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Geosystems Mathematics Willi Freeden M. Zuhair Nashed Michael Schreiner Spherical Sampling Geosystems Mathematics Serieseditors W.Freeden Kaiserslautern,Germany M.Z.Nashed Orlando,Florida,USA Thisseriesprovidesanidealframeandforumforthepublicationofmathematical key technologiesand their applicationsto geo-scientific and geo-related problems. Current understanding of the highly complex system Earth with its interwoven subsystems and interacting physical, chemical, and biological processes is not only driven by scientific interest but also by the growing public concern about the future of our planet, its climate, its environment, and its resources. In this situation mathematics provides concepts, tools, methodology, and structures to characterize, model, and analyze this complexity at various scales. Modern high speed computersare increasinglyenteringallgeo-disciplines.Terrestrial,airborne as well as spaceborne data of higher and higher quality become available. This fact has not only influenced the research in geosciences and geophysics, but also increased relevant mathematical approaches decisively as the quality of available datawasimproved. Geosystems Mathematics showcases important contributions and helps to promote the collaboration between mathematics and geo-disciplines. The closely connectedseriesLectureNotesinGeosystemsMathemacticsandComputingoffers theopportunitytopublishsmallbooksfeaturingconcisesummariesofcutting-edge research,newdevelopments,emergingtopics, andpracticalapplications.AlsoPhD theses may be evaluated, provided that they represent a significant and original scientificadvance. Editedby • WilliFreeden(UniversityofKaiserslautern,Germany) • M.ZuhairNashed(UniversityofCentralFlorida,Orlando,USA) Inassociationwith • Hans-PeterBunge(MunichUniversity,Germany) • RoussosG.Dimitrakopoulos(McGillUniversity,Montreal,Canada) • YalchinEfendiev(TexasA&MUniversity,CollegeStation,TX,USA) • AndrewFowler(UniversityofLimerick,Ireland&UniversityofOxford,UK) • BulentKarasozen(MiddleEastTechnicalUniversity,Ankara,Turkey) • JürgenKusche(UniversityofBonn,Germany) • LiqiuMeng(TechnicalUniversityMunich,Germany) • VolkerMichel(UniversityofSiegen,Germany) • NilsOlsen(TechnicalUniversityofDenmark,KongensLyngby,Denmark) • HelmutSchaeben(TechnicalUniversityBergakademieFreiberg,Germany) • OtmarScherzer(UniversityofVienna,Austria) • FrederikJ.Simons(PrincetonUniversity,NJ,USA) • ThomasSonar(TechnicalUniversityofBraunschweig,Germany) • Peter J.G. Teunissen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and CurtinUniversityofTechnology,Perth,Australia) • Johannes Wicht (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany). Moreinformationaboutthisseriesathttp://www.springer.com/series/13389 Willi Freeden • M. Zuhair Nashed • Michael Schreiner Spherical Sampling Willi Freeden M. Zuhair Nashed Mathematics Department Mathematics Department University of Kaiserslautern University of Central Florida Kaiserslautern, Germany Orlando, Florida, USA Michael Schreiner Institute for Computational Engineering University of Applied Sciences of Technology NTB Buchs Buchs, Switzerland ISSN 2510-1544 ISSN 2510-1552 (electronic) Geosystems Mathematics ISBN 978-3-319-71457-8 ISBN 978-3-319-71458-5 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71458-5 Library of Congress Control Number: 2018938096 Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 33C55, 35Q75, 62D05, 65D05 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Printed on acid-free paper This book is published under the imprint Birkhäuser, www.birkhauser-science.com by the registered company Springer International Publishing AG part of Springer Nature. The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Preface The objective of sampling in Euclidean spaces is to deal with the reconstruction of a (bandlimited) function (or more generally by a function in an appropriate Hilbert space) by an infinite sum in terms of the function itself at a discrete set of points. Sampling is a keystone of signal processing, the most common form of Euclidean