota, ism (a pollination agent orpollen vector) to transport South Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and die pollen to die stigma (van der Pijl 6k Dodson 1966, Iowa (Sheviak & Bowles 1986, Bjugstad & Fortune Faegri & van der Pijl 1979). In P. praeclara die most 1989, Bray & Wilson 1992, Bjugstad-Porter 1993, striking visual characteristic of the flower is a large, Pleasants &Moe 1993, Davis 1994, Sieg& King 1995, deeply fringed, tri-lobed lower lip and a long, slender U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service 1996, Hofet al. 1999). spur containing nectar that suspends backward from The orchid is protected under Manitoba's Endan- the flower (Figs. 1,2). The nectar spur maybe 36-55 gered Species Act and has been placed on the endan- mm long with a maximum diameter of2.7 ± 0.5 mm gered species list in both Canada and United States (Sheviak & Bowles 1986). Orchids growto 38-85 cm (Collicutt 1993, Davis 1995). In Manitoba,P. praeclara tall (Sheviak& Bowles 1986) with the determinantin- oftenhas lowfruitsetandsubsequentseedproduction florescence containing 7 to 12 flowers (Sheviak & (Borkowsky 1998). Although the western prairie Bowles 1986, Pleasants 1993). The pollinium (Fig. 1) fringedorchidwillproduce avegetative form, there is is a specialized structure that consists ofpollen, a col- littleevidencethatvegetativereproductionoccurs inP. umn andviscidium (Nilsson 1992). InP. praeclara die praeclara (Bowles 1983, Sather 1991, Sieg & King minute grains of pollen are arranged into subunits 1995, Hofetal. 1999). Aplant mayalsogodormant, as called massulae (Pleasants & Moe 1993). These sub- is typical in other species of orchids (Nilsson 1992). units form abi-lobed mass that is attached to the col- Therefore,the recruitmentofnewplantsis dependant umn, which is secured to the viscidium (die entire primarily upon successful pollination and subsequent structure is termed the pollinium). The pollinium is seed production. In surveys of over 1000 plants sheathed,withtheexceptionoftheviscidium.which is Borkowsky (1998) found that only 2.1% of orchid exposed and adaptedto cement itselfto the pollinator stemsproducedone ormoreseedcapsules annuallyin (Bowles 1983). Each flowerhas onepollinium located Manitoba between 1994 and 1998. In more southern on eitiier side ofdie stigmatic surface. This allows for mm orchid populations the percent ofstems that produce a6 to 7 separation between eachviscidium (She- viak& Bowles 1986). Theopeningtodienectarspuris ' Corresponding author: R. Westwood, email: r.westwood® locatedimmediatelybelowthe stigmatic surface. uwinnipeg.ca;Phone(204)-786-905.3;Fax:(204)-774-4134. The small opening to the nectar spur restricts the 14 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society Fig. 1. Platanthera praeclara flower, anterior view, showing FlG.2. Platantherapraeclara flower,lateralview, showingnec- pollinium(a),andtheopeningtonectarspur(b). tarspur(a). position ofa potential nectar seeking insect, and in- Dodson 1966, Patt et al. 1989, Robertson & Wyatt creases the likelihood that one or both viscidia will 1990, Bowles et al. 1992, Larson 1992). come into contact with a likely pollinator. The The floral characteristics ofP. praeclara indicate a pollinium is pulled from the sheathwhen apollinator moth pollination method (Faegri & van der Pijl 1979, contacts the viscidium and then withdraws from the Sheviak & Bowles 19S6, Luyt & Johnson 2001), most flower(Darwin 1904, Dressier 1981, 1993). likely sphingophily