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by  J. Loos
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6 0 Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 0 2 n J Loos†, M Hohenadler‡, and H Fehske§ a †InstituteofPhysics,AcademyofSciences oftheCzechRepublic,Prague J ‡InstituteforTheoretical andComputational Physics,TUGraz,Austria 1 §InstituteforPhysics,Ernst-Moritz-ArndtUniversityGreifswald,Germany 3 E-mail: [email protected] ] el Abstract. An analytical approach to the one-dimensional spinless Holstein - modelisproposed,whichisvalidatfinitecharge-carrierconcentrations. Spectral r functionsofchargecarriersarecomputedonthebasisofself-energycalculations. t s AgeneralizationoftheLang-Firsovcanonicaltransformationmethodisshownto . provideaninterpolationschemebetweentheextremeweak–andstrong-coupling t a cases. Thetransformationdependsonavariationallydeterminedparameterthat m characterizes the charge distribution across the polaron volume. The relation betweenthespectralfunctionsofpolaronsandelectrons,thelattercorresponding - to the photoemission spectrum, is derived. Particular attention is paid to the d distinction between the coherent and incoherent parts of the spectra, and their n evolutionasafunctionofbandfillingandmodelparameters. Resultsarediscussed o andcomparedwithrecentnumericalcalculationsforthemany-polaronproblem. c [ 2 PACSnumbers: 71.27.+a,63.20.Kr,71.10.Fd,71.38.-k,71.10.-w v 2 1 1. Introduction 7 8 Experiments on a variety of novel materials, ranging from quasi-one-dimensional 0 (1D) MX solids [1], organics [2] and quasi-2D high-T cuprates [3] to 3D colossal- 5 c 0 magnetoresistivemanganites[4,5],provideclearevidencefortheexistenceofpolaronic / carriers, i.e., quasiparticles consisting of an electron and a surrounding lattice t a distortion. This has motivated considerable theoretical efforts to achieve a better m understanding of strongly coupled electron-phonon systems in the framework of - microscopic models. d Unfortunately, even for highly simplified models, such as the spinless Holstein n o model [6] considered here, no exact analytical solutions exist, except for the Holstein c polaron problem with a relativistic dispersion [7] or in infinite dimensions [8]. As : a consequence, numerous numerical studies have been carried out, focussing either v i on the empty band limit (i.e., one or two electrons only; see [9–13] and references X therein), oron the half-filled bandcase in one dimension, where the Peierlstransition r takes place [14]. In contrast, very little work has been done at finite carrier densities a away from half filling [15,16], which are, however, often realized in experiment [1–5]. Recently, this so-called many-polaron problem has been addressed numerically [17– 19]. The results have led to a fairly good understanding of many aspects, but their interpretationisnotalwaysstraightforward,whichmakesanalyticalcalculationsalong these lines highly desirable. Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 2 In this paper, we propose an analytical approach to the 1D spinless Holstein model, capable of describing finite charge-carrier concentrations at arbitrary model parameters, including the important adiabatic intermediate-coupling (IC) regime. First,usingstandardperturbationtheorybasedontheself-energycalculation,the spectral functions of charge carriers will be determined in the weak-coupling (WC) and the strong-coupling (SC) limits at zero temperature (T = 0). In the SC regime, the relation between the spectral function of polarons, determining the equilibrium properties(inparticular,thechemicalpotential),andtheelectronicspectralfunction, determining the photoemission spectrum, will be discussed. Special emphasis will be laid on the distinction between the coherent and the incoherent parts of the spectra, which may be calculated separately within the present approach. Furthermore, using a generalizationof the Lang-Firsov canonical transformation method [20], an interpolation scheme between the extreme WC and SC cases will be proposed. In particular, the canonical transformation will depend on the distance R characterizing the charge distribution across the polaron volume. For a given set of model parameters and carrier concentration n, R will be determined from the minimum of the total energy given by the transformed Hamiltonian in the first, Hartree-like approximation. With R found in this way, the polaronic and electronicspectralfunctionswillbecalculatedtostudytheirdependenceonthemodel parametersandthecarrierdensity. Theresultswillbediscussedwithregardtorecent numerical calculations [18,19], which have revealed a cross-over from a system with polaronic carriers to a rather metallic system with increasing band filling n in the intermediate electron-phonon coupling regime. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2.1 we introduce the model used, whereas in section 2.2 we derive the analytical results for WC, SC and IC regimes. Our results are discussed in section 3, and section 4 contains our conclusions. 2. Theory 2.1. Model In this paper, we are exclusively concerned with the Holstein model (HM) of spinless fermions,whichdescribes electronscoupledlocally to Einsteinphonons. Althoughwe shall use different canonical transformations to describe the IC and SC regime later on, the Hamiltonian can be written in the general form H =η c†c C c†c +ω (b†b + 1), (1) i i − ij i j 0 i i 2 i i,j i X X X where the definition of η and C will be different depending on the approach used. ij Here c† (c ) creates (annihilates) a spinless fermion at site i, b† and b are bosonic i i i i operators for the dispersionless phonons of energy ω (~ = 1), and the strength of 0 the electron-phonon interaction is specified by the dimensionless coupling constants λ=E /2tandg = E /ω intheadiabatic(ω /t 1)andanti-adiabatic(ω /t 1) p p 0 0 0 ≪ ≫ regimes,respectively,whereE isthewell-knownpolaronbindingenergyintheatomic p p limit [C =0 for i=j in equation (1)]. ij 6 In the WC case, in which we use the original, untransformed Holstein Hamiltonian, we have η = µ, where µ denotes the chemical potential, and non-zero − coefficients C =gω (b†+b ), C =t. (2) ii 0 i i hiji Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 3 In contrast, the starting point in the SC regime will be the Hamiltonian with η = g2ω µ= E µ and 0 p − − − − Cii =0, Chiji =te−g(b†i−bi−b†j+bj). (3) 2.2. Green functions approach WetreattheHM(1)usingtheformalismofthegeneralizedMatsubaraGreenfunctions introduced by Kadanoff and Baym [21] and Bonch-Bruevich and Tyablikov [22], and applied to the single-polaron problem