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Speedlights & Speedlites, Creative Flash Photography at the Speed of Light PDF

225 Pages·2009·9.59 MB·English
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Preview Speedlights & Speedlites, Creative Flash Photography at the Speed of Light

Speedlights & Speedlites Brushed Aluminum Sheet Metal Background Snoot Blue gel Black Group B cloth Gobo Soft box SB-800 Group A Gobo to keep mainlight off background Soft box Hot light SB-800 Group C Gobo below softbox 4⬘⫻8⬘ butterfly flat to keep mainlight off blouse gobo Final Speedlight settings: Laptop Group A: 0, Group B: ⫹2, with Nikon Group C: 0 Nikon D3, 105 mm, manual focus Capture Speedlight in photo set to 2.5 Sec, f7.1 Repeating flash at 4 Hz, triggered by Leah T raveling at Lightspeed W e mulled over the cover of this book for quite a while and rejected a lot of ideas. By accident I struck upon featuring the Speedlight in the photograph. I also wanted to incorporate a number of the techniques that we talk about on the pages of this book. But like everything, it all comes down to money. There was a budget. We searched a lot of models’ portfolios to f nd the perfect subject. In the end I pressed my studio manager into service. I wanted to imply movement. We handled this in a couple of ways: the photograph was shot on a slant so the woman’s hair hung at an angle. We used a fan to add to the illusion. A tungsten light was placed behind the model to create some blur. F our Speedlights, in three groups, doing separate jobs: lighting her face and hair with daylight; adding the comet-like background light; emphasizing the blue color but keeping it of her face. The trick was timing when to have Leah initiate the stroboscopic Speedlight in her hand each time we made an exposure. W e used lots of gobos to keep each light from “ c ontaminating” the others. So there was a great deal of f ne tuning. But the whole shot was done in about twenty exposures which is a testament to the methods we have at our f ngertips today. SB-800 S peedlights & Speedlites C reative Flash Photography at Lightspeed L ou J ones B ob K eenan S teve O strowski AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON • NEW YORK • OXFORD PARIS • SAN DIEGO • SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Focal Press is an imprint of Elsevier F ocal Press is an imprint of Elsevier 3 0 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA L inacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK C opyright © 2009, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. N o part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. P ermissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights D epartment in Oxford, UK: phone: ( ⫹4 4) 1865 843830, fax: ( ⫹4 4) 1865 853333, E -mail: p C ontents S peed of Light .................................................................................................viii C olor Coding Key ..............................................................................................ix T en Tenets of TTL Speedlights ..........................................................................x I ntroduction ......................................................................................................xi The Authors.....................................................................................................xiv C hapter 1: One Light .........................................................................................1 T TL Flash ................................................................................................................2 E lectronic Flash: D ef nition .......................................................................2 S peedlight/S peedlite: Def nition. ...........................................................3 Fundamentals of Electronic Flash ..........................................................9 Comprehending Flash Exposure ......................................................... 11 T TL Electronic Flash: Def nition ............................................................ 14 T TL Exposure System ..................................................................................... 16 T TL Flash and Exposure: A Primer .............................................................. 16 T TL Flash and Aperture ................................................................................. 17 T TL Flash and Distance .................................................................................. 17 I nverse Square Law .................................................................................. 18 T TL Flash and Subject Size ........................................................................... 20 T TL Flash and Shutter Speed: Synchronization .................................... 20 T TL Flash: Flash Anatomy and Features. .................................................. 20 S peedlight Components ........................................................................ 20 T he LCD ......................................................................................................... 30 M easuring Light ........................................................................................ 31 U nderstanding the Light Meter ........................................................... 32 S tops, F/Stops, Exposure Value ............................................................ 35 H istogram .................................................................................................... 40 RGB Histogram ........................................................................................... 43 E xposure Bias for Digital ......................................................................... 44 M iddle Tonal Value ................................................................................... 44 Exposure Compensation .............................................................................. 44 Excessive Contrast .................................................................................... 45 M astering Distance: Near and Far ....................................................... 46 M ain Light and Fill Light: Def nitions ................................................. 48 Philosophy ......................................................................................................... 50 v Contents Light .......................................................................................................... 50 C haracteristics of Light: Analysis and Decisions .................................. 54 Quantity, Intensity, or Brightness ........................................................ 