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Preview Spectral Estimates of the $p$-Laplace Neumann operator and Brennan's Conjecture

SPECTRAL ESTIMATES OF THE p-LAPLACE NEUMANN OPERATOR AND BRENNAN’S CONJECTURE 7 1 V.GOL’DSHTEIN,V.PCHELINTSEV,A.UKHLOV 0 2 Abstract. In this paper we obtain estimates for the first nontrivial eigen- n valueofthep-LaplaceNeumannoperatorinboundedsimplyconnectedplanar a domains Ω ⊂ R2. This study is based on a quasiconformal version of the J universal weightedPoincaré-Sobolevinequalitiesobtainedinourprevious pa- 8 pers for conformal weights. The suggested weights in the present paper are 1 Jacobians of quasiconformal mappings. The main technical tool is the the- ory of composition operators in relation with the Brennan’s Conjecture for ] P (quasi)conformal mappings. A . h t 1. Introduction a m In this paper we obtain lower estimates for the first nontrivial eigenvalue of the [ p-Laplace Neumann operator with the Neumann boundary condition 1 div( up 2 u)=µ up 2u in Ω − p − v − |∇ | ∇ | | 3 (∂u =0 on ∂Ω, ∂n 4 in a bounded simply connected planar domain Ω R2. The weak statement of 1 ⊂ 5 this spectral problem is as follows: a function u solves the previous problem iff 0 u W1(Ω) and ∈ p . 1 0 ˆ (|∇u(x)|p−2∇u(x)·∇v(x))dx =µpˆ |u(x)|p−2u(x)v(x)dx 7 Ω Ω 1 v: for all v ∈Wp1(Ω). WedemonstratethatintegrabilityofJacobiansofquasiconformalmappingsper- i X mit us to obtain lowerestimates of the first non-trivialeigenvalue µ(1)(Ω) in terms p r of Sobolev norms of a quasiconformal mapping of the unit disc D onto Ω. So, we a can conclude that µ(1)(Ω) depends on the quasiconformal geometry of Ω: p Theorem A.Let Ω R2 be a K-quasiconformal α-regular domain and ϕ:Ω ⊂ → D be a K-quasiconformal mapping. Suppose that the Brennan’s Conjecture holds. Then for every 4K α(2K 1)+2 p max , − ,2 ∈ 2K+1 αK (cid:18) (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:19) the following estimate 1 µ(p1)(Ω) ≤KkJϕ−1 |Lα2(D)kqin∈fInBpαα−p2,q(D)k|Dϕ−1|p−2 |Lp−qq(D)ko 0 Key words and phrases: ellipticequations, Sobolevspaces,quasiconformalmappings. 0 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35P15,46E35, 30C65. 1 SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 2 holds. Here I = [1,2p/(4K (2K 1)p)) and B (D) is the best constant in the r,q − − corresponding(r,q)-Poincaré-Sobolevinequalityintheunitdisc Dforr =αp/(α − 2). Let us give few detailed comments to the theorem: 1.1 K-quasiconformal α-regular domains. Recall that a homeomorphism ϕ : Ω Ω between planar domains is called K-quasiconformal if it preserves → orientation, belongs to the Sobolev class W1 (Ω) and its directional derivatives 2,loc ∂ satisfy tehe distortion inequality α max ∂ ϕ Kmin ∂ ϕ a.e. in Ω. α α α | |≤ α | | The notionof conformalregulardomains wasintroducedin [7] andwasused for study conformal spectral stability of the Laplace operator. In the present work we introduce the more general notion of quasiconformal regular