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Ss P E C U L U M A Journal of Medieval Studies CONTENTS Vol. 74, 1999 published by The Medieval Academy of America Cambridge, Massachusetts Contents ARTICLES Andersson, Theodore M., “The King of Iceland,” 923-34 Camargo, Martin, “Tria sunt: The Long and the Short of Geoffrey of Vinsauf’s Documen- tum de modo et arte dictandi et versificandi,” 935-55 Cohen, Adam S., “The Art of Reform in a Bavarian Nunnery around 1000,” 992-1020 Daileader, Philip, “The Vanishing Consulates of Catalonia,” 65-94 Head, Thomas, “The Development of the Peace of God in Aquitaine (970-1005),” 656- 86 Jochens, Jenny, “Late and Peaceful: Iceland’s Conversion through Arbitration in 1000,” 621-55 Kedar, Benjamin Z., “On the Origins of the Earliest Laws of Frankish Jerusalem: The Canons of the Council of Nablus, 1120,” 310-35 Knapp, Ethan, “Bureaucratic Identity and the Construction of the Self in Hoccleve’s For- mulary and La male regle,” 357-76 McGee, Timothy J., “Dinner Music for the Florentine Signoria, 1350-1450,” 95-114 Otter, Monika, “1066: The Moment of Transition in Two Narratives of the Norman Con- quest,” 565-86 Pereira, Michela, “Alchemy and the Use of Vernacular Languages in the Late Middle Ages,” 336-56 Peters, Edward, and Simons, Walter P., “The New Huizinga and the Old Middle Ages,” 587-620 Rubenstein, Jay, “Liturgy against History: The Competing Visions of Lanfranc and Eadmer of Canterbury,” 279-309 Scowcroft, R. Mark, “The Irish Analogues to Beowulf,” 22-64 Simons, Walter P., and Peters, Edward, “The New Huizinga and the Old Middle Ages,” 587-620 Story, Joanna, “Cathwulf, Kingship, and the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis,” 1-21 Walker, Simon, “Between Church and Crown: Master Richard Andrew, King’s Clerk,” 956-91 REVIEWS Elfric, Alfric’s Prefaces, ed. Jonathan Wilcox (T. H. Leinbaugh), 377 Akehurst, F. R. P., trans., The Etablissements de Saint Louis: Thirteenth-Century Law Texts from Tours, Orléans, and Paris (S. D. White), 115 Akehurst, F. R. P., and Van D’Elden, Stephanie Cain, eds., The Stranger in Medieval Society, 543 Alcuino, De orthographia, ed. Sandra Bruni (G. H. Brown), 379 Althoff, Gerd, Spielregeln der Politik im Mittelalter: Kommunikation in Frieden und Febde (H. Kaminsky), 687 Ames-Lewis, Francis, Tuscan Marble Carving, 1250-1350: Sculpture and Civic Pride (A. F. Moskowitz), 689 Amory, Patrick, People and Identity in Ostrogothic Italy, 489-554 (A. Ferreiro), 1021 iv Speculum 74 (1999) Andreas de Sancto Victore, Opera, 2: Expositio hystorica in Librum Regum, ed. Franciscus A. van Liere (H. Feiss, OSB), 381 Antonio da Cannara, De potestate pape supra concilium generale contra errores Basilien- sium, ed. Thomas Priigl (J. D.M ann), 383 Anz, Christoph, Gilden im mittelalterlichen Skandinavien (S. A. Epstein), 1023 Arjava, Antti, Women and Law in Late Antiquity (J. A. Brundage), 115 Arnold, Benjamin, Medieval Germany, 500-1300: A Political Interpretation (D. Abulafia), 1024 Arnolfo di Milano, Liber gestorum recentium, ed. and trans. (into Italian) Irene Scaravelli (A. O. Citarella), 385 Arthurson, lan, The Perkin Warbeck Conspiracy, 1491-1499 (J. T. Rosenthal), 