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The third edition of the bestselling Speech-Language Pathology Assistants: A Resource Manual is an essential, VO practical, and easy-to-use resource for SLPAs and SLPA educators and their students. The text defines the roles ES NT of SLPAs and their supervisors—offering additional insight into the scope of practice of an SLPA per current TE American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) recommendations—and includes discussions, strategies, OR -G and examples of real-world issues, such as using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and working WR with individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Also included within the chapters are important factors and E I modifications that can enhance the effectiveness of treatment activities. For example, using behavioral principles LN S and incorporating play, literacy, and speech sound remediation into treatment or modifying the clinical interface O Speech-Language to enhance group therapy dynamics for children and adults. N Initial chapters are devoted to specific aspects of an SLPA’s development, such as chapters on ways SLPAs can enhance clinical service through understanding of goals, lesson plans, data collection, and note-writing. Likewise, THIRD Pathology Assistants chapters on professional practice offer insight into ethical problem-solving, presenting a professional image, EDITION developing mentoring relationships, working with culturally and linguistically diverse populations, and the use of self-reflection for self-improvement. These chapters are followed by key principles for SLPAs to incorporate in clinical services provided to specific populations anddisorders. S A RESOURCE MANUAL p New to the Third Edition: e • Updated ASHA documents throughout, including references to the new ASHA Speech- e Language Pathology Assistant Scope of Practice (2022) and Speech-Language Pathology Code of c TTHHIIRRDD EEDDIITTIIOONN Conduct(2020) h • New co-author, Margaret Vento-Wilson, brings years of experience in both professional and - L academic settings and adds a fresh perspective throughout a • Significant updates to Chapter 11 on using behavioral principles n • New contributing authors bringing relevant updates in the field of speech-language pathology g u A a R g JENNIFER A. OSTERGREN E Jennifer A. Ostergren, PhD, CCC-SLP is the Dean of the College of Education, Health and Se O Human Services at California State University, San Marcos. She is a nationally certified U P MARGARET VENTO-WILSON speech-language pathologist with more than 20 years of experience working with adults R Ca with neurologic cognitive and communication disorders across the spectrum of rehabilitation E t settings. Dr. Ostergren is a published author and a national and international speaker in the Mh areas of rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and support personnel in the field of A o speech-language pathology. She has specialized training in futures thinking and an interest in N the futures of work, health, andeducation. Ul o A Lg y Margaret Vento-Wilson, PhD, CCC-SLP is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech- A Language Pathology in College of Health and Human Services at California State University of Long Beach. Dr. Vento-Wilson has been a practicing speech-language pathologist for many years s s and has worked in the school system and in private practice. When in the school setting, Dr. i Vento-Wilson frequently worked with undergraduate students in their SLPA practicum. Dr. Vento- s Wilson has published in the areas of motor speech disorders, congenital aglossia, disorders of child t a language, school-based intervention, and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). She has presented at the national and state level on AAC in the schools, aided language acquisition, n and narrative intervention. t s www.pluralpublishing.com Speech-Language Pathology Assistants A RESOURCE MANUAL Third Edition Speech-Language Pathology Assistants A RESOURCE MANUAL THIRD EDITION Jennifer A. Ostergren, PhD, CCC-SLP Margaret Vento-Wilson, PhD, CCC-SLP 9177 Aero Drive, Suite B San Diego, CA 92123 e-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.pluralpublishing.com Copyright © 2024 by Plural Publishing, Inc. Typeset in 10.5/13 Palatino by Flanagan’s Publishing Services, Inc. Printed in the United States of America by Integrated Books International All rights, including that of translation, reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution, or information storage and retrieval systems without the prior written consent of the publisher. For permission to use material from this text, contact us by Telephone: (866) 758-7251 Fax: (888) 758-7255 e-mail: [email protected] Every attempt has been made to contact the copyright holders for material originally printed in another source. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publisher will gladly make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Ostergren, Jennifer A., author. | Vento-Wilson, Margaret, author. Title: Speech-language pathology assistants : a resource manual / Jennifer A. Ostergren, Margaret Vento-Wilson. Description: Third edition. | San Diego, CA : Plural Publishing, Inc., [2024] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2022046675 (print) | LCCN 2022046676 (ebook) | ISBN 9781635504156 (paperback) | ISBN 1635504155 (paperback) | ISBN 9781635504163 (ebook) Subjects: MESH: Speech-Language Pathology--methods | Allied Health Personnel | Language Disorders--therapy Classification: LCC RC424.7 (print) | LCC RC424.7 (ebook) | NLM WL 21 | DDC 616.85/5--dc23/eng/20221202 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022046675 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022046676 Contents Preface vii Acknowledgments ix Contributors xi Part I. Defining Roles: Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs) Chapter 1. Defining Roles: SLPAs 3 Jennifer A. Ostergren Chapter 2. Defining Roles: Supervision and Mentoring 81 Jennifer A. Ostergren Chapter 3. Ethical Conduct 95 Jennifer A. Ostergren Chapter 4. Professional Conduct 137 Jennifer A. Ostergren Chapter 5. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity 165 Carolyn Conway Madding Chapter 6. Health and Safety 183 Pei-Fang Hung Part II. Skills Development Chapter 7. Deciphering Lesson Plans and Goals 211 Jennifer A. Ostergren and Stephanie L. Peterson Chapter 8. Data Collection 285 Jennifer A. Ostergren Chapter 9. Note Writing 309 Jennifer A. Ostergren Chapter 10. Implementing Treatment 325 Jennifer A. Ostergren Chapter 11. Using Behavioral Principles 347 Jennifer A. Ostergren and Stephanie P. Davis Chapter 12. Group Therapy 381 Jennifer A. Ostergren and Sarah Guzzino-Herrick v vi Speech-Language Pathology Assistants: A Resource Manual Part III. Treatment for Specific Populations and Disorders Chapter 13. Speech Sound Remediation for Children 405 Lei Sun Chapter 14. Early Intervention 431 Margaret Vento-Wilson Chapter 15. Language Intervention for Children 457 Margaret Vento-Wilson Chapter 16. Incorporating Play and Literacy in Treatment 485 Sara M. Aguilar Chapter 17. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 501 Jodi Robledo Chapter 18. Augmentative and Alternative Communication 519 Margaret Vento-Wilson Chapter 19. Adults With Acquired Neurologic Disorders 553 Jennifer A. Ostergren and Carly B. Crandall Index 589 Preface Speech-language pathology assistants perspective offering technical and clinical (SLPAs) are “support personnel who, fol- procedure suggestions for SLPAs, includ- lowing academic and/or on-the-job train- ing SLPA professional issues and ethics, ing, perform tasks prescribed, directed, and instruction in workplace behaviors, and supervised by American Speech-Lan- such as implementing treatment and col- guage-Hearing Association (ASHA) certi- lecting and summarizing data. Special- fied speech-language pathologists (SLPs)” ized topics applicable to SLPAs, such as (ASHA, n.d., para. 2). The use of SLPAs augmentative and alternative communi- and support personnel is not new. As early cation, cultural and linguistic diversity, as the 1970s, support personnel in the field play and literacy in therapy, speech sound of speech-language pathology were being remediation, and autism spectrum disor- used and regulated by different states in der are also included to extend SLPAs’ the United States (ASHA, n.d.). ASHA foundational knowledge to real-world has had guidelines for the use of sup- applications. This book is written for indi- port personnel since 1969. Expansion in viduals with a variety of SLPA experience the use of SLPAs continues to increase as and training. It is our hope that SLPAs professionals in the field look for ways to with all levels of experience and back- contain costs and expand clinical services ground will find tools and resources of (ASHA, n.d.). ASHA maintains and peri- value to them in this book. If you are an odically updates formal policy and guide- SLPA who has been in the field for many lines on the training, use, and supervision years, this book may offer you a fresh per- of SLPAs. In 2020, ASHA also created a spective on your role and ideas for con- formal certification for SLPAs (C-SLPA) tinuing to refine your skills. If you are an (Council for Clinical Certification in Audi- SLPA just starting your career, this book ology and Speech-Language Pathology of offers you important information to take the American Speech-Language-Hearing with you on your journey. If you are an Association, 2020). SLPA in training, the book provides you with information relevant for your train- ing, particularly to your clinical practicum and future employment as an SLPA. CONTENT This book is written specifically for ORGANIZATION SLPAs, addressing their unique needs. It is intended to be a practical resource on a wide range of topics that SLPAs may The first six chapters cover broad topics, find of value. It does not cover normal including an