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SPECTRAL SIMPLICITY AND ASYMPTOTIC SEPARATION OF VARIABLES LUCHILLAIRETANDCHRISJUDGE 0 Abstract. Wedescribeamethodforcomparingtherealanalyticeigenbranches 1 0 of two families, (at) and (qt), of quadratic forms that degenerate as t tends 2 to zero. We consider families (at) amenable to ‘separation of variables’ and show that if (qt) is asymptotic to (at) at first order as t tends to 0, then the n generic spectral simplicity of (at) implies that the eigenbranches of (qt) are a also generically one-dimensional. As an application, we prove that for the J generictriangle(simplex)inEuclideanspace(constantcurvaturespaceform) 4 eacheigenspaceoftheLaplacianisone-dimensional. ] P S 1. Introduction . h t In this paper we continue a study of generic spectral simplicity that began with a [HlrJdg09a] and [HlrJdg09b]. In particular, we develop a method that allows us to m prove the following. [ Theorem 1.1. For almost every Euclidean triangle T R2, each eigenspace of 1 ⊂ the Dirichlet Laplacian associated to T is one-dimensional. v 5 Although we establish the existence of triangles with simple Laplace spectrum, 3 wedonotknowtheexactgeometryofasingletrianglethathassimplespectrum. Up 2 to homothety and isometry, there are only two Euclidean triangles whose Laplace 0 . spectrum has been explicitly computed, the equilateral triangle and the right is- 1 coceles triangle, and in both these cases the Laplace spectrum has multiplicities 0 [Lam´e][Pinsky80][B´erard79][Harmer08]. Numericalresultsindicatethatothertri- 0 1 angles might have spectra with multiplicities [BryWlk84]. Note that non-isometric : triangles have different spectra [Durso88] [Hillairet05]. v Moregenerally,weprovethatalmosteverysimplexinEuclideanspacehassimple i X Laplace spectrum. Our method applies to other settings as well. For example, we r have the following. a Theorem 1.2. For all but countably many α, each eigenspace of the Dirichlet Laplacian associated to the geodesic triangle T in the hyperbolic plane with angles α 0, α, and α, is one-dimensional. If α=π/3, then T is isometric to a fundamental domain for the group SL (Z) α 2 acting on the upper half-plane as linear fractional transformations. P. Cartier [Cartier71] conjectured that T has simple spectrum. This conjecture remains π/3 open (see [Sarnak03]). L.H.wouldliketothanktheIndianaUniversityforitsinvitationandhospitalityandtheANR programs ‘Teichmu¨ller’ and ‘R´esonances et chaos quantiques’ for their support. C.J. thanks the Universit´e de Nantes, MATPYL program, L’Institut Fourier, and the Max Planck Institut fu¨r Mathematik-Bonnforhospitalityandsupport. 1 2 LUCHILLAIRETANDCHRISJUDGE Untilnow, theonlyextantmethodsforprovingthatdomainhadsimpleLaplace spectrum consisted of either explicit computation of the spectrum, a perturbation of a sufficiently well-understood domain, or a perturbation within an infinite di- mensional space of domains. As an example of the first approach, using separation of variables one can compute the Laplace spectrum of each rectangle exactly and findthatthisspectrumissimpleifftheratioofthesquaresofthesidelengthsisnot a rational number. In [HlrJdg09a] we used this fact and the analytic perturbation methodtoshowthatalmosteverypolygonwithatleastfoursideshassimplespec- trum. The method for proving spectral simplicity by making perturbations in an infinite dimensional space originates with J. Albert [Albert78] and K. Uhlenbeck [Uhlenbeck72]. Inparticular,itisshownin[Uhlenbeck72]thatthegenericcompact domain with smooth boundary has simple spectrum. In the case of Euclidean triangles, the last method does not apply since the space of triangles is finite dimensional. We also do not know how to compute the Laplace spectrum of a triangle