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Preview Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 1993: Vol 48B Table of Contents

SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B: ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Including Spectrochimica Acta Electronica CONTENTS OF VOLUME 48B 1993 No. 1 P. W. J. M. Boumans Editorial Curriculum vitae: Professor Paul B. Farnsworth Zhongwen Liang, Determination of tellurium and antimony in R. F. Lonardo and nickel alloys by laser excited atomic fluores- R. G. Michel cence spectrometry in a graphite furnace H. Nickel, Z. Zadgorska and Optimization of electrothermal vaporization of G. Wolff impurity elements in ceramic powders using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy D. M. P. Milton and R. C. Hutton Investigations into the suitability of using a secondary cathode to analyse glass using glow discharge mass spectrometry J. Galban, E. Marcos, Evaluation of a method for arsenic(III) and J. Lamana and J. R. Castillo antimony(III) determination by vapour phase molecular absorption spectrometry using graphite furnace volatilization A. Ulgen, M. Dogan, A. Gdkmen Background suppression of Ar lines in glow and S. Yalcin discharge atomic emission spectrometry by a lock-in amplifier and Kalman filter decon- volution R. W. Fonseca, J. McNally Mechanisms of vaporization for silver and gold and J. A. Holcombe using electrothermal atomization L. C. Azeredo, R. E. Sturgeon Determination of trace metals in seawater by and A. J. Curtius graphite furnace atomic absorption following on-line separation and preconcentration A. Scheeline and News on Fundamental Reference Data P. B. Farnsworth Announcement Third Annual Flow Injection Atomic Spectro- metry Course Erratum XVii i Aims and Scope Vv Manuscript Requirements No. 2 TOTAL-REFLECTION X-RAY FLUORESCENCE SPECTROMETRY Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Total-Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF) A. Prange 107 Preface—4th TXRF-Workshop at Geesthacht, F.R.G. G. Télg and 111 The role of total-reflection X-ray fluorescence R. Klockenkamper in atomic spectroscopy T. Horiuchi Initial idea to use optical flats for X-ray fluorescence analysis and recent applications to diffraction studies T. Horiuchi and Total-reflection X-ray diffractometry and its K. Matsushige applications to evaporated organic thin films P, Wobrauschek, P. Kregsamer, Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis W. Ladisich, R. Rieder and using special X-ray sources C. Streli A. Prange, K. Kramer and Boron nitride sample carriers for total-reflection U. Reus X-ray fluorescence C. Streli, H. Aiginger and Light element analysis with a new spectrometer P. Wobrauschek for total-reflection X-ray fluorescence D. Schmidt, W. Gerwinski Trace metal determinations by total-reflection and I. Radke X-ray fluorescence analysis in the open Atlantic Ocean M. Haarich, D. Schmidt, North Sea research projects ZISCH and P. Freimann and A. Jacobsen PRISMA: application of total-reflection X-ray spectrometry in sea-water analysis P. Freimann, D. Schmidt and Reference materials for quality assurance in sea- A. Neubauer-Ziebarth water analysis: performance of total-reflection X-ray fluorescence in the intercomparison and certification stages M. Schirmacher, P. Freimann, Trace metal determination by total-reflection D. Schmidt and G. Dahlmann X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) for the differentia- tion between pure fuel oil (bunker oil) and waste oil (sludge) in maritime shipping legal cases A. Prange, H. Béddeker and Determination of trace elements in river-water K. Kramer using total-reflection X-ray fluorescence XViii G. A. Battiston, R. Gerbasi, Heavy metal speciation in coastal sediments S. Degetto and G. Sbrignadello using total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spec- trometry R. Pepelnik, B. Erbsloh, Determination of trace element deposition W. Michaelis and A. Prange into a forest ecosystem using total-reflection X-ray fluorescence J. Dixkens, H. Fissan and A new particle sampling technique for direct T. Dose analysis using total-reflection X-ray fluores- cence spectrometry R. Klockenkamper, Analytical characterization of artists’ pigments A. von Bohlen, L. Moens and used in old and modern paintings by total- W. Devos reflection X-ray fluorescence N. Ojeda, E. D. Greaves, Determination of V, Fe, Ni and S in petroleum J. Alvarado and L. Sajo-Bohus crude oil by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence T. Sinner, P. Hoffmann and Determination of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in small H. M. Ortner samples by microbore ion chromatography and photometric, atomic absorption spec- trometry and total-reflection X-ray fluores- cence detection C. Freiburg, W. Krumpen and Determinations of Ce, Eu and Tb in the electro- U. Troppenz luminescent materials GdO.S and La.0.S by total-reflection X-ray spectrometry W. Berneike Basic features of total-reflection X-ray flucres- cence analysis on silicon wafers W. W. van den Hoogenhof Glancing-incidence