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Preview Specific patterns of changes in wheat gene expression after treatment with three antifungal ...

PlantMolecularBiology (2005)57:693–707 (cid:1)Springer2005 DOI10.1007/s11103-005-1728-y Specific patterns of changes in wheat gene expression after treatment with three antifungal compounds Fre´de´rique Pasquer1, Edwige Isidore1, Ju¨ rg Zarn2 and Beat Keller1,* 1Institute of Plant Biology, University of Zu¨rich, Zollikerstrasse 107, CH8008 Zu¨rich, Switzerland (*author for correspondence; e-mail [email protected]); 2Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Stauffac- herstrasse 101, CH8004 Zu¨rich, Switzerland Received5July2004;acceptedinrevisedform3February2005 Key words: cDNA microarray, defence response, gene expression pattern, plant protection products, Triticum aestivum Abstract Thetwofungicidesazoxystrobinandfenpropimorphareusedagainstpowderymildewandrustdiseasesin wheat (Triticum aestivum L). Azoxystrobin, a strobilurin, inhibits fungal mitochondrial respiration and fenpropimorph, a morpholin, represses biosynthesis of ergosterol, the major sterol of fungal membranes. Although the fungitoxic activity of these compounds is well understood, their effects on plant metabolism remain unclear. In contrast to the fungicides which directly affect pathogen metabolism, benzo(1,2,3) thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methylester (BTH) induces resistance against wheat pathogens by the activationofsystemicacquiredresistanceinthehostplant.Inthisstudy,wemonitoredgeneexpressionin spring wheat after treatment with each of these agrochemicals in a greenhouse trial using a microarray containing 600 barley cDNA clones. Defence-related genes were strongly induced after treatment with BTH,confirmingtheactivationofasimilarsetofgenesasindicotplantsfollowingsalicylicacidtreatment. A similar gene expression pattern was observed after treatment with fenpropimorph and some defence- related genes were induced by azoxystrobin, demonstrating that these fungicides also activate a defence reaction.However,lessintenseresponsesweretriggeredthanwithBTH.Thesameexperimentsperformed under field conditions gave dramatically different results. No gene showed differential expression after treatmentanddefencegeneswerealreadyexpressedatahighlevelbeforeapplicationoftheagrochemicals. These differences in the expression patterns between the two environments demonstrate the importance of plant growth conditions for testing the impact of agrochemicals on plant metabolism. Abbreviations: BTH, benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methylester; INA, 2,6-dichloroisonicot- inic acid, JA, jasmonic acid; SA, salicylic acid; SAR, systemic acquired resistance Introduction number of systemic fungicides with different modes of action and targets have been developed Plants have evolved effective resistance mecha- to reduce the losses caused by these diseases. nismsthatenablethemtodefendagainstpathogen Strobilurins form a family of broad-spectrum attacks.Nevertheless,allcropsaresusceptibletoa fungicides that are derived from a natural com- number of major fungal pathogens that cause up pound, strobilurin A, which is produced by to 20% of yield losses (Gullino et al., 2000). In the wood-rotting fungus Strobilurus tenacellus cereals, rusts, mildews and Septoria are the most (Bartlettet al.,2002).Thesynthesisofderivativesof damaging fungal diseases. In the last decades, a thismoleculehasledtoseveralactivecompounds, 694 including azoxystrobin (Gullino et al., 2000). powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis), leaf rust Azoxystrobinandtheotherstrobilurinsareinhibi- (Pucciniatriticina)andSeptorialeafspot(Go¨rlach tors of fungal mitochondrial respiration by block- et al., 1996) but not to Fusarium head blight ingtheelectrontransferattheQ siteofcytochrome (Yu et al., 2001). The treatment of wheat plants 0 bc (Affourtit et al., 2000). Strobilurins currently with SA results in a lower resistance level against 1 represent10%ofthefungicidemarketandareused powdery mildew compared to plants treated with by farmers to control fungal pathogens such as BTH, suggesting the involvement of other signal- powderymildewandrusts.Besidestheiranti-fungal ling pathway(s) to induce this SAR-like response action, strobilurins are also known for their (Go¨rlachet al.,1996). ‘‘greeningeffect’’onthecropwhichisdefinedasa Theputativeeffectofthesecompoundsoncrops delayedleafsenescenceandanincreasedgrain-fill- has been tested by studying possible consequences ing period (Bartlett et al., 2002). This side effect oftheirprimaryaction(forexamplewiththemea- seemstoresultfromtheinhibitionofethylenebio- surement