or phalaenophily. P. praeclara has Orchids also produce a scent or fragrance which no developed landing platform on the flowers, there- maybeweakorabsent in the daytime, increases inin- fore hovering pollinators are favored and butterflies tensityatduskand mayremainstronguntilsunrisede- may be excluded (van der Pijl & Dodson 1966, pendingon the age and condition ofthe flower (She- Dressier 1981). Toretrievenectar, theinsectmustcor- viak & Bowles 1986). The relationship between the rectly align itselfwith the flower as it inserts its pro- attractiveness ofthe fragrance to pollinators and the boscis,which increases the likelihoodthat the pollina- intensityofthe scentis unknown inP. praeclara. torwill contact one or both ofthe viscidiawhich will To be identified as a pollinator and to rule out in- adhere to the proboscis or eyes ofthe insect (Sheviak discriminate visitors to the flower, the organism must & Bowles 1986). Consideringthe length ofthe nectar make regular visits to the flowers during its lifetime spurofP. praeclara andpositionoftheviscidia,thelist andeffectivelydepositthepollenonthestigma(Faegri of potential pollinators is further reduced to Lepi- & van der Pijl 1979). The flower-pollinator relation- dopterawidiaverylongproboscis (e.g., mothsbelong- ship may also be controlled by pollinator behavior, ing to the Sphingidae or hawkmoth family). Few, if mouthpart morphology or taxonomy and by flower any, observations ofpollination offringed orchids by morphology (Faegri &van der Pijl 1979,Wyatt 1983). hawkmothshavebeen madeinthe field(Bowles 1983, Wyatt (1983) identifiednineformsofbioticpollination Sheviak & Bowles 1986, Pleasants & Moe 1993). — inorchids includingsphingophily(Sphingidae hawk- Based on proboscis length, Sheviak & Bowles (1986) moths), phalaenophily (small moths), psycophily (but- suggestedthatthe followingspecies ofmoths couldbe terflies), melittophily (bees), myophily (syrphid and potential pollinators of P. praeclara in the United beeflies), sapromyophily(carrion anddungflies), can- States: Eumorphaachemon (Drury), Hyleslineata (F), tharophily (beetles), ornithophily (birds) and chi- Sphinx drupiferarum J.E. Smith and Sphinx kalmiae ropterophily(bats). J.E. Smith. Cuthrell (1994) collected two specimens, The potential pollinators for P. praeclara in Mani- one each of Sphinx drupiferarum and Eumorpha toba are not known. Although the literature suggests achemon with viscidia from P. praeclara attached to that night-flying members ofthe Sphingidae may be thehead,fromalighttrapadjacenttoafieldoforchids keypollinators ofP. praeclara, other members ofthis indie United States. orchidgenus andseveralcloselyrelatedgeneramaybe To better understand the pollination biology of pollinated by butterflies, other modi species, certain P. praeclara in Manitoba diurnally active Lepidoptera Diptera, Coleoptera or Hymenoptera (van der Pijl & including day flying Sphingidae, nocturnally active Volume58, Number 1 15 LepidopteraandotherinsectOrdersweresurveyedas approximately40 cm in lengdi and25 cm in diameter. potential pollinators ofP. praeclara. Several types of An invertedwire mesh conewas placed at die baseof passive trapsweretestedtocapture P. praeclara polli- the trap (much like a minnowtrap) and a hingedtrap nators, and a method to mark individual pollinators doorplacedonthetopofthetrap.Threelegsattached wasinvestigated. to the bottom oftrap allowed it to be placed over an individual orchid. The legs were of sufficient length Studysite and Methods that