)l^.DA I t,2 7 I )-' 'e -\ a)) ) w'V' \-!- n \1"\ t _/ PHITOSOPHOYF THEK ICKINGG AME Thereo re three equollyi mportontd eportmentso f ploy in footboll: 1) Defense 2) Offense 3) Kicking Most teoms give sufficiento ttentiont o the firstt wo deporlments listedo bove but tend to be negligentw hen it comest o kicking.A teom which isd eficienti n the kickingd eportment operotes of only 66"/"e fticiency. One ouf of every five ploys in o gome iso kick of some sori. lt shouldb e further noted, however,t hot sometningv ery unusuolo ccurso n everyk ickingp loy in o gome. One, or more, of the followingt hree eventst oke ploce on everyk ick,w hilei hey usuollyd o not occur frequentlyo n other scrimmogep loys: l. A sizeobleo mount of yordoge is involved( 40 yordso r more) 2. Therei s o chonge of boll possessionin volved. 3. A specific ottempt to score points is involved (PATo r FieldG ool ottempt). The ploys which involvet he kickingg ome. therefore, ore weighted heovily insoforo s they effect the time ond outcome of the gome. Mony of the big breoksi n o gome occur on o kickingp loy. Breoksu suollyh oppen when o teom or o ployer is unprepored for o situotion. Where o teom is prepored, the chonce to copitolize upon o breok presentsi tselfo t o most opportune time. Thek ickingg ome breoksm orkt he differenceb etween winningo nd losing. When one teom tokes little pride ond poys too littleo ttention to kicking,t hey become victimso f these bod breoks. SCOPEO FT HEK ICKINGG AME When most people thinko f the kickingg ome they thinko nly of the persond oing the punting or the ploce kicking. Thiso, f course,i st he height of shorts ightedness.A s importont os good, sound kickerso re, they represento nly o froction of whot we refert o when we 'kicking speok of the gome.' Punt protection ond coveroge, fieldingk icks,p unt returns,p unt blocks,f ield positiono nd considerofions,P AT& field gool protection, defending PAT'so nd field gools,f ield gool coveroge ond returns,f oke kickso nd foke kick defense, kick-offc overoge, squib kickoffs, short kick-offs,p repqrotions for defensingt he short kick-off,k ickingt octics, strotegy, fundomentols,k ickingg ome rules- oll of theseh elp comprisew hot we coll ihe kicking gome. To hove o good kickingg orne we musf be proficienti n oll these oreos. ELEMENTOSF A SUCCESSFKUITC KINGG AME L Eliminotiono f Mistokes Most mistokesm ode in the kickingg ome ore coused by o lock of belief in its imporfonce. Lock of belief leodst o o lock of concentrotion ond from thot followsp oor protection,p oor coveroge, ond slipshodo pplicotion of the complex kickingg ome rules.B eliefi n the importonceo f the kickingg ome ist he key to eliminotiono f mistokes. ll. Intensity Althoughi ntensityis e ssentioiln oll oreoso f the kickingg ame, it isb est observedi n how you cover kicks( punts,k ick-offsf,i eld gools). Footboll'str ue test of couroge isc overing kicks.N o one wille ver returno kickf or o touchdown ogoinstu s unlesso ne mon foilst o go oll out. lll. Fundomentols Kickingin volvesm ony precises kills.P unterss, noppers,h olders,o nd ploce kickersm ust yvorkm ony extfg hourso t perfecting their skillsT. heym ustc oncentrote when prccticing. Distonceso t which kickerso nd holdersl ocote themselveso, long with timing in snops ond getting kickso woy, ore detoilsw hich mustb e worked ot eornestlyo nd tirelessly. Theseti meso nd distoncer equirementso re precise,o nd they requirec onstonto ttention. V. Attitude Thek ey to on individuol'ss uccessc on be directlyo ttributed to hiso tfitude of mind. THEG AMEB REAKERS l. Returno kick-offf or o touchdown. 2. Returno punt for o touchdown. 3. Returno blocked field gool ottempt for o touchdown. 4. Forceo nd recover o kickingg ome fumble. 