approaches is Shannon-type lattice point sampling of a bandlimited signal. By virtue of Shannon-type lattice point sampling, perfect reconstruction of a signal from lattice point samples is possible when the samples are taken at a certain rate related to the bandwidth. Aparticularformofrecovery,thatisofimportanceinmanybranches,issampling withinasphericalcontext,brieflycalledspherical sampling.Geomathematicallyit reflectsboththeapproximateshapeoftheEarth’ssurfaceandthetypicalsatellite geometry of a low Earth orbiter. Application of spherical sampling theory perme- ates many areas of geosciences, such as signal analysis, geoexploration by gravita- tionaland/ormagneticdata,seismicreflectiontomographyandimaging,radaras wellaslasertechnology,downwardcontinuationofsatellitedata,andmanyothers. These aspects naturally make spherical sampling theory an offspring of spherical interpolationandapproximation.Ourinterestisinreconstructionanddecomposi- tionformulascorrespondingtodifferenttypesofpointsetsonspheresandvarious observables often naturally characterized by (rotation-invariant) pseudodifferen- tial operators. Large structured point sets, e.g., latitude-longitude distributions occurinobservationalmethodsbysatellites,scatteredpointsystemsoftenarethe result of terrestrial measurements reflecting, e.g., topographic features, which do notallowageometricallyregularmeasurementpattern.Itturnsoutthattheclose relationshipbetweensphericalsamplingandreproducingkernelHilbertspacethe- ory has its manifestations in various polynomial, i.e., spherical harmonics, spline, and wavelet concepts and settings. This textbook on spherical sampling mainly is a result of cooperative research on scientific problems on the sphere during the last two decades. The work deals with a synopsis of recent contributions in spherically reflected sampling under geo- mathematicallysignificantaspects.Themajorpurposeistogiveaconsistentand unifiedoverviewofdiverseresultsandvariousdevelopmentsinthefieldoftoday’s spherical sampling, particularly those arising in mathematical geosciences such as mathematical geodesy and geophysics. Although the book often refers to original contributions, we have tried to make it accessible to (graduate) students and sci- entists not only from mathematics but also from geosciences and geoengineering. Theessentialobjectivesaretoprovideanadditiontothelibraryofanyindividual v vi Preface interested in spherical sampling theory and to show how advances in this theory lead to new discoveries in mathematical, geodetic, geophysical as well as other scientific branches, for example, neuro-medicine. To summarize, this book substantially represents a collection of valuable material inthediversesamplingareas,however,inaconsistentandunifiedsetup.Thegoal oftheworkistoconvincemembersfromvariousgeodisciplines(andprobablyalso medical sciences) that spherically oriented sampling provides a rich mathematical cornucopiathathasmuchtooffertoalargepaletteofapplications.Theefficiency of our sampling methods is demonstrated by representative examples, typically originated from geodetic challenges. Many people generously devoted considerable time to make valuable suggestions andcomments.Weparticularlywishtothankallco-authorsofearlierpublications consistently integrated in the work. Many thanks also go to C. Gerhards, Vienna, Austria, M. Gutting, Siegen, Germany, V. Michel, Siegen, Germany, H. Nutz, Kaiserslautern, Germany, A. Plattner, Fresno and Princeton, USA, R. Rummel, Munich, Germany, O. Scherzer, Vienna, Austria, F. Simons, Princeton, USA. February, 2018 Kaiserslautern, Orlando, Buchs W. F., M. Z. N., M. S. In memory of Margret Freeden (1949 - 2017) in acknowledgment of her helpful support and inspiring encouragement About the Authors Willi Freeden Studies in mathematics, geography, and philosophy at the RWTH Aachen, 1970 philosophicum 1971 Diplom in mathematics, 1972 Staatsexamen in mathemat- ics and geography, 1975 PhD in mathematics, 1979 Habilitation in mathematics, 1981/1982visitingresearchprofessorattheOhioStateUniversity,Columbus(De- partment of Geodetic Science and Surveying), 1984 