of sterol content after morpholine treat- synthesisbyreductionofproductionofsuperoxide ment (Khalil and Mercer, 1991)) and by few whichisthemediatoroftheconversionreactionof bioassays (Grossmann and Retzlaff, 1997). How- 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) to ever,littleisknownontheireffectonthewholeplant ethylene(WuandvonTiedemann,2001). metabolism. Genome-wide expression profiling Morpholines are another family of systemic (Schena et al., 1995) is a technology for studying fungicides, known since 1965 (Mercer, 1991). changes of global gene expression after a specific Fenpropimorphwasdiscoveredin1979andisstill treatment of the plant. For the two closely related commonly used against mildews and rusts. It species wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley inhibits two enzymes of fungal sterol biosynthesis (HordeumvulgareL.),morethan950,000ESTshave (Engels et al., 1998). The morpholine compound beencharacterised(seetheTriticeaeESTdatabase inhibits the enzymes sterol D14 reductase and website http://wheat.pw.usda.gov/genome/). Such D8)D7 isomerase by binding tightly to their cata- collectionsofESTscanbeusedfortheconstruction lyticsite(Mercer,1993;Debieuet al.,2000).Some ofcDNAmicroarrays.Theputativeroleofgenesof phytotoxic effects like growth delay and altered unknownfunctioncanbepredictedfromsimilarity phytosterol composition have been observed in of expression patterns, even from different species cereals treated with this fungicide (Mercer et al., (van Noort et al., 2003). In cereals, this technique 1989; Khalil and Mercer, 1991). has been used in only few studies. Rice cDNA Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) was dis- microarrays have been used to study gene expres- covered several decades ago and has been studied sionrelatedtosaltstresstoleranceofrice(Kawasaki intensively(Metraux,2001).ASARresponseleads et al., 2001) and iron deficiency in barley (Negishi to pathogen resistance in the whole plant after et al., 2002). Maize development and the response biologicalorchemicalstimulation.Thismechanism to UV radiation were studied with maize cDNA allowsthe plant toprotect itself against numerous microarrays (Lee et al., 2002; Casati and Walbot, viral, bacterial or fungal pathogens, depending on 2003). In barley, expression profiling was used for thespecies(Oostendorpet al.,2001).Thetwomain the detection of mutated genes (Zakhrabekova chemicalSARenhancersare2,6-dichloroisonicoti- et al.,2002)andresponsestodroughtandsaltstress nic acid (INA) and benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-car- (Ozturk et al., 2002) or studying gene-for-gene bothioicacidS-methylester(BTH),whichareboth interactionwithpowderymildewusingtheBarley1 structurally similar to salicylic acid SA (Go¨rlach GeneChipfromAffymetrix(Caldoet al.,2004). et al.,1996).Indicotyledonousplants,thesemole- Extensive toxicological risk assessment on the culesinducepathogenesis-relatedgenesandspecific active compounds of pesticides and on their genes involved in signalling. Salicylic acid plays a catabolites in the plant is an integral part of the key-roleinthesignaltransductionpathwayleading regulatory approval process of pesticides and a to SAR (Lawton et al., 1995). However, in mono- huge database on these compounds is available at cotyledonous plants, the role of SA has not been World Health Organisation (http://www.who.int/ clearlydemonstrated,althoughthesynthesisofSA pcs/jmpr/jmpr.htm). Most of the studies concern is induced by aphid damage in barley (Chaman food safety issues and human health. Therefore, a et al.,2003).Inwheat,BTHcaninduceresistanceto high food safety level of pesticide residues and 695 theirmetabolitesincropscanbeassumed.Thereis laboratory (SFR clones) and from Clemson Uni- also a broad knowledge on endogenous plant versity(HVSMEg,HVSMEhandHV_Cebclones) compounds affecting human health (Stegelmeier were chosen tocover major biochemicalpathways et al., 1999). In contrast, studies on possible (for more details about the libraries, see http:// changes in plant metabolism upon pesticide treat- wheat.pw.usda.gov/genome for our laboratory‘s ment are not mandatory and there is a lack of library and http://www.genome.clemson.edu/pro- information on this aspect for most pesticides. jects/barleyfortheClemsonUniversitycollection). In order to determine whether the three com- We used a method adapted from Reymond et al. pounds azoxystrobin, fenpropimorph and BTH (2000) to print PCR products amplified from alterwheatgeneexpression,weproducedacDNA these clones and negative controls (human and microarray containing 600 barley