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SPECIAL TREATMENT TECHNIQUES TO ACCESS THE INNER PERSONALITY SYSTEM OF MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER PATIENTS George A, Fraser, M.D. George A. Fraser, M.D., is Director of the Anxiety and Phobic you like, and that is the one for you. But have some other Disorders Clinic at the Royal Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa, methods in reserve - for no one approach will work for all Ontario. your patients/clients all the time. I will be discussing some of these accessing techniques For reprints write George A. Fraser, M.D., Director, Anxiety and ending with an outline of the one I like and use most and Phobic Disorders Clinic, Royal Ottawa Hospital, 1145 often. Although I will concentrate for the most part on cur- Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Kl Z 71(4. rent techniques, I did review the ways earlier "therapists" utilized dissociative maneuvers in people whose difficulties ABSTRACT resembled those we see in current day MPD. I will briefly mention three cases recorded prior to this century. In dealing with the inner personality states in dissociative state dis- Before doing so, I will make it clear that I do heed the orders, it is necessary to be able to effectively establish a communi- advice given by Henri Ellenberger (1970). I believe all MPD cation bridge between these states and the therapist. For the new ther- therapists should have in their libraries his excellent book, " apist this may present a completely foreign concept in therapeutic The Discovery of the Unconscious. He notes, One should be dialogue. The idea of speaking for the first time with alter person- cautious in the study of old case histories, which have not ality states may cause some apprehension. But the expectation that always been recorded with the same care as one would wish the therapist must be able to access the inner personalities may pre- for today" (p. 134). In any event, these three cases probably sent a major problem that requires guidance for colleagues. Beginning were what today we might call MPD. with a few examples of accessing techniques in past centuries, cur- Ellenberger reports a case the German magnetizer rent accessing methods used by most therapists are then discussed. Eberhardt Gmelin treated in 1789 at the time of the French These include formal hypnosis, self-hypnosis, guided imagery, and Revolution. By the way, this was a good time for the French chemical inductions of trance states such as those induced by the aristocracy, among others, to head off (so to speak) to Germany use of sodium amytal. These accessing methods are overviewed with in order to escape the guillotine! These new immigrants with an example of a technique used by the author to illustrate the pro- their fancy ways and manners intrigued many Germans - cess of accessing inner personality states. especially a 20-year-old woman. She apparently developed an "exchanged personality" and was treated by Gmelin. This While researching this paper, I was impressed by the new French personality spoke fluent French, possessed the many approaches and techniques that have been written French mannerisms, and spoke German with a French accent. about how to access and deal with the inner personality sys- When back to her normal state, she had amnesia for the tem of multiple personality disorder (MPD) . I found it some- activities of her new French state. Ellenberger writes that what overwhelming as I pondered over which approach I "with a motion of his hand, Gmelin was easily able to make might choose were Ito be entering this field of work today. her shift from one personality to another" (p. 127) . Gmelin's I would wonder if there was one which was the best, and if hand waving manoeuvre maywell be the first medical record- so, how I would find it. ing of an accessing technique for multiple personality dis- For those who may find themselves in this situation, let order. (From my point of view, there is much about this case me share a principle I learned in quite a different field. When that we really do not know. I just do not believe that any " posted to West Germany in the mid-1970s with the Canadian "new personality can emerge possessing the skill to speak Forces, I was soon introduced to the many fine wines which an entirely new language without any previous learning. I were available. There were so many excellent ones that I suspect she must have had previous dissociations involving really did not know how I should go about learning how to exposure to the French language.) find out which were the best wines. I asked a new German I was able to find a much earlier report of another access- friend who owned a wine cellar, "How do I determine what ing strategy, this one from