X-ray analysis and D. K. G. de Boer J. Knoth, R. Bormann, Examination of layered structures by total- R. Gutschke, C. Michaelsen reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis and H. Schwenke H. Schwenke, R. Bormann, Some potential developments for trace element J. Knoth and A. Prange and surface analysis using a grazing incident X-ray beam Aims and Scope Vv Manuscript Requirements No. 3 J. Dédina and B. Welz 301 Quartz tube atomizers for hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry: fate of free arsenic atoms C. Rohrer and W. Wegscheider 315 The atomization of silver in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry—a Monte Carlo study of physical parameters N. L. Ayala, T. E. Barber, Evaluation of resonance line lasers as excita- B. W. Smith and tion sources for atomic spectrometry J. D. Winefordner Tutorial Review G. R. Lachance Correction procedures using influence co- efficients in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Jinfu Yang, Zhexiu Piao Wavelength positioning errors and true de- and Xianjin Zeng tection limit in relation to multicomponent analysis techniques for the correction of line interferences in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry J. L. Todoli, A. Canals and Characterization of a new single-bore high- V. Hernandis pressure pneumatic nebulizer for atomic spectrometry—I. Drop size distribution, trans- port variables and analytical signal in flame atomic absorption spectrometry A. D’Ulivo, L. Lampugnani, Studies on total selenium determination in I. Sfetsios and R. Zamboni biological samples by hydride generation non- dispersive atomic fluorescence spectrometry after hydrobromic acid/bromine wet digestion A. J. Walder, I. D. Abell, Lead isotope ratio measurement of NIST 610 I. Platzner and P. A. Freedman glass by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Zhuoyong Zhang, Zhexiu Piao Application of factor analysis to correction of and Xianjin Zeng spectral overlap interference in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry V. Pavski, C. L. Chakrabarti, Characterization of a laboratory-constructed J.C. Hutton and M. H. Back cathodic sputtering atomizer for direct deter- mination of solid samples B. V. L’vov and W. Frech Matrix vapours and physical interference effects in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry—I. End-heated tubes M. W. Hinds Determination of gold, palladium and platinum in high purity silver by different solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectro- metry methods D. E. Nixon Comparison of two Meinhard nebulizers operating at the same argon flow but different pressures I. Roelandts News on Reference Materials: Zinc and zinc alloy reference materials I. Roelandts News on Reference Materials: Magnesium and titanium alloy reference materials P. S. Doidge Views and Criticisms: On the relative merits of peak area and peak height measurement in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry Technical Note H. Klinkenberg, T. Beeren, Instrumental improvement of the XYZ-trans- W. Van Borm, B. Mevissen lation system for a Perkin—Elmer Sciex Elan and C. van Dongen 500 ICP-MS XX Spectrochimica Acta Electronica M. M. Cheatham, E487 Sources of error in external calibration ICP-MS W. F. Sangrey and analysis of geological samples and an improved W. M. White non-linear drift correction procedure Spectrochimica Acta Electronica Aims and Scope Spectrochimica Acta Electronica Instructions for Readers Spectrochimica Acta Electronica Instructions for Authors xi Spectrochimica Acta Part B Aims and Scope No. 4 D. E. Stijfhoorn, H. Stray and 507 Determination of rare earth elements in high H. Hjelmseth purity rare earth oxides by liquid chroma- tography, thermionic mass spectrometry and combined liquid chromatography/thermionic mass spectrometry H. Matusiewicz and Liquid cooling of a torch for microwave R. E. Sturgeon induced plasma spectrometry W. R. L. Masamba and Analytical characteristics ofa helium/hydrogen J. D. Winefordner capacitively coupled microwave plasma S. A. Dashin, I. A. Mayorov Topics in Laser Spectrescopy: Direct analysis and M. A. Bolshov of solid samples by laser excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry with sample atom- ization by ion sputtering in a planar magnetron discharge Jinfu Yang, Zhexiu Piao and On the significance of wavelength positioning Xianjin Zeng accuracy in multicomponent analysis tech- niques for the correction of line interferences in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry L. Vineze, K. Janssens and A general Monte Carlo simulation of energy- F. Adams dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers— I. Unpolarized radiation, homogeneous samples I. P. Konovalov Topics in Laser Spectroscopy: Detection of trace concentrations of elements by intra- cavity frequency-dispersion laser atomic spectroscopy R. Hergenréder, D. Veza and Topics in Laser Spectroscopy: Detection limit K. Niemax and selectivity for lithium isotopes in con- tinuous wave field ionization laser spectros- copy I. I. Vlasov and N. V. Chekalin Topics in Laser Spectroscopy: A new approach to the determination of the ionization yield of atoms by laser-enhanced ionization Xxi Yan Xiu-ping, Ni Zhe-ming, An approach to the determination of the kinetic Yang Xiao-tao and parameters for atom formation in electro- Hong Guo-qiang thermal atomic absorption spectrometry Addendum Aims and Scope No.5 W. Resto, R. G. Badini, Two-step laser excited atomic fluorescence B. W. Smith, C. L. Stevenson spectrometry determination of mercury and J. D. Winefordner H. Grol! and K. Niemax Topics in Laser Spectroscopy: Multielement diode laser atomic absorption spectrometry in graphite tube furnaces and analytical flames H.