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5s FP FE GO VU & YY & A Journal of Medieval Studies CONTENTS Vol. 82, 2007 published by The Medieval Academy of America Cambridge, Massachusetts Contents ARTICLES Boynton, Susan, “Prayer as Liturgical Performance in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Mo- nastic Psalters,” 896-931 Constable, Olivia Remie, “Chess and Courtly Culture in Medieval Castile: The Libro de ajedrez of Alfonso X, el Sabio,” 301-47 Diem, Albrecht, “Monks, Kings, and the Transformation of Sanctity: Jonas of Bobbio and the End of the Holy Man,” 521-59 Dutton, Paul Edward; McCormick, Michael; and Mayewski, Paul A., “Volcanoes and the Climate Forcing of Carolingian Europe, A.D. 750-950,” 865-95 Frank, Roberta, “A Scandal in Toronto: The Dating of “Beowulf” a Quarter Century On,” 843-64 : Haines, John, “The Battle of Anesin: A Parody of Songs in Praise of War,” 348-79 Hamilton, Michelle M., “Rereading the Widow: A Possible Judeo-Iberian Model for the Pseudo-Ovidian De vetula and the Libro de buen amor,” 97-119 Horobin, Simon, “Politics, Patronage, and Piety in the Work of Osbern Bokenham,” 932- 49 Jones, Christopher A., “Monastic Identity and Sodomitic Danger in the Occupatio by Odo of Cluny,” 1-53 Jurkowski, Maureen, “Lollardy and Social Status in East Anglia,” 120-52 Karnes, Michelle, “Nicholas Love and Medieval Meditations on Christ,” 380-408 LaVere, Suzanne, “From Contemplation to Action: The Role of the Active Life in the Glossa ordinaria on the Song of Songs,” 54-69 Loewen, Peter V., and Waugh, Robin, “Mary Magdalene Preaches through Song: Feminine Expression in the Shrewsbury Officium Resurrectionis and in Easter Dramas from the German Lands and Bohemia,” 595-641 Mayewski, Paul A.; McCormick, Michael; and Dutton, Paul Edward, “Volcanoes and the Climate Forcing of Carolingian Europe, a.p. 750-950,” 865-95 McCormick, Michael; Dutton, Paul Edward; and Mayewski, Paul A., “Volcanoes and the Climate Forcing of Carolingian Europe, A.D. 750-950,” 865-95 McKenna, Catherine, “Performing Penance and Poetic Performance in the Medieval Welsh Court,” 70-96 Meens, Rob, “Sanctuary, Penance, and Dispute Settlement under Charlemagne: The Con- flict between Alcuin and Theodulf of Orléans over a Sinful Cleric,” 277-300 Murphy, Sean Eisen, “Concern about Judaizing in Academic Treatises on the Law, c. 1130- c. 1230,” 560-94 Remensnyder, Amy G., “Christian Captives, Muslim Maidens, and Mary,” 642-77 Waugh, Robin, and Loewen, Peter V., “Mary Magdalene Preaches through Song: Feminine Expression in the Shrewsbury Officium Resurrectionis and in Easter Dramas from the German Lands and Bohemia,” 595-641 REVIEWS Abaelardus, Petrus, Petri Abaelardi Opera theologica, 5: Expositio in Hexameron, ed. Mary Romig, with David Luscombe; Abbreviatio Petri Abaelardi Expositionis in Hex- ameron, ed. Charles Burnett, with David Luscombe (Regina Heyder), 153-54 iv Speculum 82 (2007) Albert, Sophie, ed., Laver, monder, blanchir: Discours et usages de la toilette dans |’Occi- dent médiéval, 500 Albrecht, Stephan, Die Inszenierung der Vergangenheit im Mittelalter: Die Kloster von Glastonbury und Saint-Denis (Alexandra Gajewski), 154-56 Allen, Elizabeth, False Fables and