non-medical literature. This sec- is a great German wine?" He paused, and wisely answered, ond case concerns an agitated and mentally disturbed adult "The one that you like." And that is the principle I suggest male who had broken free of his restraints and fled to live you apply in choosing between the many fine and varied in the hillside tombs in an area of what is now the Middle techniques written and taught about accessing the inner per- East. By day and night he could be heard screaming. He sonality system. Find the one that works best for you, that used stones for self-mutilation, gashing his arms. One day 193 DISSOCIATION. Vol. VI. No. 2 ',June Sept. I99:i ACCESSING THE INNER PERSONALITY SYSTEM he spotted a preacher he had heard of and ran up to him, the latter part of the 19th Century and first half of this cen- in this agitated state, to pay his respects. The preacher quick- tury was that the inner personality system could be discov- ly recognized a problem which he believed to be a possession ered by various hypnotic manoeuvres. It would thus seem state. He immediately, in an authoritative voice, ordered that only natural to use hypnosis as part of the treatment strate- ' the malevolent spirit leave the man s body. This appears to gy when the new awareness of MPD began in North America have caused a spontaneous dissociative switch. The preach- around the 1970s. But this time around the use of hypnosis erwas very perceptive, recognized a state change, and demand- in MPD was greeted with skepticism in some quarters. ed the name of this new ego state. This state identified itself The argument that hypnosis could causeMPD challenged " by name and admitted that many others were lurking inside the use of this modality. Richard Horevitz (1983) states, The with him. These ego states or alter personalities apparently doubts about the validity of multiple personality stem from feared their personal elimination and pleaded that the preach- its association from hypnosis" (p. 139). This concern about ' er should let them leave the man s body and enter the bod- the risks of using hypnosis in MPD has been echoed by many ies of a large herd of nearby animals. This apparently was authors, including a recent article by H. Merskey in the British agreed upon and this preacher, using what today is termed Journal ofPsychiatryentitled 'The Manufacture of Personalities: " guided imagery," successfully suggested that the ego states The Production of Multiple Personality Disorder" (1992). enter the bodies of the animals. The records indicate that However, Kluft (1982) and Braun (1984) have addressed within no time this wild man had returned to his usual sane these concerns about the use of hypnotherapeutic techniques ways and was wearing his normal clothing. in the treatment of multiple personality. Kluft carefully By now you may have likely guessed that the preacher reviewed the critical literature and concluded, "There is no was Jesus Christ, and the unfortunate man was named Legion, firm evidence that hypnosis in and of itself creates or wors- who claimed to have "hundreds" with him. This overall strat- ens multiple personality. Evidence has been presented to egy, of course, would have been called an exorcism. This "case show that carefully applied hypnotic procedures may serve " report is described in The Gospel According to Mark (Ch. useful roles in its diagnosis and treatment" (p. 238). Kluft 5: 1-16). (1982) , however, does concede that, "Phenomena analogous As one looks at the essence of this Biblical reference, to and bearing dramatic but superficial resemblance to MPD there indeed are some aspects of what we use in current day can be elicited experimentally or in a clinical situation if one " therapies of MPD. In today's terms, one can see elements of tries to do so or makes clinical errors (p. 232). For those therapeutic strategies attributed to Christ, including direct who wish more information about hypnosis and MPD, Eugene confrontation, identification of the alter by name, and guid- Bliss (1986) discusses extensively this topic in his book, Multiple ' ed imagery. Like Gmelin s accessing technique, this one by Personality, AlliedDisorders, and Hypnosis. In addition, an entire Christ would not go over well at all in today's politically cor- issue of the journal DISSOCIATION was devoted to the ques- rect society! tion of iatrogenesis in MPD (Kluft, 1989a). I will touch on only one more early accessing technique. Within the field, there is consensus that the prudent use I think I would be remiss, here in Europe, if I did not men- of hypnosis is a valid accessing and therapeutic tool to aug- tion the very important contribution to the field of dissoci- ment the core treatment of MPD patients which, of course, ation by France's Pierre Janet. His work