domains. A simply connected planar domain Ω R2 is called a K-quasiconformal α- ⊂ regular domain if there exists a K-quasiconformalmapping ϕ:Ω D such that → J(y,ϕ−1) α2 dy < for some α>2. ˆ | | ∞ D The domain Ω R2 is called a K-quasiconformal regular domain if it is a K- ⊂ quasiconformalα-regular domain for some α>2. Note that class of quasiconformal regular domain includes the class of Gehring domains [2] and can be described in terms of quasihyperbolic geometry [20]. Remark 1.1. The notion of quasiconformal α-regular domain is more general then the notion of conformal α-regular domain. Consider, for example, the unit square Q R2. Then Q is a conformal α-regular domain for 2 < α 4 [16] and is a ⊂ ≤ quasiconformal α-regular domain for all 2 < α because the unit square Q is ≤ ∞ quasiisometrically equivalent to the unit disc D. Remark 1.2. Because ϕ : Ω D is a quasiconformal mapping, then integrability → of the derivative is equivalent to integrability of the Jacobian: J(y,ϕ−1) α2 dy Dϕ−1(y)α dy Kα2 J(y,ϕ−1) α2 dy. ˆ | | ≤ˆ | | ≤ ˆ | | D D D 1.2 Brennan’s Conjecture. WecanconcludefromthetheoremAthatBren- nan’s Conjecture leads to the spectral estimates of the p-Laplace operator in qua- siconformal α-regular domains Ω R2. ⊂ Generalized Brennan’s Conjecture for quasiconformalmappings [22] states that 4K 2Kβ (1.1) Dϕ(x)β dx<+ , for all <β < 0 . ˆ | | ∞ 2K+1 (K 1)β +2 0 − Ω If K = 1 we have Brennan’s conjecture for conformal mappings [6] which is proved for β (4/3,β ), where β =3.752 [18]. 0 0 ∈ 1.3 Historical sketch. In 1961 G.Polya [25] obtained upper estimates for eigenvaluesofNeumann-Laplaceoperatorinso-calledplane-coveringdomains. Namely, SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 3 for the first eigenvalue: µ(1)(Ω) 4π Ω 1. 2 ≤ | |− The lowerestimates forthe µ(1)(Ω) wereknownbeforeonly forconvexdomains. p Inthe classicalwork[26] itwasprovedthat ifΩ is convexwithdiameter d(Ω) (see, also [8, 9, 28]), then π2 (1.2) µ(1)(Ω) . 2 ≥ d(Ω)2 In [8] was proved that if Ω Rn is a bounded convex domain having diameter ⊂ d then for p 2 ≥ p π µ(1)(Ω) p p ≥ d(Ω) (cid:18) (cid:19) where 1 (p 1)p − dt (p 1)p1 π =2 =2π − . p ˆ (1 tp/(p 1))p1 psin(π/p) 0 − − In the case of non-convex domains in [17] was proved that if Ω R2 be a con- ⊂ formalα-regular domain then for every p (max 4/3,(α+2)/α ,2) the following ∈ { } inequality holds 1 µ(1)(Ω) ≤ p q∈[1,2ipn/f(4−p))nBpαα−p2,q(D)·kDϕ−1|p−2|Lp−qq(D)kokDϕ−1||Lα(D)k2. The first non-trivial eigenvalue of the Neumann boundary problem for the p- Laplaceoperatorµ(p1)(Ω)−p1 isequaltothebestconstantBp,p(Ω)(see,forexample, [5]) in the p-Poincaré-Sobolev inequality inf f c L (Ω) B (Ω) f L (Ω) , f W1(Ω). c R|| − | p ||≤ p,p ||∇ | p || ∈ p ∈ 1.4Methods. Thesuggestedmethodisbasedonthecompositionoperatorsthe- ory in relationwith Brennan’s Conjecture that allows to obtain universalweighted Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities in any simple connected domain Ω = R2 