386 Ayton, Andrew, and Price, J. L., eds., The Medieval Military Revolution: State, Society, and Military Change in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 543 Backhouse, Janet, The Illuminated Page: Ten Centuries of Manuscript Painting in the Brit- ish Library (R. S. Wieck), 1026 Bainbridge, Virginia R., Gilds in the Medieval Countryside: Social and Religious Change in Cambridgeshire c.1350-—1558 (B. R. McRee), 1026 Baker, Peter S., and Howe, Nicholas, eds., Words and Works: Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature in Honour of Fred C. Robinson, 860 Barcel6, Miquel, and Toubert, Pierre, eds., “L’incastellamento”: Actes des rencontres de Gérone (26-27 novembre 1992) et de Rome (5-7 mai 1994)/Actas de las reuniones de Girona (26-27 noviembre 1992) y de Roma (5-7 mayo 1994), 860 Barkai, Ron, A History of Jewish Gynaecological Texts in the Middle Ages (H. R. Lemay and S. Lipton), 692 Barlucchi, Andrea, I] contado senese all’epoca dei Nove: Asciano e il suo territorio tra due e trecento (J. Muendel), 693 Barnard, Toby; O Créinin, Daibhi; and Simms, Katharine, eds., “A Miracle of Learning”: Studies in Manuscripts and Irish Learning. Essays in Honour of William O'Sullivan, 1142 Barthélemy, Dominique, La mutation de l’an mil a-t-elle eu lieu? Servage et chevalerie dans la France des Xe et XIe siécles (C. B. Bouchard), 1028 Barton, Simon, The Aristocracy in Twelfth-Century Leon and Castile (S. R. Doubleday), 387 Baschet, Jéréme, and Schmitt, Jean-Claude, eds., L’image: Fonctions et usages des images dans I’Occident médiéval, 543 Bausi, Francesco, Nec rhetor neque philosophus: Fonti, lingua e stile nelle prime opere latine di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1484-87) (C. Trinkaus), 117 Bellabarba, Marco, La giustizia ai confini: II principato vescovile di Trento agli inizi dell’eta moderna (T. Kuehn), 119 Bennett, Judith M., Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England: Women’s Work in a Changing World, 1300-1600 (B. R. McRee), 120 Benzo von Alba, Sieben Biicher an Kaiser Heinrich IV., ed. and trans. (into German) Hans Seyffert (B. A. Pavlac), 389 Bergier, Jean-Francois, Pour une histoire des Alpes, moyen age et temps modernes, 544 Bernard, Philippe, Du chant romain au chant grégorien (IVe—XIIle siécle) (P. Jeffery), 122 Bicchieri, Guala, The Letters and Charters of Cardinal Guala Bicchieri, Papal Legate in England, 1216-1218, ed. Nicholas Vincent (R. V. Turner), 124 Binski, Paul, Westminster Abbey and the Plantagenets: Kingship and the Representation of Power, 1200-1400 (S. Murray), 1030 Biow, Douglas, “Mirabile dictu”: Representations of the Marvelous in Medieval and Re- naissance Epic (J. Tylus), 126 Speculum 74 (1999) Bjork, Robert E., and Niles, John D., eds., A Beowulf Handbook (F. C. Robinson), 696 Black, Robert, ed., Studio e scuola in Arezzo durante il medioevo e il Rinascimento: I documenti d’archivio fino al 1530 (R. Witt), 391 Bleumer, Hartmut, Die “Créne” Heinrichs von dem Tiirlin: Form-Erfabrung und Konzep- tion eines spaten Artusromans (F. Shaw), 698 Bloch, R. Howard, and Nichols, Stephen G., eds., Medievalism and the Modernist Temper (W. D. Paden), 