is of considerable is the psychotherapy. Thus, it is very useful for MPD thera- historic importance. An entire conference could be devot- pists to have a grounding in hypnosis and hypnotherapeu- ed to his research and therapy in the area of multiple per- tic principles. Such a grounding, for instance, alerts thera- sonality and dissociation. pists to the fact that recall under hypnosis may not always Ellenberger (1970) notes that Janet demonstrated the be accurate, and poor questioning techniques can influence important role of name-taking or name-giving. In Janet's a patient's apparent memory recall. " words, Once baptized, the unconscious personality is more However, hypnosis induced by the therapist is not the clear and definite, it shows its psychological traits more clear- only means available to contact personalities. Multiple per- ly" (Janet, quoted in Ellenberger, 1970, p. 139). It is inter- sonality patients are generally highly hypnotizable esting to note the similarity of this statement by Janet with (Loewenstein, 1991) and some may learn to communicate the technique Christ used with Legion. Besides using alter across their system through what would be termed sponta- identification as an accessing facilitator, Janet would access neous self-hypnosis. The personalities may emerge without any " alters by a magnetizing technique called "automatic writing. accessing strategies on the part of the therapist and may He used this "indirect accessing" in such cases as his famous interactwith the therapist on their own initiative. Flashbacks "Leonie." In effect, automatic writing consists of an alter per- of memories, for example, is probably a form of spontaneous sonality/ego state using the writing hand of the primary per- self-hypnosis in which amnestic barriers are suddenly and sonality to communicate without taking full executive con- unexpectedly penetrated. Thus, such patients accessing trol. This technique is still used at times in present day therapies. inner personalities and memories via self-hypnosis could It has severalvariations, including "automatic drawing." More engage in therapy without using any formal procedure. recently, some patients have reported doing their own "auto- Half-way between the two modalities of formal hypno- matic personal computer writing" (communicating on avideo sis and self-hypnosis would be one often referred to as guid- display terminal) ! ed imagery. In the case of guided imagery, since MPD patients The common pattern in these early cases and others of are readily hypnotizable and prone to spontaneous tranc- 194 DISSOCLRTION,1b1.l7, No.? 3 'Sept. 1993 FRASER ing, a therapist, without using any formal hypnosis, could ing crisis situations or in ameliorating distressful symptoms provide imagery and/or suggestions adapted from such areas during the process of therapy. as gestalt therapy, meditation, and formal hypnosis. Using This situation of using various strategies is addressed by these, the patient could be guided into self-hypnotic states Kluft (1989b) who states, "The majority of the extant liter- and be taught to access the inner personality system. Many ature on the use of hypnosis for the treatmentofMPD address- therapists untrained i n formal hypnosis use guided imagery. es the processes of the accessing of alters, arranging recon- In attempting to provide an outline for accessing strate- ciliations among the alters, and facilitating integration" (p. gies to alter personality states, it should be understood that 90). He shows how more specialized hypnotherapeutic-based there is no agreement about whether a hypnotic state is the procedures can also be used, in the interest of stabilizing same as a dissociated state. There also have been contro- the MPD patient, such as "alter substitution , provision of sanc- versies as to whether hypnosis is a special state or a trait. tuary, distancing manoeuvres, bypassing time... and rear- These controversies continue to be the subject of ongoing ranging the configuration of alters by bartering..." (p. 90). scholarly debate (Lynn & Rhue, 1991; Horevitz, 1992; Bliss, Others might add traditional hypnotic techniques such as 1986). Though the factors involved in dissociative state dis- the affect bridge, automatic writing, and ideomotor signalling. orders are complex, nonetheless, one that does seem pre- Accessing alters is not invariably a benign procedure for sent in all is that there does appear to be a change in state it can open a Pandora's box of previously dissociated trau- similar to the trance state observed in deep hypnotic respon- mas. Therapists should remain within their level of compe- ders. So in spite of the differences between a state of hyp- tence and should not go beyond the scope of their field of nosis and dissociation, the trance states