by Schnakenberg [23]. The Green function equation of motion deduced from H may be converted into an equation for the self- energyofthespinlessfermions,andcanbesolvedbyiteration(see[23–25]fordetails). In the second iteration step, the self-energy is obtained in the form Σ(j τ ;j τ )= C δ(τ τ ) 1 1 2 2 −h j1j2i 1− 2 + GM(j′τ ;j′′τ )[ T C (τ )C (τ ) C C ], (4) 1 2 h τ j1j′ 1 j′′j2 2 i−h j1j′ih j′′j2i j′j′′ X where GM(j τ ;j τ ) represents the first-order fermionic Matsubara Green function, 1 1 2 2 andthesymbolT denotesthetimeorderingoperatoractingontheimaginarytimesτ . τ i Fourier-transformingbothsidesofequation(4),carryingoutthestandardsummation over the Matsubara boson frequencies [26], and using the analytical continuation in thecomplexfrequencyplane,theretardedmomentum–andenergy-dependentfermion Green function follows as 1 GR(k,ω)= , (5) ω (ξ +η) Σ(k,ω) k − − where ξ is the fermionic band dispersion in the first approximation, ω = ω + iǫ k (ǫ 0+), andΣ(k,ω)denotesthe Fouriertransformofthe collisionalpartofthe self- → energygivenbythesecondtermonther.h.sofequation(4). Therelated,normalized spectral function is given by 1 A(k,ω)= ImGR(k,ω+i0+). (6) −π AlthoughtheinsulatingPeierlsphasewithlong-rangecharge-density-waveorder, which is the ground state of the half-filled spinless Holstein model above a critical coupling strength depending on ω [14], can in principle be incorporated into the 0 present theory, this has not been done here, as we are interested in intermediate band fillings away from n = 0.5. Furthermore, we neglect any extended pairing for 0 < n < 0.5, as well as the possible formation of a polaronic superlattice in the half- filled band case (n = 0.5). Finally, the possibility of phase separation, which can in principle occur in the present model, is not considered. 2.2.1. Weak coupling In the WC limit the self-energy is given by ω E W dξ 1 n (ξ µ) n (ξ µ) 0 p F F Σ(k,ω)= − − + − , (7) πW Z−W 1−(ξ/W)2 (cid:20)ω−ω0−(ξ−µ) ω+ω0−(ξ−µ)(cid:21) with the Fermi functiopn nF(ω) = (eβω +1)−1 and the bare bandwidth W = 2t. At T =0, and defining ξ =max(µ, W), we get 0 − ω E ξ0 dξ 1 0 p ReΣ(k,ω)= πW "PZ−W 1−(ξ/W)2ω+ω0−(ξ−µ) p Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 4 W dξ 1 + (8) PZξ0 1−(ξ/W)2ω−ω0−(ξ−µ)# and p ω E ξ0 dξ 0 p ImΣ(k,ω)= δ[ω+ω (ξ µ)] 0 − W "Z−W 1−(ξ/W)2 − − W pdξ + δ[ω ω (ξ µ)] . (9) 0 Zξ0 1−(ξ/W)2 − − − # Inthe sequel,weshpalldistinguishbetweencoherentandincoherentcontributions to the single-particle spectral functions, as defined by a zero and non-zero imaginary part of the self-energy, respectively. The coherent part of the spectrum is given by Ac(k,ω)=z δ[ω (E µ)], (10) k k − − where the renormalized band energy is the solution of ω E ξ0 dξ 1 0 p E =ξ + k k πW "PZ−W 1−(ξ/W)2Ek+ω0−ξ W p dξ 1 + , (11) PZξ0 1−(ξ/W)2Ek−ω0−ξ# with ξk = Wcosk (thepbare band dispersion), and the spectral weight takes the − form ω E ξ0 dξ 1 z−1 = 1+ 0 p k (cid:12) πW "PZ−W 1−(ξ/W)2(Ek+ω0−ξ)2 (cid:12) (cid:12) W p dξ 1 (cid:12) + . (12) PZξ0 1−(ξ/W)2(Ek−ω0−ξ)2#(cid:12) (cid:12) For the incoherent paprt of the spectral function we fi(cid:12)nd (cid:12) Aic(k,ω < ω )= 1 ω0Ep W2−(ω+ω0+µ)2 21 −ξ0W dξδ(ω+ω0+µ−ξ) (13) − 0 π[W2 (ω(cid:2) +ω0+µ)2](ω+µ(cid:3) ξRk ReΣ(k,ω))2+(ω0Ep)2 − − − and Aic(k,ω >ω )= 1 ω0Ep W2−(ω−ω0+µ)2 21 ξW0 dξδ(ω−ω0+µ−ξ) . (14) 0 π[W2 (ω(cid:2) ω0+µ)2](ω+µ (cid:3)ξkR ReΣ(k,ω))2+(ω0Ep)2 − − − − Finally, the chemical potential µ for a given electron density n is determined by 1 ∞ dωA(k,ω)n (ω)=n. (15) F N k Z−∞ X 2.2.2. Strong coupling Hamiltonian (1) with the coefficients (3) represents the Hamiltonian of small polarons, which are the correct quasiparticles in the SC limit. Using the procedure outlined above, we obtain the polaron self-energy as W W dξf(k,ξ,s) 1 n (ξ+η) n (ξ+η) F F Σ(k,ω)= − + . (16) 2π s≥1Z−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 (cid:20)ω−sω0−(ξ+η) ω+sω0−(ξ+η)(cid:21) f X − f q f Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 5 At T =0, we have W =We−g2, W W dξ ReΣ(k,ω)= f f(k,ξ,s) 2π s≥1PZ−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 f X − θf(ξq+η) θ( ξ η) f+ − − (17) × ω sω (ξ+η) ω+sω (ξ+η) (cid:20) − 0− 0− (cid:21) and W W dξ ImΣ(k,ω)= f(k,ξ,s) θ(ω sω )δ[ω sω (ξ+η)] 0 0 − 2 s≥1Z−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 { − − − f X − +θ( ω fsqω )δ[ω+sω (ξ+η)] . (18) 0 0 − − f − } Here θ(x) is the Heaviside step function and we have used the definition (2g2)s (g2)s ξ 2 (g2)s f(k,ξ,s)= + 2 1 + cos(2k). (19) s! s! " (cid:18)W(cid:19) − # s! The coherent part of the spectrum, non-zero for ω <ω , is given by 0 f| | Ac(k,ω)=z δ[ω (E +η)] (20) k k − with the renormalized band energy E being the solution of k E =ξ +ReΣ(k,E +η), (21) k k k where ξ = W cosk, and the spectral weight takes the form k − W W dξ z−1 = 1+ f f(k,ξ,s) k (cid:12) 2π s≥1PZ−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 (cid:12) f X − (cid:12)(cid:12) fθ(ξq+η) θ( ξ η) f+ − − . (22) × (E sω ξ)2 (E +sω ξ)2 (cid:20) k− 0− k 0− (cid:21)(cid:12) (cid:12) The imaginary part of the self-energy, determining t(cid:12)he incoherent excitations, is (cid:12) non-zero only for ω >ω . Consequently, we get 0 | | W f∓(k,ξ,s) W ImΣ(k,ω ≶ ω )= θ( ω sω ) dξδ(ω sω η ξ), (23) ∓ 0 − 2 s≥1 ∓ − 0 (Xs±)12 Z−fW ± 0− − f X with f 2 ω sω η X± =1 ± 0− . (24) s − W (cid:18) (cid:19) Ifω >2W,foragivenω,onlyonetermofthesuminequation(23)contributes. The 0 f corresponding index σ is determined by the conditions f W θ( ω σω )=1 and dξδ(ω σω η ξ)=1 (25) 0 0 − Z−fW − − − or f W θ( ω σω )=1 and dξδ(ω+σω η ξ)=1. (26) 0 0 − − Z−fW − − f Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 6 The incoherent spectrum then consists of non-overlapping parts: Aic(k,ω ≶ ω )= W (Xσ±)21f∓(k,ω,σ) . (27) ∓ 0 2π 2 X±(ω ξ η ReΣ(k,ω))2+ Wf∓(k,ω,σ) f σ − k− − 2 (cid:20) (cid:16)f (cid:17) (cid:21) Here we have defined f±(k,ω,s)=f(k,ξ =ω sω η,s). (28) 0 ∓ − The polaron spectral function determines the equilibrium properties of the spinless HM in the SC regime. The photoemission spectra, however, are determined by the electron spectral function which is related to the retarded Green function containing electronic operators. According to the canonical Lang-Firsov transformation [20], which defines small polaron states, the relation between the polaronic operators c entering the Hamiltonian (1) with the coefficients (3), and i the transformed electron operators c , reads i c =exp[g(b† b )]c , c† =exp[ g(b† b )]c† (29) j j − j j j − j− j j or, in the Bloch representation, e 1 e e 1 c = e−ikRjexp[g(b† b )]c , c† = eikRjexp[ g(b† b )]c†. (30) k √N j − j j k √N − j − j j j j X X e We start our derivation of the relaetion