128. See also “Correction,” 542. Blumenthal, Uta-Renate, Papal Reform and Canon Law in the 11th and 12th Centuries, 1142 Boland, Margaret M., Architectural Structure in the “Lais” of Marie de France (C. A. Maréchal), 391 Bonanni, Sergio Paolo, Parlare della Trinita: Lettura della “Theologia Scholarium” di Abe- lardo (D. Luscombe), 132 Bond, Gerald A., The Loving Subject: Desire, Eloquence, and Power in Romanesque France (R. Cormier), 393 Béninger, Lorenz, Die Ritterwiirde in Mittelitalien zwischen Mittelalter und Frither Neuzeit (R. Schumann), 848 Bornstein, George, and Tinkle, Theresa, eds., The Iconic Page in Manuscript, Print, and Digital Culture, 1142 Boudet, Jean-Patrice, and Millet, Héléne, eds., Eustache Deschamps en son temps (S. Huot), 699 Bower, Walter, Scotichronicon, 9: Critical Studies and General Indexes, ed. and trans. D. E. R. Watt et al. (V. Chandler +), 1033 Boxler, Madeleine, “Ich bin ein predigerin und appostlorin”: Die deutschen Maria Mag- dalena-Legenden des Mittelalters (1300-1550). Untersuchungen und Texte (M. Schleiss- ner), 134 Boyle, Marjorie O’Rourke, Divine Domesticity: Augustine of Thagaste to Teresa of Avila (B. Newman), 1033 Brody, Robert, The Geonim of Babylonia and the Shaping of Medieval Jewish Culture (M. Washofsky), 1035 Brothers, Thomas, Chromatic Beauty in the Late Medieval Chanson: An Interpretation of Manuscript Accidentals (S. Fuller), 1037 Brunhdolzl, Franz, Histoire de la littérature latine du moyen ge, 2: De la fin de l’époque carolingienne au milieu du Xle siécle (J. M. Ziolkowski), 1039 Bryer, Anthony, and Cunningham, Mary, eds., Mount Athos and Byzantine Monasticism (J. Thomas), 136 Buettner, Brigitte, Boccaccio’s “Des cleres et nobles femmes”: Systems of Signification in an Illuminated Manuscript (L. F. Sandler), 701 Biihrer-Thierry, Geneviéve, Evéques et pouvoir dans le royaume de Germanie: Les églises de Baviére et de Souabe, 876-973 (B. A. Pavlac), 704 Bureau, Bruno, Lettre et sens mystique dans I’“Historia apostolica” d’Arator: Exégése et épopée (C. Witke), 706 Burgwinkle, William E., Love for Sale: Materialist Readings of the Troubadour Razo Cor- pus (W. Pfeffer), 1040 Burke, Peter, The European Renaissance: Centres and Peripheries (G. Brucker), 1042 Burnett, Charles, and Dronke, Peter, eds., Hildegard of Bingen: The Context of Her Thought and Art, 861 Burton, T. L., and Greentree, Rosemary, eds., Chaucer's “Miller’s,” “Reeve’s,” and “Cook’s Tales” (P. A. Knapp), 709 Calkins, Robert G., Medieval Architecture in Western Europe: From A.D. 300 to 1500 (L. R. Hoey), 710 vi Speculum 74 (1999) Canning, Joseph, A History of Medieval Political Thought, 300-1450 (F. Oakley), 712 Carmona Ruiz, Maria Antonia, Usurpaciones de tierras y derechos comunales en Sevilla y su “Tierra” durante el siglo XV (T. F. Ruiz), 714 Carpenter, Christine, The Wars of the Roses: Politics and the Constitution in England, c.1437-1509 (C. J. Neville), 395 Carpentier, Elisabeth, and Le Mené, Michel, La France du Xle au X Ve siécle: Population, société, économie (D. Angers), 1042 Carr, A. D., Medieval Wales (F. C. Suppe), 137 Cartlidge, Neil, Medieval Marriage: Literary Approaches, 1100-1300 (1 . Georgianna), 138 