dieycouldbe pushed into the ground aroundthe Five field experiments were established between orchid, allowing the mouth ofthe inverted cone tobe 1997and 1999todeterminedieidentityofP. praeclara suspended approximately5 to 10 cm above the termi- pollinators. Three studv plots were located in the nalflowerofthe orchid. Traps were emptied dailvbe- Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve, near Tolsoi, tween 0630 h and 0830 h and again between 1900 h Manitoba (49°05'N, 96°49'W) and two additional and 2030 h. Captured insects were identified and ex- moth light trappingsiteswere locatednear Lonesand, amined forpresence oforchid pollinia. One conetrap Manitoba (approximately 21 km east ofthe Preserve) was placed in each ofdie three plots and rotated be- and near Grunthal, Manitoba (approximately 26 km tween plants during the floweringperiod. Cone traps northwest). Theclimateis aborealcontinental regime were placed over orchids that had die most flowers with mean temperatures of 19.6°C and -18.8°C for open with intact pollinia available. Traps remained in JulvandJanuary, respectively. Fifty-fivepercentofthe place over an individual orchid for 24—48 hours and annualprecipitation (mean 579.1 mm) falls duringthe were placed in the plots between 1 Julyand 15 Julvin periodofMaythroughAugust (CanadianClimate Pro- 1997, 1998and 1999. gram 1993). Drainage in much ofthe prairie is poor Malaiseinsecttraps (Bioquip® EquipmentSpecial- withsoilcomposedoflacustrineparentmaterial, sandy ities) were to used to sample for potential pollinators loam to clay loam upper horizons and a thin organic over a groups oforchids (generally five or more indi- surface layer. Stones, rocks and occasionallyboulders vidual plants). Each trap was approximately 2 m in are also scattered across the prairie (Canada Soil In- height with a glass container at die top to collect ventory 1989, Moore & Fortney1994). trapped insects. A piece ofVapona® insecticide strip The Tall Grass Prairie Preserve has an abundance (0.2 cm2) wasplaced atthe endofdie collectingcylin- ofgrasses, including Big bluestem (Andropogon ger- der to kill captured insects. One malaise insect trap ardiiVitman) and Littlebluestem (Schizachyriumsco- was placedwithin each ofthe diree plots and rotated parium (Michx.) Nash) (Gramineae) and is inter- among groups oforchids duringdie floweringperiod. spersedwith bluffs ofvarious deciduous tree species, Trapswere emptied dailybetween 0630 h and 0830 h includingwillow(Salixspp.) andpoplar(Popidus spp.) and again between 1900 h and 2030 h. Insects were (Henne & Diehl2002). identified and examined for presence of orchid Three 50 x 50 m plots were established in fields pollinia. Trapswere placed in die fieldbetween 1 July were orchids were numerous. Each plot contained a and 15 July in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Traps were ro- minimum of25 orchids. Plotswere separatedbyadis- tated within the plot to new groups oforchids every tanceof500to 1000m. Toestablishthattherewereno three to five days. dayflyinginsectspollinatingtheorchids, 15individual In 1999, five orchids in each plot under a malaise orchidsweretaggedineach ofthe threeplots (totalof trap or one orchid under a cone trap were chosen to 45 plants) in 1997 and 1998. Each orchidwas visually test the effectiveness of Day-Glow® orange marker observedfor 15 minutesonatleastthreeseparatedays dyepowderinidentifyingpotentialpollinators. Asmall duringthefloweringperiodin 1997and 1998between amount of Day-Glow® orange