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Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions: 8th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 29 August–2 September 1999, Enschede, The Netherlands PDF

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Preview Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions: 8th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 29 August–2 September 1999, Enschede, The Netherlands

Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions SPECTROSCOPY OF BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES: NEW DIRECTIONS 8th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 29 August-2 September 1999, Enschede, The Netherlands Edited by J. GREVE University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands G. J. PUPPELS Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and C.OTTO University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT I BOSTON I LONDON A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 0-7923-5847-3 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17,3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface xxxiii Section I: Proteins and Peptides Protein structure-function relationship studied by single crystal polarized absorption microspectrophotometry 3 A. MOZZARELLIandS. BETIATI New approaches to reaction-induced FTIR difference spectroscopy of proteins 7 D.A.Moss Nanosecond UV resonance Raman examination of initial steps in a.-helix secondary structure evolution 11 I.K. LEDNEV, A.S. KARNOUP, M.C. SPARROW and S.A. AsHER Function-related conformational changes of protein molecules revealed by Raman spectroscopy 13 A.Yu. CHIKlSHEV, C. OTIO, N.N. BRANDT, V.V. MOLOOOZHENYA, LK. SAKODYNSKAVA, J. GREVEandN.I. KOROTEEV Physical studies of Cold Denaturation of Beta-lactoglobulin 15 J. BOHR and H. BoHR Characterization of the binding of endogenous proteins to endotoxins: binding stochiometry and protein secondary structure 17 K. BRANDENBURG and G. LEHWARK-YVETOT Alteration of the internal dynamics of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase under proteolytic modification, thermal inactivation and refolding 19 V.M. MAzHuL and S.G. KANANOVICH Room Temperature Tryptophan Phosphorescence as monitor of internal dynamics of isolated human erythrocyte membranes proteins 21 V.M. MAzHuL, D.G. SHCHARBIN, LV. IVIN, E.M. ZAITSEVA and S;V. DRIAMOV Reactivity of peroxo a.-amino acid complexes of molybdenum (VI) towards nitric oxide and carbon oxide in water solutions 23 R. HASSA and J.~. DZIEGIELEWSKI Thermal unfolding of tendamistat probed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy 25 C. ZSCHERP, H. AVGON, C. ERND, J.W. ENGELS and W. MANTELE Spectrophotometric confirmation for oxygen ligation to the reduced haem d of 1 Pseudomonas nautica nitrite reductase 27 S. BESSON, G. FAUQUE, I.J.G. MOURAandL MOURA v vi Effect of temperature upon luminescence of thyreoglobulin 29 N. NIZOMOV, M. YANGIBAYEV, G. HODJAEV andF. HAYDAROVA Film formation from wheat gluten proteins by FTIR spectroscopy 31 C. MANGAVEL, A.C. SANCHEZ, Y. POPINEAU and J. GUEGUEN FTIR difference spectroscopy of protein-ligand interactions 33 K. FOCHSLE and D.A. Moss Structure and dynamics of globin hydrolyzates gel formation 35 X. LIU, M. NAKAJIMA and Y. SANO Photophysics of P-pyridoxyl amino acids. Time-resolved fluorescence study and molecular modelling 37 V. STEPURO and S. MASKEVICH Interaction of glycosylated amino acids with human