Exemplary Truth in Later Middle English Literature (Judith Ferster), 950-52 Alonso Alvarez, Raquel, El monasterio cisterciense de Santa Maria de Caras (La Rioja): Arquitectura gotica, patrocinio aristocratico y proteccion real (Regine Abegg), 156-57 Altschul, Nadia, La literatura, el autor y la critica textual (Jesis Rodriguez-Velasco), 678- 79 Andenna, Cristina, and Melville, Gert, eds., with Cosimo Damiano Fonseca, Hubert Houben, and Giuseppe Picasso, Regulae—Consuetudines—Statuta: Studi sulle fonti nor- mative degli ordini religiosi nei secoli centrali del medioevo, 500-501 Andersson, Theodore M., The Growth of the Medieval Icelandic Sagas (1180-1280) (Eve lyn Scherabon Firchow and Sabine Heidi Walther), 952-54 Archer, Robert, The Problem of Woman in Late-Medieval Hispanic Literature (Barbara F. Weissberger), 954-56 Arlinghaus, Franz-Josef; Ostermann, Marcus; Plessow, Oliver; and Tscherpel, Gudrun, eds., Transforming the Medieval World: Uses of Pragmatic Literacy in the Middle Ages, 782 Arnason, Johann P., and Wittrock, Biérn, eds., Eurasian Transformations, Tenth to Thir- teenth Centuries: Crystallizations, Divergences, Renaissances (David Morgan), 158-59 Ascheri, Mario, Le citta-stato (Samuel Cohn, Jr.), 956-57 Astell, Ann W., Eating Beauty: The Eucharist and the Spiritual Arts of the Middle Ages (Jeffrey Hamburger), 679-81 Badstiibner, Ernst; Eimer, Gerhard; Gierlich, Ernst; and Miller, Matthias, eds., Licht und Farbe in der mittelalterlichen Backsteinarchitektur des siidlichen Ostseeraums, 1048 Baker, Nigel, and Holt, Richard, Urban Growth and the Medieval Church: Gloucestearn d Worcester (David Stocker), 681-83 Balard, Michel, La Méditerranée médiévale: Espaces, itinéraires, comptoirs, 782 Ball, Jennifer L., Byzantine Dress: Representations of Secular Dress in Eighth- to Twelfth- Century Painting (Liz James), 409-10 Barber, Bruno; Chew, Steve; Dyson, Tony; and White, Bill, The Cistercian Abbey of St Mary Stratford Langthorne, Essex: Archaeological Excavations for the London Under- ground Limited Jubilee Line Extension Project (Peter Fergusson), 159-61 Bardsley, Sandy, Venomous Tongues: Speech and Gender in Late Medieval England (Susan E. Phillips), 957-59 Barolini, Teodolinda, Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture, 782-83 , ed., Medieval Constructions in Gender and Identity: Essays in Honor of Joan M Ferrante, 250 Barthélemy, Dominique; Bougard, Francois; and Le Jan, Régine, eds., La vengeance, 400- 1200, 501 Bartl, Anna; Krekel, Christoph; Lautenschlager, Manfred; and Oltrogge, Doris, Der “Liber illuministarum” aus Kloster Tegernsee (Andreas Petzoid), 959-61 Baumgartner, Ingrid, ed., Helmarshausen: Buchkultur und Goldschmi edekunst i:.1 Hoch- mittelalter (Rita Tekippe), 410-12 Bazzana, André; Bériou, Nicole; and Guichard, Pierre, eds., Averroés et l’averroisme (XIle- XVe siécle): Un itinéraire historique du Haut Atlas a Paris et 4 Padoue, 501-2 Beech, George, Was the Bayeux Tapestry Made in France? The Case for Saint-Florent of Saumur (R. Howard Bloch), 161-62 Speculum 82 (2007) ¥ Bennett, Judith M., History Matters: Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism (Jacqueline Murray), 961-62 Berger, Anna Maria Busse, Medieval Music