other than the right-isoceles and equilateral ones. One does know the eigenfunctions of these two triangles sufficiently well to apply the perturbation method, but unfortunately the eigenvalues do not split at first order and it is not clear to us what happens at second order. As a first step towards describing our approach, we consider the following ex- ample. Let T be the family of Euclidean right triangles with vertices (0,0), (1,0), t and (1,t) and let q denote the associated Dirichlet energy form t (cid:90) q (u) = u 2 dx dy. t (cid:107)∇ (cid:107) Tt Foreachu,v C∞(T ), wehaveq (u,v)= ∆ u,v where∆ istheLaplacian,and ∈ 0 t t (cid:104) t (cid:105) t hence the spectrum of ∆ equals the spectrum of q with respect to the L2-inner t t product on T . t As t tends to zero, the triangle T degenerates to the segment that joins (0,0) t and (1,0). Note that the spectrum of an interval is simple and hence one can hope to use this to show that T has simple spectrum for some small t>0. t (1,t) (0,0) (1,0) Figure 1. The triangle T and the sector S . t t Indeed, the spectral study of domains that degenerate to a one-dimensional ob- jectisquitewelldeveloped. Inparticular,itisknownthat—uptorenormalization— the spectrum of the ordered eigenvalues of the domain converge to eigenvalues of the limiting object (see, for example, [ExnPst05] and [FrdSlm09]). Using these kinds of results it is quite easy to prove that for each n N, there exists t >0 so n ∈ that the the first n eigenvalues of T are simple. tn SPECTRAL SIMPLICITY 3 Unfortunately, this does not imply the existence of a triangle all of whose eigen- valuesaresimple. Thissubtlepointisperhapsbestillustratedbyadifferentexam- plewhosespectrumcanbeexplicitlycalculated: LetC bethecylinder[0,1] R/tZ. t × The spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplacian on C is t (cid:8)π2 (cid:0)k2+(cid:96)2/t2(cid:1) (k,(cid:96)) N (N 0 )(cid:9). · | ∈ × ∪{ } Moreover, for each t>0 and (k,(cid:96)) N N, each eigenspace is 2-dimensional. On ∈ × theotherhand,thefirstneigenvaluesofthecylinderC aresimpleifft<(n2 1)−1. t − The example indicates that the degeneration approach to proving spectral sim- plicity does not work at the ‘zeroeth order’ approximation. The method that we describe here is at the next order. For example, in the case of the degenerating triangles T , there is a second quadratic form a to which q is asymptotic in the t t t sense that a q is of the same order of magnitude as t a . Geometrically, the t t t − · quadraticforma correspondstotheDirichletenergyformonthesector,S ,ofthe t t unit disc with angle arctan(t). See Figure 1. The spectrum of a may be analyzed using polar coordinates and separation of t variables. In particular, we obtain the Dirichlet quadratic form b associated to the intervalofangles[0,arctan(t)],and,asssociatedtoeacheigenvalue((cid:96) π/arctan(t))2 · of b, we have a quadratic form a(cid:96) on the radial interval [0,1]. Each eigenfunction t of a(cid:96) is of the form r J (√λ r) where J is a Bessel function of order ν = t (cid:55)→ ν · ν 2π/arctan(t) and where the eigenvalue, λ, is determined by the condition that this function vanish at r =1. The spectrum of a is the union of the spectra of a(cid:96) over t t (cid:96) N. ∈ 4 π2 · π2 t Figure 2. The spectrum of the family a t Inordertobetterdescribethequalitativefeaturesofthespectrumofa asttends t tozero,werenormalizebymultiplyingbyt2. Figure2presentsthemainqualitative features of the renormalized spectrum of a . For each (cid:96) N, the (renormalized) t ∈ real-analytic eigenvalue branches of a coming from a(cid:96) converge to the threshold t ((cid:96) π)2. The eigenvalues of a(cid:96) are simple for all t, and for all but countably many · t t, the spectrum of a is simple. t 4 