marker dve powder 1100 h to 1500 h to determine if insects contacted was appliedwith aextrafine nylon brushtothe centre plants and were responsible for removal of one or ofeach flowerofdie orchids chosen. Insects captured more ofthepollinium from theflowers, eitherbyacci- inthetrapswereidentifiedandexaminedforpresence dent or for the purpose ofobtaining nectar or pollen. ofpollinia removed from die orchids and also exam- The number and identity ofpotential pollinators (Or- ined in a dark room under an ultraviolet light fordie der, Family and Genus/species if known) landing or presence of die Day-Glow® powder. Insects widi crawlingon die orchidswas recorded. markerparticles adheringto theirbodieswrereconsid- Invertedcone insecttrapswere usedtosample po- eredtohave come incontactwddi die treated flowers. tential pollinators from individual orchids. Cone traps To determine moth flight periods, two Wards all- were constructed from light gauge steel tubing and weather insect traps® (Wards Natural Science) were wireandcoveredin fine mesh screen. Conetrapswere placed approximately 1 km to die west ofthe orchid 16 Journalofthe Lepidopterists" Society plotsand5kmtothesouthoftheplots. Twoadditional Table 1. Number and identity ofinsect Orders and Families Ward'sall-weadierinsecttraps®were locatedatLone- collectedinconeandmalaisetraps 1997-1999. sand and Grunthal, Manitoba to augment moth cap- Order Family/Subfamily n tures attheTall Grass Prairie Preserve. Trapswereop- erated from 1 May to 31 August, 1997-1999. Traps Ephenieroptera Baetidae 1 Heptageniidae 1 hadaneightwattultra-violetfluorescentbulbas anat- Odonata Coenagrionidae 3 tractant. Thetrapswereusedtosurveynocturnal Lep- Orthoptera Acrididae 5 idoptera and determine the flight periods ofpotential Plecoptera Perlidae 1 Heniiptera Miridae 21 orchid pollinators. Flight periods were considered to Reduviidae 2 include the period between date offirst and last cap- Pentatomidae 2 Homoptera Cercopidae 5 ture in each year. Traps in the Tall Grass Prairie Pre- Cicadellidae 13 servewereplacedinopenareas surroundedbymature Neuroptera Mantispidae 2 trees and were not visible from orchid plots. Lepi- Chrysopidae 9 doptera captured in traps were sorted, pinned and Coleoptera Carabidae 8 Scarabaeidae 5 identified to species. Elateridae 2 The flowering period for orchids in plots was Lampyridae 12 recorded during the study. Flowering period was de- Cleridae 5 Coccinellidae 8 finedastheperiodbetweentheappearanceofthefirst Tenebrionidae 1 flowerandlastflowerin aplot andpeakfloweringdate Chrysomelidae 5 was defined as the date when the most flowers were Curculionidae 3 Mecoptera Panorpidae 2 fullyopeninaplot.The meanoverlapin daysbetween Tiichoptera Limnephilidae 6 moth speciesflightperiodandorchidfloweringperiod Diptera Tipulidae 26 forallyearswascalculated. Mean overlapflightperiod Culicidae 55 Chironomidae 24 data was square root transformed to satisfy assump- Simuliidae 15 tions of normality and heterogeneity ofvariance for Tabanidae 4450 analysis of variance (ANOVA) (SPSS Inc. 1999). Syrphidae 45 Muscidae 546 Where ANOVA was significant a least-significant dif- Calliphoridae 228 ference (LSD) testwas used to determine the differ- Sarcophagidae 11 ences between means (a = 0.05) because ofits consis- Lepidoptera Pyralidae 14 Pterophoridae 2 tency (Saville 1990). To determine if potential Tortricidae 34 pollinators would fit pollinia distance separation re- Gelechiidae 40 quirements and nectar spur depth requirements ofP. Geometridae 