and the Art of Memory (Thomas B. Payne), 412-15 . Berkhofer, Robert F, III; Cooper, Alan; and Kosto, Adam J., eds., The Experience of Power in Medieval Europe, 950-1350, 250 Berndt, Rainer, SJ, ed., Schrift, Schreiber, Schenker: Studien zur Abtei Sankt Viktor in Paris und den Viktorinern, 502 Berschin, Walter, and Hellmann, Martin, Hermann der Lahbme: Gelehrter und Dichter (1013-1054) (Will Hasty), 962-64 Bethlehem, Ulrike, Guinevere—A Medieval Puzzle: Images of Arthur’s Queen in the Me- dieval Literature of England and France (Kathleen Coyne Keily), 415-16 Bianchi, Francesco, La Ca’ di Dio di Padova nel OQuattrocento: Riforma e governo di un ospedale per l’infanzia abbandonata (Benjamin G. Kohl), 162-64 Bijsterveld, Arnoud-Jan, ed., De “Kroniek van de hertogen van Brabant,” door Adrianus Barlandus: Vertaling, inleiding en voortzetting, 251 Birk, Bonnie A., Christine de Pizan and Biblical Wisdom: A Feminist-Theological Point of View (Christine M. Reno), 683-85 Birkholz, Daniel, The King’s Two Maps: Cartography and Culture in Thirteenth-Century England (Stephen D. White), 964-65 Blamires, Alcuin, Chaucer, Ethics, and Gender (Carolyn P. Collette), 965-67 Blanchard, Joél, Philippe de Commynes (Walter Prevenier), 685-86 Blanks, David; Frassetto, Michael; and Livingstone, Amy, eds., Medieval Monks and Their World: Ideas and Realities, 1048-49 Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate, Poets, Saints, and Visionaries of the Great Schism, 1378- 1417 (Amy Ogden), 967-68 Bombarde, Odile, ed., Froissart dans sa forge, 783 Bosworth, C. Edmund, ed., The Turks in the Early Islamic World, 1049 Bourdua, Louise, The Franciscans and Art Patronage in Late Medieval Italy (Anne Derbes), 416-18 B3o wers, Barbara S., ed., The Medieval Hospital and Medical Practice, 1049-50 Bracken, Damian, and O Riain-Raedel, Dagmar, eds., Ireland and Europe in the Twelfth Century: Reform and Renewal, 251 Brock, Sebastian, Fire from Heaven: Studies in Syriac Theology and Liturgy, 251-52 Bronstein, Judith, The Hospitallers and the Holy Land: Financing the Latin East, 1187- 1274 (Elena Bellomo), 164-65 Brubaker, Leslie, and Smith, Julia M. H., eds., Gender in the Early Medieval World: East and West, 300-900 (Carol Neel), 165-66 Briickle, Wolfgang, Civitas terrena: Staatsreprdasentation und politischer Aristotelismus in der franzdsischen Kunst, 1270-1380 (Elizabeth A. R. Brown), 968-70 Buberl, Brigitte, ed., Conrad von Soest: Neue Forschungen tiber den Maler und die Kul- turgeschichte der Zeit um 1400 (Julien Chapuis), 167-69 Biichsel, Martin, Die Entstebung des Christusportrats: Bildarchdologie statt Bildbypnose (Charles Barber), 169-70 . Burgess, Glyn S., and Pratt, Karen, eds., The Arthur of the French: The Arthurian Legend in Medieval French and Occitan Literature, 1050 Burke, John, et al., eds., Byzantine Narrative: Papers in Honour of Roger Scott, 1050-51 Busby, Keith, and Kleinhenz, Christopher, eds., Courtly Arts and the Art of Courtliness, 1051-52 Butterfield, Ardis, ed., Chaucer and the City (Kathy Lavezzo), 686-88 Caballero-Navas, Carmen, ed. and trans., “The Book of Women’s Love” and Jewish Me- vi Speculum 82 (2007) dieval Medical Literature on Women: Sefer Abavat Nashim (Elisheva