LUCHILLAIRETANDCHRISJUDGE From the asymptotics of the zeroes of the Bessel function, one can show that the distance between any two (renormalized) real-analytic eigenbranches of a(cid:96) is of t order at least t32. Note that this ‘super-separation’ of eigenvalues can have strong implications for the simplicity problem and, in fact, is central to our method. In- deed,simplicitywouldfollowifoneweretoprovethateachreal-analyticeigenvalue branch of q lies in an O(t) neighborhood of a real-analytic eigenvalue branch of a t t and that at most one eigenfunction branch of q has its eigenvalue branch lying in t this neighborhood. In fact, as sets, the distance between the spectrum of a and the spectrum of q t t is O(t), and, with some work, one can prove that each (renormalized) real-analytic eigenvalue branch of q converges to a threshold in ((cid:96) π)2 (cid:96) N (Theorem t { · | ∈ } 13.1). Nonetheless, infinitely many real-analytic eigenbranches of a converge to t each threshold and the crossing pattern of these branches and the branches of q t can be quite complicated. Semiclassical analysis predicts1 that the eigenvalues of a(cid:96)(cid:48) become separated at order t away from the threshold ((cid:96) π)2. On the other t · hand, two real-analytic eigenbranches that converge to the same threshold stay separated at order t32. In order to use the super-separation of eigenvalues, we will needtoshowthateacheigenvectorbranchofq whoseeigenvaluebranchconverges t to a particular threshold does not interact with eigenvector branches of a that t converge to another threshold (see Lemmas 12.3 and 12.4). In this sense, we will asymptotically separate variables. One somewhat novel feature of this work is the melding of techniques from semiclassical analysis and techniques from analytic perturbation theory. We ap- ply quasimode and concentration estimates to make comparative estimates of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a and q . We then feed these estimates into t t the variational formulae of analytic perturbation theory in order to track the real- analytic branches. So far, our description of the method has been limited to the special case of degenerating right triangles. In 15 we make a change of variables that places the § problem for right triangles into the following more general context. We suppose thatthereexistsapositiveabstractquadraticfrombwithsimplediscretespectrum, and define (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) ∞ (1) a (u ϕ) = t2 (ϕ,ϕ) u(cid:48)(x)2 dx + b(ϕ) u(x)2 dx. t ⊗ · | | | | 0 0 WeconsiderthisfamilyofquadraticformsrelativetotheweightedL2-innerproduct defined by (cid:90) ∞ u ϕ,v ψ = (ϕ,ψ) u v σ dx. (cid:104) ⊗ ⊗ (cid:105) · 0 where σ is a smooth positive function with σ(cid:48) <0 and lim σ(x)=0. See 11. x→∞ § The spectrum of a decomposes into the joint spectra of t (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) ∞ (2) aµ(u) = t2 u(cid:48)(x)2 dx + µ u(x)2 dx. t | | | | 0 0 where µ is an eigenvalue of b (and hence is positive). Because σ is a decreasing function, an eigenfunction of aµ with eigenvalue E oscillates for x << x = (E t E − µ σ)−1(0)anddecaysrapidlyforx>>x . Sinceσ(cid:48) <0, onecanapproximatethe E · 1Insemiclassicalterminology,tcorrespondstohand,awayfor((cid:96)·π)2,theenergyisnon-critical. Henceonewouldexpecteigenvaluestobeseparatedatordert. SPECTRAL SIMPLICITY 5 eigenfunction (or a quasimode at energy E) with Airy functions in a neighborhood of x . A good deal of the present work is based on this approximation by Airy E functions. For example, the asymptotics of the zeroes of Airy functions underlies the super-separation of eigenvalues. The following is the general result. Theorem 1.3 (Theorem14.1). Ifq isaareal-analyticfamilyofpositivequadratic t forms