54 Q uality ........................................................................................................... 56 C ontrast ........................................................................................................ 61 C olor .............................................................................................................. 62 Color Spaces and the Color Triangle .................................................. 65 D irection. ...................................................................................................... 67 M ixing TTL Flash with Available Light: Quantities of Light .......................................................................................................... 68 Available Light as Main ........................................................................... 68 T TL Flash as Fill ........................................................................................... 68 T TL Flash as Main ...................................................................................... 70 A vailable Light as Fill ............................................................................... 71 General Guidelines ................................................................................... 73 B alancing TTL Flash and Available Light: Colors of Light .......................................................................................................... 73 B ounce Flash: Direction and Quality of Light ........................................ 75 Moving Light .............................................................................................. 77 C omprehending Directions of Bounce Flash .................................. 77 Chapter 2: Two Lights ................................................................................... 87 Light ..................................................................................................................... 89 Lighting ............................................................................................................... 91 Design ........................................................................................................... 91 E xecute ......................................................................................................... 92 R eview ........................................................................................................... 92 Postproduction .......................................................................................... 92 W ireless ............................................................................................................... 96 W ireless TTL: R emote / S lave Flash ....................................................... 96 W ireless TTL: Additional Trigger Devices Need Not Apply! .................................................................................................... 96 Nikon SU-4 Mode ...................................................................................... 97 W ireless TTL Transmitters: Master ....................................................... 99 W ireless TTL Receivers: R emote / S lave ............................................... 99 W ireless TTL Communication: Line of Sight ..................................102 W ireless TTL: R emote / S lave ID Groups ............................................105 W ireless TTL: Channels ..........................................................................106 W ireless TTL: Privacy ..............................................................................108 T ravel ...........................................................................................................108 W ireless TTL: Basic Settings for Master and Slave .......................110 W ireless TTL: Controlling Exposure and Contrast ........................112 Manual Flash ...................................................................................................121 H ow It Works .............................................................................................121 F lash LCD ....................................................................................................126 W ireless Manual Flash ...........................................................................128 vi Contents Mixing Speedlights with Studio Flashes .........................................129 M odifying Flash: Quality of Light ......................................................132 Softboxes: Notes .....................................................................................132 E quipment, Accessories, Products ..........................................................136 E quipment .................................................................................................137 Batteries: Powering the Flash .............................................................144 Battery Types: Power Decisions .........................................................145 Accessories ................................................................................................147 Summary ..................................................................................................... 153 Lighting Diagrams ...................................................................................... 155 I ndex .............................................................................................................. 201 . vii S peed of Light s oot soaked shadows p rojecting moving pictures u pon a cavedwelling wall a s toxic bonf res choke life from the artist p rehistoric transfers to permanent p ale paraf n candles melt dimension into painted canvases o ily pigments made more unctuous b aked by their heat z oetropes m agic lanterns k lieg lights a nd their wrath of f ame i lluminate all things s een and unseen a nd take their turn substituting for day f ashf ashblindingf ash w hen we f nish here l ike gods w e will learn to move the sun L ou Jones D ecember 2006 viii C olor Coding Key B rand-specif c information is indicated by the following colors: G reen: Canon Speedlite 550EX/580EX/550 EXMKII/580 EXMkII f ashes, used with compatible Canon EOS cameras. P urple: Nikon Speedlight SB-900/SB-800, Nikon Speedlight Commander SU-800, used with compatible Nikon cameras. S ome of the information in the book has been categorized in an ef ort to increase accessibility. Six aspects are dif erentiated with the following background colors: S olutions: Olive green W arning: Red E xample: Orange Anecdote: Tan T extbook: Gray V ocabulary: Yellow ix

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