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Preview Spectral Analysis of RXTE Observations of A3667

February 2, 2008 Spectral Analysis of RXTE Observations of A3667 Yoel Rephaeli1,2, and Duane Gruber3 4 1Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, 0 0 CA92093-0424 2 2School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel n a 34789 Panorama Drive, San Diego CA 92116 J 5 1 1 v 2 ABSTRACT 1 3 1 X-ray emission from the cluster of galaxies A3667 was measured by 0 4 the PCA and HEXTE experiments aboard the RXTE satellite during 0 ∼ / the period December 2001 - July 2002. Analysis of the 141 ks RXTE h p observation and lower energy ASCA/GIS data, yields only marginal ev- - o idence for a secondary power-law emission component in the spectrum. r t s The 90% confidence upper limit on nonthermal emission in the 15-35 a : keV band is determined to be 2.6 × 10−12 erg-cm−2 s−1. When com- v i bined with the measured radio flux and spectral index of the dominant X r region of extended radio emission, this upper limit implies a lower limit a ∼ of 0.4µ G on the mean, volume-averaged, intracluster magnetic field in A3667. Subject headings: Galaxies: clusters: general — galaxies: clusters: in- dividual (A2256) — galaxies: magnetic fields — radiation mechanisms: non-thermal 1 1. Introduction (Rephaeli, Gruber & Blanco 1999, Fusco- Femianoetal.1999,Rephaeli&Gruber2002), The spectral and spatial resolutions of cur- A2256 (Fusco-Femiano et al.2000, Rephaeli rent X-ray satellites allow a more realistic de- & Gruber 2003), A2319 (Gruber & Rephaeli scription of gas properties and a search for 2002),A119&A754(Fusco-Femianoetal.2003a), new phenomena in clusters of galaxies. Spec- andinthemoderatelydistantclusterRXJ0658- tral diagnostics alone can reveal the presence 5557 (Petrosian 2003). However, the claimed of a second spectral component that may in- NT emission in A754 could possibly be from dicate either a more complex temperature a radio galaxy (Henriksen, Hudson & Tittley distribution than a simple isothermal (with 2003). its associated primary thermal emission), or Results of two different analyses of a sec- an appreciable energetic electron population ond BeppoSAX observation of Coma were that radiates non-thermally. Clearly deter- reported very recently: According to Ros- mining that the gas is non-isothermal is im- setti & Molendi (2003), the full PDS dataset portant for a more precise description of IC ∼ (with a total on-source exposure of 166 gas properties, evolution, and for estimation ks) no longer shows significant evidence for of the cluster total mass, as well as for our a NT component, a claim that is disputed ability to use the gasasa more precise cosmo- by Fusco-Femiano et al.(2003b). Analysis of logicalprobe. Thedetectionofanappreciable the same data by the latter authors yields a level of non-thermal (NT) emission in clus- very significant NT compoent at a level that ters with measured extended regions of radio is only slightly lower than originally reported emission (e.g.,, Rephaeli 1977, 1979) is also by Fusco-Femiano et al.(1999). very important as an essential second observ- Since NT electron populations have a wide ablewhichisneeded inorder todetermine the energy range, their emission couldpossibly be strength of magnetic fields, and for estimat- detected also in the EUV range. It has been ing densities andenergy content ofrelativistic claimed that low energy emission observed in electrons (and protons). a few clusters by ROSAT and, in particular, While considerable work is being done to − by the EUVE (in the 65 245 eV band), is investigate the temperature structure of intr- in excess of what is predicted from thermal acluster gas, relatively few searches for non- emission by IC gas, and that the excess emis- thermal(NT)emissionwerecarriedout. These sion is NT (e.g.,, Lieu et al.1996, Sarazin & began with archivel analysis of HEAO-1 data Lieu 1998, Bowyer et al.1999, 2003). Due to (Rephaeli,Gruber&Rothschild1987,Rephaeli the very limited spectral range of the EUVE & Gruber 1988), and continued with CGRO measurements this identification is uncertain. (Rephaeli, Ulmer & Gruber 1994) and ASCA Analysis of line and continuum XMM mea- (Henriksen 1999) observations, yielding only surements of soft