serum albumin 39 I.I. STEPUROandN.A. CHAIKOVSKAYA Biomolecular interactions studied by FT-IR-ATR spectroscopy 41 M. BOESE and K. FAHMY Vibrational spectra of the cyclic dipeptides (L-ASP-L-ASP) and (L-GLU-L GLU) 43 A.P. MENDHAM, B.Z. CHOWDHRY, MJ. SNOWDEN and R. WITHNALL Investigation of induced by low temperature water-soluble proteins conformational rearrangements 45 T.S. DYUBKO, E.A. ROMODANOVA, V.A. GAvRIKandYu.G. OKLADNOY Raman and CD spectroscopy of the interaction between tRNA and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 47 P. CARMONA, A. RODRiGUEZ-CASADO and M. MOLINA Fluorescence and circular dichroism studies of plasminogen activator inhibitor I (PAl-I) and its interactions with the environment and with ligands 49 D.J. COWLEY and B. HEINTZELMANN A spectroscopic study of various conformational states of poly(j3-benzyl, L aspartate) 51 P. TANDON, D. KApOOR, N.K. MISRA and V.D. GUPTA On Independent Denaturation of Albumin and y-Globulins in Composition of Human Blood Serum 53 J. MONASELIDZE and D. KHACHlDzE vii Thermodynamic Origin of Cisffrans Isomers of N-substituted Amides and a Proline-Containing ~turn Model Dipeptide in Aqueous Solution: A Variabl~ Temperature Gradient Enhanced lH_NMR Study 55 z. ATIIANASSIOU, A. TROOANIS and I.P. OEROTHANASSIS Protein adsorption on soil mineral surfaces 57 s. SERVAGENT-NOINVILLB, M. REVAULT, H. QUIQUAMPOlxandM-H BARON Effect of urea on Ca2+-ATPase conformation and activity studied by infrared spectroscopy 59 I. ILoRO, A. PRADO and I.L.R. ARRONDO Protein hydrogen-deuterium exchange Ff-IR spectroscopy and secondary structure correlation 61 B.I. BAELLO, P. P ANCOSKA and T.A. KEIDERLING Vibrational circular dichroism with isotopic substitution. Application to alanine rich peptides 63 T.A. KEIDERLlNG, R.A.O.D. SILVA, S.M. DECATUR and P. BOUR Intermediates in the thermal unfolding of nbonuclease A 65 S. STELEA, P. PANCOSKA and T.A. KEIDERLING Protein spectra-structure relationship by novel modification of 2D correlation analysis. VCD applications 67 I. KUBELKA, P. PANCOSKA and T.A. KEIDERLING Effect of the alkyl chain modifications of biotinyl derivatives to the binding with streptavidin 69 A. TORREGGIANI, S. BONORA and O. FINI Copper(ll) complex with L-carnosine as a ligand: the tautomeric change of the imidazole moiety upon complexation 71 A. TORREGGIANI, M. TAMBA and o. FINI Oxidized-minus-reduced FfIR difference spectroscopy of cytochrome c crystals 73 D.A. MossandJ.T. SAGE Characterization of natural and site-directed mutations in redox proteins with FfIR spectroelectrochemistry 75 A. WOLF andD.A. Moss Confonnational analysis and vibrational frequencies of alanine and its sulphur tautomers 77 L.A. BATISTA DE CARVALHO, M.P.M. MARQUES and I.I.C. TEIXEIRA-DIAS Reversible dioxygen binding by the sublimated films of some meso tetraarylpOIphyrinatocobalt{IT) complexes 79 T.S. KURTIKYAN, 0.0. MARTIROSYAN and V.N. MAnAKYAN viii Spectroscopic characterization of Bombyx morl silk fibroin: Raman spectrum of Silk I 81 P. MONTI, G. FREDDI, M. TSUKADA, A. BERTOLUZZA and T. AsAKURA Photophysics and high-resolution spectroscopy of green fluorescent protein 83 T.M.H. CREEMERS, A.J. LocK, V. SUBRAMANIAM, T.M. JOVIN and S. VOLKER FTIR and 2D-FTIR spectroscopic study of cytochrome Cm adsorbed on anionic and hydrophobic surfaces . 