In the Quran, it is said {1}, He is the One Who created everything in the earth for you. Then He turned towards the heaven, forming it into seven heavens. And He has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.. Quran 2:29 The seven heavens, the earth, and all those in them glorify Him. There is not a single thing that does not glorify His praises—but you ˹simply˺ cannot comprehend their glorification. He is indeed Most Forbearing, All-Forgiving. Quran 17:44 So He formed the heaven into seven heavens in two Days, assigning to each its mandate. And We adorned the lowest heaven with ˹stars like˺ lamps ˹for beauty˺ and for protection. That is the design of the Almighty, All-Knowing. Quran 41:12 And indeed, We created above you seven levels ˹of heaven˺. We are never unmindful of ˹Our˺ creation. Quran 23:17 The first sphere is Jannat Addan. It is for he who repents his old ways and embraces and submits to the wyrd. The second sphere is Jannatul Firdaus. Firdaus is the place of the one who begins to live in accordance with wyrd and acts ethical. نَ وﻧُﻣِ ؤْﻣُ ﻟْا ﺢَ ﻠَﻓَْأ دْﻗَ 1. Most certainly those Believers have attained true success نَ وﻌُ ﺷِ ﺎﺧَ مْ ﮭِ ﺗِﻼَﺻَ ﻲِﻓ مْ ھُ نَ ﯾذِﻟﱠا 2. They who are during their prayer humbly submissive نَ وﺿُ رِ ﻌْﻣُ وِ ﻐْﻠﱠﻟا نِ ﻋَ مْ ھُ نَ ﯾذِﻟﱠاوَ 3. And they who turn away from ill speech نَ وُﻠﻋِ ﺎﻓَ ةِ ﺎﻛَ زﱠ ﻠِﻟ مْ ھُ نَ ﯾذِﻟﱠاوَ 4. And they who are observant of Zakah نَ وظُ ِﻓﺎﺣَ مْ ﮭِ ﺟِ ورُ ُﻔِﻟ مْ ھُ نَ ﯾذِﻟﱠاوَ 5. And they who guard their chastity نَ ﯾﻣِ وُﻠﻣَ رُ ﯾْﻏَ مْ ﮭُ ﻧﱠِﺈﻓَ مْ ﮭُ ﻧُﺎﻣَ ﯾَْأ تْ ﻛَ ﻠَﻣَ ﺎﻣَ وَْأ مْ ﮭِ ﺟِ اوَزْ َأ ﻰٰ ﻠَﻋَ ﻻﱠ 6. Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed – نَ ودُﺎﻌَﻟْا مُ ھُ كَ ﺋِﻟَٰوُﺄﻓَ كَ ِﻟذَٰ ءَ ارَ وَ ﻰٰ ﻐَﺗَﺑْا نِ ﻣَ ﻓَ 7. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors – نَ وﻋُ ارَ مْ ھِ دِﮭْ ﻋَ وَ مْ ﮭِ ﺗِﺎﻧَﺎﻣَ َﻷِ مْ ھُ نَ ﯾذِﻟﱠاوَ 8. And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive نَ وظُ ِﻓﺎﺣَ ﯾُ مْ ﮭِ ﺗِاوَﻠَﺻَ ﻰٰ ﻠَﻋَ مْ ھُ نَ ﯾذِﻟﱠاوَ 9. And they who carefully maintain their prayers – نَ وﺛُرِ اوَﻟْا مُ ھُ كَ ﺋِﻟَٰوُأ 10. Those are the inheritors سَ وْدَرْ ِﻔﻟْا نَ وﺛُرِ ﯾَ نَ ﯾذِﻟﱠا 11. Who will inherit al-Firdaus. Quran 