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SPRINGER BRIEFS IN MATHEMATICS Robin Harte Spectral Mapping Theorems A Bluffer‘s Guide 123 SpringerBriefs in Mathematics Series editors Krishnaswami Alladi, Gainesville, USA Nicola Bellomo, Torino, Italy Michele Benzi, Atlanta, USA Tatsien Li, Shanghai, China Matthias Neufang, Ottawa, Canada Otmar Scherzer, Vienna, Austria Dierk Schleicher, Bremen, Germany Vladas Sidoravicius, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Benjamin Steinberg, New York, USA Yuri Tschinkel, New York, USA Loring W. Tu, Medford, USA G. George Yin, Detroit, USA Ping Zhang, Kalamazoo, USA SpringerBriefs in Mathematics showcases expositions in all areas of mathematics and appliedmathematics.Manuscriptspresentingnewresultsorasinglenewresultinaclassical field, new field, or an emerging topic, applications, or bridges between new results and already published works, are encouraged. The series is intended for mathematicians and applied mathematicians. For furthervolumes: http://www.springer.com/series/10030 Robin Harte Spectral Mapping Theorems A Bluffer’s Guide 123 Robin Harte School ofMathematics TrinityCollege Dublin Ireland Additionalmaterialtothisbookcanbedownloadedfromhttp://extras.springer.com/ ISSN 2191-8198 ISSN 2191-8201 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-319-05647-0 ISBN 978-3-319-05648-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05648-7 Springer ChamHeidelberg New YorkDordrecht London LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2014935229 MathematicsSubjectClassification:47A13 (cid:2)RobinHarte2014 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionor informationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purposeofbeingenteredandexecutedonacomputersystem,forexclusiveusebythepurchaserofthe work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of theCopyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the CopyrightClearanceCenter.ViolationsareliabletoprosecutionundertherespectiveCopyrightLaw. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexempt fromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication,neithertheauthorsnortheeditorsnorthepublishercanacceptanylegalresponsibilityfor anyerrorsoromissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty,expressorimplied,with respecttothematerialcontainedherein. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Dedicated to the memory of Timothy Trevor West (1938–2012) Foreword Suppose ab = ba [ A, a commuting pair of Banach algebra elements (a, b) [ A2; then rða þ bÞ(cid:2)rðaÞ þ rðbÞ; rðabÞ(cid:2)rðaÞrðbÞ : thespectrumofthesumandtheproductaresubsetsofthesumandtheproductof the spectra. One way to prove this is via Gelfand’s theorem: find a ‘‘maximal abelian’’ subalgebra D ( A for which {a, b} ( D, and argue r ða þ bÞ ¼ fuða þ bÞ : u2rðDÞg(cid:2)fwðaÞ þ hðbÞ : fw; hg(cid:2)rðDÞg A and similarly r ðabÞ ¼ fuðabÞ : u2rðDÞg(cid:2)fwðaÞhðbÞ : fw; hg(cid:2)rðDÞg: A Here r(D) is the ‘‘maximal ideal space’’ of the commutative Banach algebra D and we need to know that there is implication c2D ¼)r ðcÞ ¼ r ðcÞ ¼ fuðcÞ : u2rðDÞg: A D Much sweeter would be a joint spectrum argument, enabling us to write rða þ bÞ ¼ fk þ l : ðk; lÞ2rða; bÞg; rðabÞ ¼ fkl : ðk; lÞ2rða; bÞg with rða; bÞ(cid:2)rðaÞ (cid:3) rðbÞ: That, in a nutshell, is what these notes are all about. In more detail, we set out to describe the spectral mapping theorem in one, ‘‘several’’ and ‘‘many’’ variables. As background we need to introduce the basic algebraic systems, including semigroups, rings and linear algebras. Inasense,abstractalgebraisthestoryofacontinuingnegotiationbetweenthe ‘‘invertible’’andthe‘‘singular.’’Theinvertibles,followersof‘‘one,’’treadlightly in the garden, doing nothing that cannot be undone; the singularshowever follow ‘‘zero,’’ and have an altogether heavier tread. The garden where all these games are tobe played willbe somethingcalleda Banach algebra, which, like anurban environment, is rich in interlocking structures. It may therefore be a good idea to vii viii Foreword stepbackalittletoamuchmoreprimitiveruralsetting.Algebraatitsmostbasicis