5. Blocko punt. 6. Blocko field gool. 7. Blocko PATi f they hove scored. 8. Forceo bod snoD. 9. Recovers hortk ick-offs( ourso r theirs)i f they ore ony ottempted. TOW IN.T HEK ICKINGT EAMSM UST: t. Keep opponents to on overoge returno f 6.0y ords or lessf or every- time we punt. 2. Averogeb etter yordoge per punt returnt hon our opponent. Averoge betler riet yorOoge (punt minusr eturn)t hon our opponent (most importont) qA. Holdo pponentst o 26 yordlineo r lesso veroge os stortingp oint followingt heirk ick-offr eturns. Averoge returningo ur kickoffst o the 30 yordlineo r better. A Do not ollow ony missedf ield gool on our porl to be returnedp ost the 20y ordline, 7. Kickt he opponent into trouble (insidet heir l0 yord line)o t teosto nce (punt) 8. Never commit o "Gome Breoker"e rror. o) cliP b) breokdownp unt protection c) roughk icker d ) missio ckle e) field gool protection D fumble 9. Get oi leosto ne'Gome Breoker"o dvontoge. o) couse fumble b) block field gool c) block punt d) block (x-pt) e) big return( cruciolt ime) kick-off Punt .|0. Moke no decisionm istokesin fieldingo nd returningk icks. o) neverc otch punt inside1 0y ord line b) cotch the boll on the fly c) move into boll on kick-off return I l. Scoreo f leosto nce or set up of leosto ne scoreo n o kickingg ome ploy. 12.D o not ollowt he opponentsi o scoreo r set up o scoreo n o kicking gome ploy. TIMING Forb est resultso nd for reosonso f sofety,t here ore certoin time requirementsw hich service os performonceg uidesf or the three bosict ypes of kicksi n the gome. Theseo re outlinedb elow: coNStsTENtCSrY -n er rv l. Punts: A Snop (]5 yords) 0.8s econds B: Punier 1.3s econds C. oeto*oy tl Iqtol D. Hong iime CDintr-nlnn) a.Ss econOs( 40y d punt) . POSITIONH INTS KICKINGG AME I. PUNTER ''Right", 'Snori") A Be suret o coll directiono f punt ("1efi., "Middle', B. Get in fronto f the bod snop. C. Worko n kickingw hen the bod snop occurs. Wheny ou ge- on in procticet oke odvontoge of the opportunityt o uset hiso s o procticole r:erience. bringt he tip of the boll into your eyes. Keep your hondsw here you ccn :ae them. D. Whenp untingf rorni n for neor youro wn end zone,k nowt r= situotions ot hot you con moke the correct decisionr egordingw hethero r not to ioke on intentionol sofetyi f o bod snop occurs. E. Yourm oste ffectivep unt willt oke ploce in sifuoiionws here ).o u con killt he bolli nside the opponent's1 0y ordline. F. Thep unterw ith the best puntingy ordoge overoge in coll=gei sh ordlye vert he Leogue'sb est punier. Puntings horti n opponent'st erritoryc rd punting for height rothert hon row distonce do not reflect in stotisticsb,u t the"; cre very offeciing puntingw eapons. II. SNAPPER A Voryt he rhyihmy ou use in snoppingt he boll sot hot oppc:.3ntsc on't'Zero-in'6n exoctlyw hen to toke off in rushingk icks. B. Approoch the boll seporotelye och time you snopi n proc- ce situqtionsD. o not stoyi n one spot ond merelyg et in o groove. Thisd oes nc; provide o gome-like situotion. - - III. PROTECTING_O A Get port of your helmet (not justo "wing')o n ony zone ycr re responsiblteo btock. B. Fullbocks houldo niicipote blockingw here you see on cr=:lood. Do not bock-up to block. C. Center hos only one responsibilitbye fore leovingo n cove'cge - mokingo perfect snop. D. Remember,protectionfi rst,c overoge second. V. BLOCKINGP UNTS A We wills cout ond key opi:osings nopperst o see if they: l. Rocko r wind-up. 2. Snopo n rhythm. B. We wills coutt he opposingp untert o see rvhereh isf oot meetst he boll. Rusherws ill then hove o londmorkt o crossw hich isc pproximotelyl 8 inchesi n front oi wheret he punter'sfo ot meetst he boll,u suolly8 I /2 Io 10y ordsb ehind the L.O.S. l. Do not go throught hisl ondmorkt or.,.ordtsh e punter. 