18 Arctiidae 3 praeclara, measurementsweremadeonaminimumof Noctuidae 34 five individuals from all sphinx moth species collected Lasioeampidae 15 in the various trap types. Pinned moths were softened Spliingidae 6 Hesperiidae 10 in arelaxing chamberand the length ofthe proboscis, Nymphalidae 5 the distance between the outer margins ofthe com- Satyridae 2 poundeyes anddistancebetweentheinnermargins of Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae 23 compound eyes where measured in mm under a dis- VSepshpeicdiadeae 23 secting microscope. For data analysis die proboscis Megachilidae 2 length was square root transformed and distance be- Apidae 19 tweenoutereyeedgesanddistancebetweeninnereye edges were log transformed to satisfy assumptions of normality and heterogeneityofvariance. Morphologi- Identification of insects was based upon Hodges cal measurements between species were subject to (1971), Rockburne and Lafontaine (1976), Morris ANOVA and where ANOVA was significant differ- (1980), Hodges et al. (1983), Covell (1984), Borror et ences between means were identified using a LSD al. (1989), Klassen et al. (1989), Layberryet al. (1998) test. To examine the relationship between proboscis andHandfield (1999). length and abilityofpollinators to retrieve nectar, the Results length ofnectar spurs and the depth ofnectarwithin the spur (distance from distal end of spur to top of Observational survey. In 1997 and 1998 orchids nectar line) was measured for orchids in each ofthe wereobservedbetween 1100h and 1500h forapprox- direeplots. imately 70 hours. Although numerous insects (many Volume 58, Number 1 17 Table2. SummaryofsixSphingidaecollectedfrom< ridmalaisetrapswitiiattachedpollinia1997-1999. #of Pollinia Marker Date Species Type pollinia location powder 11 July1997 Hijlesgallii cone .-> head n/a 11July1997 Sphinxdrupiferarum malaise 5 head n/a 15July199S Sphinxdrupiferarum malaise 11 head n/a 15July1998 Sphinxdrupiferarum malaise 3 head n/a 20July1998 Sphinxdrupiferarum cone 7 head n/a 6July1999 Hylesgallii cone 2 head present belongingtopollinatingfamiliesorgenera) frequented Flight period. The flight periods for sphingid the plots during die dailyobservation periods no indi- species found in the vicinity ofthe Tall Grass Prairie viduals were observed to seek nectar or pollen from Preserve were based on the catches from the four the orchids, to use the flowers as arestingplatform or black light traps during the period of 1997 to 1999 to sun themselves on the orchids. Individuals ofthe (Table 3). Flowering dates for P. praeclara are also sphinxmodisHemaristhysbe (Fabricus) (16individuals) shown inTable 3. Generallydie moths collectedwere and Hemaris diffinis (Boisduval) (28 individuals) were most abundant in the first severalweeks ofthe orchid observedintheorchidplotsduringdieobservationperi- floweringperiod. TheflightperiodsofS. drupiferarum ods but theywere not attracted to orchids, despite re- and H. gallii overlapped widi orchid flowering bv peatedlv\isitingnearbyfloweringherbs fornectar. 