85 S. LECOMTE, C. HILLERITEAU, J.P. FORGERIT, M. REVAULT, M.H. BARON, P. HILDEBRANDT and T. SOULIMANE Functional topology of the bacterial RNA polymerase. Multipoint monitoring by a fluorescent probe 87 O.N. OZOLINE, N. FumA andA. IsHIHAMA Individual green fluorescent proteins (GFP) studied by near-field optical microscopy 89 M.F. GARCIA-PARAJO, J.-A. VEERMAN, G.M.J. SEGERS-NoLTEN, B.G. DE GROOTH, J. GREVEandN.F. VAN HULST Section II: Chromophores and chromophoric proteins Resonance Raman Dispersion Spectroscopy probes asymmetric distortions of porphyrins in solution and proteins 95 R. SCHWEITZER-STENNER Biological photosensors studied by laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy 99 S.E. BRASLA VSKY em The electron transfer dynamics of cytochrome from Thermus thermophilus probed by time-resolved surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy 103 S. LECOMTE, P. HILDEBRANDT and T. SOULIMANE The mechanism of the electron transfer process from cytochrome c to cytochrome c oxidase studied by resonance Raman spectroscopic techniques 107 P. HILDEBRANDT, S. DOPNER, H. WACKERBARTH, F.I. ROSELL, A. GRANT MAUl{, G. BUSE and T. SOULIMANE Fluorescence Microscopy on Single Light Harvesting Complexes 111 C. DETZ, A. DRABENSTEDT, 1. SCHUSTER and J. WRACHTRUP Exciton lineshapes ofLH2 photosynthetic antenna proteins 115 A. FREIBERG, R. Ruus and K. TlMPMANN ix Time-resolved spectroscopy ofluciferin 119 E.Yu. CHEREDNIKOVA, A.Yu. CHooSHEV, M. MIZUNO, M. SAKAI and H. TAKAHASHI Spectroscopic properties of the new metal-porphyrins 121 Y.V. KOROVIN, M.Yu. RUSAKOVA, A.V. PopovAandZ.I. ZHiLINA Complexes formed between porphyrin boWld to copolymer and transition metal ions and analogous simple systems in water-organic solutions 123 A.V. UDAL'TSOV, K.N. nMOFEEV and A.A. CHURIN The cytochrome oxidases from P. denitrificans, T. thermophilus, E. coli and bovine heart studied by electrochemistry and FTIRlUVNIS spectroscopy 125 P. HELLWIG, T. SOULIMANE, U. PFITZNER, J. BEHR, F. THOMSON, B. LUOWlG, R. GENNIS, H. MICHEL, G. BUSE and W. MANTELE Spectral-Kinetic Studies of Excitation Relaxation Processes in Multimolecular Porphyrinic Arrays 127 CH. VON BORCZYSKOWSKI, U. REMpEL, A. WILLERT, A.M. SHULGA, S.M. BAcmLO and E.I. ZENKEVICH Influence of Steric Effects on Spectral-Kinetic Properties of Meso-Nitrophenyl Porphyrins and Their Dimers at 295 K 129 E.I. ZENKEVICH, V.N. KNYuKsHTO, A.M. SHULGA, E.I. SAGUN and S.M. BACHILO Phosphorescent analysis of muscle glycogen phosphorylase b internal dynamics 131 V.M. MAzHuL, E.M. ZAITSEVA, L.G. MITSKEVICH, N.V. FEDURKINA and B.I. KURGANOV Luminescence Properties of 8-azasteroid Molecules 133 A.A. AKHREM, N.A. BORISEVICH, O.V. GULYAKEVlCH, A.L. MiKHALCHUK, S.A. TiKHOMIROV and G.B. TOLSTOROZHEV Direct determination of the photochemically active electronic state by optical spectroscopy methods 135 I.V. STANISHEVSKY and K.N. SOLOVYOV Mossbauer effect study of modified human hemoglobin 137 M.I. OSHTRAKH, O.B. MILDER, V.A. SEMIONKIN, A.L. BERKOVSKY, M.A. AzHIGIROVAandE.P. VYAZOVA Vibrational study, of the 2',6'-dimethoxyflavone.cis-HCOOH inclusion compoWld 139 L. VRiEL YNCK, J.C. MERLIN and J.C. WALLET Quantum chemical modelling and spectroscopic studies of the protein astaxanthin interactions in a-crustacyanin 141 R.J. WEESIE, J.C. MERLIN, H.J.M. DE GROOT, G. BRiTION, J. LUGTENBURG, F.J.H.M. JANSEN and J.P. CoRNARO x Class III heme-containing peroxidases: evidence for a quantum-admixed spin state 143 A. FEIS, B.D. HOWES, C.INDIANI, M.P. MARZOCCHI and G. SMULEVICH Calcium depletion of horseradish peroxidase generates a quantum mechanical mixed-spin heme state 