for quasi- 6 conformalweights h(x):= J(x,ϕ) generatedby quasiconformalhomeomorphisms | | ϕ : Ω D (Theorem 4.1). In quasiconformal regular domains these weighted in- → equalities imply non-weighted Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities. This method based on the theory of composition operators[27, 32] and its applications to the Sobolev type embedding theorems [11, 12]. The following diagram illustrates this idea: W1(Ω) ϕ∗ W1(D) p −→ q ↓ ↓ L (Ω) (ϕ−1)∗ L (D). s r ←− Heretheoperatorϕ definedbythecompositionruleϕ (f)=f ϕisabounded ∗ ∗ ◦ composition operator on Sobolev spaces induced by a homeomorphism ϕ of Ω and D and the operator (ϕ 1) defined by the composition rule (ϕ 1) (f) = f ϕ 1 − ∗ − ∗ − ◦ SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 4 is a bounded composition operator on Lebesgue spaces. This method allows to transferPoincaré-Sobolevinequalitiesfromregulardomains(forexample,fromthe unit disc D) to Ω. Theorem B.Let Ω R2 be a K-quasiconformal α-regular domain and ϕ:Ω ⊂ → D be a K-quasiconformal mapping. Suppose that the Brennan’s Conjecture holds. Then for every 4K α(2K 1)+2 p max , − ,2 ∈ 2K+1 αK (cid:18) (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:19) the p-Poincaré-Sobolev inequality inf f c L (Ω) B (Ω) f L (Ω) , f W1(Ω), c R|| − | p ||≤ p,p ||∇ | p || ∈ p ∈ holds with the constant Bpp,p(Ω)≤qin∈fI(cid:26)Bpαα−p2,q(D)·K |Dϕ−1|p−2 |Lp−qq(D) · Jϕ−1 |Lα2(D) (cid:27). (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Remark 1.3. In the Introduction we formulate main results under the assump- tions that the Brennanś conjecture holds true 4K/(2K+1) < β < 4K/(2K 1). − In the main part of the paper we proved main results for 4K/(2K +1) < β < 2Kβ /(β (K 1)+2) for β that is a recent value for which the Brennanś conjec- 0 0 0 − ture is proved. The next main theorem establish a connection between Brennan’s Conjecture and composition operators on Sobolev spaces: Theorem C.Let Ω R2 be a simply connected domain. Generalized Brennan’s ⊂ Conjecture holds for a number β (4K/(2K +1), 4K/(2K 1)) if and only if ∈ − any K-quasiconformal homeomorphism ϕ : Ω D induces a bounded composition → operator ϕ :L1(D) L1(Ω) ∗ p → q for any p (2,+ ) and q =pβ/(p+β 2). ∈ ∞ − IntherecentworkswestudycompositionoperatorsonSobolevspacesdefinedon planar domains in connection with the conformal mappings theory [13]. This con- nectionleadstoweightedSobolevembeddings[14,15]withtheuniversalconformal weights. Another application of conformal composition operators was given in [7] wherethespectralstabilityproblemforconformalregulardomainswasconsidered. 