34.6% and45.3% respectively. Trapping experiments. Between 1997 and 1999 Morphological measurements. The proboscis the cone and malaise traps caught 5856 individual in- length,widdi acrossdieeyes anddistancebetweenthe sects from 49 families over45 trappingdays (Table 1). innereyemarginsweremeasuredforthe 15speciesof The only insects found to have pollinia attached to Sphingidae collected in the vicinity ofthe Tall Grass theirbodies belonged to the family Sphingidae (Table Prairie Preserve (Table 4). The mean orchid nectar 2). Sixsphingid modis, twospecimens ofthe Bedstraw spurlengthwas 45.27 mm (n = 1016, SE = 0.134) and hawkmoth, Hijles gallii (Rottenburg), and four speci- the mean depth ofnectar widiin the spur was 12.44 mens ofdieWildcherrysphinx, S. drupiferarumwere mm (n = 1016, SE = 0.201). collected with two or more pollinia attached to the Discussion eyes (Figs. 3, 4). H. gallii had 2 pollinia per moth, while S. drupiferarum had3 to 11 polliniaper moth. The results confirm observations byFaegri andvan Marking experiment. In 1999 one sphinx moth, der Pijl (1979), Sheviak and Bowles (1986), Cuthrell H. gallii, was collected from acone trapwith traces of (1994) and Luyt andJohnson (2001) diat P. praeclara Day-Glow® orange marker dye powder on both eyes ispollinatedbynocturnal Lepidopteraconfinedto the and die proboscis. Both pollinia attached to the eyes family Sphingidae. It appears that there are no diur- also had traces ofpowder, primarily on the massulae nally active insects diat seek nectar or pollen from P. andviscidium. Fig. 4. Anterior/lateral view, Hyles gallii (Rottenburg1. with polliniafromPlatantherapraeclaraattachedtoeves. Notedielarge FIG. 3. Anterior/lateralview. SphinxdrupiferarumJ. E. Smith viscidiumcementedtolower-centerofeve,widimassulaeprojected dthpolliniafromPlatantherapraeclaraattachedtoeyes. forward. 18 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society Table3. Flightperioddates,orchidfloweringperiods,numberofindividualsphinxmothscollectedinblacklighttrapsandpercentoverlap betweenflightandfloweringdatesinthevicinityoftheTallGrassPrairiePreserveandfororchids 1997-1999. Dati p%erOivoedrl&apfloofweflriignhgt 1997 1998 1999 n1 perioddays± SE Peakorchidfloweringdate 2 fuly 4July 7July Orchidfloweringdates 22June-16July 19June-20July 23June-19July Sphingidae-flightperioddates Ceratomiaundulosa Harris 12June-12July 7June-18July 9 |une-31July 14 92.0±4.9c- Sphinxchersis(Hubner) 31 May-2July ]1July absent 6 14.1 ± 13.9a SphinxkahniaeJ.E. Smith 1-26July 5-24June 10June-18July 8 58.0±23.2abc SpliinxluscitiosaClemens absent 20May-30June 19June-11July t 34.6± 19.9abc Sphinxdrupij"eranunJ.E.Smith 11July 1 June-25July 24June 5 34.6±32.7abc SmerintluiscerisyiKirby 28May-27June 21 May-29July 16May-25July 58 73.7±26.3bc Smerinthusjamaicensis(Drury) 25May-30June 1 June-lOJuly 29May-18July 123 65.3± 18.2bc Poanesexcaecatus(J.E. Smith) 3June-20July 11June-15July 5 (une-20July 37 94.6±9.2c Poanesmijops(J.E. Smith) 11-28June 9June^lJuly 1-27June 34 29.3± 16.9abc Cressoniajuglandis(J.E.Smith) absent 8-30June absent 11.7 ± 11.6a Pachijsphinxmodesta (Harris) 27Mav-28June 11June-5Aug 9June-9July 61 63.0±20.8bc Hemaristhijsbe(Fabricus)3 31 May-25June 5-28June 4June-2July 16 25.3±6.9abc Hemarisdiffinis(Boisduval)J 21 May-2July 10June-10July 1June-13July 28 62.0± 10.4bc Darapsamyron (Cramer) absent 15 May-6July absent 5 18.0± 16.0a HijlesgaUii(Rottenburg) 15June-31July 31 May-29June 6July 18 45.3±28.5abc 0.040 2.086 'Numberofmothscollected 1997, 1998& 1999. 2Meanswithineachcolumnfollowedbythesameletterarenotsignificantlydifferent(Fisher'sLSD,p>0.05). 