that is asymptotic to a at first order (see Definition 3.1), then for all but t countably many t, the spectrum of q is simple. t Using an induction argument that begins with the triangle, we obtain the fol- lowing. Corollary 1.4. For almost every simplex in Euclidean space, each eigenspace of the associated Dirichlet Laplacian is one-dimensional. Note that Dirichlet boundary conditions can be replaced by any boundary con- ditionthatcorrespondstoapositivequadraticformb. Inparticular,wecanchoose any mixed Dirichlet-Neumann condition on the faces of the simplex except for all Neumann. Using the ‘pulling a vertex’ technique of [HlrJdg09a], we can extend generic simplicity to certain classes of polyhedra. For example, a d-dimensional polytope P iscalledk-stackedifP canbetriangulatedbyintroducingonlyfacesofdimension d 1 [Gru¨nbaum]. − Corollary 1.5. Almost every d 1-stacked convex polytope P Rd with n vertices − ⊂ has simple Dirichlet spectrum. Finally, we note that by perturbing the curvature of Euclidean space as in 4 of § [HlrJdg09a] we obtain the following. Corollary1.6. Almosteverysimplexinaconstantcurvaturespaceformhassimple Dirichlet Laplace spectrum. Organizationofthepaper. In 2weusestandardresolventestimatestoquantify § the assertion that if two quadratic forms are close, then their spectra are close. In particular,weconsidertheprojection,PI(u),ofaneigenfunctionq witheigenvalue a E onto the eigenspaces of a whose eigenvalues lie in an interval I E. We show (cid:51) that this projection is essentially a quasimode at energy E for a. In 3 we specialize these estimates to the case of two real analytic families of § quadratic forms a and q . We define what it means for q to be asymptotic to a t t t t at first order. We show that if the first order variation, a˙ , of a is nonnegative, t t then each real-analytic eigenbranch of a converge as t tends to zero, and if q is t t asymptotic to a at first order, then the eigenbranches of q also converge. t t In section 4, we use the variational formula along a real-analytic eigenfunction branch u to derive an estimate on the projection PI (u ). This results in the t at t assertion that the function a˙ (PI (u )) t (cid:107) t at t (cid:107) (cid:55)→ PI (u ) 2 (cid:107) at t (cid:107) is integrable (Theorem 4.2). The integrability will be used several times in the sequel to control the projection PI (u ), and in particular, it will be used to prove at t that the eigenspaces essentially become one-dimensional in the limit. Note that this result depends on both analytic perturbation theory and resolvent estimates. 6 LUCHILLAIRETANDCHRISJUDGE Sections5through10aredevotedtothestudyoftheonedimensionalquadratic forms aµ in (2). Most of the material in these sections is based on asymptotics of t solutionstosecondorderordinarydifferentialequations(see,forexample, [Olver]). In 6 we provide uniform estimates on the L2-norm of quasimodes and on the § exponentialdecayofeigenfunctionsforlargex. In 7wemakeawell-knownchange § of variables to transform the second order ordinary differential equation associated toaµ intotheAiryequationwithapotential. In 8weuseelementaryestimatesof t § the Airy kernel to estimate both quasimodes and eigenfunctions near the turning point x . E In 9 we use the preceding estimates to prove Proposition 9.1 which essentially says t§hat the L2-mass of both eigenfunctions and quasimodes of aµ does not con- t centrate at x as t tends to zero. This proposition is an essential ingredient in E proving the projection estimates of 12. But first we use it in 10 to prove that each real-analytic eigenvalue branch§of aµ converges to a thresho§ld µ/σ(0). t In 10 we also establish the ‘super-separation’ of eigenvalue branches for aµ. In § t thecaseofdegeneratingright-triangles,wemayusetheuniformasymptoticsofthe