23:1-11 The third sphere is Jannat Anna’im. In Surah Yunus, the Almighty spoke about this level and said that people who have faith in wyrd do good work. Their conviction directed them to stay good throughout their life and led them to this level. Such devotees would come across rivers flowing underneath them in the Paradise of Delight. This attainer receives benefit through an abundance of good deeds. The fourth sphere is Jannatul Mawa. This is the place of those who give their causal forms in remembrance of the wyrd and its fulfillment. It is he who gives himself to the assirat despite his imperfection. The fifth sphere is Darul Khuld. The level is to those who follow their path with the utmost devotion without transgressing from their path. This level of Jannah compensates for the loss and hardship that one faces in the journey. The sixth sphere is Darul Maqaam. According to the scholars it is an essential place to stay. Surah al-Fatir mentions this stage as a safe place where all sufferings and tiredness vanish. It is where nothing affects the soul. The seventh sphere is Darul Assam. It is the abode of well-being. This is the seventh sphere, which is the home of safety and peace. In Surah al Yunus, the Almighty calls back people whom he had willed to walk the Straight Path. In Surah al Ana’am, it is called a place where the soul is protected with completeness. Taugu 1443AH {1} English translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab 2:29 مٌۭﯾِﻠﻋَ ءٍ ﻰْ ﺷَ لﱢ ﻛُ ﺑِ وَھُ وَ ۚ تٍۢ وَٰـٰﻣَ ﺳَ ﻊَ ﺑْﺳَ نﱠ ﮭُ ﯨٰوﱠﺳَ ﻓَ ءِ ﺂﻣَ ﺳﱠ ﻟٱ ﻰﻟَِإ ىٰٓ وَﺗَﺳْ ٱ مﱠ ﺛُ ﺎﻌًۭﯾﻣِ ﺟَ ضِ رْ َﻷْٱ ﻰﻓِ ﺎﻣﱠ مﻛُ ﻟَ قَ ﻠَﺧَ ىذِﱠﻟٱ وَھُ 17:44 ارًۭوُﻔﻏَ ﺎﻣً ﯾِﻠﺣَ نَ ﺎﻛَ ۥﮫُ ﻧﱠِإ ۗ مْﮭُ ﺣَ ﯾﺑِﺳْ ﺗَ نَ وﮭُ ﻘَﻔْﺗَ ﻻﱠ نﻛِ ـٰﻟَوَ ۦهِدِﻣْ ﺣَ ﺑِ ﺢُ ﺑﱢﺳَ ﯾُ ﻻﱠِإ ءٍ ﻰْ ﺷَ نﻣﱢ نِإوَ ۚ نﱠ ﮭِ ﯾﻓِ نﻣَ وَ ضُ رْ َﻷْٱوَ ﻊُ ﺑْﺳﱠ ﻟٱ تُ وَٰـٰﻣَ ﺳﱠ ﻟٱ ﮫُ ﻟَ ﺢُ ﺑﱢﺳَ ﺗُ 41:12 مِﯾِﻠﻌَ ﻟْٱ زِ ﯾزِ ﻌَ ﻟْٱ رُ ﯾدِﻘْﺗَ كَ ِﻟذَٰ ۚ ﺎظًۭ ﻔْﺣِ وَ ﺢَ ﯾﺑِـٰﺻَ ﻣَ ﺑِ ﺎﯾَﻧْدﱡﻟٱ ءَ ﺂﻣَ ﺳﱠ ﻟٱ ﺎﻧﱠﯾﱠزَ وَ ۚ ﺎھَ رَ ﻣْ َأ ءٍ ﺂﻣَ ﺳَ لﱢ ﻛُ ﻰﻓِ ﻰٰ ﺣَ وَْأوَ نِ ﯾْﻣَ وْﯾَ ﻰﻓِ تٍۢ اوَـٰﻣَ ﺳَ ﻊَ ﺑْﺳَ نﱠ ﮭُ ﯨٰﺿَ ﻘَﻓَ 23:17 نَ ﯾِﻠﻔِـٰﻏَ قِ ﻠْﺧَ ﻟْٱ نِ ﻋَ ﺎﻧﱠﻛُ ﺎﻣَ وَ قَ ﺋِآرَ طَ ﻊَ ﺑْﺳَ مْﻛُ ﻗَوْﻓَ ﺎﻧَﻘْﻠَﺧَ دْﻘَﻟَوَ