-W. Sinemus, H.-H. Stabel, Automated determination of mercury by con- B. Radziuk and J. Kleiner tinuous flow vapour generation and collection in a graphite tube H. Klinkenberg, T. Beeren, The use of an enriched isotope as an on-line W. Van Borm, internal standard in inductively coupled F. van der Linden and plasma mass spectrometry: a reference method M. Raets for a proposed determination of tellurium in industrial waste water by means of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry R. C. Estler and N. S. Nogar Chromium determination in NIST standard urine by resonance ionization mass spec- trometry P. Verrept, G. Galbacs, Solid sampling electrothermal vaporization L. Moens, R. Dams and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission U. Kurfiirst spectrometry (ETV—-ICP—AES): influence of some ICP operating parameters G. Torsi, P. Reschiglian, Absolute analysis in electrothermal atom- F. Fagioli and C. Locatelli ization atomic absorption spectroscopy—an atomization system for confining all the atoms injected in the optical beam J. C. Travis, M. R. Winchester, UV/visible Fourier transform spectroscopy M. L. Salit, B. J. Wythoff and using an inductively-coupled plasma: dual- A. Scheeline channel noise cancellation S. Vacquié, A. Gleizes, Spectroscopic study of the argon lines emitted M. Sabsabi and M. I. Boulos by a stabilized are and an rf plasma: deviations from local thermal equilibrium (LTE) Analytical Note H. Matusiewicz and Slurry sample introduction with microwave R. E. Sturgeon induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry Announcement XXVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Inter- nationale Aims and Scope Xxii No. 6/7 MERMET HONOR ISSUE Research and Practical Spectrochemical Analysis A. Montaser 731 A Tribute to Jean-Michel Mermet 733 Ten Most Significant Publications by Jean- Michel Mermet Biography of Jean-Michel Mermet List of publications authored or co-authored by Jean-Michel Mermet Award Symposium Honoring Jean-Michel Mermet: The Link Between Fundamental Research and the Practical Use of Spectro- chemical Methods for Analysis E. Poussel, J. M. Mermet and Simple experiments for the control, the evalu- O. Samuel ation and the diagnosis of inductively coupled plasma sequential systems J. D. Winefordner and Linking principles with absolute detection C. Stevenson power in atomic spectrometry: how far can we go? P. J. Galley, M. Glick and Easily ionizable element interferences in induc- G. M. Hieftje tively coupled plasma atomic emission spectro- scopy—I. Effect on radial analyte emission patterns Mingxiang Cai, A. Montaser Computer simulation of atmospheric-pressure and J. Mostaghimi helium inductively coupled plasma discharges P. B. Farnsworth and The kinetics of charge exchange between argon N. Omenetto and magnesium in the inductively coupled plasma S. E. Hobbs and J. W. Olesik The effect of desolvating droplets and vapor- izing particles on ionization and excitation in Ar inductively coupled plasmas atousek and The effect of added hydrogen in electrothermal - Mermet vaporization inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry M. Autin, A. Briand, Characterization by emission spectrometry of P. Mauchien and J. M. Mermet a laser-produced plasma from a copper target in air at atmospheric pressure C. Lazik and R. K. Marcus Effect of directed (radial) gas flow on sputter- ing and emission characteristics in radio fre- quency powered glow discharge devices S. Caroli, O. Senofonte, The analysis of non-conducting materials by M. G. Del Monte Tamba, low-pressure discharges: sediments and dry M. Cilia, I. B. Brenner and residues M. Dvorochek R. E. Sturgeon, V. T. Luong, Impact of bias voltage on furnace atomization S. N. Willie and R. K. Marcus plasma emission spectrometry performance J. M. Harnly The effect of spectral bandpass on signal-to- noise ratios for continuum source atomic absorp- tion spectrometry with a linear photodiode array detector P. J. Parsons and W. Slavin A rapid Zeeman graphite furnace atomic absorp- tion spectrometric method for the determina- tion of lead in blood Technical Note T. Jacksier and R. M. Barnes Discharge container for the analysis of arsine by sealed inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy Conference Announcement 1994 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectro- chemistry, San Diego, California, 10—15 January 1994 Aims and Scope Manuscript