2. Do go ocrosst hisl ondmorki n fronto f the pur'ier. Loyouto crosst hisl ondmork. 3. Keep your hond in yourf ieldo f visicno nd fosteny our eyes on the boll. V. BLOCKINGPA T'SA ND FIELDG OALS A We wills cout ond key opposingc enterst o see if they: l. Rocko r wind-up. 2. Snop on rhythm B. lnteriorr ushmens houldu ses trengtho nd toke-offi n ordert o drive os deep ond quicklyi nto the bockfieldo s they con. Get your hondsh igh os the kicke/sl eg swingsf orword. Stoyu ndert he offensivel inemon'sp ods ond get penetrotioh. C. Outsider ushers: l. Them on linedu p insideh e wingbcck shoulds eekt o drivet hrought he noturol gop between the wingbocko nd tne end. Tryt o get on o courseo lmost porollelt o the lineo f scrimmoge. Junrper. 2. Thew idest rushers houldd rive os clcse outsidet he hip of the olfensive wingbock os he con. Ass oono s he cleorsh e shouldt ry to get in ihe lineo f ftighto f the boll. Thism eenso djusiingi mmediotelyt o q courseo lmostp orollel to the line of scrimmoge.S kinner.M ust loy out. Threes tep. Turns houlders9 0 . A_ _Dolotgodt[e@ B. Loyouto longt he lineo f flightf cr the boll. VI, PUNTR ETURSNA FETIES A Colls: L One sofetyw illb e designotedt o ccil: MEl"o r'YOU!'on oll punts. 2. The.sofefyn ot fieldingt he punt willc cll "FoirC otchl" or "Go!' sot hot the mon fieldingi t willk noww hethero r not to foir cotch the punt. Also,w e willo ttempt to help locote the mostd ongerousc over'sp ositionf or the returnm on. B. Sofetymens houldn everl ineu p deeper thon theiro wn 10y ord line. Theys hould not hondle o punt forw hicht hey hove to retreoti nsidet he 10. C. Usuollyy ou willn ot signolf or o foir cotch unlessy ou octuolly plon to cotch the boll. D. Generollyy, ourf irstm ovess houldt oke ycu upfieldr oihert hon iryingt o runw ide. Stortf on,,rordo nd then breokt o the sidei:ne. E. Alwoyst hinki n termso f breokingt hot firstt ockle. Thisis h ow mostl ong returns d eveloo. F. lt is bod proceduret o ccuble bock in iryingi o evode coverers. Do not develop thish obit. 'Nose G. Body posiiioni n fielding: he boll isv ery importont. Tryt o be up' ond moving into the bolli nsteodc f 3:ing loterollyo r bockwords.G ood posiiionc on odd severoyl ordst o eoch re:-rn. H. Fosteny oure yeso n tip cr ihe boll. Looki t in. VII.K ICK-OFRFE TURSNA FETMY: N A Colls: l. Ther ights ofetyw illb e designotedt o coll "ME!',o r'You!' or "SHORTo!n" oll kick- off receptions. 'STAY!'when 2. Thel eft sofetyw illc ci! o boll isk ickeds o deeply into the end zone thot on ottemoted returni su nwise. B. Thes ofetyr eturningth e klck-ofsf houldc orryt he bollu singo techniquew hich is esseniiollsyt roighth. orc cnd fost: l. lt isi mportontt o be ,^novingin to the boll os you cotch ii insteodo f stondingi titt. It givesu st hot extro I i 2 second ond thoi isv itolf or o successfurle turn. 2. Thinkin termso f tryir.gi o blosti i stroighto ut to the 35 yordline. 3. Do not come under controlw oiting for on opening to develop. 'VIII.- MISEEL-IANEOUS A Men responsiblfeo r con'fciningt he kicker( punt or field gool) when o foke kicki s feored or when we ore in o Sofe Returns houldn ot otlempt to block the kick. Your responsibilitiys t o force him to kick on rhythmo nd to contqin oll fokes. B. Covererso n o punt to on opponent'sg oollines houldn ot slowd own if the opponentss ofetys ignolsfo r o foirc otch. Go post him to the 2Vd.line ond oftempt to down the boll before il goes int; the end zone. Get the gool line;t urn oround ond findt hqboll. C. The bestw oy to ovoid crossingb lockersw hen we ore on kick-oifc overoge isb y utilizingm oximums peed, not by slowingd own to dodge. Key ist o occel-erotein , the first1 0y ordso fterc rcssingth e 35y ord line. Soecid TeamsB asicO utline Kick OffCoveraee