emission from a sample upper limits on spectral power-law compo- of clusters seems to suggest that the excess nents. The improved sensitivity and wide emission is thermal emission from warm gas spectral band of the RXTE and BeppoSAX (Kaastra et al.2003). allowed a more detailed spectral analysis of The number of clusters observed at high long exposure measurements that resulted in (> 30 keV) energies is only a small fraction significant evidence for NT emission in Coma 2 of the ∼ 40 clusters in which extended radio sults in 141 ks of screened PCA data, spaced emission has already been measured. It is of irregularly over the observing period. These considerableinteresttoenlargethesmallsam- were collected in two of the 5 detectors. For ple in order to begin a more systematic study the HEXTE, which beam-switches observa- of NT phenomena in clusters. Here we report tions with 32-second dwells between source the results of an analysis of ∼ 141 ks RXTE and background fields, and has in addition observation of the ‘merging’ cluster A3667. about 50% detector dead time, the net obser- vation time was 54.6 ks with each of the two 2. Observations and Spectral Analysis clusters. A systematic error of 0.8% per en- ergy channel was added in quadrature to the A3667, a rich southern cluster at z = statistical error of the PCA data; no system- 0.055,hasabimodalgalaxydistribution,large atic error was used with HEXTE data. On velocity dispersion, distorted X-ray morphol- timescales oftwo weeks orlonger, thelimitto ogy, and complex extended regions of radio variability observed with PCA was less than emission(e.g.,,Rottgeringet al.1997). These 1%. Becauseofthemuchlowersignaltoback- features are thought to indicate that the clus- ground, corresponding HEXTE limits to vari- ter is undergoing strong merging activity. Of ability are weaker, about 20%. particular relevance is the very large, elon- To extend the spectral range lower, analy- gated and off-center region of radio emission. sis was conducted jointly with archival ASCA The spectrum of this dominant source (point GISobservation(of1995April16)lastingand sources are estimated to contribute only a 39 ks. GIS2 and GIS3 0.8 – 8.0 keV spectra few percent of the total emission) can be de- were accumulated in a field with a diameter scribed in terms of an overall, single value of of 14 arcminutes centered on the cluster, a re- the spectral (energy) index, α ∼ 1.1, in the gion that included the great majority of the frequency range ∼ 0.4−2.3 GHz, and a flux cluster emission. SIS data for the observation of 5.5 ± 0.5 Jy at 843 MHz (Rottgering et were found unsuitable for analysis because of al.1997). noise. Systematic errors were not added to Analysis of ASCA observations of A3667 the GIS data. yielded a mean gas temperature of 7.0 ± 0.6 Preliminary spectral analysis on the direct ∼ ′ keV over a large region with 22 radial ex- instrument datashowed no features which de- tent (Markevitch et al.1999). More recently parted on small scales (i.e. spectral lines or Chandrameasurements haveledtoamorede- edges) from the thermal form which clearly tailed temperature and brightness structure dominates the bulk of the observed cluster in the central region showing evidence for spectrum. We therefore found it appropri- large temperature gradients, including a re- ate to combine data in order to make small ∼ gion where the gas temperature is 11 keV, differences of χ−2 from model fitting more possibly due heating of the gas merger shocks distinguishable against the statistical noise of (Vikhlinin et al.2001). the highly oversampled data. As a first step ∼ A3667 was observed with RXTE for 167 we combined the data from the two PCA de- ks during the period December 2001 - July tectors and also the data of the two HEXTE 2002. The application of data selection cri- clusters. For all three instruments we then teria recommended by the RXTE project re- 3 joined the counts in adjacent energy channels into wider energy bins at a density of two to three per detector energy resolution element. Doing so reduced the number of energy bins in the analysis from over one thousand to 60. These channels are displayed in the figure. It should be noted that confidence intervals for parameter estimates, as shown in the Table, depend on differences of χ−2, and are only weakly sensitive to choices of binning. Both the RXTE and ASCA data are col- lected essentially from the entire cluster, so that the joint fits here need not consider pos- sible spectral differences resulting from gra- dients in the cluster. To account for pos- Fig. 1.