Baumgarten), 688— 90 Caferro, William, John Hawkwood: An English Mercenary in Fourteenth-Century Italy (John France), 418-19 Calder, Norman, Interpretation and Jurisprudence in Medieval Islam, 1052-53 Cariboni, Guido, La via migliore: Pratiche memoriali e dinamiche istituzionali nel “liber” del capitolo dell’abbazia cistercense di Lucedio (Stefano Mula), 690-91 Carocci, Sandro, ed., La nobilta romana nel medioevo, 783-84 Caroti, Stefano; Imbach, Ruedi; Kaluza, Zénon, et al., eds., “Ad ingenti acuitionem”: Stud- ies in Honour of Alfonso Maieru, 1053 Carraz, Damien, L’ordre du Temple dans la basse vallée du Rhone (1124-1312): Ordres militaires, croisades et sociétés méridionales (Scott G. Bruce), 970-71 Carrero, Eduardo, and Rico, Daniel, eds., Catedral y ciudad medieval en la Peninsula Ibérica, 784 Casarella, Peter J., ed., Cusanus: The Legacy of Learned Ignorance, 252 Cazanave, Caroline, ed., L’épique médiéval et le mélange des genres, 502-3 Cazelles, Brigitte, Soundscape in Early French Literature (Maureen Boulton), 691-92 Chadwick, Henry, Studies on Ancient Christianity, 784 Chekin, Leonid $., Northern Eurasia in Medieval Cartography: Inventory, Text, Transla- tion, and Commentary (Natalia Lozovsky), 419-21 Cheynet, Jean-Claude, The Byzantine Aristocracy and Its Military Function, 785 Christie, Niall, and Yazigi, Maya, eds., Noble Ideals and Bloody Realities: Warfare in the Middle Ages (William Caferro), 693-94 Colish, Marcia L., Studies in Scholasticism, 252 Collette, Carolyn P., Performing Polity: Women and Agency in the Anglo-French Tradition, 1385-1620 (Nancy Bradley Warren), 972-73 Cook, William R., ed., The Art of the Franciscan Order in Italy (Anne Derbes), 416-18 Cornelison, Sally J., and Montgomery, Scott B., ed s., Images, Relics, and Devotional Prac- ? tices in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, 252-5 >) Coulter, Dale M., “Per visibilia ad invisibilia”: Theological Method in Richard of St. Victor (D. 1173) (Paul Rorem), 973-74 Coupland, Simon, Carolingian Coinage and the Vikings: Studies on Power and Trade in the 9th Century, 1054 Cramp, Rosemary, with contributions by C. Roger Bristow, John Higgitt, R. C. Scrivener, and Bernard C. Worssam, Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, 7: South-West En- gland (Catherine E. Karkov), 974-76 Cranz, F. Edward, Reorientations of Western Thought from Antiquity to the Renaissance, 253 Crépin, André, Old English Poetics: A Technical Handbook (Eugene Green), 170-71 Crum, Roger J., and Paoletti, John T., eds., Renaissance Florence: A Social History, 253- 54 Curry, Anne, Agincourt: A New History (Stephen Morillo), 172-73 Curta, Florin, Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, S00-—1250 (Kiril Petkov), 694-95 Davies, Matthew, and Saunders, Ann, The History of the Merchant Taylors’ Company (John Oldland), 173-74 Davis, Adam J., The Holy Bureaucrat: Eudes Rigaud and Religious Reform in Thirteenth- Century Normandy (Michael F. Cusato; O.F.M.), 976-78 de Hamel, Christopher, ed. and trans., Das Bestiarium aus Peterborough. MS 53 (Fol. 189- 210v), the Parker Library, College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Cam- bridge: Kommentar zur Faksimile-Edition, 1 (Debra Higgs