2. Composition operators and quasiconformal mappings InthissectionwerecallbasicfactsaboutcompositionoperatorsonLebesgueand Sobolev spaces and the quasiconformal mappings theory. Let Ω Rn, n 2, be ⊂ ≥ a n-dimensional Euclidean domain. For any 1 p < we consider the Lebesgue ≤ ∞ space L (Ω) of measurable functions f :Ω R equipped with the following norm: p → 1 p f L (Ω) = f(x)pdx < . k | p k ˆ | | ∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) Ω The following theorem about composition operators on Lebesgue spaces is well known (see, for example [32]): SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 5 Theorem 2.1. Let ϕ : Ω Ω be a weakly differentiable homeomorphism between → two domains Ω and Ω. Then the composition operator e ϕ :L (Ω) L (Ω), 1 s r < , ∗ r s e → ≤ ≤ ∞ is bounded, if and only if ϕ 1 possesses the Luzin N-property and − e r s r r−s ˆ |J(y,ϕ−1)| r−s dy =K <∞, 1≤s<r <∞, (cid:18)e (cid:19) Ω (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 esssup J(y,ϕ 1) s =K < , 1 s=r < . − e | | ∞ ≤ ∞ y Ω ∈ (cid:0) (cid:1) The norm of the composition operator ϕ =K. ∗ k k We consider the Sobolev space W1(Ω), 1 p< , as a Banach space of locally p ≤ ∞ integrable weakly differentiable functions f : Ω R equipped with the following → norm: 1 1 p p f W1(Ω) = f(x)pdx + f(x)pdx . k | p k ˆ | | ˆ |∇ | (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Ω Ω Recall that the Sobolev space W1(Ω) coincides with the closer of the space of p smooth functions C (Ω) in the norm of W1(Ω). ∞ p WeconsideralsothehomogeneousseminormedSobolevspaceL1(Ω),1 p< , p ≤ ∞ of locally integrable weakly differentiable functions f : Ω R equipped with the → following seminorm: 1 p f L1(Ω) = f(x)pdx . k | p k ˆ |∇ | (cid:18) (cid:19) Ω Recall that the embedding operator i:L1(Ω) L (Ω) is bounded. p → 1,loc By the standard definition functions of L1(Ω) are defined only up to a set of p measure zero, but they can be redefined quasieverywhere i. e. up to a set of p- capacity zero. Indeed, every function u L1(Ω) has a unique quasicontinuous ∈ p representation u˜ L1(Ω). A function u˜ is termed quasicontinuous if for any ε>0 ∈ p there is an open set U such that the p-capacity of U is less then ε and on the set ε ε Ω U the function u˜ is continuous (see, for example [19, 24]). ε \ Let Ω and Ω be domains in Rn. We say that a homeomorphism ϕ : Ω Ω → induces a bounded composition operator e e ϕ :L1(Ω) L1(Ω), 1 q p , ∗ p → q ≤ ≤ ≤∞ by the compositionrule ϕ (f)=f ϕ, if the compositionϕ (f) L1(Ω) is defined ∗ e ◦ ∗ ∈ q quasi-everywherein Ω and there exists a constant K (Ω)< such that p,q ∞ kϕ∗(f)|L1q(Ω)k≤Kp,q(Ω)kf |L1p(Ω)k for any function f L1(Ω) [33]. ∈ p e Let Ω Rn be an open set. A mapping ϕ : Ω Rn belongs to L1 (Ω), ⊂ → p,loc 1 p , if its coordeinate functions ϕ belong to L1 (Ω), j = 1,...,n. In ≤ ≤ ∞ j p,loc this case the formal Jacobi matrix Dϕ(x) = ∂ϕi(x) , i,j = 1,...,n, and its ∂xj determinant (Jacobian) J(x,ϕ) = detDϕ(x) ar(cid:16)e well d(cid:17)efined at almost all points SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 6 x Ω. The norm Dϕ(x) of the matrix Dϕ(x) is the norm of the corresponding ∈ | | linear operator Dϕ(x):Rn Rn defined by the matrix Dϕ(x). → Let ϕ:Ω Ω be weakly differentiable in Ω. The mapping ϕ is the mapping of → finite distortion if Dϕ(z) =0 