Bessel function (see [Olver]) to obtain the ’super-separation’ near the threshold. We prove it directly in Proposition 10.4 for general σ. In 11 we establish some basic properties of the quadratic form defined in (1). § In 12 we combine results of 2, 4, and 9 to derive estimates on PI (u ) where u § § § § at t t is a real-analytic eigenfunction branch of q with eigenvalue branch E converging t t to a point E belonging to the interior of an interval I. 0 In 13 we show that each eigenvalue branch of q converges to some threshold t § µ/σ(0) (Theorem 13.1). Observe that this leads to the following natural question: Which thresholds µ/σ(0) are limits of some real-analytic eigenvalue branch of q ? t Strangely enough, we do not answer it here. In 14 we prove the generic simplicity of q . In 15, we show how simplices and t § § other domains in Euclidean space fit into the general framework presented here. Finally, in 16 we prove a generalization of Theorem 1.2. § Contents 1. Introduction 1 Part 1. Aysmptotic families of quadratic forms 7 2. Quasimode estimates for quadratic forms 7 3. Asymptotic families and eigenvalue convergence 10 4. An integrability condition 11 Part 2. A family of quadratic forms on the half-line 13 5. Definition and basic properties 13 6. Estimates of quasimodes and eigenfunctions 15 7. The Langer-Cherry transform 19 8. Airy approximations 24 9. A non-concentration estimate 26 10. Convergence, estimation, and separation of eigenvalues 30 Part 3. Simplicity 34 11. Separation of variables in the abstract 34 SPECTRAL SIMPLICITY 7 12. Projection estimates 37 13. The limits of the eigenvalue branches of q 40 t 14. Generic simplicity of q 41 t Part 4. Applications 43 15. Stretching along an axis 43 16. Domains in the hyperbolic plane with a cusp 46 Part 5. Appendices and references 49 Appendix A. Solutions to the Airy equation 49 References 53 Part 1. Aysmptotic families of quadratic forms 2. Quasimode estimates for quadratic forms Let be a real Hilbert space with inner product , . Let a be a real-valued, H (cid:104)· ·(cid:105) densely defined, closed quadratic form on . Let dom(a) denote the domain H ⊂ H of a. In the sequel, we will assume that the spectrum spec(a) of a with respect to , is discrete. Moreover, we will assume that for each λ spec(a), the associ- (cid:104)· ·(cid:105) ∈ ated eigenspace V is finite dimensional, and we will assume that there exists an λ orthonormal collection, ψ , of eigenfunctions such that the span of ψ is (cid:96) (cid:96)∈N (cid:96) { } { } dense in . H Lemma 2.1. (Resolvent estimate) Suppose that the distance, δ, from E to the spectrum of a is positive. If a(w,v) E w,v (cid:15) v | − ·(cid:104) (cid:105)| ≤ ·(cid:107) (cid:107) then (cid:15) w . (cid:107) (cid:107) ≤ δ Proof. The norm of the linear functional v a(w,v) E w,v is bounded by (cid:15), (cid:55)→ − ·(cid:104) (cid:105) and hence there exists f with f (cid:15) such that a(w,v) E w,v = f,v for (cid:107) (cid:107)≤ (cid:55)→ − ·(cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) all v in dom(a). Let A be the self-adjoint, closed, densely defined operator on such that H Au,v =a(u,v) for all u,v dom(A) dom(a). It follows that (A E I)w =f, (cid:104) (cid:105) ∈ ⊂ − · and hence w (A E I)−1 f . (cid:107) (cid:107) ≤ (cid:107) − · (cid:107)·(cid:107) (cid:107) The spectral radius of (A E I)−1 equals δ, and thus since A is self-adjoint, (A E I)−1 =δ. The−claim·follows. (cid:3) (cid:107) − · (cid:107) Given a closed interval I [0, ), define PI to be the orthogonal projection ⊂ ∞ a onto V . λ∈I λ ⊕ Definition 2.2. Let q be a real-valued, closed quadratic form defined on dom(a). We will say that q is ε-close to a if and only if for each v,w dom(a), we have ∈ 1 1 (3) q(v,w) a(v,w) ε