Strickland), 421-22 Speculum 82 (2007) vii De Leemans, Pieter, and Goyens, Michéle, eds., Aristotle’s “Problemata” in Different Times and Tongues, 1054 Dectot, Xavier, L’art roman en France (Thomas E. A. Dale), 978-80 Deliyannis, Deborah Mauskopf, ed., Historiography in the Middle Ages, 254 Desmond, Marilynn, and Sheingorn, Pamela, Myth, Montage, and Visuality in Late Me- dieval Manuscript Culture: Christine de Pizan’s. “Epistre Othea” (Margarete Zimmer- mann), 175-77 DeWindt, Anne Reiber, and DeWindt, Edwin Brezette, Ramsey: The Lives of an English Fenland Town, 1200-1600 (Peter L. Larson), 422-24 Diem, Albrecht, Das monastische Experiment: Die Rolle der Keuschheit bei der Entstehung des westlichen Klosterwesens (Conrad Leyser), 424-25 Dijkstra, Jitse, and Dijk, Mathilde van, eds., The Encroaching Desert: Egyptian Hagiog- raphy and the Medieval West, 1054-55 Dillmann, Frangois-Xavier, Les magiciens dans I’Islande ancienne: Etudes sur la représen- tation de la magie islandaise et de ses agents dans les sources littéraires norroises (Theo- dore M. Andersson), 980-82 Duclow, Donald F., Masters of Learned Ignorance: Eriugena, Eckhart, Cusanus, 1055 Duczko, Wladyslaw, Viking Rus: Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Eu- rope (Roman K. Kovalev), 177-79 Dufallo, Basil, and McCracken, Peggy, eds., Dead Lovers: Erotic Bonds and the Study of Premodern Europe, 1055 Dumanoir, Virginie, Le “Romancero” courtois: Jeux et enjeux poétiques des vieux “ro- mances” castillans (1421-1547) (Samuel G. Armistead), 425-27 Durand, Jannic, and Flusin, Bernard, eds., Byzance et les reliques du Christ (Natalia Tete- riatnikov), 982-84 Dutton, Paul Edward, Charlemagne’s Mustache and Other Cultural Clusters of a Dark Age (Joanna Story), 695-97 Eadmer of Canterbury, Lives and Miracles of Saints Oda, Dunstan, and Oswald, ed. and trans. Andrew J. Turner and Bernard J. Muir (Jay Rubenstein), 984-85 Edwards, Cyril, The Beginnings of German Literature: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Old High German (Anna Grotans), 427-29 El Cheikh, Nadia Maria, Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs (Joel Thomas Walker), 179-81 Elliott, Dyan, Proving Woman: Female Spirituality and Inquisitional Culture in the Later Middle Ages (Gabor Klaniczay), 181-82 Enenkel, Karl A. E., and Papy, Jan, eds., Petrarch and His Readers in the Renaissance, 254 Enright, Michael J., The Suttcz Hoo Sceptre and the Roots of Celtic Kingship Theory (Marina Smyth), 697-98 Esposito, Mario, Studies in Hiberno-Latin Literature, 254-55 Fabris, Cécile, Etudier et vivre a Paris au moyen age: Le College de Laon (XIVe—X Vi siécles) (William J. Courtenay), 429-30 Farber, Lianna, Am Anatomy of Trade in Medieval Writing: Value, Consent, and Com- munity (Steven A. Epstein), 698-99 Feller, Laurent; Gramain, Agnés; and Weber, Florence, La fortune de Karol: Marché de la terre et liens personnels dans les Abruzzes au haut moyen age (John Howe), 183-84 Feniello, Amedeo, Les campagnes napolitaines a la fin du moyen age: Mutations d’un paysage rural (George Dameron), 430-32 Ferreira, Manuel Pedro, Cantus coronatus: 7 cantigas, d’el-rei Dom Dinis/by King Dinis of Portugal (Elizabeth Aubrey), 432-33 Ferrer i