Tearns Objective To give the defenseg ood field positioa by keepingt he receiviag te"m inside the 23 yard line. Create ouick tur:noven. Intimidete our opponeut. Specialist A kicker who kicks the bdl to the goal line, and lofu it high to delayt he retrn and allow our coveraget o get downthe field- He must also keept he kick in- bonnds. (Rule allows r€hrm team to taket he bdl on the 35 yard line or, kick over froo, the 30 yard line on ao ort, ofbouods kick). Team Fast sr:ret acklers moving down field evenlys pacedw ith a Eurrrine D€sire to. make the Tackle Onside Kick Offteasl Objective To recover a deliberate shortkick- Craisgreatf ield position forthe offense. Specidist Kicker to dribble the ball a legal minilasn of ten yards. Lfust be perfected! Team SWARIvI the recovery man and get the ball. We must recover all onsidek icks. Rgt-Pressrre Teasl Return Objective To returo each punt 4 minimum of ten yards. To alwaysg rve the oftase good field position. Handle eachp unt property. Net 33 prdJpuot. Return Specialist Qicb tricky punt r€firrners who.haves ureh aadsa ndu se theirblockers. \ile must catch the ball: (seldom let one hit the ground). Fair catchess hould be almost non-existentw hen a ret$n is called. Team Fast openf ield blockersu singg oodjudgmentn ot to illegally block.M ust stay orside and avoid rou-ehingth e kicker. Block Objective To block the puog g"ing us a touchdown or gpodf ield position Always try to advancea blocked puut which basot crossedth e L.O.S. Block Specialist Rnt nrshersw ho are guicB aggressivew ho wast to btock kicks. Aim for the 'block poitrt". Tearr As dI out effort by blockers who are iuteot on blockingt he punr Field CroalB lock Team Objective To block the field goal giving us a touchdowr or goodf ield positioo- Always try to advancea blocked kick which basnt crossedth e L.O.S. Block Specialist Blockers, jumpersoa nd swimmers.@ gsSulgi aside ando rtside). Teasr Somep layers cover forthe frke and the rest arei n assigneda reasf ortheblock- Extra Point Blocks The tnre test of the intensiry of a football team- @ithert eao may advancea blockedP AT.) -- - Kick OffRetlrnTeam Great field positionw eapons incet he kick off is from the3 5 yard). Objeetive To retlnn every kick offat leastt o own 30 yard line. Refurn Sgecialist npop'tbroughthe Returnersw ith fine speeda nd the desiret o wedge. Catch every batl. Team Open field blockersu p froat plus a wedget bat will block on tbe run- Ttis includes backs to catch short kicks plus an intelligent "captaino f the wedge." I{ands Team Objective Recover the ball. Protect $g man who recoveredh . Sgecialist Qick, aggressivem en with good hands. Team Recovery metr to field the ball Blockerst o protect ourrecovery men- Two safetiest o handlea ll kicks c/hich travel pastt he from people Frgt Team Objective Croodf ield position-lesst han 3 yardsp er return. Force a frir catch. Cansea fumble and recover it. Down the ball insidet he ten vard line. ' Sgecialist A puster who gets more height tban distancea nd also consistentlyp lacest he balt oo or inside the ten yard line. A pr:nterw ho kicks best inside gur g"lm ts/enty yard line. A cester who has an accuri$es nap€x /ery tine. (.8) Team - --S6^o-o."essary-tb=gd -BlocE to flrelialfc-aHs. first-.i lAalcailiiono"ing-raLJ to the ball. Never follow the sarnec oloredj ersey. Breakdown- theng ang tackle. Block release @ver tackle. h-rnt Fakes (lRuno r Pass) Objective Crett he first down or scorea touchdown- Sgecialist A personalp rotector wbo usesg ood timing andj udgmeat of whea to use an automatic nrn or pass. Most important is to get the first do\iln. Team Alert to when and why we uset his weapoa All assienmestm ust be carried out for h to be zuccessful.B e alert to checkt o a punt.