Applied AS/A Level GCE GCE in Applied ICT OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Applied ICT H115 OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Applied ICT (Double Award) H315 OCR Advanced GCE in Applied ICT H515 OCR Advanced GCE in Applied ICT (Double Award) H715 September 2013 © OCR 2013 QAN 100/4434/6 QAN 100/4435/8 QAN 100/4436/X QAN 100/4437/1 Contents 1 About these Qualifications 5 1.1 The AS GCE 5 1.2 The Advanced GCE 6 1.3 Qualification Titles and Levels 6 1.4 Aims 6 1.5 Prior Learning/Attainment 7 2 Summary of Content 8 2.1 AS Units 8 2.2 A2 Units 9 3 Unit Content 13 3.1 AS Unit G040: Using ICT to communicate 13 3.2 AS Unit G041: How organisations use ICT 21 3.3 AS Unit G042: ICT solutions for individuals and society 27 3.4 AS Unit G043: System specification and configuration 32 3.5 AS Unit G044: Problem solving using ICT 38 3.6 AS Unit G045: Software development – design 43 3.7 AS Unit G046: Communicating using computers 48 3.8 AS Unit G047: Introduction to programming 53 3.9 A2 Unit G048: Working to a brief 55 3.10 A2 Unit G049: Numerical modelling using spreadsheets 59 3.11 A2 Unit G050: Interactive multimedia products 65 3.12 A2 Unit G051: Publishing 69 3.13 A2 Unit G052: Artwork and imaging 73 3.14 A2 Unit G053: Developing and creating websites 77 3.15 A2 Unit G054: Software development 81 3.16 A2 Unit G055: Networking solutions 88 3.17 A2 Unit G056: Program design, production and testing 94 3.18 A2 Unit G057: Database design 98 3.19 A2 Unit G058: Developing and maintaining ICT systems for users 105 3.20 A2 Unit G059: ICT solutions for people with individual needs 111 4 Schemes of Assessment 115 4.1 AS GCE Scheme of Assessment 115 4.2 AS GCE (Double Award) Scheme of Assessment 115 4.3 Advanced GCE Scheme of Assessment 116 4.4 Advanced GCE Scheme of Assessment (Double Award) 117 4.5 External Assessment 119 4.6 Portfolio Assessment 119 4.7 Unit Order 119 4.8 Unit Options (at AS/A2) 120 4.9 Synoptic Assessment (A Level GCE) 120 4.10 Assessment Availability 121 4.11 Assessment Objectives 121 4.12 AO weightings 122 4.13 Quality of Written Communication 124 © OCR 2013 2 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013 Contents 5 Technical Information 125 5.1 Making Unit Entries 125 5.2 Making Qualification Entries 126 5.3 Issue of Results 127 5.4 Grading 128 5.5 Enquiries about Results 129 5.6 Shelf-Life of Units 129 5.7 Unit and Qualification Re-sits 129 5.8 Guided Learning Hours 129 5.9 Code of Practice/Subject Criteria/Common Criteria Requirements 130 5.10 Disability Discrimination Act Information Relating to this Specification 130 5.11 Arrangements for Candidates with Particular Requirements 130 5.12 Classification Code 131 6 Coursework Administration/Regulations 132 6.1 Supervision and Authentication 132 6.2 Avoiding Plagiarism 132 6.3 Submitting marks to OCR 133 6.4 The Assessment Evidence Grids 133 6.5 Standardisation and Moderation 133 6.6 Centre accreditation 134 6.7 Minimum Coursework Required 135 6.8 Instructions for Marking 135 6.9 Administering Portfolio Assessment and Moderation 136 6.10 OCR Repository 136 7 Other Specification Issues 137 7.1 Overlap with other Qualifications 137 7.2 Progression from these Qualifications 137 7.3 Key Skills Mapping 138 7.4 Spiritual, Moral, Ethical, Social, Legislative, Economic and Cultural Issues 139 7.5 Sustainable Development, Health and Safety Considerations and European Developments 139 7.6 Avoidance of Bias 139 7.7 Language 139 7.8 Status in Wales and Northern Ireland 140 7.9 Citizenship 140 Appendix A: Performance Descriptions 141 Appendix B: Coursework Assessment Evidence Grids 144 Unit G040- Assessment Evidence Grid 145 Unit G042 - Assessment Evidence Grid 151 Unit G043 - Assessment Evidence Grid 158 Unit G044 - Assessment Evidence Grid 163 Unit G045 - Assessment Evidence Grid 167 Unit G046 - Assessment Evidence Grid 171 Unit G047 - Assessment Evidence Grid 176 Unit G048 - Assessment Evidence Grid 180 Unit G049 - Assessment Evidence Grid 187 © OCR 2013 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013 3 Contents Unit G050 - Assessment Evidence Grid 193 Unit G051 - Assessment Evidence Grid 198 Unit G052 - Assessment Evidence Grid 204 Unit G053 - Assessment Evidence Grid 209 Unit G056 - Assessment Evidence Grid 