genes covering Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA) onto coated glass the major plant biochemical pathways. Here, we slides.Eachclonewasprintedtwice.TheClemson report the impact of the two fungicides and the clones were amplified twice in 150 ll with Taq SAR enhancer on gene expression in wheat plants polymerase (Sigma-Aldrich, Buchs, Switzerland) grownundercontrolledgreenhouseconditionsand using5¢endamino-modifiedM13universalprimers compare these results to a similar trial where in 35 cycles (94 (cid:2)C, 45 s; 52 (cid:2)C, 45 s; 72 (cid:2)C, 90 s). plants weregrown inanagriculturalenvironment. TheSFRcloneswereamplifiedinthesamevolume with the 5¢ end amino-modified TriplExAmp primers(94 (cid:2)C,45 s;62 (cid:2)C,45 s;72 (cid:2)C,90 s)for10 Materials and methods cycles followed by 25 cycles (94 (cid:2)C, 45 s; 55 (cid:2)C, 45 s;72 (cid:2)C,90 s).TheDNAproductswerechecked Plant material and treatments on agarose gels and sequenced with a 377 ABI prismTMDNAsequencer,toconfirmtheiridentity. Seedsofspringwheat(TriticumaestivumL.,variety They were concentrated during purification with Greina) were grown in the greenhouse (16 h light/ multiscreen-PCR (Millipore, Volketswil, Switzer- 20 (cid:2)C, 8 h night/16 (cid:2)C, 2–4 seeds per pot). At land).Twosetsofslideswereproduced,usingtwo growthstage32(Tottman,1987),plantsweretrea- differentDNAspotters.Inthefirstset,cDNAsam- tedwithBTH(Bion(cid:3),Novartis(Basel,Switzerland) plesweredilutedinprintbuffer(NoAbBiodiscoveries 60 g/ha, as recommended by the manufacturer). Inc., Mississauga, Canada) at a concentration of ThesecondapplicationofBion(cid:3)andthesprayingof 0.5–1 lg/ll. PCR products were printed using a the two fungicides (azoxystrobin, Amistar(cid:3) from GMS417Arrayer(Affymetrix,SantaClara,USA)on Syngenta(Basel,Switzerland)andfenpropimorph, epoxy-coatedglassslides(NoAbBiodiscoveriesInc.). Corbel(cid:3) from BASF (Wa¨denswil, Switzerland) at Thesecondsetwasproducedaccordingtotheprotocol the concentration of 1 l/ha) were made at growth of P. Reymond (http://www.unil.ch/ibpv/WWWPR/ stage39(Tottman,1987).Otherplantswerekeptas Docs/protocols.htm), using the printing facilities of untreatedcontrols.Inthefield,theplantsweresown Lausanne University (printing robot (OmniGrid), in 5-row plots (1.3 m wide, 1.2 m long, approxi- GeneMachines, Ann Arbor, USA). The purified mately 50 seeds/row) near Zu¨rich, Switzerland, at probes were diluted with a 2 · spotting solu- theSwissFederalResearchStationforAgroecology tion(6 · SSC,3 Mbetain)tothefinalconcentrationof and Agriculture (FAL Reckenholz, 440 m above 0.5–1 lg/ll DNA, 3 · SSC, 1.5 M betain and then sea level). For each treatment, four plots were printedonQMTAldehydeslides(PeqlabBiotechnol- sprayedwithonefungicideeach,followingthesame ogieGmbh,Erlangen,Germany). protocol as for the treatment in the greenhouse. Four further plots were left untreated and used as RNA isolation and preparation of the fluorescent control.Forbothtrials,flagleaveswereharvestedat targets 24 h,1and2 weeksaftertreatment. For each treatment and time point, several flag Preparation of the cDNA microarray leaves were pooled to reduce biological variation. Total RNA was isolated using TRIzol reagent A total of 600 cDNA clones of barley (Hordeum (InvitrogenLifeTechnologies,Basel,Switzerland), vulgareL.,varietiesMorexandCI16155)fromour and 40 lg of RNA was used for the reverse-tran- 696 scription, using either Cy5-labelled dCTP for the Cy3. Genes were considered induced or repressed treated samples or Cy3-dCTP (Amersham Bio- by Significance Analysis of Microarray (SAM, sciences, Otelfingen, Switzerland) for the non- Excel Add-in available at http://www-stat.stan- treated control samples, adapted from Reymond ford.edu/(cid:1)tibs/SAM/). This program allowed the et al.(2000).Thereactionwasincubatedfor2 hat determination of both differentially expressed 42 (cid:2)C. After pooling the treated and control genes and corresponding false discovery rates samples, RNA was degraded, the labelled cDNAs (FDR, (Tusher et al., 2001; Hu et al., 2003)). The werepurifiedusingtheMinElutePCRpurification number of differentially expressed genes and the kit (Qiagen, Basel, Switzerland) and diluted in FDR were determined in order to have one gene hybridisation solution (3· SSC, 0.2% SDS, 0.2% considered as falsely detected (Samimi et al., yeast tRNA). 