playedoutinasemigroup,asystemwitha‘‘multiplication’’;however,mostofthe interesting semigroups are rings, which are semigroups twice over, with multi- plication and ‘‘addition’’ tied together by a distributive law. In turn most of the interesting rings are linear algebras, submitting to real or complex number mul- tiplication. Basic algebra can also be extended by taking limits, whose study is sometimes called ‘‘point set topology’’: in a ‘‘Banach algebra,’’ this topology is generatedbyanormandametricstructure,whichhastobe‘‘complete.’’Itwillbe abonusthatalmosteverythingwesayaboutsemigroups,orrings,remainsvalidin abstract categories, or additive categories. Togetherwithalgebraweneedthereforetodiscusstopology,theabstracttheory of limits. Now topological algebra is about algebraic systems which also have topology,insuchawaythatthefundamentalalgebraicoperationsarecontinuous. OurmainfocusistospecializetocomplexBanachalgebras,wherewefindthatthe spectrum is truly well-behaved: nonempty, compact, and subject to the spectral mapping theorem. Even in semigroups and rings the invertible and the singular are locked into a minuet: usually products of invertibles are again invertible while often sums of invertible and singular are invertible. Homomorphisms T : A ? B between semigroupsorringssendinvertiblestoinvertibles,T(A-1)(B-1,whilethereare twowaysforahomomorphismtobehavewell.One,relatingtoinvertibility,would be the Gelfand property T-1B-1 ( A-1, while the other, relating to singularity, would be a Riesz property, which says that for example A-1 + T-1(0) ( A is ‘‘almost’’ in A-1. In linear algebras, we meet the idea of the spectrum, with which we can draw real or complex pictures following the progress of the invertible/singular debate; this then harnesses complex analysis to the theory: rather than being simply an elegantcommentaryonevents,thecomplexpicturestoaconsiderableextentdrive the action. Spectral theory, therefore, is dedicated to the theory of invertibility: the spec- trum of an algebra element a [ A simply collects those scalars k which give perturbations a - k which fail to be invertible. Generally, various kinds of ‘‘nonsingularity’’arenecessaryconditionsforinvertibility:eachofthemgenerates their own subset of the spectrum. AllthisisforsingleelementsofaBanach algebra;theextensiontontuplesof elementsgivesspectraconsistingofntuplesofcomplexnumbers:thefundamental theorem says that for commuting tuples of elements we still have nonempty spectrumandthespectralmappingtheoremforpolynomials.Our‘‘jointspectrum’’ could be the union of a ‘‘left’’ and a ‘‘right’’ spectrum, but this turns out to be deficientinthesensethatitdoesnotingeneralsupportafunctionalcalculus:that needs the more sophisticated ideas, due to Joseph Taylor, based on exactness. There are canonical extensions, based on compactness, from finite tuples to infinite systems: what we find interesting here is what happens when there is additional algebraic or topological structure on the indexing material. Foreword ix Inseveralvariablestherearevariouswaysinwhichann-tuplea=(a ,a ,..., 1 2 a ) [ An can be considered to be ‘‘invertible,’’ thus generating a ‘‘spectrum’’ r(a) n ( Cn. The extension to many variables looks at systems a [ AX indexed by arbitrary sets X which now possibly carry algebraic or topological structure, capable of being respected by the system a; here the story is that whenever this happens it continues to happen to k [ r(a) ( CX. However, the true ‘‘multi- variate’’ extension of the concept of invertibility is the idea of exactness. One version of the ‘‘joint spectrum’’ of a commuting tuple, and its spectral mapping theorem, can indeed be derived from ‘‘maximal abelian’’ subalgebras, andGelfand’s theoremfor commutative Banach algebras; conversely ourspectral mapping theorem for several variables, and its many variable extension, give an alternative proof of that same Gelfand theorem. The first appearance of the definition of the left and the right spectrum of an ntupleseemstobeinthenumericalrangenotes[26]ofBonsallandDuncan.The proofofthespectralmappingtheoremforcommutingfinitetupleswasfirstgiven, for