215 Unit G057 - Assessment Evidence Grid 219 Unit G058 - Assessment Evidence Grid 224 Unit G059 - Assessment Evidence Grid 228 Appendix C: Guidance for the Production of Electronic Coursework Portfolio 233 Vertical black lines indicate a significant change to the previous printed version. © OCR 2013 4 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013 1 About these Qualifications This booklet contains OCR’s Advanced Subsidiary GCE, Advanced Subsidiary GCE (Double Award), Advanced GCE and Advanced GCE (Double Award) specifications in Applied ICT for teaching from September 2013. The specifications build upon the broad educational framework supplied by the Qualification and Subject Criteria (QCA, DCELLS and CCEA, 2002) and employ an investigative and problem- solving approach to the study of the subject. In addition to providing a suitable route for progression for candidates completing GCSE ICT A, ICT B or Applied ICT, the course of study prescribed by these specifications can also reasonably be undertaken by candidates beginning their formal education in the subject at post-16 level. Progression through the Advanced Subsidiary GCE and Advanced GCE, through either a single or double award, may provide a suitable foundation for study of the subject, or related subjects, in further and higher education. Key Skills are integral to the specifications and the main opportunities to provide evidence for the separate Key Skills qualification are indicated. 1.1 The AS GCE The Advanced Subsidiary (Single and Double Award) GCEs are both ‘stand-alone’ qualifications and also the first half of the corresponding Advanced (Single and Double Award) GCEs. The AS GCE is assessed at a standard appropriate for candidates who have completed the first year of study (both in terms of teaching time and content) of the corresponding two-year Advanced GCE course, i.e. between GCSE and Advanced GCE. The AS GCE is made up of three mandatory units which form 50% of the corresponding six-unit Advanced GCE. The AS GCE (Double Award) is made up of four mandatory units and two optional units which form 50% of the corresponding twelve-unit Advanced GCE (Double Award). The skills, knowledge and understanding required for the first half of an Advanced GCE course are contained in the ‘Advanced Subsidiary’ (AS) units. The level of demand of the AS examination is that expected of candidates half-way through a full Advanced GCE course of study. © OCR 2013 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013 5 1.2 The Advanced GCE The Advanced GCE is made up of three mandatory units at AS and three further units at A2. The Advanced GCE (Double Award) is made up of four mandatory and two optional units at AS and six further units at A2. The skills, knowledge and understanding required for the second half of an advanced GCE course are contained in the ‘A2’ units. The level of performance expected, therefore, reflects the more demanding Advanced GCE material, including the higher-level concepts and a requirement to draw together knowledge and skills from across the course. The precise pattern across AS and A2 reflects the nature of individual subjects. The combination of candidates’ attainments on the relatively less demanding AS units and relatively more demanding A2 units lead to an award at Advanced GCE standard. 1.3 Qualification Titles and Levels These qualifications are shown on a certificate as: OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Applied ICT. OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE (Double Award) in Applied ICT. OCR Advanced GCE in Applied ICT. OCR Advanced GCE (Double Award) in Applied ICT. All qualifications are Level 3 in the National Qualification Framework (NQF). 