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Spectral Theory of Banach Space Operators: Ck-classification, abstract Volterra operators, similarity, spectrality, local spectral analysis PDF

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Preview Spectral Theory of Banach Space Operators: Ck-classification, abstract Volterra operators, similarity, spectrality, local spectral analysis

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited yb .A Dold and .B Eckmann Subseries: Forschungsinstitut rQf Mathematik, HTE ZLirich 2101 leumhS ztivorotnaK lartcepS yroehT fo hcanaB Space srotarepO Ck-classification, abstract Volterra operators, similarity, spectrality, local spectral analysis. galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo 1983 rohtuA Shmuel Kantorovitz Department of Mathematics, ytisrevinU-na14raB Ramat-Gan, Israel AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 4?-02, 46 H 30, 4?A 60, 4? A 65, 47A55, 47 D05, 47 D10, 47 D40, 47 B47, 47A10 ISBN 3-540-126?3-2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York oykoT ISBN 0-387-126?3-2 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin Tokyo This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to "Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1983 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2146/3140-543210 oT Ira, Bracha, Peninah, Pinchas, dna Ruth. Tabl:e of Content ,O I ntroduct ion. 1. Operational calculus. 2. .selpmaxE 3. First reduction. 15 4. Second reduction. 20 5, Volterra elements. 25 6. ehT family S + .VE 38 7. Convolution operators in L p. 49 8, Some regular semi groups. 59 9. Simi larity. 65 10. Spectral analysis 73 11. ehT family S + ,VE S unbounded. 82 12. Similarity (continued). 99 13. Singular cn-operators. 123 1~. Local analysis. 146 Notes and references. 171 Bibl iography. 174 index. 177 .O I ntroduct ion. We may view selfadjoint operators ni iH lbert space as the best understood properly infinite dimensional abstract operators. If we desire to recuperate some of their nice properties without the stringent selfadjointness hypothesis, we are led to a "non-selfadjoint theory" such as Dunford's theory of spectral operators ;5 Part llI or Foias' theory of generalized spectral operators 9,4, to mention only a few, and ti si not our purpose to describe here any one of these. Our basic concept, as ni Foias' theory or distribution theory (as opposed to Dunford's), will be the operational calculus (and not the resolution of the identity). However there will be very little overlapping between 4 and the present exposition. Indeed, we shall go ni an entirely different direction: starting ni an abstract setting, we shall reduce the general situation ot a very concrete one, and we shall then concen- trate on various problems within this latter framework or its abstract lifting. These notes are based on lectures given ta various universities ni 1981, and present ni a unified (and often simplified) way results scattered through our papers since 1964. We proceed now with a more specific description of the main features of this exposi t ion. Let K be a compact subset of the real line ,R and denote by HR(K) the algebra of all complex functions which are "real analytic" ni a (real) neighborhood of ,K with pointwise operations and the usual topology. A ci__sab algebra A(K) si a topological algebra of complex functions defined ni a (real) neighborhood of ,K with pointwise operations, such that HR(K) c A(K) topologically. fI A si a unital complex Banach algebra, an A(K)-operational calculus for a E A si a continuous representation "T A(K) ~- A carried by K (that ,si T(f) = 0 whenever f E A(K) vanishes ni a neighborhood of K), such that T(t) = a (where t denotes the function t * t on .)R When such an operational calculus exists, we say that a si of class A(K). nI that case, the spectrum o(a) of a si necessarily contained ni ,K and TIHR(K) coincides with the classical analytic operational calculus for .a This means that we are concerned with the latter's extension to wider basic algebras, for appropriate elements a EA. For example, fi A si the Banach algebra B(H) of all bounded linear operators on the Hilbert space H, and A(K) = C(K), the continuous functions ni a neighborhood of K (or on K), then T E B(H) si of class C(K) fi and only fi T si similar to a self- adjoint operator with spectrum ni .K Since any bounded (linear) operator with spectrum ni K si of class HR(K), we are really interested ni intermediate topological algebras A(K), contained topologically between HR(K) and C(K), and ni the