145 C. INDIANI, B.D. HOWES, A. FEIS and G. SMULEVICH The photolysis of carbonyl horseradish peroxidase studied by laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy 147 A. FEIS and L. ANGELONI Role of the distal phenylalanine 41 on the properties of horseradish peroxidase C 149 H.A. HEERING, G. SMULEVICH andA.T. SMITH Vis- and CD-spectroscopic studies of the interaction of amphiphiles with optically active J-aggregates 151 A. QUART, H. VON BERLEPSCH, C. BOETTCHER, S. KiRSTEIN and S. DAEHNE Aerobic photoinhibition treatment leads to formation of QAH2 and efficient charge separation in PS II reaction centers 153 K. GIBASIEWICZ Spectroscopic studies of rhodopsin mutants 155 A. Kosoy, A. ANDREs, E. ROCA, P. GARRIGA and J. MANYOSA Resonance Raman spectroscopy reveales different conformers of Ni(II)- and Cu(II)-octamethylchlorin in CS2-so1ution 157 R.J. LIPSKI and R. SCHWEITZER-STENNER Solvatochromism gives a clue to the locations of the S2+-S0 and Tn+-TJ peaks ofLHCII xanthophylls 159 T. JA VORFI and K. RAzI NAQVI Steric interactions, manifested in vacuum ultraviolet spectral region for thin films of tryptophan-containing small peptides 161 N.E. QVCHINNIKOVA and N.M. TSYGANENKO Luminescence revealed by chain phototransformation of aromatic amino acids in aqueous solution 163 V.M. BAKULEV and V.M. PEREIRA Electrochromism of carotenoids in vitro - conformational modulation of molecular polarizability 165 S. KRAWCZYK xi NMR spectroscopic methodologies for investigating porphyrin ruffling in hemoproteins and model compounds 167 C.G. KALODIMOS and I.P. GEROTHANASSIS Why does the primary electron donor in photosynthetic reaction centers have dimeric structure? 169 V.V. NECHAEV, 0.0. TATARENKO andM.V. STROBKOVA Vibrational analysis of model compounds for the tetrapyrrole chromophore in phytochrome 171 M.A. MROOINSKI, C.O. DELLA VtJOOVA, K. NEMETH, C. KNEIP, P. ffiLDEBRANDTandF.MARK Photophysics of NH tautomers of 2-N0 -5,IO,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin in 2 solvents of different polarity 173 V.S. CHiRVONY, S.M. BACHlW, S.l SHiSHPORENOK, I.V. FILATOV, lV. AVIWV, S.N. TEREKHov, P.P. PERSHUKEVICH, A. VAN HOEK, T.1. SCHAAFSMA and V.L. MALINOVSKII The correlation of stretch vibrations frequencies with bond dissociation energies. Application to carotenoids 175 E.I. FINKELSHTEIN NADH binds in the mitochondrial respiratory chain far from flavins of flavoproteins 177 V.I. SUKHAREV and N.L. VEKSHIN Optical spectroscopy and simulation-based analysis of thin films of zinc porphyrin derivatives 179 M.M. YATSKOU, T.1. SCHAAFSMA, V.V. A1'ANASOVICH, R.B.M. KOEHORST, A. VAN HOEK and E.G. NoVIKov Time-resolved nonlinear polarization-modulated spectroscopy of bacteriorhodopsin 181 O.A. KULIKOVSKA, V.B. TARANENKO and V.Yu. BAZHENOV Artificial receptors: molecular modelling studies of calix[4]resorcinarene capped porphyrins 183 M. BOTTA, M. COPPETTI, P. RICCIARDI, F. CORELLI andA. TAFI UV Raman microscopy of porphyrins immobilized in inorganic matrices 185 D.L.A. DE FARIA, V.R.L. CONSTANTINO, P.M. DIAS and D.N. BATCHELDER Raman study of anthocyanins as a function of the temperature 187 L.G. QUAGLIANO, R.EI. GAWHARY, A. MASSACCI, F. PIETRINI andA. ·RIccl Structural information on cofactor arrangement in photosynthetic reaction centers obtained from time-resolved EPR spectra with magnetophotoselection 189 I.V. BOROVYKH, lB. KLENINA, I.I. PROSKURYAKOV, P. GAST andA.1. HOFF

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