Requirements No. 8 P. W. J. M. Boumans 949 =‘ Editorial B. Welz and P. Stauss 951 Interferences from hydride-forming elements on selenium in hydride-generation atomic absorption spectrometry with a heated quartz tube atomizer Determination of occupational exposure to organotin compounds after multivariate optimization ofa liquid chromatography flame atomic absorption spectrometry system A. Besner, J. Margot, Spatially resolved distribution of excited S. Bordeleau and J. Hubert species in an argon surface-wave produced plasma at intermediate pressures (10-600 torr) obtained by tomography M. Hoenig and A. Cilissen Electrothermal atomic absorption §spectro- metry: fast or conventional programs? A. A. van Heuzen and Elemental composition and origin of (poly- N. M. M. Nibbering atomic) ions in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry disclosed by means of isotope exchange experiments T. Mehdi, P. B. Legrand, Optical emission diagnostics of an rf mag- J. P. Dauchot, M. Wautelet netron sputtering discharge and M. Hecq Analytical Note A. C. Sahayam, L. Darbha Studies on sample introduction of gaseous and J. Arunachalam hydrides for inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy Research Note K. Wagatsuma and Observation of singly-ionized copper emission K. Hirokawa lines from a Grimm-type glow discharge plasma with argon—helium gas mixtures in a visible wavelength region Spectrochimica Acta Electronica J. Hau and M. Linscheid E1047 MSGRAPH: a program for the display of LC/MS data D. L. Miller and A. Scheeline E1053 A computer program for the collection, reduction and analysis of echelle spectra Technical Note L. L. Burton and G. Horlick E1063 MS InterView: An elemental mass spec- trometry spectral interference data base for Microsoft Windows No. 9 S. G. Johnson and B. L. Fearey 1065 Topics in Laser Spectroscopy: Spectroscopic study of thorium using continuous-wave res- onance ionization mass spectrometry with ultraviolet ionization M. Gross and G. Hermann Line profiles in coherent forward scattering spectroscopy H. Matsuta, K. Hirokawa, Transmission line structure of a coherent for- G. Hermann and C. Schwabe ward scattering resonance monochromator measured by high resolution laser spectro- scopy H. Matsuta and K. Hirokawa Multielement capability of a non-dispersive coherent forward scattering resonance mono- chromator A. A. Ghazi, S. Qamar and Study of uranium matrix interference on ten M. AA.. Atta analytes using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry F. Camuiia, J. E. Sanchez Uria Continuous flow and flow injection halogen and A. Sanz Medel generation for chloride, bromide and iodide determinations by microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectroscopy N. Shibata, N. Fudagawa Oxide formation in electrothermal vapor- and M. Kubota ization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry XXV E. B. Saloman Topics in Laser Spectroscopy: A resonance ionization spectroscopy/resonance ionization mass spectrometry data service. [V—Data sheets for Be, In, Li, K, Rb, Ag, Ti and V and an update of the data sheet for Ni 1205 Erratum No. 10 J. A. C. Broekaert, R. Pereiro, 1207 A gas-sampling glow discharge coupled to T. K. Starn and G. M. Hieftje hydride generation for the atomic spectrometric determination of arsenic R. H. Clifford, Hsiaoming Tan, Particle size measurements in the submicron Huiying Liu, A. Montaser, range by the differential electromobility tech- F. Zarrin and P. B. Keady nique: comparison of aerosols from thermo- spray, ultrasonic, pneumatic and frit-type nebulizers S. L. Tong and W. W. Harrison Glow discharge mass spectrometric analysis of non-conducting materials Z. Weiss Emission yields in glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy G. Hermann, G. Lasnitschka, Hyperfine structures and isotope shifts of the C. Schwabe and D. Spengler Cu D, and D, lines measured by high-resolution laser fluorescence spectroscopy with a colli- mated atomic beam J.C. Ivaldi and T. W. Barnard Advantages of coupling multivariate data reduction techniques with simultaneous induc- tively coupled plasma optical emission spectra B. D. Zehr and M. A. Maryott Accuracy and precision of dilutions prior to atomic absorption spectroscopy analysis J. Kawai, K. Nakajima and Copper LB/La X-ray emission intensity ratio Y. Gohshi of copper compounds and alloys I. Roelandts News on Reference Materials: Fifth Inter- national Symposium on Biological and En- vironmental Reference Materials (BERM-S5), Aachen, F.R.G., 11-14 May 1992 A. Seheeline Fundamental reference data: where have we come in five years? P. B. Farnsworth News on fundamental reference data Technical Note M. Hoenig and A. Cilissen Robotized sampling device for graphite fur- nace atomic absorption spectrometry slurry analysis with Varian SpectrAA instruments Technical Note R. M. LaRue and J. F. Tyson Calibration of the drying and pyrolysis tem- peratures for graphite furnace atomic absorp- tion spectrometry by direct observation of the melting of compounds XXVi

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