1.4 Aims All specifications in Applied ICT aim to encourage candidates to develop broad skills, knowledge and understanding of the ICT sector. They are to prepare candidates for further study or training. The aims of these specifications are to encourage candidates to: Develop a broad range of ICT skills and knowledge of the uses of ICT in vocational contexts, as a basis for progression into further learning in ICT-related fields, including progression from AS to A2; Develop knowledge and understanding of the components, functions and applications of information systems within a range of organisations; Develop an understanding of the main principles of solving problems using ICT and develop the skills necessary to apply this understanding. In addition, the aims of the Advanced GCE specification in Applied ICT are to encourage candidates to: Apply their knowledge and understanding of ICT and use skills (eg planning, research, evaluation, problem solving) in vocational contexts; Develop an understanding of the impact of information systems on organisations’ personnel, policies and practices; © OCR 2013 6 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013 Develop project management skills and an understanding of the need to work with others. In addition, the aims of the Advanced GCE (Double Award) specification in Applied ICT are to encourage candidates to develop their understanding of: Software system design to meet the needs of an end user and/or Networks and communications. 1.5 Prior Learning/Attainment Candidates entering this course should have achieved a general educational level equivalent to Level 2 in the National Qualifications Framework, or Levels 7/9 of the National Curriculum. Skills in Numeracy/Mathematics, Literacy/English and Information and Communication Technology will be particularly relevant. However, there is no prior knowledge required for this specification. Prior study of the GCSE in ICT or Applied ICT may be of benefit to some candidates, but is not mandatory. © OCR 2013 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013 7 2 Summary of Content 2.1 AS Units Unit G040 Using ICT to communicate The information age; Communication of information; Accuracy and readability; Styles of presentation; How organisations present information; Standard ways of working. Unit G041 How organisations use ICT Types of organisation; Functions within organisations; Information and its use; ICT systems; The impact of ICT on working practices; The impact of ICT on methods of production; Legislation. Unit G042: ICT solutions for individuals and society Public-service websites; Search engines; Databases; Use of spreadsheet facilities; Development of spreadsheets to present results of data analysis; Presentation of the results of an investigation. Unit G043: System specification and configuration Hardware; Software; Basics of software development; Safety and security. © OCR 2013 8 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013 Unit G044: Problem solving using ICT Information; Software; Quality procedures; Systems; Evaluation of the solution. Unit G045: Software development – design Feasibility studies; The investigation stage; Structured analysis; Design of forms and layouts; Producing a conclusion. Unit G046: Communicating using computers Acronyms and technical terms used in communicating using computers; The internet and intranets; The internet and communications systems; Web server requirements; Internet tools; Internet websites; Setting up a computer system for use on the internet. Unit G047: Introduction to programming Programming languages; Program structure. © OCR 2013 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013 9 2.2 A2 Units Unit G048: Working to a brief Understand a set brief and plan to meet the requirements of the brief; Identification of skills; Work with others; Plan, develop and deliver a project; Continual evaluation of work; Production of a summative project. Unit G049: Numerical modelling using spreadsheets Develop a working specification; Use of spreadsheet facilities; Design and development of spreadsheets; Implement a spreadsheet solution; Present spreadsheet information; Test spreadsheets; Document the development; Candidates evaluate the effectiveness of their solution and performance. Unit G050: Interactive multimedia products Review and evaluate interactive multimedia products; Consider design; Design an interactive multimedia product; Create elements of an interactive multimedia product; Author an interactive multimedia product; Test and document product; Review final product. Unit G051: Publishing Document types and presentation styles; Combining information; Researching a brief, planning a response and presenting solutions; Final printed output. © OCR 2013 10 GCE in Applied ICT September 2013