3,4H. tliybeandH. diffiniscollectedbysweepnetindievicinityoftheTallGrassPrairiePreserve. praeclara. The presence of pollinia on one H. gaUii (Drury) (collected by light trap) with P. praeclara specimenandfourS. drupiferarum specimens andthe pollinia attached to the eyes. The present study adds markerpowderandpolliniaon anotherspecimenof//. H. gallii to this list of pollinators while E. achemon gallii confirm these species as pollinating agents ofP. does notoccurin Manitoba. praeclara in Manitoba. Despite the larger size ofthe The mean proboscis lengths for S. drupiferarum mm malaise trap covering more orchids, there was little andH. gallii capturedinthisstudywere38.40 and difference in the capture rates ofmoths with pollinia 33.50 mm, respectively. Subtracting the mean nectar between trap types. The Day-Glow® orange marker depthfromtotalnectarspurlengthprovides adistance dyepowdersuccessfullymarked onepollinator. of32.83 mm, thus it appears thataproboscis lengthof Polliniawere attachedto the centerofeach eye on 30-35 mm is required to reach the nectar in P. both moth species. S. drupiferarum had more pollinia praeclara. Based on proboscis length. Sphinx chersis per specimen. The distance between the outer edges (Hubner) and S. kahniae mayalsobepotentialpollina- ofdieeyeswasgreaterin S. drupiferarum thanH. gal- tors in Manitoba (Table 4). These species hadasignif- lii (Table 4), but it is unknown ifthis small difference icantly longer proboscis than all other species col- in eye separation (0.43 mm) would affect die attach- lected (Table 4), with no other species having a mean ment ofpollinia. Perhaps S. drupiferarum, is more ag- proboscis length greater than 23 mm. The separation gressive at retrieving nectar and presses harder into ofinner and outer eye margins between species was the centre ofthe orchid thus capturing more pollinia. less distinctwithsomespecieshavingashortproboscis Alternately H. gallii may visit the orchids less fre- yet still having similar eye positioning and separation quently resulting in fewer opportunities to remove (Table4). pollinia, orbe discouraged from visiting orchids once Orchid flowering periods and moth flight periods severalpolliniahave beenattachedtotheeyes. H. gal- are restricted in terms of overlap in Manitoba. The liiis morenumerous in thevicinityofthe orchids than overlap in more southern areas of the range of P. S. drupiferarum, thus it seems likelythatdieyare less praeclara maybe greater and therefore higher levels attractedto the orchids. ofpollination may occur resulting in more seed cap- Cuthrell (1994) described two specimens of S. sules per plant. S. drupiferarum is uncommon in drupiferarum (one caughtbylight trap andone amu- southern Manitoba and the most numerous sphingid seum specimen) and one specimen of E. achemon speciesindieTallGrassPrairiePreservedonotpossess Volume 58, Number 1 19 Table4. Lengthofproboscis,thedistancebetweentheoutermarginsofthecompoundeyesanddistancebetweendieinnermarginsofcom- poundevesforSphinxmodiscollectedinthevicinityoftheTallGrassPrairiePreserve, Manitoba. Meandistance Meandistance Meanproboscis betweenouter betweeninner lengtii eyemargins eyemargins (mm± SE) (mm ± SE) (mm± SE) Cerato/niaundulosaHarris 9.14 ± 0.76c2 5.05±0.05h 2.04±0.02d Sphinxchersis (.Hubner) 40.32±0.4Sh 5.89±0.03k 2.40±O.llef SphinxkahniaeJ.E.Smith 33.64± 1.31g 5.31 ± O.lTbi 2.05±0.18d SphinxluscitiosaClemens 22.56 ±0.17f 4.46± 0.05ef 2.34±O.Olbc SphinxdrupiferarumJ.E. Smith 38.40 ±0.97h 5.59± 0.06i 2.34±0.02e SmerinthuscerisyiKirby 2.21 ±0.06a 4.76±0.13g 1.88±0.03c Smerinthusjamaicensis(Drurv) 1.73±0.75a 3.85± 0.03c 1.70±0.02b Poanesexcaecatus(J.E. Smith) 2.89±0.03b 4.63±0.05fg 2.09±0.03d Poanesmyops(J.E. Smith) 1.87±0.04a 4.07±0.03d 1.83±0.06bc Cressoniajuglandis(J.E. Smith) 2.10 ±0.05a 3.31 ±0.08a 1.37+0.53a Pachysphinxmodesta (Harris) 1.95 ±0.17a 5.73±0.07j 2.53±0.02f