overview of the roles and processes of communication or commu- responsibilities of SLPAs and their super- nicative disorders in depth. Rather, it is visors. The initial chapters also cover intended as a “what now” or real-world professional conduct, ethics, cultural and vii viii Speech-Language Pathology Assistants: A Resource Manual linguistic diversity, and topics important for specific populations, including newly to the health and safety of SLPAs and the added chapters on early intervention, individuals they serve. Within these sec- language interventions for children, and tions, ASHA documents are a cornerstone foundational knowledge for working when referencing policies, procedures, with adults with acquired neurologic dis- rules, and regulations applicable to SLPA orders. This is not an exhaustive list of all practice. At present, there is considerable the populations and disorders SLPAs may variability between states’ regulations encounter in their clinical work. Rather, applicable to SLPAs. As such, ASHA, these chapters serve as additional con- as the sole national organization for the siderations for common populations and profession in the United States, serves as disorders SLPAs might encounter. an important and primary resource on the topic. That is not to say that SLPAs should ignore state regulations. Rather, as COMPANION WEBSITE will be discussed, SLPAs must be cogni- zant of both ASHA and individual state regulations. References and suggestions This book has a companion website with for accessing state-specific information important forms SLPAs can use in their are provided. Furthermore, given the clinical work. These forms can be freely dynamic nature of policies and proce- modified and copied. Explanations about dures, readers should view the informa- the content on the companion website tion in this book as an overview of regu- are embedded within the chapters of lations and policies in place at the time the book. The following symbol denotes of publication. The reader is referred to where the content of the companion web- ASHA’s website, at https://www.asha site is referenced. .org, for the most recent information. The next six chapters of the book are organized as “skill development” chap- ters. These chapters cover a specific set of skills needed by SLPAs across a wide variety of settings. They include the REFERENCES important topics of data collection, note writing, therapy implementation tech- niques for individual and group sessions, American Speech-Language-Hearing Asso- ciation (ASHA). (n.d.). Frequently asked ques- and a newly added chapter on the use of tions: Speech-language pathology assistants behavioral principles. Throughout each (SLPAs). https://www.asha.org/associates/ skill development chapter, helpful tips SLPA-FAQs/ and applicable references and resources Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology are provided, with the major emphasis and Speech-Language Pathology of the Amer- ican Speech-Language-Hearing Association. on providing information that will be of (2020). 2020 Standards for ASHA Speech-Language value in actual clinical work as an SLPA. Pathology Assistants Certification. https://www The remaining seven chapters include .asha.org/certification/2020-slpa-certifica treatment foundations and suggestions tion-standards/ Acknowledgments First and foremost, we would like to a hospital, a home, or an educational set- thank the many speech-language pathol- ting. This was accomplished in no small ogist assistants (SLPAs) who work in way by the generous contributions of the concert with speech-language patholo- chapter authors, who gave unselfishly of gists (SLPs) out in the field supporting their time and expertise. These contribu- individuals with communicative needs. tors include those outside our field, those We would also like to acknowledge the who work in and alongside the field, essential role of both the educators who and those firmly entrenched in the field. share their knowledge and passion with The contributors also represent practitio- their students and the supervising SLPs ners and academics to ensure a balance who provide clinical guidance and men- of the theoretical and the practical. The toring to the next generation of SLPAs. collective experience and knowledge of The American Speech-Language-Hearing the authors provide SLPAs with a firm Association and field of speech-language foundation in the mix of the science and pathology are clearly strengthened by art that is the practice of speech-language the unique contributions of all these pathology. professionals. We would also like to thank Plural In this edition, we have tried to cap- Publishing and the publishing team for ture what is most important for clinicians their commitment to excellence, their working in the field, whether it be with attention to detail, and for setting a high children or adults, in a private practice, bar for their authors and readers. ix

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