present in both share expertise. When in doubt, one should ask for a consultation many similarities. A similar trance state may also be induced with a colleague or seek supervision. by sodium amytal (Ross, 1989). Before using accessing techniques, you also should have I believe there are basically four overall methods to access a diagnostic case history. You should be familiar with the inner states: self-hypnosis, formal hypnosis, guided imagery, ways in which inner personalities develop, present them- and trance-inducing drugs (i.e., sodium amytal). However, selves, and can directly and indirectly influence the symp- two other situations have led to accessing trance states. In tomatology as well as the therapy. You should understand the histories given by dissociative state disorder patients, they such concepts as the delusion of individual separateness, the appear to have formed such states due to fear related to psy- alter personalities' initial fear of being eliminated in thera- chic trauma or pain. Fear or trauma, then, could also be con- py, and the management of abreactions, to name just a few. sidered an accessing method, though hardly one appropri- With this basic knowledge you are now ready to access your ate to therapy. Some patients using meditation have reported patients' inner world. entering trance states. In summary then, trance states can There are two excellent books in the MPD field which be accessed in at least six ways: not only cover these basics, but also contain alternate access- ing techniques. I recommend you refer both to Putnam's 1) Formal hypnosis, Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder (1989) andRoss's Multiple Personality Disorder:Diagnosis, ClinicalFeatures, 2) Guided imagery, and Treatment (1989). Many other therapists and speakers at this conference 3) Self-hypnosis, have developed excellent strategies of accessing alters. Constraints of time and space do not allow me to discuss the 4) Meditation techniques, many techniques now available. The conference organizing committee requested that I outline a strategy for accessing 5) Drugs (i.e., sodium amytal), and the inner system which I have been developing. Although I am most comfortable with this approach, I am prepared to 6) Fear, pain. employ various other hypnosis-based strategies if they are required. While often one method is favored by a particular ther- In the early 1980s, I was developing a group of tech- apist (most often, formal hypnosis or guided imagery), it is niques combining gestalt therapy with hypnosis. It was a possible that two or even all of these basic approaches could Canadian colleague, Dr. John Curtis, who encouraged me be used during the course of therapy. to write a paper formatting these strategies. In the begin- As a therapist, one must become familiar with at least ning I borrowed from many disciplines of psychotherapy one of the above approaches to gain access to the system of and hypnosis and adapted these for my use with MPD inner ego states and be able to lead these states to a resolu- patients. Other strategies I improvised or invented as need- tion of their conflicts and ultimately to an acceptable form ed. These strategies together form a "package" which I call of integration. In addition to knowing these basics, it cer- TheDissociative Table Technique. Details of this technique have tainly is an advantage to have knowledge of a wide range of been published in DISSOCIATION (Fraser, 1991). hypnotherapy-based manoeuvres (which may not need to As other therapists in my area have found this Dissociative be applied through formal hypnosis). These can be used in Table Technique useful, there has been an unexpected advan- addition to accessing and may be of great aid in diminish- tage. When such patients are seen in consultation or looked 195 DISSOCIATION, Vol. VI. No. 2 .':1, Jose Sept. 1993 ACCESSING THE INNER PERSONALITY SYSTEM FIGURE 1 Modalities of accessing ego states/alter personalitites SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATION GUIDED IMAGERY DRUGS FORMAL HYPNOSIS FEAR, PAIN INNER PERSONALITY SYSTEM after when their usual therapist is not available, if that ther- time the system has made a gigantic conceptual advance in apist has been using the Dissociative Table Technique, I am achieving inner awareness. already aware of the accessing techniques and imagery that With the group around the table, and able to see those the patient is using. Therefore, our having a standard access- who were willing to come to the table, they are able to com- ing technique for the ego states is quite beneficial for patient municate with each other very much like the technique devised and therapist when the patient has to be covered or trans- by David Caul (1984) called Internal Group Therapy. I want- ferred