Hemaristlujsbe(Fabricus) 12.75±0.52d 3.88± 0.02c 1.88±0.08c Hemarisdiffinis(Boisduval) 9.48±0.20c 3.58±0.06b 1.89 ±0.03c Darapsamijron (Cramer) 17.68±0.18e 4.28±0.09e 2.12±0.04d Hylesgallii(Rottenburg) 33.50±0.96g 4.88±0.03gh 2.44±0.02ef p = 0.001 p =0.001 p=0.001 Fh--37-1 F1M.9S=3J5J"2 F2,9s=40.1 1Numberofmothsmeasured. -Meanswithineachcolumnfollowedbythesameletterarenotsignificantlydifferent(Fisher's LSD,p>0.05). aproboscis ofsufficient length to take nectar from P. Baker (1961) stateddiat sphingophilous flowers of- praeclara. H. gallii populations fluctuate greatlvfrom ten have a low frequency ofpollinator visitation and yeartoyearinsouthern Manitoba, oftenwithveryfew compensate by producing numerous seeds. Further individuals appearing in some years. Therefore, low researchis requiredtodetermineifothersphinxmoth pollinatorpopulations maybe restrictingseedproduc- species are pollinatingorchids and ifthe current level tion insomeyears fororchids in Manitoba. ofseedpodproductionis abnormallylowornormalfor The Tall Grass Prairie Preserve is surrounded bv P. praeclara in Manitoba. agricultural lands, a mixture of intensivelv farmed Acknowledgments grains and oilseeds and livestock production. The lar- valhost plants for S. drupiferarum canveryregionally This project was funded by the following agencies: Manitoba andincludeMains spp., Prunus spp. andlilac, Syringa CMoannsietrovabtaioSnu,sttahienaUbnlieveDresivteyloofpWmiennntipFeugn,dMaannidtodbieaWOrocrhliddWSiolcdileitfve. vulgaris L. (Hodges etal. 1983). Theseplants arepre- Fund.TheauthorswouldliketoacknowledgeJasonGreenall,Peggy sentinthevicinitybuttheirdistributionis patchy. Itis Westhorpe, Lome Heska, LizReimerandTracyLoeweninprodd- unknownwhetherinsecticideusage (Suzan etal. 1994) iBnogoansesifsotranrceeviaenwdinsguptphoertmatnoudsicirsispttu.dPyhaontdogDrra.pCh.sWbavnRg.\a\n"desRtawcohoed.l on adjacent farmlands may restrict the population of larvalforms ofS. drupiferanim andH. gallii orifweed Literature Cited control may restrict access to host plants. S. drupifer- Baker,G.E. 1961. Theadaptationoffloweringplantstonocturnal arum maybeamore efficientpollinatorthan H. gallii, andcrepuscularpollinators. The Quarterly ReviewofBiology bthuettohrechniudmfbieelrdsowfaSs. dlrouwpiinfetrhaisrusmtuaddyu.ltTshefrreequmeanytibneg Bjuc3so8rt:ca6hd4i,d-7A1.(.PJl.a&tanWt.heFraoprrtauenclea.ra)1:989m,onTihtoeriwnegstearnndprraeisreiaercfhr,inpgpe.d considerable competition between nectar sources 197-199. In Bragg,T B.&J. Stubbendieck(eds.),Proceedings given the amount ofintensively managed lands adja- oftheElevendiNorthAmericanPrairieConference. University cent to the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve, which would BjucosftaNde-bProarsktae,r,LiRn.co1l9n9.32.92Thpep.westernprairiefringedorclud(Pla- furtherreducethetime spentbymothspollinatingor- tantherapraeclara):itsresponsetoburningandassociatedfungi. chids. Stronglightsources from farmssurroundingthe M.Sc.(RangeManagement)Thesis.RangeManagementDepart- orchid fields mayalso attract moths, preventing them BORKmOeWnStK,YU,nCi.veLr.sit1y99o8f.WyMoamniintgo,baLaTarlalmiGer,asWsyPormaiirnige,Pir—e\sleir+ve1—16npapt.- from visiting orchids. S. drupiferarum occupies the uralresourcesinventoryIII. CriticalWildlife HabitatProgram. wnhoritchhemrnamyosaltsoecxotnetnrsiibounteoftoistsporraadnigcepionpulMaatniiotnoboac,- Borr3o0r,pp.D.J.,Triplehorn,C. A. & N. F.Johnson. 19S9. Anin- troduction to die study ofinsects. 6di ed. 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