Castro, Eva, ed., Teatro medieval, 1: El drama liturgico (R. Portillo), 715 Chambers, David S., and Dean, Trevor, Clean Hands and Rough Justice: An Investigating Magistrate in Renaissance Italy (S. R. Blanshei), 716 Charles of Orleans, Fortunes Stabilnes: Charles of Orleans’s English Book of Love, ed. Mary-Jo Arn (J. M. Fyler), 397 Charny, Geoffroi de, The “Book of Chivalry” of Geoffroi de Charny: Text, Context, and Translation, ed. and trans. Richard W. Kaeuper and Elspeth Kennedy (T. Fenster), 140 Chastelain, George, Le miroir de Mort, ed. Tania Van Hemelryck (N. D. Guynn), 397 Chauvin, Yves, ed., Premier et second livres des cartulaires de l'abbaye Saint-Serge et Saint- Bach d’Angers (Xle—XIle siécles) (G. T. Beech), 717 Chazan, Robert, Medieval Stereotypes and Modern Antisemitism (A. C. Gow), 718 Chéne, Catherine, Juger les vers: Exorcismes et proces d’animaux dans le diocese de Lau- sanne (X Ve—XVle s.) (H. C. E. Midelfort), 142 Christie, Neil, The Lombards: The Ancient Langobards (T. F. X. Noble), 720 Ciappelli, Giovanni, Carnevale e Quaresima: Comportamenti sociali e cultura a Firenze nel Rinascimento (S. T. Strocchia), 1045 Coldstream, Nicola, The Decorated Style: Architecture and Ornament, 1240-1360 (V. Jansen), 143 Colish, Marcia L., Medieval Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 400-1400 (B. Roest), 1047 Collingwood, Sharon, Market Pledge and Gender Bargain: Commercial Relations in French Farce, 1450-1550 (D. Maddox), 145 Colombo Timelli, Maria, Traductions francaises de |’“Ars minor” de Donat au moyen age (XIIle-—VXe siécles) (S. Spence), 1049 Le concile de Clermont de 1095 et l’appel a la croisade, 861 Conti, Alessandro D., Esistenza e verita: Forme e strutture del reale in Paolo Veneto e nel pensiero filosofico del tardo medioevo (A. R. Perreiah), 147 Coon, Lynda L., Sacred Fictions: Holy Women and Hagiography in Late Antiquity (G. de Nie), 150 Cooperman, Bernard Dov, ed., In Iberia and Beyond: Hispanic Jews between Cultures, 544 Coulet, Noél, and Guyotjeannin, Olivier, eds., La ville au moyen Age, 1: Ville et espace, 1143 Coureas, Nicholas, and Schabel, Christopher, eds., The Cartulary of the Cathedral of Holy /isdom of Nicosia (K. Christensen), 1050 Cox, Catherine S., Gender and Language in Chaucer (S. Stanbury), 722 Craun, Edwin D., Lies, Slander, and Obscenity in Medieval English Literature: Pastoral Rhetoric and the Deviant Speaker (K. L. Lynch), 398 Crécy, Marie-Claude de, ed., Le roman de “Ponthus et Sidoine” (W. W. Kibler), 725 Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, 1: Inferno, ed. and trans. Robert M. Durling (T. J. Cachey, Jr.), 400 Speculum 74 (1999) vii ——, Epistola a Cangrande, ed. and trans. (into Italian) Enzo Cecchini (S. Botterill), 726 David, Johan, L’outil (R. C. Hoffmann), 727 Davies, R. R., The Revolt of Owain Glyn Dwr (F. C. Suppe), 153 de Looze, Laurence, Pseudo-Autobiography in the Fourteenth Century: Juan Ruiz, Guil- laume de Machaut, Jean Froissart, and Geoffrey Chaucer (J. F. Burke), 728 Dekkers, Eligius, and Gaar, Aemilius (+), eds., Clauis patrum Latinorum (W. E. Klingshirn), 730 Delany, Sheila, Impolitic Bodies: Poetry, Saints, and Society in Fifteenth-Century