between the polaronic and electronic spectra from the time-ordered Green function [26] for the (transformed) electron operators GT(k,t ,t )= i T c (t ) c†(t ) = i eikd T c (t )c† (t ) (31) 1 2 −h t k 1 k 2 i − h t j 1 j+d 2 i d X aend factorize the staetisticaleaverages with respecteto polearon and phonon variables GT(k,t1,t2)= eikdGT(t,d) Tteg[b†j(t)−bj(t)]e−g[b†j+d(0)−bj+d(0)] , (32) h i d X weheret=t t andGT(d,t)= i T c (t)c† (0) representsthetime-orderedGreen 1− 2 −h t j j+d i function of polaron operators fulfilling GT(d,t)=N−1 e−ik′dGT(k′,t), GT(k′,t)= i T c (t)c† (0) . (33) −h t k′ k′ i k′ X The averages over the phonon variables in equation (32) will be evaluated using mutually independent local Einstein oscillators having the time-dependence b (t) = j e−iω0tbj. Working in the low-temperature approximation we obtain GT(k,ω)=e−g2GT(k,ω)+e−g2 (g2)s 1 (34) s! N s≥1 X e ∞ 0 dtG>(k′,t)ei(ω−sω0+iǫ)t+ dtG<(k′,t)ei(ω+sω0−iǫ)t × k′ (cid:20)Z0 Z−∞ (cid:21) X with G>(k,t) = i c (t)c†(0) and G<(k,t) = i c†(0)c (t) , and the convergence −h k k i h k k i factor exp( ǫt), ǫ 0+. Introducing the generalized function ζ(ω) = [ω +iǫ]−1, − | | → ǫ 0+, we get → GT(k,ω)=e−g2GT(k,ω)+e−g2 (g2)s 1 ∞ dω′G>(k′,ω′) s! N s≥1 k′ (cid:20)Z−∞ X X e ∞ iζ(ω sω ω′) dω′G<(k′,ω′)iζ∗(ω+sω ω′) . (35) 0 0 × − − − − Z−∞ (cid:21) Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 7 The Green functions G≷(k,ω) are related to the polaron spectral function A (k,ω) p through G<(k,ω)=in (ω)A (k,ω), G>(k,ω)= i[1 n (ω)]A (k,ω). (36) F p F p − − At T =0, we have GT(k,ω)=e−g2GT(k,ω)+e−g2 (g2)s 1 ∞dω′A (k′,ω′)ζ(ω sω ω′) p 0 s! N − − s≥1 k′ (cid:20)Z0 X X e 0 + dω′A (k′,ω′)ζ∗(ω+sω ω′) . (37) p 0 − Z−∞ (cid:21) The relation between the time-ordered Green function GT(k,ω) and the associated retarded Green function GR(k,ω) in the low-temperature approximation reads ω ImGR(k,ω)= ImGT(k,ω) (38) ω | | and hence we obtain 1 ω A (k,ω)= ImGT(k,ω). (39) p −π ω | | Of course, equations (38) and (39) hold for the electron Green function as well. Consequently, the electron spectral function A (k,ω) is expressed in terms of the e polaron spectral function A (k,ω) as p A (k,ω)=e−g2A (k,ω)+e−g2 1 (g2)s e p N s! s≥1 X [A (k′,ω sω )θ(ω sω )+A (k′,ω+sω )θ( ω sω )] . (40) p 0 0 p 0 0 × − − − − k′ X Similar results have been derived before in [27,28]. 2.2.3. Intermediate coupling Asweshallseeinsection3,theresultsofthe WC(SC) approximation are in good agreement with numerical calculations [18,19] if λ,g 1 ≪ (λ,g 1). However, the cross-over between these limiting cases, revealed by the ≫ numericalcalculations,appearstobe outofreachforthe analyticalformulaehitherto deduced. To interpolate between WC and SC, we shall modify the method of canonical transformation by Lang and Firsov [20]. In the latter, the term of the HM (1) linear in the local oscillator coordinate x = x (b† +b ) is completely eliminated by the i 0 i i translational transformation U =exp[ gc†c (b† b )]. As a result, the local lattice i i i i − i oscillator at the site i is shifted by ∆x = 2x gc†c , if occupied by a charge carrier, Pi 0 i i whereas there is no such deformation at unoccupied sites. To generalize this picture, weabandonthesitelocalizationofboththechargecarrierandthelatticedeformation inthetransformation. Physically,theselocalizationswillbedestroyedwithincreasing