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NS, SPEECH atars CO; ELSEVIER Speech Communication 14 (1994) 389-390 Author index of Volume 14 Abrantes, A.J., see Marques, J.S. 14 (1994) 231 Keating, P.A., D. Byrd, E. Flemming and Y. Allen, W.G., see Mak, M.W. 14 (1994) 279 Todaka, Phonetic analyses of word and seg- Aronson, L., J. Rosenhouse, L. Podoshin and G. ment variation using the TIMIT corpus of Rosenhouse, Multi-channel cochlear pros- American English 14 (1994) 131 thesis adapted to Hebrew: A case study 14 (1994) 263 Kenny, P., G. Boulianne, H. Garudadri, S. Trudelle, R. Hollan, M. Lennig and D. Becker, J.D., see Heitz, C. 14 (1994) 1 O’Shaughnessy, Experiments in continuous Blaauw, E., The contribution of prosodic bound- speech recognition using books on tape 14 (1994) 49 ary markers to the perceptual difference be- Kenny, P., see Boulianne, G. 14 (1994) 61 tween read and spontaneous speech 14 (1994) 359 Kohonen, T., see Mantysalo, J. 14 (1994) 119 Bond, Z.S. and T.J. Moore, A note on the acoustic-phonetic characteristics of inadver- Lennig, M., see Boulianne, G. 14 (1994) 61 tently clear speech 14 (1994) 325 Lennig, M., see Kenny, P. 14 (1994) 49 Boothroyd, A., see Waldstein, R.S. 14 (1994) 303 Boulianne, G., P. Kenny, M. Lennig, D. Ma, C. and D. O’Shaughnessy, The masking of O’Shaughnessy and P. Mermelstein, Books narrowband noise by broadband harmonic on tape as training data for continuous complex sounds and implications for the speech recognition 14 (1994). 61 processing of speech sounds 14 (1994) 103 Boulianne, G., see Kenny, P. 14 (1994) 49 Mak, M.W. and W.G. Allen, Lip-motion analysis Byrd, D., see Keating, P.A. 14 (1994) 131 for speech segmentation in noise 14 (1994) 279 Mantysalo, J., K. Torkkola and T. Kohonen, Chahine, G., see Qian, Y. 14 (1994) 339 Mapping context dependent acoustic infor- Culling, J.F., Q. Summerfield and D.H. Mar- mation into context independent form by shall, Effects of simulated reverberation on LVQ 14 (1994) 119 the use of binaural cues and fundamental- Marques, J.S. and A.J. Abrantes, Hybrid har- frequency differences for separating concur- monic coding of speech at low bit-rates 14 (1994) 231 rent vowels 14 (1994) 71 Marshall, D.H., see Culling, J.F. 14 (1994) 71 McGowan, R.S., Recovering articulatory move- De, A. and P. Kabal, Auditory distortion mea- ment from formant frequency trajectories us- sure for speech coder evaluation — Discrimi- ing task dynamics and a genetic algorithm: nation information approach 14 (1994) 205 Preliminary model tests 14 (1994) 19 Mermelstein, P., see Boulianne, G. 14 (1994) 61 Flemming, E., see Keating, P.A. 14 (1994) 131 Moore, T.J., see Bond, Z.S. 14 (1994) 325 Garcia, P., see Segura, J.C. 14 (1994) 163 Nakajima, S., Automatic synthesis unit genera- Garudadri, H., see Kenny, P. 14 (1994) 49 tion for English speech synthesis based on multi-layered context oriented clustering 14 (1994) 313 Heitz, C. and J.D. Becker, An optimized time- frequency distribution for speech analysis 14(1994) 1 O’Shaughnessy, D., see Boulianne, G. 14 (1994) 61 Hollan, R., see Kenny, P. 14 (1994) 49 O’Shaughnessy, D., see Kenny, P. 14 (1994) 49 Ichikawa, A., see Takeda, S. 14 (1994) 171 O’Shaughnessy, D., see Ma, C. 14 (1994) 103 Kabal, P., see De, A. 14 (1994) 205 Peinado, A.M., see Segura, J.C. 14 (1994) 163 Kabal, P., see Qian, Y. 14 (1994) 339 Podoshin, L., see Aronson, L. 14 (1994) 263 Elsevier Science B.V. 390 Author index / Speech Communication 14 (1994) 389-390 Qian, Y., G. Chahine and P. Kabal, Pseudo- Takeda, S. and A. Ichikawa, Analysis of promi- multi-tap pitch filters in a low bit-rate CELP nence in spoken Japanese sentences and ap- speech coder 14 (1994) 339 plication to text-to-speech synthesis 14 (1994) 171 Todaka, Y., see Keating, P.A. 14 (1994) 131 Roman, R., see Segura, J.C. 14 (1994) 163 Torkkola, K., see Mantysalo, J. 14 (1994) 119 Rosenhouse, G., see Aronson, L. 14 (1994) 263 Trudelle, S., see Kenny, P. 14 (1994) 49 Rosenhouse, J., see Aronson, L. 14 (1994) 263 Rubio, A.J., see Segura, J.C. 14 (1994) 163 van Bergem, D.R., A model of coarticulatory effects on the schwa 14 (1994) 143 Segura, J.C., A.J. Rubio, A.M. Peinado, P. Garcia and R. Roman, Multiple VQ hidden Waldstein, R.S. and A. Boothroyd, Speechread- Markov modelling for speech recognition 14 (1994) 163 ing enhancement using a sinusoidal substi- Sorokin, V.N., Inverse problem for fricatives 14 (1994) 249 tute for voice fundamental frequency 14 (1994) 303 Summerfield, Q., see Culling, J.F. 14 (1994) 71

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