2005). The obtained FDR were generally below 10%inthegreenhousebuthigherwhentherewere Hybridisation on microarrays, scanning very few genes differentially expressed after the and analysis treatments.Therefore,whenonly3–6genesoutof the 600 genes of the chip were differentially The target solution was denatured for 1 min at expressed,theFDRwerebetween16–37.5%.Such 95 (cid:2)C and applied to the microarray slide which high ratios have already been observed in a recent wasthencoveredwithacoverslip.Hybridisations studyonplant–insectinteractionswherefewgenes were performed in chambers placed in a water were differentially expressed and high FDR were bathat65 (cid:2)Cfor14–16 hr.Theslideswerewashed obtained (Reymond et al., 2004). twicein1 ·SSC,0.03%SDSfor6 min,thentwice ClusteranalyseswerecarriedoutusingGenesis in 0.2 · SSC for 5 min and finally twice in 0.05 · software (Sturn et al., 2002). Reproducibility SSC for 5 min. They were subsequently dried by between the replicates was checked by measuring centrifugation. correlation and data are presented in trees created Scanning of the microarray slides was per- with Genesis software. formedusingaScanArray5000(PerkinElmerLife Sciences, Rodgau – Ju¨gesheim, Germany) at the Northern blot analysis resolution of 10 lm/pixel. Photomultiplier and laser power settings were adjusted in order to The results from microarray experiments were obtain similar intensity levels of signal for the partially validated by RNA blot analysis. The control spots (house-keeping genes and alien same quantity of RNA (40 lg) was electropho- cDNA, Stratagene, Amsterdam, Netherlands) for resed and transferred to a nylon membrane as both channels. Pictures were analysed by Imagene previously described (Feuillet et al., 1997). The 4.1 software (BioDiscovery Inc., Los Angeles, labelled probes WCI2, 5, WIR1c, actin, PR 1a/1b USA). Spots flagged as empty by the software or (HV_CEb0006J08f)) were prepared using stan- manually were removed from the analysis. Nor- dard procedures (Sambrook et al., 1989) with malisationofthesignalintensitiesbetweenthetwo clones previously used as templates for the barley channels was performed using the global method, cDNA microarray. The RNA blots were analysed and between the slides by scale normalisation using Biomax MS-1 film (Kodak, Lausanne, (Yang et al., 2002). Experiments with reversion of Switzerland). the dyes did not show significant differences in hybridisation level, so only one way of labelling (control with Cy3 and treated sample with Cy5 Results dye) was further used. Hybridisations were per- formed in triplicates, using three different samples Barley cDNA microarray design treated by the same compound for the three time points. To better assess the gene expression of To study gene expression in wheat, we made a untreated plants from both growth conditions, cDNA microarray containing 600 cDNAs. Barley microarrayswerealsoperformedforthethreetime andwheataretwospeciesshowinghighsimilarityof points. The samples from the greenhouse were theirgeneorder(FeuilletandKeller,2002)andhigh labelledwiththeCy5andthosefromthefieldwith conservation of gene sequences between the two 697 species(Bennetzenet al.,1998).Severalstudieshave shown that coding sequence identity can reach 100%andisusuallyover90%(Ramakrishnaet al., 2002;SanMiguelet al.,2002;Caldwellet al.,2004). Therefore, there is good cross-hybridisation between nucleic acids of barley and wheat. Furthermore,astheprobesarelongerthan400 bp, the cDNA microarray allows small inter-species differences with only minimal consequences on hybridisation (Adjaye et al., 2004; Close et al., 2004).Thegenesusedforourchipwerechosenfrom barley(Hordeumvulgarecv.Morex)cDNAlibraries from pre-anthesis spikes, spikes 5–45 days after pollination, plants challenged with the powdery mildew pathogen (HVSMEg clones, HVSMEh clones and HV_Ceb clones, Clemson University, respectively) and from our laboratory collection (SFR clones). In blast analyses, we found that the 600 sequences all had corresponding ESTs in the wheat libraries (E value between 0 and e-20 and mean identity level of 90%), reflecting the high homology level between the barley and wheat Figure1. Analysis of gene expression after chemical treat- sequences(seesupplementaryTable 6).Expression ments. Hierarchical clustering of the differentially expressed genes, as displayed by the software Genesis, is shown after of genes encoding enzymes from the major bio- treatmentwithazoxystrobin(A),BTH(B)andfenpropimorph chemical pathways of primary and secondary (F) in the greenhouse at the time points 24h, 1 and 2weeks metabolism was analysed. In preliminary tests, aftertreatment.Thecolourscalebarrepresentstheratiovalues. wheatderivedlabelledsamplesresultedinsuccess- Genes with higher expression level after treatment appear in ful cross-hybridisation with the barley probes on red; those with lower hybridisation intensity appear in blue. After 24h, the expression