hopping rate and charge-carrier concentration in the IC regime. Different canonical transformations,taking into accountcharge-density-waveorder at n=0.5, have been proposed, e.g., by Zheng et al [29]. However, in this approach, there is no filling dependence oftheir variationalparameterandofthe meanlattice deformation,which is crucial for a correct description of the adiabatic IC regime. The probability for the charge carrier to be found at a distance r r from j i | − | the center r of the polaron will be assumed to be proportional to exp( r r /R). i j i −| − | Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 8 In one dimension, and setting the lattice constant to unity, we use the normalized distribution p(j i)=e−|jR−i| tanh 1 . (41) | − | 2R Accordingly, the shift of the local oscillator with coordinate x is assumed to be i ∆x =2x gKc†c +2x gγ(1 c†c ) (42) i 0 i i 0 − i i with 1 K =tanh , γ =2Ke−R1n. (43) 2R The last term in equation (42), characterizing the mean lattice deformation background, takes into account the influence of nearest-neighbor sites only. The canonical transformation leading to the oscillator shift (42) reads U =exp g(γc†c +γ)(b† b ) , γ =K γ. (44) " i i i − i # − i X Carrying out the transformation U†HU = H for the Hamiltonian (1) with (2), the terms of H containing polaron operators are modified with the following coefficients [cf. equations (2) and (3)] e e Cii =gω0(1−γ)(b†i +bi), Chiji =te−γg(b†i−bi−b†j+bj). (45) Moreover,we have η = µ E [γ(2 γ)+2γ(1 γ)]. p − − − − Owing to numerical problems which occur in certain parameter regimes when using the full Hamiltonian with the coefficients (45), the variational parameter R of the transformation will be determined in the first approximation, which is analogous to the Hartree approximation. The corresponding polaron spectral function is given as A (k,ω) = δ[ω (ξ +η)], where ξ = Wcosk with W = W exp[ (γg)2], and p k k − − − η as defined above. R is then defined by the position of the minimum of the total energy per site E/N in the first approximatiofn, i.e., f E 1 W ξ+η = dξ θ( ξ η)+µn+E γ2, (46) p N πW Z−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 − − − with the condition for µ f q f f 1 W θ( ξ η) dξ − − =n. (47) πW Z−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 − f q The last term in efquation (46) arises in H from the lattice deformation background f at finite concentration n. Rdeterminedinthiswayforeachsetoefmodelparameterswillbeusedtocalculate boththeelectronandpolaronspectralfunction,takingintoaccountthemulti-phonon processes included in H [cf. equation (45)]. e Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 9 Using the same procedure as in the SC case, we calculate the self-energy and spectral function at T =0, finding W W dξ ReΣ(k,ω)= f(k,ξ,s) 2π s≥1PZ−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 f X − θf(ξq+η) θ( ξ η) f+ − − × ω sω (ξ+η) ω+sω (ξ+η) (cid:20) − 0− 0− (cid:21) E W dξ ξ p 2γ(1 γ) +cosk − − π PZ−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 (cid:18)W (cid:19) − θ(ξ+η) f q θ( ξ η) −f− f × ω ω (ξ+η) − ω+ω (ξ+η) (cid:20) − 0− 0− (cid:21) E ω W dξ +(1 γ)2 p 0 − πW PZ−fW 1 (ξ/W)2 − θ(ξ+η) f q θ( ξ η) f + −f− (48) × ω ω (ξ+η) ω+ω (ξ+η) (cid:20) − 0− 0− (cid:21) and W f∓(k,ω,s) W ImΣ(k,ω ≶ ω )= θ( ω sω ) dξδ(ω