a(v)2 a(w)2. | − | ≤ · · 8 LUCHILLAIRETANDCHRISJUDGE Note that if 0 q a ε a, then q is ε-close to a by the Cauchy-Schwarz ≤ − ≤ · inequality. For each quadratic form q defined on dom(a), define n (u) = (cid:0) u 2+q(u)(cid:1)12 . q (cid:107) (cid:107) Note that if q is ε-close to a, then the norms n and n are equivalent on dom(a). q a Thus, the form domains of q and a with respect to coincide. We will denote (cid:107)·(cid:107) this common form domain by . D Lemma 2.3. Let q and a be quadratic forms such that q is ε-close to a. If u is an eigenfunction of q with eigenvalue E contained in the open interval I R, then ⊂ (cid:18) (cid:19)2 (4) a(cid:0)u PI(u)(cid:1) ε2 a(u) 1+ E − a ≤ · · δ where δ is the distance from E to the complement R I. \ Proof. Let v . Since q(u,v)=E u,v , from (3) we have ∈D ·(cid:104) (cid:105) 1 1 (5) E u,v a(u,v) ε a(u)2 a(v)2. | ·(cid:104) (cid:105) − | ≤ · · There exists f such that for all v we have ∈H ∈D (6) E u,v a(u,v) = f,v . ·(cid:104) (cid:105) − (cid:104) (cid:105) Write f =(cid:80)f ψ and define v =(cid:80)λ−1f ψ . Observe that (cid:96)· (cid:96) test (cid:96) (cid:96)· (cid:96) (cid:88) fl 2 f,v = | | = a(v ). test test (cid:104) (cid:105) λ l (cid:96) By substituting v =v into (5), we find that test (7) (cid:88) |fl|2 ε2 a(u). λ ≤ · l (cid:96) Let u = (cid:80) u ψ . From (6) we find that u = (E λ )−1 f for each (cid:96) N. (cid:96) (cid:96) · (cid:96) (cid:96) − l · (cid:96) ∈ Therefore, a(u PI(u)) = (cid:88) λ |fl|2 ε2 a(u) sup λ2(cid:96) − a l· E λ 2 ≤ · · E λ 2 λl∈/I | − l| λl∈/I | − (cid:96)| where the inequality follows from (7). We have λ2 x2 (cid:18)E (cid:19)2 sup (cid:96) sup = +1 . E λ 2 ≤ 1 x2 δ λl∈/I | − (cid:96)| |1−x|>δ/E | − | The desired bound follows. (cid:3) The preceding lemma provides control of the norm of PI(u). In particular, we a have the following. Corollary 2.4. Let q and a be quadratic forms such that q is ε-close to a. If u is an eigenfunction of q with eigenvalue E contained in the open interval I R, then ⊂ (cid:34) (cid:18) (cid:19)2(cid:35) E a(u) (8) PI(u) 2 1 ε2 1+ (cid:107) a (cid:107) ≥ − · δ · sup(I) where δ is the distance from E to the complement R I. \ SPECTRAL SIMPLICITY 9 Proof. Note that a(u PI(u),PI(u))=0, and hence − a a a(PI(u))=a(u) a(cid:0)u PI(u)(cid:1). a − − a Thus, it follows from Lemma 2.3 that (cid:32) (cid:18) (cid:19)2(cid:33) E a(PI(u)) 1 ε2 1+ a(u). a ≥ − δ · On the other hand, using the orthonomal set ψ consisting of eigenfunction of ψ (cid:96) { } with respect to , one finds that (cid:104)· ·(cid:105) a(PI(u)) sup(I) PI(u) 2. a ≤ ·(cid:107) a (cid:107) The claim follows. (cid:3) We use the preceding to prove the following. Lemma 2.5. Let I be an interval, let E I, and let δ denote the distance from ∈ E to the complement R I. Let u be an eigenfunction of q with eigenvalue E. If \ ε<(1+E/δ)−1 and q is ε-close to a, then for each v , we have ∈D (9) (cid:12)(cid:12)a(cid:0)PI(u),v(cid:1) E PI(u),v (cid:12)(cid:12) ε·sup(I) PI(u) v . a − ·(cid:104) a (cid:105) ≤ (cid:16)1 ε2(cid:0)1+ E(cid:1)2(cid:17)12 ·(cid:107) a (cid:107)·(cid:107) (cid:107) − δ Proof. Let u˜ = PI(u), and v˜ = PI(v). Since PI is an orthogonal projection that a a a commutes with a, we have a(u˜,v) = a(u˜,v˜) = a(u,v˜) and u˜,v = u˜,v˜ = u,v˜ . (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) Therefore, by replacing v with v˜ in (5) we obtain 1 1 a(u˜,v) E u˜,v ε a(u)2 a(v˜)2. | − ·(cid:104) (cid:105)| ≤ · · Since v˜ PI( ), we have ∈ a H a(v˜) sup(I) v˜ 2 sup(I) v 2. ≤ ·(cid:107) (cid:107) ≤ ·(cid:107) (cid:107) By the hypothesis and Corollary 2.4, we have (cid:34) (cid:18) (cid:19)2(cid:35)−1 E a(u) 1 ε2 1+ sup(I) PI(u) 2. ≤ − δ · ·(cid:107) a (cid:107) By combining these estimates, we obtain the claim. (cid:3) Let an n∈N and qn n∈N be