patterns of BTH-treated and our microarray slides (data not shown). This is in fenpropimorph-treated plants clustered together (blue tree on agreement with the generally observed high topoftheclusters).Forthesubsequenttimepoint,expression conservation of coding sequences in wheat and profiles of azoxystrobin-treated and BTH-treated plants were barley(Goffet al.,2002;Closeet al.,2004). moresimilartoeachother,andafter2weeks,treatmentswith fenpropimorph and azoxystrobin resulted in similar differen- tially expressed genes. The lower panel shows the microarray Effect of the BTH treatment resultsofthesubgroupofninegenesalsoanalysedbyNorthern blot (Figure2). From top to bottom: actin gene, the lipoxy- The analysis of BTH treated plants grown in the genasegene(WCI2),thethiolproteasegene(WCI4),thewheat greenhouse revealed that 17 genes were differen- chemically induced 1 and 5 genes, a wheat induced resis- tiallyregulatedafter24 h(falsediscoveryrateFDR tance gene (WIR1c), the pathogenesis-related genes PR 1 (HV_CEb0010L20f)andPR1a/1b(HV_CEb0006J08f)andthe 5.8%), 24 after 1 week (FDR 4.1%) and 9 after proteindisulfide-isomerasegene(HVSMEg0005I10f). 2 weeks (FDR 8.9%), which represents about 5% ofthegenespresentonthechip.Allofthesediffer- entially expressed genes were over-expressed and of 2- to nearly 60-fold 24 h after treatment when none repressed (Figure 1, Tables 1–3). The differ- compared to untreated plants (Table 1). Most of entially regulated transcripts mainly belong to thesegenesremainedover-expressed1and2 weeks defence-related genes. Genes encoding glucanase, aftertreatmentbutwithdecreasingover-expression lipoxygenase and pathogenesis-related genes ratioscomparedtothoseobtainedat24 h(Tables2 (PR1a/1b, 2, B1), the wheat induced resistance and3).Theseresultswereconfirmedforsomegenes genes(WIR1B, 1C and 232)and the wheat chemi- (PR1, PR1a/1b,PDI, WCI1, WCI2, WCI4,WCI5 cally induced genes 2 (WCI2, lipoxygenase), and WIR1c) by Northern blot analysis (Figure 2) 1 (WCI1, jasmonate-induced), 4 (WCI4, protease) and are in agreement with other studies (Go¨rlach and5(WCI5)showedanincreasedgeneexpression et al.,1996;StadnikandBuchenauer,1999).Genes 698 e A24h 2.12.7)9.0 egen at c h 872 172 2902 767 539 320 6270 407 923 di F24 17.4.2. 6.10.8. 2.3.2. 3.2.2. 2.2.3. 3.2.2. 1.1.)1. sin e u B24h 56.744.335.0 1.41.4)1.2 veval ati 12) neg A). E-1) 3.11. E-1) and ( 1 n oxystrobin rmprotein v:3)(EC1. rmprotein neinductio eenhousetrial24haftertreatmentwitheitherBTH(B),fenpropimorph(F)oraz Putativefunction UP|Q41520(Q41520)Lipoxygenase(Fragment)(EC1.13.11.12)PIR|T06273Benzothiadiazole-inducedproteincloneWCI-1-wheathomologuetoUP|Q41522(Q41522)Thiolprotease UP|LOX1_HORVU(P29114)Lipoxygenase1(EC1.13.11.12)UP|PR1A_HORVU(P32937)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein1A/1BprecursorUP|PR12_HORVU(P35792)Pathogenesis-relatedproteinPRB1-2precursor UP|Q94F70(Q94F70)Putativethaumatin-likeproteinsimilartoUP|COPD_ORYSA(P49661)CoatomerdeltasubunitUP|Q41581(Q41581)WIR1proteinsimilartoUP|Q8H841(Q8H841)Putativereceptor-likeproteinkinase UP|E13B_HORVU(P15737)Glucanendo-13-beta-glucosidaseGIIprecursorUP|P93180(P93180)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein4precursorPIR|T06278Benzothiadiazole-inducedproteincloneWCI-5-wheat UP|PDI_HORVU(P80284)Proteindisulfide-isomeraseprecursor(PDI)(EndospeUP|WIRB_WHEAT(Q01481)WIR1BproteinUP|LX23_HORVU(Q8GSM2)Lipoxygenase2.3chloroplastprecursor(LOX2:H UP|PDI_HORVU(P80284)Proteindisulfide-isomeraseprecursor(PDI)(EndospeUP|ENPL_HORVU(P36183)EndoplasminhomologprecursorUP|Q43765(Q43765)Chitinase(EC3.2.1.14) UP|PR1_HORVU(Q05968)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein1precursorsimilartoUP|Q7XH17(Q7XH17)Putativereceptor-likeproteinkinase4ZeamayssimilartoGP|13897320Somaticembryogenesisreceptor-likekinase2{}similartoUP|Q8H8H7(Q8H8H7)Putativeflavanone3-hydroxylase UP|Q9M4C7(Q9M4C7)Alleneoxidesynthase(EC4.2.1.92)UP|Q6RYF4(Q6RYF4)CoatomeralphasubunitUP|O65189(O65189)Glucanendo-13-beta-glucosidase UP|Q43764(Q43764)Chitinase(EC3.2.1.14)homologuetoUP|FKB7_WHEAT(Q43207)70kDaPeptidylprolylisomeraseUP|CHS1_HORVU(P26018)Chalconesynthase1 gresultasinthedatabaseofClemsonUniversity.ntiallyexpressedbySAManalysisareinboldtype.Thepositivevaluesindicatege%forB,FandA,respectively. thegr ber uencindifferend10 n m 1 R qea Table1.Differentiallyexpressedgenesi GeneIDAccessionnu wci2TAU32428wci1TAU32427wci4TAU32430 HVSMEh0095N14fBE455009HV_CEb0006J08fBE215358HV_CEb0024H14fBE559397 wir232TATHAUaHVSMEg0016C06fBG344787wir1cTARNAWIRHV_CEb0010H13fBE216428 HV_CEb0010G19fBE216411HV_CEb0003K12fBE214507wci5TAU32431 HVSMEg0005I10fBG343356wir1bWHTWIR1PHVSMEg0013J19fBE060855 