sω η ξ) ∓ 0 − 2 s≥1 ∓ − 0 (Xs±)12 Z−fW ± 0− − f X ∓2γ(1−γ)Ep(X1±)−12 ω±Wω0−η +cosfk (cid:18) (cid:19) W θ( ω ω0) dξδ(ω fω0 η ξ) × ∓ − Z−fW ± − − E ω W −(1−γ)2 Wp 0(Xf1±)−12θ(∓ω−ω0)Z−fW dξδ(ω±ω0−η−ξ). (49) Here W = We−(γg)2 and f, f± are defined as in equations (19) and (28) but with g f f replacedbygγ. NotethattheaboveequationsreproducethecorrespondingSCresults in theflimit R=0 (γ =1), and also the WC ones in the limit R= (γ =0). ∞ Thecoherentspectrumisagaingivenbyequations(20)and(21),withthespectral weight z−1 = 1 [∂ReΣ(k,ω)/∂ω] , (50) k | − ω=Ek+η| whereas the incoherent part takes the familiar form 1 ImΣ(k,ω) Aic(k,ω)= . (51) e −π[ω (ξ +η) ReΣ(k,ω)]2+[ImΣ(k,ω)]2 k − − Finally, equation (40), which determines the relation between the electronic and polaronic spectral functions, also applies to the present case if g is replaced by gγ throughout. 3. Numerical results As in section 2.2, we first discuss the WC and SC limits, before turning to the important IC regime. Since we use a finite number of momenta k, it is not possible Spectral functions of the spinless Holstein model 10 AAiicc((kk,,ωω)),, Ac(k,ω) AAiicc((kk,,ωω)),, Ac(k,ω) (a) n=0.1 (b) n=0.2 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 k / π k / π 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 ω / t ω / t AAiicc((kk,,ωω)),, Ac(k,ω) AAiicc((kk,,ωω)),, Ac(k,ω) (c) n=0.3 (d) n=0.4 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 k / π k / π 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 ω / t ω / t Figure1. (colouronline)Coherent(Ac,----)andincoherent(Aic,——)parts of the spectral function in the weak-coupling approximation for different band fillingsn. Hereω0/t=0.4andEp/t=0.1. to tune the band filling n (via the chemical potential µ) to a specific, desired value with arbitrary accuracy. In order to simplify the discussion of the different density regimes, we therefore report rounded values of n in the figures and the text. The largest deviations of the actual n from the value reported occur in the SC case for which, however,the density dependence is very weak (see section 3.2). 3.1. Weak coupling Figures 1–3 show the electronic spectral function A(k,ω) obtained from the WC approximation. The coherent spectrum (ImΣ 0) is given as the solution of ≡ equations (10)–(12) with energies E µ < ω . For ω > ω , Aic, calculated k 0 0 | − | | | according to equations (13) and (14), consists of peaks having widths proportional to E . A comparison of figures 1 (a) and 2(a) shows the spreading of the coherent p spectrum with increasing ω . Finally, comparing figure 1(d) [2(b)] with figure 3(a) 0 [3(b)], we observe a broadening of the peaks in Aic with increasing E . p The evolution of the spectral function with increasing carrier density n is illustrated in figure 1(a)–(d). The coherent part is shifted inside the spectrum as a function of n (i.e., with µ). Additionally, the shape of Aic is also affected by n, due to the dependence of equations (13) and (14) on the chemical potential µ. In figure 4, we plot the total spectral weight dk dωA(k,ω), as well as the coherent weight dk dωAc(k,ω). Note that for any E > 0, the coherent band E p k R R is restricted to the interval [ ω ,ω ], so that the corresponding coherent weight is 0 0 R R −

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