for almost all x Z = z Ω:J(x,ϕ)=0 . | | ∈ { ∈ } A mapping ϕe: Ω Rn possesses the Luzin N-property if a image of any set → of measure zero has measure zero. Mote that any Lipschitz mapping possesses the Luzin N-property. The following theorem gives the analytic description of composition operators on Sobolev spaces: Theorem 2.2. [27, 32] A homeomorphism ϕ:Ω Ω between two domains Ω and → Ω induces a bounded composition operator e e ϕ∗ :L1p(Ω)→L1q(Ω), 1≤q <p<∞, if and only if ϕ W1 (Ω), haes finite distortion, and ∈ 1,loc p q q p−q Dϕ(x)p p q K (Ω)= | | − dx < . p,q ˆ J(x,ϕ)  ∞ (cid:18)| |(cid:19) Ω   Recall that a homeomorphismϕ:Ω Ω is called a K-quasiconformalmapping → if ϕ W1 (Ω) and there exists a constant 1 K < such that ∈ n,loc ≤ ∞ e Dϕ(x)n K J(x,ϕ) for almost all x Ω. | | ≤ | | ∈ Quasiconformalmappings havea finite distortion,i.e. Dϕ(x)=0 for almostall points x that belongs to set Z = x Ω : J(x,ϕ) = 0 and any quasiconformal { ∈ } mapping possesses Luzin N-property. A mapping which is inverse to a quasicon- formal mapping is also quasiconformal. If ϕ : Ω Ω is a K-quasiconformal mapping then ϕ is differentiable almost → everywhere in Ω and e ϕ(B(x,r)) J(x,ϕ) =J (x):= lim | | for almost all x Ω. ϕ | | r 0 B(x,r) ∈ → | | Note, that a homeomorphism ϕ:Ω Ω is a K-quasiconformal mapping if and → onlyifϕgeneratesbythecompositionruleϕ (f)=f ϕanisomorphismofSobolev ∗ ◦ spaces L1(Ω) and L1(Ω): e n n K−n1kfe|L1n(Ω)k≤kϕ∗f |L1n(Ω)k≤Kn1kf |L1n(Ω)k for any f L1(Ω) [29]. e e ∈ n Compositions of Sobolev functions of the spaces L1(Ω), p = n, with quasicon- p ′ 6 formal mappingsewas studied also in [21]. For any planar K-quasiconformal homeomorphism ϕ : Ω Ω, the following → sharp results is known: J(x,ϕ) L (Ω) for any α <K/(K 1) ([1]). α ,loc ∗ ∈ ∗ − If K 1 then 1-quasiconformal homeomorphisms are conformael mappings and ≡ in the space Rn, n 3, are exhausted byeMöbius transformations. ≥ SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 7 3. Composition operators and Brennan’s Conjecture Brennan’s Conjecture [6] is that if ϕ : Ω D is a conformal mappings of a → simply connected planar domain Ω, Ω=R2, onto the unit disc D then 6 4 (3.1) ϕ(x)β dx<+ , for all <β <4. ′ ˆ | | ∞ 3 Ω For 4/3<s<3, it is a comparatively easy consequence of the Koebe distortion theorem(see,forexample,[4]). J.Brennan[6](1973)extendedthis rangeto4/3< s < 3+δ, where δ > 0, and conjectured it to hold for 4/3 < s < 4. The example of Ω=C ( , 1/4] shows that this range of s cannot be extended. \ −∞ − Brennan’s Conjecture proved for β (4/3,β ), were β =3.752 [18]. Brennan’s 0 0 ∈ Conjectureforquasiconformalmappingswasconsideredin[22]. In[22]wasproved, that if ϕ:Ω D be a K-quasiconformalmapping, then → 4K 2Kβ (3.2) Dϕ(x)β dx<+ , for all <β < 0 . ˆ | | ∞ 2K+1 (K 1)β +2 0 − Ω Here β is the proved upper bound for Brennan’s Conjecture. 