Mallol, Maria Teresa; Mutgé i Vives, Josefina; and Sanchez Martinez, Manuel, eds., La Corona catalanoaragonesa i el seu entorn mediterrani a la baixa edat mitjana, 503 viii Speculum 82 (2007) Ferrer Mallol, Maria Teresa, Entre la paz y la guerra: La Corona catalano-aragonesa y Castilla en la baja edad media (Michelle Herder), 985-87 Field, Sean L., Isabelle of France: Capetian Sanctity and Franciscan Identity in the Thir- teenth Century (Joan L. Mueller), 700 Figueira, Robert C., ed., Plenitude of Power. The Doctrines and Exercise of Authority in the Middle Ages: Essays in Memory of Robert Louis Benson, 255 FitzPatrick, Elizabeth, and Gillespie, Raymond, eds., The Parish in Medieval and Early Modern Ireland: Community, Territory and Building (Barbara A. Watkinson), 433-35 Fjalldal, Magnus, Anglo-Saxon England in Icelandic Medieval Texts (Lesley Abrams), 435- 36 : Fleischer, Andrea, Zisterzienserabt und Skriptorium: Salem unter Eberhard I. von Robrdorf (1191-1240) (Lisa Fagin Davis), 184-85 Folger, Robert, Generaciones y semblanzas: Memory and Genealogy in Medieval Iberian Historiography (E. Michael Gerli), 185-86 Foronda, Francois; Genet, Jean-Philippe; and Nieto Soria, José Manuel, eds., Coups d’Etat 4 la fin du moyen age? Aux fondements du pouvoir politique en Europe occidentale, 503-4 Forte, Angelo; Oram, Richard; and Pedersen, Frederik, Viking Empires (Benjamin Hud- son), 186-88 France, John, ed., Medieval Warfare, 1000-1300, 255-56 Ganim, John M., Medievalism and Orientalism: Three Essays on Literature, Architecture and Cultural Identity (Allen J. Frantzen), 700-702 Garcia Gainza, Ma. Concepcion, and Fernandez Gracia, Ricardo, eds., Estudios sobre la catedral de Pamplona in memoriam Jestis Ma. Omenaca, 1055-56 Garnett, George, Marsilius of Padua and “the Truth of History” (Daniel Williman), 987- 88 Gasper, G. E. M., and Kohlenberger, H., eds., Anselm and Abelard: Investigations and Juxtapositions, 1056-57 Gaunt, Simon, Love and Death in Medieval French and Occitan Courtly Literature: Mar- tyrs to Love (Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner), 702-4 ‘ Gautier, Alban, Le festin dans l’Angleterre anglo-saxonne (Martha Bayless), 988-90 Geary, Patrick J., Women at the Beginning: Origin Myths from the Amazons to the Virgin Mary (Jo Ann McNamara), 188-89 Georges, Tobias, Quam nos divinitatem nominare consuevimus: Die theologische Ethik des Peter Abaelard (Eileen Sweeney), 704-5 Gersh, Stephen, and Moran, Dermot, eds., Eriugena, Berkeley, and the Idealist Tradition, 785 Gerson, Jean, La doctrine du chant du cceur de Jean Gerson, ed. and trans. (into French) Isabelle Fabre (Brian Patrick McGuire), 189-90 Gil, Moshe, Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages (Paula Sanders), 437-38 Gilbertus Universalis, Glossa ordinaria in Lamentationes leremie prophete: Prothemata et Liber I, ed. and trans. Alexander Andrée (Mark Zier), 438-39 Gilchrist, Roberta, Norwich Cathedral Close: The Evolution of the English Cathedral Landscape (Virginia Jansen), 990-92 Gillespie, Raymond, and Refaussé, Raymond, eds., The Medieval Manuscripts of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 1057 Givens, Jean A.; Reeds, Karen M.; and Touwaide, Alain, eds., Visualizing