sequences of quadratic forms defined on . For { } { } D each n, let E be an eigenvalue of q . n n Proposition 2.6. Suppose that lim E exists and is finite. If the quadratic n→∞ n form q is 1/n-close to a for each n, then there exist N >0 and C >0 such that n n for each n>N and each eigenfunction u of q with eigenvalue E , we have n n (10) (cid:12)(cid:12)an(cid:0)PaIn(u),v(cid:1) − En·(cid:104)PaIn(u),v(cid:105)(cid:12)(cid:12) ≤ C· n1 ·(cid:13)(cid:13)PaIn(u)(cid:13)(cid:13)·(cid:107)v(cid:107). Proof. LetE =lim E andletI beanopenintervalthatcontainsE . Letδ 0 n→∞ n 0 n bethedistancefromE toR I. SinceE convergestoE andI isopen,thereexists n n 0 \ δ >0 and N so that if n>N , then δ >δ . Choose N max N ,1+2E /δ 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 ≥ { } sothatifn>N,thenE <2E . Thenforeachn>N wehaven−1(1+E /δ ) 1 n 0 n n and we can apply Lemma 2.5 to obtain the claim. ≤(cid:3) 10 LUCHILLAIRETANDCHRISJUDGE Remark 2.7. Let A be the self-adjoint operator such that a (v,w)= A v,w for n n n (cid:104) (cid:105) all u,v dom(a ). Let χ denote the projection PI (u). Estimate (10) is then ∈ n n an equivalent to 1 A χ E χ C χ . n n n n n (cid:107) − · (cid:107) ≤ · n ·(cid:107) (cid:107) In the terminology of semi-classical analysis, the function χ is a quasimode at n energy E =lim E (see also Remark 9.2). 0 n→∞ n 3. Asymptotic families and eigenvalue convergence Given a mapping of the form t f , we will use f˙ to denote its first derivative. t t (cid:55)→ More precisely, we define (cid:12) f˙t := d (cid:12)(cid:12) fs. ds(cid:12) s=t Let a and q be real-analytic families of closed quadratic forms densely defined t t on for t > 0.2 In this section, we show that the nonnegativity of both a t D ⊂ H and a˙ implies that each real-analytic eigenvalue branch of a converges as t tends t t to zero. We then show that if q is asymptotic to a in the following sense then the eigenvalue branches of q also converge (Proposition 3.4). t Definition 3.1. Wewillsaythatq is asymptotic to a at first orderiffthereexists t t C >0 such that for each t>0 1 1 (11) qt(u,v) at(u,v) C t at(u)2 at(v)2, | − | ≤ · · · and for each v ∈D (12) q˙ (v) a˙ (v) C a (v). t t t | − | ≤ · Remark 3.2. By reparameterizing the family—replacing t by say t/C—one may assume, without loss of generality, that C =1. We will do so in what follows. Inwhatfollows,wewillassumethattheeigenvaluesandeigenfunctionsofa and t q vary real-analytically. To be precise, we will suppose for each t>0, there exists t anorthonormalcollection ψ (t) ofeigenvectorswhosespanisdensein such (cid:96) (cid:96)∈N { } H that t ψ (t) is real-analytic for each (cid:96) N. This assumption is satisfied if the (cid:96) (cid:55)→ ∈ operators that represent a and q with respect to , have a compact resolvent t t (cid:104)· ·(cid:105) for each t>0. See, for example, Remark 4.22 in VII.4 of [Kato]. § The following proposition is well-known. We include the proof here as a model of the more complicated arguments that follow. Proposition 3.3. If a 0 and a˙ 0 for all small t, then each real-analytic t t ≥ ≥ eigenvalue branch of a converges to a finite limit as t tends to zero. t Proof. Let λ be a real-analytic eigenvalue branch of a . That is, there exists for t t each t>0 a function u such that t u is real-analytic and t t (cid:55)→ (13) a (u ,v) = λ u ,v t t t t ·(cid:104) (cid:105) for all v . In particular, a (u ) = λ u 2, and thus since a 0, we have t t t t t ∈ D ·(cid:107) (cid:107) ≥ λ 0 for each t>0. t ≥ By differentiating (13) and then taking the inner product with v , we obtain ∈D (14) λ˙ u 2 = a˙(u ). t t t ·(cid:107) (cid:107) 2Fornotationalsimplicity,wewilloftendroptheindext,butnotethateachobjectrelatedto aorq will,ingeneral,dependont.

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