professor of mathematics at theRWTHAachen(InstituteofPureandAppliedMathematics),1989professorof technomathematics(industrialmathematics),1989FellowoftheInternationalAs- sociation of Geodesy (IAG), 1994 head of the Geomathematics Group, University of Kaiserslautern, 2002-2006 Vice-President for Research and Technology of the University of Kaiserslautern. Author, editor, and coeditor of 15 books. Published over190papers,severalexpositorypapers,andbookchapters.2009editorinchief of the Springer “GEM International Journal on Geomathematics”, 2010 editor in chief of the Springer “Handbook of Geomathematics”, 2013 editor of the (Ger- man) Springer-Spektrum “Handbuch Tiefe Geothermie”, 2014 editor in chief of the Birkh¨auser book series “Geosystems Mathematics”,2014 editor inchief of the Birkh¨auser lecture notes “Geosystems Mathematics and Computing”, 2015 editor inchiefofthesecondeditionoftheSpringer“HandbookofGeomathematics”,2018 editor in chief of the (German) Springer-Spektrum “Handbuch Oberfl¨achennahe Geothermie, 2018 editor in chief of the (German) Springer-Spektrum “Handbuch derGeod¨asie”,2018editorinchiefoftheBirkh¨auser“HandbookofMathematical Geodesy”, 2018 member of the editorial board of more than fifteen international journals. 1996 member of the German Geodetic Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich. Organized over 30 international conferences and mini-symposia. M. Zuhair Nashed S.B. and S.M. degrees in electrical engineering from MIT and PhD in Mathe- matics from the University of Michigan. Served for many years as Professor at ix x AbouttheAuthors Georgia Tech and the University of Delaware. Held visiting professor positions at the University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin, AUB, and KFUPM, and distinguished visiting scholar positions at various universities worldwide. Recip- ient of the Lester Ford Award of the Mathematical Association of America, the Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award and sustained Research Award in Science, Dr. ZakirHusainAwardoftheIndianSocietyofIndustrialandAppliedMathematics, and several international awards. Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (InauguralClassof2013).Publishedover140papersinmathematicsandphysics, 30 papers in applied sciences and engineering, and 20 expository papers and book chapters.Author,editor,coeditorof11books.Editoroftwojournalsandmember of editorial board of about 30journals,includingfourSpringerjournals,2010editor in chief of the Springer “Handbook of Geomathematics”, 2014 editor in chief of the Birkh¨auser book series “Geosystems Mathematics”,2014 editor inchief of the Birkh¨auser lecture notes “Geosystems Mathematics and Computing”, 2015 editor inchiefofthesecondeditionoftheSpringer“HandbookofGeomathematics”,2018 editor in chief of the Birkh¨auser “Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy”, plenary lectures at meetings of 10 mathematical and engineering societies, and over 400 invited hour talks at conferences and colloquia. Organized over 30 international conferences and mini-symposia. Michael Schreiner Studies in industrial mathematics, mechanical engineering, and computer science at the University of Kaiserslautern, 1991 Diplom in industrial mathematics, 1994 PhDinmathematics,2004Habilitationinmathematics.1997–2001researcherand project leader at the Hilti Corporation in Schaan, Liechtenstein, 2002 Professor for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Applied Sciences NTB, Buchs, Switzerland. 2004 Head of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Applied Sciences NTB, Buchs, since 2004 also lecturer at the University of Kai- serslautern.Since2009foundingdeanandheadoftheInstituteforComputational Engineering at the NTB in Buchs, where currently 18 professors and researchers areemployed.ThecorecompetenciesoftheInstituteforComputationalEngineer- ing are mathematical modeling and simulation, data sciences, and optimization. Published over 40 papers and book chapters and three books. Member of the editorial board of two journals.

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