England. The Work of Osbern Bokenham (V. B. Richmond), 1051 Dequeker, Luc, and Verbeke, Werner, eds., The Expulsion of the Jews and Their Emigration to the Southern Low Countries (15th—16th C.), 544 Derbes, Anne, Picturing the Passion in Late Medieval Italy: Narrative Painting, Franciscan Ideologies, and the Levant (G. M. Radke), 155 Derwich, Marek, ed., La mort en Europe médiévale et moderne: Etudes, 545 DeVries, Kelly, Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century: Discipline, Tactics, and Technology (W. H. TeBrake), 403 Deyermond, Alan, ed., Historical Literature in Medieval Iberia, 545 Diaz Martin, Luis Vicente, Los origenes de la Audiencia real castellana (R. A. MacDonald), 405 Dicke, Gerd, Heinrich Steinbiwels “Esopus” und seine Fortsetzer: Untersuchungen zu ei- nem Bucherfolg der Frithdruckzeit (E. 1. Wade), 406 Dictionary of Old English: A; AZ; B; Béon; C; E, comp. Antonette diPaolo Healey, et al., using materials assembled by Angus Cameron (D. Donoghue), 157 Dillemann, Louis (+), La Cosmographie du Ravennate (J. D. North), 408 Dronke, Peter, Dante’s Second Love: The Originality and the Contexts of the Convivio (R. Lansing), 1053 Duby, Georges, Women of the Twelfth Century, 2: Remembering the Dead (J. A. McNa- mara), 732 Duffy, Eamon, Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes (J. R. Berrigan), 733 Duggan, Charles, Decretals and the Creation of “New Law” in the Twelfth Century: Judges, Judgements, Equity and Law, 545 Diirrer, Martin, Altitalienische Laudenmelodien: Das einstimmige Repertoire der Hand- schriften Cortona und Florenz, 1: Textteil; 2: Notenteil (B. Wilson), 734 Eckhardt, Caroline D., ed., “Castleford’s Chronicle” or “The Boke of Brut,” 1: Introduction and Books I to VI; 2: Books VII to XII (E. J. Bryan), 409 Edad media: Revista de historia, 1 (1998), 1143 Edbury, Peter W., John of Ibelin and the Kingdom of Jerusalem (R. B. Rose), 736 Edwards, Nancy, ed., Landscape and Settlement in Medieval Wales, 862 Les élites urbaines au moyen Age, 546 Emmerling, Erwin, and Ringer, Cornelia, eds., Das Aschaffenburger Tafelbild: Studien zur Tafelmalerei des 13. Jabrhunderts, 862 Enright, Michael J., Lady with a Mead Cup: Ritual, Prophecy and Lordship in the Euro- pean Warband from La Tene to the Viking Age (A. C. Murray), 1055 Erickson, Raymond, trans., and Palisca, Claude V., ed., “Musica enchiriadis” and “Scolica enchiriadis” (D. E. Cohen), 1056 Errera, Andrea, “Arbor actionum”: Genere letterario e forma di classificazione delle azioni nella dottrina dei glossatori (L. Mayali), 412 Esch, Arnold, Alltag der Entscheidung: Beitrage zur Geschichte der Schweiz an der Wende vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit, 1144 Evans, Stephen S., The Lords of Battle: Image and Reality of the “Comitatus” in Dark- Age Britain (H. Chickering), 158 viii Speculum 74 (1999) Fanger, Claire, ed., Conjuring Spirits: Texts and Traditions of Medieval Ritual Magic, 863 Federico I], De arte venandi cum avibus/L’art de la chace des oisiaus, ed. Laura Minervini (R. W. Corrie), 414 Fein, David A., Francois Villon Revisited (B. N. Sargent-Baur), 160 Ferm, Olle, and Morris, Bridget, eds., Master Golyas