bounded operators on Hilbert space, by John Bunce [32]: the argument involvedC*algebrasandstates.Anequivalentargument,withoutanydefinitionof joint spectrum, is part of the Graham Allan paper [3] about holomorphic left inverses. The spectral mapping theorem for the ‘‘Taylor spectrum’’ is in the first [267]ofthetwogroundbreakingpapersofJosephTaylor:thesecondofthesegoes ontoestablishthe‘‘functionalcalculus,’’which successfullydefines f(T)whenf: U?CisholomorphiconanopenneighborhoodUofthe‘‘Taylorspectrum’’ofa commuting tuple T = (T , T , . . ., T ) of Banach space operators. As Vladimir 1 2 n Müller has demonstrated this is significantly easier to describe for functions holomorphiconthesometimeslarger‘‘Taylorsplitspectrum.’’Thesplitspectrum hasanaturalextensiontotuplesofBanachalgebraelements;weareasyetunable to offer the natural extension to Banach algebra elements of the original Taylor spectrum. Discussion of an abstract idea of spectrum can be traced back to Wieslaw Zelazko [288]; Vladimir Müller [234] has cast this in the framework of his concept of a ‘‘regularity.’’ In one variable, this is a refinement of a more primitive idea contained in our discussion of ‘‘Kato invertibility’’ and nonsingu- larity [139, 142, 147]. Lucien Waelbroeck [274, 275], and later Vladimir Kisil [193, 194], have viewed a ‘‘spectrum’’ as the support of a more primitive ‘‘functional calculus.’’ The whole point of the additional subtleties of the Taylor spectrum and split spectrum is the functional calculus [58–62, 168]. Generations of mathematicians have been trying to capture and regulate the intuition of the engineer Heaviside, and for many the test of a ‘‘spectrum’’ will always be whether it supports a ‘‘functional calculus.’’ In these notes, however, we stop short with the spectral mapping theorem. In telling our story, we have divided the narrative into six chapters: the first three, in introductory mode, start with pure algebra and progress, through topol- ogy, to ‘‘topological algebra,’’ while the remaining three are officially spectral theory,progressingfromonethroughseveralto‘‘many’’variables.Whatwehave collected together as pure algebra sometimes, in other versions of the story, x Foreword appearson the far side of a build up of topological or metric structures. Similarly whatwehavecollectedtogetherastopologyissometimesintroducedpiecemealin themiddleofotherargument.Wehavealsotried,inasense,topresenttopologyas akindofalgebra:forexample,therelationshipbetweentopologicalboundaryand connected hull can be given this flavor. It is clear that there is significant overlap between these notes and our earlier volume,‘‘InvertibilityandSingularity’’[132].Thetreatmenthereisquitedifferent however:inourearlierbookwegivecompleteproofsofsuchthingsastheHahn- Banach, Open Mapping and Liouville theorems, here omitted; we also devote attention to what happens for bounded operators between incomplete normed spaces. We believe that strategy offered valuable insight into the open mapping theorem: between incomplete spaces open, almost open and onto are in general differentkindsoflinearoperator,whichallcoalescewhenthespacesarecomplete. SpectralandFredholmtheorycanalsobediscussedinanincompleteenvironment; withhindsighthowevertheextraeffortprovesdistracting,andinthepresentnotes weabandonthisdiscussion,lookinginsteadsometimesattheanalagousdiscussion in the purely linear environment. While there is therefore a good deal of material in the earlier volume which has not been reproduced here, there is also, thanks to the passage of time, a great deal of material here which was not available to the earlier work. There is also overlap between both this and our earlier work with the book, ‘‘Spectraltheoryoflinearoperators’’[234],ofVladimirMüller.Therethespectral theory of one and several variables is systematically expounded through the mediumoftheMüllerconceptof‘‘regularity.’’Thesinglevariableversionofthis concept,anditsmoreprimitive‘‘noncommutative’’version,canbetracedbackto our own journal papers [139, 142, 147] of 1992, 1993, and 1996.

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