HVSMEh0088H07fBE195158HV_CEb0002C16fBE214080HV_CEb0003J11fBE214483 HV_CEb0010L20fBE216529HV_CEb0017B21fBE558296HV_CEb0003A03fBE214285HV_CEb0021J19fBE519892 HVSMEg0011M01fBE060255HVSMEg0003M07fAW982621HV_CEb0003D01fBE214349 HV_CEb0003A01fBE214283aHVSMEh0100J22fBG418805HV_CEb0003P20fBE214619 aClonesthathavenotgiventhesameseIntensityratiosofgenesdeterminedtobrepression.TheFDRwere5.8%,4.5% 699 e A1week 5.14.4)1.1 1.2)1.01.1 1.81.6)1.2 1.1)1.4)1.1)1.1 1.0)1.2)1.0 1.0)1.31.1)2.5)3.9 categen di k n e i we 1.51.6 ues F1 ) )) ) ) ) ) ))) )) ) )) al v B1week 1.2)1.1 egative n A). d n ystrobin( asativa} ductiona x z n azo Ory nei Table2.Differentiallyexpressedgenesinthegreenhousetrial1weekaftertreatmentwitheitherBTH(B),fenpropimorph(F)or GeneIDGeneaccessionPutativefunction wci1TAU32427PIR|T06273Benzothiadiazole-inducedproteincloneWCI-1-wheatwci4TAU32430HomologuetoUP|Q41522(Q41522)ThiolproteaseHV_CEb0010L20fBE216529UP|PR1_HORVU(Q05968)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein1precursor HV_CEb0024H14fBE559397UP|PR12_HORVU(P35792)Pathogenesis-relatedproteinPRB1-2precursorwir232TATHAUUP|Q94F70(Q94F70)Putativethaumatin-likeproteinwci2TAU32428UP|Q41520(Q41520)Lipoxygenase(Fragment)(EC1.13.11.12)HV_CEb0003K12fBE214507UP|P93180(P93180)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein4precursorTriticumaestivumHV_CEb0010N06fBE216563HomologuetoGP|17981573KinaseR-likeprotein{}HV_CEb0006J08fBE215358UP|PR1A_HORVU(P32937)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein1A/1BprecursorHVSMEh0095N14fBE455009UP|LOX1_HORVU(P29114)Lipoxygenase1(EC1.13.11.12) HVSMEg0002G09fAW982228HomologuetoUP|Q75RZ2(Q75RZ2)PutativecaffeoylCoAO-methyltransferaseHV_CEb0021J19fBE519892similartoUP|Q8H8H7(Q8H8H7)Putativeflavanone3-hydroxylasewir1cTARNAWIR1UP|Q41581(Q41581)WIR1protein wci5TAU32431PIR|T06278Benzothiadiazole-inducedproteincloneWCI-5-wheatHV_CEb0010G19fBE216411UP|E13B_HORVU(P15737)Glucanendo-13-beta-glucosidaseGIIprecursoraHV_CEb0011F02fBE216529UP|PR1_HORVU(Q05968)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein1precursor HV_CEb0015B10fBE558194weaklysimilartoGP|22535653PutativeproteinkinaseXa21receptortypeprecursor{HV_CEb0011F16fBE216724HomologuetoUP|Q8W4U9(Q8W4U9)ClathrinassemblyproteinAP17-likeproteinHV_CEb0011I04fBE216768similartoUP|Q84S61(Q84S61)Putativeserine/threoninekinaseproteinHVSMEh0088K24fBE195244UP|Q42839(Q42839)Chitinase(EC3.2.1.14) HV_CEb0010N04fBE216561HomologuetoUP|Q41328(Q41328)Ptokinaseinteractor1HV_CEb0017B21fBE558296similartoUP|Q7XH17(Q7XH17)Putativereceptor-likeproteinkinase4HVSMEg0007A12fBG343889similartoUP|Q6J2K7(Q6J2K7)ProteintyrosinephosphataseaHVSMEh0099N09fBE601871HomologuetoUP|TBP2_WHEAT(Q02879)TATA-boxbindingprotein2HV_CEb0010P06fBE216610HomologuetoUP|Q43220(Q43220)Peroxidase(EC1.11.1.7)HVSMEh0102L08fBE603237similartoUP|Q8S8Z0(Q8S8Z0)Proteinphosphatase2C HVSMEh0081G18fBE193520similartoSP|P37837Transaldolase(EC2.2.1.2)HordeumvulgarevulgareHVSMEh0081M04fBE193575HomologuetoGB|CAA75793Sucrosesynthase2{subsp.} aClonesthathavenotgiventhesamesequencingresultasinthedatabaseofClemsonUniversity.IntensityratiosofgenesdeterminedtobedifferentiallyexpressedbySAManalysisareinboldtype.Thepositivevaluesindicategerepression.TheFDRwere4.1%,16%and25%forB,FandA,respectively. 700 e belongingtootherfunctionalclasseswerealsoup- eks gen regulated. Two protein disulfide isomerase genes A2we ndicate ashnodwoedneancoinadtoumcteiornporfotReiNnA(CsyOnPth)essiusbaufnteirt 2g4enhe, i es suggestinganincreasedbiosynthesisofsecretedor u ks al cell surface proteins (Harter, 1995; Ciaffi et al., e v F2we 3.91.7)1.1 ative 2n0o0n1e)-.3G-heyndersoxenylcaosdeinagndthecapffuetoaytilveCporAotOein-msefltahvyal-- g e A). dn transferase, involved in flavonoid biosynthesis, n( ks an showedanactivationoftranscriptiononlyafterone xystrobi B2wee duction week. o n Impact of the fenpropimorph treatment z i a e eenhousetrial2weeksaftertreatmentwitheitherBTH(B),fenpropimorph(F)or Putativefunction PIR|T06273Benzothiadiazole-inducedproteincloneWCI-1-wheathomologuetoUP|Q41522(Q41522)ThiolproteasePIR|T06278Benzothiadiazole-inducedproteincloneWCI-5-wheatUP|Q41581(Q41581)WIR1protein UP|Q94F70(Q94F70)Putativethaumatin-likeproteinUP|PR1A_HORVU(P32937)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein1A/1BprecursorUP|PR1_HORVU(Q05968)Pathogenesis-relatedprotein1precursor UP|Q41520(Q41520)Lipoxygenase(Fragment)(EC1.13.11.12)UP|PR12_HORVU(P35792)Pathogenesis-relatedproteinPRB1-2precursorUP|Q9SM34(Q9SM34)Putativegermin-likeproteinprecursor ntiallyexpressedbySAManalysisareinboldtype.Thepositivevaluesindicategen%forB,FandA,respectively. AeaxfftpteerrresBsiTfoeHnnpprtaorteptaeirtmmnoewrnpaths(sFimtirgieulaartremt1oe)nttha,elthotonhueegohbotvsaeeinvraeendll