to another therapist. ed some way to be able to have input into who was going to In outline, the dissociative table strategies center around speak, rather than let them decide who would speak and who an extension of the gestalt two-chair technique. In effect, would not. Interestingly, the solution to this problem came the patient is guided by imagery (or, if wished, by formal from the book describing David Caul's therapywith his famous hypnosis) to visualize a safe place in which "no one gets hurt." patient, Billy Milligan (Keyes, 1981). Billy's alters related to Generally, I encourage visualization of a room with an oval the outside world by taking turns standing in the light of a table (some patients prefer to avoid rooms or tables). Next, stage spotlight maintained in their inner world. The person the patient is asked to visualize himself or herself sitting in under the spotlight was the one who related to the outside one of the chairs around the table. Being highly hypnotiz- world. I adapted this by having a spotlight (or a microphone) able, the MPD patient can readily enter a trance state when above the group or conference table and whoever wanted cooperating with the imagery suggested by the therapist. to speak could ask for the light (or microphone) , or the light The patient is in a trance state visualizing himself or herself could be placed on someone who would find himself or her- at a table, thus being in my office and in that safe room with self "on the spot" and thus able to speak to me. the table at the same time. Next, alters in the system are Another very important advantage of this technique of invited into this room and asked to take a seat. Special care having the group able to now visually and verbally interact is taken to avoid iatrogensis. I do not suggest personalities with each other as well as the therapist, is that the person- are present but do set up an imagery template based on the alities now are able to know everything that is happening in history given by the patient. This history must indicate pre- therapy. No longer need the patient ask what happened when vious experiences suggesting the presence of dissociated ego the therapistwas talking to another personality state. I remind states. My task is to access previously-formed ego states, not them that everyone at the table is able and expected to lis- to produce new ego states. The unique aspect about this ten to all conversations; therefore there is not longer the visualization imagery is that the inner personalities show up need for the patient to have amnestic episodes during the at the table, not necessarily with the physical appearance therapy unless there is an agreed upon need for a tempo- that the presenting personality might have expected, but rary amnesia. Previously, an amnestic period could have led with the image each ego state has of itself. Thus, for the first to some concerns by the patient in regards to what might 196 D15soCIkTION. Vol. CI, No. 2 3, use Sept. 1993 FRASER have happened in the office during that amnestic period. tion of the ego states. This technique is only one of the many In this era of increased litigation against therapists, it is use- which are now available to therapists who wish to gain access ful to have a therapeutic technique in which alter person- to the inner personality system as they prepare to help vic- alities can be dealt with without any loss of awareness by the tims/survivors of childhood abuse who dissociated their trau- presenting personality. i remind them that in using this tech- matic experiences. nique they have the ability to know all that goes on in the Though many good accessing models are available, the novice therapist will discover that they all revolve around therapy. Because of the difficulty in going through vigorous abre- one of the four methods mentioned - formal hypnosis, vari- actions in a busy clinic setting, I experimented with having ations of self-hypnosis, guided imagery, and chemical induc- them visualize the traumatic memories on a movie or T.V. tion of trance states such as with sodium amytal or (in its screen within this board or conference room. These trau- non-therapeutic setting) alcohol. Like a good wine, your matic scenes could be shown on the screen. Their pace and accessing techniques will improve with time! ■ extent could be controlled by the use of a remote control device to stop, slow, speed up, or reverse them. At the same time, the other alters are reviewing the same scene, thus sharing that memory and emotion. While this technique REFERENCES could encourage a cognitive awareness without too much Bliss, E.L. (1986). Multiple personality, allied disorders, and hypnosis. feeling (which may initially be useful for some traumatic New York: Oxford University Press. memories) , steps are taken to ensure that the emotions are eventually paired up with the rest of the aspects of memo- Braun, B.G. (1984). Hypnosis creates multiple personality: Myth ry. The rationale for this approach is explained in Braun's or reality? InternationalJournal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, (1988) description of his BASK model. 