0 Now we prove, that Generalized Brennan’s Conjecture leads to boundedness of composition operators on Sobolev spaces generates by quasiconformal mappings. Theorem C.Let Ω R2 be a simply connected domain. Generalized Brennan’s ⊂ Conjectureholds foranumberβ (4K/(2K+1), 2Kβ /(β (K 1)+2))ifandonly 0 0 ∈ − ifanyK-quasiconformalhomeomorphismϕ:Ω Dinducesaboundedcomposition → operator ϕ :L1(D) L1(Ω) ∗ p → q for any p (2,+ ) and q =pβ/(p+β 2). ∈ ∞ − Proof. By the composition theorem [27, 32] a homeomorphism ϕ:Ω D induces → a bounded composition operator ϕ :L1(D) L1(Ω), 1 q <p< . ∗ p → q ≤ ∞ if and only if ϕ W1 (Ω), has finite distortion and ∈ 1,loc p q q p−q Dϕ(x)p p q K (Ω)= | | − dx < . p,q ˆ J(x,ϕ)  ∞ (cid:18)| |(cid:19) Ω   Becauseϕisaquasiconformalmapping,thenϕ W1 (Ω)andJacobianJ(x,ϕ)= ∈ n,loc 6 0 for almost all x Ω. Hence the p-dilatation ∈ Dϕ(x)p K (x)= | | p J(x,ϕ) | | is well defined for almost all x Ω and so ϕ is a mapping of finite distortion. ∈ By Brennan’s Conjecture 4K 2Kβ Dϕ(x)β dx<+ , for all <β < 0 . ˆ | | ∞ 2K+1 (K 1)β +2 0 − Ω SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 8 Then q q pq Dϕ(x)p p q Dϕ(x)2 p q Kpp,−qq(Ω)=ˆ |J(x,ϕ)| − dx=ˆ |J(x,ϕ)| |Dϕ(x)|p−2 − dx (cid:18)| |(cid:19) (cid:18)| | (cid:19) Ω Ω ≤Kp−qq ˆ |Dϕ(x)|p−2 p−qq dx=Kp−qq ˆ |Dϕ(x)|β dx<∞, Ω (cid:0) (cid:1) Ω for β =(p 2)q/(p q). Hence we have a bounded composition operator − − ϕ :L1(D) L1(Ω) ∗ p → q for any p (2,+ ) and q =pβ/(p+β 2). ∈ ∞ − Let us check that q <p. Because p >2 we have that p+β 2>β > 0 and so − β/(p+β 2)<1. Hence we obtain q <p. − Now, let the composition operator ϕ :L1(D) L1(Ω), q <p, ∗ p → q isboundedforanyp (2,+ )andq =pβ/(p+β 2). Then,usingtheHadamard ∈ ∞ − inequality: J(x,ϕ) Dϕ(x)2 for almost all x Ω, | |≤| | ∈ and Theorem 2.2, we have q Dϕ(x)β dx= Dϕ(x) (pp−2q)q dx |Dϕ(x)|p p−q dx<+ . ˆ | | ˆ | | − ≤ˆ J(x,ϕ) ∞ (cid:18)| |(cid:19) Ω Ω Ω (cid:3) The suggested approach to the Poincaré-Sobolev type inequalities in bounded planar domains Ω R2 is based on translation of these inequalities from the unit ⊂ disc D to Ω. On this way we use the following duality [31]: Theorem 3.1. Let a homeomorphism ϕ : Ω Ω, Ω,Ω R2, generates by the ′ ′ → ⊂ composition rule ϕ (f)=f ϕ a bounded composition operator ∗ ◦ ϕ :L1(Ω) L1(Ω), 1<q p< , ∗ p ′ → q ≤ ∞ thentheinversemappingϕ 1 :Ω Ωgeneratesbythecompositionrule(ϕ 1) (g)= − ′ − ∗ → g ϕ 1 a bounded composition operator − ◦ 1 1 1 1 (ϕ−1)∗ :L1q′(Ω)→L1p′(Ω′), q + q =1,p + p =1. ′ ′ From Theorem C and Theorem 3.1 immediately follow Theorem 3.2: Theorem 3.2. Let Ω R2 be a simply connected domain and ϕ : Ω D be a ⊂ → K-quasiconformal homeomorphism. Suppose that p (2Kβ /((K+1)β 2),2). 0 0 ∈ − Then the inverse mapping ϕ 1 induces a bounded composition operator − (ϕ 1) :L1(Ω) L1(D) − ∗ p → q for any q such that (2β 4)p 2p 0 1 q − < . ≤ ≤ 2Kβ ((K 1)β +2)p 4K (2K 1)p 0 0 − − − − SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 9 The inequality p q p−q (3.3) ||(ϕ−1)∗f|L1q(D)||≤Kp1 ˆ |Dϕ−1(y)|(pp−−2q)qdy ||f|L1p(Ω)|| D   holds for any function f L1(Ω). ∈ p Proof. By Theorem C we have a bounded composition operator ϕ :L1 (D) L1 (Ω) ∗ q′ → p′ for q (2,+ ) and p =q β/(q +β 2). ′ ′ ′ ′ ∈ ∞ − Then, by Brennan’s Conjecture, p (2,2Kβ /((K 1)β +2)). Now using ′ 0 0 ∈ − Theorem 3.1 we have p 2Kβ ′ 0 p= ,2 . p 1 ∈ (K+1)β 2 ′− (cid:18) 0− (cid:19) Since p q β ′ ′ p= = , p 1 q β (q +β+2) ′− ′ − ′ we obtain by direct calculations that (4 2β )p 0 q′ = − . 