r e5 expressedgenesintheg Accessionnumber TAU32427TAU32430TAU32431TARNAWIR1 TATHAUBE215358BE216529 TAU32428BE559397AJ237942 sdeterminedtobedifferwere8.9%,20%and37. F24ighur,e12a.ndRN2Aweebklostafatenraflyusnigsicsihdoewtrineagtmdeiffnetrienntthiaelgerxepenrehsosuiosne Differentially D Eb0006J08fEb0010L20f Eb0024H14f ratiosofgenen.TheFDR tfatWrehsinraCepqleI.ru5oa)Cpw,li:ithamyenowaocrtohnpne-hctatrh.rteoeNaimlntiendiocdeufaclltcalehyobdenerlitblnreeolsddoilus,tptsca,eArnoda:cbeelagiszpgeonweonxexesyeyrseg(t(eWruWnosabIeCRsdineI:14,ctg,h)Be,enW:teahBCce(tTWIipn1HaCg,taIhe2nnFo)de-:, Table3. GeneI wci1wci4wci5wir1c wir232HV_CHV_C wci2HV_CpBTag Intensityrepressio g((HHenVVe_SsiCMs-ErEebgl0a00t0e00d65JIg01e80nff)e),s.aPnRd t1he(HpVro_tCeiEnb0d0is1u0lLfid20e-fi)soamnderaPsRe1gae/1nbe 701 additional genes (the allene oxide synthase, the WCI5, WIR1b and WIR1c were similar to each putative flavanone 3-hydroxylase, four PR other with a small up-regulation detected by and one putative kinase genes) were significantly microarray analysis only 24 h after treatment. No over-expressed 24 h after fenpropimorph treat- statistically significant induction of these genes ment (FDR 4.5%) compared to the BTH-treated was observed with microarray analysis forthelast plants (Table 1). For WCI2 and 1, the treated/ two time points. However, over-expression of control ratios were lower than the ones obtained WCI5and WIR1cwas detectedforall time points with BTH, suggesting a weaker impact of this by Northern analysis (Table 1, Figure 2). Inter- compound on plant metabolism compared to the estingly,thewheatchemicallyinducedgenes4and SARenhancer(Tables1–3).Defence-relatedgenes 2 that had the strongest up-regulation after BTH such as the glucanase and PR genes were induced and fenpropimorph treatment were not induced after 24 h but did not show any differential after 24 h but showed up-regulation after 1 and expression later, suggesting a rapid but transient 2 weeks, respectively. This indicates that the response. The putative thaumatin-like gene responsesaftertheapplicationofazoxystrobinare (WIR232) showed a different pattern, with an only partially overlapping with the pattern gener- induction after 24 h, no differential expression ated by the two other compounds. after 1 week but again an increase of mRNA A chalcone synthase gene showed a high amount after 2 weeks compared to untreated repression level 24 h after treatment. This gene, plants. This gene seems to be involved in two like the lipoxygenase genes, is regulated by ethyl- phasesofthereactionandcouldberegulatedbya ene (Wan et al., 2002). The antioxidant and different pathway. Expression of the PR1, PR1a/ ‘‘green’’ effects of azoxystrobin are attributed to a 1b, WCI2, WCI4, WCI5 and WIR1c and PDI reductionofethyleneproduction(Grossmannand genes were also analysed by Northern blot analy- Retzlaff, 1997). Thus, the reduction of chalcone ses, giving results similar to the microarray synthase(HV_CEb0003P20f)expressionaswellas hybridisations (Figure 2). Interestingly, the allene the absence of over-expression of the three lipox- oxide synthase gene was up-regulated after 24 h, ygenase genes (WCI2, HVSMEg0013J19f and suggesting an increase of JA biosynthesis. This HVSMEh0095N14f) after 24 h confirm that indicates that the JA synthesis would be induced azoxystrobin has a specific effect on wheat gene afterthetreatmentwithfenpropimorphwhereasit expression which is different from the action of was not after BTH treatment. As the putative fenpropimorph and BTH (Table 1). After 1 week, flavanone-3-hydroxylase gene is also induced, the two genes involved in sugar metabolism (a gene flavonoid synthesis pathway could be triggered similar to a transaldolase gene and a sucrose syn- early after fenpropimorph treatment. thase 2 gene) were down-regulated. Effect of the treatment with azoxystrobin Impact on gene expression of the plant protection compounds in the field The strobilurin fungicide is known to produce a ‘‘green effect’’ on wheat plants as non-fungicidal Fungicide and BTH treatments were made in the secondary effect, with darker green leaves, field to compare gene expression with plants trea- enhanced concentration of chlorophyll and ted in the greenhouse. Surprisingly, no gene increased biomass production (Grossmann and showed differential expression after treatment of Retzlaff, 1997). It also induces some antioxidant the plants in the field, whatever the compound activity (Wu and von Tiedemann, 2002). After used.TheWCI2geneshowedhigherexpressionin azoxystrobintreatment,onlyfewgenesshowedan the Northern blot 24 h after BTH treatment alteration of their expression, with a