study of the corresponding classes A(K) of elements of class A(K) (in A). A mild assumption on the topology of A(K) shows that ti suffices to consider the intermediate algebras Cn(K) of all comF~lex functions defined ni a real neighborhood of ,K and continuously differentiable there up to the order n (with the usual topology). More specifically, we have the following "first reduction" (§3): if A(K) si a homogeneous normable basic algebra, and fi a E A(K) , then there exists n > 2 such that a E Cn(K). A simplified (equivalent) way to consider cn-operational calculi si to take the Banach algebra cna,13 as the domain of the representation ,T where 31,a si a closed interval containing ,O without loss of generality. For n ) ,I an example of an operator of class cno,B (which si not of class cn-Io,B) si the operator T defined ni Ca,13 by T = M + n ,J where :M f(x) ~- xf(x), and n n X "J f(x) .- f f(t)dt. Our "second reduction" (§4) consists Jn showing that T si 0 n a kind of universal model for elements of class C n (in any Banach algebra A). Let L a denote the "left multiplication by a" operator ni A L( x = ax, xEA). a Then a E A si of class 3i,~0nc fi and only fi there exists a continuous linear map :U Ca,B ~- A, normalized by the condition IU = a nl n ,.v and inter- twining L a and T . L U = UT When this si the case U si unique, and si n a n" related to the cna,B-operational calculus for a by a kind of Taylor formula. This so-called "weak representation for a" on Ca,13 is a useful tool in produc- ing more concrete characterization theorems for elements of class C n but its main conceptual importance is in bringing down the abstraction level to the in~.tial C-case (what are all the possible maps U: Ca,13-* A ?) and to the con- crete operator T on Ca,13. In this exposition the weak representation n motivates our effort to extract the basic mechanism making T = M + nJ into an n operator of class C .n Observing that J satisfies the commutation relation M,J = j2 with the operator M of class C, we first study general spectral properties of s + ~v (~ E )C with ,s v E A satisfying the so-called Volterra relation s,v = v .2 tI si shown that if o(s) c ,R then q(s + kv) = o(s) for all integers k, and if s is of class C m then s + kv is of class c m+Ikl This result is then generalized to "perturbations" s + cv with ¢ complex (§6). Let S,V E B(X), where X si a Banach space. Suppose (.Standing Hypothesis): S,V = V ,2 and V = V(1), where {V(¢); ~ E C +} si a regular semigroup of operators on X (cf. Definition 6.0) whose boundary group {V(iq); ~r E R} (cf. Theorem 6.1) satisfies llv(in) II ,K ~Inl with v < ,rT Set T = S + ,V~ and -- let m,k denote non-negative integers. nI this general setting, we show that fi S si of class C m with real spectrum, then o(T )= o(S) for all complex ,~ l¢eRI and T si of class C m+k ni the strip < .k fi S si of class ,C then T is of class C k if and only if IRe¢l < .k This latter result si shown to be applicable ni particular to the operators T¢= M + J¢ ni CO,N or LP(o,N) 0( < N < % I < p < oo). Some needed tools from the theory of convolution opera- tors are included ni ,7§ and are then appl led ni 8~ to prove the regularity of certain semi groups , and ni particular~ of the Riemann-Liouville semigroup ;¢J{ ¢ E C +}, where (J~f) (×) = r(~) -1 f× (x - t) r~-lf(t)dt, 0 acting in either CO,N or LP(o,N) (0 < N < ,oo 1 < p < =). A by-product of the theory presented ni §6 si the following similarity itS result (valid under the Standing Hypothesis when I e II = 0(I)). For ,~ @ E C, T and T ar@ similar if Re¢ = Re~, and only fi IRe¢ I = IRe~ ,I nI the concrete case where T¢ -- M + Jc in either CO,N or LP(o,N) (0 < N ,oo< I < p < ,)o~ this can be strengthened to" T~ and T are similar if and only if Re¢ = Rem, In ,3~ we discuss various refinements of this theorem and of the preceding ck-classification result. Let S,V satisfy the Standing Hypothesis ni~( particular, this forces V to be quasinilpotent). Suppose f EI H(O) r taht..