— RXTE and ASCA/GIS spectrum sible inter-calibration errors between the in- of the A3667 with folded Raymond-Smith struments, adjustable scaling constants are (kT ≃ 7.3) model. ASCA/GIS data are employed. These are treated as ‘uninterest- shown in (green) asterisks, (black) crosses ing’ parameters in the fitting, provided (as is are PCA data, and HEXTE data points are the case here) that they float to values within marked with (red) circles (with 68% error 5 – 15% of unity, consistent with our experi- bars). The total fitted spectrum is shown ence inanalyzing other sources withthiscom- with a histogram, and deviations between the bination of instruments. model and data points (normalized to the We have considered three spectral models: respective standard error) are shown in the thermal emission from isothermal gas (based lower panel. on a Raymond-Smith emission code), two- temperature thermal, and a thermal plus a keV thermal component, or to 51.3 (56 dof) power-law model. The hydrogen column was withanextrapower-lawofindex2.1,asdeter- fixed at the Galactic value, NH ≃ 4.7 ×1020 mined from the radio spectrum. If the power cm−2. With the lower threshold at 0.8 keV, law index is allowed to vary, its best-fit pho- the GIS data are insensitive to the value of ton index assumes the rather steep value of NH unless it is much larger. Indeed, if this 5.0, but it is almost unconstrained. With value is allowed to float in the fits a best- four “interesting” parameters, – temperature, fit is found which is only slightly lower than abundance, and normalization of the thermal our assumed value. Using these models, fits component, plus power-law normalization – to the joint data provide only weak evidence the change in χ2 (Lampton et al.1976) gives of the need for an extra component beyond 90% error limits for the 2-20 keV power-law isothermal. The χ2 of 56.4(57 degrees of free- flux of (0.0−8.1)×10−11 erg-cm−2 s−1. The dom [dof]) for an isothermal fit is acceptable. temperature for the main spectral component Inclusion of a second component reduces χ2 is in the range ∼ 7.3 − 7.5 keV for all three modestly to 46.6 (55 dof) with an extra 0.9 cases, with formal (1σ) errors of ∼ 0.1 −0.3 4 keV. Femiano et al.(2001); in the 15-35 keV range This RXTE observation yields evidence for thefluxlimitis4.2×10−12 ergscm−2s−1,mod- asecond spectralcomponent which isjustsig- erately higher than our limit in the same en- nificant at the90%confidence level. With the ergy band. spectral photon index fixed at 2.1, the value 3. Discussion predicted from the radio spectrum, the best- fit 2-20 keV flux is (4.0 ± 1.8) × 10−12 erg- A3667isthefourth(followingComa,A2319 cm−2 s−1. The 90% confidence upper limit on & A2256) in a sample of clusters with ex- the 15-35 keV flux is 2.6 × 10−12 erg-cm−2 tended radio emission whose RXTE observa- s−1 (with four relevant parameters). The tions were analyzed by us, and the only one fraction of the total flux in the best-fit sec- for which we do not find clear evidence for a ondary component, whether low-temperature second spectral component. With no spatial thermal or power-law, is small, of the order information, theabsence ofevidence forasec- of a few percent. We report these values, to- ondary thermal emission component does not gether with 90% confidence errors, as “sec- yield useful information on a large scale tem- ondary flux fraction” in the Table for three perature gradient. In a cluster with extended interesting energy bands. Nevertheless, given radio emission, the main interest in obtaining the possible effects of background subtraction anupperlimit onNTemission stems fromthe and calibration errors, we feel that we cannot fact that it sets a lower limit on the mean, claimdetectionofasecondcomponentat90% volume-averaged value of the magnetic field confidence, even thoughthis is a formalresult in the central region of the cluster. With the of the analysis. above value of the flux upper limit, and a ∼ A3667 was