Medieval Med- icine and Natural History, 1200-1550, 785 Goffart, Walter, Barbarian Tides: The Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire (Florin Curta), 705-7 Speculum 82 (2007) ix Goldberg, Eric J., Struggle for Empire: Kingship and Conflict under Louis the German, 817-876 (Frederick S. Paxton), 439-41 Gonzalez, Elizabeth, Un prince en son hétel: Les serviteurs des ducs d’Orléans au XVe siécle (Mary-Jo Arn), 441-42 , Goodwin, Deborah L., “Take Hold of the Robe of aJ ew”: Herbert of Bosham’s Christian Hebraism (Robert Chazan), 707-8 Grabar, Oleg, Islamic Art and Beyond: Constructing the Study of Islamic Art, 3, 504 ——.,, Islamic Visual Culture, 1100-1800: Constructing the Study of Islamic Art, 2, 504-5 Grady, Frank, Representing Righteous Heathens in Late Medieval England (Christine Chism), 992-94 Gragnolati, Manuele, Experiencing the Afterlife: Soul and Body in Dante and Medieval Culture (Warren Ginsberg), 191-93 Graham-Leigh, Elaine, The Southern French Nobility and the Albigensian Crusade (Mark Gregory Pegg), 708-10 Green, Judith A., Henry I: King of England and Duke of Normandy (David Stewart Bach rach), 710-11 Greif, Avner, Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade (Susan Mosher Stuard), 442-44 Gretsch, Mechthild, Ailfric and the Cult of Saints in Late Anglo-Saxon England (Milton McC. Gatch), 444-45 Griffin, Miranda, The Object and the Catise in the Vulgate Cycle (Michelle Szkilnik), 193- 94 Grotans, Anna A., Reading in Medieval St. Gall (Robert G. Sullivan), 711-13 Grueninger, Donat, “Deambulatorium Angelorum” oder irdischer Machtanspruch? De Chorumgang mit KapellenkranzVo—n der Entstehbung, Diffusion und Bedeutung einer architektonischen Form (Johann Josef Boker), 994-96 Gummlich, Johanna Christine, Bildproduktion und Kontemplation: Ein Uberblick iiber die Kélner Buchmalerei in der Gotik unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kreuzi- gungsdarstellung (Joan A. Holladay), 194-96 Haldon, John, The Palgrave Atlas of Byzantine History (Johannes Koder), 713-15 Hamburger, jeffrey F, and Korteweg, Anne S., eds., Tributes in Honoro f James H. Mariow: Studies in Painting and Manuscript Illumination of the Late Middle Ages and Northern Renaissance, 785-87 ; Hamesse, Jacqueline, ed., La vie culturelle, intellectuelle et scientifique a la cour des papes d’ Avignon, 505 Hamesse, J., and Weijers, O., eds., Ecriture et réécriture des textes philosophiques médi- évaux: Volume d’hommage offert a Colette Sirat, 1057 Hanna, Ralph, London Literature, 1300-1380 (Miceal F. Vaughan), 446-47 Harrington, L. Michael, Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism (Stephen Gersh), 997-98 Hart, Thomas R., Studies on the “Cantar de mio Cid,” 1058 Hartmann-Virnich, Andreas, Was ist Romanik? Geschichte, Formen und Technik des ro- manischen Kirchenbaus (Thomas E. A. Dale), 978-80" Hasty, Will, ed., German Literature of the High Middle Ages (Francis G. Gentry), 1021- 24 Haverkamp, Alfred, ed., Geschichte der Juden im Mittelalter von der Nordsee bis zu den Siidalpen: Kommentiertes Kartenwerk, 1: Kommentarband; 2: Ortskatalog; 3: Karten David Nirenberg), 196-97 Hawting, Gerald, ed., The Development of Islamic Ritual, 505-6 x Speculum 82 (2007) Hecker, Joel, Mystical Bodies, Mystical Meals: Eating and Embodiment in Medieval Kab- balah (Nathan Wolski), 447-49 Heyman, Avital, “That Old Pride of the Men of the Auvergne”: Laity and Church in Auvergnat Romanesque Sculpture (Kirk Ambrose), 449-50 Hirschler, Konrad, Medieval Arabic Historiography: Authors as Actors (Fred M. Donner), 715-16 Hoffmann, Hartmut, Schreibschulen des 10. und des 11. Jahrhunderts im Siidwesten des Deutschen Reichs (Alison I. Beach), 197-98 Hoffmann, Lars M., ed., with Anuscha Monchizadeh, Zwischen Polis, Provinz und Peri- pherie: Beitrage zur byzantinischen Geschichte und Kultur, 506-7 Hogg, David S., Anselm of Canterbury: The Beauty of Theology (Burcht Pranger), 450- 51 Holsinger, Bruce, The Premodern Condition: Medievalism and the Making of Theory (James Simpson), 198-200 Horrox, Rosemary, and Ormrod, W. Mark, eds., A Social History of England, 1200-1500, 1058 Hugh Eteriano, Hugh Eteriano, “Contra Patarenos,” ed. and trans. Janet Hamilton (Mark Gregory Pegg), 452-53 Hull, Lise E., Britain’s Medieval Castles (Thomas E. McNeill), 458-60 Hummer, Hans J., Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600-1000 (John B. Freed), 453-54 Hurlburt, Holly $., The Dogaressa of Venice, 1200-1500: Wife and Icon (Thomas F. Mad- den), 200-201 IInitchi, Gabriela, The Play of Meanings: Aribo’s “De musica” and the Hermeneutics of Musical Thought (Joseph Dyer), 201-3 Ivanov, Sergey A., Holy Fools in Byzantium and Beyond (Richard Greenfield), 998-1000 Janssens, Jules, [bn Sind and His Influence on the Arabic and Latin World, 507-8 Jean de Roquetaillade, Liber ostensor quod adesse festinant tempora, ed. Clémence Théve- naz Modestin, Christine Morerod-Fattebert, et al. (Leah DeVun), 454-56 Jirouskova, Lenka, Die Visio Pauli: Wege und Wandlungey einer orientalischen Apokryphe im lateinischen Mittelalter, unter Einschluf der alttschechischen und deutschsprachigen Textzeugen (Harry O. Maier), 1000-1002 Johnson, Scott Fitzgerald, ed., Greek Literature in Late Antiquity: Dynamism, Didacticism, Classicism, 508 Josserand, Philippe, Eglise et pouvoir dans ia péninsule Ibérique: Les ordres militaires dans le royaume de Castille (1252-1369) (Joseph F. O’Callaghan), 1002-3 Jouanna, Jacques; Leclant, Jean; and Zink, Michel, eds., L’homme face aux calamités na- turelles dans l’antiquité et au moyen age, 787 Kagay, Donald J., War, Government, and Society in the Medieval Crown of Aragon, 1058 Kalinke, Marianne E., St. Oswald of Northumbria: Continental Metamorphoses (Margaret Cormack), 1003-5 Kaplan, Michel, Byzance: Villes et campagnes, 1058-59 Kaspersen, Seren, and Thung, Erik, eds., Decorating the Lord’s Table: On the Dynamics between Image and Altar in the Middle Ages, 787 Kasten, Brigitte, ed., Tatigkeitsfelder und Erfabrungshorizonte des landlichen Menschen in der friihmittelalterlichen Grundherrschaft (bis ca. 1000), 508 Kay, Richard, Dante’s Enigmas: Medieval Scholasticism and Beyond, 788 Kedar, Benjamin Z., Franks, Muslims and Oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: Studies in Frontier Acculturation, 1059 Kennedy, Hugh, The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East, 509

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