high FDR of (Figure 3) but this was not statistically significant 10%,16%and37.5%astherewereonlyten,four in the microarray experiments. The absence of and three genes differentially expressed after 24 h, differentially expressed genes in the field trial was 1 and 2 weeks, respectively (Tables 1–3). The supported by a high reproducibility between PR1, 1A/1B and B1-2 genes were significantly replicates (see supplementary Figure 4). The over-expressedafter24 honly,andtheWCI1gene non-treatedplantsshowedahighexpressionofthe after 1 and 2 weeks. The expression levels of defence-related genes that were over-expressed 702 like the RNase S-like protein gene or the inositol- 3-phosphatesynthasegeneweremoreexpressedin the greenhouse than in the field (supplementary Table 4). However, the apparent over-expression of the RNAse S-like gene could be due to the time-shiftwhencollectingthesamples(morningin the greenhouse and afternoon for the field exper- iments) asit has been shown that this geneislight responsive (Gausing, 2000). Discussion A SAR enhancer and two commonly used fungi- cideswithdifferentandspecificchemicalmodesof actionwereusedinthisstudytobetterunderstand their impact on wheat gene expression and plant metabolismusingcDNAmicroarrays.Arelatively Figure3. RNA blot analysis showing differential expression 24h,1and2weeksafterfungicidetreatmentinthefieldtrial. small proportion of the genes present on the chip C: non-treated control, A: azoxystrobin, B: BTH, F: fen- (around 5%) showed differential expression after propimorph. Seven labelled probes were used: actin gene as the treatments. Although few transcripts showed qualitycontrolofthe blots, alipoxygenasegene (WCI2), and differential expression profiles, common and thewheatchemicallyinducedgenes(WCI4,WCI1andWCI5), compound-specificpatternswereobservedafterthe the pathogenesis related genes PR 1 (HV_CEb0010L20f) and PR 1a/1b (HV_CEb0006J08f). Twenty four hours after the three different treatments. Most of the differen- BTHtreatmentand2weeksaftertheazoxystrobintreatment, tially expressed transcripts detected belonged to the WCI2 gene showed high expression but in microarray defence-related gene families, such as the PR and experimentsthiswasnotstatisticallysignificantandonlyfound WIR genes, revealingthat fungicides can have not inoneofthethreereplicateslides. onlyanimpactontheirfungaltargetsbuthavealso animpactontheplantitselfmoreorlesssimilarto after the treatments in the greenhouse trial BTH.Interestingly,nogenecodingforkey-enzymes (Figure 3andsupplementalTable 4).Forallthree of the primary metabolism showed differential timepoints,thePR1,PR1a/1b,WIR232,WIR1c,a expression pattern after BTH and fenpropimorph b1-3 glucanase, two peroxidase and four chitinase treatments,showing that these compoundsmainly genes were significantly higher expressed com- affect specific sets of genes and defence pathways. paredtotheplantsgrowninthegreenhouse.Other Onlytwogenesbelongingtothesugarmetabolism defence-related genes were also more expressed in pathway and coding for sucrose synthase 2 and the field for one or two time points (PR4, WIR1a, transaldolase, respectively, were down-regulated b1-3 glucanase, glutathione peroxidase, two chal- 1 weekafterazoxystrobintreatment. cone synthase, two kinase genes). These results BTH, fenpropimorph and azoxystrobin suggest that many of the genes induced by these induced genes known to be involved in plant fungicides in the greenhouse are constitutively defence against pathogens. The PR1 and wheat expressed during growth in the agricultural envi- induced resistance genes (WIR1b, WIR1c, 232) ronment. However, not all the defence-related were activated early after the treatment with these genes did behave similarly. The WCI 1, 2 and 4 compounds, following a similar pattern as in Ara- genes did not show any significant changes in bidopsis and tobacco after BTH treatment (Fried- expression between the two growth conditions richet al.,1996;Lawtonet al.,1996).However,the (supplementalTable 4).Thealterationofresponse induction of the PR1 genes after BTH treatment totheplantprotectioncompoundscouldbedueto contradicts previous results (Molina et al., 1999; a combination of stresses occurring in the field Yuet al.,2001)wherenoactivationofthesegenes (Rizhsky et al., 2002). In contrast to the genes was observed, but is in agreement with the results over-expressed under field conditions, some genes ofGo¨rlachet al.(1996).Thus,theinductionofthe

is induced by aphid damage in barley (Chaman et al., 2003). RVU. (Q8G. SM2). Lipo xygena se. 2.3 ch loroplast precurso r. (LOX. 2:Hv:3). (EC.
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