2Kβ ((K+1)β 2)p 0 0 − − By Theorem 3.1 q =q /(q 1) and q p. By elementary calculations ′ ′ − ≤ (2β 4)p 2p 0 1 q − < . ≤ ≤ 2Kβ ((K 1)β +2)p 4K (2K 1)p 0 0 − − − − Now we provethe inequality (3.3). Let f L1(Ω) C (Ω). Then the composi- ∈ p ∩ ∞ tion g =(ϕ 1) (f) L1 (D) [30]. Hence, using Theorem 2.2 we obtain − ∗ ∈ 1,loc p q q p−q Dϕ 1(y)p p q g L1(D) | − | − dy f L1(Ω) || | q ||≤ˆ J(y,ϕ 1)  || | p || D (cid:18)| − |(cid:19)   p q q p−q Dϕ 1(y)2 Dϕ 1(y)p 2 p q = | − | ·| − | − − dy f L1(Ω) ˆ J(y,ϕ 1)  || | p || D (cid:18) | − | (cid:19)   p q p−q ≤Kp1 ˆ |Dϕ−1(y)|(pp−−2q)qdy ||f|L1p(Ω)||. D   Approximating an arbitrary function f L1(Ω) by smooth functions [31, 32], we obtain the required inequality. ∈ p (cid:3) 4. Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities Weighted Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities. Let Ω R2 be a planar domain ⊂ and let v : Ω R be a real valued function, v > 0 a. e. in Ω. We consider the → SPECTRAL PROPERTIES 10 weighted Lebesgue space L (Ω,v), 1 p < , of measurable functions f :Ω R p ≤ ∞ → with the finite norm 1 p f L (Ω,v) := f(x)pv(x)dx < . k | p k ˆ | |  ∞ Ω   It is a Banach space for the norm f L (Ω,v) . p k | k Using Theorem 3.2 we prove Theorem 4.1. Suppose that Ω R2 is a simply connected domain and h(x) = ⊂ J(x,ϕ) is the quasiconformal weight defined by a K-quasiconformal homeomor- | | phism ϕ:Ω D.Then for every p (2Kβ /((K+1)β 2),2) and every function 0 0 → ∈ − f W1(Ω), the inequality ∈ p 1 1 r p inf f(x) crh(x)dx B (Ω,h) f(x)pdx c Rˆ | − |  ≤ r,p ˆ |∇ |  ∈ Ω Ω     holds for any r such that p 2β 4 0 1 r < − ≤ 2 p · Kβ 0 − with the constant B (Ω,h) inf K (D) B (D) . r,p p,q r,q ≤q [1,2p/(4K (2K 1)p)){ · } ∈ − − HereB (D)isthebestconstantinthe(non-weeight)Poincaré-Sobolevinequality r,q in the unit disc D R2 and ⊂ p q p−q Kp,q(D)=Kp1 ˆ |Dϕ−1(y)|(pp−−2q)qdy . D e   Proof. By conditions of the theorem there exists a K-quasiconformal mapping ϕ: Ω D such that → 4K 2Kβ Dϕ(x)β dx<+ , for all <β < 0 . ˆ | | ∞ 2K+1 (K 1)β +2 0 − Ω By Theorem 3.2, if (2β 4)p 2p 0 (4.1) 1 q − < ≤ ≤ 2Kβ ((K 1)β +2)p 4K (2K 1)p 0 0 − − − − then the inequality (4.2) (f ϕ 1) L (D) K (D) f L (Ω) − q p,q p ||∇ ◦ | ||≤ ||∇ | || holds for every function f L1(Ω). ∈ p e Let f L1(Ω) C1(Ω). Then the function g = f ϕ 1 is defined almost ∈ p ∩ ◦ − everywhereinDandbelongstotheSobolevspaceL1(D)[30]. Hence,bytheSobolev q embedding theorem g =f ϕ 1 W1,q(D) [24] and the classicalPoincaré-Sobolev − ◦ ∈ inequality, (4.3) inf f ϕ 1 c L (D) B (D) (f ϕ 1) L (D) − r r,q − q c R|| ◦ − | ||≤ ||∇ ◦ | || ∈

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