observed by BeppoSAX for spectral index of 2.1 inferred from the radio 113 ks in May 1998 and October 1999. Anal- spectrum, we set a lower limit of ∼ 0.4 µG on ysis of the measurements (Fusco-Femiano et the mean value of the magnetic field. al.2001) showed marginal evidence (formally In assessing themeaning of this limit it has significant atthe∼ 2.6σ level) forasecondary to be realized that radio emission in A3667 power-law component, and this only if the has a complex morphology, with very differ- gas temperature was fixed at the value (7 ent field values in different regions. From a keV) determined from previous ASCA mea- more basic point of view, it should also be re- surements. Clearly, the need to assume a membered that several implicit assumptions value for the temperature, rather than de- are usually made in linking the synchrotron termining it in a simultaneous fit to the pa- and Compton formulae in order to deter- rameters of both components (a procedure mine Brx fromradio andX-raymeasurements thatisdifficulttoaccomplishwithBeppoSAX (Rephaeli1979,Goldshmidt&Rephaeli1993). due to the lack of spectral overlap between These are too often ignored, especially when the PDS and the lower energy MECS exper- values of Brx are contrasted with field val- iments), introduced a substantial uncertainty ues deduced from co-added statistical analy- in the deduced significance of any power-law sis of Faraday rotation measurements (e.g.,, emission. Therefore, only an upper limit on Clarke, Kronberg, and B¨ohringer 2001). The nonthermal emission was reported by Fusco- latter method is also prone to substantial in- 5 Table 1: Results of the spectral analysis Parameter Single Thermal Double Thermal Thermal + Power-law kT (keV) 7.3±0.2 7.5+0.7 7.3±0.2 1 −0.3 kT (keV) 0.9+3.7 2 −0.8 Secondary flux fraction 2-10 keV 0.003+0.155 0.045+0.048 −0.003 −0.045 0.8-40 keV 0.016+0.153 0.052+0.056 −0.016 −0.052 Abundance (solar) 0.22±0.04 0.22±0.05 0.24±0.05 All quoted errors are at the 90% confidence level. herent (e.g.,, Newman, Newman & Rephaeli Ensslin T.A., et al.2003, ApJ, in press (astro- 2002) and systematic (Rudnick & Blundell ph/0301552) 2003, but see Ensslin et al.2003) uncertain- Fusco-Femiano, R., et al.1999, ApJ, 513, L21 ties. Fusco-Femiano, R. et al.2000, ApJ, 534, L7 Since the number of clusters observed at Fusco-Femiano, R. et al.2001, ApJ, 552, L97 high X-ray energies is small, the observation of additional clusters (either with or without Fusco-Femiano, R. et al.2003a, Proceedings known extended radio emission) is of obvi- of‘MatterandEnergyinClustersofGalax- ous interest, even if only an upper limit is ies’, ASP, Conf. Ser., eds: S.Bowyer & obtained on NT emission: While observations C-Y.Hwang, astro-ph/0207241 of more clusters with extended radio emission Fusco-Femiano,R.etal.2003b,astro-ph/0312625 are very desirable, observations of other clus- Goldshmidt, O., & Rephaeli, Y., 1993, ApJ, ters, interesting in their own right, are also 411, 518 useful as a control sample. Gruber, D.E., & Rephaeli, Y. 2002, ApJ, 565, We thank the referee for useful comments. 877 This project has been supported by a NASA Henriksen, M., et al.1999, ApJ, 511, 666 grant at UCSD. 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Lieu, R., et al.1996, ApJ, 458, L5 2001, ApJ, 547, L111 Markevitch, M. et al.1999, ApJ, 521, 526 6 Newman, W.I., Newman, A.L., & Rephaeli, Y. 2002, ApJ, 575, 755 Petrosian, V. 2003, proccedings of IAU XXV Rephaeli, Y. 1977, ApJ, 212, 608 Rephaeli, Y. 1979, ApJ, 227, 364 Rephaeli, Y., & Goldshmidt, O. 1992, ApJ, 397, 438 Rephaeli, Y., & Gruber, D.E. 1988, ApJ, 333, 133 Rephaeli, Y., & Gruber, D.E. 2002, ApJ, 579, 587 Rephaeli, Y., & Gruber, D.E. 2003, ApJ, 595, 137 Rephaeli, Y., Gruber, D.E., & Blanco, P.R. 1999, ApJ, 511, L21 Rephaeli, Y., Gruber, D.E., & Rothschild, R.E. 1987, ApJ, 320, 139 Rephaeli, Y., Ulmer, M., & Gruber, D.E. 1994, ApJ, 429, 554 Rossetti, M., & Molendi, S. 2003, A&A, in press (astro-ph/0312447) Rottgering, H.J.A., et al.1997, MN, 290, 577 Rudnick, L,&Blundell, K.M.2003,ApJ,588, 143 Sarazin, C.L., & Lieu, R. 1998, ApJ, 494, L177 Vikhlinin, A. et al.2001, ApJ, 551, 160 This 2-column preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v4.0. 7

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