and Sweden: The Transformation of a Clerical Satire, 1144 Fernandez-Ordo6iez, Inés, ed., Version critica de la “Estoria de Espana”: Estudio y edicion desde Pelayo hasta Ordono II (A. J. Cardenas-Rotunno), 1058 Ferrante, Joan M., To the Glory of Her Sex: Women’s Roles in the Composition of Medieval Texts (D. Fraioli), 1058 Fidjestol, Bjarne, Selected Papers (A. Finlay), 738 Findon, Joanne, A Woman’s Words: Emer and Female Speech in the Ulster Cycle (J. F. Nagy), 1060 Finucane, R. C., The Rescue of the Innocents: Endangered Children in Medieval Miracles (B. A. Hanawalt), 741 Fisher, John H., The Emergence of Standard English (D. Moffat), 161 Fjalldal, Magnus, The Long Arm of Coincidence: The Frustrated Connection between “Beowulf” and “Grettis saga” (T. M. Andersson), 739 Flori, Jean, La chevalerie en France au moyen age (J. R. Goodman), 417 , La premiere croisade: L’occident chrétien contre I’Islam (aux origines des idéolo- gies occidentales) (F. H. Russell), 1062 Folda, Jaroslav, The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, 1098-1187 (W. Cahn), 162 Fornasari, Giuseppe, Medioevo riformato del secolo XI: Pier Damiani e Gregorio VII (K. Pennington), 164 Foss, Clive, Nicaea: A Byzantine Capital and Its Praises (J. S. Langdon), 1064 Fossier, Robert, ed., La petite enfance dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne (B. A. Hana- walt), 741 Fowler, David C., The Life and Times of John Trevisa, Medieval Scholar (T. Lawler), 744 Fowler-Magerl, Linda, Kanones: A Selection of Canon Law Collections Compiled outside Italy between 1000 and 1140 (U.-R. Blumenthal), 1065 Frame, Robin, Ireland and Britain, 1170-1450, 546 Franke, William, Dante’s Interpretive Journey (R. L. Martinez), 165 Frauenknecht, Erwin, Die Verteidigung der Priesterehe in der Reformzeit (T. F. X. Noble), 747 French, Roger; Arrizabalaga, Jon; Cunningham, Andrew; and Garcia-Ballester, Luis, eds., Medicine from the Black Death to the French Disease, 1145 Fuhrmann, Horst, Uberall ist Mittelalter: Von der Gegenwart einer vergangenen Zeit (H. Kaminsky), 418 Fulton, Helen, ed., Selections from the Dafydd ap Gwilym Apocrypha (C. McKenna), 167 Gameson, Richard, The Role of Art in the Late Anglo-Saxon Church (J. Rosenthal), 1066 , ed., The Study of the Bayeux Tapestry (S. Morillo), 168 Gampel, Benjamin R., ed., Crisis and Creativity in the Sephardic World, 1391-1648, 863 Garrigou Grandchamp, Pierre; Jones, Michael; Meirion-Jones, Gwyn; Salvéque, Jean- Denis, et al., La ville de Cluny et ses maisons, Xle—XV e siécles (S. Pearson), 749 Gauthier, Nancy, and Galinié, Henri, eds., Grégoire de Tours et l’espace gaulois, 864 Gautier Dalché, Patrick, Géographie et culture: La représentation de l’espace du Vle au XIle siécle, 547 Geary, Patrick J., gen. ed., Authors of the Middle Ages: Historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West, 4/12-13 (D. Appleby), 751 Gerzaguet, Jean-Pierre, L’abbaye d’Anchin de sa fondation (1079) au XIVe siécle: Essor, vie et rayonnement d’une grande communauté bénédictine (D. F. Callahan), 419 Speculum 74 (1999) ix Gibbs, Marion E., and Johnson, Sidney M., Medieval German Literature: A Companion (S. S. Poor), 752 