( ,si f si analytic at 0 and f(O) si real). If S is of class C m with real spectrum, ti si shown that S + f(V) si of class C m+k for Ref'(O) I <k. nI case m = ,O S + f(V) si of class C k if and only if IRef'(O) <_k, If f,g E H(O) r are such that f(O) = g(O) and Ref'(O) = Reg'(O), then S +f(V) si similar.to S + g(V), and l lstiel conversely, if --0(I) and S + f(V) is similar to S + g(V), then f(O) = g(O) and I Ref'(O) I = I Reg'(O) -I In particular, on either CO,N or LP(o,N) (0< N < ,oo I < p< )oo and for f g E H(O) M +f(J) is of class C k ' ' r' Ref'(o) l if and only if __< k, and is similar to M + g(J) if and only if f(O) = g(O) and Ref'(O) = Reg'(O). Since M si trivially spectral of scalar type on LP(o,N), the latter result (with g - )O implies ni particular that M + ¢J si spectral (of scalar type) if Rel~ = O. A more general problem is to determine the values of ~ for which M + ¢J (or its abstraction T¢ = S + )Vc si spectral (not necessarily of scalar type), that ,si possesses a Jordan decompostion A + ,N with A and N commuting, A = ;XE(dX) for some spectral measure ,E and N quasinilpotent. One of the results proved ni §10 si the following general theorem: fi S,V satisfy the Standing Hypothesis, and S si a scalar type spectral operator with real spectrum, then T = S + cV si spectral fi and only if Re¢ = ,O This applies ni particular to M + J~. acting ni LP(o,N), and illustrates the richness of the class of cn-operators (n > )O as compared to the class of spectral operators within the family {T~ = M + ~J; ¢ EC}. cn-operators correspond to IRe~I the strip < ,n while spectral operators correspond to the imaginary axis! In §11, some of the results of Sect ,snoi 6 and 9 are extended to the case when S si an unbounded operator with domain D(S) in .X Such a situation x -¢ (x-t) arises for example when S = M and V = J¢: f(x) + .re f(t)dt (c > 0), 0 both acting in LP(o,®). The Banach algebra methods used in the bounded case are not available. However, when iS generates a strongly continuous group of opera- tors S('), methods of the theory of semigroups step ni Tnstead, and we obtain adequate versions of the main results. With a slightly modified "Standing Hypothesis", ti si shown for example that S + CV si similar to S + ~V if ll).(s only Re~ = Re0J, and when II = 0(1), if IRe~ I = IReual. There si also a natural way to define cn-classes among group generators. If S si of class C ,m I¢eRI then S + {V si of class C m+k for all ~ ni the strip < .k These results apply ni particular to M + CJ acting ni LP(o,o~) I( < p < 0% ~ > 0). In §12, similarity is further discussed ni various unbounded settings. We show for example that M + {J and M + ~J, acting ni LP(o,~o) I( < p < )oo with their maximal domain, are similar whenever ~0,:z are non-zero complex numbers with Re{ = .0CeR As previously observed, cn-operators are rarely spectral. tI si proved however ni §13 that "singular" cn-operators in reflexive Banach space are spectral. Localized versions of the operational calculus, the spectral decomposition, and the Jordan canonical form, are obtain ni §13-14 for arbitrary operators with real spectrum. .I Opera_tional Calculus Let K be a compact subset of the complex plane ,C and denote by H(K) the topological algebra of all complex functions f defined and analytic ni some neighborhood f~£ of K (depending on .)f The operations are defined pointwise. A net {f~} E H(K) converges to zero fi there exists a fixed neighborhood ~f of K ni which all the functions f are analytic, and f~ ~- 0 uniformly on every compact subset of .~ fI A si a Banach algebra with identity I and a E A has spectrum o(a) contained ni ,K there exists a continuous representation of H(K) on A (that ,si an algebra homomorphism of H(K) into A sending the constant function I to the identity I E )A such that T(X) = a (X denotes he er the function X ÷ X on C). T si unique, and may be expressed by means of the Riesz-Dunford integral I f f(~)(Xl-a)-IdX f( E H(K)) T(f) =T~T" r where T = )K,f~f(T si a finite union of oriented closed Jordan curves such that K si contained ni the union of the interiors (cf. 11 , Theorem 5.2.5). The map T si called the analytic operation_al calculus for a. We often write f(a) instead of T(f) when f EH(K), For special elements a EA, the analytic operational calculus may be extended to topological function algebras which properly contain H(K). 1.1 Definition. A basic algebra A(K) si a topological algebra of complex functions defined ni a neighborhood of ,K with pointwise operations, which contains )K(lf topologically. An A(K)-operational calculus for a E_A si a continuous representa- tion ~ : A(K) +A carried by K (that si T(f) = 0 whenever f EA(K) si zero ni a neighborhood of K), such that T(~ = a. When such an o,c, exists, one says that a si of class A(K). The set of all the elements of class A(K) ni A si denoted by A(K)A, or briefly, by A(K) , Let JK be the closed ideal of lla f E A(K) which vanish ni a neighborhood of .K Since T si carried by ,K ti induces a representation on A of the quotient algebra A(K)/J K of "K-germs of A(K)-functions", For the sake of

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