32, 191-197. As memories are recovered and worked through, I have found it useful, though not essential, for personalities to per- Braun, B.G. (1988). The BASK (behavior, affect, sensation, knowl- ceive that they have "grown " along with the therapy so that edge) model of dissociation. DISSOCIATION, 1(1) , 4-23. at the time of preparation for fusion/integration, those who Caul, D. (1984) . Group and videotape techniques for multiple per- remain separate are at least all of the same sex and age as sonality disorder. Psychiatric Annals, 14, 43-50. the host body. This is achieved through the image of a small stage by the side of the table. The personality, when ready, Ellenberger, H. (1970). The discovery of the unconscious. New York: can enter onto the stage to either advance in age (age pro- Basic Books_ gression) or change to the actual biologically-assigned sex via guided imagery, described elsewhere (Fraser, 1991) . This Fraser, G.A. (1991). The dissociative table technique. A strategy strategy was developed because patients repeatedly told me for working with ego states in dissociative disorders and ego-state that they felt uncomfortable joining as a child ego state with therapy. DISSOCIATION, 4(4), 205-213. the adult state without having had some perception of inter- mediate stages of growth. While not necessary, I frequently Horevitz, R. (1983). Hypnosis for multiple personality disorder: A framework for beginning. American journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 26, use this strategy in preparation for fusion/integration. 138-145. Finally, the time arrives for a fusion/integration or a coming together of the personalities. This is accomplished Horevitz, R. (1992). Hypnosis and Multiple Personality Disorder: by a very simple ceremony. I merely have them join hands Connections and Controversies. American Psychological Association in a circle, and I count to five (or whatever) for them as they (Centennial Presidential Address). Washington, DC. walk towards one another to blend into a co-conscious unity. If ritual abuse has been an issue, by this stage of therapy the Keyes, D. (1981). The minds of Billy Milligan. New York: Random use of a circle usually does not present a problem. House. The Table Technique actually is not only a series of access- Kluft, R.P. (1982). Varieties of hypnotic interventions in the treat- ing strategies, but is a setting (including table, screen, stage, ment of multiple personality. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, etc.) which offers a consistent milieu where much of the 24, 230-240. therapy can be done. All this sounds rather straightforward and simple. It is Kluft, R.P. (1989a). Editorial: Thoughts on the issue of iatrogene- not simple! The accessing outline I presented is only the sis. DISSOCIATION, 2 (2) . stage setting for a course of prolonged and often emotion- ally stressing psychotherapy - stressful to patient and ther- Kluft, R.P. (1989h). Playing for time: Temporizing techniques in apist, to families and friends. the treatment of multiple personality disorder. American Journal of In essence, the dissociative table technique allows the Clinical Hypnosis, 32, 90-98. therapist to encounter a patient with a multi-levelled ego Loewenstein, R.J. (1991) . An office mental status examination for state disintegration, and gradually, through hypnosis or guid- complex chronic dissociative symptoms and multiple personality. ed imagery, to lead the patient to a sense of unity of Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14, 567-604. self/selves obtained through the harmony and the integra- 197 DISSOCIATION, Vol. VI, Nay. 2 I. June Sept. 199:1 ACCESSING THE INNER PERSONALITY SYSTEM Lynn, Si., & Rhue, J.W. (Eds.) (1991) . Theories of hypnosis: Current models and perspectives. New York: Guilford Press. Merskey, H. (1992). The manufacture of personalities. The pro- duction of multiple personality disorder. British JournalofPsychiatry, 160, 327-340. New American Bible (1971). The new testament. The gospel according to Mark, Ch. 5: 1-16. Chicago, IL: The Catholic Press. Putnam, F.W. {1989). Diagnosis and treatment of multiple personality disorder. New York: The Guilford Press. Ross, C.A. (1989). Multiple personality disorder: Diagnosis, clinical fea- tures, and treatment. New York/Toronto: John Wiley & Sons. 198 DISSOCIATION, I ol. IT No. 2 :3, June Sept. 1993

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