Gilchrist, Roberta, Gender and Material Culture: The Archaeology of Religious Women (B. L. Venarde), 169 Gladitz, Charles, Horse Breeding in the Medieval World (M. Mortensen), 754 Glick, Thomas F., From Muslim Fortress to Christian Castle: Social and Cultural Change in Medieval Spain (T. E. Burman), 756 Goblirsch, Kurt Gustav; Mayou, Martha Berrymann; and Taylor, Marvin, eds., Germanic Studies in Honor of Anatoly Liberman, 865 Goffen, Rona, ed., Masaccio’s “Trinity,” 547 Golinelli, Paolo, ed., Storia di San Benedetto Polirone: Le origini (961-1125), 1145 Gonzalez Jiménez, Manuel, Alfonso X el Sabio, 1252-1284 (A. J. Cardenas-Rotunno), 1067 Gonzalez Jiménez, Manuel, ed., with Isabel Montes Romero Camacho and Antonio Ma. Claret Garcia Martinez, La Peninsula Ibérica en la era de los descubrimientos (1391- 1492), 865 Gorochov, Nathalie, Le Collége de Navarre de sa fondation (1305) au début du XVe siécle (1418): Histoire de l’institution, de sa vie intellectuelle et de son recrutement (W. J. Cour- tenay), 758 Gradon, Pamela, and Hudson, Anne, eds., English Wycliffite Sermons, 4—5S (R. Krug), 420 Grant, Alexander, and Stringer, Keith J., eds., Medieval Scotland: Crown, Lordship and Community, 868 Gratian, Gratiani Decretum: La traduction en ancien francais du Décret de Gratien, 3: Causae 15-29, ed. Leena L6fstedt (K. Pennington), 171 Green, Judith A., The Aristocracy of Norman England (T. K. Keefe), 421 Greilsammer, Myriam, ed., Le livre au roi (R. B. Rose), 173 Grudin, Michaela Paasche, Chaucer and the Politics of Discourse (J. M. Dean), 174 Guillaume de Tocco, Ystoria sancti Thome de Aquino de Guillaume de Tocco (1323), ed. Claire le Brun-Gouanvic (J. Wawrykow), 422 Guillelmus Durantus, Rationale divinorum officiorum, I-IV, ed. A. Davril, O.S.B., and T. M. Thibodeau (G. Woolfenden), 760 Guillou, André, ed., Recueil des inscriptions grecques médiévales d’Italie (A. Cutler), 176 Gudédmundsson, Helgi, Um haf innan: Vestrenir menn og islenzk menning a middldum (K. Wolf), 178 Gwara, Joseph J., and Gerli, E. Michael, eds., Studies on the Spanish Sentimental Romance (1440-1550): Redefining a Genre (E. Rhodes), 180 Hall, Marcia, ed., Raphael’s “School of Athens” (G. V. Shepherd), 181 Halsall, Guy, ed., Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West, 267 Hambly, Gavin R. ©. . ed., Women in the Medieval Islamic World: Power, Patronage, and Piety, 869 Hanska, Jussi, “And the Rich Man Also Died; and He Was Buried in Hell”: The Social Ethos in Mendicant Sermons (U. Wiethaus), 762 Harf-Lancner, Laurence, ed., Le roman de Tristan en prose, 9 (J. H. Caulkins), 764 Harl, Kenneth W., Coinage in the Roman Economy, 300 B.C. to A.D. 700 (A. M. Stahl), 423 Hassig, Debra, Medieval Bestiaries: Text, Image, Ideology (W. B. Clark), 424 Haug, Walter, Vernacular Literary Theory in the Middle Ages: The German Tradition, 800- 1300, in Its European Context (E. S. Dick), 767 Head, Pauline E., Representation and Design: Tracing a Hermeneutics of Old English Poetry (N. Howe), 426 Heather, Peter, The Goths (C. A. Snyder), 182 x Speculum 74 (1999) Hen, Yitzhak, Culture and Religion in Merovingian Gaul, A.D. 481-751 (M. de Jong), 428 Henderson, John, Piety and Charity in Late Medieval Florence (J. P. Byrne), 429 Henryson, Robert, The Poems of Robert Henryson, ed. Robert L. Kindrick with Kristie A. Bixby (D. Donoghue), 431 Herlihy, David, The Black Death and the Transformation of the West (R. Horrox), 184 Higham, N. J., The Death of Anglo-Saxon England (S. O. Glosecki), 769 Hodges, Richard, Light in the Dark Ages: The Rise and Fall of San Vincenzo al Volturno (C. B. McClendon), 185 Hodges, Richard, and Bowden, William, eds., The Sixth Century: Production, Distribution and Demand, 869 Hoffmann, Hartmut, Handschriftenfunde (R. G. Babcock), 1068 Hoffmann, Richard C., Fishers’ Craft and Lettered Art: Tracts on Fishing from the End of the Middle Ages (T. Scully), 771 Hofmeister, Wernfried, and Steinbauer, Bernd, eds., “Durch aubenteuer muess man wagen vil”: Festschrift fiir Anton Schwob zum 60. Geburtstag, 869 Hollywood, Amy, The Soul as Virgin Wife: Mechthild of Magdeburg, Marguerite Porete, and Meister Eckhart (E. Robertson), 432 Howard, Peter Francis, Beyond the Written Word: Preaching and Theology in the Florence of Archbishop Antoninus, 1427-1459 (J. J. Murphy), 773 Howe, John, Church Reform and Social Change in Eleventh-Century Italy: Dominic of Sora and His Patrons (R. R. Ring), 1070 Howes, Laura L., Chaucer’s Gardens and the Language of Convention (K. Bleeth), 434 Hudry, Francoise, ed., Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum (C. H. Lohr), 774 Hunt, Tony, Villon’s Last Will: Language and Authority in the “Testament” (E. B. Vitz), 1072 , ed., Anglo-Norman Medicine, 2: Shorter Treatises (P. M. Jones), 436 Iannucci, Amilcare A., ed., Dante: Contemporary Perspectives (G. Mazzotta), 187 Ignatios the Deacon, The Correspondence of Ignatios the Deacon, ed. and trans. Cyril Mango with Stephanos Efthymiadis (J. Wortley), 437 Iker-Gittleman, Anne, ed., Garin le Loherenc (P. F Dembowski), 190 Iohannes de Caulibus, Meditaciones vite Christi, olim S. Bonauenturo attributae, ed. M. Stallings-Taney (G. J. Etzkorn), 1074 Jacobs, Fredrika H., Defining the Renaissance “Virtuosa”: Women Artists and the Lan- guage of Art History and Criticism (J. M. Musacchio), 1075 Jacobsen, Peter Christian, and Orth, Peter, eds., Gesta Ernesti ducis: Die Erfurter Prosa- Fassung der Sage von den Kiampfen und Abenteuern des Herzog Ernst (C. M. Kallinger- Allen), 775 James, Liz, ed., Women, Men and Eunuchs: Gender in Byzantium (A.-M. Talbot), 776 James-Raoul, Daniéle, La parole empéchée dans la littérature arthurienne (P. McCracken), 191 Jankrift, Kay Peter, Leprose als Streiter Gottes: Institutionalisierung und Organisation des Ordens vom Heiligen Lazarus zu Jerusalem von seinen Anfangen bis zum Jahre 1350 (S. Schein), 1076 Jolly, Penny Howell, Made in God’s Image? Eve and Adam in the Genesis Mosaics at San Marco, Venice (J. A. Givens), 777 Jones, Philip, The Italian City-State: From Commune to Signoria (R. G. Witt), 193 Jordan, Mark D., The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology (J. W. Baldwin), 438 Juan Manuel, Ordenamientos dados a la Villa de Penafiel, 10 de abril de 1345, ed. and trans. Richard P. Kinkade (A. J. Cardenas-Rotunno), 1078

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